D00654White - City Clerk Pink - Finance Dept. Canazy - Dept. Aceou¢ting Blue - Engineer Green - Contractor i ADMINLSTRATIVE ORDER, Whereas, additions which proved to be necessary to the Improvement desecibed CITY OF SAINT PAUL — OFFICE OF THE MAYOR ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER for CONTRACT CHANGE AGREEMENT I30. 1 as Padelford Relocation Parkinq Facilities No. o Cb65y Date � - � ' � - f � known as contract �,-14648 , City Project No. L95-03-09C. Master Asphal t Co. , Contracta, is composed of the following: Change striping specification to acrylic-based paint. Original Bid Amount Proposal Bid Amount Net Deduct � LJ $4,620.00 2,650.00 ( 1,970.00 ORDERED, That the City of Saint Paul, through its Mayor, approves the foragoing��vs made in ac- cordance with 4he specifications in the sum of $�1,970.00) , said amount to be ���:f��he �ump sum con- credited to: sideration named in the contract, known as contract� 14648 , and which amount is to be RtM7i#detDCCE��C Original Contract Sum $164,733.55 Change Orders to Oate -�- Amount this Change (1,970.00) C95-3CO35-0882-34148 New Contract Sum $162,763.55 �AS TO FORM 1 `� 9 Master Asphalt Co. ' y t ey � _ Contcactor Chief Engineer �/� 19 �J � By �etter from Master As halt: B. Hannaman ation ^��� �� 19 �� ^ Head of Aepartment of Fu�ance � 19� Direetor of Administcative Assistant to the Mayor DEPAFTTMENT/OFFICE/COUNGL Parks artd Recreation � � E `UQiOb�y 95 GREEN SHEET N° 33271 iNmaware INITIAVDATE � DEPARTMENT D�RECTOR O CIN COUNpL CITY ATiOflNEY � CEN CLERK 'OR O BUDf3ET DIREClOR � FIN. & MGT. SERVICES DIR. � Q�.,nvon�oRnss�srown � parks �i Recreation TOTAI # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATfOWS FOR SIGNATUR� Approve Contract Change Agreement Project: Harriet Island Parking - Contract 014648 _ PLAtJNttJG CAMMiSSiON _ CIVit SERVICE COMMISS101V GB COMMfifEE _ A STAFF __ _ ois�icr couar _ SUPPORTS WHIGN CDUNCIL OBJECTNE? PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACiS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: 7. Has this personrttrm ever worked under a ContraCt for Mis department? YES NO 2. Has th(s personffrm ever been a city employez? YES NO ' 3. Does this personHirm possess a skill �ot nortnally possessed 6y any curreM city empbyee? VES NO Explain all yes ansWefs on separate Sheet anC attach to green shee[ Material for parking lot striping work incorrectly specified. fFAPPROVED: Correct material applied. RECEIVED SEP 191995 �ITY CL�RK None �' : i? MI I 1� � � � ���_.� ; • ` �ISqDYANTAGES IF NQT APPFOYED: Extremely difficult application may result in lesser quality work. ►OTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION $� 1 9�0.00 � COS7/REVENUE BUDGE7EO (CIRCLE ONE} YES NO °UNDIfdG SOUHCE �IB ACTIYITV NUMBEH C95-3CO35-0882-34148 'INANGIAl INFORMATION: (EXPlA1N) � V�6