09-351��3s ; � � vi.� y � ��� Presented by Council File # O � — ,3 -�j � Green Sheet # �'� g� � ORDINANCE OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA i An administrative ordinance to amend Saint Paul Administrarive Code Chapter 2, Office of the Mayor, to 2 facilitate title changes and administrative rearganization. 3 4 THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: 5 6 Section 1 7 8 Section 2, Office of the Mayor, of the Saint Paul Administrative Code is hereby aznended to read as 9 follows: 10 11 Sec.2.02. Administration. 12 13 (A) Functions: To provide far the maYimum efficiency of operation, the office of the mayor shall be 14 responsible for the coordination of the administrative heads of each department of city gavemment and for 15 the reviecv and analysis of the operation and administration of all departments, boards and commissions lb established by administrative ordinance. 17 18 (B) Inspection: In order to cany out the duries and functions provided for herein, the office of the mayar 19 shall have the power to inspecf such books, papers and records of all city departments, boards and 20 commissions as may be necessary for the proper discharge of the duties and responsibilities imposed upon 21 sucb office. 22 23 (C) Reports: The office of mayor shall have the power to require all appointed administrative officers 24 and administrative employees of the city fo furnish any information connected with or related to their- 25 official ar assigned duties. 26 27 (D) Official Reports. Annually, at the xequest of the mayor, all heads of departmettts, boards and 28 commissions of the City of Saint Paul shall provide the mayor with a comprehensive report analyaing the 29 conditions and operations of the departrnent, sha11 recommend measures, and skall project needs for the 30 ensuing fisca] year. 31 32 (E) Executive AssfsZant to the MayoY: 33 34 (1) Duties. In arder to properly and efficiently carry out the required functions and duties of this 35 section, the mayor shall, with the consent of the city council, appoint an executive assistant who 3� shall be iu the unclassified service of the city. SJh�e sha11 be responsible for: 37 38 (a) The actual day-to-day supervision and coordination of administration under the 39 direction of the mayor; 40 41 (b) The compilation and preparation of necessary data to aid the mayar in administrative 42 decisions; and oy,�� 43 44 45 46 47 48 44 50 51 52 53 54 (F) 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 (G) 67 68 69 ?0 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 8 ]� 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 (c) Coordinating the mayor's supervision of and insriuctions to the heads of the various departments of the city. (2) Qualifzcations. The executive assistant to the mayor sha11 haue a professional deg�ee in public administration, business administration or related management field, plus a minimum of five (5) years professional experience in high level public or private managementfadministrative positions, and demonstrated knowledge of public policy and fmance issues, planning, urban affairs or related matters. Education requirements may be waived with the consent of the council, when there is evidence of ten (10) years of responsible supervisory work in a high level administrative capacity. Assistants to the Mayor: (1) Duties. The mayor shall appoint, with the consent of the council, assistants who shall be in the unclassified service of the city. Such appointments shall be made as the need may be determined by the mayor and the counciL They shall work under the mayor and assist the mayor in carrying out the duties and responsibilities required in the administration of city govemment. (2) Qualifications. Assistants to the mayor shail be chosen on the basis of executive and administrative qualifications and shall haue experience and knowledge in the area of government or business administration ar shall be educarionally qualified in government or business administration, and shall have such other qualifications as may be provided by ordinance. &udget and Financial Sen�ices: (1) Offce of�nancial services-director of financial services—appointment and quad�cations. There is hereby established an office of financial services. The office of financial services will be responsible for the management and eontrol of the budgets and of other financial services as hereto after described. The mayor shall appoint, with the consent of the eiry council, a director of the office of financial services, who shall be in the unclassified service of the city. (2) Same--Duties. The office of the mayor, through the office of financial services, shall be responsible for the preparation, compilation, analysis and presentation of a complete financial plan for the City of Saint Paul, as contemplated by the City Charter, which shall include, but not be limited to, an annual general revenue fund budgeY, debt service budget, and capital improvement budget, which are to be forwarded to the city council far review, revision if deemed appropriate, and adoption. The office of financial services shall also be responsible for the prepazation of other budgets, on a calendaz-year basis, considered essential to the operation and control of the city's financial plan, including, but not neeessarily limited to, budgets relating to enterprise, intragovernmental, special assessment and speeial revenue funds. Except as otherwise provided by law, all de�artments, boards, offices and commissions of city government shall submit requests and other pertinent inf�rmation to the office of financial services for inclusion in the financial plan in accordance with the budget calendar established by administrative ordinance. The office of financial services sha11 be responsible for the preparation, review and presentation of budgets for special revenue funds which require adoption by the city council. 