07-29Council File # 07 �.q Green Sheet # 3035630 1 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 CITY Presented by AUL, MINNESOTA �� An ordinance amending Chapter 60 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code pertaining to zoning for the City of Saint Paul and the zoning maps thereof: � S , �T WHEREAS, Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes §462.357 and §64.400 of the Legislative Code, Margery Welis duly petitioned to rezone 9449 Grand Ave, being legally described as WANNS ADDITON TO ST. PAUL LOT 18 BLK 4, PIN 032823310087, from RM-2 (Multiple-family Residential) to OS (Office-Service); the petition having been certified by the Planning Division on October 10, 2006, as having been consented to by at least 67 percent of the owners of the area to be rezoned, and further having been consented to by at least two-thirds of the owners of the property situated within 100 feet of the total contiguous property within one year preceding the date of the petition; and ORDINANCE �� Y'�'n �.�� WHEREAS, the Zoning Committee of the Planning Commission held a public hearing on November 9, 2006, for the purpose of considering the rezoning petition, and pursuant to §107.03 of the Administrative Code, submitted its recommendation to the Planning Commission for approval; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission considered the rezoning petition at its meeting held on November 17, 2006, and recommended approval to the City Council; and WHEREAS, notice of public hearing before the City Council on said rezoning petition was duly published in the official newspaper of the City on December 7, 2006, and notices were duly mailed to each owner of affected property and property situated wholly or partly within 350 feet of the property sought to be rezoned; and WHEREAS, a public hearing before the City Council having been conducted on December 20, 2006, at which all interested parties were given an opportunity to be heard, the Council having considered all the facts and recommendations concerning the petition; now, therefore THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That the zoning map of the City of Saint Paul, Sheet Number 18, as incorporated by reference in §60.301 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, as amended, is hereby further amended as follows: That the property at 1449 Grand Ave, being more particularly described as: WANNS ADDITON TO ST. PAUL LOT 18 BLK 4 0 7-aq 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 be and is hereby rezoned from RM2 to OS. Section 2. This ordinance shali take effect and be in force thirty (30) days from and after its passage, approval and publication. ��y`�' �%�7 � �- � '0? Requested by Departmeni of: Planni and oneR+i De�telo m� 6 y: Approved by Financial Services By: Form Ap roved by City Attorney By: ��✓1"�'►'N��` (t� L t. u 6 Adoption Certified by Council Secretary By: // / � ` Approved y r. �ate: !� � By: �{r fa�� Y�$.,°``i1 4.Fw.. ; � �� � � �7 �.. . -. ` .. .,. .�L •��• � � � � � � — Adopted by Council: Date: �/� �� � Green Sheet Green Sheet D 7 a� � Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet ! DepartmeM/office/counciL- � Date Initiated: � ; PE -Plaoning&EconomicDevelapment ;�-oE�s ; Green Sheet NO: 3035630 �: Confac[ Person & Phone: , � : Pafricia James � • 266-6639 � Assign i Must Be on Councii /{qenda by (Date): ,I Number For Routing �; Doc. ORDINANCE �; Order E-Document Required: N Document Contact: Contac[ Phone: Sotaf # of Signature Pages �_ (Clip Ail Locations for Signature) 0 �Rlauning & Economic DeveloDmeti Pafricia James ' 2 ![,l'tvAttorney CSNAttmrneY 3 wr's Oflice I MaYOr/ASSivbnt � 4 'Couucil ! GSiyCouncil 5 ,CStv Clerk Citv Clerk I Adopt ord'unance memoriaLizing Ciry Council acrion appcoving the rezoning from RM-2 (Mukiple-family Residential) to OS (Office-Service) for property at 1449 Grand Ave, between Pascal and Albert (ZF#06-240-622). Public hearing held December 20, 2006. Planning Commission CIB Committee Civil Service Commission 1. Has this person/firm ever worked under a contract for this department? Yes No 2. Has this person)firm ever been a city employee? Yes No 3. Does this person/firm possess a skill not normally possessed by any current city employee? Yes No Ex�plain all yes answers on separate sheM and attach to green sheM Initiating Problem, Issues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, WheM, Why): Margery Wells requested the rezoning of this property to OS so tfiat she could continue to operate her business there without living on the p�nises. The Ciry Council approved the rezoning on December 2Q 2006, afrer a public hearing. Advantages If Approved: Rezoning ordinance will be adopYed per Ciry Council iutent. Disativantages If Approved: None. DisadvanWges lf Not Appraved: City Council acrion will not be completed. ��������� �� fi � � i F �d�p��� RECE{U�D Trensaction: Funding Source: Financial lnfortnation: (Explain) Activiiy Nomber: MRYQR'S OFFICE 4 r� ,b� �' 2 - CosURevenue Budgeted: December 22, 2006 12:19 PM Page 1 / ��' tl �`� d��7 DEPART'MEN'I' OF PLANNING & ECONOMIC DEVETAPMENT Ceciie Bedor, Director D� � Y\T \l,'. � 1lAAA CTTY OF SAINT PAUL Christopher B. Caleman, Mayor December 12, 2006 Ms. Mary Erickson City Council Research Office Room 310 City Hall Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 Re: Zoning File #: File Name: Applicant: Address: Purpose: Citv Council Hearinq: 25 West Fourth Sdeet Saint Paut, MN 33102 Q Telephone: 651-266-6700 Facrim:te: 65]-228-322D 06-240-622 Margery Wells Margery Wells 1449 Crand Ave, between Pascal and Albert Rezoning from RM-2 (Multiple-family Residential) to OS (Office-Service) December 20, 2006 5:30 p.m., Citv Council Chambers Staff Recommendation: • District Council: Zoning Committee Recommendation: Support: Opposition: Planning Commission Recommendation: Deadline for Action Staff Assigned: • Approval District 14 recommended approval Approval, vote: 6 - 0 0 persons spoke in support and 0 letters were received 1 person spoke in opposition and 1 letter was received Approval, vote: unanimous December 9, 2006, extended to February 7, 2007 Patricia James, 651-266-6639 � Attachments: Planning Commission resolution: 06-81 Planning Commission minutes, November 17, 2006 Zoning Committee minutes, November 9, 2006 Correspondence received Staff Report packet cc: Zoning File 06-240-622 Applicant: City Council Members District Counci{: 14 Wendy Lane Larry Soderholm Alian Torstenson Peter Warner AA-ADA-EEO EMPL(JYER ��-a-� city of saint paul • planning commission resolution fiie number 06-81 date November 17, 2006 WHEREAS, Margery Wel(s, File # 06-240-622, has appiied for a Rezoning from RM-2 (Multiple-family Residential) to OS (Office-Service) under the provisions of § 61.801 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, on property located at 1449 Grand Ave, Parcel Identification Number (PIN) 032823310087, fegally described as WANN'S ADDITON TO ST. PAUL LOT 18 SLK 4; and WHEREAS, the Zoning Committee of the Pianning Commission, on November 9, 2006, held a public hearing at which all persons present were given an opportunity to be heard pursuant to said application in accordance with the �equ+rements of §64.3�0 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code; and WHEREAS, the Saint Paul Planning Commission, based on the evidence presented to its Zoning Committee at the public hearing as substantiatfy reflected in the minutes, made the following findings 1. The applicant operates a health-related business with two residential units at this address. She previously occupied one of the u�its, which made the business use a legal home occupation. At some time, the appiicant moved out of the building and rented both units to others. This move caused the business to be in viofation of the requiremenfs for a home occupation found in §65.141 of the Zoning Code. fn order to maintain the business as well as the rental units at this location, • the applicant is requesting a rezoning of the property to OS O�ce Service. If the rezoning is approved, the property musf be brought into compliance with the building code, and a certificate of occupancy wifl be required to fegalize the uses. 2. The proposed zoni�g is consistent with the way this area has devefoped. 7here is a mix of commercia( and residential uses all along Grand Avenue including the area around this parcel. 3. The proposed zoning is consistent with the Comprehensive Pfan. Poficy 52.1 in the Land Use chapter states "...the City will support compatibie mixed use within single buildings..." On the Ciry land use map, the parcel is located within btocks of a designated neighborhood commercial node at the intersection of Snelling and Grand Avenue. The District 14 Area Pfan Summary "encourages mixed use housing development with commercial uses on the first floor and residential uses upstairs in selected commercial clusters." 4. The proposed zoning is compatible with surrounding uses. §66.411 states that the intent of the OS zoning designation is to "accommodate various types of office and service uses performing adrninistrative, professional and personal services and to serve as a transitionai use between the more intensive uses of land... and the less intensive uses of land." A mix of office and residential uses at this location is consistent with the code's intent. moved by Morton seconded by in favor Unanimous � against ._ � Zoning File # 06-240-622 Planning Commission Resolution Page 2 of 2 5. The petition for rezoning was found to be sufficient on October 10, 2006: 11 parcels e�igible; 8 parcels required; 8 parcels signed. NOW, 7HEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul Pianning Commission, recommends to City Council, that the app(ication of Margery Welfs for a Rezoning from RM-2 (Mulfipte-family Resident+a!) to OS (Office-Secvice) for property at 1449 Grand Ave be approved. • � . `� . " • . � � i D�-� Saint Paul Planning Commission City Hall Conference Center 15 KeIIogg Boulevard West Minutes November I7, 2606 • \ J A meeting of the Plannuig Commission of the City of Saint Paul was held Friday, November 17, 2006, at 830 a.m. in fhe Confezence Center of City Hall. Commissioners Mmes. Donnelly-Cohen, Lu, McCall, Morton, and Messrs; Alton, Bellus, Present: Commers, Dandrea, Goodlow, Johnson, Kong, Kramer, Mejia and Nelson. Commissioners Mmes. * Pazicy, *Porter, *Smitten, *Trevino and Messrs. * Cudahy, '�Gordon Absent: *Excused Also Present: Lazry Soderholm; Planning Administrator; Allen Lovejoy, A11en Torstenson, Patricia James, Shawntera Hazdy, Christina Danico, Menitt Clapp-Smith, Luis Pereria, Tessica Rosenfeld and Kate Fleming, Departsnent of Planning and Economic Aevelopment staff. I. II. Approval of minutes November 17, 20Q6, MOTION: Corrzmissioner Johnson moved approvat of the minutes of November 3, 20D6. Commissioner ponnelTy-Cohen seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously on a voice vote. Chair's Announcemenfs Chair Alton mentioned the Phalen Corridor is having a celebration of theu success on December 5, 2006, 5:00-7:00 p.m. at the Music City Cafe. The Phalen Corridor - Rebuilding the Pride of the East Side of St. Paul is available; book signings wIll take place on Decembex Sth, at the Music City Cafe, December 9th at the Sunray Library, and December l lth at the Arlington Heights Library and December 12th, 2006 at the Roseville Libzary. Chair Alton announced fhe City Council passed a resolution on November 15, 2006, initiating a land use plan and zoning study and creating a neighborhood visioning committee for the Ford Plant. The committee will be ap'pointed in December and �nay start meering in the middle of January, 2fl07. Fie encouraged any likely candidate to send an application ta Menitt Clapp- Smith. Merritf Clapp-Smith announced she has a mailing list, an email list, and a Ford Plant websife. All of these will be used to ask for candidates to serve on the task force. Please contact Menitt if anyone lrnows someone that would like an apptication mailed directly. J • III. PIanning Adminisfrator's Announcements � Allan Torstenson reported on planning-related business at the City Council for November 15, 2006. In addifion to acfion on the Ford Planf, the council scheduled a public fieazing on tt�e Pazkland Dedication Ordinance on December 6, 2006. AIlan Torstenson announced a panel discussion atfhe Universify ofMinuesota aboutsustainable, energy efficient neighborhood design, regazding LEBD-ND (Leadership and Energy and Envuonmental Design-Neighborhood Development) standazds being developed. It will be at 6:00-73ap.m., December 8, 2006, Rapson Hatl Auditorium, 89 Church Street, Room 100. Chair Alton asked Allan Torstenson to speak bziefly on the Como Avenue in St. Anthony Plan. Allan Torstenson exptained that District 12 has asked for a small area plan and zoning study along Como Avenue from Hwy 280 to the U of M Transitway. They have raised money and hired a pianner. A Plauning Commission resotution inrtiating the study wilt come to the next Plamiing Commission meeting. Chair Alton appointed 7on Commers as one of the Planning Commissioners on the task force, and Giaus Nelson as co-chair of the task force: Commissioner Nelson gave a brief report. TV.. Zoning Committee OLD BUSINESS #06-225-113 Capital Partners — Conditional Use Permit for drive-through sales and service as • parE of a new retail center, and vaziances of floor azea ratio, pazking pIaCement, and setbacks. 