D00488WM�a - Ciiy C�erk Pink - Finante DeOt. Gnary - Dept. � GITY OF SAINT PAUL OFYI(iE OF THE MAYpR ADMINIS'IRATIVE ORDER BL'IX=EC 2F,�TtiiO\ Current Amended Budget Change Budget • • 6,195 8,000 1,695 142,609 87,438 20,000 4,000 977 400 2,716 255 5,775 950 300 3,915 2,479 444,927 13,409 2,200 30,798 2,568 1,325 17,759 5,107 1,452 11,790 1,582 902 4,950 424,592 11,716 :�J�'ISTjl,��j�j�� Q��R, Consistent with the authority graMed to the Mayor in Section 10.07.4 of the City Charter and based on the request of the Director of the Department of Executive Administration , to amentl the 1�4 butlget ot the �eRBTal funtl. the Director of the Department ot Finance and Managemeni Services is authodzed to amentl said budget in the following manner: ��� P� Executive Administration Of£ice of License, Inspections $ Environmental Protection GL 001-00170-0162 GL 001-00170-0221 GL 001-00170-0387 GL GL GL GL GL GL GL GL GL GL GL GL GL GL GL GL GL GL GL GL GL GL GL GL GL GL GL GL GL GL GL GL 001-00171-0111 001-00172-0111 001-00172-0219 001-00173-0133 001-00173-0221 001-00173-0253 001-00173-0276 001-00173-0389 001-00173-0815 001-00174-0161 001-00174-0222 001-00174-0235 001-00174-0282 001-00175-0111 001-00175-0235 001-00175-0251 001-00175-0282 001-00175-0368 001-00175-0848 001-00176-0112 001-00176-0235 001-00176-0277 001-00176-0282 001-00176-0368 OQ1-00176-0369 001-00176-0815 001-00177-0111 001-00177-0219 001-00177-0241 001-00177-0349 001-00177-0353 001-00177-0857 Prepa2tl by: Activity Manager Reserve for Promotions Postage Photo Supplies Full Time Permanent Fu11 Time Permanent Fees-Other Profsnl Services Capitol City Intern Postage Registration Fees-Out of Town 0£f Eqmt f, Furniture Repair Other - Misc Supplies Desks-Chairs-Tables Salary Needs Telephone - Mo Charges Type II - Reg(3/wk day+,15) Rental-Bldg $ Of£ice Space Full Time Permanent Type II - Reg(3/wk day+.15) Transportation Rental-Bldg $ Of£ice Space Office Supplies-Purch Strrm Other - Specialized Eqmt Full Time I3ot Certified Type II - Reg(3/wk day+.15} Other - Equipment Repair Rental-Bldg F, Office Space Office Supplies-Purch Strrm Other - 0£fice Supplies Desks-Chairs-Tables Fuli Time Permanent Fees-Other Profsnl Services Printing - Outside Other - Eqmt-Parts-Supplies Chemical/Laboratory Data Processing Hardware ������ Request etlby.�Departmentdirector No: Date. 292) 460) 176) 352) 85) 1,185) 104) 977} 209) 2,716) 252) 36) SO) 29) 2,157) 601) 1,007) 5,791) 126) 3,049) 1,280) 41) 390) 1,858) 906) 2,36�) 1,470) 139) 1,753) 3,570) 6,755) �o��g8 . 3- � 5,903 7,540 1,519 142,257 87,353 18,815 3,896 0 191 0 3 5,739 900 271 1,758 1,878 443,920 7,618 2,074 27,749 1,288 1,284 17,369 3,249 546 9,430 112 763 3,197 421,022 4,961 3,000 ( 1,191) 1,809 Z,000 ( 1,326) 674 6,440 ( 720) 5,72p 7,400 ( 742) 6,658 Approv b : Mayor �� 3- (o �'�v Date �. � Whrta — CityClerk Pink — FinantOOeOt. G�arV — OeDc • GITY OF SAI1lTT I�ALTL <)YYICF OF TFIY MAY()t2 ADMINISIRATIVE ORDER f3i'IX;EI' KEl7SIO,C Current Amended Budget Change Butlget ���Z$�.��� �)�$R, Consistent with the authoriry granted to the Mayor in Section 10.07 4 of the Ciry Charter antl based on the request of the Dfrector of the Department of FY��„+_,.o o.�„�; r; �rr��; � to amentl the 19 94 budget o4 the Ge7LeTa1 funtl. the Di�ector of the Department of Finance antl Management Services is authonzed to amend said budget in the following manner. - �� � p. �G GL �01-0�170-0858 Telephone Eqmt Purchases 0 GL 001-00171-0219 Fees-Other Profsnl Services 10,150 GL 001-00171-0361 0£fice Accessories 100 GL 001-00171-0857 Data Processing Hardware 40,072 1,331,943 � • Preparetl by Actimty Manager � s?��� Requested by: Depanment airector Na: �v_{ 00 Date: � � � � � � 422 4,401 1,469 37,863 0 422 14,551 1,569 77,935 1,331,943 rr- 6�.9.�� Ap ed by: Mayor 3— � - t S DatB l�� � .*/ DEPARTMENT/OFFICFJCOUNCIL �A7E INRIATED '� � U U - Executive Administration LIEP zra?�9s. GREEN SHEE N °_ 30751 CONTACT PEfl50N S PHONE MITIAL/OATE INfT1AUDATE DEPAFTMENT DIRECIOR O CT' COUNpL Janet Odalen 266-9111 �ox CITYATfORNEV �CITYCfERK ST BE ON CAUNCIL AGENDA BY (DA7E) �� � � BUDGET DIflECTOfl � FIN. & MGT. SEflVICES �Iq. NOViING N/A �o� o �,.� ���,�� ❑ TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES "(CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATUR� ACfION FiEQUESTED: Approval of 1994 budget revisions. RECAMMENDA710NS: Apqmre fA) p Reject (R) pERSONAL SERVICE CONTAACTS MUS7 ANSWEN TNE FO�LOWING DUESTIONS: _ PLANNING COMMISSION __ CIVIL SEflVIGE CQMMISSqN �- Has this personiFrm ever worked under a conVact for Mis department? - _ CIB COMMR7EE � YES NO — � AF � 2. Has ihis person/frcm ever been a city employee? — VES NO _ DisiRic7 cOUf� _ 3. Does this personttirm possess a skill not normaliy possessed by any current ciry emplqree? SUPPOPTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJECTIVE? YES NO Explain sll yes answers on separate sheet and attpeh to groen sheet INRIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNRY (Wha, Wliat, NRren, Where, Why): There are shortages in the 1994 LIEP Ge�eral Fund Budget (OQ1). There axe suf£icient excess dollar amounts which will cover all of the shortages. This Administrative Order will balance the 1994 LIEP General Fund Budget. DVANTAGES IFAPPROVED: The 1994 LIEP General Fund Budget will be in balance. R��'����� FEB 2 � 1��� BUDG�ti Or�iC� DISADVANTPGES IFAPPROVED: NoNE RECEIbE� MAR - 81995 CITY CLERlE DISADVANTAGES �F NOT APPROVED' The 1994 LIEP General Fund Budget will not be in balance. OTAL AMOUNi OF TRANSACTION S COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDIIdG SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER FINANCIAL INFORMA510N: (E7(PLAIN) � � R � � � � �� t �.�f