07-548Council File # Q %— � Amended Juiy 11 and 18 , 2007 Green Sheet # 3 l+ ���S ORDINANCE CITY (� SAW� PAUL, N 0 n An interim ordinance pursuant to Minn. Stat. 462355, Subd. 4, to regulate development in that azea of the City generally on either side of University Avenue from Marion Street to the western border with Minneapolis. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN Section 1 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Presented 3� Statement of Legislative Intent, Need for Interim Ordinance: In the spring of 2006, Mayor Coleman asked the Planning Commission to establish two community-based task forces to prepare a Central Corridor Development Strategy, a vision and development strategy for the future of University Avenue and Central Comdor given the planned investment in light rail transit. The Mayor asked that the task forces be representative of azea residents, businesses and communities of color, as well as those with interest and expertise in areas such as affordabie housing, real estate, urban design, finance, sustainable and transit- oriented development. The task forces met over the past yeaz, finalized their recommendations for the Central Corridor Development Strategy, and have transmitted those recommendafions to the Planning 17 Commission for review, public hearing, and recommendation for adoption as a chapter of the City's 18 Comprehensive Plan. 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 The Central Corridor Development Strategy (CCDS) addresses issues such as: land use planning and zoning; density and design of new development mixed-income housing; business development and retention; pedestrian and bicycle connections; streetscape design; pazks and open spaces; sustainable development; and public art. Included in the CCDS are recommendations for revisions to the City's zoning ordinance needed to encourage new development that is consistent with the vision, goals, and objecfives of the CCDS. As an intermediate step, the CCDS also recommends that the City enact an interim zoning ordinance. Page 83 of the CCDS specifically states, ". .. an interim zoning provision should be implemented, while a full zoning study is undertaken. This interim zoning should not change exisfing zoning, but modify the underlying regulations to exclude uses or standards not considered supportive of pedestrian- and transit-oriented environments." The University Avenue Central Comdor Task Force undertook a process to evaluate potential interim zoning regulations. The task force's desire was to allow new development to continue, but under modified zoning regulations that would preclude new development that is inconsistent with the vision, goals, and objectives of the CCDS. During the up to one year period of the interim regulations, it recommended that a zoning study be undertaken to deternune permanent amendments to the zoning code text and zoning of property needed to implement the CCDS. The University Task Force developed recommendaUOns for both interim zoning regulations and the properties these regulations should apply to, based on the recommendaUons in the CCDS. They forwarded these recommendations to the Mayor and City Council. The azea the task force has recommended the interim zoning regulations appiy does not include the portion of the Central Corridor east of Marion Street, as a portion of this is in the Capitol Area Architectural Planning Boazd's jurisdiction, and another portion is in the downtown area, where current zoning is supportive of the development envisioned in the CCDS. � � -2c._� J � J �� 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 For the purpose of protecting the City's planning process, pending the completion of the Planning Commission and City Council review and adoption of the CCDS, and pending completion of the zoning study by the City's Departrnent of Planning and Economic Development and Planning Commission to determine zoning code amendments and properry rezonings needed to implement the CCDS, and pending adoption of such recommendations by the City Council, an interim zoning ordinance of limited duration must be enacted to protect the planning process by prohibiting new development that may be inconsistent with the design, zoning, and comprehensive plan objectives envisioned in the proposed CCDS and the City's Comprehensive Plan. Policv direction for zoniug studv. As part of the zoning studv to be undertaken over the next year to determine zonin� code amendments and propertv rezonings needed to implement the CCDS, building heights alon�the area between Lexin�ton Pazkwav and Marion Street shall be restricted to a m�imum of 3 stories on lots in the interior of blocks and uD to 4 stories on corner lots at intersections. Five story hei hts may be allowed at major intersections where full block depth prooerties aze available for redevelopment. This height limit does not applv to the current TN2 zonin in place for the intersection of Dale St. and Universitv Ave. Section 2. Interim Zonin2 Ordinance Imuosed. Pending completion of the said study and any other necessary studies or study recommendations, and the adoption of any amendments to the Comprehensive Plan and Zoning Code based upon the study or studies, as provided under Minn. Stat. 462.355, Subd. 4, the issuance of building and zoning permits for development of new buildings for any pazcel of land or part thereof within the study azea as set forth below, shall be regulated by the additional requirements in this section for a period of time not to exceed twelve (12) months from the effective date of this ordinance. Until such time as the said study has been completed and the Council has reviewed its recommendations for possible adoption, City departments receiving written applications for the approvals noted above shall accept the applications and immediately process them in accordance with the provisions of Minn. Stat. 15.99, Subd. 2 and the intent of this interim ordinance. 2. 3. General Area It Applies To. The parcels included are generally the "Area of Change" as defined in the CCDS, from Mazion St. west to the border with Minneapolis. The interim overlay requirements would apply to all properties within the interim overlay area. However, for some provisions, there are somewhat different requirements that apply to properties within station areas than those outside of station areas within the interim overlay. Station areas are defined as all properties within '/4 mi. from proposed stations within the interim overlay area. A list of all properties (PINs) affected are listed in Section 3. A map of the properties affected is attached. Floor Area Ratio (FAR). For new buildings a minimum 1.0 FAR at station areas (1/4 mi.); min. 0.5 FAR elsewhere is required. Public gathering, landscaped, public art, and outdoor seating areas may be counted toward building squaze footage in calculating the FAR. Industrially-zoned land between Prior and Vandalia is exempted from the minimum FAR requirement. Building Heights. Two (2) story building height minimums aze required at station areas (within'/4 mile). � �_tc_�^t �-�-� �8 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 11 12 12 12 12 12 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 4. Building Setbacks. New buildings must be set back a minimum of 0 ft. to a maximum of 10 ft. from the front property line for commercial and mixed-use buildings; the setback azea should include landscaping, or tables, or seating, or other pedestrian amenities. The St. Anthony Ave. frontage is exempted from the maximum setback requirement. Development along the St. Anthony frontage road may be oriented to other streets, including the existing or potential new interior east- west streets. 5. Parking Requirements. Non-residential uses: the off=street parking required shall be a minimum of 60% to a maacimum of 85% of the regular Zoning Code parking requirements. The masimum may be exceeded if the additional parking spaces aze struchued (ramp, deck, underground, or within a building). Residential uses: a maximum of 1.0 spaces/unit may be provided unless the additional parking spaces are structured. There is no minimum parking requirement for residential uses. 6. Parking Placemeut. Parking must be placed in back, or in an interior side yard, or below grade, or within a building. Interior side yard surface parking fronting on University Ave. and in station areas with frontage on other streets may not exceed 2 rows of parking with a drive aisle between (not to exceed 60 ft. of street frontaee). St. Anthony Avenue frontage is exempted from this requirement. 7. Use Restrictions. The establishment of anv new use for PIe-�ebv auto sales and rental, auto repair, auto service station, auto convenience market, auto specialty store, or caz wash uses shall not be are allowed at station azeas, even if a zonin¢ or building permit is not re uired. New drive-through uses at station areas will be allowed as regulated by T`N2 zoning, which allows one drive-through lane to the side or rear of a building, with banks being allowed up to 3 drive-throughs. 8. Design Requirements. The interim overlay area is defined as a pedestrian-oriented commercial district and the design standards in Sec. 63.110 (c) of the Zoning Code will apply to new development. If any of the reauirements in Sea 63.110 (c) conflict with the reauirements in Section 2 above, the requirements in Section 2 shall applv. Exemptions. Existing buildings in the interim overlay area may be expanded without fully meeting these requirements, as long as the expansion or addition does not make the total shucture less conforming than previously. The proposed home improvement store proiect on Pascal far which an application has been made for site plan approval is ex lp icitly exempt from the new requirements 1�'ueth /Ite c �ettedivzg .rite ntarr esrrt(relute�f a�proiuls fiu• tFre Yt'tsl�eert'r ttn�� Bia To�� Lrquors crte cn f� uls�t elcmptc�lfrom tF�t_ rc-cTU�i emc�rt�.c o thrs ir�Pcr tna clrctiri�mc�rt�} i�'ed thut the otirne� c�ree.c lr� coi� uc�t u ceconc7 ston� ma Ihe rzex N?crl �n's barl(r�irr�tlrn�,f�sYC1 crlo�t� �,ic�� Sr�el7ir� �vnnuv. Iloi��c�rer�rhe cicrelon�l�errr o1 hoth fitci7clira��s n�u�if �he otii�ner c�esires tuke ac�i•ui�tt��e nf'the I'c�rkin<= Itt�� a�ire7rnc�l�Ls j�rov,"ded ir� tltis Jraterim orcfinunce. _d proposed uu7o�ates r�se c�l h-0 Pelhsrt�i �s�alsn cc 1Ticith ezemt�r�i �m tJ�c reqtarrE�rneszt,s �f thi.c ii2terirvt orr�in�ancc Conflicting provisions. All requirements of the underlying zoning district shall apply, except when they conflict with the specific requirements defined above. In such cases, the requirements of this section shall apply. Variances from these requirements. Requests for variances from these reauirements shall be considered by the Board of Zonine Appeals or by the Planning Commission if in coniunction with a conditional usepermit or site plan review application followine the normal procedures for vaziances as specified in the Zoning Code. � '�.ic-t,'i � �7-�r.� 134 135 136 137 138 Section 3. Properties Affected by the Interim Overlay Requirements. Interim Overlay - Properties Within the 1/4 Mile Station Area — West of 280 292923320050 292923330104 292923330145 292923320051 292923330105 292923330146 292923330061 292923330106 292923330147 292923330066 292923330107 292923330148 292923330067 292923330108 292923330149 292923330068 292923330109 292923330150 292923330069 292923330110 292923330151 292923330070 292923330111 292923330152 292923330071 292923330112 292923330153 292923330072 292923330113 292923330154 292923330073 292923330ll4 292923330155 292923330074 292923330115 292923330156 292923330075 292923330116 292923330157 292923330076 292923330117 292923330158 292923330077 292923330118 292923330159 292923330078 292923330119 292923330160 292923330079 292923330120 292923330161 292923330080 292923330121 292923330162 292923330081 292923330122 292923330163 292923330082 292923330123 292923330164 292923330083 292923330124 292923330165 292923330084 292923330125 292923330166 292923330085 292923330126 292923330167 292923330086 292923330127 292923330168 292923330087 292923330128 292923330169 292923330088 292923330129 292923330170 292923330089 292923330130 292923330171 292923330090 292923330131 292923330172 292923330091 292923330132 292923330173 292923330092 292923330133 292923330174 292923330093 292923330134 292923330175 292923330094 292923330135 292923330176 292923330095 292923330136 292923330177 292923330096 292923330137 292923330178 292923330097 292923330138 292923330179 292923330098 292923330139 292923330180 292923330099 292923330140 292923330181 292923330100 292923330141 292923330182 292923330101 292923330142 292923330183 292923330102 292923330143 292923330184 292923330103 292923330144 292923330185 �.tGra' 292923330186 292923330187 292923330188 292923330189 292923330190 292923330191 292923330192 292923330193 292923330194 292923330195 292923330196 292923330197 292923330198 292923330199 292923330200 292923330201 292923330202 292923330203 292923330204 292923330205 292923330206 292923330207 292923330208 292923330209 292923330210 292923330211 292923330212 292923330213 292923330214 292923330215 292923330216 292923330217 292923330218 292923330219 292923330220 292923330221 292923330222 292923330223 292923330224 292923330225 292923330226 �7 230 231 292923330227 292923330228 292923330229 292923330230 292923330231 292923330232 292923330233 292923330234 292923330235 292923330236 292923330237 292923330238 292923330239 292923330240 292923330241 292923330242 292923330243 292923330244 292923330245 292923330246 292923330247 2929233302A8 292923330249 292923330250 292923330251 292923330252 292923330253 292923330254 29292333Q255 292923330256 292923330257 292923330258 292923330259 292923330260 292923330261 292923330262 292923330263 292923330264 292923330265 292923330266 292923330267 292923330268 292923330269 292923330270 292923330271 292923330272 292923330273 292923330274 292923330275 292923330276 292923330277 292923330056 292923330051 292923330017 292923330052 292923330018 292923330058 292923330057 292923330054 292923330034 292923330023 292923330022 292923330035 292923330036 292923330037 292923330038 292923330021 292923330026 292923330050 292923330053 292923330024 292923330025 292923320035 292923330055 292923320036 292923320055 292923320058 292923320059 292923320052 292923320053 292923320060 292923320061 292923320063 292923320064 292923320065 292923320066 292923320067 292923320068 292923320069 292923320070 292923320071 292923320072 292923320073 292923320074 292923320075 292923320076 292923320077 292923320078 292923320079 292923320080 292923320081 292923320082 292923320083 292923320084 292923320085 292923320086 292923320087 292923320088 292923320089 292923320090 Interim Overlay - Properties Outside the 1/4 Mile Station Area — West of 280 292923330039 292923330042 292923330044 292923330040 292923330029 292923330045 292923330027 292923330043 292923330032 292923330�41 292923330030 242923330046 292923330028 292923330031 322923220006 292923320091 292923320092 292923320093 292923320094 292923320095 292923320096 292923320097 292923320098 292923320099 292923320100 292923320101 292923320102 292923320103 292923320104 292923320105 292923320106 292923320107 292923320108 292923320109 292923320110 292923320111 292923320112 292923320113 292923320114 292923320115 292923320116 292923320ll7 292923320118 292923320119 292923320120 292923320121 292923320122 292923320123 292923320124 292923320125 292923320126 292923330033 322923220004 322923220005 322923220001 � ��.0'1 �� 232 Interim Overlay - Properties Within the 1/4 Mile 5tation Area — 280 to Prior 292923440012 292923430056 292923340014 292923340062 292923430060 292923340015 292923340064 292923430061 2929233A0076 292923340065 292923430063 292423340016 292923340063 292923430047 292923340017 292923340075 292923430049 292923340018 292923340068 292923430050 292923340022 292923340054 292923430053 292923340021 292923340066 292923430052 322923120011 292923340055 292923430051 322923120032 292923340051 292923430054 322923120015 292923340056 292923430058 322923120036 292923340052 292923430059 322923120028 292923340053 292923430057 322923120035 292923440013 292923430062 322923120030 332923230016 292923A30080 322923110061 332923230017 292923430064 322923110020 332923220030 292923430067 322923210030 292923340057 292923430066 322923210029 242923340059 292923430001 322923210020 292923340050 292923340007 322923210022 292923340081 292923340008 322923210021 322923120044 292923340009 322923210023 292923430127 292923340010 322923210024 292923430128 292923340077 322923210026 292923430129 292923340025 322923210027 292923430126 292923340024 322923210025 292923430082 292923340023 322923210028 292923430045 292923340012 292923340079 292923430055 292923340011 322923210035 292923430083 292923340013 322923120033 292923430048 292923340020 322923120023 233 234 Interim Overlay - Properties Outside the 1/4 Mile Station Area — 280 to Prior 332923220014 332923230021 332923220025 332923220008 332923220010 332923320007 292923340027 332423230004 332923324006 322923110008 332923230005 332923320008 322923110043 332923220027 332923320003 322923110006 332923320001 332923320005 322923110007 322923110059 332923320002 322923110012 322923110060 332923320004 322923110013 332923230008 332923320036 322923110045 332923230009 292923310080 332923230020 332923230010 292923310081 �' �„� Z.0 322923110052 322923120024 322923120034 322923120026 322923120025 322923120027 32292321Q031 322923110015 322923110016 322923110017 322923ll0014 292923440038 292923430075 292923430076 322923120008 322923120009 322923120042 322923120041 322923120043 322923120022 322923120040 292923430081 322923120039 322923120037 322923120019 322923120021 322923120038 322923210017 322923210016 322923210015 322923210018 322923210019 292923310082 292923310083 292923340005 292923340006 292923340082 322923110058 322923110037 322923110044 322923110029 322923110030 322923110022 G'�-�� 322923110055 322923110057 322923210014 322923110056 322923110038 235 236 Interim Overiay - Properties Within t6e 1/4 Mile StaHon Area — Prior to Snelling 332923130018 332923140084 332923240042 332923210010 332923140004 332923140083 332923240043 332923410122 332923130028 332923140187 332923240044 332923410123 332923130020 332923140186 332923240028 332923410027 332923130017 332923140185 332923240012 332923410026 