D00447Original- City Clerk Copies- Fin. & Mgmt Services No.: Public Works Accounting Date Engineer • Contractor CITY OF SAINT PAUL - OFFICE OF THE MAYOR ADMINISTRAT�VE ORDER for CONTRACT CHANGE AGREEMENT t�lQ__ 1 D IJIJ`I � ! I -13-a5 ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, Whereas, adddions which proved to be necessary to the Improvement described as Street lighting s stem on: EUSTIS/FRANKLIN D, a known as ��o. � , Cdy Project No. 94-V-8079 SpeCialty EIeCtYiC CO.. �nC. Contractor, is composed of the foliowing: Install conduit and conductor Additional pullboxes and foundations Trench and restore conduit Remove and install lights • 2,527.24 391.00 400.20 469.20 $5,924.34 ORDERED, That the City of Saini Paui, through iis Mayor, approves the toregoing additions made in accordance with the specifications in the sum of $ 5.924.34 , said amount to be added to the lump sum consideration named on the contract, known�s � z8z _, and which amount is to be financed from: O`Z- O� Log 6624 C94-2T527-078 ��.1- � � f- � � 9 y3 � 7 N�� g �/ i9— � i 9� Specialtv Electric, Inc. Contractor � Director, Department of Finance and Management Services Adminisirative Assistant to the Mayor Public Works - Traff+c . . ON COUNCR AGENOA BY (oAi� OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CIJP ALL LOCA710NS FOH SIGNA7UNE) , DEP'f. ecute Contract Change Agreement No. 1, Contract No. 94-V-8079, to install additionat�bnda Iboxes, foundations and conductor. �MrnENDpTiorvS: appmve (A) m Rejett (Fi� PERSONAL SERVICE CONTpACTS MUST ANSWEH THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: PLANNUJCa COMMISSION CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION 1. Has this persoN(irm ever worked under a convac[ for this department? — YES NO CIB COMMiTiEE 2. H23 t}NS PelSDIVfiIRI 2V¢( bE@(13 CIly 2 RIP�yEC? — YES NO SiqFF _ 3. Does ihis persoNfirm possess�a sltill rwt normally possessed by any curtent ciry employee? � DISTFiICTCOUNqL _ YES NO narc wuru rni u,v-n �no ¢rnvco Explain all yas answers wl sepa2te Shael antl attach to green sheSt Paving and sewer construction plan revisions. Integrity of lighting system and safety will be enhanced. None. � �T,����: New and existing lighting will not be operational. GREEN SHEET ��� No. 2g992 RECEIVED JAN � 1 1995 CfTY CLE32K '����� r - �. . TOTALAMOUN70FTRANSACiICNJ$ �J, 924.34 CO5T/REVENUEBUOGETEO(CIRCLEONFa, YES NO FUNDINGSOUHCE C$$P pcRyRyNUatBEp � C 94-2T527-0784-cvzc,� FINqNC1AL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) /j 'j n �� AiTOPNEY � CITY CIEPK �"f DIRECTOR � FMI. 8 MGL SEfiVICES )R �Op ASSISTqNn � u