1810 7'� Street W. iaYersection at Montreal. (PabiciaTames, b51/266-6639) Comtnissioner Morton reported thaE the Zoning Committee Zaid this case over to fhe December 7, Z006 meeting. NEW BUSINESS #06-240-622 Maz¢erv WeIIs — Rezoning from RM-2 (Multiple-famiIy Residential) to OS (Office- Service): 1449 Crrand Avenue between PascaI and Albed. (Patricia dames, 65I/266-6639J MOTION: Commissioner Morton moved the Zoning Committee's recommendation to approve . the rezoning: The motion.carried unanimousiy on a voice vote. Commissioner Morton announoed the Zoning Committee meeting on November 21, 2006, has been cancelIed. V. Comprehens'rye Planning Committee Resolurion establishin¢ the Transportafion Comprehensive Plan Task Force. , (Al Lovejoy; 651/266-6226) : , • � � 7.' �-� • recently been on a transit tour of Toronto, and he expiained the special requirements for wintei transit. In Toronto they emphasize short headways so that passengers never have to wait on a platform very long for the next train. In design and maintenance, they give more attenfion to preventing ice on the overhead Fvires and designing shallower grades along ihe tracks than warm- climate cities would need to do. But LRT functions much more reliably in winter conditions than cars and buses on highways. X Task Force Reports Commissioner ponnelly-Cohen gave a brief report on the Arcade, Street Plan. Commissioner Bellus gave the report on the Housing Chaptex Comprehensive Plan Task Force, and Larry Soderholm added that the Housing Comp Plan Task Force will have its fust community input meeting on Wednesday, November 29, 2006, 4:00- 6:00 p.m. at the Hamline- Midway Library. Commissioner Goodlow on behalf of Commissioner.Gordon gave a brief report on the Pazks Comprehensive Plan Task Force. • XI. Old Business None XTI. New Business Commissioner IvlcCall announced the Planning Commission Holiday Party will be on December 29, 2006, and to change the meeting time to 10:00-1:00 p.m., more details later. XIII. Adjournment Meeting adjourned at 10:00 a.m. Recorded and prepazed by Kata Fleming, Planning Cotsunission Secretary Planning and Economic Development Department, City of Saint Paul Respectfully submitted, ` L �1I�1 �� .�,.„• . • .. • ., � .. . •� PED�FleminglNovember 17, 2006 Approved � � � Y� ate) Mazily orter Secretary of the Planning ommission Cv:� � n�-a-� MINUTES OF THE ZONING COMMITTEE • Thursday, November 9, 2006 - 3:30 p.m. City Council Chambers, 3rd Fioor City Hali and Court House 15 West Keliogg Boulevard PRESENT: Alton, Donnelly-Gohen, Gordon, Johnson, Kramer, and Morton EXCUSED: Faricy ABSENT: Mejia STAFF: Patricia James, Carol Martineau, and Peter Warner The meeting was chaired by Commissioner Morton. Margery We11s - 06-24�-622 - Rezoning from RM-2 (Muifiple-family Residential) to OS (Office-Service), 1449 Grand Ave, befween Pascal and Aibert Patricia James presented the staff report with a recommendation of approvaf for the rezoning. She also stated District 14 recommended approval, and there were no letters in support, and 1 letfer in opposition. Margery Welis, the applicant, gave a history of the property and thanked the board for co�sidering the case. • At the questions of the Cammissioners, Ms. Wells stated there would be no major remodeling or changes and there are four parking spaces available, 2 inside the garage and 2 outside beside the garage. Richard McDermott, 1445 Grand Ave., stated he was in opposition to the rezoning because of concerns pertaining to traffic and parking, and he feels the building is aiready maxed out. He aiso had concerns pertaining to future businesses that wouid be aflowed �ith the OS zoning. Ms. Wells stated the business is a continuation of her existing business with no changes. Upon the questions of the Commissioners, Ms. James gave a list of businesses allowed in the OS Zoning, and stated the property meets the legal requirement for parking. The public hearing was cfosed. Richard Kramer moved approval of the rezoning. Commissioner Kathi Donnelly-Cohen seconded the motion. The motion passed by a vote of 6-0-0. Adopted Yeas - 6 Nays - 0 Abstained - 0 Drafted by: � Sub �tted by: Approved by: • � . . `���i� .. Carol Martineau Patricia James �� � �on Recording Secretary Zoning Section Chair °1 r�..�.�- ---� -.�;+�r - �, , - . . . COMNANITYCOUNGII ,a�r���e a�eaa E�r s���7d C7 � a`� sooz � � nor� �������� 320 South Griggs Street St. Paul, MN 55105 www.macgrove.org • . October 30, 2006 Zoning Committee Attn: Patricia 7ames Department of Planning & Economic Development 1400 City HaII Annex 25 Wes[ Fourth Street St Paul, D1N SS1C2 Re: 1449 Grand Avenue Dear Ms. James: Phone: 651-695-4000 Fax: 651-695-4004 E-maii: mgcc@macgrove.or9 The Macalester-Groveland Community Council's Housing & Land Use Committee met on Wednesday, October 25th and passed the following resolution: The Housing & Land Use Committee of the Macalester-Groveland Community Councii recommends approvai of the request to rezone the property at 1449 Grand Avenue from RM-2 to OS. Thank you for your consideration of this recommendation. Sfioufd you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at 651-695-4000. Sincerely, � Melissa Martinez-Sones Executive Director/Community Organizer cc: Margery Wells, Health Source yr P�intedonf00%post-consumerrecycledpaper �.°y Yage 1 oY 1 Patricia James - Re-Zoning 1449 Grand Ave. From: °Matysik, StevenP" <SPMatysik@CBBLIRNET.COM> • To: <patricia.james@ci.stpaul.mn.us> Date: 11l9/06 11:56 AM Subjecf: Re-Zoning 1449 Grand Ave. CC: "Matysik, Steven P" <SPMatysik@CBBURNET.COM> Dear Ms. James, This email is to voice my opinion on the re-zoning of 9449 Grand Ave., the property owned by Ms. Marjorie Wells. Macalester-Groveland is a very unique mix of residential and commercial uses. In my opinion this end of Grand Ave, (from Ayd Mill Rd. running West to the River) seems to have a nice balance currently. To continually nick away aT re-zoning properties more towards commercial use will everttually allow developers, in the future, to gather larger parcels as a whole for larger developement of certain blocks or corners thaf could possibly ruin the character of this neighborhood. There are issues with parking, fraffic, architecture, scale, setbacks, property values, etc. thaf come into play here with regard to future developemnt alang Grand Ave. and until there is solid comprehensive plan in place I feel we are cheating the community and those that have moved into this neighborhood because it is not an Uptown or France Ave. or Grand Ave. on the east side of Ayd Miil. Ms. Wells chose to buy a home in