332923130032 332923140078 332923240024 332923410008 332923140031 332923130004 332923240020 332923410009 332923140032 332923130031 332923240021 33292341001Q 332923140033 332923130030 332923240022 332923410012 332923130033 332923130006 332923240023 332923410013 332923140052 332923130036 332923240013 332923420006 332923140053 332923130035 332923240069 332923420010 332923140054 332923240064 332923240070 332923420011 332923130034 332923240076 332923240071 332923420012 332923140055 332923140192 332923240072 332923420007 332923130029 332923240037 332923240073 332923420009 332923140068 332923240036 332923240074 332923420013 332923140069 332923240035 332923240075 332923420008 332923140070 332923240034 332923240008 332923420016 332923140071 332923240033 332923240007 332923420015 332923140072 332923240032 332923240009 332923420014 332923140073 332923240031 332923240010 332923420164 332923140074 332923240030 332923240011 332923420017 332923140075 332923240029 332923240006 332923420018 332923140076 332923240038 332923240003 332923420019 332923140077 332923240039 332923240002 332923140086 332923240040 332923240004 332923140085 332923240041 332923240005 237 238 Interim Overlay - Properties Outside the 1/4 Mile Station Area — Prior to Snelling 332923130001 332923140183 332923420002 332923420078 332923140008 332923140184 332923420003 332923420077 332923140007 332923410115 332923420004 332923420076 332923140006 332923210006 332923420005 332923420083 332923140005 332923410127 332923420082 332923420084 332923130002 332923410128 332923420081 332923420085 332923140181 332923410114 332923420080 332923420086 332923140182 332923420001 332923420079 ���c'1 c�-�y� 239 Interim Overlay - Properties Within the 1/4 Mile Station Area — Snelling to Lexington 342923230137 34292314Q218 34292323�074 342923140224 342923230138 342923140222 342923230130 342923230225 342923230151 342923140101 342923230129 342923230226 342923230152 342923140102 342923230128 342923310021 342923230153 342923140103 342923230127 342923320003 342923230167 342923240226 342923230126 342923320007 342923230164 342923240225 342923230184 342923320008 342923230165 342923240224 342923230183 342923140225 342923230166 342923240223 342923230182 342923410064 342923230172 342923240222 342923230181 342923410065 342923230173 342923240221 342923230180 342923410067 342923230174 342923240220 342923230179 342923410066 342923230175 342923240219 342923230178 342923410052 342923230176 342923240218 342923230177 342923410051 342923140212 342923240217 342923410001 342923410059 342923140213 342923240216 342923310016 342923410050 342923140214 342923240215 342923320001 342923A10043 342923140215 342923230077 342923320004 342923410057 342923140216 342923230076 342923320005 342923410049 342923140217 342923230075 342923320006 342923410058 241 242 Interim Overlay - Properties Outside the 1/4 Mile Station Area — Snelling to Lexington 342923130105 342923130178 342923310022 342923420005 342923130104 342923130177 342923310018 342923420006 342923130103 342923240109 342923310024 342923420007 342923130188 342923240108 342923310025 342923420009 342923130187 342923240107 342923310027 342923420010 342923130186 342423240106 342923420022 342923420012 342923130185 342923240105 342923420023 342923420011 342923130184 342923310017 342923420019 342923420013 342923130183 342923310026 342923420021 342923420014 342923130182 342923310023 342923420020 342923420015 342923130181 342923310020 342923420001 342923420016 342923130180 342923310014 342923420002 342923420017 342923130179 3A2923310011 342923420003 342923420024 243 244 Interim Overlay - Properties Within the 1/4 Mile Station Area — Lexingtoa to Dale 352923410218 352923140240 352923140211 352923140244 352923410219 352923140239 352923140212 352923140246 352923410200 352923140125 352923140213 352923140247 352923410221 352923140152 352923140243 352923140229 352923410222 352923140206 352923140207 352923230090 352923410223 352923140208 352923140228 352923230089 352923140205 352923140209 352923140227 352923230087 352923140204 352923140210 352923140223 352923230086 ,�� .01 c�—�8 245 246 247 248 352923230085 352923230084 352923230082 352923230200 352923230088 352923230083 352923230091 352923230092 352923230195 352923230189 352923230202 352923320066 352923320007 352923320143 352923320012 352923320011 352923320010 352923320141 352923320020 352923320021 352923320008 352923320002 352923320147 352923320148 352923320145 352923320009 352923320146 352923320072 352923320074 352923320073 352923320054 352923410061 352923410002 352923410209 352923410216 352923410217 352923410003 352923410199 352923410200 352923410206 Interim Overlay - Properties Outside the 1/4 Mile Station Area — Lexington to Dale 352923130202 352923240106 352923310111 352923420011 352923130201 352923240105 352923310112 352923420013 352923130195 352923240103 352923310113 352923420014 352923130194 352923240104 352923310114 352923420015 352923130235 352923240224 352923310115 352923420008 352923130240 352923240223 352923310116 352923420012 352923130198 352923240222 352923310117 352923420031 352923130229 352923240221 352923310118 352923420032 352923130228 352923240215 352923310119 352923420033 352923130227 352923240230 352923310120 352923420034 352923130226 352923310001 352923310121 352923420036 352923130225 352923310002 352923310122 352923420040 352923130223 352923310003 352923420001 352923420041 352923130222 352923310004 352923420002 352923420042 352923130221 352923310005 352923420003 352923420195 352923130220 352923310006 352923420004 352923420198 352923130219 352923310007 352923420005 352923420199 352923130217 352923310009 352923420006 352923420035 352923130224 352923310008 352923420007 352923420039 352923130218 352923310109 352923420009 352923240107 352923310110 352923420010 Interim Overlay - Properties Within the 1/4 Mile Station Area — Dale to Marion 362923230167 362923230242 362923230117 362923230203 362923230241 362923230116 362923230204 362923230240 362923230254 362923230205 362923230250 362923230114 362923230206 362923230229 362923230249 362923230230 362923230259 362923230255 362923230231 362923230233 362923140111 362923230232 362923230243 362923130200 362923230234 362923230251 362923130213 362923230247 362923230237 362923130215 362923230253 362923230118 362923130198 362923130196 362923140122 362923420033 362923420122 362923410001 362923410009 362923410008 362923410007 362923410036 362923410035 362923320006 �tt -�� V � ��� 249 250 362923320007 362923320005 362923320094 362923320096 362923320095 362923320093 Interim Overlay - Properties Outside the 1/4 Mile Station Area — Dale to Marion 362923130181 362923420104 362923310010 362923130180 362923420013 362923310026 362423130201 362423420020 362923310105 362923130199 362923420021 362923310012 362923130197 362923420123 362923310011 362923130176 362923420124 362923310025 362923130202 362923310027 362923310137 362923130178 362923310028 362923310116 362923130189 362923310033 362923310024 362923130187 362923310134 362923240111 362923130184 362923310135 362923240109 362923130179 362923310136 362923240108 362923130182 362923310115 362923240107 362923420012 362923310009 362923240106 362923320004 362923320003 362923240105 362923240103 362923240102 362923240101 362923240100 362923240099 362923240098 362923240110 362923240104 362923240215 362923240214 362923240229 362923240232 362923240222 Section 4. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days following its passage, approval and publication. Benanav Boshom Hanis Helgen Thune Adopted by Council: Date Y ✓ Adoption Certified by Cou cil Secretary By: ' Appro c� by N Da By: � Requested by Department o£ �'� jr; 9 7 �n�. � Form Appr ved by City Attomey B �G,/. G✓a,�..�... ?- 7 [ ' a7 Form Approved by Mayor for Submission to Counci] By: ?i��'1' �s z � °�� �'+ -t �-�'� � Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet � O� s�� CO �ouncl ConWCt Person & Phone: Jay Benanav on Doc. Type: ORDINANCE E-Document Required: Y Document Contact: Carol B Contact Phone: za�uN-o� � Assign Number For Routing Order Total # of Signature Pages _(Ciip All Locations for Signature) Green Sheet NO: 3041055 0 oonca 1 ouncil De artnent D'uector 2 itv Clerk CiN Clerk cAo l�7-Z An ordinance establishing interim zoning requirements for the Centra] Corridor azea while the Planning Commission undertakes a review of the Central Corridor Development Strategy and completes a zoning study to determine needed zoning code changes to implement the Development Strategy, and the City Council considers and adopts the Development Strategy and zoning code amendments. idations: Approve (A) o� KeJect (K). rersonai aernce wmracu m.+n...��e..o� .��o � ���......• ....,��.......,. Planning Commission 1. Has this person/firm ever worked under a contract for this department? CIB Committee Yes No Civil Service Commission 2. Has [his personffirm ever been a city empioyee? Yes No 3. Does this person/firm possess a skill not normally possessed by any current city employee? Yes No Explain all yes answers on separate sAeet and attach to green sheet Initiating Problem, issues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why): Advantages If Approved: Disadvan[ages If Approved: Disadvantages If Not Approved: Transaction: Funding Source: Ff nancial Information: (Explain) Activity Number: CostlRevenue Budgeted: June 20, 2007 1:08 PM Page 1 � � M N � � 0 �. � � 0 � � � A 1 � i � � �'i .� � �+ C," �I � � � C � 3 � � � � a � a � N Q C O .� � N � V � N .�-. 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I � ,, _, r ~ � � r __� �i � I _i �� � ; — i� � _�'','.. .__. . �, � � , �� ; _-,� �F� ; 1 ;^ � �� I a �u : �— �� I C . _ J (�—� I i �� o � �G i 1�j i ' � II �= � � � a t _ _ � O �� ; i_i s i. �� � I� �;�� i j�� I —i-- ` y ` t i .'-�_� ._ =�: - �� - � � -: - r- ��, ;.__, �_T � __'— _ �(7/a8/2007) Donna Drummond Overlay Support Ltr W ��'�' - -�� - "' " page 1 d��� From: "Paul Nelson" <mrl.paul@usfamily.net> To: �donna.drummond@ci.stpaul.mn.us> Date: 7/18/2007 2:54 PM Subject: Overlay Support Ltr Wednesday, July 18, 2007 Dear Ms. Donna Drummond, & City Council Members of Saint Paul: I just now received information of the public hearing tonight, and copy of Russ Stark's letter encouraging you to support the proposed interim transit-oriented zoning overlay for University Avenue. . Isupport everything Russ Stark wrote. I will only add that I live here, two short blocks from University, and I grew up in the Midway area. Through my entire life of living here, I see Iong standing severe transportation deficiencies in and around University as well as the entire Midway area and many parts of the city and downtown. The proposed interim transit=oriented zoning overlay for University Avenue addresses in part some of the problem-deficiencies 1 see. I think this is a needed beginning of a process for the long term, and I encourage you to support the proposed interim transit-oriented zoning overlay for University Avenue. Thank you. Sincerely, Paul L. Nelson 1015 Charles Avenue Saint Paul 55104 Mrl.paul@usfamily. net Volunteer Board member Midway TMO --- http.//USFamily.NeUdialup.html - $8.25/mo! — http://www.usfamily.neUdsl.html - $19.99/mo! --- �- ' ( %■ � � - ♦ /� �� July 18, 2007 St. Paul City Councilmembers City Hall 15 W. Kellogg Blvd. St. Paul, MN 55102 Deaz Councilmembers: I am writing on behalf of the Midway Transportation Management Organization to encourage you to approve the proposed interim transit-oriented zoning overlay for UniversiTy Avenue. For several years now, the TMO, University UNITED, most of the district councils in the azea, and hundreds of area residents have shazed a vision for the future of University Avenue. Our vision has been of a series of vibrant, compact, and connected urban piaces that reflect and embrace the diversity and unique character of the surrounding neighborhoods. The vision also involves a more walkable, pleasant environment, with a healthy mix of land uses — housing, jobs, public space, etc. — where a car is not a necessity for residents, employers, or visitors. The recent work of the Central Corridor Development Task Force and the consultants from Urban Strategies has produced a wonderful new document, the Central Corridor Development Strategy, that is a good reflection of this community's collective vision of its future. The proposed interim transit-oriented zoning overlay that is before you today is a critical step in the process of the City of Saint Paui acknowledging and embracing the community's vision. For too long we have been wiiling to accept neazly any development proposal along University Avenue. The interim overlay begins the process of raising the bar for development along the Avenue, and helps to ensure that sites of opportunity are not lost to developments that are inconsistent with the Development Strate� and the community's vision. The neazly $1 billion investment to be made on the light rail project is a historic opportunity to create a more livable, sustainable Saint Paul. But as I have learned in talking to experts in the field throughout the counhy, getting compatible development along the line is not a given, it must be pro-actively shaped, incentivized, and coaxed. This interim overlay is only the beginning of that process, with the next step being a more detailed look at what the more permanent zoning along the Avenue should look like. 1954 University Avenue, Suite 1 Saint Paut, MN 55104 p 651-644-5108 f 651-641-0293 www.midwavtmo.or2 infoC�midwavtmo.or¢ � While the proposed overlay does not contain everything that we believe it should (such as a prohibition of drive-thrus in the I/4 mile station azeas), I urge you to approve it so that we can all move forwazd with the importaut nea-t steps towazd building a stronger community. Sincerely, Russ Stark Executive Director � July 29, 2007 City Councilmembers, � i o. .. .► ��-��� I encourage you to vote against the proposed amendments to the Central Corridor Interim Zoning Overlay. In particular, I am concerned about exempting the Walgreens/Big Top Liquor project on Snelling in the Midway Shopping Center. As you know the Central Corridor Devetopment Task Force spent many months working with pED and Urban Strategies to devetop a new community vision for development along University Avenue. The Task Force, after much dialogue, debate, and give and take, approved the language in the proposed overlay as a compromise between the more stringent recommendations of both Urban Strategies and University UNITED on the one hand, and the concerns of the business community on the other. By exempting the first major development project to be proposed from some aspects of the interim overlay, I feel the City Council would negate and devalue the important work of the Task Force, community, and city staff. The interim zoning over(ay, fotlowed next year by more permanent zoning changes on the Avenue, is a critical step toward ensuring implementation of the Central Corridor Development Strategy. The Floor-Area-Ratio (FAR) and other requirements that the amendments would exempt Walgreen's and Big Top Liquor from are designed to encourage a more transit- and pedestrian-friendly environment. Mixed-use, multi-story developments are not as easy to do, but the long-term benefits to the community in terms of sustainability, reduced dependence on the automobile, job creation, and increased property tax base, are significant. The language in the amendments that would require Walgreen's to add a second story is, in my view, the wrong approach. Rather than adding on a second story to an otherwise typical Watgreen's store, the FAR requirements in the overlay would require the developer to think more creativety about additional users of the site that could add to the overall density - most likely office, residential, or hotel users of additionat floors above the Walgreens and Big Top. Further, it seems arbitrary to grant the developer the reduced parking requirements contained in the overlay and to hold them to the 2-story minimum, while waiving the other requirements of the overlay. The developer, as atways, has the ability to apply for a zoning variance on the FAR or other requirements that the current proposal does not meet. Over the next several years the public sector will invest nearly $1 billion in the Central Corridor Light Rail Project. To maximize our return on this investment, we must have effective land-use controls that ensure that this massive public investment in infrastructure is well utilized and has spin-off benefits in terms of jobs, housing, and property tax base. We also must work with planning and design professionats and the community to ensure that we start to create more appealing "ptaces" and destinations along the Avenue. The current Walgreen/Big Top Liquor proposal falls far short in these areas. As someone who walks from home to the Midway shopping center on a re�ular basis, these issues are as real and important to me as they are for anyone in Saint Paul. Ptease, leYs not undermine the important work of the Task Force and the many years of work on this issue by the Midway TMO, University UNITED, and area district councils. Thank you for your consideration. R� �� Executive Director 1954 University Avenue, Suite 1 Saint Paul, MN 55104 p 651-644-5108 f 651-641-0293 www.midwavtmo.or2 infoC�midwavtmo.orQ District Council 13 `�� Serving the Snelling Hamline, Lexington-Hamline, and Merriam Paxk Neighborhoods July I6, 2007 Councilmember Jay Benanav Councilmember Debbie Montgomery Saint Paul City Council 310 City Hall 15 West Kellogg Blvd Saint Paul, MN 55102 Re: Interim zoning requirements for the Central Corridor area to implement the Development Strategy Dear )ay and Debbie: On July 11, 2007 the District Council 13 Board of Directors voted to pass the following resolution: Reso/ution to Support the lnterim Zoning Overlay Ordinance currently being considered by rhe Sr. Paul City Council The District Thirteen Council supports the adoption of the 12-month lnterim Zoning Overlay ordinance recommended by the University Avenue Centra/ Cor�idor Task Force to ensure rhar new development along University Avenue is supportive and contributors to the future success of light rail transit and is designed in accordance with the vision and principles of St. PauYs Central G'orridoi De ve%pment Stra tegy. As you know, Merriam Park, Snelling-Hamline and Lexington-Hamline neighborhoods have been advocating for TOD strategies along the corridor and are actively involved in the Central Corridor LRT Planning process on neighborhood, city, county and state levels. Long range planning along the corridor is critical to the vitality of many, many residents and businesses along the way. Thank you for your support. Sincerely, � � "�� James Marti President District Council 13 Carol Swenson, District Council Collaborative Donna Drummond, City of Saint Paul PED Va Megn Thoj, Office of the Mayor Brian McMahon, University UNITED Erin Murphy, MN House of Representatives, 64A 1684 Selby Avenue, St. Paul, MN 55104 651-645-6887 Fax: 651-917-9991 � Message 1440 Lafond Avenue St. Paul, MN 55104-2438 651-641-1037 Page 2 of 2 file://C:�Documents and Settings\dnuumond�t,ocal Settings\Temp�grpwise\46978522m... 7/13/2007 District Council 13 6��s�� Serving the Snelling Hamline, Lexington-Hamline, and Merriam Park Neighborhoods Date: August 1 2007 To: Councilmember Montgomery Councilmember Benanav CC: Donna Drummond Sarah Zorn From: James Marti, District 13 Community Council President Re: Exemptions From the Interim Zoning Overlay Along University Avenue The Land Use Committee and the Executive Committee acting on behalf of the District Council 13 Board passed the following resolution unanimously: The District Council 13 Opposes any exemptions to the Interim Zoning Overlay along University Avenue for site plans that are currently being considered by the City of Saint Paul. Mr. Russ Stark of the Midway Transportation Management Organization has laid out the rationale for this position in the attached letter. Sincerely, James Marti 15�o Concordia Ave., Suite LLioo, St. Paul, MN ggio4 65i-645-688� Fax: 65i-917-999i District Council 13 ����� .