D00437CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF THE MAYOR � ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER BUDGET REV7SION ADMIAIISTRATIVE ORDER, Consistent with the authority granted to the Mayor In Section 10.07.4 of the City Cl�arter and basecl on the request of Director of the Department of Parks And Recrearion to amend the 1994 budget of the General Fund, the D'uector of the Department of Finance and Management Services is authorized to amend said budget in the following manner: DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY SERVICES DIVISION OF PARKS AND RECREATION GENERALFUND SPENDING PLAN C� 001-03180-0256 REGISTRATION FEES - LOCAL 001-03180-0371 ELECTRICITY 001-031 81-0241 PRINTlIVG-OUTSiDE 001-03181-0389 OTHER - MISC SUPPLIES 001-03195-0111 FULL TIME PERMANENT 001-03195-0279 OTHER - REPAIR & MAINSENANCE 001-03195-0344 PARTS FOR VEHICLES Current Budget 950.00 16,500.00 35�.0� 514.00 1,382, 060.00 20,338.00 54,673.00 1,475,385.00 (45.00) 45.00 2,500.0� 13,500.00 (21,000.00) 1,500.40 3,500.00 Amended Budget 905.00 16,545.00 2,850.00 14,014.00 1,361,060.00 21,838.00 58.173.00 1,475,385.00 �o: 1�00�3� Date: � �� - J� ('ha__ � �� AOJUST 1994 BUDGET TO ALLOW FOR ADDITIONAL COSTS AT OXFORD SWIMMING POOL DUE TO LONGER SEASON AND COMMODITY COST INCREASES. � � ����� App�yx�fi'y: aYor Date � � � ���� DEPAA7MENT/OFFICEICAUNCIL pATE MITIA7ED �� �� v �� � O Parks & Recreation/Oxford Swi�ing ool 12-23-9 GREEN HEE N_ 31�22 CONTACf PEflSON & PHONE INRIAVDATE INRIAL/DATE t DEPARTMEM DIRE Q CRV CAUNCIL Vic Witt enstein 266-6409 �� ^���" �cmarroaNEV cmc�nK ST BE ON COUNCIL AGENDA 8Y (DAT� pp� N �� p � BUDGET DIRECiOR � FIN. & MGT. SEflVICES Dlq. ORDER ������inA� � Chief Accountant TOTAL # OF StGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL IOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) S PaYks ACf10N qEQUE57Ep; Approval of administrative order amending spending plan of General Fund. RECOMMENDA71oNS: nppmve (A) or Reject (fi) PEpSONAL SERVICE CONSHACTS MUST ANSW ER THE FOLLOWING �UESTIONS: _ PLANNINCa COMMISSION _ qVIL SERVICE COMMISSION �� Hd5 fhls petSOMI(m EV2r Wo�k2d undef a COMfaCt fOr }hi5 tlepaztmeRt? - _ CIBCOMMITfEE _ �S NO A 2. H85 this pBISOnRim eVer been e City emplGyee? — YES NO _ DISiRIGi CqURT — 3. Does this person/firm possess a skill not normally possessetl by any curtent city employee? SUPPOFiTSWHICHCAUNCILOBJECSIVE? YES NO Explain all yes a�swers on separate sheet antl attach to green sheet INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE. OPPORTUNITV (Who, What, When, Where, Why): � To adjust 1994 budget to allow for additional costs of �ford Swimming Pool activities due to longer season and commodity cost increases. DVANTAGES IFAPPROVED: rovide spending authority for additional costs for longer than expected seasonal swimming activities. RECEIVEQ JAN - �41995 DISpDVAMAGES IFAPPROVED: � None. RECEIVE� RETU�N DEC 3 0 1994 ►�. 30�q� � �1TY GLERf� DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVEO: Bills cannot be paid; major object eode will reflect overspending. O7AL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION E _� COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIqCLE ONE) VES NO FUNDIHGSOURCE OXfoYd Swimming Pool pCTIVITYNUMBER 03180-03195 FINANdAL INFORMATION; (EXPLAIN) , � "