Macalester-Groveland Neighborhood and has been allowed to run her business from her home as allowed by the City of St. Paui zoning codes. She chose to move and attempt to continue running her business from that home which is no longer allowed under iYs existing zoning uses, and outside of personai gain and an obvious increase in vatue if zoned towards a more commercial use, Ms. Weils 1'm sure has other choices available to her. As a rental property, zoned residential, her investment will continue to grow none-the-less. Thank you for your time and consideratio�, Steve Matysik 139 Amherst St, St. Paul, MN 55905 20 year resident at this address s C� file://C:�Docuutents and SettingsUames.STPAiJL�Local Settings\Temp\GW}00OO1.HTM 11/9/2006 � DEPARTMENC OF PLANNING & ECONOMIC DEVEIAPMENT CecileBedor Director CITY OF SAINI' PAUL Christophe> B. Coleman, Mayor ��� I ,xrea t[s• �� �� November 29, 2006 Margery A Wells 1449 Grand Ave St Paul MN 55105-2206 RE: Zoning File # 06-240-622, Margery Wells Dear Ms. Welis: 25 WestFourth Sbeet Saint Paul, MN SSIO2 fl' Telephone: 651-266-6700 Facsimile- 65I-228-3220 On September 29, 2006, you appiied to rezone property at 1449 Grand Ave. (After waiting the 7 working days required by law for the consent petition, the official date of receipt ot the appfication was October 10, 2006.) After a public hearing by the Saint Paul Planning Commission's Zoning Committee on November 9, 2006, the Commission voted to recommend approval of your request on November 17, 2006. • The P(anning Commission's recommendation is being forvvarded to the City Councii for their action. Minnesota Statutes 15.99 requires that alI city action on zoning applications be completed within 60 days of the date the appiication is made, but a{lows the City fo e�end this period for an additionai 60 days (total of 120 days). In order to accommodate the City Council public hearing on your rezoning, which is also required by state law, the City of Saint Paul is hereby extending ihe deadline for.action from December 9, 2006 (original 60 day deadline} to February 7, 2007 (additional 60 day deadline). i have requested that the City Council set the public hearing on this rezoning for December 20, 2006. When fhis or another date is confirmed by the Council, you will be notified. Please contact me at 651-266-6639 or patricia.james@ci.stpaul.mn.us if you have questions. • Si erely,' �f ;A�.c.ca--��� Patricia James City Planner cc: File # 06-240-622 Zoning Administrator License Inspector District 14 Community Council AA-ADA-EEO EMPLOYER J�. ��- �� ZONING GOMMITTEE STAFF REPORT 2. •3. 4. FILE NAME: Margery Wells _ APPLICANT: Margery Wells NPE OF APPLICATION: Rezoning LOCATION: 1449 Grand Ave, between Pascaf and Afbert FILE # 06-240-622 HEARING DATE: November 9, 2006 5. PfN & LEGAL DESCRIPT40N: 032823310087, WANN'S ADDITON TO ST. PAUL LOT 18 BLK 4 6. PLANNtNG DISTRICT: 14 PRESENTZONING: RM2 7. ZONING CODE REFERENCE: §66.421; §61.801(b) 8. STAFF REPORT DATE: October 18, 2006 BY: Patricia James & Sarah Zorn 9. DATE RECEIVED: Sept. 29, 2006 60-DAY DEADLINE FOR ACTION: Nov. 28, 2006 A. PURPOSE: Rezoning from RM-2 (Multiple-family Residential) to OS (Office-Service) B. PARCEL SIZE: 40 ft. (Grand) x 150 ff.= 6000 sq. ft. C. EXISTING LAND USE: Mixed office-residential D. SURROUNDING LAND USE: North: Single Family Residential (R2) East: ApartmentsiMulti-Family (RM-2) South: Apartments(Multi-Family (RM-2) E. G. •H. i West: Daycare facility and hair salon (OS) ZONING CODE CITATION: § 66.421 Iists uses permitted in the OS zoning district; § 61.801(b) provides for changes to the zoning of propetty initiated by the property owner. HISTORY/DfSCUSSION: A previous rezoning app{ication was submitted (ZF #06-096373) to rezone from RM2 to OS but was returned to the applicant due to insufficient signatures. DISTRICT COUNCIL RECOMMENDATION: The District 14 Council had not commented on this application at the time this staff report was prepared. FINDINGS: 1. The applicant operates a health-related business with iwo residential units at this address. She previousiy occupied one of the units, which made the'business use a legal home occupation. At some time, the applicant moved out of the building and rented both units to others. This move caused the business to be in violation of the requirements for a home occupation found in §65.141 of the Zoning Code. In order to maintain the business as weil as the rental unifs at this location, the appiicant is requesting a rezoning of the property to OS Office Service. If the rezoning is approved, the property must be brought into compliance with the building code, and a certificate of occupancy will be required to legalize the uses. 2. The proposed zoning is consistent with the way this area has developed. There is a mix of commerciaf and residentia( uses all along Grand Avenue incfuding the area around this parcel. 3. The proposed zoning is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. Policy 52.1 in the Land Use chapter states "...the City will support compatible mixed use within single buildings..." On the City land �se map, the parce! is located within blocks of a designated neighborhood commercial node at the intersection of Snelling and Grand Avenue. The District 14 Area Plan Summary "encourages mixed use housing development with commercial uses on the first floor and residential uses upstairs in selected commercia{ clusters:' 4. The proposed zoning is compatible with surrounding uses. §66.411 states that the intent of the OS zoning designation is to "accommodate various types of office and service uses performing administrative, professional and personai services and to serve as a transitionai use befiveen the more intensive uses of land...and the Iess intensive uses of land." A mix of o�ce and residential uses at this location is consistent with the code's intent. 5. The petition for rezoning was found to be su�cient on October 10, 2006: 11 parcels eligible; 8 parcels required; 8 parcels signed. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Based on the above findings, staff recommends approval of the rezoning from RM-2 (Multiple-family Residentiai) to OS (Office-Service). �� Q?-a� PET)TION TO AMEND 7HE ZONING CODE Departmenf ofPlanning andBconomic Developmenf Zanfng Section I400 City Hall Annex - .15 lYest Pourth Street Saini Paul, MN 55702-1634 (65I) 266-6589 Property APPLICANT PROPERTY LOCATION City �� ��� �0 3 p �i .'�3 '"�7 Daytime ��ia Contact Person (if different) Phone Address 1 Location Legal Descriptio CurrentZoning �� '2. (attach additional sheet if necessary) TO THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL: Pursuant to Section 61.800 of the Saint Paul Zoning Ordinance and to Section 462.357(5) of Minnesota Statues, ��, ��� V V e.