�� ..� � i / Serving the Snelling Hamline, Lexington-Hamline, and Merriam Park Neighborhoods �� Date: August 1 2007 To: Councilmember Montgomery Councilmember Benanav CC: Donna Drummond Sarah Zorn D � 5�g � ����'" ,� ` � � � � `�- / � � From: James Marti, District 13 Community Council Presiderft �j� � � (� '��.,.— � Re: Site plan application for Walgreens and Big Top Liquors � � �/1/��� �� `� Osc.7i��D' �— The Land Use Committee and the Executive Committee acting on behalf of the District Council 13 Board passed the following resolution unanimously: District Council 13 opposes approval of the RK Midway site plan for a new Walgreen's/Big Top development in the Midway Shopping Center because the site plan does not meet the requirements of the Interim Zoning Overlay ordinance, which we support. The proposed site plan falls short on four counts: 1. The floor area ratio (FAR) for the new buildings is well below the required 1.0 FAR. 2. The proposed one-story buildings do not meet the Interim Overlay requirements that new buildings within a'/4 mile radius of an LRT station must have a minimum of two stories. 3. The proposed setback from Snelling Avenue is 15 feet, whereas the Interim Overlay requires that building facades be set back no more than 10 feet from the front property line. 4. The proposed parking area is located directly on Sneliing Avenue, in contradiction to the Interim Overlay provision that parking in a station area must be "in back, intarior side yard, below grade, or within a building". District Council 13 is committed to building a successful light rail line in the Central Corridor. This requires that new development along University Avenue be transit- and pedestrian-friendly. Increased density around light rail stations is also essential to gain federal approval and funding for the LRT. The provisions of the Interim Zoning Overlay are designed to ensure that new development moves toward the goals set by St Paul's Central Corridor Development Strategy, while allowing time for specific new zoning regulations to be put in place. Unfortunately, the RK Midway proposal to replace the current one-story building with 157o Concordia Ave., Suite LLioo, St. Paul, MN Ssioq 651-645-688� Faac: 651-9i7-9991 � 1���� two new one-story buildings does not reflect either the spirit or the specific requirements of the Development Strategy and Interim Zoning Overiay. The project's failure to meet the 1.0 FAR and two-story minimums of the ordinance would mean a missed opportunity to build greater density on a prime piece of real estate adjacent to the Snelling Avenue LRT station. District Council 13 believes that granting the requested variances to build two one-story buildings on this site would jeopardize the success of the LRT. The variances should therefore be denied. Equaily important are the aspects of the proposal that do not meet the Development Strategy goals of creating a transit- and pedestrian-friendly environment in a station area. The overly wide setback on Snelling; the Walgreen's drive-through lane; and the location of the parking lot, which requires pedestrians and transit riders coming from University Avenue to cross the parking lot to reach the stores -- all cater to automobiles, not pedestrians. Finally, the developers have not worked with the adjoining District Councils to design a project that would be in line with the Development Strategy and would gain community support. IYs truly ironic that the reason given by the developers for the 15-foot setback on Snelling is to accommodate a widening of Snelling to accommodate a tunnel, which is opposed by the surrounding community. On all these counts, District Council 13 opposes approval of the RK Midway site plan for a new Walgreen's/Big Top development in the Midway Shopping Center. Sincerely, James Marti i5�o Concordia Ave., Suite LLioo, St Paul, MN SSio4 65i-645-6887 Fax: 65i-917-999i ��-�� 2550 University Avenue, Suite 41fiS St. Paul, MN 55'114 Phone {&57) 603-6321 Fax (65'I) 603-0305 COURT fidTERNRTlONAl, LLC May 9, 2007 N1s. Danna Drummond Via e-mail to Donna.drummond@ci.stpaul.mn.us City Planner 2 pages total City of St. Paul Department of Pianning and Economic Development City Ha(t Annex 25 West 4eh Streei, Suite 1100 St. Paid, VN 55102 RE: Prpposeci Zoning Overiay — University Avenue Dear bts. Drummond: OL�r company owns tiie Court International �Ft`sce building at 25�0 University Avenue Wes# as well as the recentlp acquired Case warehouse af 7b7 Eustis Street I sit on fhe Business Advisory Couneii £ar Che CenYral Carridor i.ight iLail Transit. In thai ea�acity we learned about the d'aseussioia thaC is happening regarding t13e �aroposed zaning over(ay and f am writing to let you know our thoughts. Firstty, I c�auld like ta say ttiat cne support the prc�posed light rail and feel it wiEl be a catatyst to improve propeciies aiong IJniversity Avenne over the nest iwenty years. Court Intei�national is an important part of Che histary af IJntversity Avenue and ihe tenants in the bui3ding enjoy the centeal location for their 1,400 employees as well as their visitors. The biggest ohallef3ge we face daity is th� tack of available gaz�king. We have already (ast tutu very large users ta bIinneapolis properties that ca�l offer the large a�nount of sLUface parking ihat is requir¢d by dzese tenants. Tl�e unforfunate pa�2 oF Viidwest USA lifestyle is that we are att scrambiing at the end of Yhe day ia pick up kids from daycare, buy groceries, ete. and these things requii•e vehictes. As such, Court Intematicrnal, with a parking ratio currentty of 33 sTal}s/1000 really r�quires 5 sialls 11000 sq. fC. io accommodate our cenant's needs. Due t� fhe pressure on fhe parking, c�e azquired Yt1e Case International warehouse in December. Our thought was that tive would flemolish the existing offices on the i�orth end of the buildiug to provide up to 50 axYra stalls for aur Court tenants and rent out the existing warehouse for a£ew years until such time as we can come up with a plan to replace the warehouse with a much larger office, hotel and/or resiciential development. Such a large scale deve3oprnent wili take us a few years to put together. It uould appear tha# taking fhe prQposed overtay more Chan c�ne block off University will preclnde us frosn this plan. I have worked in commercial real esta#e for over 30 years and welcome the mai�y changes ihat have occurred to maice our ¢arnmunities bettsr. I haire also learued a tot oE lessons f'rom projects Chat have iiot �orked as we11 as the developee and aommuniTy had hopetl. I do have concerns ��-�� about taking a seven mile stretch of liniversity Avemae and requiring only transit oriented devetopment in the form of commercial on the main floor and residential upstairs. �Vhile this sounds like a neat idea, the properties that have already done this type of mixed-use development alang University have struagled to obtain and retain commercial tenants. A good example of this is University V iilage at 2�00 University t�venue SE. The retaii that �vent into this pcoject five years ago has ail failed with the exception of the Leaning To�a�er Restauiant. After a long time vacant, they now have Fairvie«� in the space, but it is not the small local shops and offices that c�+e had all hoped for. Wellington has built some beautiful mixed-use at Emerald and University, but even though he has a modest amount of retail, around 6,564 squaze feet, he has oniy been able to lease out a small space to Dunn Brothers Coffee. Small retailers can not aFford the rents for new buildings that the high iand and construction prices are mandating. I have real concerns about hurting the mom and pop businesses currently along University in tiie future. The very people we are trying to he(p will ultimately be hurt if they can not add onta existing buildings io expand their btisinesses in the future becausa of the TOD overlay. At the South �ast Business Association, of which I am a member, the City af Minneapolis has expressed coneern abaut irs earlier tack of getting rid of industriai. 'I'hey now realize th�t they need industrial to drive business and employment. The proposed overtay contemplates overlayi�� �ur large �tidway industrial area will surely hurt St. I'aul in the futw�e as those businesses will be forced ro leave. `Chere is no way they can conform to TOD if they neec( to expand in the future. We really need to acmmmodate this indastriaL [t is the real driving force for employment in the Midway area. I realize there are a lot of competing fcelings regarding the overlay, and yau a�zd the City will havc a big job to keep eveiyane happy, but t Fear there is suc;h a thing as the penduliam suingin� to far. Like leminings it is human nature to avn at the nervest development craze, but I don't think that people are (ookii�g at Che dama�e to existing businesses that �vill be caused by this overlay. Mixed-use has a real future in St. Paul, but not tn t1�e exienY tl�at the overlay conteniptates. Most cities poink to Exce(sior and Grand in St. Louis Pack as whaC they want ta see, buY even such a gtand praiect as this has sYruggled tivith losing iCS initial cetail and 3�estaurant users a+�d it is only 2 htocks tong. To contemplate this for seven miles is incanceivable. Cxood real estate developments eeaive naiuraily �vith dme when there is demand from the end user, In sumuiary I am requestiilg that the avertay extend onky along Uie immediate block along Univeisit Avenue and not the quarter mite Y1�aC is contemptaYed. I ws�uld like to see existing buildings aud businesses have the right to maka changes to their buitdings rather than force Chem off the Avenue as their sequest does not eonform �vith TOD. Yours truly ��� � � Deruse M. Ciirrie a�-�� Testimonv in Onnosition to the Bpn,�v/Montgomerv Amendment to Exemnt the Wal�reen'slBi� Tou Site Pian City Council Public Hearing August 1, 2007 I am testifying today as a member of the University Avenue Task Force that put together the Centrat Corridor Development Strategy for future land use aiong University Avenue. and the accompanying I am strongly opposed to the amendment offered by Councilmembers Montgomery and Benanav on July 18�' to exempt the Walgreen's/Big Top site plan from the provisions of the Inxerim Zoning Overlay that was introduced by Cauncilmember Benanav on June 20�. The ordinance already represents many compromises, and falls short of the requirements suggested by Urban Strategies. If the City Council votes to �empt this proposal, which was submitted just five days before the interim zaning ordinance came to the City Council, I believe it would be a severe setback to all the hard work that went into crafting a vision for the future of University Avenue. It might also put in jeopardy the federal funding for the Central Corridor Light Rail project, which requires transit oriented development with increased density around station locations. As you know, the purpose of the interim overlay is to prevent developers from cherrypiclang prnne locations for uses that run counter to the goals of the development strategy durixig the period when new permanent zoning regulations are being studied and put in place. Although this amendment requires that the new Walgreen's be at least two stories high, it falls far short of the ordinance requirements in a number of other ways. The Big Top buildi.ng would still be a one story building; the overall Floor Area Ratio wouid not eome anywhere near the required 1.0; the setback from Snelling would exceed the maximum 10 feet allowed; and the large surface parking area would be located north of the stores next to Snelling, creating an unfriendly pedestrian environment for shoppers approaching from University Avenue and the light rail station. I urge you to vote against this amendment and to respect the intentions of the University Avenue Task Force to create a vibrant, tYuiving, walkable Central Corridor for our children and grandchildren to enjoy in the future. � �`� Ull � � Anne White Member of the Universiry Avenue Central Corridor Task Force 1731 Portland Avenue Saint Paul, Ml�i 55104 {612) 396-31I1 awhite�pho@msn.com Amended — July 18, 2009 � \ Presented An inte ordinance pursuant to Minn. Stat. 462355, Subd. 4, to regulate developm t in that azea of the City generally on either side of University Avenue from Marion treet to the western border with Minneapolis. � ORDINANCE CITY OF SAINT-�AUI�VIIN 2 4 5 THE COUNCIL OF 6 7 I 0 asked the Planning Commission to I1 12 13 14 15 16 17 nteritn Ordinance: In the spring of 2006, Mayor Coleman two community-based task forces to prepare a Central Corridor Development Strategy, a vision d development strategy for the future of University Avenue and Central Corridor given the planned investm t in light rail transit. The Mayor asked that the task forces be representative of area residents, businesses communities of color, as well as those with interest and expertise in areas such as affordable housing, r estate, urban design, finance, sustainable and transit- oriented development. The task farces met over t past yeaz, finalized their recommendations for the Central Corridor Development Strategy, and have t smitted those recommendations to the Planning Commission for review, public heazing, and recomme ation for adoption as a chapter of the City's Section 1. 18 Comprehensive Plan. ZC fhe Central Corridor Development Strategy (CCDS) address issues such as: land use planning and 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 zoning; density and design of new development; mixed-income retention; pedestrian and bicycle connections; streetscape design; development; and public art. Included in the CCDS are recomme Council File # 07-548 Green Sheet # 041055 z9 TA ; business development and and open spaces; sustainable ns for revisions to the City's zoning ordinance needed to encourage new development tYiat is consis� objactives of the CCDS. As an intermediate step, the CCDS also recom interim zoning ordinance. Page 83 of the CCDS specifically states, ". .., should be implemented, while a full zoning study is undertaken. This int� existing zoning, but modify the underlying regulations to exclude uses or supportive of pedestrian- and transit-oriented environments." with the vision, goals, and �nds that the City enact an � mtenm zoning provision i z�onmg should not change �tan�v'ds not considered 31 The University Avenue Central Corridar Task Force undertook a process to evalua potential interim 32 zoning regulations. The task force's desire was to allow new development to contin , but under modified 33 zoning regulations that would preclude new development that is inconsistent with the 'sio 34 objectives of the CCDS. During the up to one year period of the interim regulations, it c 35 a zoning study be undertaken to determine permanent amendments to the zoning code te 36 property needed to implement the CCDS. The University Task Force developed recomme 37 interim zoning regulations and the properties these regulations should apply to, based on th 38 recommendations in the CCDS. They forwarded these recommendations to the Mayor and 39 The area the task force has recommended the interim zoning regulations apply does not inc 40 of the Central Comdor east of Marion Street, as a portion of this is in the Capitol Area Arc °lanning Board's jurisdiction, and another portion is in the downtown area, where current ; �upportive of the development envisioned in the CCDS. OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: n, goals, and ommended that and zoning of dations for both Council. the portion 43 44 F the purpose of protecting the City's planning process, pending the completion of the Planniug 45 Co �ssion and City Council review and adoprion of the CCDS, and pending completion of the zoning 46 study the City's Department of Plaimiug and Economic Development and Planniug Commission to 47 detenniu zoning code amendments and property rezonings needed to implement the CCDS, and pending 48 adopfion o uch recommendations by the City Council, an interun zoning ordinance of limited duration 49 must be e d to protect the plamiiug process by prohibiting new development that may be inconsistent 50 with the desi zoning, and comprehensive plan objecfives envisioned in the proposed CCDS and the 51 City's Compreh ive Plan. 52 ` 53 Polic direction fo onin stud . As art of the zonin stud to be undertaken over the next eaz to 54 determiue zonin code endments and ro e rezonin s needed to im lement the CCDS buildin 55 hei ts alon the area be een Lexin on Pazkwa and Marion Street shall be restricted to a masunuxn of 56 3 stories on lots in the int r of blocks and u to 4 stories on comer lots at intersections. Five sto 57 hei ts ma be allowed at m' r intersections where full block d th ro erties are available for 58 redevelonment. This heieht ' does not aroulv to the current TN2 zonin¢ in ulace for the intersection of 59 Dale St. and Universitv Ave. 