D00538Whim — Giy C�erk Pink — Fi�ance DBpt. Canary — Oe9<. • 3Ffi6ini: "snrfihiJfi - fiBALi"n GYTY OF SAIA'T PALTL OFYI(iF. AF TgE MAyOg ADMINIS"IRATIYE ORDER I3I'IXiET I2ElTSdO� �D�IL��ISCR.�TI�'E ORDER, Consistent with the auth i nte to t ayor m Section 10.07.4 ot the City Charter and based on the request of the Director ot the De rtment o� ��b c`�lea��t�i to amentl the 79�� butlget of the �'Specz a �2Y2P(iT�— fund, the Director of the DepaRment of Finance and Management Services is authorized to amentl saitl budget in the following manner: Current Amended Budget Change Budget C� r L � l� � 5 " " �- r �"--'�--� Appro y: Mayor �-a�-��' �� 3u5-3ai"s1-0215 30�-33232-Gi99 au3-33ia2-O�u9 305-33239-G&d7 a05-a3246-68s8 305-a3246-6219 305-a323�-Oil5 3G5-a"s254-Q391 aQ3-33i56-u°s69 3G5-3a256-68'ai 365-aaZ50-G1_11 3u5-33259-0365 a06-"a3254-0839 3Q5-33i59-Gi19 30a-a?i54-OYIi 3�5-53254-0§33 Cn3 GfiANi 'sGii. - FnHS - OT9nn H&RLTa &HCOBDB - 6TAfiB HnAGi@ nBC6&D3 - OiHHu "vFFiC"n ftLTfi LAB-SFBCiAL - fi�UiPNBidi LSfli/ ABAT"xHBKi F&OC&9H - ENUIFNPsAT LBA4 pBATBNBAi FBOGHn4s - FEB3 - 6THBB a'BLi. CBTLD FflOGRA�, - flBDICsL FBSS CdS6NIC DiSfia3n - BOQaB P6PULniiO� BAfi3D iHH, a&Gi9iuY GiBB& - OFFii;n F6FitLe�'I6N BR�nD iEifd. nBGIST6Y BQUiPHnNT POFULATI631 3A3&D I�'sS. RB�iSTflY - PB&86ANBL I�NIINiZeiiON ACiiOA PLAN uaaNT - OTHBE OFFi� ii4[iuliiSaTION AC?i6A PL'aA 6&A�i"r -DAT'd PflOCE9SiAG iNFiUHiZATi6A eiciIGN FLAN �i&ANT - rBfiS GTfiBt� CR&QNIC Di6BA3 - FBR80h'NHG CflnONiG DiSfiA3E - FsItdCn BuABs�IiS so,aa $4,784.00 3c,oG �O.uO yl'k�LUO.UU saas,saa.�o 30.U6 S4.OG 3400,0� $O,GG $41,&o4,9G 40,00 $2,EOO.OG �izo,000,ao 39i,2a9,0�7 $30,831.0�7 3556,623.Ob NO: lAJI}.)�U Date: � —� _�✓ ' f91,P00.00j 3i $ii,Q�O,GU ;lu&,27 l$lOn,Zij y30,�0�.Q0 43,044,00 $300,0� 95,tPD.00 (`sa,470.001 92,060.Qu g340,0u {$i,3G0,60) ($@2,oi0.00y ($iG,i30,OQi ------ �0,0� aa,sao,00 3s",7o9.00 31,Ou0�S�0 3i7,640.00 319,3Q8.27 $245,391,i3 430,OOQ,00 33,�560,00 3ZQG,00 g5,990,OD 436,3yd.00 32,0OO.OQ qZ,a40�u6 $ii7,700.06 $98,o29.D0 $2Q,60i.G"v 3555,Q23.QQ WfiB&EAS, THH PUBLtC HfiALTii'S CHS A�iNINI3T&ATI6N AC�IVITY NBBD3 SP�ADikG AUTHOBSTY FOB FnnS., flfiALPH EBC6&L9 PSOGRAEt F6R uFRiCfi 3UP"ri,IB3, LAB P&uGRAi4 eG$ u&lSAi0L4CY ANaY2SH, Tr�B LBAD �EAT�FiSRT PBOG&h#� FuR LS�D ANAY2nR,. �RLL CflEL➢ P@GG&AP( �6$ COATBACTUAL PBSSON wG&6iNG 6A i,ID P&OGBA'r'i, Cn&OMIC DI�EeSn BO"n 666H9, POPUGATION 8A38D SHM� 3"nGISP3Y FO$ 0"rFICn BGPPGIB9 k C6MPUiB& �BUIPMSNT� AND IMeiUNi2Aii0N ACTI6N PLAid G&ANi FOR 3U'�FLiRS AAD "n�UiPH31u'f ; At3D FR&RSAS, THBBB IS SFSNDiNC AUi6fi&IPY I'R' ifBAt,i}i SEC66D5 I4ISCBGLAitS0U3, LBAD ABA7B�f�E+T FSfi3, P6"rULATi6N BA3BD T.Nfi. ^�B63ST&F P3u5DFhTsL, ihMU�i2hTI61i