�� S , owner of land proposed for rezoning, hereby petitions you to t ezone the above escribed property from a_/� �—�-. zoning district to a�} � zoning district, for the purpose of: , - �,h�,�;� ,�� ��5;��� � ��,�� �S ��e� ��.-�. s;h�e. �990 2_ i� � �de✓� ��e�' y''`" �,,�- 3- Se e- cz. �� l��r ���S um mr.� ��- i�-�.s .5�-t� � ��yc�b�� �t�� �no �f`�� � l � �.�--��.., (attach additional sheets if necessary) Attachments as required: ❑ Site Plan Q Consent Petition ������`�� d Affidavit SubscriBed an worn to 6efore me this � � day ot ��`AAh , 20�. n���+3 ► � .i �; . . BY � �/ ( �' Fee Owner of Property KRISTq JO RAYKOV NOTARY PUBLIC • MNJNESOTA MY COM+UISSiWd EXPIRES JAN. 31, Z 0 f 0 Page 1 of _ pazc.wpd 2/14/06 - I� PETITION TO AMEND THE ZONING COBE Department ofPZanning and Economic bwelopmeni Zoning SecYion I400 City $¢lZAnnee ZS West Fourtk Street Saint Paul, MN SSIO2-I634 (65I) 2b6-6589 APPLICANi" PROPERTY LOCATION PropertyOwner�i _�}�("5�12_� .�C[_(_ � Address t 41-�-G� �'- }�U�_ - c�ri � f��uL St.�i(�Zip �;��j�S DaytimePhone�51-Z.7f—SZO Contact Person (if different) Phone Address I Location ��'�_ �_ G 2 Legal Description_(�J A-fl.�p,,S �-T�. `� r j� - p�t,C�, ���,P/(� Current Zoning _ (2. �-( � (aftech additional sheet ifi necessary) TO THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL: Pursuant fo Secfion 61.800 of fhe Saint pauf Zoning Ordinance and to Section 462.357(5) of Minnesota Statues, �{ ��_� 1�L. L. � , owner of land proposed for rezoning, hereby petitions you to rezone the above described property from a_� 7�_ZOning district to a_� S zoning district, for the purpose of: G mat �i-�-f �tg �JLt SI ttc°5� a- �r - �.�-�S ( U ca.�'d7'� �. �t a� ��� ��r� ���� �g9a� 2. t o't o�er ��/�'�� j'lvu� 3 . s �� e� ��� (�a- �� � 5zcrri"r`° �- -d�a�-- �a� .s� �, n��G� ho� �;d� � ��aa�'-�� (attach additionai sheets if necessary) Attachments as required: ❑ Site Plan . .-.. . ..-. . .. . � e � • , / '., �,-i ��5:�1 ����►`� ►��` + 1` ,��� � `` ��2 �T �_ �onsent Petition �� ..Ja�V �� �. �-Affidavit Fee Owner of Title: Sonja Elaine Taylor BuHer NOTARY PUBI IC - AqN tJ�S4TA � MY COMMISSIO�} IXPIRES JAN. 3}, � Page 1 of _ . pu� w viaoc `�� IS� , CITY OF SAINT PAUL � CONSENT OF AD70INING PROPERTY OWNERS POR A REZONING ��-a� We, the undersi�ed, owners of property within 100 feet of the total contia ous description of real estate owned, purchased, or sold by THE PETTTIOATER within one yeaz preceding the date of this petition acknowledge that we bave been presented with the following: 1. A copy of the peurion of to rezone the property Ic • � � 2-� � 3 C `f � � 5C from a�� zoning district to a � S zoning district; and �.� cz�pGa.�� JS 2. A copy of sections thro�gh inclusive of the Saint Paul Zoning Code. We acimowledge that we are awaze of all of the uses permitted in a /'� S zoning district, and we aze awaze that any of these uses can be established upon City Council approval of the Rezaning. We hereby consent to the rezoning of the property in the petidon of !/ V l�� i/�(n �AfC�t/�� to a � S zoning district. ��ame f etitioner) ' We consent to the approval of this rezoniug as it was expIained to us by the applicant or his/her representative. ADDRESS OR PLY RECORD OWNER ���D �,C.t�i119 � {S /y�"G n�w�+,K:;��f. �u�. �� #�A2a=c�-� �rz�ND- kl�:cl��� tc� � e� SIGNATURE DATE �ll"`�h 3 � a.� ; r o� `��O�p � `�� a� � a - o� � f l��� 5���utt v° s Ut ��� � ��� o� � �� ����(� �'. R ��h'�l�.� t�C� s'-z.z-ad � � y�S—������., az,Cr�9�o �,�<E S-ZZ_o� /�1�9 �'✓�. Lt�er� Uf�Gls ��/fjL 5�23 �G This petition shall not be considered as officially filed until the lapse of seven (7) working days after it is received by the Planning Division. Any signatoz of this petitaon may withdraw his(her name therefrom by �written request cvithin that time. io-oi �� CITY. OF SAINT PAUL . CONSENT OF ADJOiNING PROPERTY OWNE� `✓ REZONING � . • We, the undersigned, owners of properry witfiin I00 feet of the totaf contiguou: owned, purchased, or soId by THE PETTTSONER within one yeaz preceding aclmowledge that we have been presented with the follawing: 1. A copy of tiie pefition of �� � ,[�. Y (� ��, L. S (name of petitioner� to re2one the proper�y located at from a 2 zoning @istrict to a�S aoning district; and � 1�,5'es pe+--lc�<.,�'w� �c,, 0.S 2. A copy of sections � through �� inclusive of.the Saint Paul Zoning Code. We acknowledge that we are aware of all of tlze uses pernutted in a� zoning distdct, and we aze awaze that any of these uses can be established upon City Council appzoval of the Rezoning. We hereby consent to the rezoning af the property in the petition of � F�- Q. ��(? �( LQ � F_ �S to a�_ zoning district. (name of petitionez) We consent to the approvat of this rezoning as -it was expIained to us by the apglicant or 'his/her representative. • This petition sfiall not be considered as o�cially fded until the lapse of seven (7) working days after it is • received by the Planning Division., Any sigriatar of Yhis petitioa may withdraw his/her name therefrom by written request wichin that time. � io-oi � ADDRESS OR PTN � RRCnRn IIWNF'R crr_wre�rrmn ...,.... D7��-� • CITY .OF S.AIl'1'�' PAUL AFFIDAVIT OF PERSON CIRCULATING PETITION STATE OF MINNESOTA) COUNTY OF RAMSBY } � ��G���f V�1P� � S , being first duly sworn, deposes and stafes that he/she is the person who circ ted consent petition consisting of� pages; that affiant is informed and believes that the parties described on the consent petition are the owners of the parcels of real estate described immediately before each name, and that each of the parties described on the consent petition is an owner of property within 100 feet of the subject property described in the petition and all property contiguous to the subject property that was owned, purchased or sold by the petifioner within one (1) year preceding the date of the petition; that the consent petition was signed by each said owner; and that the signatures are the true and correct signatures of each and all of the parties so described. • Subscribed and �w to before me this ��day of _�?��_�'3�?� _, 20�. 4 • rcvisW I]/26/03 affpetrtion wpd ����� N l �� �l �Y��e S�- �.-p ADDRESS � � / � �� � / � ` "� . TELBPHONE NUMBER Senja Elaine Taylar Butier NOTARY P�JBLtC - MINt+�SOTA , MY COMMISStON IXPIRES JAN. 31, 20D➢ 1.� � � '_ . � C�T'Y C3� SAINT �'�UL � - . A:�FIDAVIT:OFPETFTIONER�FORA RE'ZONING STATB OF NIINNgS OTA) � � � :SS . COUNTY OF�.RA�VISEY".) 