D00621�, r CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF Tf-IE MAYOR ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER � BUDGET REVISION No.: Date: � oo��� March 24,1495 �s a: 16870 ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER Consisterrt with the authority granted to the Mayor in Section 10.07.4 of the City Charter and based on the request of the Director of the Department of Public Works to amend the 19 95 budget of the Public Works EnQineerinQ Fund fund, the Direcror of the Departmerrt ot Finance and Management Services is authorized to amend said budget in the following manner: Current ��dget ] 2 3 4 5 6 � $52,393.00 $7,144.00 ($59,537.00) $39,600.00 $5,400.00 (545,000.00) $0.00 Am2�ed Budget 552,393.00 $195,760.00 $0.00 $39,600.00 $161,563.00 $0.00 $452,316.00 Transfer salary dollars for temperary emplopees to supplement Inspection and Survey staff during the construction season. The workload this sumuier will include the mmplehon of three large £ederal aid pto�ects: Lexington I'kwy., Wamer Road and Shepard Road East of Randolph wluch were extended into the 7995 season and rnquire addifional employees as the normal complement of 1995 projects utilize the work force currently altocated for 1995 and the completion of two large Sewer Separation Projects. 205 - 12180 - 0132 205 - 12150 - 0439 205 - 12150 - 0518 205 - 12190 - 0132 205 - 12190 - 0439 205 - 12190 - 0518 Not Cert�ed-Temp/Seasonal Fringe Benefits Mayor's Conti�gency Not Certified-Temp/Seasonal Fringe Benefits Mayor's Contingency Totals �797,616.00 $59,537.00 �156,763.00 545,000.00 $452,316.00 � ��� �� / nppmv s Yo� �j,/[_„�„ ' _�, �(,y �- v ���n� � -a i-� s • � � �� lA" �Z9�S Prepared by. Pcn Manager 7�eqnsslad by.�Direao� �,a �. O,EP.SfTME T/OFFIGElCAUNCII , � Public Works CONTACTPERSONSPHONE � f� ��f� Larcy Lueth 2b6-8063 t, i�U.. MUST BE ON COUNCIL AGENDA BY (DA1E) TAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES � sria�9s GREEN SHEET 1NITIAUDA7E - � �DEPARTMENTOIRECTOR s� ASSIG N CIIY ATfORNEV ROUTING'�5 BUDGETDO � n MAYOR(OR (CIJP ALL LOCATONS FOR SIGNATUR� ❑2 Transfer of Mayots Contingency budget within P_W. Engineering aciriviues. �oo�� N0.16870 CfTV CAUNpL CiSV CLER% FIN 8 MGT. SERVICES Lami Lueth �fe�� O DEPARTMENT ACCOUNT RECAMMENDA7IONSApprove (A) w Rejac (R) PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSW E8 THE FOLIOWING �UESTIONS: __ PLANNING CAMMISSION _CIYIL SEflVICE COMMISSION �� p�� ��soNfirtn ever worked under a mntraa for this departrnent? _ qBCOMMITTEE _ YES NO SiAFF 2. Has Nis persoNfian ever 6een a dry empfoyee? — — YES NO _ DiSTRiCi CAUNaL _ 3. Does ttus persoNfirm possess a skdl no[ normally possessed by any current ciry employee? SUPPORTSWHICHCOUNCILO&IECTIVE? YES NO Ezplain all yes a�uwere on separate sheel and attach to gtean sheet INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNIN (WHO, WHAT, WHEN. WHERE. NMI�: Salary monies to add employees for rhe 1995 construction season were approved in Mayoi s Con6ngency budgets and require expensing from salaries budgeu. A release and transfer of such monies is reqaired prior to stafCing adjustrnents. ADVANTAGE$ IF APPROVED: Sufficient levels of staffing wili be met resulting in timely construction inspections and surveys. DISAOVANTAGES IF APPROVED: None DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: RECEIVED AU� 21 i995 CI T Y CLERK monies aze transferred, the current workforce for 1995 capitai construction projecu will remain understaffed resulting in untimely ction inspection and surveys which wuid slow construcaon progress and require extending contract periods. lYw�� y AMOUM OF TRANSACTION $ G�STlREVENUEBUOGETED(C4RCLEONE) (YES� N� �`1DINGSOURCE P W Fnriree�nn Ftind _�+CTIVITV NUMBER 12180 and 12190 FINANqAL MFORMATION: (EXPIAIN) L:.�►I