D00416• CITY OF SAIl\TT PAUL OFFICE OF THE MAYOR ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER BUDGET REVISION No.: iIU.J�I I � Date: . � �" �� _�� Green Sheet 9125984 • p1�+Z ADMINISTRATlVE OR4ER, cor.s!s*_e:�c ..__.: c�e au_her:cy g:as_ec _., _�:e ^�a•.e_ _.. �ec:_.,.. .:.� . e= the C'_tY Charcer and'czseQ or. �he rec,:es� o; =ne C_rec_o= .,_ �^2 7eoar_r.�._ ,,. Pnhlir Workc to amend tne i9 22 bcdcec o'_ tne Cagital Pm�et :_...., c�e �.rec_er „`_ _.._ Department of Finance and N,anagemenC Sesvices is aut-�cnzec cc z���er.d sz�.0 o:.cqe� _. :r.e :.,__.,.._ , manner: Adjusted Amended Budget Change Budget SPENDING PLAN C92-2T615-00000 1992 Major Sewer Repairs Construction Plan Construction FINANCING PLAN C92-2T615-00000 1992 Major Sewer Repairs Sew Serv Fund SPENDWG PLA(V C91-2E014-00000 _ Hoyt Avenue Storm Sewer Construction Pfan Construction 0.00 15,172.28 15,172.26 21,175.87 24,763.05 3,587.18 21,175.87 39,935.31 18,759.44 -21,175.57 39,935.31 18,759.44 -21,175.87 39,935.31 18,759.44 15.172.26 -15,172.26 0.00 24,763.05 -24,763.05 0.00 39,935.31 -39,935.31 0.00 . CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF THE MAYOR • ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER BUDGET REVISION Adjusted Budget p.zo�Z F{NANCWG PLAN C9'I-2E014-00000 Hoyt Avenue Storm Sewer Sew Serv Fund �� To correct Council Resolution 94-664. Prepared by: Activity anager � Requuted by: arrmrn[ Dilec[or 39,935.31 39.935.31 Change -39,935.31 -39,935.31 No.: !J �"E � V Date: �� ' Amended Budget � �� • �� ��, r� R� � By: Ylayor � z--- �o ° G�- Da[e DEPA TMENT/OFFICHCAUNGIL ATE INITIATED r�b�wor� �oizaiaa GREEN SHEET . 25s a4 CONTAC'fPERSONBPHONE IN1TI DATE WITIAVDATE ASSIGN ODEPARTMENTDIRECTOR � pTYCAUNG4 Michaal J. Eggum 292-7153 ���Q xUMeFR FOF ❑ cm nnoaruev � CIlY CLEFK MUSTBEONCOUNqLAGENDABY(DAiE) ROU7ING ❑5 BUDGETDIflECTOR O FINBMGT.SEflVICESDI �� � MAVOR(OR ASSISTANn Mka Egg�m AL #OF SIGNATURE PAGES � (CL1P ALL LOCATIONS WR SIGNATOR� � CAP PROJ M O DEPAR'iMENT ACCOUN io 'I 9 Y ACiION REQUESTED Apgroval of Administrarive Ordec amending the 1994 Capiial Improvement Pro�ram by [ransferring spending and financing from the Hoy[ Ave Sewer project to the 1992 Major Sewer Repair projec[. RECOMMENDATIONSApprove (A) or Rejact (R) PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: _ PLANNING COMMiS510N _ CNIL SERVICE CAMMISSION �{{� chis persoNfirm ever worked under a copvact for this deparUnent? CIB COMMITfEE _ YES NO STAFF 2. Has ihis persoNfirm ever 6een a city empioyee? — — YES NO _ �ISTqICi COUNGIL _ 3. Dces Nis persaVfirm possess a skil( not rwrmally possessed by any arreat ciry empl�yee? SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJECTNE? YES NO Explain aN yes aqswers ott separata sheet and attach to gree� sheet INITIATINCa PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPOflTUNITV (WHO. WHAT, WHEN. WHERE. WHY): This administrative order is needed to correct budgets changed as a result of Council Resolution 94-664 which transferredthe spending and financing for the paving porfion of the University/Hampden project and major sewer repair monies co the Combined Sewer Separation program for awazd of conttact. �39,93531 of Major Sewer Repair monies was [hought to have been mansferred previously from [he Hoy[ Avenue Sewer project to the 1992 Major Sewer Repair projec[. This adminiscrauve order will corcect boch the 1992 Major 5ewer Repair and the Hoyt Ave Storm Sewer projects. ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVEO: Budgets for the 1992 Major Sewer Repair and the Hogt Avenue Storm Sewer projecc, will reflect accurate information. DISADVANTACaESIF APPROVED: rrone. RECEIVE(3 DEC 21 1994 CITY CLERK ------------ --- -- - - - -- _ — DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: The budget for fhe 1992 Major Sewer Repair projec[ will show an incorrect negative balance and the Hoyt Ave Storm Sewer will show an incorrect posiave balance. LAMOl7PiTOFTRANSACTtOT!$ NPt�O COSTIREVENUEBUDGETED{CIRCtEONE} YES No NDINGSOURCE SewRepairFunds ACTIVINNUMBER C92-2T615 & C91-2E014 FINANCIAL INFORMA710N: (EXPLAIN) V ' "