07-293Council File # �� � �J Green Sheet � 3037697 ORDI�'ANCE CITY OF SALNT PAUL, NIIN!VESOTA Presented By .� 3 4 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 An ordinance amending Chapter 409 to limit the use of funds deposited in the Youth Program Fund to provide fee waivers for youth participants in City recreation programs TAE COT3NCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Secrion 1 �i�`°��.75+f=,a � 1 � 'O7 Chapter 409.23 of the Saint Paul L,egislative Code is hereby amended to read as follows: Sec. 404.23. Pund established; administrarion. (a) Youth Program Fund. There is hereby established a special fund for the administration and distribution of the proceeds contributed by charitable gambling in on-sale liquor establislunents as specified in this chapter. This fund sha11 be known as the "Youth Prograsn Fund." The purpose of this fund shall be to assist in providing €arxling fee waivers for youth programs or�anized and run by the Division of Parks and Recreation. �eve�aped-�� > - > - b� Limitations on use of unds: 27 � Funds aze to be used solelv for the purpose of waivin� or reducing the fees 28 for participation by Saint Paul residents between the aees of 2 and18, in 29 Citv-sponsored and run vouth recreauon or educarional nrograms. Youth 30 who aze of age must be actively enrolled and attending school to qualifv. 31 32 2� No part of the funds deposited in the Youth Program Fund sha11 be used 33 far anv part of the costs of administration or re�ulation of such fund. 34 38 � 39 40 41 42 43 44 35 � Funds aze not to be denosited in the Citv's �eneral fund, but must be 36 placed in a s�ecial fuud desienated specifically for this use. 37 Eli�ibiditv�or fee waivers: � � Eli�ibilitv for fee waivers shall be deternuned on an annual basis. Annual allocations are provided per calendar year and cannot be carried forward. o z�� 18 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 � The maYimum annual per qualifving child allocarion shall be set annually bv the D'uector of Pazks and Recreation. � Fee waiver allocarians sha11 be based uoon the Federal Poverty Leve1 Guidelines, with qualifving vouth whose familv �come is at or below 130% of the Federal Povertv Level Guideline eli�ible for a fee waiver the Federal Poveriv Level Guideline eliable for a fee waiver equal to 75% of the ori�inal total program offerin� fee. The minimnm amount of payment shall be � 1.OQ per course offerinQ. �, Matiimum annual per child allocations shall also be based upon the Federal Povertv Level Guidelines, with qualifvin� vouth whose family income is at or below 130% of the Federal Poverty Level Guideline eliQible for 100% of the annual ma�mum oer child allocarion, and qualifvin� vouth whose familv income is �reater than 130°lo but at or below 185% of the Federal Povertv Level Guideline eli�ible for 7>% of the annual maYimum per child allocation. � Fee waiver assistance is contin ent upon a fundin� balance in the Youth Pro�ram Fund. ���..s..,.,��..��.....�� . - . ..:.: . . . . :.. :.: : . . .: :..: .. . ._ . : . ..: : .. . . . . . .:. �: :. . . .. . .� . :. - . : : . :. . .. : .. � . ::. . . ..: : . . . . -:� .. .: .. : . . :.. .. .. : . : .. . . . . . :. . . :...• ... . ... � . . . ..� : . � : �..�....R�a -.. • .. . . . . .� . . .: . . . : •: . . : . ... •�. • � �: - � i �� � i i �r: i ..n � ♦ • •� • ��:u" � � - .�• - - - i ♦ • o � � • : - • • � � � i i • - • - .• • • � r • " - i • • i ' � - i " � "• - -' � -. i i • •�i' - •• - -� • - - • •.� -• � i� �- � i- :• - • i •t• u � n����n • "��i •�i:" •� "� -� � - i gg 89 90 91 92 93 • • � " ' ' _ _ " ' _ ' _ ' . 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The mayor, with the advice and consent of the city council shall appoint a city-wide Charitable Gamblin� Eli�ible Recipient advisory boazd whose membership shall consist of one (1) youth and one (1) adult representative from each of the city's council districts as well as fow (4) at-large members to advise the city council on the $isbmsc�xent eli�ible recipients of these funds. The advisory board shall by resolufion adopt rules and regulations governin , criteria for eligible appiicants and appropriate uses for the funds, which rules shall, prior to becoming effective, be approved by the city council. These rules CO 204 205 shall anclude all the provisions of this secrion. 206 (b) Eligible recipients list established. There is hereby established a list of recipients 207 eligible for distriburion of proceeds contributed by charitable gambling in on-sale 208 liquor establishments as specified in this chapter, and in private clubs and other 209 places as provided in section 402.10 of these chapters. 'I`he list of eligible 210 recipients shall be promulgated annually by resolution by the city council upon 211 the advice and report of the board. Such list may be amended from time to time 212 by the city council to add or delete recipients. Such list shall be maintained for 213 public inspecrion ln the office of the city clerk, and shall be mailed quarterly to all 214 organizations conducting charitable gambling within the City of Saint Paul by the 215 Of&ce of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection. 