D00430Wn�ta — Ciry C�erk Pink — FinanCa OeOt. Canary — Dept. • �",�".�_lf'L �56.PIUC - IIBflL1H GBTY OF SAI:\'T I�AUL OkP1G}4 C)F THY MAYOR ADMINISTRATIV E ORDER 13f'Sx:Ef StE\7;iI0� ���Z�J�.�TTt� �)RDE� Consistent with the authority granted to the Mayor m SeCtion 10.07 4 of the City Charter and based on the reque5t of the DireCtor of the Department of D� �F,l ; r uo� 7+h to amend the 19_�.�_ budget of the Speci al Re�.enuP fund. the Director of the Department � of Finance and Management Serv(ces is authorizetl to amentl said budget in the following manner: Current Amentled Budget Chanqe Budget • 1 �0���'��t'" /d�d7•9� Approved by: Mayor pate 3UJ aGa-z3iaa-va5i 3G5-z3i"s3-�353 31��-3dL4L-�111 .�1GJ-d.7G9L-U4Jy 3Ga-3ai�2-P35c JU7-S32^5-U,1�1 3��-JdG��-UL41 3�a5-aa255-viii 3G5-332z5-P2�9 305-"aa2a5-9n"s9 NAHiLY Pb9FNInG F&OJ"nCT - FBnS f�A�iILF i�L�iiivIHG P&udBCi' - ESEUiC'sL �uPFuI3S E9�iiL� YLAhH1tlU Y5dJIS�T - �h:(11t�9Li�nIfV6 3Sa i&kNS uiSnA�B - e"n&SOtiAEL 3"n% T�ZAAB 6I8BA3B - FRiitiGB 6SbB�iTS SS% i&aFS. �ISBA3� - ��DICaI, SUPPLifi9 Cn�uNiC Di5Sa5� "r&$VENiiGA - �GueS CFiE03;iC �iSBASn FnSBfiN?i0� - FBIkiiiSG RICii BI3E FOU'i8 P9,GdfiCT - FERB�iiAEG riiGH &iSa FGUiA - "vifi�& �SR'¢iCuS niGA R?8n P"v'DiH - r"&iiiGS BB'nBr"iT3 3i5,46D.G0 �a2,"vu0.6D B:?�ZU�.UL 9�u6,564,GG YZI y1o,"vG0,G0 �G,UUU.UU 'su.vu $3"v,E12.99 ¢�.00 $n,ai5.uG 92So,Gu5.D6 No: �� � Date: ��+ siG,Gup.Oir i32,64�.0�1 y38,G60,G0� �i,5�0.vu Sa,i37.00 (36,i3i."u01 i$2,Q"si.0ui $i,D���,00 saa�,a� x4Q0,0� �7U.JU -- - s0.00 YG��BUU.U� 330.0OO,Ou �9�LflH.QU $iG9,OG's.QG $ai,5ff6,0u 3i?,i63,u� li"si,u0f $i '�3L�IYS,VU y4uG,Q6 `yb�aL�J�OU $256,063,uu q'C$BIS(l�a 1d11 �U�UJ.� i1GbL111�J f9171L? fLEHI�IHG 9�11Y11Y }VIS$U� �YBNUlF� 8I/TtIUItIlY CU11 Fnns., dfiE T$f1H5 1/1'J'DBJC CU� Y��]i1P1A'$L ISPIL I'1f.,��'UE '�3Gfi�B. 4t�(6UHLL �1E'�Si1d"iS YxSI'�Id11J�v YU5 YGI[tlTilVlr� t11UH iSlJlt YUult� "OK YGl(5GIIABL, CI(IIiGt4 Ii'�L'NL�'N11J. AIVD ViriFS[L 9SEVIL�S �rin&&Aa, iii3aE tS 8FEi7Di�� aOTnuniie iN viflxic G6dBC" CGuitS Iri FAtiiGi "rG'siv'FiNG, SisZ i&AFa uI�EA36 AnD istf4it1161� U'SSS9il5 iri,ii v6UL"u BE ?&AASF6&$nD iHnunr"Ou� an @L�30LVfiD, inei irin M'sc0�s ti"rr"nu'rn5 i:ifi GxenGB iG iHn i59a nUDGei. �i ! DEPARTMENLOFFlCE/COUNCIL �/) ^� DATE INITIATED N. 190 0 6 P . �5, �<�� 12/23/94 GREEN SHEE ° CONTACT PERSON & PHONE INITIAUDATE INRIAUOATE O DEPARTMENT 9IREGTOR O CRY CAUNGII thy MOht"ld�d Z92-7]�Z A��GN OCfTVATfORNEV CITYCLERK NUMBEfl FOfl 7 BE ON CAUNCIL AGENDA BY (�ATE� AOUTNG � BUOGET DIPECTOR PIN. & MGT. SEFiVICES DIR. OROEH � MqYOR (OR ASSISTANn � TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACTION REQUESTED: City signatures on Administrative Order transferring spending authorfty between various special fund activities. RECAMMENDATIONS. Approve (A) or Fieject (R) pERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: _ PLqNNING CAMMISSION _ CIVIL'SEflVICE COMMfSSION �� Has this personMirtn ever worketl under a contract for this department? _ CIB CAMMITTEE _ �'ES NO 2. Has this person/firm ever been a city employee? _ STAFF — YES NO _ DISTpIC7CqURi _ 3. Does ihis person/firm possess a skill not normally possessed by any current ciry employee? SUPPORTSWH1CHfAUNCiLOBJEGTIVE? YES P!O Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet INITIATING PIlOBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNIN (Who, What, When, Whera, Why): dditional spending authority is needed in Family �lanning Project for fees> in Se�cuall•y rans. Disease for personnel and fringe benefits costs, in Chronic Disease for"printing, and igh Risk Youth for personnel, fringe and other services., There is authority in various other bject codes that can be transferred. NTAGES IFAPPROVED: r .�. here wili be no deficit object codes. �`�' � C�,_;, 2 7 f994 � � ",,'"�' flfFiCE � LrSEi�wm➢ DISADVANTAGESIFAPPROVEO: ONE RECEIVE� oEC � p 1994 �iTY CLERK DISADVANTAGES IF NOTAPPROVED: There wi11 be a deficit in various object codes. 70TAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION $ 1 R� 7fiR COS7/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDINGSOURCE Special Revenue ncrivirvNUMeeR33233.33242,33254 33255� FINANCIAL INPORMATION� (EXPLAIN) �E � �.k