08-552Substitute 6/11/08 Pzesented ORDINANCE OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 1s 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 Council FIIe # 08-552 Green Sheet # 3054232 An ordinance amending the regulation of vacant buildings under Legislative Code Chap. 43 by: adding new language the definirions under Sec. 43.02(7) establishing categorical classifications and standazds for all vacant buildings, adding new language to Sec. 43.03clarifying the conditions under which fire damaged building may be tempararily exempted from paying vacant building fees, adding new Sec. 43.03(j) requiring all vacant buildings to be posted with an identification placard, and amending the notification and public listing requirement under Sec. 43.06. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES HEREBY ORDAIN: Section 1 That Legislative Code § 43.02(7), entitled "Vacant building," is hereby amended to read� UBLISy�� Sec. 43.02. Definitions. �= , ' � 3 ZDDB ...., (7) Vacant building; categorical classification standards: A building or portion of a building which is: .� f� c. � �� f. Unoccupied and unsecured;, A building or portion of a buildine meeting this definition is deemed a Cate�orv I building, Unoccupied and secured by other than normal means;, A buildine or nortion of a buildinQ meetine this defuution is deemed a Categorv I building, Unoccupied and a dangerous structure;_ A buildinQ or portion of a building meetin� this definition is deemed a Cateeory III buildin¢. Unoccupied and condemned;_ A building or uortion of a buildint meeting this definition is deemed a Cateeory II building Unoccupied and has multiple housing or building code violations;, A buildine or portion of a building meetine this definition is deemed a Caten_ory II buildin�. Condemned and illegally occupied;, A building or portion of a buildin meeting thi5 definition is deemed a Cateeorv II building � � 6_cil_�S' 08-552 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 .... 69 70 71 g. Unoccupied for a period of time over three hundred sixty-five (365) days and during which time the enforcement officer has issued an order to correct nuisance conditions. A buildin� or portion of a building meetin�this defuution is deemed a Cate�orv I building, For the pumose of regulatin¢ vacant buildings, the following additional cateeorical standazds may 2.Is0 apply: An�gorv I buildine or portion thereof may be deemed a Cateeor�II building where the building or uortion thereof would also meet the combination of any two (2) Cate¢orv I classifications standards under this section. Anv Categorv I building or portion thereof may be deemed a Categorv II buildin¢ where the building or nortion thereof also meets the definition of a vacant buildine under subdivision (71(bl of this section or is unoccupied and has, for a en riod greater than thirty�301 davs no more than One (1) boarded window. Any Cate�orv II building or nortion thereof mav be deemed a Categorv III buildine where the buildin�or nortion thereof also meets the definition of a nuisance buildine under Chapter 45 02 of this code or has been a Cate�orv IT vacant buildin for more than twentv-four (241 consecurive months For the pumose of com�utin¢ the number of months under this vara,rauh the calculation shall commence as of the date the subject building becomes a vacant building as defined under secrion 43.02(71(aZ(b) and (d-e) No deferment or anv apneal filed with the le 'slgi ative enforcement officer, re¢arding any enforcement action or arder shall serve to stav the com utation of the number of months under this nara r�anh. Section 2 72 That Legislative Code § 43.04, entitled "Exemptions," is hereby amended to read: 73 74 �5 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 A 7. '1,7' l.' l. 1. F4' .] F .7� .. ..b..11 7... t�-,. l. ..k I' ' {` b �a �Y b� ���T w,.a ..o,.;,.,,. J , \�n� a.,�.� .,�e_ .w� a..«,. „r.,... �_e :F.,.,..._,...,...«�...�__.._ In order to encourage the prompt renovation of pronertv, the owner of a fire damaeed buildin¢ mav be exempt from payin¢ vacant buildin� fees required under the cha tp er; provided that within thirty�301 davs from the date of the fire the owner at the time of the fire. submits a request for a exemption in writing to the enforcement officer. This request shall include the following information supplied by the owner: (1) �Z) (3) A description of the premises. The names and address of the owner or owners. A statement of intent to repair and reoccupy the building in an expedient manner. (� �_`o-e� 08-552 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 An exe�tion exanted under this section shall be valid for no more than ninetv (901 davs. In the event that the owner of the nroneriv at the tune of the fire who received an exemption under this section should, at anv time after the fire, transfer to another nerson anv ownershio interest in the subject proverty, the exemption under this secrion is immediatelv void and anv new owner(s) shall be responsible for payin� an�guired vacant buildin f�s_ Section 3 94 95 That Legislative Code § 43.03, entitled "Vacant building registration" is hereby amended by adding the 96 following new subsection (j) to read: 97 98 (jl Anv buildin� or vortion of a buildin¢ classified as a vacant buildine under this section shall be 99 posted with a placard bv the enforcement officer. The placard shall include all the information specified 100 under Lee. Code § 34.23(3 (a-�). 