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 Section 2. Interim Zoning Ordinance Imposed. Pen � g completion of the said study and any other necessary studies or study recommendarions, and the ado �on of any aznendments to the Comprehensive Plan and Zoning Code based upon the studq or studies, as ovided under Minn. Stat. 462355, Subd. 4, the issuance of building and zoning permits for development of w buildings for any parcel of land or part thereof within the study area as set forth betow, shall be regu ed by the additional requirements in this section for a period of tune not to exceed rivelve (12) months from e effective date of this ordinance. Until such tnne as the said study has been completed and the Counci as reviewed its recommendarions for possible adoption, City departments receiving written applications fo e approvals noted above shall accept the applications and immediately process them in accordattce with e provisions of Minn. Stat. 15.99, Subd. 2 and the intent of this interim ordinance. 1. General Area It Applies To. The parcels included are gener the "Area of Change" as defined in the CCDS, from Marion St. west to the border with Mittneapo '. The interim overlay requirements would apply to all properties within the interim overl azea. However, for some provisions, there are somewhat different requirements that apply to p perties within station areas than those outside of station azeas within the interim overlay. Station as are defined as all properties within'/a mi. from proposed stations within the interim overla ea. A list of all properties (PINs) affected aze listed in Section 3. A map of the properties ected is attached. 2. F`loor Area Ratio (FAR). For new buildings a m;nimum 1.0 FAR at station eas (1/4 mi.); min. 0.5 FAR elsewhere is required. Public gathering, landscaped, public art, and o door seating areas may be counted towazd building square footage in calculating the FAR. Industri y-zoned land between Prior and Vandalia is exempted from the m;nimum FAR requirement. 3. Building Heights. Two (2) story building height minimums are required at station as (within'/4 mile). • • • o�-� 4 or 45 Cor 46 study byl�,ie 47 determine� 48 adoption of 49 must be ena �se of protecting the City's planning process, pending the completion of the Planning and City Council review and adoption of the CCDS, and pending compietion of the zoning City's Department of Planning and Economic Development and Plaiviing Commission to �ning code amendments and property rezonings needed to implement the CCDS, and pending � ch recommendations by the City Council, an interim zoning ordinance of limited duration te to protect the planning process by prohibiting new development that may be inconsistent 50 with the design, ning, and comprehensive plan objectives envisioned in the proposed CCDS and the 51 City's Comprehen �ve Plan. 52 53 Polic direction for zo in stud . As art of the zonin stud to be undertaken over the next eaz to 54 determine zonin code ndments and ro ert rezonin s needed to im lement the CCDS buildin 55 hei hts alon the area betw en Lexin on Parkwa and Marion Street shall be restricted to a maximum o1 56 3 stories on lots in the interio of blocks and u to 4 stories on corner lots at intersections. Five stor 57 hei hts ma be allowed at ma'o intersections where full block de th ro erties are available for 58 redevelo ment. This hei ht limit oes not a I to the current TN2 zonin in lace for the intersection o1 59 Dale St. and Universitv Ave. 60 61 62 Section 2. 63 Interim ZoninE Ordinance Imnosed. Pe ing completion of the said study and any other necessary 64 studies or study recommendations, and the a tion of any amendments to the Comprehensive Plan and 6�oning Code based upon the study or studies, a rovided under Minn. Stat. 462.355, Subd. 4, the issuance 6 f building and zoning permits for development o new buildings for any parcel of land or part thereof 67 within the study area as set forth below, shall be re lated by the additional requirements in this section for 68 a period of time not to exceed twelve (12) months fro the effective date of this ordinance. Until such 69 time as the said study has been completed and the Coun '1 has reviewed its recommendations for possible 70 adoption, City departments receiving written applications or the approvals noted above shall accept the 71 applications and immediately process them in accordance 'th the provisions of Minn. Stat. 15.99, Subd. 2 72 and the intent of this interim ordinance. 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 8� 1. General Area It Applies To. The pazcels included are ge rally the "Area of Change" as defined in the CCDS, from Marion St. west to the border with Minn olis. The interim overlay requirements would apply to all properties within the interim erlay area. However, for some provisions, there are somewhat different requirements that appl o properties within station areas than those outside of station azeas within the interim overlay. Sta n areas aze defined as all properties within'/4 mi. from proposed stations within the interim o rlay area. A list of all properties (PINs) affected are listed in Section 3. A map of the prope ies affected is attached. 2. Floor Area Ratio (FAR). For new buildings a minimum 1.0 FAR at s tio� 0.5 FAR elsewhere is required. Public gathering, landscaped, public art, c may be counted toward building square footage in calculating the FAR. I between Prior and Vandalia is exempted from the minimum FAR requireme 3. Building Heights. Two (2) story building height minimums are required at mile). areas (1/4 mi.); min. outdoor seating areas istrially-zoned land azeas (within Y< � o�-�� � 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 4. uilding Setbacks. New buildings must be set back a minimum of 0 ft. to a maximum of 10 ft. fr the front property line for commercial and mixed-use buildings; the setback area should inclu landscaping, or tables, or seating, or other pedestrian amenities. The St. Anthony Ave. frontage exempted from the maximum setback requirement. Development along the St. Anthony frontage ro may be oriented to other streets, inctuding the existing or potential new interior east- west streets. 5. Parking Requi ments. Non-residential uses: the off-street parking required shall be a minimum of 60% to a maxi of 85% of the regulaz Zoning Code pazking requirements. The maximum may be exceeded if e additional parking spaces aze structured (ramp, deck, underground, or within a building). Re 'dential uses: a masimum of 1.0 spaceslunit may be provided unless the additional parking spaces e strucrizred. There is no minimum parking requirement for residential uses. 6. Parking Placement. Pazking ust be placed in back, or in an interior side yard, or below grade, or within a building. Interior side d surface parking fronting on University Ave. and in station azeas with frontage on other streets ay not exceed 2 rows of parking with a drive aisle between not to exceed 60 ft. of street fronta St. Anthony Avenue frontage is exempted from this requirement. 7. Use Restrictions. The establishment of new use for �Is-xebv auto sales and rental, auto repair, auto service station, auto convenience mark auto specialty store, or car wash uses shall not be a�e allowed at station areas, even if a zonin or ildin ermit is not re uired. New drive-through uses at station areas will be allowed as regulate by TN2 zoning, which allows one drive-through lane to the side or reaz of a building, with banks be allowed up to 3 drive-ttiroughs. Design Requirements. The interim overlay area is fined as a pedestrian-oriented commercial district and the design standazds in Sec. 63.110 (c) of Zoning Code will apply to new development. If an of the re uirements in Sec. 63110 conflict with the re uirements in 11� 8 il 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 Section 2 above, the rec�uirements in Section 2 shall applv. Exemptions. Existing buildings in the interim overlay area may b expanded without fully meeting these requirements, as long as the expansion or addition does not m e the total structure less conforming than previously. The �roposed home imurovement store oiect on Pascal for which an Conflicting provisions. All requirements of the underlying zoning distri shall apply, except when they conflict with the specific requirements defined above. In such cases, th requirements of this section shall apply. specified in the Zonin Code. r� L ����� I� 1 130 131 132 � • Section 3. Affected by the Interim Overlay Requirements. 292923330066 292923330067 292923330068 292923330069 292923330070 292923330�71 292923330072 292923330073 292923330074 292923330075 292923330076 292923330077 292923330078 292923330079 292923330080 292923330081 292923330082 292923330083 292923330084 292923330085 292923330086 292923330087 292923330088 292923330089 292923330090 292923330091 292923330092 292923330093 292923330094 292923330095 292923330096 292923330097 292923330098 292923330099 292923330100 292923330101 292923330102 292923330103 - Properties Within the 1/4 Mile Station Area — West of 280 292923330104 292923330145 292923330105 292923330146 292923330106 292923330147 292923330107 292923330148 292923330108 292923330149 292923330109 292923330150 292923330110 292923330151 2923330111 292923330152 29 23330112 242923330153 2929 330113 292923330154 292923 0114 292923330155 29292333 15 2929233301_56 2929233301 292923330157 29292333011 292923330158 292923330118 292923330159 292923330119 292923330160 292923330220 292923330161 292923330121 292923330162 292923330122 292923330163 292923330123 292923330164 292923330124 2923330165 292923330125 2 923330166 292923330126 292 3330167 292923330127 2929 330168 292923330128 29292 30169 292923330129 2929233 170 292923330130 29292333 71 292923330131 2929233301 292923330132 29292333017 292923330133 292923330174 292923330134 292923330175 292923330135 292923330176 292923330136 292923330177 292923330137 292923330178 292923330138 29292333Q179 292923330139 292923330180 292923330140 292923330181 292923330141 292923330182 292923330142 292923330183 292923330143 292923330184 292923330144 292923330185 292923330186 292923330187 292923330188 292923330189 292923330190 292923330191 292923330192 292923330193 242423330194 292923330195 292923330196 292923330197 292923330198 292923330199 292923330200 292923330201 292923330202 292923330203 292923330204 292923330205 292923330206 292923330207 292923330208 292923330209 292923330210 292923330211 292923330212 292923330213 292923330214 292923330215 292923330216 292923330217 292923330218 292923330219 292423330220 292923330221 �7-�� • � J 230 231 292923330234 292923330235 292923330236 292923330237 292923330238 292923330239 292923330240 292923330241 292923330242 292923330243 292923330244 292923330245 292923330246 292923330247 292923330248 292923330249 292923330250 292923330251 292923330252 292923330253 292923330254 292923330255 292923330256 292923330257 292923330258 292923330259 292923330260 292923330261 292923330262 292923330263 292923330264 292923330265 292923330266 292923330267 292923330268 292923330269 292423330270 292923330271 292923330272 292923330273 292923330274 292923330275 292923330276 7 292923330023 292923330022 292923330035 29292333�036 292923330037 292923330038 292923330021 292923330026 292923330050 292923330053 292923330024 292923330025 292923320035 292923330055 292923320036 292923320055 292923320058 292923320052 292923320053 292923320060 292923320061 292923320063 292923320064 292923320065 292423320066 292923320067 292923320068 292923320069 292923320070 292923320071 292923320072 292923320073 292923320074 292923320075 292923320076 292923320077 292923320078 292923320079 292923320080 292923320081 292923320082 Interim Overlay - Properties Outside the 1/4 Mile Station Area — W� 292923330039 292923330042 292923330044 292923330040 292923330029 292923330045 292923330027 292923330043 292923330032 292923330041 292923330030 292923330046 292923330028 292923330031 322923220006 of 280 292923320091 292923320093 292923320094 292923320095 292923320096 292923320097 292923320098 292923320099 292923320100 292923320101 292923320102 292923320103 292923320104 292923320105 292923320106 292923320107 292923320108 292923320109 292923320110 292923320111 292923320ll2 292923320113 292923320114 292923320ll5 292923320116 292923320117 292923320118 292923320119 292923320120 292923320121 292923320122 292923320123 292923320124 292923320125 292923320126 292923330033 32292322Q��4 322923220003 322923220005 322923220001 CJ � �� 2� terim Overlay - Properties Within the 1/4 Mile Station Area — 280 to Prior 29 923440012 292923430056 292923340014 292 3340062 292923430060 292923340015 2929 340064 292923430061 292923340076 292923 0065 292923430063 292923340016 29292334 63 292923430047 292923340017 2929233400 292923430049 292923340018 292923340068 292923430050 292923340022 292923340054 292923430053 292923340021 292923340066 292923430052 3229231200ll 292923340055 292923430051 322923120032 292923340051 292923430054 322923120015 292923340056 292923430058 322923120036 292923340052 92923430059 322923120028 292923340053 2923430057 322923120035 292923440013 29 923430062 322923120030 332923230016 292 3430080 322923110061 332923230017 2929 430064 322923110020 332923220030 29292 30067 322923210030 29292334�057 2929234 066 322923210029 292923340059 29292343 O1 322923210020 292923340050 292923340 7 322923210022 • 292923340081 29292334000 322923210021 322923120044 292923340009 322923210023 292923430127 292923340010 322923210024 292923430128 292923340077 322923210026 292923430129 292923340025 322923210027 292923430126 292923340024 322923210025 292923430082 292923340023 322923210028 292923430045 292923340012 292923340079 292923430055 292923340011 � 322923210035 292923430083 292923340013 ��322923120033 292923430048 292923340020 �22923120023 233 � 234 Interim Overlay - Properties Outside the 1/4 Mile Station 332923220014 332923230021 332 332923220008 332923220010 332 292923340027 332923230004 332 322923110008 332923230005 332 322923110043 332923220027 332 322923110006 332923320001 332 — 280 to Prior 322923110007 322923110059 332923320002 322923110012 322923110060 332923320004 322923110013 332923230008 332923320036 • 322923110045 332923230009 292923310080 332923230020 332923230010 292923310081 322923110052 322923120024 322923120034 322923120026 322923120025 322923120027 322923210031 322923110015 322923110016 322923110017 322923110014 292923440038 292923A30075 292923430076 322923120008 322923120009 322923120042 322923120041 322923120043 322923120022 322923120040 29292343�081 322923120037 322923120019 322923120021 322923120038 322923210017 322923210016 322923210015 322923210018 322923210019 292923310082 292923310083 292923340005 292923340006 292923340082 322923110058 322923110037 322923110044 322923110029 322923110030 322923110022 d�-�� • 235 236 • 237 238 322923110057 322923210014 322923110038 Interim 332923140004 332923130028 332923130020 332923130017 332923130032 332923140031 332923140032 332923140033 332923130033 332923140052 332923140053 332923140054 332923130034 332923140055 332923130029 332923140068 332923140069 332923140070 332923140071 332923140072 332923140073 332923140074 332923140075 332923140076 332923140077 332923140086 332923140085 - Properties Within the 1/4 Mile Station Area — Prior to Snelling 332923140084 332923240042 332923210010 332923140083 332923240043 332923410122 332923140187 332923240044 332923410123 33292314018b 332923240028 332923410027 332923140185 332923240012 332923410026 332923140078 332923240024 332923410008 332923130004 332923240020 332923410009 2923130031 332923240021 332923410010 3 923130030 332923240022 332923410012 332 3130006 332923240023 332923410013 3329 130036 332923240013 332923420006 332923 0035 332923240069 332923420010 3329232 064 332923240070 332923420011 332923240 6 332923240071 332923420012 33292314019 332923240072 332923420007 332923240037 332923240073 332923420009 332923240036 332923240074 332923420013 332923240035 332923240075 332923420008 332923240034 332923240008 332923420Q16 332923240033 332923240007 332923420015 332923240032 332923240009 332923420014 332923240031 2923240010 332923420164 332923240030 3 923240011 332923420017 332923240029 332 332923420018 332923240038 3329�240003 332923420019 332923240039 33292�440002 332923240040 3329232�'4,0004 332923240041 33292324�D05 Interim Overlay - Properties Outside the 1/4 Mile Station Area — P�y 332923130001 332923140183 332923420002 332923140008 332923140184 332923420003 332923140007 332923410115 332923420004 332923140006 332923210006 332923420005 332923140005 332923410127 332923420082 332923130002 332923410128 332923420081 332923140181 332923410114 332923420080 332923140182 332923420001 332923420079 to Snelling 332923420078 � 332923420077 332923420076 � 332923420083 332923420084 � 332923420085 332923420086 r1 U o�-�� 2� I erim Overlay - Properties Within the 1!4 Mile Station Area — Snelling to Lexington 34 3230137 342923140218 342923230074 342923140224 34292 30138 342923140222 342923230130 342923230225 3429232 151 342923140101 342923230129 342923230226 342923230 2 342923140102 342923230128 342923310021 3429232301 342923140103 342923230127 342923320003 342923230167 342923240226 342423230126 342923320007 342923230164 342923240225 342923230184 342923320008 342923230165 34292324�224 342923230183 342923140225 342923230166 342923240223 342923230182 342923410064 342923230172 342923240222 342923230181 342923410065 342923230173 342923240221 342923230180 342923410067 342923230174 342923240220 342923230179 342923410066 342923230175 42923240219 342923230178 342923410052 342923230176 3 923240218 342923230177 342923410051 342923140212 34 23240217 342923410001 342923410059 342923140213 3429 240216 342923310016 342923410050 342923140214 342923 40215 342923320001 342923410043 342923140215 3429232 077 342923320004 342923410057 342923140216 342923230 6 342923320005 342923410049 342923140217 3429232300 342923320006 342923410058 241 2� Interim Overlay - Properties Outside the 342923130105 342923130178 342923130104 342923130177 342923130103 342923240109 342923130188 342923240108 342923130187 