6���� The budgets shall be in such form as will comply with all applicable provisions of law and shall be appropriately divided into funds and accounts services. The office of financial services shall assist the mayor in the preparation of an annual budget message to be submitted to the city council with the complete financial plan. The office of financial services shall assist departments in the preparation, review and evaluation of ail city grants-in-aid applications and the corresponding budgets and in the ongoing evaluation of exisring pro�ams in terms of compliance with objecrives established 6y the mayor and council. The office of financial services shall maintain a uniform system of accounts for all city money matters, and a system for receipt, deposit and recording of all moneys received by the city. (3) Standard accounting pYactices. The director of the office of financial services sha11 keep controlling accounts with every department, agency and bureau of city govemment, and with all activities whatever owned or controlled by the city or in which the city has any pecuniary interest. The director of the office of financial services is hereby authorized and directed, from time to time, to prepare forms of accounts, vouchers, reports, bills, orders, receipts, checks and other necessary forms to be used by the several city departments, agencies and bureaus in the h as�saction of all parts of public business as concems the city's finances. The director sha11 prescribe and issue the forms herein named to all city departments, agencies and bureaus to be used in the parts of public Uusiness which concern the city's finances. (4) Accountzng section.• Within the office of financial services there shall be an accounting section. Under the supervision o£the director, the accounting section's responsibilities shall include, but not be limited to: a. De��eloping and maintaining a central system of accounts for all departments and agencies of city government. b. Developing and maintaining a system of auditing of all city expenditures. c. Developing and maintaining a system of recording all city receipts and deposits. d. Establishing and ma9ntaining such accounting programs as may be necessary for the maintenance of county, state and federal aids, grants and loans. e. Serving as the official custodian of all documents, agreements, contracts and bonds, except as Yhey relate to real estate. f. Certifying avaiiability of funds for a11 deparhnental expenditures. g. Establishing and maintaining a payroll and payroll deduction system for all city employees. b�- ��( h. Establishing the procedures for maintaining uniform records of all employees' work hours, vacation, sick leave, pension and social security. i. Assisting the director in the preparation and management of the city budget, including required periodic checks on departmental budgets and periodic estimates for all deparhnents and agencies of the city. j. Maintaining a system of inventory control of a11 city departments. k. Developing such systems as are necessary to assure that the city accounts are kept in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles for governmental units. 1. Preparation of the city's comprehensive annual financial report to include statements comparing budgeted appropriations and estimated revenues to actual expenditures and revenue using the following reporting levels: l. The city's general fund will be reported at the major functional level. 2. All other governmental fund types with annual budgets will be reported at the fund level. 3. In accordance with governmental accounting standard board standards there will be no actual reporting of expenditures and receipts to budget plan for proprietary futid types and a�ly governmental funds with a multiyear budget. (5) Treasury section: Within the office of financial services there shall be a treasury section. Under tt�e supervision of the director, the treasury section's responsibilities shall include, but not be limited to: a. Performing all functions as collector of any and all city taxes. b. Receiving all moneys due the city for fees, permits, fines and other bills. c. Receiving funds entrusted to any city department ar agency. d. Controlling and supervising the deposit of money and the relaYed banking activities of the city. e. Developing and maintaining a cash management program, including the purchase and sale of city inveshnents. £ Maintaining custody of all city investments and funds including bonds and notes. g. Providing for the disbursement of city funds. h. Coordinating the plan for, and issuance of, city debt. o� -��I i. Establishing and maintaining control and administrative records far the management of outstanding debt. j. Assisting the director in the preparation and management of the city budget. (6) Contract and analysis services section: Within the office of financial services there shall be a contract and analysis services section. Under the supervision of the manao-er, the contract and analysis services section shall: a. Make all purchases of materials, supplies, equipment and services, including construction, for the City of Saint Paul, Ramsey County, the Saint Paul Water Utility, and any ather entities as may be mutually agreed upon from time to time. The contract and analysis services functions shall include, but not be limited to the following: 1. Prepaze or assist customers in preparing all specifications for the purchase of materials, supplies, equipment and services. 