101 102 103 Section 4 104 105 That Legislative Code § 43.06, entitled "Notification" is hereby amended to read: 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 n��° ° ° .. "�-°° �" m���'�� "�° The enforcement officer shall °°ra'� �'�� �:'-. ��,,:� shall maintain a current list�dated monthlv of all vacant buildings which have become known to the enforcement officer a���r�- "�° „ °���a�r^ *'��°° � m��*'�°, as well as a list of all previously declared vacant buildings which ue no longer subject to the provisions of this chapter. The vacant building list shall be public as and to the extent provided bv law. A co�y of the list shall be available for review in the office of building code insnections or the fire marshal's office as the case mav be. Secrion 5 116 This ordinance shall become effective thirty (30) days after its passage, approval and publication. P �$ClSy��, 4` O.s ppp Yeas Nays Absent Boshom � Carter ,/ Hams ;/ Helgen � Lanhy � Stark ,/ Thune �/ � ! Requested by Depaztment of: By: Approved by the Office of Financial Services By: Approved by Ci A�torney // i / B f� !✓h.,�,�•--.� Adopted by Council: Date ��/�faLJ/�fi� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council Adoption Certified by Council Secretary gy; BY� � � / +'� Approved b Date �(/ 7i�j � By: ���� �i � ZQ� � Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet � b8-5�a C� - Council Contact Person & Phone: Dan Bostrom 2658660 Must Be on Council Aaen Doc. Type: ORDINANCE E-DOCUment Required: Y Document Contact: Racquel Naylor Contact Phone: 266-8573 21-MAY-0B ■�► Assign Number For Routing Order 7otal # of Signature Pages _(Ciip All Locations for Signature) Green Sheet NO: 3054232 0 oancil 1 oonc0 De artment Director Z 3 4 5 Ordinance clarifying the definition of vacant bui]dings and amending the regulation of fire damaged vacant buildings under Saint Paul Legisla[ive Code Chapter 43. iaanons v,pprove (r�) or ne�ecc �n�: rersonai service con�racu must nnswer tne rouowmg cTUestions: Planning Commission 1. Has this person/frm ever worked under a contract for this departmeni? CIB Committee Yes No Crvil Service Commission 2. Has this person/firm ever been a city employee? Yes No 3. Does this person/firm possess a skill not normally possessed by any curreni city employee? Yes No Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet Initiating Problem, Issues. Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why): Advantages If Approved: Disadvan W ges If Approved: Disadvantages If Not Approved: Transaction: Funding Source: Fi nancial Information: (Euplain) ActiviTy Number: CostlRevenue Budgeted: May 21, 2008 3:37 PM Page 1 Council File # �4�5 Green Sheet # 3054232 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 OF ORDINANCE UNT PAUL, MINNESOTA An dinance amending the regularion of vacant buildings under Legislative Code ap. 43 by: adding new language the definitions under Sec. 43.02(7) establisku categorical classifications and standazds for all vacant buildings, adding new guage to Sec. 43.03clarifying the conditions under which a fire damaged ilding may be temporarily exempted from paying vacant building fees, ad �ng new Sec. 43.03(j) requiring all vacant buildings to be posted with an iden ' ication placard, and amending the notification and public lisring require nt under Sec. 43.06. THE COUNCIL OF THE C14'Y OF SAINT PAUL DOES HEREBY ORDAIN: 1 That Legislative Code § 43.02(7), entitled "Yacant Sec. 43.02. Defnitions. ...., (7) I�acant b which is: a. L� �� � e. Eil � Unoccupied and unsecured;, A building ox definirion is deemed a Cate�orv I building, Unoccupied and secured by other than normal Unoccupied and a dangerous structure;, A buildi this definition is deemed a Cate�orv III building, Unoccupied and condemned;_ A buildinQ o� definition is deemed a CaYe�orv II building, A buildin� or nortion of a Unoccupied and has multiple housing or building code violations;, Condemned and illegally occupied;, A buil� definition is deemed a Categorv II building, Unoccupied for a period of time over three hundred sixty-five (365) days and which time the enforcement officer has issued an order to correct nuisance " is hereby amended to read: A building or portion of a building V � / / / " 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 conditions. A buildine or portion of a buildine meetin� this definition is deemed a Cateeorv I building. number of months under this para�raph. Section That Legislative Code § 43.04, entitled "Exemptions," is here'by amended to read: In order to encoura e the prom�t the rime of the fire, submits a request for a exemption in writing to the shall include the following information supplied by the owner: (1) �2) (3) A description of the premises. The names and address of the owner or owners. A statement of intent to repair and reoccupy the building in an officer. This request �-eh'a- 90 re uired vacant buildin fees. 91 92 Section 3 93 94 That Legis tive Code § 43.03, entitled "Vacant building registration" is hereby amended by adding the 95 foilowing ne subsection (j) to read: 96 l 97 (j) Any Uuildin� or portion of a buildin� classified as a vacant buiidin� under this section shall t 98 posted with a plac d bv the enforcement officer. The placard shall include all the information sroecifiec 99 under Le�. Code & 3�.23�3) (a-gl. 100 101 Section 4 102 103 That Legislative Code § 43. entifled "Notification" is hereby amended to read: 104 105 106 maintain a current list undated mon�l 107 enfozcement officer a••rir�- ��-a��° �� 108 vacant buildings which are no longer 109 shall be public as and to the extent �r 110 office of building code inspections ox 111 112 113 5 114 This ordinance shall become effective thirty (30) da s after its passage, approval and publication. 115 116 Adoption Certified by Council Secretary By: Approved by Mayor: Date The enforcement officer shall �a «� *"° °:«° ��..„^:, shall of all vacant buildings which have become known to the ;''�~°°'�'�, as well as a list of all previously declared i�ect to the provisions of this chapter. The vacant building list Requested by Dep ent oE By: Approved by the Office of nancial Services By: Approved by�City Attorney By: y -C�d—V Approved by Mayor for Submission to By: � Adopted by Council: Date