gCTS6�i PLAH GfinNT F�&8, Aii"v iN CH$OAIG Di3EA8& Pn&86�`K$L gN➢ r&IAG� BBt1&FTTS T{�d'� COuL) Hfi i&eNSr"n�&nD �sacarnov cx aacnt.cxn_ ��ss inR MAFbR A➢"rR6JSS Tiin C"nANCn iG 4HS i995 BUDGSi� �R�l�,� Q DEPAqTMEM/OFfICEJCAUNCIL DATE INITATED � V V v � J O Public Health 5�5 �2���.t St. 4/24/95 GREEN SHEE N_ 30499 CONTACT PERSON & PHONE INRIAVDAiE IN(r1AUDATE O DEPAR'fMEMDIRECiOR � CRYCOUNCIL Kdth MOhrlfltld 292-7702 "�" OCITYATfORNEY �CITYCLERK NUYBEAFOR 5T BE ON COUNCIL AGENDA BV (DATE) RWnlW Q BUDGET DIRECTOR � FIN. 8 MGT. SERVICES DIR. ORDEfl O MAYOR (OR ASSISTANTJ � TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 {CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATUR� ACTION REQUESTED: Signature on Administrative Order Transferring spending authority between various Special Fund activities. HECOMMENOA710NS: npprove (A) or Rejecl (P) PEASONAL SEHVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWEA 7HE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: _ PLANNING COMMISSION _ CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION 1. Has this personttirm ever worked under a contracl for this department? - _CIBCOMMITfEE _ YES NO — �� F 2. Has this personRrm ever been a ciry employee? — YES NO _ DiSiRICT COURT _ 3. Does this person/firm possess a skill not normall � y possessed by any curtent city employee. SUPPORTSWHICHCOUNCILO&IECfIVE? YES NO Explain all yes answers on separete sheet antl ettaeh to green sheet INRIATING PflOBLEM, tSSUE, OPPORTUNITY (Who. Whet, When, Where, W�y): CHS Administration needs spending authority in Fees other for CHS consultants. Costs split between city and county. Health Records needs authority for office supplies, the Lab needs a Hematlogy anazyer for blood testing. The Lead Abatement HUD Grant needs a lead anayzer for Lead Testing in homes. Well Child needs authority for consultant fees 0219 for person working on LID program. Chronic Disease needs authority for books. Both the Population Based Registry and Immunization Action Plan Grants need authority for supplies and computer equipment. Authority can be transferred from othe line items. Chronic D{sease will no be hiring a DVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: ograms will receive spending authority for the purchase of equipment, services, and supplies to accomplish their program objectives. DISAOVANTAGES IFAPPROVED: NONE RECEIVE� MA`P - i 1995 � �ITY CLERK DISADVANTAGES IF NOTAPPflOVED: Program objectives wi11 not be accomplished. OTAL AMOUNTOF TRANSACTION $ h� � 7� A_ �� COS7/HEVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDIfiGSOURCE Grants, R2C2lptS. pCTIVI7YNUMBER �dY'lOUS m FINANCIAL INFOBMATION: (EXPLAIN) ^� � ��