2. Review all contract specifications for confornZance to existing statutes ardinances, resolutions, and executive orders, and approve priar to issuance. 3. Obtain b]ds, price quotes, or proposals and place orders in accordance with existing statutes, ordinances, resolutions and executive arders using open, legal and predictable procedures. 4. Dissemivate and monitor requests for proposals for services that are not subject to traditional competitive bidding procedures. b. Maintain records of all purchases processed through the division, including all bids and other pricing solicitations, specifications and purchase orders. c. Purchase jointly with other governmental units and provide purchasing services to other govemmental units through joint power agreements as approved by the city council. d. Perform research and analysis services far division customers. e. Pravide such other central services as authorized by the mayor far the common use of all city deparhnents and division customers, which cail inclnde but is not limited to, professional and technical graphic arts assistance and printing services. f. Sell or dispose of all materials, supplies and real property declared as stuphis by the contract and analysis services division for the city or declazed as surplus by other division customers. g. Disposal of city stuplus shall be in accordance with the policies in this section. Aisposal of other surplus shall be in accordance with the policies of the applicable division customers. b�- '11 az� aas 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 26� 269 Z70 ?71 ?'7? 1. An employee of the city or other governmental entity using the services of the division may bid for surplus materials, supplies, real property to be sold, in accordance with applicable law. 2. All sales of surplus property conducted through a competitive bidding process shall be to the highest bidder and conducted by the division under such procedures and by such means as shall give no individual ar corporate bidder an advantage not availahle to all. 3. Upon the request of a bona fide charitable, educational, religious or fratemal nonprofit organization, as determined by the council, surplus materials and supplies, excluding real property, may be transfened to such charitable, educational, religious or fraternal organization for a nominal or no consideration upon a resolution of the council determining that said transfer of surplus and/or obsolete nlaterials and supplies is related to the function of government, serves a public purpose, and is for the benefit of the community as a whole. 4. This section shall not apply to any surplus andlor obsolete materials and supplies whose sale is dixected by other applicable Iaw with t1�e proceeds of sucli a sale being pled�ed specifically to the city or other entity. (7) Real estate section: Within the office of financial services there shall be a real estate section. Under the supervision of the directar, the real estate section shall: a. Maintain a compilation of all city-owned real estate to include a system indexin� all prouerty and provertv interests of the citv. b. Administer the sale or acquisition or lease of real �ro en rtv by the citv includin� but not limited to, the acquisition of propertv, when necessarv, through eminent domain proceedinas and the vacation of streets an�ublic ways. c. Administer the assessment�rograsn relative to the assessment of t�eriefits in connection with the constn�ction of local improvements, pursuant to policy as established by the council of the citv. d. Process public hearings to be held by the citv council relative to assessments, condemnations, demolition of danfferous buildin�s, sewer repairs, service charnes, and stnnularv abatements. e. Administer the coilection, receipt and maintenance of assessment receivable accounts, advance pavments for sewer, and SAC char�es. Assist other citv deyariments and divisions in the collecrion and receipt of receivables. Upon rec�uest to the section, �erson sha11 be pernutted to inspect and copy records concernin� assessment receivable accounts and the estimated costs of pendin� local improvement assessment projects. Access to these records shall be provided at a reasanable time and place aiid without charge to the individual. ff the o�-�,�I 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 29& section is asked to provide copies of the data. the actual costs of providin� the copies will be bome bv the individual maldn� the request. If tYie section is requested to calculate, compile or make copies of