D00611CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF THE MAYOR u N a. : i�Cbt o( I oa,e: �—�—q5 Gsx: 26046 P� ADML�i TISTRATIVE ORDER Consistent with the authority granted to the Mayor in Section 10.07A of ihe City Charter and based on the request of the Director of the Departmeni of P ib 7 i r Wnrkc toart�ndthel9 �budgetofthe Ca�ital Prniects tund,theDirectctoroftheDepartmerrt of Finance and Management Services is authorized to amend stid budget in the foliowing manner: Curtent �� FltdANCING PLAN C92-2MO20 UniversityfLexington Signals 1988 MSA Assessment 1992 PIA � L_J SPENDING PLAN C92-2MO20 Universityl�exington Signals Construction FINANCING PLAN C95-2C016 Annapolis-Robert to Kansas 262,772.00 83,000.00 3,000.00 348,772.00 -13,783.74 -13,783.74 248,988.26 83,000.00 3,000.00 334,988.26 348,772.00 -13,783.74 334,988.26 348,772.00 -13,783.74 334,988.26 Assessment 12,000.00 '12,000.00 1995 MSA 62,000.00 62,000.00 1988 MSA 13,783.74 13,783.74 74,000.00 '13,783.74 87,783.74 ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER n�2 C� CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFPICE OF THE MAYOR • ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER rvo.: 1�t7D101 � Date: �i — "[� �5�: 26046 ADMIlVISTRATIVE ORDER Consistent with the authorit� granted to the Mayor in Section 10.07.4 of the City Charter and 6ased on the request of the Director of the DeQartment of rublic Works toamendthel9 9X budgetofthe Capital Projects tund,lheDirectorofllieDepartment of Fnance and 1.4anagemeni Services is authorized to amend said budget in the tollowing manner: Gurtent &idcjet • SPENDING PLAN C95-2C016 Annapolis-Robert to Kansas Construction • �by: Actinty Managar � a��maer.� no:�,w. Arr�ended q�.� Budget 74,000.00 13,783.74 87,783.74 74,000.00 13,783.74 87,783.74 / � aca s. r,na��h� /Y` � O K YO C.i �� ���� � )EPARTMENTIOFFIC NCIL Public Works ;ANTACT PERSON & PHONE Michael J. Eggum 266-6143 MUST 8E ON CAUNC1i AGENDA BY (DAlE ,�AL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 7/20l95 ASS7GN GREEN S HEET INI ATE ^ EPARTMENTDIRECTOR ITV ATiORNEV MAYOR(OR � l` NO. 26046 CITVCAUNCIL _ qT`/ CLFAK FINMICEACCOUNTING (GIIP ALL LOCATONS FOR SIGNA7URE) � CAP PROJ MGR O DEPAflTMEM AC� �{ J Approvat of attached Administrarive Order transferring 1988 Municipal State Aid funding from the University/Lexington Signal project to [he Annapolis-Robert to Kansas lighting projecG RECOMMENDATIONSApprwa (A) arRajeR �R) PIANNINGCOMMIS510N CIVIL: CIB COMMffTEE A STAFF _ DISTRICiCAUNCIL _ _ SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJECTIVE? PERSONAL SERYICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOW ING QUESTIONS: t. Has ihis person/firm ever worked under a contract for ihls department? YES NO 2. Has this pers�nlfirm ever 6een a dry employee? YES NO 3. Does ifiis persoNfirm possess a skill not normaily possessed hy any current ciry empbyee? YES NO Explain all yes answars on separate shee[ and attach to green sheet INITIATING PROBI.EM, ISSUE, OPPOATUNITY (WNO, WHAS, WHEN, WHEAE, WHY): Budget for the Annapolis lighting project was approved in 1945. There is a need for addiaonal MSA financing in this projecc The University/L.exington Signal project has sufficient MSA financing to transfer to the Annapolis lighting project. 1DVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: Spending and financing budget wIll reflect actual costs and revenues. RECERVED J U L 2 4 9995 suoc�T o���cE OISADVANTAGES IF APPROVEO: None. RECEIVEQ AUG 419g5 CITY CLERK DISADVANTAGES IF NOTAPPROVED: Spending and financing budgets wili be inacctuate. AMOUM OF TRANSACTION $ COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) �71NG SOURCE 1988 MSA ACTIVITY NUMBER C92-2MO20 & C95-2C016 FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) Transfezs - $13,783.74 NO d VV