342923240107 342923130186 342923240106 342923130185 342923240105 342923130184 342923310017 342923130183 342923310026 342923130182 342923310023 342923130181 342923310020 342923130180 342923310014 342923130179 342923310011 243 244 • Station Area — Snelling to Lexington 342923310022 342923420005 342923310018 342923420006 342923310024 342923420007 342923310025 342923420009 342923310027 342923420010 42923420022 342923420012 3 923420023 342923420011 34 23420019 342923420013 342 3420021 342923420014 34292 420020 342923420015 342923 0001 342923420016 34292342�0002 342923420017 342923420�03 342923420024 Interim Overlay - Properties Within the 1/4 Mile Station Area — Le� 352923410218 352923140240 352923140211 352923410219 352923140239 352923140212 352923410200 352923140125 352923140213 352923410221 352923140152 352923140243 352923410222 352923140206 352923140207 352923410223 352923140208 352923140228 352923140205 352923140209 352923140227 352923140204 352923140210 352923140223 to Dale 352923140244 352923140246 352923140247 352923140229 352923230090 352923230089 352923230087 U��"✓� • 352923230091 352923230092 352923230195 352923230189 352923230202 352923320006 352923320007 352923320143 352923320012 352923320011 352923320010 352923320141 352923320020 352923320021 352923320008 352923320002 352923320147 352923320148 352923320145 352923320609 352923320146 352923320072 352923320074 352923320073 352923320054 352923410001 352923410002 352923410209 352923410216 352923410217 352923410003 352923410199 352923410200 352923410206 245 246 • 247 248 • Interim Overlay - 352923130202 3529231302U1 352923130195 352923130194 352923130235 352923130240 352923130198 352923130229 352923130228 352923130227 352923130226 352923130225 352923130223 352923130222 352923130221 352923130220 352923130219 352923130217 352923130224 352923130218 352923240107 e utside the 1/4 Mile Station Area — Lexington to Dale 352 3240106 352923310111 352923420011 35292 A0105 352923310112 352923420013 352923 0103 352923310113 352923420014 35292324 04 352923310114 352923420015 352923240 4 352923310115 352923420008 35292324022 352923310116 352923420012 352923240222 352923310117 352923420031 352923240221 352923310118 352923420032 352923240215 352923310119 352923420033 352923240230 352923310120 352923420034 352923310001 352923310121 352923420036 352923310002 352923310122 352923420040 352923310003 352923420001 352923420041 352923310004 52923420002 352923420042 352423310005 3 923420003 352923420195 352923310006 352�420004 352923420198 352923310007 3529 420005 352923420199 352923310009 35292 0006 352923420035 352923310008 3529234 007 352923420039 352923310109 352923420 09 352923310110 3529234200 Interim Overlay - Properties Within the 1/4 Mile Station Area — Aale�o Marion 362923230167 362923230242 362923230117 362923230203 362923230241 362923230116 362923230204 362923230240 362923230254 362923230205 362923230250 362923230114 362923230206 362923230229 362923230249 362923230230 362923230259 362923230255 362923230231 362923230233 362923140111 362923230232 362923230243 362923130200 362923230234 362923230251 362923130213 362923230247 362923230237 362923130215 362923230253 362923230118 362923130198 362923130196 362923140122 362923420033 362923420122 362923410001 10035 `� . � � ��-�� • 249 250 362923320005 362923320094 362923320095 362923320093 Interim Ove3�{ 362923130181 362923130180 362923130201 362923130199 362923130147 362923130176 362923130202 362923130178 362923130189 362923130187 362923130184 362923130179 362923130182 362923420012 - Properties Outside the 1/4 Mile Station Area — Dale to Marion 362923420104 362923310010 362923420013 362923310026 362923420020 362923310105 362923420021 362923310012 362423420123 362423310011 362923420124 362923310025 362923310027 362923310137 62923310028 362923310116 3 923310033 362923310024 36 23310134 362923240111 3629 3310135 362923240109 36292 10136 3b2923240108 362923 0115 362923240107 36292331 09 362923240106 This ordinance shall take effect and be in �pproval and publication. 362923320004 362923320003 362923240105 362923240103 362923240102 362923240101 362923240100 362923240099 362923240098 362923240110 362923240104 362923240215 362923240214 362923240229 362923240232 362923240222 Section 4. �e thirty (30) days following its passage, � Re : uested by Department of: sy: Form Approved b City Attomey By: Adoption Certified by Council Secretary By: Approved by Mayor: Date By: Form Approved by Mayor or Submission to Council By: . Adopted by CounciL• Date Council File # 07-548 Green Sheet # 3041055 18, 200Z • Presented\ ��? ORDINANCE CITY OF SAINT.�AUIC�MINN�SOTA �� 1 An inten ordinance pursuant to Minn. Stat. 462355, Subd. 4, to regulate 2 developme in that azea of the City generally on either side of University Avenue 3 from Marion reet to the western border with Minneapolis. 4 � 5 THE COUNCIL OF THE 6 7 9 10 11 12 13 14 IS 16 17 18 OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. Statement of Le islative Intent Nee for Interim Ordinance: In the spring of 2006, Mayor Coleman asked the Planning Commission to estab 'sh two community-based task forces to prepare a Central Corridor Development Strategy, a vision a development strategy for the future of University Avenue and Central Corridor given the pianned investme in light rail transit. The Mayor asked that the task forces be representative of area residents, businesses and mmunities of color, as well as those with interest and expertise in areas such as affordabie housing, real state, urban design, finance, sustainable and transit- oriented development. The task forces met over the ast year, finalized their recommendations for the Central Corridor Development Strategy, and have tr itted those recommendations to the Planning Commission for review, public hearing, and recommen ion for adoption as a chapter of the City's Comprehensive Plan. 1 2�he Central Corridor Development Strategy (CCDS) address issues such as: land use planning and 21 zoning; density and design of new development; mixed-income ousing; business development and 22 retention; pedestrian and bicycle connections; streetscape design; 23 development; and public art. Included in the CCDS are recomme 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 and open spaces; sustainable ns for revisions to the City's zoning ordinance needed to encourage new development that is consi ent with the vision, goals, and objectives of the CCDS. As an intermediate step, the CCDS also reco ends that the City enact an interim zoning ordinance. Page 83 of the CCDS specifically states, ". .. interim zoning provision should be implemented, while a full zoning study is undertaken. This inte zoning should not change existing zoning, but modify the underlying regulations to exclude uses or supportive of pedestrian- and transit-oriented environments." not considered 31 The University Avenue Central Corridor Task Force undertook a process to evalua potential interim 32 zoning regulations. The task force's desire was to allow new development to contin , but under modified 33 zoning regulations that would preclude new development that is inconsistent with the 'sion, goals, and 34 objectives of the CCDS. During the up to one year period of the interim regulations, it com 35 a zoning study be undertaken to determine permanent amendments to the zoning code tex d 36 property needed to implement the CCDS. The University Task Force developed recommen at 37 interim zoning regulations and the properties these regulations should apply to, based on the 38 recommendations in the CCDS. They forwazded these recommendations to the Mayor and Cit 39 The azea the task force has recommended the interim zoning regulations apply does not include 40 of the Central Corridor east of Marion Street, as a portion of this is in the Capitol Area Architec mended that zoning of ions for both Council. �ie portion 4�lanning Board's jurisdiction, and another portion is in the downtown area, where current zoning 4�upportive of the development envisioned in the CCDS. � D�-� �� 43 44 For the p se of protecting the City's plauning process, pending the completion of the Planning 45 Commission d City Council review and adoption of the CCDS, and pending completion of the zoning 46 study by the Ci 's Deparhnent of Planning and Economic Development and Planning Commission to 47 determine zoning de amendments and property rezonings needed to implement the CCDS, and pending 48 adoption of such rec endations by the City Council, an interim zoning ordinance of lunited duration 49 must be enacted to pro ct the planning process by prohibiting new development that may be inconsistent 50 with the design, zoning, d comprehensive plan objectives envisioned in the proposed CCDS and the 51 City's Comprehensive Pl 52 53 Polic direction for zonin s . As art of the zonin stud to be undertaken over the next ear to 54 determine zonin code amendme and ro ert rezonin s needed to im lement the CCDS buildin 55 hei ts alon the area between Lexi on Pazkwa and Marion Street shall be restricted to a masimum of 56 3 stories on lots in the interior of bloc and u to 4 stories on corner lots at intersections. Five sto 57 hei hts ma be allowed at ma'or interse 'ons where full block de th ro erties are available for 58 redevelonment. This hei�ht limit does not nnlv to the current TN2 zonine in rolace for the intersection ol 59 Dale St. and Universitv Ave. 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 2. Interim Zonine Ordinance Imposed. Pending co pletion of the said study and any other necessary studies or study recommendations, and the adoption any amendments to the Comprehensive Plan and Zoning Code based upon the study or studies, as provi' d under Minn. Stat. 462.355, Subd. 4, the issuance of building and zoning permits for development of new ildings for any pazcel of land or part thereof within the study area as set forth below, shall be regulate y the additional requirements in this section for a period of time not to exceed twelve (12) months from the ff time as the said study has been completed and the Council ha� adoption, City departments receiving written applications for t� applications and immediately process them in accordance with and the intent of this interim ordinance. 1. General Area It Applies To. The parcels included are in the CCDS, from Marion St. west to the border with D ive date of this ordinance. Until such riewed its racommendarions for possible approvals noted above shall accept the � provisions of Minn. Stat. 15.99, Subd. 2 the "Area of Change" as defined The interim overlay requirements would apply to all properties within the interim overla azea. However, for some provisions, theze aze somewhat different requirements that apply to p erties wittun station areas than those outside of station areas within the interim overlay. Station as are defined as all properties witlun '/4 mi. from proposed stations within the interim overla area. A list of all properties (PINs) affected are listed in Section 3. A map of the properties fe 2. Floor Area Ratio (FAR). For new buildings a minimum 1.0 FAR at statio a 0.5 FAR elsewhere is required. Public gathering, landscaped, public art, and may be counted toward building squaze footage in calculating the FAR. Indus beriveen Priar and Vandalia is exempted from the minimum FAR requirement. 3. Building Heights. Two (2) story building height minimuxns are required at st� mile). is attached. (1/4 mi.); min. or searing azeas v-zoned land (within'/4 o� -��� 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 11 12 12 12 12 12 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 4. Build Setbacks. New buildings must be set back a m;n;mum of 0 ft. to a m�unum of 10 ft. from the ont properiy line for commercial and mixed-use buildings; the setback area should include lan caping, or tables, or seating, or other pedestrian amenities. The St. Anthony Ave. frontage is ex pted from the maximum setback requirement. Development along the St. Anthony frontage road m be oriented to other streets, including the existing or potenrial new interior east- west streets. 5. Parking Req of 60% to a � may be exceeded if the � within a building). Resi additional parking spaces Non-residential uses: the off-street parking required shall be a m;n;mum 85% of the regulaz Zoning Code pazking requirements. The maximum 'ditional pazking spaces aze structured (ramp, deck, underground, or a� hal uses: a maximum of 1.0 spaces/unit may be provided unless the structured. There is no minimum parking requirement for residential uses. 6. Parking Placement. Pazking ust be placed in back, or in an interior side yard, or below grade, or within a building. Interior side d surface parking fronting on University Ave. and in station areas with frontage on other street ay not exceed 2 rows of pazking with a drive aisle between not to exceed 60 ft. of street fronta . St. Anthony Avenue frontage is exempted from this requirement. � Use Restrictions. The establishment oi auto service station, auto convenience n allowed at station areas, even if a zoni uses at station areas will be allowed as �Ve-aeiu auto sales and rental, auto repair, auto specialty store, or car wash uses shall not be a�e �uildin�permit is not reauired. New drive-through ed by TN2 zoning, which allows one drive-through lane to the side or rear of a building, with banks eing allowed up to 3 drive-throughs. 8. Design Requirements. The interim overlay area defined as a pedestrian-oriented commercial district and the design standards in Sec. 63.110 (c) the Zoning Code will apply to new development. If an of the re uirements in Sec. 63.1 0 c conflict with the re uirements in Exemptions. Existing buildings in the interim overlay area y be expanded without fully meeting these requirements, as long as the expansion or addition does n make the total structure less conforming than previously. The pronosed home improvement s re proiect on Pascal for which an �2w�enue r�etelc��arncrai_ts('lictil� h,riZ�lir?�g n7c�' als� expalicitiv exempt }`rt�rn the re�uit•ernents r>f this i;aterirn ordi;zance Conflicfing provisions. All requirements of the underlying zoning district sh�pply, except when they conflict with the specific requirements defined above. In such cases, the re uirements of this section shall apply. specified in the Zoning Code• �1�'�� 134 135 136 137 138 Interim Overl 292923320050 292923320051 292923330061 292923330066 292923330067 292923330068 292923330069 292923330070 292923330071 292923330072 292923330073 292923330074 292923330075 292923330076 292923330077 292923330078 292923330079 292923330080 292923330081 292923330082 292923330083 292923330084 292923330085 292923330086 292923330087 292923330088 292923330089 292923330090 292923330091 292923330092 292923330093 292923330094 292923330095 292923330096 292923330097 292923330098 292923330099 292923330100 292923330101 292923330102 292923330103 Secrion 3. by the Interim Overlay Requirements. - Properties Within the 1/4 Mile Station Area — West of 2$0 292923330104 292923330145 292923330105 292923330146 292923330106 292923330147 292923330107 292923330148 292923330108 292923330149 292923330109 292923330150 92923330110 292923330151 2 923330111 292923330152 29 23330112 292923330153 292 3330113 292923330154 29292 30114 292923330155 292923 0115 292923330156 29292333 116 292923330157 292923330 7 292923330158 29292333011 292923330159 292923330119 292923330160 292923330120 292923330161 292923330121 292923330162 292923330122 292923330163 292923330123 292923330164 292923330124 292923330165 292923330125 292923330166 292923330126 92923330167 292923330127 2923330168 292923330128 29 23330169 292923330129 292 3330170 292923330130 2929 330171 292923330131 292923 30172 292923330132 2929233 ,173 292923330133 29292333 74 292923330134 2929233301 292923330135 29292333017 292923330136 292923330177 292923330137 292923330178 292923330138 292923330179 292923330139 292923330180 292923330140 292923330181 292923330141 292923330182 292923330142 292923330183 292923330143 292923330184 292923330144 292923330185 292923330186 292923330187 292923330188 292923330189 292923330190 292923330191 292923330192 292923330193 292923330194 292923330195 292923330196 292923330197 292923330198 292923330199 292923330201 292923330202 292923330204 292923330205 292923330206 292923330207 292923330208 292423330209 292923330210 292923330211 292923330212 292923330213 292923330214 292923330215 292923330216 292923330217 292923330218 292923330219 292923330220 292923330221 292923330222 292923330223 292923330224 ��- ��-� 230 231 292923330232 292923330233 292923330234 292923330235 292923330236 292923330237 292923330238 292923330239 292923330240 292923330241 292923330242 292923330243 292923330244 292923330245 292923330246 292923330247 292923330248 292923330249 292923330250 292923330251 292923330252 292923330253 292923330254 292923330255 292923330256 292923330257 292923330259 292423330260 292923330261 292923330262 292923330263 292923330264 292923330265 292923330266 292923330267 292923330268 292923330269 292923330270 292923330271 292923330272 292923330273 292923330274 7 29292333U057 292923330054 292923330034 292923330023 292923330035 292923330036 292923330037 292923330038 292923330021 292923330026 292923330050 292923330053 292923330024 292923330025 292923320035 292923330055 292923320036 292923320055 292923320059 292923320053 292923320060 292923320061 292923320062 292923320063 292923320064 292923320065 292923320066 292923320067 292923320068 292923320069 292923320070 292923320071 292923320072 292923320073 292923320074 292923320075 292923320076 292923320077 292923320078 292923320079 292923320090 Interim Overlay - Properties Outside the 1/4 Mile Station Area — West 292923330039 292923330042 292923330044 292923330040 292923330029 292923330045 292923330027 292923330043 292923330032 292923330041 292923330030 292923330046 292923330028 292923330031 322923220006 292923320091 292923320092 292923320094 292923320095 292923320096 292923320097 292923320099 292923320100 292923320101 292923320102 292923320103 292923320104 292923320105 292923320106 292923320107 292923320108 292923320109 292923320110 242923320111 292923320112 292923320113 292923320114 292923320115 292923320116 292923320117 292923320ll8 292923320119 292923320120 292923320121 292923320122 292923320123 292923320124 292923320125 292923320126 292923330033 322923220004 322923220003 322923220005 6�-��, 232 Interi Overlay - Properties Within the 1/4 Mile Station Area — 280 to Prior 2929234 012 292923430056 292923340014 29292334 62 292923430060 292923340015 2929233400 4 292923430061 292923340076 29292334006 292923430063 292923340016 292923340063 292923430047 292923340017 292923340075 292923430049 292923340018 292923340068 292923430050 292923340022 292923340054 292923430053 292923340021 292923340066 292923430052 322923120011 292923340055 292923430051 322923120032 292923340051 92923430054 322923120015 292923340056 2 923430058 322923120036 292923340052 29 23430059 322923120028 292923340053 2929 430057 322923120035 292923440013 29292 30062 322923120030 332923230016 2929234 080 322923110061 332923230017 292923430 64 322923110020 332923220030 2929234300 322923210030 292923340057 29292343006 322923210029 292923340059 292923430001 322923210020 292923340050 292923340007 322923210022 292923340081 292923340008 322923210021 322923120044 292923340009 322923210023 292923430127 292923340010 322923210024 292923430128 292923340077 322923210026 292923430129 292923340025 292923430126 292923340024 292923430082 292923340023 292923430045 292923340012 292923430055 292923340011 292923430083 292923340013 292923430048 292923340020 233 234 Interim Overlay - Properties Outside the 1/4 Mile Station Area — 2 to Prior 332923220014 332923230021 332923220025 332923220008 332923220010 332923320007 292923340027 332923230004 332923320006 322923110008 332923230005 332923320008 322923110043 332923220027 332923320003 322923110006 332923320001 332923320005 322923110007 322923110059 332923320002 322923110012 322923110060 332923320004 322923110013 332923230008 332923320036 322923110045 332923230009 292923310080 332923230020 332923230010 292923310081 322923110052 322923120024 322923120034 322923120026 322923120025 322923120027 322923210031 322923110015 322923110016 322923110017 322923110014 292923440038 292923430075 292923430076 322923120008 322923120009 322923120042 322923120041 322923120043 322923120022 322923120040 292923430081 322923120039 322923120037 322923120019 322923120021 322923120038 322923210017 322923210016 322923210015 322923210018 322923210019 292923310082 292923310083 292923340005 292923340006 292923340082 322923110058 322923110037 322923110044 0030 o� -� y�g 322923110057 322923210014 322923110038 235 236 237 238 Interim OveY�l 332923130018 332923140004 332923130028 332923130020 332923130017 332923130032 332923140031 332923140032 332923140033 332923130033 332923140052 332923140053 332923140054 332923130034 332923140055 332923130029 332923140068 332923140069 332923140070 332923140071 332923140072 332923140073 332923140074 332923140075 332923140076 332923140077 332923140086 332923140085 - Properties Within the 1/4 Mile Station Area — Prior to Snelling 332923140084 332923240042 332923210010 332923140083 332923240043 332923410122 332923140187 332923240044 332923410123 332923140186 332923240028 332923410027 332923140185 332923240012 332923410026 332923140078 332923240024 332923410008 332923130004 332923240020 332923410009 2923130031 332923240021 332923410010 33 23130030 332923240022 332923410012 332 3130006 332923240023 332923410013 33292 130036 332923240013 332923420006 332923 0035 332923240069 332923420010 33292324 064 332923240070 332923420011 332923240 6 332923240071 332923420012 33292314019 332923240072 332923420007 332923240037 332923240073 332923420009 332923240036 332923240074 332923420013 332923240035 332923240075 332923420008 332923240034 332923240008 332923420016 332923240033 332923240007 332923420015 332923240032 332923240009 332923420014 332923240031 332923240010 332923420164 332923240030 32923240011 332923420017 332923240029 3 923240006 332923420018 332923240038 33 23240003 332923420019 332923240039 3329 240002 332923240040 33292 40004 332923240041 332923 0005 Interim Overlay - Properties Outside the 1/4 Mile Station Area — n 332923130001 332923140183 33292342000 332923140008 332923140184 332923420003 332923140007 332923410115 332923420004 332923140006 332923210006 332923420005 332923140005 332923410127 332923420082 332923130002 332923410128 332923420081 332923140181 332923410114 332923420080 332923140182 332923420001 332923420079 to Snelling 332923420078 332923420077 332923420076 332923420083 332923420084 332923420085 332923420086 r��1-��g 239 Iute "m Overlay - Properties Within the 1/4 Mile Station Area — Snelling to Lea�ngton 3429 230237 342923140218 342923230074 342923140224 342923 OI38 342923140222 342923230130 342923230225 3429232 151 342923140101 342923230129 342923230226 342923230 2 342923140102 342923230128 342923310021 3429232301 342923140103 342923230127 342923320003 342923230167 342923240226 342923230126 342923320007 342923230164 342923240225 342923230184 342923320008 342923230165 342923240224 342923230183 342923I40225 342923230166 342923240223 3424232301$2 342923410064 342923230172 342923240222 3429Z3230181 342923410065 342923230173 342923240221 342923230180 342923410067 342923230174 2923240220 342923230179 342923410066 342923230175 34 23240219 342923230178 342923410052 342923230176 3429 240218 342923230177 342923410051 342923140212 34292 40217 342923410001 342923410059 342923140213 3429232 216 342923310016 342923410050 342923140214 342923240 5 342923320001 342923410043 342923140215 3429232300 342923320004 342923410057 342923140216 342923230076 342923320005 342923410044 342923140217 342923230075 342923320006 342923410058 241 242 Interim Overlay - Properties Outside the 1/4 342923130105 342923130178 342923130104 342923130177 342923130103 342923240109 342923130188 342923240108 342923130187 342923240107 342923130186 342923240106 342923I30185 342923240105 342423130184 342923310017 342923130183 342923310026 342923130182 342923310023 342923130181 342923310020 342923130180 342923310014 342923130179 342923310011 243 244 Interim Overlay - Properties Within the i!4 Mile Stafion Area — Lex 352923410218 352923140240 352423140211 352923410219 352923140239 352923140212 352923410Z00 352923140125 352923140213 352923410221 352923140152 352923140243 352923410222 352923140206 352923140207 352923410223 352423140208 352923140228 352923140205 352923140209 352923140227 352923140204 352923140210 352923140223 Station Area — Snelling to Lesington 342923310022 342923420005 342923310018 342923420006 342923310024 342923420007 42923310025 342923420009 3 923310027 342923420010 34 23420022 342923420012 3429 420023 342923420011 34292 20019 342923420013 3429234 0021 342923420d14 34292342 20 342923420015 342923420 1 342923420016 34292342000 342923420017 342923420003 342923420024 to Dale 352923140244 � 352923140246 352923140247 3529231�40229 D�-�'�� 245 246 352923230083 352923230091 352923230092 352923230195 352923230189 352923230202 352923320006 352923320007 352923320143 352923320012 352923320011 352923320141 352923320020 Interim Overlay - 352923130202 352923130201 352923130195 352923130194 352923130235 352923130240 352923130198 352923130229 352923130228 352923130227 352923130226 352923130225 352923130223 352923130222 352923130221 352923130220 352923130219 352923130217 352923130224 352923130218 352923240107 352923320008 352923320002 352923320147 352923320148 352923320145 352923320009 352923320146 352923320072 352923320074 352923320073 352923320054 352923410001 352923410002 352923410209 352923410216 352923410217 352923410003 352923410199 352923410200 352923410206 the 1/4 Mile Station Area — Le�ngton to Dale 106 352923310111 352923420011 105 352923310112 352923420013 103 352923310113 352923420014 104 352923310114 352923420015 24 352923310115 352923420008 2 3 352923310116 352923420012 22 352923310117 352923420031 247 248 352923240221 352923310118 352923420032 352923240215 352923310119 352923420033 352923240230 352923310120 352923420034 352923310001 352923310121 352923420036 352923310002 352923310122 352923420040 352923310003 352923420001 352923420041 352923310004 352923420002 352923420042 352923310005 352923420003 352923420195 352923310006 2923420004 352923420198 352923310007 3 923420005 352923420199 352923310009 35 23420006 352923420035 352923310008 3529 420007 352923420039 352923310109 35292 20009 352923310110 352923 0010 Interim Overlay - Properties Within the 1/4 Mile Station Area — le to Marion 362923230167 362923230242 3629232301 362923230203 362923230241 36292323011 362923230204 362923230240 362923230254 . 362923230205 362923230250 362923230114 362923230206 362923230229 362923230249 362923230230 362923230259 362923230255 362923230231 362923230233 3629231401ll 362923230232 362923230243 362923130200 362923230234 362923230251 362923130213 362923230247 362923230237 362923130215 362923230253 362923230118 362923130198 362923130196 362923140122 362923420033 362923420122 362923410001 362923410009 362923410008 362923410007 362923410036 ����� 362923320005 362923320094 362923320095 362923320093 249 250 Interim 3629231 362923130201 362923130199 362923130197 362923130176 362923130202 362923130178 362923130189 362923130187 362923130184 362923130179 362923130182 362923420012 Section 4. 362923320004 362923320003 362923240105 362923240103 362923240102 362923240101 362923240100 362923240099 362923240098 362923240110 362923240104 362923240215 362923240214 362923240229 362923240232 362923240222 This ordinance shall take effect and be in fc�ce thirty (30) days following its passage, approval and publication. � Yeas Na s Absent Benanav Bos4om Harris Helgen Lantry Montgomery Thune Adopted by Council: Date Adoption Certified by Council Secretary By: - Properties Outside the 1/4 Mile Station Area — Dale to Marion 362923420104 362923310010 362923420013 362923310026 362923420020 362923310105 362923420021 362923310012 362923420123 362923310011 362923420124 362923310025 362923310027 362923310137 362923310028 362923310116 2923310033 362923310024 3 23310134 362923240111 362 3310135 362923240109 36292 10136 362923240108 362923 0115 362923240107 36292331 09 362923240106 � by Department o£ Form Approve2`�by CiTy Attomey � Form Approved by M or for Submission to Council BY: Approved by Mayor: Date By: Couucil File # 07-548 Green Sheet # 3041055 ff�'i�L)I 2 Presented by ORDINANCE CITY OF_SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA An inte ordinance pursuant to Minn. Stat. 462.355, Subd. 4, to regulate developm t in that area of the City generally on either side of University Avenue from Mario treet to the western border with Minneapolis. 4 5 THE COUNCIL OF 6 \ 7 8 9 Statement of Leeislative Intent, P 10 asked the Planning Commission to 11 Corridor Development Strategy, a 12 13 14 IS 16 nterim Ordinance: In the spring of 2006, Mayor Coleman two community-based task forces to prepaze a Central t development strategy for the future of University Avenue and Central Corridor given the planned inves nt in light rail transit. The Mayor asked that the task forces be representative of area residents, businesses communities of color, as well as those with interest and expertise in azeas such as affordable housing, re estate, urban design, finance, sustainable and transit- oriented development. The task forces met over t Central Corridor Development Strategy, and have year, finalized their recommendations for the iitted those recommendations to the Planning ition for adoption as a chapter of the City's 17 Commission for review, public hearing, and 2 18 Comprehensive Plan. 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 The Central Corridor Development Strategy (CCDS) add zoning; density and design of new development; mixed-is retention; pedestrian and bicycle connections; streetscape development; and public art. Included in the CCDS are ri ; business development and and open spaces; sustainable ns for revisions to the City's zoning ordinance needed to encourage new development that is cons tent with the vision, goals, and objectives of the CCDS. As an intermediate step, the CCDS also reco ends that the City enact an interim zoning ordinance. Page 83 of the CCDS specifically states, ". . interim zoning provision should be implemented, while a full zoning study is undertaken. This inte ' zoning should not change existing zoning, but modify the underlying regulations to exclude uses or supportive of pedestrian- and transit-oriented environments." not considered The University Avenue Central Corridor Task Force undertook a process to evalu e potential interim zoning regulations. The task force's desire was to allow new development to contin e, but under modified zoning regulations that would preclude new development that is inconsistent with the ision, goals, and objectives of the CCDS. During the up to one year period of the interim regulations, it com a zoning study be undertaken to determine permanent amendments to the zoning code te and property needed to implement the CCDS. The University Task Force developed recomme at interim zoning regulations and the properties these regulations should apply to, based on the� recommendations in the CCDS. They forwazded these recommendations to the Mayor and Cit The area the task force has recommended the interim zoning regulations apply does not include of the Central Corridor east of Marion Street, as a portion of this is in the Capitol Area Architec mended that zoning of ions for both Council. lye portion Plannmg Board's jurisdiction, and another portion is in the downtown area, where current zoning is supportive of the development envisioned in the CCDS. OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. issues such as: land use planning and b�-��� 43 44 For the pu ose of protecting the City's planning process, pending the completion of the Planning 45 Commission d City Council review and adoption of the CCDS, and pending completion of the zoning 46 study by the C's Department of Planning and Economic Development and Planning Commission to 47 determine zonin code amendments and properry rezonings needed to implement the CCDS, and pending 48 adoption of such r ommendations by the City Council, an interim zoning ordinance of limited duration 49 must be enacted to p tect the planning process by prohibiting new development that may be inconsistent 50 with the design, zonin and comprehensive plan objectives envisioned in the proposed CCDS and the 51 City's Comprehensive 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 Section 2. Interim Zoning Ordinance Imposed. Pending ompletion of the said study and any other necessary studies or study recommendations, and the adoptio of any amendments to the Comprehensive Plan and Zoning Code based upon the study or studies, as pro 'ded under Minn. Stat. 462355, Subd. 4, the issuance of building and zoning permits for development of ne buildings for any parcel of land or part thereof within the study area as set forth below, shall be regulat by the additional requirements in this section for a period of time not to exceed twelve (12) months from th effective date of this ordinance. Until such time as the said study has been completed and the Council h reviewed its recommendations for possible adoption, City departments receiving written applications for e approvals noted above sha11 accept the applications and immediately process them in accordance with e provisions of Minn. Stat. 15.99, Subd. 2 and the intent of this interim ordinance. General Area It Applies To. The parcels included are genera the "Area of Change" as defined in the CCDS, from Marion St. west to the border with Minneapo '. The interim overlay requirements would apply to all properties within the interim over area. However, for some provisions, there are somewhat different requirements that apply to operties within station azeas than those outside of station areas within the interim overlay. Station eas are defined as all properties within '/4 mi. from proposed stations within the interim overla area. properties (PINs) affected are listed in Section 3. A map of the properties ffec 2. Floor Area Ratio (FAR). For new buildings a minimum 1.0 FAR at statio a� 0.5 FAR elsewhere is required. Public gathering, landscaped, public art, and may be counted towazd building squaze footage in calculating the FAR. Indusl between Prior and Vandalia is exempted from the minimum FAR requirement. 3. Building Heights. Two (2) story building height minimums are required at st� A list of all ed is attached. ;as (1/4 mi.); min. tdoor seating azeas 'tally-zoned land (within %4 mile). 4. Building Setbacks. New buildings must be set back a minimum of 0 ft. to a maYim of 10 ft. from the front property line for commercial and mixed-use buildings; the setback area sh uld t � � /�� 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 ]06 107 108 109 110 I11 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 clude landscaping, or tables, or seating, or other pedestrian amenities. The St. Anthony Ave. fro ge is exempted from the m�unum setback requirement. Development along the St. Anthony front e road may be oriented to other streets, including the existing or potential new interior east- west str ts. 5. Parking quirements. Non-residential uses: the off-street pazking required shall be a minimum of 60% to a aYimum of 85% of the regular Zoning Code parking requirements. The maximum may be excee d if the additional pazking spaces aze structured (ramp, deck, underground, or within a buildin . Residential uses: a maYimum of 1.0 spaces/unit may be provided unless the additional pazkin paces aze structured. There is no minimum parking requirement for residential uses. 6. Parking Placement. azking must be placed in back, or in an interior side yard, or below grade, or within a building. Inte ' r side yard surface parking fronting on University Ave. and in station azeas with frontage on ot r streets may not exceed 2 rows of pazking with a drive aisle between not to exceed 60 ft. of stre fronta e. St Anthony Avenue frontage is exempted from this requirement. 7. Use Restrictions. The e auto service station, auto allowed at station areas, �A-H2kt� auto sales and rental, auto repair, market, auto specialty store, or car wash uses shall not be a�e ning or buildinu permit is not required. New drive-through uses at station areas will be allowed regulated by T'N2 zoning, which allows one drive-through lane to the side or rear of a building, wi banks being allowed up to 3 drive-throughs. Design Requirements. The interim ove y area is defined as a pedestrian-oriented commercial district and the design standards in Sec. 63. 