D00501City of Saint Paul OFFICE OF THE MAYOR • ADMIDTISTRATIVE ORDER ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, No: 71005o I Date: J �� WHEREAS, The Saint Paul Public Library will hold a volunteer recognition program at the Saint Paul Radisson Hotel on May 2, 1995, and WHEREAS, The Saint Paul Public Library has received monies from the Friends of the Saint Paul Public Library and others to pay for the event, NOW, THEREFORE, It Is Ordered that library officials are authorized and directed to undertake the staging of the event and remit the cost of $4,625 £or the program to the proper parties. \ J APPROVED AS TO FORM � c � �sistan ity Atto ney Date 9 �� L��-r��*-G't'/��` epartment Aean s ���2����.'� Administrative Assistant to Mayor TOTAL # OF SIGNA7URE PAGES' iCrION qE-0UES7ED: � � �`���� 28961 GREEN SHEET � � � � � � INRIAL/DATE INRIAUDATE DEPARTMENTDIRE �CYfYCO(IPICIL q7YATfORNEY' �CITVCLERK� , ' BU066T DIHECTOR �� FlN. 8 MGT. SERVICES DIR, ' MAYOfl (OR ASSISTANn ' ' (CLIP ALL LOCA770NS FOR Approval of Administrative Order authorizing VoYunteer Recognition program. _ PLANNING COMMISSION _ CNIlSERVICE _ CIB COMMITTEE _ _ STAFF _ _DIS7Fi1GTCOUFi7 _ SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL O&IECIiVE? PEHSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUS'F ANSWER THE� FOLLOWING, QUESTONS: 1. Has [his persoNfiim ever worked unUer a coMract for thfs tlepartmeM? � , YES, NO ' ' ' , ' , 2. Has Nis perwn/firtn ever tieen a ciry employee? � � YES NO' 3. Does this persoMfirtr4 possess �a skill not nortnally posse'ssed by any curteM city employee? YES NO Explain alf yes anawera on separete aheet aMl atfnch to green sheet IATING PR09LEM. ISSUE, OPPEIRNNRY(Wlq. What. When, Where. Whyl: � , The Libra'ry, with monies ��o�ridad.by Fri�nds of the Zi'�rary an,d others, iaili have a volunteer recognition program for volunteers, th��'r famiii�s, and ��!?�*,anvited guests. �ECErvEQ MAR avvww�rnrrnvmv: � � � � Cl7Y CLERK Volunteers and their families �,,+i11 02f$iCl�d�2 i�ca reco?ni4ion pragrem to show the Library's appreciation of tti4ir �ii`at���. None �� �,�.*_, � �:�A� 1 G ��`•'�" , , � ", , �7.,,.�"j�-v�,.C4;s��'s�4,� F+is,u:�.uwi.1 , , , , DVANTAGES IF NOTAPPqOVEO: ' , , " ' Volunteers witl not participate in a� recogr,ition progrem�. ��� � f ���E�V�� �����°�t MQR. � � 1995 5 �� �gg 1 �� � � � � � � ��`� _� ����-`� � AT�ppq�EY TOTALAMOUN70FTRANSAC710N g nOt t0 exceed $4,625 FUNDIIdGSOURCE FrlendS of the iibrdrV FINANCIAL INFOflMATION: (EXPtA1N) � , ,�, ., COSi/REYEN6E BUDGE7ED (CIRCLE ON� /YE9 � NO ' C/ _ACTIYtTYNUMBER 3��Z2 ' � ' , , , � � , ' , , ' �� � ,�, � .�" �,� , ,. ,f ' . � . . ... .. . . .. ., � � �a, i