assessment data concemina properties not owned b ty he requestin�party, the section shall provide the appropriate service w3thin a reasonable time of the request and require the requestinp partv to pav the actual costs of niakin�, certifying and compilin� the information requested. Theprocedures used to proces these reguests and the calculafion of the actual costs of compiling and copvin� this information shall be determined bv the section and approved bv administrative order. f. Perform city-wide real property administration, includin� but not liniited to, facility maintenance practices, capital improvements, space allocation planning, property inswance coverage for citv buildings and equipment. and environmental impact and liabilitv. g. Adniinister all pro�erties assi , ed to be under the control of the real estate section. h. Administer all annual maintenance assessments and service charaes including, but not limited to, riaht-of-way maintenance, above-standard street lightine, and storm sewer system char�es pursuant to policv as established by tlie council of the cit� i. �upervise the erection and alteration of public buildinas through the: �reparation of all designs, plans, specifications and estimates far public buildings to be erected or altered by the citv or an{}_department ar agencv thereof; and insnection of construction sitas to ensure compliance with contract terms and design specifications. Section 2 299 That this ordinance sha11 take affect and be in force thirty (30) days after its passage, approval and 300 publication. �U�LlSFI�� '�r 14 2�D9 Requested by Deparhnent of: By: Approved by the Office of Financial Services By: Approved by City Attomey By: b'��'su. � . �'.u� 9/��/�� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council Adoprion Certified by Councit Secretary gy; BY / l ff�����j�2 / ApprovV�—la '7 / Z�l t)-s� By: � � Adopted by Council: Date �,��jj�/ � Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet � 7 ePartmenttp{fiWCouncil: i Date Initiated: j �� "" � FS _FinancialServices ; ZyMAR-09 ; Green Sheet NO: 3068958 i Confact Person 8 Phone: i, Maraaret Kelly 2s6-8796 � as5�g� Num6er ' For � Routing � Order � 0 i z 3 4 5 �-)'l� i Must Be on Council Agenda by (Date): Ot-APR-09 Doc. Type: ORDINANCE E-Document Required: Y DocumeM Contact: Chad Staul Contact Phone: 266-8710 Total # of SignaWre Pages _(Clip All Locations for Signature) An adminiskative ordinance to amend Saint Paul Administrative Code Chapter 2, Qfftce of Mayor, to facilitate rifle changes and administrative reorganization. Recommendations: Approve (A) or Reject (R): Planning Commission qB Committee _ Civil Service Commission Personal Service Contrects Must Answer the Following Questions: 1. Has this personlfirm ever worked under a contract for this department? Yes No 2. Has this person/firm ever been a city employee? Yes No 3. Does this person/firm possess a skill not normally possessed 6y any cument city employee? Yes No F�cplain ail yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet. Initiating Problem, Issues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why): Reflecfing the change in organization from Public Works to Office of Financial Services. AdvanWgeslfApproved: DisadvaMages H Apprwed: Disadvantages If Not Approved: Total Amount of Transaction: Funding Source: Financfat Information: (Ezplain) CostlRevenue Sudgeted: Activity Number, March 25, 2009 11:03 AM Page 1 Council File # �'�✓' Green Sheet # 3�� Presented ORDINANCE OF,�AfIVT PAUL, MINNESOTA 1 An administrative ordinance to amend 5aint Paul Administrative Code Chapter 2, Office of the Mayor, to 2 facilitate title changes and administrative reorganization. 3 4 THE COUNCIL OF THE CI'1`Y OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: 5 6 Section 1 7 8 Section 2, Office of the Mayor, of the Saint Paul Administrative Code is hereby amended to read as 9 follows: 10 11 Sec.2.02. Administration. 12 13 (A) Functions: To provide for the maximum efficiency of operation, the office of the mayor shall be 14 responsible for the coordination of the administrative heads of each department of city government and for IS the review and analysis of the operation and administration of all departments, boards and commissions 16 established by administrative ordinance. 17 18 (B) Inspection: In order to carry out the duties and functions provided for herein, the office of the mayor 19 shall have the power to inspect such books, papers and records of all city deparhnents, boards and 20 commissions as may be necessary for the proper discharge of the duties and responsibilities imposed upon 21 such office. 22 23 (C) Reports: The office of mayor shall have the power to require all appointed administrative officers 24 and administrative employees of the city to furnish any information connected with ar related ta their 25 official or assigned duties. 26 27 (D) Offczal Reports: Annually, at the request of the mayor, all heads of departments, boards and 28 commissions of the City of Saint Paul shall provide the mayor with a comprehensive report analyzing the 29 conditions and operations of the deparhnent, shall recommend measures, and shall project needs for the 30 ensuing fiscal year. 31 32 (E) Exeeutive Assistant to the Mayor.