6 . ., • The petitioner, ��� [��,� _, buiab first d�:Iy swo�, deposes and siates that ihe consent petitzon coritains igna_ es of the owners of at Ieast Euto-thirds (2J3) of a11-eli ible ra erties within 100 feet of the subject property desciFbed sn the �tition and aIl ro ert conti g P P P p p y guous to the subject . property that was owned, purchased; or sold by the petitioner w[thin one (I) year preceding ffie date of ' the petition; petiti0ner is informed that tUe consent petition must contazn szgnatures from each and all owners of jointly-owned property ia orcFer'to consfifute c6nsenf from that pro.periy anc� that fultire to obtain consent from each �d z1I ou'lneis could invaiidate the consentpetition; petitioner;beIieves that the consent�pe�ition was signed by each of said owners and that the sigaature are the.true and correc't si;natures of each and ali of the parties so described. .� .�Z�/�,� Sonja Elaine TaylorButter . � � NOTARY Pl�l IC - MINh�S�TA M� �OMMISSfOh( - - EXPIRESJAN.3},Zppy � - � � � r �" � u ' . � . , c�� Su b d swoin to befare m�e d q. of �__, 2 . � '. �. : � �voT.�tY PuaLrc � � � 0 : � . � . . �� �. . . . --�-��--�-�' �'� � �-� f� �. � ADDRESS . . . : �S/ -� ��i' -���-�. � � � TELEPHONE NUNIBER . j . ,. _ . . : A �. , . KRISTA JO "RAYK�V' . NorARrPUe[IC-MtN,VE5orn � P+tYCOkiM1sS10N. -� � �XP1ftESJRN.34,2010 . . .� � ��t .• . . . t� o7-a� Margery Wells . 1449 Grand Ave St. Pau{, MN 55105 May 23, 2006 Department of Planning and Economic Development Zoning Section 1400 City Hall Annex 25 W. Fourth St. St. Paul, MN 55102-1634 , Dear City of St. Pau{, I am submitting a new application to change the zoning at my house at 1449 Grand Ave from RM2 to OS. This is the second submission. 1 obtained another name on the first petition requesting a change to BC; however, in the interim I also met with the housing committee of the Mac — Groveland Community Counci{ again. They suggested that an OS zoning request would more likely be � acceptable to them because the house sits next to two structures that are already zoned OS. This would then not become an issue of "spot zoning" in the neighborhood: I now have all the signatures required for the enclosed second petition. Respectfully Submitted, � 5 � 3 f� Margery Wells Encl: petition and aN required applica#ion paper work, a check for $1,000. f oviyiru( (effev� S.�r �.,e.y6l,oYf • � Margery Wells 1449 Grand Ave. • St. Paul, MN 55105 November1,2005 Dear Friends and Neighbors, I am writing to request your support and to inform you of my circumstances. At this time, based on requirements by the city, (which I had been unaware ofl, ! will need to apply to have my house rezoned in order to keep my btasiness here, which is the only way 1 can keep my house. Changing the zoning will not change the operation of my business, and will therefore, not create any more traffic, parking issues, nor activity than is already on Grand in front and back of my house currently. I am asking for your support in this zoning change. The following is a summary: I purchased my house at 1449 Grand Ave. as a duplex in 1990. It needed. • countless things done to it, which f provided with numerous re-finances and sweat equity. I continue to make improvements. 2. The second floor was renfed as art apartment when l purchased the house. 3. i lived on the first floor as a single pareni{ sole provider, and my son had his room and a recreation room area in t[�e basement. f added fegal egress windows and fixed up the iower level. We oecupied tfie first and lower garden level; and my office was in fror�t of the living space on the frst floor as a home based business. 4. I re-decorated the upstairs apartment so I could live there after my son started coltege. I rented the garden apartrnent. 7here were no nevp �nits added. 5. Afi age 58, I have no retiremenf money; and friends have suggested that I buy another property. So I found renters for my ups#airs apar#ment and ►ooked for a house to buy. 6. I purchased a house to live in October 29, 2004. • t� ��-a� • 7. f have renters on the second floor and in the lower garden levef of Grand Ave. 8. My business occupies the first floor. 9. i need to keep my business in operation there. 1 have been there for 15 years and people know how to find me in a centra4 urban location. 10. I hope to someday create a satellite location; but that has not manifested and that is a bigger and {ong term pro}ect that will requ±re resources that l do not currently have, and it will never happen if I do nof have my central location in continuous operation. 11. Because my house fiappens to be located wedged between two businesses on the west and a string of apartment buildings on the east, I have never experienced a neighborhood feeling here. My son and f prepared for trick or treaters on the first Halioween we were here with candy and pumpkins, but no one sf�owed up because iYs a busy street and because of how my house is situated between these other enterprises. Also, my house is not included in any block party events on the north or south of Grand. • 12. If I am forced to close my business I will have no income. i will be calling you in a couple of days to set up a time when we can talk and I could have you look at the petition the city has requested to be circulated as part of the process of this change. If you have any questions or concerns befo�e that time, p{ease fee{ free to call me at: 651-699-9876. Sincerely, Margery Welfs � r� � • � ! .i ' i. . ..'' • : • €Jear Friends_ � As many of us enter middte age and beyond, it's interesting to compare how we evafuate the meaning of the phrase "quaiity of tife " To some, it connotes beiFlg fult of energy, happy and a!'tve_ For a number of_oihers, howevsr, it means simply fo be iree of daily pain and iilness. fioavever you deFine "quality of life," peopie deserve fo have healfh care professionals who i�sten and pay dase atterrtion to an individuaf's needs. As an integrati�e health care professionai, 1 provide an alfernative care app`roach fha# cacefu(ly considers a patienYs situafion white iaking advantage of muitipie treatment op6ons fram boih eastem and westem medicine. If is a pleasure fo have physicians and other healYh professionals invita me to treat fheir patients and [ apprecis#e the opportunfty to cofia6arate. Fhe patlents i work with #ypicat4y fa(t into fhree cafagories: • Peopfe who wanf to proactive(y manage tfieir he3[fh_ These mighf be individuafs who have xvatched &omeone Gose to fhem suffer wiih disease, and ara witftng to take actions now • to affsci their futurs quai9ty of life. • Peopla who have recently been diagnosed wiih cancer, diabetes, or another chronic disease_ They can be cortfused, ovenvhefined, irighteaed by a1# the in€ormaiion t#rey receiva, and want someone who can help them deve#op a s#rategy for living with fhefr condiflon. . People who have suffered wi#it a chroqic