D00541�... • CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF THE MAYOR ADMiNLSTRATIVE ORDER BUDGET REVLSION No: J�,�J��' � �: �- Iq-qG; ADMIATISTRATIVE ORDER, Consistent with ihe authority granted to ihe Mayor In Section 10.07.4 of the City Charter and based on the request of Direetor of the Department of Pazks and Recreation to amend ffie 1995 budget of the Grants and Aicles fund, the Directot of the Depactment of Finance and Managemem Services is authorized to amend said budget in the following manner: Current Amended �ud�et �hange Hudget DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY SERVICES DIVISION OF PARKS AND RECREATION GRANTS AND AIDE5 SPENDING PLAN 860-33196-0133 860-33196-0219 860-33197-0357 86033197-0359 �0-33197-0363 �60 33197-0368 Capitol City Intern Fees-Other Prof. Service Athietic or Recreation Other-Spec Materials & Supplies Paper Forms Office Supplies 2,750 2,174 1,903 870 1,088 3,132 1,500 ( (1,500) (500) (632) 3,132 4,250 1?4 403 370 456 8,785 -0- 8,785 ------------------ ------------------ ADNST 1995 BUDGET TO REFLECT PROPER ACCOI7NTING FOR THE ENVII201vIENTAL EDUCATION PROGRAM AT CROSBY FARM PARK, PHALEN PARK, COMO PARK, CONSERVATORY AND ZOO. • �e�� l�J � � 1/l�- U Appm � bY: MaYoc �� t? � �'—��' ..,., .. /� c7 iYY�lSu � DEPAPTMENT/OFFICE/COUNqL DATE INITIATED v! �l(� � 3 10 61 Parks & Recreation(Grants & Aides 4-28-95 GREEN S EET _-. - CONTACT PEpSON & PHONE INRIAVDATE INITIAVDATE �DEPARTMENTDIRE OGITYCAUNCIL Lynn Wolfe/ 266-6428 �{�;�{�, ^ss'�" OCITYATfOBNEV �CRYCLEflK BE ON COUNCIL AGENDA BV (DATE) pOUTINGFOR � BUDGET DIRECTOP � FlN. & MGT. SERVICES DIR. ORDER a MAYOR (OR ASSISTAN'n � �.� TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACTION RE�UESTED: Approval of Administrative Order amending the budget of Fund - 860 Grants & Aides. RECOMMENDA710NS: Apprwe (A) w Reject (R) pERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING �UESTIONS: _ PLqNNMG COMMISSION _ qVIL SEHVICE CAMMISSION 1. Has this persoNlirm ever worked under a coMracl fm this dapartmeM? � _CIBCqMMITfEE __ VES NO � S7AFF _ 2. Has this person/firm ever been a ciry employee? YES NO _ DIS'fFiICT CAURT _ 3. DoeS this person/hrm posuss a skill not normall y possessed by any curtent ciry employeel SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJECTIVE? YES NO Explain all yes answers on separate sheM and atteeh to green sheet INITIATING PROBLEM. ISSUE, OPPORTUNIN (Who. What. When, Whe�e, Why): Adjust 1995 budget to reflect proper accounting for the Enviromental Education Program at Crosby Farm, Phalen Park, Como Park, Conservatory and Zoo. VANTAGES IFAPPPOVED: eeds for staffing and materials will be met within budget limitation as set in section 10.10 of the City Charter. DISADVANTAGES IF APPFiOVEO: None. RECE4VECJ MAY 19 1995 CITY CLERK DISADVANTAGESIFNOTAPPROVED: ' The budget will not match actual obligations. � TOTA4 AMOUNT OFTRANSACTION $ -4— � COST/pEVENUE BUDGE7ED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDING SOURCE GT2.nt5 & EfideS AC71VI7Y NUMBER 33196-33197 FINANC�AI INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) � �