• 33 34 (1) Duties. In order to properly and efficiently carry out the required functions and duries of this 35 section, the mayor shall, with the consent of the city council, appoint an executive assistant who 36 shall be in the unclassified service of the city. He shall be responsible for: 37 38 (a) The actual day-to-day supervision and coordinarion of administrafion under the 39 direction of the mayor; 40 41 (b) The compilation and preparation of necessary data to aid the mayor in administrative 42 decisions; and 0�-351 43 44 4S 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 (F) 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 (G) 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 (c) Coordinating the mayor's supervision of and instructions to the heads of the various deparnnents of the city. (2) Qualifzcations. The executive assistant to the mayar shall have a professional degree in public admuustration, business administration or related management field, plus a minimum of five (5) years professional experience in high level public or private managemendadministrative positions, and demonstrated knowledge of public policy and finance issues, planning, urban affairs or related mattezs. Educarion requirements may be waived with the consent of the council, when there is evidence of ten (10) years of responsible supervisory work in a high level administrative capacity. Assistants to the Mayor: (1) Duties. The mayor shall appoint, with the consent of the council, assistants who shall be in the unclassified service of the city. Such appointments shall be made as the need may be determined by the mayor and the council. They shall work under the mayor and assist the mayor in canying out the duties and responsibilities required in the administration of city government. (2) Qualifzcations. Assistants to the mayor shall be chosen on the basis of executive and administrative qualifications and shall have experience and knowledge in the area of government or business administration or shall be educationally qualified in govemment ar business administration, and shall have such other qualifications as may be provided by ordinance. Budget and Financial Services: (1) Office of financzal services-director of fznancial serviees—appointment and qualzfications. There is hereby established an office of financial services. The office of financial services will be responsible for the management and control of the budgets and of other financial services as hereto after described. The mayor shali appoint, with the consent of the city council, a director of the office of financial services, who shall be in the unclassified service of the city. (Z) Same--Duties. The office of the mayor, through the office of financial services, shall be responsible for the preparation, compilation, analysis and presentation of a complete financial plan far the City of 5aint Paul, as contemplated by the City Charter, which shall include, but not be limited to, an annual general revenue fund budget, debt service budget, and capital improvement budget, which are to be forwarded to the city council for review, revision if deemed appropriate, and adoption. The office of financial services shall also be responsible for the preparation of other budgets, on a calendar-year basis, considered essential to the operation and control of the city's financial plan, including, but not necessarily limited to, budgets, relating to enterprise, intragovemmental, speciai assessment and special revenue funds. Except as otherwise provided by law, all departments, boards, offices and commissions of city government shall submit requests and other pertinent inforxnation to the office of financial services for inclusion in the financial plan in accordance with the budget calendar established by administrative ordinance. The office of financial services shall be responsible for the preparation, review and presentation of budgets for special revenue funds which require adoprion by the city council. U9�3�;1 T'he budgets shall be in such form as will comply with ali applicable provisions of law and shall be appropriately divided into funds and accounts services. The office of financial services shall assist the mayor in the preparation of an annual budget message to be submitted to the city council with the complete financial plan. The office of financial services shall assist departments in the prepazation, review and evaluation of all city grants-in-aid applications and the corresponding budgets and in the ongoing evaluation of existing programs in terms of compliance with objectives established by the mayor and council. The office of financial services shall maintain a uniform system of accounts for all city money matters, and a system for receipt, deposit and recording of all moneys received by the city. (3) Standard accounting practices. The director of the office of financial services shall keep controlling accounts with every department, agency and bureau of city government, and with all activities whatevex owned or controlled by the city or in which the city has any pecuniary interest. The director of the office of financial services is hereby authorized and directed, from time to time, to prepare forms of accounts, vouchers, reports, bills, orders, receipts, checks and other necessazy forms to be used by the several city deparhnents, agencies and bureaus in the