conditio[r and are frustraYed with mainstream approaches ta their sitEeaYion_ ! am often abie to work wiffi fhese indfvidua{s to provide additional4iagnosfic and healing aptions that pn be he#pful and even Iife changing. _ i have been prac�icing integrafive medicine for 22 years, with extensive training in acupunct�re, furtctionat mediane nutrition, traditiuna! orienfai medicine, westem botaaicaf tltarapies, and patierti coachirrg_ E also have my own compounding pharmacy fhat enabtes me to prescribe and cuscom blen@ medicinal formu[as specific to �fferent diagnoses and individuai needs. My credenfials donY Iook fike those typieaHy seen in a docfo�'s offtce, buf my work is f�censed by fhe lfriinnesofa Soart of Medicai Practice, and represents thousands of hours at academic and c}inicai teaming and de@ication_ i wouid be pleased to meef with you to discuss how my infegrafive approach can impact your quality of lifa. Ptease cai} Healiit Saurce at 654-699-8&7fi fo schedute an appoietmer�L Sincerety, - �::.;_..: `, ::_ _ : : -, _:. : ,:? _ . . <., ;.. . '� - >_:. = . .:..... . .: . . Margery We3 - i3ipt. TOFVI, L.Ac, AHG Nat�onatly-Soard CertiFied {NCCAOtv� and {AHG) • �_� § ���. � � �� ��,�{. �p i?� � � �N x � F . ?� F�u i �. ���� � � � '� Y J . .te?���-'.. . . � � � � Y M'`� , i �� wte� _�•[ m.°'�� _ _. E � ' 1 7'`�.' . ✓�am * `�m" � #"x+E . �`b q � -�a.i. 3 � . � — �u� � ��r M���� 1 � L �°: � rr.. .' M .� .�1 ..._ � � � r 5. y: r ��� 'F � `� '�zP��� �_ . �:. � ' y � �* s t�' s `� '�, �L. � a � f � ° r � - � , ?<, z'y �^�$ � Z ��� c� S � `: ' '�-j-«3�� `"� .,. � � € u`{ 4 � *C �� T..0 - . 7 `�� y.K� '� �'. � � t " n*� s`� ; ,�' d i "'. � ti Sr' �'� �. � Gl f - x ,�� as �x, � �. .: °�,��3<' s'�.'��z.y�a.'`1°'- .�.� r -��.��. : � '•� � � . �.� :�� �=� ; u �'�3 - -�...»r,.'"�. , . � �Sr� �"'Tr"' ���� p ���Z y{�T AKS� t � � �. Sa`M�'rt� '^v°��TY�`"� .. . . c �. •:. Y Yi '�'.�*Sr ' � • ^ ... ��' �� fWr . i .'-sa .�:f... ._._�.,... ..... � �m `$�£',�-°.� .__ sc'd � � CITIZEN PARTICIPATFO DTS RICTS u • � CITIZEK PARTICIFATTON PLANNING DISTRICTS 1.SUNRAY�BkT7LECREEK-HIGNW�QD 2.GREATER EAST S.IDE 3.WEST SIDE 4.DAYTON'S BLUFF 5:PAYNE-PHALEN. - � fi.NORTH END � � � �{ ���Z 7.THOMAS=.DALE � / 8.SUMMI7-UNFVERSITY " �:W€ST SEVENTH 70.COMb 11.HAMLINE-MIDWAY 12.. ST. RNTNOhfY RRIAM_PK.-LEXIA'�TON HAMLINE 14.. ROVEL �MACALESTER .HI�� 46:SUMMIT HILL � � 7 7. OOWN70WN e 9 • � V � �� M 2�{v ��- � ���� ���� � 6 � � � ' . � . , . ' � . " � r4" � DEPARTMENT OF PLANNAIG & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Ceci7e Bedor, Director s�r nti;, � AAAA CTTY OF SAINT PAUL Christopher B. Coleman, Mayor December 12, 2006 Ms. Mary Erickson City Council Research Office Room 310 City Hall Saint Paul. Minnesota 55102 Re: Zoning File #: File Name: Applicant: Address: Purpose: Citv Council Hearinp: 25 West Fourth Sneet Saixt Pau1, MN55102 �� 4� ,.::..°� Telephone: 651-266-6700 Facsrmde: 651-228-3220 06-240-622 Margery Wells Margery Wells 1449 Grand Ave, between Pascal and Albert Rezoning from RM-2 (Multiple-family Residential) to OS (O�ce-Service) December 20 2006 530 q.m., Citv Council Chambers Staff Recommendation: • District Council: Zoning Committee Recommendation: Support: Opposition: Planning Commission Recommendation: Deadline for Action Staff Assigned: • Attachments: cc: Zoning Fife 06-240-622 Applicant: City Council Members District Council: 14 Wendy Lane Larry Soderholm Allan Torsfenson Peter Warner Approval District 14 recommended approval Approval, vote: 6 - 0 0 persons spoke in support and 0 Ietters were received 1 person spoke in opposition and 1 letter was received Approval, vote: unanimous December 9, 2006, extended to February 7, 2007 Patricia James, 651-266-6639 � Planning Commission resolution: 06-81 Planning Commission minutes, November 17, 2006 Zoning Committee minutes, November 9, 2006 Correspondence received Staff Report packet AA-ADA-EEO EMPLOYER ��-�-� city of saint pauf • planning commission resolution file number 06-81 date November 17, 2006 WHEREAS, Margery Welis, File # 06-240-622, has applied for a Rezoning from RM-2 (Multiple-family Residentiai) to OS (Office-Service) under the provisions of § 61.801 of fhe Saint Paul Legislative Code, on property located at 1449 Grand Ave, Parcei Identification Number (PIN) 032823310087, legally described as WANN'S ADDITON TO ST. PAUL LOT 18 BLK 4; and WHEREAS, the Zoning Committee of the Planning Commission, on November 9, 2006, held a public hearing at which ail persons present were given an opportunity to be heard pursuant to said application in accordance with the requirements of §64.300 of the Saint Paul Legisiative Code; and WHEREAS, the Saint Paul Planning Commission, based on the evidence presented to its Zoning Committee at the public hearing as substantially reflected in the minutes, made the fol(owing findings o ac: 1. The applicant operates a health-related business with two residential units at this address. She previously occupied one of the units, which made the business use a legal home occupation. At some time, the appiicant moved out of the buiiding and rented both units to others. This move caused the business to be in violation of the requirements for a home occupation found in §65.141 of the Zoning Code. In order to maintain the business as weil as the rental units at this location, � the appiicant is requesting a rezoning of the property to OS Office Service. If the rezoning is approved, the property must be brought into compliance with the building code, and a certificate of occupancy wiH be required to legalize the uses. 2. The proposed zoning is consistent with the way this area has developed. There is a mix of commercial and residential uses aIl along Gsand Avenue includ'+ng the area around this parcel. 3. The proposed zoning is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. Policy 5.2.1 in the Land Use chapter states "...the City will support competible mixed use within single buildings..." On the City land use map, the parcel is located within blocks of a designated neighborhood commercial node at the intersection of Snelling and Grand Avenue. The District 14 Area Plan Summary "encourages mixed use housing development wifh commercial uses on the first fioor and residential uses upstairs in selected commercial clusters." 