10 (c) of the Zoning Code will apply to new development. If an of the re uirements in c. 63.110 c conflict with the re uirements in Exemptions. Existing buildings in the interim overla azea may be expanded without fully meeting these requirements, as long as the expansion or additio does not make the total structure less conforming than previously. The ro osed home im ro ent store ro'ect on Pascal for which an a lication has been made for site lan a roval is ex licit exem t from the new re uirements. Conflicting provisions. All requirements of the underlying ning district shall apply, except when they conflict with the specific requirements defined above. In s h cases, the requirements of this section shall apply. specified in the Zonin Code. ��/� / U I2� 128 129 130 131 Properties Interim Overli 292923320050 292923320051 292923330061 292923330066 292923330067 292923330068 292923330069 292923330070 292923330071 292923330072 292923330073 292923330074 292923330075 292923330076 292923330077 292923330078 292923330079 292923330080 292923330081 292923330082 292923330083 292923330084 292923330085 292923330086 292923330087 292923330089 292923330090 292923330091 292923330092 292923330093 292923330094 292923330095 292923330096 292923330097 292923330098 292923330099 292923330100 292923330101 292923330102 292923330103 Section 3. by the Interim Overlay Requirements. - Properties Within the 1/4 Mile Station Area — West of 280 292923330104 292923330145 292923330105 292923330146 292923330106 292923330147 292923330107 292923330148 292923330108 292923330149 292923330109 292923330150 2923330110 292923330151 2 923330111 292923330152 292 3330112 292923330153 2929 330113 292923330154 292923 0114 292923330155 2929233 115 292923330156 292923330 6 292923330157 2929233301 292923330158 29292333011 292923330159 292923330119 292923330160 292923330120 292923330161 292923330121 292923330162 292923330122 292923330163 292923330123 292923330164 292923330124 292923330165 292923330125 92923330166 292923330126 2 923330167 292923330127 29 23330168 292923330128 2929 330169 292923330129 29292 30170 292923330130 292923 0171 292923330131 29292333 72 292923330132 292923330 3 292923330133 2929233301 292923330134 292923330175 292923330135 292923330176 292923330136 292923330177 292923330137 292923330178 292923330138 292923330179 292923330139 292923330180 292923330140 292923330181 292923330141 292923330182 292923330142 292923330183 292923330143 292923330184 292923330144 292923330185 292923330186 292923330187 292923330188 292923330189 292923330190 292923330191 292923330192 292923330193 292923330194 292923330195 292923330196 292923330197 292923330198 292923330199 292923330200 292923330201 292923330202 292923330203 292923330204 292923330205 292923330206 292923330207 292923330208 292923330209 292923330210 292923330211 292923330212 292923330213 292923330214 292923330215 292923330216 292923330217 292923330218 292923330219 292923330220 292923330221 292923330222 b � -�y�$ 230 231 292923330231 292923330232 292923330233 292923330234 292923330235 292923330236 292923330237 292923330238 292923330239 292923330240 292923330241 292923330242 292923330243 292923330244 292923330245 292923330246 292923330247 292923330248 292923330249 292923330250 292923330251 292923330252 292923330253 292923330254 292923330255 292923330257 292923330258 292923330259 292923330260 292923330261 292923330262 292923330263 292923330264 292923330266 292923330267 292923330269 292923330270 292923330271 292923330272 292923330018 292923330058 292923330057 292923330054 292923330034 292923330023 292923330022 292923330035 292923330036 292923330037 292923330038 292923330021 292923330026 292923330050 292923330053 292923330024 292923330025 292923320035 292923330055 292923320036 292923320055 292923320058 292923320059 292923320052 292923320053 292923320061 292923320062 292923320063 292923320064 292923320065 292923320066 292923320067 292923320068 292923320069 292923320070 292923320071 292923320072 292923320073 292923320074 292923320075 292923320076 292923320088 292923320089 Interim Overlay - Properties Outside the 1!4 Mile Station Area — West of 292923330039 292923330042 292923330044 292923330040 292923330029 292923330045 292923330027 292923330043 292923330032 292923330041 292923330030 292923330046 292923330028 292923330031 322923220006 292923320091 292923320092 292923320093 292923320094 292923320095 292923320096 292923320097 292923320098 292923320099 292923320100 292923320101 292923320102 292923320103 292923320104 292923320105 292923320106 292923320107 292923320108 292923320109 292923320110 292923320111 292923320112 292923320113 292923320114 292923320115 292923320116 292923320117 292923320ll8 292923320119 292923320120 292923320121 292923320122 292923320123 292923320124 292923320125 292923320126 322923220004 o�-�yg 232 Inte " Overlay - Properties Within the 1/4 Mile Station Area — 280 to Prior 29292 40012 292923430056 292923340014 2929233 062 292923430060 292923340015 292923340 64 292923430061 292923340076 2929233400 292923430063 292923340016 29292334006 292923430047 292923340017 292923340075 292923430049 292923340018 292923340068 292923430050 292923340022 292923340054 292923430053 292923340021 292923340066 292923430052 322923120011 292923340055 292923430051 322923120032 292923340051 292923430054 322923120015 292923340056 292923430058 322923120036 292923340052 92923430059 322923120028 292923340053 2 923430057 322923120035 292923440013 29 23430062 322923120030 332923230016 2929 3430080 322923ll0061 332923230017 29292 30064 322923110020 332923220030 292923 0067 322923210030 292923340057 29292343 66 322923210029 292923340059 292923430 1 322923210020 292923340050 29292334000 322923210022 292923340081 292923340008 322923210021 322923120044 292923340009 322923210023 292923430127 292923340010 322923210024 292923430128 292923340077 322923210026 292923430129 292923340025 322923210027 292923430126 292923340024 322923210025 292923430082 292923340023 22923210028 292923430045 292923340012 2923340079 292923430055 292923340011 3 923210035 292923430083 292923340013 322 3120033 292923430048 292923340020 3229 120023 233 234 322923110008 332923230005 332923320008 322923110043 332923220027 332923320003 322923110006 332923320001 332923320005 322923110007 322923110059 332923320002 322923110012 322923110060 332923320004 322923110013 332923230008 332923320036 322923110045 332923230009 292923310080 332923230020 332923230010 292923310081 Interim Overlay - Properties Outside the 1/4 Mile Station Area 280 to Prior 332923220014 332923230021 332923220 5 332923220008 332923220010 3329233200 292923340027 332923230004 33292332000 322923110052 322923120024 322923120034 322923120026 322923120025 322923120027 322923210031 322923ll0015 322923110016 322923110017 322923110014 292923440038 292923430075 292923430076 322923120008 322923120009 322923120042 322923120041 322923120043 322923120022 322923120040 292923430081 322923120039 322923120037 322923120019 322923120021 322923120038 322923210017 322923210016 322923210015 322923210018 322923210019 292923310082 292923310083 292923340005 292923340006 292923340082 322923110058 322923110037 322923110044 322923ll0029 b�'�`1"$ 32292 10055 322923 10056 235 236 Interim erl; 332923130 8 33292314000 237 238 332923130020 332923130017 332923130032 332923140031 332923140032 332923140033 332923130033 332923140052 332923140053 332923140054 332923130034 332923140055 332923130029 332923140068 332923140069 332923140070 332923140071 332923140072 332923140073 332923140074 332923140075 332923140076 332923140077 332923140086 332923140085 322923110057 322923210014 322923110038 - Properties Within the 1/4 Mile Station Area — Prior to Snelling 332923140084 332923240042 332923210010 332923140083 332923240043 332923410122 332923140187 332923240044 332923410123 332923140186 332923240028 332923410027 332923140185 332923240012 332923410026 332923140078 332923240024 332923410008 332923130004 332923240020 332923410009 332923130031 332923240021 332923410010 332923130030 332923240022 332923410012 32923130006 332923240023 332923410013 2923130036 332923240013 332923420006 33 23130035 332923240069 332923420010 332 3240064 332923240070 332923420011 33292 40076 332923240071 332923420012 332923 0192 332923240072 332923420007 3329232 037 332923240073 332923420009 332923240 6 332923240074 332923420013 3329232400 332923240075 332923420008 33292324003 332923240008 332923420016 332923240033 332923240007 332923420015 332923240032 332923240009 332923420014 332923240031 332923240010 332923420164 332923240030 332923240011 332923420017 332923240029 332923240006 332923420018 332923240038 332923240003 332923420019 332923240039 332923240002 332923240040 332923240004 332923240041 2923240005 Interim Overlay - Properties Outside the 1/4 Mile 332923130001 332923140183 332923140008 332923140184 332923140007 332923410115 332923140006 332923210006 33292314Q005 332923410127 332923130002 332923410128 332923140181 332923410114 332923140182 332923420001 — Prior to Snelling 0002 332923420078 0003 332923420077 0004 332923420076 005 332923420083 0 2 332923420084 332923420079 332923420086 � / J �V 239 241 242 243 244 Interim 342923230151 342923230152 342923230153 342923230167 342923230164 342923230165 342923230166 342923230172 342923230173 342923230174 342923230175 342923230176 342923140212 342923140213 342923140214 342923140215 342923140216 342923140217 - Properties Within the 1/4 Mile Station Area — Snelling to Lexington 342923140218 342923230074 342923140224 342923140222 342923230130 342923230225 342923140101 342923230129 342923230226 342923140102 342923230128 342923310021 342923140103 342923230127 342923320003 342923240226 342923230126 342923320007 342923240225 342923230184 342923320008 342923240224 342923230183 342923140225 342923240223 34292323Q182 342923410064 42923240222 342923230181 342923410065 3 923240221 342923230180 342923410067 34 23240220 342923230179 342923410066 342 3240219 342923230178 342923410052 34292 40218 342923230177 342923410051 342923 0217 342923410001 342923410059 34292324 16 342923310016 342923410050 342923240 5 342923320001 342923410043 3429232300 342923320004 342923410057 342923230076 342923320005 342923410049 342923230075 342923320006 342923410058 Interim Overlay - Properties Outside the 1/4 342923130105 342923130178 342923130104 342923130177 342923130103 342923240109 342923130188 342923240108 342923130187 342923240107 342923130186 342923240106 342923130185 342923240105 342923130184 342923310017 342923130183 342923310026 342923130182 342923310023 342923130181 342923310020 342923130180 342923310014 342923130179 342923310011 Station Area — Snelling to Lexington 342923310022 342923420005 342923310018 342923420006 342923310024 342923420007 4292331002� 342923420009 3 923310027 342923420010 34 23420022 342923420012 342 3420023 342923420011 34292 20019 342923420013 342923 0021 342923420014 34292342 020 342923420015 342923420 1 342923420016 3429234200 342923420017 34292342000 342923420024 Interim Overlay - Properties Within the 1/4 Mile Station Area — Lex 352923410218 352923140240 352923140211 352923410219 352923140239 352923140212 352923410200 352923140125 352923140213 352923410221 352923140152 352923140243 352923410222 352923140206 352923140207 352923410223 352923140208 352923140228 352923140205 352923140209 352923140227 352923140204 352923140210 352923140223 to Dale 352923140244 352923140246 � 352923140247 352923140229 352923230090 � �7���� 245 246 352923230091 352923230092 352923230195 352923230189 Interim Overlay - 352923130202 352923130201 352923130195 352923130194 352923130235 352923130240 352923130198 352923130229 352923130228 352923130227 352923130226 352923130225 352923130223 352923130222 352923130221 352923130220 352923130214 352923130217 352923130224 352923130218 352923240107 352923230202 352923320006 352923320007 352923320143 3529Z3320012 352923320011 352923320010 352923320141 352923320021 352923320008 352923320147 352923320148 352923320145 352923320009 352923320146 352923320072 352923320074 352923320073 352923320054 352923410001 352923410002 352923410209 352923410216 352923410217 352923410003 352923410199 352923410200 352923410206 es Outside the 1/4 Mile Station Area — Lexington to Dale 352923240106 352923310111 352923420011 2923240105 352923310112 352923420013 3 923240103 352923310113 352923420014 352 3240104 352923310114 352923420015 3529 240224 352923310115 352923420008 35292 40223 352923310116 352923420012 3529232 222 352923310117 352923420031 35292324 21 352923310118 352923420032 3529232402 352923310119 352923420033 35292324023 352923310120 352923420034 352923310001 352923310121 352923420036 352923310002 352923310122 352923420040 352923310003 352923420001 352923420041 352923310004 352923420002 352923420042 352923310005 352923420003 352923420195 352923310006 352923420004 352923420198 352923310007 52923420005 352923420199 352923310009 3 923420006 352923420035 352923310008 35 23420007 352923420039 352923310109 3529 420009 352923310110 35292 20010 247 248 Interim Overlay - Properties Within the 1/4 Mile Station Area — ale to Marion 362923230167 362923230242 3629232301 7 362923230203 362923230241 36292323011 362923230204 362923230240 362923230254 362923230205 362923230250 362923230114 362923230206 362923230229 362923230249 362923230230 362923230259 362923230255 362923230231 362923230233 362923140111 362923230232 362923230243 362923130200 362923230234 362923230251 362923130213 362923230247 362923230237 362923130215 362923230253 362923230118 362923130198 362923130196 362923140122 362923420033 362923420122 362923410001 362923410009 362923410008 362923410007 10035 a�-5y � 249 250 Interim erl; 362923130 1 36292313018 362923130201 362923130199 362923130197 362923130176 362923130202 362923130178 362923130189 362923130187 362923130184 362923130179 362923130182 362423420012 362923320005 362923320094 362923320095 362923320093 362923320004 362923320003 - Properties Outside the 1/4 Mile Station Area — Dale to Marion 362923420104 362923310010 362923420013 362923310026 362923420020 362923310105 362923420021 362923310012 362923420123 362923310011 362923420124 362923310025 362923310027 362923310137 362923310028 362923310116 362923310033 362923310024 62923310134 362923240111 3 2923310135 362923240109 36 23310136 362923240108 362 3310ll5 362923240107 36292 310009 362423240106 This ordinance shall take effect and approval and publication. Adopted by Council: Date Adoption Certified by Council Secretary By: 362923240105 362923240103 362923240102 362923240101 362923240100 362923240099 362923240098 362923240110 362923240104 362923240215 362923240214 362923240229 362923240232 362923240222 Section 2 force thirty (30) days following its passage, �sent Requested by Department o£ By: Form Appr ed by City Attorney By: Form Approved byT�ayor for Submission to Council By: � Approved by Mayor: Date By: Council File # �7-�� Green Sheet # � 4 � � �S ORDINANCE CITY r��ent�a 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 An inten ordinance pursuant to Minn. Stat. 462355, Subd. 4, to regulate developme t in that azea of the City generally on either side of University Avenue from Manon treet to the western border with Minneapolis. THE COLTI�IL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN Section 1 10 asked the Planning Commission to 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 [nterim Ordinance: In the spring of 2006, Mayor Coleman two community-based task forces to prepare a Central Corridor Development Strategy, a vision d development strategy for the future of University Avenue and Central Corridor given the planned inves nt in light rail transit. The Mayor asked that the task forces be representative of area residents, businesses communities of color, as well as those with interest and expertise in azeas such as affordable housing, �estate, urban design, finance, sustainable and transit- oriented development. The task forces met over e past year, finalized their recommendations for the Centrai Comdor Development Strategy, and Commission for review, public hearing, and r Comprehensive Plan. NT PAUL, MINNESOTA those recommendations to the Planning for adoption as a chapter of the City's The Central Corridor Development Strategy (CCDS) ad sses issues such as: land use planning and zoning; density and design of new development; mixed-inc e housing; business development and retention; pedestrian and bicycle connecrions; streetscape des ; parks and open spaces; sustainable development; and public art. Included in the CCDS are reco endations for revisions to the City's zoning ordinance needed to encourage new development that is nsistent with the vision, goals, and objectives of the CCDS. As an intermediate step, the CCDS also ommends that the City enact an interim zoning ordinance. Page 83 of the CCDS specifically states, `. .. an interim zoning provision should be implemented, while a full zoning study is undertaken. Thi 'nterim zoning should not change existing zoning, but modify the underlying regulations to exclude uses r standards not considered supportive of pedestrian- and transit-oriented environments." The University Avenue Central Corridor Task Force undertook a process t evaluate potential interim zomng regularions. The task force's desire was to allow new development t continue, but under modified zoning regulations that would preclude new development that is inconsistent �th the vision, goals, and objec5ves of the CCDS. During the up to one year period of the interim regula ns, it recommended that a zoning study be undertaken to determine permanent amendments to the zoning ode property needed to implement the CCDS. The University Task Force developed r o interim zoning regulations and the properties these regulations should apply to, base < recommendarions in the CCDS. They forwarded these recommendations to the Mayo The azea the task farce has recommended the interim zoning regulations apply does no of the Central Corridor east of Marion Street, as a portion of this is in the Capitol Area text and zoning of mmendations for both the id City Council. nclude the portion Planmng Board's �unsdtct�on, and another portion is in the downtown azea, where current mng is supportive of the development envisioned in the CCDS. � ��-s�� 43 44 For th urpose of protecting the City's planning process, pending the completion of the Planning 45 Commis 'on and City Council review and adoption of the CCDS, and pending completion of the zoning 46 study by City's Department of Planning and Economic Development and Planning Commission to 47 determine ne ded zoning code amendments and property rezonings needed to implement the CCDS, and 48 pending adoph of such recommendations by the City Council, an interim zoning ordinance of limited 49 duration must be nacted to protect the planning process by prohibiting new development that may be 50 inconsistent with t design, zoning, and comprehensive plan objectives envisioned in the proposed CCDS 51 and the City's Comp ensive Plan. 52 53 Section 2 54 55 Interim Zonin Ordinance I osed. Pending completion of the said study and any other necessary 56 studies or study recommendation and the adoption of any amendments to the Comprehensive Plan and 57 Zoning Code based upon the study studies, as provided under Minn. Stat. 462.355, Subd. 4, the issuance 58 of building and zoning pernuts for de lopment of new buildings for any pazcel of land or part thereof 59 within the study area as set forth below, hall be regulated by the additional requirements in this section for 60 a period of time not to exceed twelve (12 onths from the effective date of this ordinance. Until such 61 time as the said study has been completed a d the Council has reviewed its recommendations for possible 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 adoption, City departments receiving written applications and immediately process them in and the intent of this interim ordinance. for the approvals noted above shall accept the with the provisions of Minn. Stat. 15.99, Subd. 2 1. General Area It Applies To. The pazcels inc ded aze generally the "Area of Change" as defined in the CCDS, from Marion St. west to the borde with Minneapolis. The interim overlay requirements would apply to all properties within e interim overlay area. However, far some provisions, there are somewhat different requireme s that apply to properties within station areas than those outside of stafion areas within the interim verlay. Station azeas are defined as all properties within'/a mi. from proposed stations within e interim overlay uea. A list of all properties (PINs) affected are listed in Section 3. A map f the properties affected is attached. 