transaction of all parts of public business as concerns the city's finances. The directar shall prescribe and issue the forms herein named to all city depamnents, agencies and bureaus to be used in the parts of public business which concern the city's finances. (4) Accountzng section: Within the office of financial services there sha11 be an accounting section. Under the supervision of the director, the accounting section's responsibilities shall include, but not be limited to: a. Developing and maintaining a central system of accounts for all departments and agencies of city government. b. Developing and maintaining a system of auditing of all city expenditures. c. Developing and maintaining a system of recording all city receipts and deposits. d. Establishing and maintaining such accounting programs as may be necessary for the maintenance of county, state and federal aids, a ants and 1oans. e. Serving as the official custodian of all documents, agreements, contracts and bonds, except as they relate to real estate. f. Certifying availability of funds for all deparhnental expenditures. g. Establishing and maintaining a payroll and payroll deduction system for all city employees. ay-�5J h. Establishing the procedures for maintaining uniform records of all employees' work hours, vacation, sick leave, pension and social security. i. Assisting the director in the preparation and management af the city budget, including required periodic checks on deparhnental budgets and periodic estimates for all departments and agencies of the city. j. Maintaining a system of inventory control of all city departments. k. Developing such systems as aze necessary to assure that the city accounts are kept in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles for governmental units. I. Prepazation of the city's comprehensive annual financial report to include statements comparing budgeted appropriations and estimated revenues to actual expenditures and revenue using the following reporting levels: 1. The city's general fund will be reported at the major functional level. 2. All other governmental fund types with annual budgets will be reported at the fund level. 3. In accordance with governmental accounting standard board standards there will be no actual reporting of expenditures and receipts to budget plan for proprietary fund types and any governmental funds with a multiyear budget. (5) Treasury section: Within the office of financial services there shall be a treasury section. Under the supervision of the director, the treasury section's responsibilities shall inciude, but not be limited to: a. Performing all functions as collector of any and all city tases. b. Receiving all moneys due the city far fees, permits, fines and other bills. c. Receiving funds entrusted to any city department or agency. d. Controlling and supervising the deposit of money and the related banking activities of the city. e. Developing and maintaining a cash management pro�am, including the purchase and sale of city investments. f. Maintaining custody of all city inveshnents and funds including bonds and notes, g. Providing for the disbursement of city funds. h. Coordinating the plan for, and issuance of, city debt. �y ���� i. Establishing and maintaining control and administrative records for the management of outstanding debt. j. Assisting the director in the preparation and management of the city budget. (6) Contract and analysis services section: Within the office of financial services there shall be a contract and analysis services section. Under the supervision of the manager, the contract and analysis services section shall: a. Make all purchases of materials, supplies, equipment and services, including conshuction, far the City of 5aint Paul, Ramsey County, the Saint Paul Water Utility, and any other entities as may be mutually agreed upon from time to time. The contract and analysis services fitnctions shall include, but not be limited to the following: 1. Prepare or assist customers in preparing all specifications for the purchase of materials, supplies, equipment and services. 2. Review all contract specifications far conformance to existing statutes ordinances, resolutions, and executive arders, and approve prior to issuance. 3. Obtain bids, price quotes, or proposals and place orders in accordance with existing statutes, ordinances, resolutions and executive orders using open, legal and predictable procedures. 4. Disseminate and monitor requests for proposals for services that are not subject to traditional competitive bidding procedures. b. Maintain recards of all purchases processed through the division, including all bids and other pricing solicitations, specifications and purchase orders. c. Purchase jointly with other governmental units and provide purchasing services to other governmental units through joint power agreements as approved by the city council. d. Perform research and analysis services for division customers. e. Provide such other central services as authorized by the mayor for the common use of all city departments and division customers, which can include but is not limited to, professional and technical graphic arts assistance and printing services. £ Sell or dispose of a11 materials, supplies and real property declared as surplus by the contract and analysis services division for the city or declared as surplus by other division customers. g. Disposal of city surplus shall be in accordance with the policies in tlus secrion, Disposal of other surplus shall be in accordance with the policies of the applicable division customers. t�, ��1 22� 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 ?72 1. An employee of the city or other governmental entity using the services of the division may bid for surplus materials, supplies, real property to be sold, in accordance with applicable law. 2. All sales of surplus property conducted through a competitive bidding process shall be to the highest bidder and conducted by the division under such procedures and by such means as shall give no individual or corporate bidder an advantage not available to a11. 