216 217 (c) 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 (d) 236 237 238 234 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 Applicant qual fcations for inclusion on list. Applicants shall be required to apply annually and shall meet fhe following requirements in order to be included on the list: (1) Applicants for inclusion on the list must be incoiporated, nonprofit organizations fomied solely for the purpose of serving Saint Paul youth, or having an incorporated, nonprofit organization, which provides programs for Saint Paul youth, as a fiscal agent. Booster clubs, which provide programs for youth, organized for a recreation center will be eligibla, but organized clubs, activities and teams of public or private schools, will not be eligible. Evidence that an organizarion has been recognized by the IRS as exempt from taxarion pursuant to 26 U.S.C. Secrion 501 or is using an organization so recognized as a fiscal agent sha11 be accepted as proof that it is a nonprofit organization, but such evidence is not the exclusive method of establishing nonprofit status. (2) No other orgauization shall be eligible for inclusion on the list. Requir-enaents for applications for inclusion on the list: (1) �2) Each applicant for inclusion on the list sha11 provide information setting forth its stated puipose, number of participants served, area served and the reasons why funds aze needed. The submitting organizarion must provide at the time of application: a. Verification of nonprofit status and copy of organizational bylaws. b. List of current officexs or directors. c. Letter verifying organization's approval of the proposal and, where necessary, letter verifying approval of the application and proposal by the baard of the fiscal agent. d. Previous year's budget and financial statement. e. Current balance sheet and income statement, if applicable. £ Proposed budget (expenses and income) for the acrivity. g. Evidence that insurance, if needed, can be obtained by the organization. h. Area served, number of participants served, and reasons why funds are needed. The fmancial information must demonstrate that the majority of the organization's 0�1-2�3 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 (e} 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 funding is used for the benefit of the public in providing youth programs for youth twenty (20) and under, at least sevenry-five (75) percent of whom are residents of the city. (3) No organizarion operating charitable gambling in the State of Minnesota will be eligible for inclusion on the list. (4) An organization formed, incorporated, operated or managed by the members, officers or directors of any organizarion operating or conducting lawful gambling, or subject to the requirements for contriburions under secriQns 40922(1) or 402. 10 Qf the Legislative Gode, or the ten (10) percent contribution requirement in this section, sha11 not be an eligible recipient. (5) An eligible recipient, as a condition to continuation on the list, may not engage in or operate charitable gambling nor use any contribuuons received as a result of its status as an eligible recipient for anything other than a lawful purpose. Each recipient as a condition of receipt of contributions must execute the verified receipt and representations required above. Contributions required. Organizauons conducrin� charitable gambling within the City of 5aint Paul shall, to meet requiremems iniposed by law, including, but not limited to, secrions �}02.10 and 409.22(14) of the Saint Paul Le�slative Code, give ten (10) percent as required therein to one (1) or more elig}ble recipients on the list promulgated by the city council or to the Youth Program Fund established under secrion 409.23. All such contributions must go only to eligible recipients on the list provided above, An organization cannot contribute to any recipient not fiunislung the verified receipt as provided. 287 (�} Affidavit. Each eligible recipient sha11 annually, during the month of 3anuary, file 288 an�davit with the Youth Program Fund manager, in which each officer of the 289 reaipient shall state that the contributions which it received during the previous 290 calendar year have been expended for a lawfixl purpose and state the purpose, that 291 all previous contriburions, if any, have been expended for lawful putposes, that 292 the calendaz-year total of contributions received as a result of its status as an 243 eligible recipient does not exceed the allowable amount under the ordinance, that 294 it does not operate any gamblittg activities, and that no such contribution or any 295 previous contriburion will be or has been used for capital expenses, salaries or 296 travel expenses except as may be allowed herein. 