D00515CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF THE MAYOR � Approved Copies to: - City Clerk (Original) - �inance DepPs Accoun6ng Division - Requesting Dept. ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER BUDGET REVtSION No: ��71.! J I Date: 3 _ 3 I "�.� ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, Consistent wiffi the aufhority granted to the Mayor in Section 10.07.4 of the City Charter and based on the request of the Director of Finance and ManagemeM Services to amend the 1994 budget of the General Fund fund, fhe Director of the Finance and Management Services Department is authorized to amend said budget in the following manner. DEPARTMENT & DIVISION: CURRENT APPROVED AMENDED LEDGER, FUND, ACTMTY, OBJECT, PROJECT BUDGET CHANGES BUDGET Finance and Management Services City Wide Information Services GL001-01115-0121 PartTimeCertified GL 001-01115-0219 Fees - Other Professional Services • GL001-01115-0363 Paper-Forms GL001-01115-0368 OfficeSupplies GL 001-01115-0857 Data Processing Hardware 50,238 8,400 17,907 5,438 183,707 265,690 (2,919) 5,265 (3,261) (1,696) 2,619 0 47,319 13,665 14,646 3,742 186,378 265,690 • ��� . �. �� Approved by: Bu t Dir ctor Date J. liaupt TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE Tnfotmation 6-6787 �si2z�ss GREEN SHEET M4TIptNATE— � DEPAH7MENT DIqE •"+N �CfiYATfOflNEY iEFFOR ����OIFiECTOR � iNG R D MAYOR (Op ASSI$TANn ' ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIRNATUR� t�00515 N_ 2321fi INITUILIOATE � BIR. Signatare on Administrative Order, Budget Revision. _ PLANNING COMMISSIIXJ _ ( _ CIB CAMMITTEE _ . _ STAFF — _ _ DISTRICf COIIFT _ _ SUPPORTS W7iICH COUNCI! OBJECTIYE? INfIIATNG PqOBLEM. ISSUE, PERSONAL SERVICE CONiR0.CTS MtlS7ANSWEB THE FOLtOWiNG QUESiIONS: 1. Has ihis pBrsotVfirm ever worked under a cantraM for Mis departme�rt? YES' NO 2. Has this person/firm ever been a cily emplpyee? � YES NO 3. Does ihis persoNfimi possess a skill not rrortnaliy possessetl by any curteM ciry employee? YES NO Explafn ail yes �anawers on separete sheet anA eMaeh W gnen sheet � Equipment, was purcfiased from remaiuing 1994 Activitp balance. Some of these purchases created negative balances at tfie Major Object Code level. The CIS Activity will fie balanced at tfie Major OTiject Code Leve1. ,There is no deficiency in the overall budget activity. _...__.... ......_..�. , hlgJ{ � 4 �(JJ None �F'�fCE p� , �EPARt T NE DlR :._;,��, �L1q�,�GE��NT SE'RV C RECEtVED MAR 3 l� 1995 CITY CLER14 NTAGESIFNOTAPPROVE�: ' , ' The au&it wi11 continae-'to sfiow tfie object codes out of belance. TOTAL AMOUNT OFTRANSAC7ION S � COST/HEVENUE BUDGETED (CIBCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDINGSOUHCE C�eR2T81 �FllRd pCTNITY,NUNBER nlil�„ FlNANCfAL INFORMATION: (IXPWN) ' , � , �