3. Upon the request of a bona fide charitable, educational, religious or fraternal nonprofit arganization, as determined by the council, suiplus materials and supplies, excluding real property, may be transferred to such charitable, educational, religious or fraternal organization for a nominal or no consideration upon a resolution of the council determining that said transfer of surplus and/or obsolete materials and supplies is related to the function of government, serves a public purpose, and is for the benefit of the community as a whole. 4. This section shall not apply to any surplus andfor obsolete materials and supplies whose sale is directed by other applicable law with the proceeds of such a sale being pledged specifically to the city or other entity. (7) Real estate section: Within the office of financial services there shall be a real estate section. Under the supervision of the directar, the real estate section shall: a. Maintain a compilation of all citv-owned real estate to include a�stem indexine all property and roperty interests of the city_ b. Administer the sale or acquisition or lease of real property by the citv including but not limited to, the acquisition of property, when necessarv. through eminent domain proceedings and the vacation of sheets andpublic ways. c. Administer the assessment proQram relative to the assessment of benefits in connection with khe construcrion of local imnrovements p�suant to policv as established by the council of the citv. d. Process public hearin�s to be held bv the city council relative to assessments condemnations, demolition of danPerous buildings, sewer reQairs service charges and sutxunarv abatements. e. Administer the collection, receipt and maintenance of assessment receivable accounts advance payments for sewer and 5AC charQes. Assist other city deparhnents and divisions in the collection and receipt of receivables Upon request to the section a person shall be permitted to inspect and co_py records concerning assessment receivable accounts and the estimated costs of oendine local imvrovement assessment projects. Access to these records sha11 be provided at a reasonable time and nlace and without charge to the individual. Tf the ` /�� � 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 Z&6 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 3Q0 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 i16 �17 ��18 section is asked to provide copies of the data, the actual costs ofproviding the copies will be bome by the individual makin�the request. Tf the secrion is requested to calculate, compile or make copies of assessment data concemingproperties not owned bv the requesting party, the section shall provide the appropriate service within a reasonable time of the request and r�uire the requestingpartv to pay the actual costs of making, certifving and compilin� the information requested. The procedures used to process these requests and the calculation of the actual costs of compiling and copying this information shall be determined by the section and approved by administrative order. £ Perform city-wide real property administration, includin�, but not limited to, facility maintenanc�ractices. c�ital improvements, space allocation planning, property insurance coverage for city buildin�,s and equipment, and environmental impact and liabilitv. g. Administer a11 properties assigned to be under the control of the real estate section. h. Administer all annual maintenance assessments and service chazges includin�, but not limited to, right-of-wav maintenance, above-standud street fi�hting, and storm sewer svstem charges pursuant to policy as established by the council of the city. i. Supervise the erection and alteration of public buildin s through the: preparation of all desi s, plans, specifications and estimates for nublia buildings to be erected or altered bv the ciry or any deparUnent or a�ency thereof: and inspection of construction sites to ensure comnliance with contract terms and desian specifications. 09-�� 319 320 Section 2 321 That this ordinance shall take affect and be in force thirty (30) days after its passage, approval and 322 publication. Yeas Nays Absent Bostrom Carter Harris Helgen Lantry Stark Thune Adopted by Council: Date Adoprion Certified by Council Secretary By: Approved by Mayor: Date By: Reques by artme�t of: � ���� , By: Approved by the Office of Financial Services By: Approved by C' By: Approved by Mayor for Submis on to Council BY� � CGIi�/'�,�, G¢ '4/t ��"77�Rir-+���"GZS�_ /