D00558C � CITY �F SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF THE MAYOR ADMIIVISTRATIVE ORDER BUDGET REVISION No.: Date: GS #: �0� 55 S (� 26052 ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER ConsisteM with the authority granted to the Mayor in Section 10.07.4 of the City Charter and based on the request of the Director of the Depadment of Pu�_Work� to amendthe 19 95 budget of the Solid Waste and Recvcling fund, the Director of the DepartmeM of Finance and Ma�agemerrt Services is authorized to amend said budget in the following manner: Curtent Amended B�.W3et q� Budget `J 232 - 32401 - 0291 232 - 32401 - 0857 232 - 32401 -OXXX Refuse DisposallCollecrion Data Processing Hardwaze All other spending Totals $3,046,551.00 $191.54 $65,852.00 $3,112,594.54 ($818.Q5) $818.05 $0.00 $0.00 $3,045,732.95 $1,009.59 $65,852.00 $3,112,594.54 Corrections to 1995 Solid Waste and Recycling Fund 232 to eliminate over expenditure and adhere to City Charter Chapter 10.10 and Budget Goals and Policies B-13. � � ��.kJ 11�'�p '� E Preparedby.ACtivM1yManager �� y-"W Requesled b'------�-� � Mvm�l�l IY\`�� �°.., Z� `� nan Public Works Richard A Person 266-6122 SIGNATURE PAGES 4/19(95 GREEN SHEET ��� iw uoaTe - DEPARTMENTDIAECTOfl � GITV ATTORNEY BUOGEf�WECTOR MAVOR(OR AS51ST, (CLIP ALL LOCA7IONS FOR SIGNATUFE) Q2 GITY CAUNCIL CITY CLERK FM 6 MGT. SERVICES �DEPARTMENiACCOUNi Approval of admurisaarive order amending the spending plan of �he Solid Waste and Recycling Fund 232. RECAMMENDA7IONS:Appwa (A) or Rqatt (i� _ PLANNING CAMMISSION _ qVIL SERVICE COMMISSION _ q6 CbA�MiTTEE _ _ _ STpFF _ _ _ DISTRICTCOUNCIL _ _ SUPPORTS WH{CFl COUNCII OBJECTIVE? INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNflY (WHO, WHAT, WHEN, PERSONAl3ERY10E COMRACTS Ml7ST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: t. Has ihis personlfirm ever worked under a conVaa for ihis depanment? VES NO 2. Has ihis person/firm ever been a Gry employee? YES NO 3. Does this persoNfirm possess a sWll not normally posSessed by any cU�re�[ city employee? YES P10 Explain ali yes answere on Separate sheet and attach to green sheet WHT�: Transfer spending authoriry wi[hin various objec[ caies in the Solid Waste and Recycling Fund 232. This will enable a cooperafive purchase of a co]or plotter to assist in mapping. The year end process (1994) involves establishing manual encumbrances before funds aze closed. This joint effort was manually encumbered for other funds and was overlooked for the Recycling Fund. This adjustment is necessary w alleviate 1995's negafive balance for the joint purchase of the color plotter. ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: �is will enable the Department of Public Woks to more efficiently map areas of rhe Ciry and work with the various Districu and �ghborhoods an recycling efforts. Cusent maps ue needed to locate the boundaries for the various districts. OISADVANTAGES IF APPROYED: None. RECEfVED ,1UN - � 1995 CtTY CLERK DISADVAN7AGE5 IF NOT APPROVED: Possible problems with City Charter Chapter 10.10 and BudgebGoals and Policies B-13 which restricts spending to budgeted levels by major ohject cale in the Solid Waste and Recycling Fund 232. N0t 0.00 COSTIflEVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) �YES� n0 UNDING SOURCE Solid Was[e and Recyclinq ACTIVITV NUMBER NANCIAL MFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) tl0�. • 41� �i9Q.t �, (� (A