2. Floor Area Ratio (FAR). For new buildings a minimum 0 FAR at staUOn areas (1/4 mi.); min. 0.5 FAR elsewhere is required. Public gathering, landscape pt may be counted toward building square footage in calculating � between Prior and Vandalia is exempted from the minimum F 3. Building Heights. Two (2) story building height minimums are dic art, and outdoor seating areas FAR. Industrially-zoned land requirement. at station azeas (within'/a mile). 4. Building Setbacks. New buildings must be set back a minimum of t. to a maximum of 10 ft. from the front property line for commerciai and mixed-use buildings; t setback area should include landscaping, or tables, or seating, or other pedestrian amenities. e St. Anthony Ave. frontage is exempted from the masimum setback requirement. Developme along the St. Anthony frontage road may be oriented to other streets, including the existing or pote �al new interior east- west streets. 5. Parking Requirements. Non-residential uses: the off-street pazking required s ] of 60% to a maYimum of 85% of the regular Zoning Code pazking requirements. may be exceeded if the parking spaces aze structured (ramp, deck, underground, or be a minimum 1e maYimum �tt�ris� D�-S�� 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 1Q5 106 107 108 109 110 lll 112 113 114 115 building). Residential uses: a maYimum of 1.0 spaces/unit may be provided unless the parking paces are structured. There is no minimum parking requirement for residential uses. 6. king Placemen� Pazking must be placed in back, or in an interior side yard, or below grade, or wit 'n a building. Interior side yard surface pazking fronting on University Ave. and in station areas ith frontage on other streets may not exceed 2 rows of pazking with a drive aisle between. St. Anth y Avenue frontage is exempted from this requirement. 7. Use Restr tions. No new auto sales and rental, auto repair, auto service station, auto convenience market, auto ecialty store, or car wash uses are allowed at station azeas. New drive-through uses at station areas ill be allowed as regulated by TN2 zoning, which allows one drive-through lane to the side or rear o building, with banks being allowed up to 3 drive-throughs. 8. Design Requireme . The interim overlay area is defined as a pedestrian-oriented commercial district and the design tandards in Sec. 63.110 (c) of the Zoning Code will apply to new development. Exemptions. Existing building n the interim overlay area may be expanded without fully meeting these requirements, as long as the pansion or addition does not make the total structure less conforming than previously. Conflicting provisions. All they conflict with the specific section shall apply. Properties Affected by the Interim Overlay Interim Overlay - Properties Within the 1/4 Mile 292923320050 292923330082 292923320051 292923330083 292923330061 292923330084 292923330066 292923330085 292923330067 292923330086 292923330068 292923330087 292923330069 292923330088 292923330070 292923330089 292923330071 292923330090 292923330072 292923330091 292923330073 292923330092 292923330074 292923330093 292923330075 292923330094 292923330076 292923330095 292923330077 292923330096 292923330078 292923330097 292923330079 292923330098 292923330080 292923330099 292923330081 292923330100 of the underlying zoning district sha11 apply, except when defined above. In such cases, the requirements of this [c3 Area — West of 280 292923330110 292923330111 292923330112 292923330113 292923330114 292923330115 292923330116 292923330117 292923330118 292923330119 292923330120 292923330121 292923330122 292923330123 292923330124 292923330125 292923330126 292923330127 292923330128 292923330129 292923330130 292923330131 292923330132 292923330133 292923330134 ��-s�� 292923330146 292923330147 292923330148 292923330149 292923330150 292923330151 292923330152 292923330153 292923330154 292923330155 292923330156 292923330157 292923330158 292923330159 292923330160 292923330161 292923330162 292923330163 292923330164 29292333Q165 292923330166 292923330167 292923330168 292923330169 292923330170 292923330171 292923330172 292923330173 292923330174 292923330175 292923330176 292923330177 292923330178 292923330179 292923330180 292923330181 292923330182 292923330183 292923330184 292923330185 292923330186 292923330187 292923330188 292923330189 292923330191 292923330192 292923330193 292923330194 292923330195 292923330196 292923330207 292923330208 292923330209 292923330210 292923330211 292923330213 292923330214 292923330215 292923330216 292923330217 292923330218 292923330219 292923330220 292923330221 292923330223 292923330225 292923330227 292923330228 292923330229 292923330230 292923330231 292923330232 292923330234 292923330235 292923330236 292923330237 292923330239 292923330240 2929233302A1 292923330242 292923330244 292923330245 292923330246 292923330247 292923330248 292923330249 292923330250 292923330251 292923330252 292923330254 292923330255 292923330256 29292333�257 292923330268 292923330269 292923330270 292923330271 292923330272 292923330273 292923330274 292923330275 292923330276 292923330277 292923330056 292923330051 292923330017 292923330052 292923330018 292923330058 292923330054 292923330034 292923330023 292923330022 292923330036 292923330037 292923330038 292923330021 292923330026 292923330050 292923330053 292923330024 292923330025 292923320035 292923330055 292923320036 292923320055 292923320058 292923320059 292923320052 292923320053 292923320060 292923320061 292923320062 292923320063 292923320064 292923320065 292923320066 292923320067 292923320068 292923320069 292923320070 292923320071 292923320072 292923320073 d�-.s�� 230 231 232 233 292923320082 292923320083 292923320084 292923320085 292923320086 292923320087 292923320088 292923320089 292923320091 292923320092 292923320093 292923320094 292923320095 292923320096 292923320097 292923320098 292923320099 292923320102 292923320103 292923320104 292923320105 292923320106 292923320107 292923320108 292923320109 292923320110 292923320111 292923320112 292923320113 292923320114 Interim Overlay - Properties O tside the 1/4 Mile Station Area — West of 280 292923330039 29292 30042 292923330044 292923330040 292923 0029 292923330045 292923330027 29292333 043 292923330032 292923330041 292923330 0 292923330046 292923330028 29292333003 3229232200Q6 Interim Overiay - Properties Within the Mile Station Area — 280 to Prior 292923440012 292923340062 292923340064 292923340065 292923340063 292923340075 292923340068 292923340054 292923340066 292923340055 292923340051 292923340056 292923340052 292923340053 292923440013 332923230016 332923230017 332923220030 292923340057 292923340059 292923340050 292923340081 322923120044 292923430127 292923430128 292923430129 292923430126 292923430082 292923430045 292923430055 292923430083 292923430048 292923430056 292923430060 292923430061 292923430063 292923430047 292923430049 292923430050 292923430053 292923430052 292923430051 292923430054 292923430058 292923430059 292923430057 292923430062 292923430080 292923430064 292923430067 292923430066 292923430001 292923340007 10 292923340020 292923340014 292923340015 292923340076 292923340016 292923340017 292923340018 292923340022 292923340021 292923320115 292923320116 292923320117 292923320118 292923320119 292923320120 292923320121 292923320122 292923320123 292923320124 292923320125 292923320126 292923330033 322923220004 322923220003 322923220005 322923120011 322923120032 322923120015 322923120036 322923120028 322923120035 322923120030 322923110061 322923110020 322923210030 322923210029 322923210020 322923210022 322923210021 322923210023 322923210024 32292321002b 322923210027 322923210025 322923210028 292923340079 322923210035 �� s�� 233 234 235 236 322923110015 Interim Overlay - 332923220014 332923220008 292923340027 322923110008 322923110043 322923110006 322923110007 322923110012 322923110013 322923110045 332923230020 332923230021 332923220010 322923110016 322923120042 322923110017 322923120041 322923110014 322923120043 292923440038 322923120022 292923430075 322923120040 292923430076 292923430081 322923120008 322923120039 322923120009 322923120037 es Outside the U4 Mile Stafion Area — 280 to Prior 332923230004 332923320003 332923230005 332923320005 2923220027 332923320002 3 23320001 332923320004 322 3110059 332923320036 32292 110060 292923310080 332923 0008 292923310081 3329232 009 292923310082 332923230 0 292923310083 3329232200 292923340005 33292332000 292923340006 332923320006 292923340082 332923320008 322923110058 Interim Overlay - Properties Within the 1/4 332923130018 332923140073 332923140004 332923140074 332423130028 332923140075 332923130020 332923140076 332923130017 332923140077 332923130032 332923140086 332923140031 332923140085 332923140032 332923140084 332923140033 332923140083 332923130033 332923140187 332923140052 332923140186 332923140053 332923140185 332923140054 332923140078 332923130034 332923130004 332923140055 332923130031 332923130029 332923130030 332923140068 332923130006 332923140069 332923130036 332923140070 332923130035 332923140071 332923240064 332923140072 332923240076 322923120019 322923120021 322923120038 322923210017 322923210016 322923210015 322923210018 322923210019 322923110037 322923110044 322923110029 322923110030 322923110022 322923110055 322923110056 322923110057 322923110038 322923210014 Station Area — Prior to Snelling 332923140192 332923240021 332923240037 332923240022 332923240036 332923240023 32923240035 332923240013 3 923240034 332923240069 33 23240033 332923240070 332 3240032 332923240071 33292 0031 332923240072 332923 0030 332923240073 3329232 029 332923240074 332923240 8 332923240075 3329232400 332923240008 332923240040 332923240007 332923240041 332923240009 332923240042 332923240010 332923240043 332923240011 332923240044 332923240006 332923240028 332923240003 332923240012 332923240002 332923240024 32923240004 332923240020 3 923240005 �� ��� 237 238 332923410008 332923410009 Interim Overlay - 332923130001 332923140008 332923140007 332923140006 332923140005 332923130002 332923140181 332923140182 332923410010 332923410012 332923410013 332923420006 332923420010 332923420011 332923420012 332923420007 332923420009 332923420013 332923420008 332923420016 332923420015 332923420014 332923420164 332923420017 332923420018 332923420019 es Outside the U4 Mile Station Area — Prior to Snelling 332923140183 332923420002 332923420078 332923140184 332923420003 332923420077 2923410115 332923420004 332923420076 3 923210006 332923420005 332923420083 332 3410127 332923420082 332923420084 3329 410128 332923420081 332923420085 332923 0114 332923420080 332923420086 3329234 001 332923420079 THIS SPACE LEFT INTFNTIONAI,LI' d� ��� 239 terim Overlay - Properties Within the U4 Mile Station Area — Snelling to Leaington 34 23230137 342923140218 342923230074 342923140224 342 230138 342923140222 342923230130 342923230225 34292 30151 342923140101 342923230129 342923230226 3429232 152 342923140102 342923230128 342923310021 342923230 3 342923140103 342923230127 342923320003 3429232301 342923240226 342923230126 342923320007 342923230164 342923240225 342923230184 342923320008 342923230165 342923240224 342923230183 342923140225 342923230166 342923240223 342923230182 342923410064 342923230172 342923240222 342923230181 342923410065 342923230173 342923240221 342923230180 342923410067 342923230174 342923240220 342923230179 342923410066 342923230175 342923240219 342923230178 342923410052 342923230176 2923240218 342923230177 342923410051 342923140212 3 23240217 342923410001 342923410059 342923140213 342 3240216 342923310016 342923410050 342923140214 34292 40215 342923320001 342923410043 342923140215 342923 0077 342923320004 342923410057 342923140216 34292323 76 342923320005 342923410049 342923140217 3429232300 342923320006 342923410058 241 ' 242 Interim Overlay - Properties Outside the 342923130105 342923130178 342923130104 342923130177 342923130103 342923240109 342923130188 342923240108 342923130187 342923240107 342923130186 3429232A0106 342923130185 342923240105 342923130184 342923310017 342923130183 342923310026 342923130182 342923310023 342923130181 342923310020 342923130180 342923310014 342923130179 342923310011 243 244 Interim Overlay - Properties Within the 1/4 Mile Station Area — Lex 352923410218 352923140240 352923140211 352923410219 352923140239 352923140212 352923410200 352923140125 352923140213 352923410221 352423140152 352923140243 352923410222 352923140206 352923140207 352923410223 352923140208 352923140228 352923140205 352923140209 352923140227 352923140204 352923140210 352923140223 Mile Station Area — Snelling to Lexington 342923310022 342923420005 342923310018 342923420006 342923310024 342923420007 342923310025 342923420009 42923310027 342923420010 2923420022 342923420012 34 23420023 342923420011 342 3420019 342923420013 34292 20021 342923420014 3429234 020 342923420015 34292342 O1 342923420016 3429234200 342923420017 342923420003� 342923420024 to Dale 352923140244 352923140246 3529231402A7 ��-s�� 245 246 352923230092 352923230195 352923230189 Interim Overlay - 352923130202 352923130201 352923130195 352923130194 352923130235 352923130240 352923130198 352923130229 352923130228 352923130227 352923130226 352923130225 352923130223 352923130222 352923130221 352923130220 352923130219 352923130217 352923130224 352923130218 352923240107 352923320006 352923320007 352923320143 352923320012 352923320011 352923320010 352923320141 352923320020 352923320021 352923320008 352923320002 352923320147 352923320148 352923320145 352923320009 352923320146 352923320072 352923320074 352923320073 352923320054 352923410001 352923410002 352923410209 352923410216 352923410217 352923410003 352923410199 352923410200 352923410206 es Outside the 1/4 Mile Station Area — Le�ngton to Dale 2923240106 352923310111 352923420011 3 923240105 352923310112 352923420013 352 3240103 352923310113 352923420014 35292 40104 352923310114 352923420015 352923 0224 352923310115 352923420008 35292324 23 352923310116 352923420012 3529232402 352923310117 352923420031 352923240221 352923310118 352923420032 352923240215 352923310119 352923420033 352923240230 352923310120 352923420034 352923310001 352923310121 352923420036 352923310002 352923310122 352923420040 352923310003 352923420001 352923420041 352923310004 52923420002 352923420042 352923310005 3 923420003 352923420195 352923310006 352 3420004 352923420198 352923310007 3529 420005 352923420199 352923310009 352923 0006 352923420035 352923310008 35292342 07 352923420039 352923310109 352923420 9 352923310110 35292342001 247 248 Interim Overlay - Properties Within the 1/4 Mile Station Area — Dale 362923230167 362923230242 362923230117 362923230203 362923230241 362923230116 362923230204 362923230240 362923230254 362923230205 362923230250 362923230114 362923230206 362923230229 362923230249 362923230230 362923230259 362923230255 362923230231 362923230233 362923140111 362923230232 362923230243 362923130200 362923230234 362923230251 362923130213 362923230247 362923230237 362923130215 362923230253 362923230118 362923130198 362923130196 362923140122 362923420033 362923420122 362923410001 ��-��� 249 250 362923320007 362923320005 362923320094 362923320095 362923320093 In ' Overlay - Properties Outside the U4 Mile Station Area - Dale to Marion 36292 30181 362923420104 362923310010 3629231 180 362923420013 362923310026 362923130 1 362923420020 362923310105 36292313019 362923420021 362923310012 362923130197 362923420123 362923310011 362923130176 362923420124 362923310025 362923130202 362923310027 362923310137 362923130178 362923310028 362923310116 362923130189 362923310033 362923310024 362923130187 2923310134 362923240111 362923130184 3 23310135 362923240109 362923130179 362 3310136 362923240108 362923130182 36292 10115 362923240107 362923420012 362923 0009 362923240106 362923320003 362923240105 362923240103 362923240102 362923240101 362923240100 362923240099 362923240098 362923240110 362923240104 362923240215 362923240214 362923240229 362923240232 362923240222 Section 4 This ordinance shall take effect and be in fo�e thirty (30) days from and after its passage, approval and publication. \ Benanav by Deparvnent of: Adopted by Council: Date � Absent Adopdon Certified by Council Secretary By: Approved by Mayor: Date By: Form By: Form Approved By: by City Attomey L✓a,,,�s�. C - ( �r - for Submission to Council