297 298 (g) Limitations on award and use of funds. Funds map not be used for capital 299 expenses, except as may be provided in administrative rules adopted by the 300 advisory board peimitting use of funds for purchase or maintenance of capital 301 goods other than real property, nor for salaries or travel expenses, but may be 302 expended for an individual or team representing the city or state in the state ar 303 national championship tournament in that sport or activity, or from the city where 304 such individual or team has qualified for the state or national championship 305 tournament in that sport or acrivity by competing in and wuuung the 306 championship of a tournament in the city or state; provided, that iravel expenses 307 shall not be paid for any invitational tournament, qualifying tournament or other 30& tournament_ The term " championship tournamenY' means that such tournament is 3Q9 sanctioned as such by the governing body of that sport or activiry. Funds may also 0 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 32$ 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 be expended for reasonable bus rental for same-day trips for special events or activities. �h Programs will be limited to eieht thousand dollazs (�8A00.00) in contributions each yeaz. OzQanized athletic proarams, reeardless of sport, based at or primarily using the faciliries or equipment of a particular recreational facility mav be considered one (1} proeram at that facilitv. In addition to the fore�oing, an eli�ible or�anization may be allowed to receive an additional six thousand dollazs eligible azea or the orsanizarion can demonstrate that a maioritv of the vouth directiv benefited bv the pro�ram come from families whose income is below the income standazds which are used to measure Communitv Development Block Grant area eli�ibilitv. (ii I� Contribution of checks through the license division. Notwithstanding any other provision of 1aw to the contrary, an organization conducting charitable gambling shall make its contribution to an eligible recipient on the list by sending its check far the amount to the license inspector. The license inspector shall verify that the intended eligible recipient has complied with all requirements of this chapter and that the proposed contribution will not exceed the allowable limits, nor be in excess of eight thousand dollars ($8,000. 00) for that calendar year (as modified by the provisions of ." section above concerning organizarions in certain eligjble areas or making certain demonstrations). If all requirements of law have been satisfied, the L7EP director shall forward such contribution to the intended eligible recipient by mail. (� j,) Alternate compliance, i3otcuithstanding any provision of law to the contrary, any organization conducring charitable gambling within the City of Saint Paul may satisfy its abligations under paragraph (e) above and sections 402.10 and 409.22(14) of the Code to give ten (10) percent of its net profits to eligible recipients by, in lieu thereof, contriburing such ten (10) percent to the Youth Program Fund established under secrion 409.23 of the Code. Section 3 347 This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thiriy (30) days foliowing its passage, 348 approval and publication. o�=�..�� �����::. ,, r_� � �I Requesxed byDepartmeneof: _ �� //"�=`C LQ✓j.-�`�d /� , Br _ ,J� �,.-- �� . Form ApprovedbyCiryA[rorney By_ `��l/CP V�� ��r',2�i- Form Auvroved.la�Mavorfor5ubmiss�ontoCouncil BY . � s,;: �. � � `� ��? Adoption CeRiSed by Counoil Secret 4§ B➢' O/G Approved ky May : D e � �� BY. C=c7 c�� Z�3 � Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet � PR — P� �d RecreaFion ContaM Person 8 Pfione: Kathy Korum 66373 Doc. Type: ORDINANCE E•DocumenS Required: N Document ConWCt: Conqet Phone: 12-MAR-07 � Assign Number For Routirtg Ortler Total # of Signature Pyges _(Clip All Locations for Signature) Green Sheet NO: 3037697 0 azls and Recrea5on 1 �arksandRecreation DenarlmentD"uector �..- 2 ' Attorne 3 or's OfSce Ma orlAssistant a ounc�l 5 ' Clerk Ci Clerk Signatures on attached Ordinance for the Youth Prograzn Fund �YO� OFFICE Recommendations: Approve (A) or Reject (R): Personal Service Contracts Must Answer the Foilowing Questions: Planning Commission 1. Has this person/firm ever worked under a contracf for tfiis depadment? _ _ _ _ _ CIB Committee Yes No Civil Service Commission 2. Has fhis personlfirm ever been a city employee? Yes No 3. Does this personlfirm possess a skiil not nortnaliy possessed by any current city employee? Yas No Ezplain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet Inifiating Problem, Issues,AppoRunity {Who, What, When, Where, Why): Amendment of Chapter 409 of the Legislarive Code, whereby use of the funds deposited in the Youth Progam Fund will be limited to providing fee waivers for youth participants in City sponsored and run recrearional and edncarional pmgrams. � Advantages If Approvetl: Improved access to qualifying youth to participate in Ciry sponsored programs. �� 1 �,. DisadvantageslfApproved: Funds that had previously been available through the City for nonprofit organiza6ons to serve Saint Paul youth will no longer be availalbe. These funds will be nsed to waive fee for qualifying youth in City sponsored programs. �isadvantages If Not Approvetl: , Access will be limited for Ciry youth to participate in Ciry sponsored fee based recreational and educarional pmgzms. � rransaction: $15,000 Funding Source: 33179 CostlRevenue B�dgeted: Acti�lrty Number. Financial lnformation: $15,000 is the amount that is cwrenfly budgeted in 33179. (E�cplain} charitable gambling proceeds received. ` ` - Annual actual amounts wiil vary based on � ' � �,�� .� :.�.''k. II Marcti 12, 2007 233 PM Page 1