4. The proposed zoning is compatible with surrounding uses. §66.411 states that the intent of the OS zoning designation is to "accommodate various types of office and service uses performing administrative, professional and personai services and to serve as a transitional use between the more intensive uses of land... and the less intensive uses of land." A mix of office and residential uses at this location is consistent with tfie code's intent. moved by Morton seconded by 'in favor Unanimous � against . � Zoning File # 06-240-622 Planning Commission Resolution Page 2 of 2 5. The petition for rezoning was found to be sufficienf on October 10., 2006: 11 parcels eligible; 8 parcels required; 8 parcels signed. NOW, THEREFdftE, BE fT RESOLVED, thaf the Saint Paul Pfanning Commission, recommends to Cify Council, that the appiication of Margery Wells for a Rezoning from RM-2 (Multiple-famity Residential) to OS (Office-Service) for property at 1449 Grand Ave be approved. ,' . . . ! � f�7��-� Saint Paui Planning Commission City Hall Conference Cenfer 15 3{ellogg Boulevard West Minutes Novemher I7, 2006 I • II. • A meeting of the Planning Commission of the City of Saint Paul was held Friday,llovember 17, 20�6, at 830 a.m. in the Conference Center of City Hall. Commissioners Mmes. Donnelly-Cohen, Lu, McCall, Morton, and Messrs; Alton, Bellus, Present: Commers, Dandrea, Goodlow, Johnson, Kong, Kramer, Mejia and Nelson. Commissioners Mmes. * Faricy, "Porter, *Smitten, *Trevino andMessrs. * Cudahy, *Gordon Absent: *Excused Also Present: Larry Soderholm; Planning Adminisfrator; Allen Lovejoy, Allen Torstenson, Patricia James, Shawntera Hazdy, Christina Danico, Merritt Clapp-Smith, Luis Pereria, Jessica Rosenfeld and Kate Fleming, Department of Planning and Economic Development staff. Approval of minutes November 17, 2006. MOTION: Commissioner Johnson moved approval ojthe minutes ofNovember 3, 2006. Commfssioner I3onnell'y-Cohen seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimousZy on a voice vote. Chair's Announcements Chau Alton mentioned thi Phalen Conidor is having a celebration of their success on December 5, 2006, 5:00-7:00 p.m. at the Music City Cafe. The Phalen Corridor - Rebuilding the Pride of the East Side of St. Paul is available; book signings ivill take place on December Sth, af the Music City Cafe, December 9th at the Sunray Library, and December llth at the Arlington Heights Library and December 12th, 2006 at the Roseville Library. ' Chair Alton announced the City Council passed a resolution on November 15, 2006, initiating a land use plan and zoning study and cieating a neighborhood visioning committee for the Ford Plant. The commitEee will be ap'pointed in December and uiay start meeting in the middle of 7anuazy, 2007. He encouraged any likely canclidate to send an application to Merritt Clapp- Smith. • Menitf Clapp-Smith announced she has a mailing list, an email list, and a Ford Plant website. All of these will be used to ask for candidates to serve on the task force. Please contact Merritt if anyone knows someone that would like an appfication mailad directly. � �. . � � III. Planning Administrator's Announcements . Allan Torstenson reported on plauniag-related business at the City Council for November 15, 2006. In addition to actioa on the Ford Plant, the council scheduled a public heazing on the Parkland Dedication Ordinance on December 6, 2006. Allan Torstenson announced a panel discussion at the University of Minnesota about sustainable, energy e�cient neighborhood design, regazding LEED-Nb (Leadership and Energy and Envuonmental Design-Neighborhood Deveiopment) standaxds being developed. It will be at 6:00-7:3o-p.m., December 8, 2006, Rapson Hall Auditozium, 89 Church Street, Room 100. Chair Alton asked Allan Torstenson to speak briefly on the Como Avenue in St. Anthony PIan. Allan Torstenson explained that District 12 has asked for a small azea plan and zoning study �long Como Avenue from Hwy 280 fo the U of M Transitway. They have raised money and hired a pianner. A PIanning Commission resolution initiating the studq wiii come to tfie nea�t Planning Commission meeting. _ Chair AlYon appointed Jon Commers as one of the Plannuig Commissioners on the task force, and Giaus Nelson as co-chair of fhe task force: Commissioner Nelson gave a briefreport. IV. Zoning Commiftee OLD BUSINESS #06-225-113 Capital Partners — Conditional Use Permit for drive-through sales and service as • part of a new refail center, and variances of ftoor area rafia, parldng ptacement, and setbacks. 1814 7'� Street W. intersection at Ivlontreal. (Pairicia Jmnes, 651/266-6639) Gbrn.t�:issiorzer MnROn reported that the Zoning Committee Zaid this case over to the December 7, 2006 meeting. ' ' NEW BUSINESS #06-240-622 IvlazQer� Wells — Rezoning from RM-2 (Multiple-family Residential) to OS (Office- Service): 1449 Grand Avenue between Pascal and Albert. (Patricia.7ames, 651/266-6639) MOTION: Commissioner Mnrton moved the Zoning Committee's recommendation to approve the rezoning: The mofion.carried unanimousZy on a voice vote. Commissioner Morton announced tlte Zoniag Committee meeting on November 21, 200b, has been cancelIed. V: Compreheasive PIanning Commi#ee Resolution establishihe the Transportarion Comprehensive Plan Task Force. (t1lLovejoq; 65I/Z66-6226) , • � D � ��--� . recently been on a transit tour of Toronto, and he explained the special requirements for winter fransit. In Toronto they emphasize short headways so that passengers never have to wait on a pla#form very long for the next train. In design and maintenance, fhey give more attention to preventing ice on the overhead wues and designing shallower grades along the tracks than warm- climate cities would need fo do. But LRT fiwctions much more reliably in winter conditions than cars and buses on highways. _ X Task �'orce Reports Commissioner poanelly-Cohen gave a brief report on ttie Arcade Street Plan. Commissioner Bellus gave the report on the Housing Chapter Comprehensive Plan Task Force, and Larry Soderholm added that the Housing Comp Plan Task Force will have its fust communiTy input meating on Wednesday, November 29, 2006, 4:00- 6:00 p.m. at the Hamline- 1�Iidway Library. Commissioner Goodlow on behalf of Commissioner.Gordon gave a brief report on the Parks Comprehensive Plan Task Force. � XI. Old Business None XII. New Business Commissioner McCall announced the Planning Commission Holiday Party will be on December 29, 2006, and to change the meeting time to 10:00-1:00 p.m., more details later. XIII. Adjournment Meeting adjoumed at 10;00 a.m, Recorded and prepazed by Kate Fleming, Planning Commission Secretary Planning and Economic Development Department, City of Saint Paul Respectfully submitted, i�' Y ' � Larry So olm AICP . Plannmg Administrator � PED�F'leming\November 19, 2006 • Approved � � � J� ate) Mazily orter Secretary of the Planning ommission � � ��-a-� MINUTES OF THE ZONING COMMITTEE • Thursday, November 9, 2006 - 3:30 p.m. City Council Chambers, 3rd Floor City Hall and Courf House 15 West Keliogg Boulevard PRESENT: EXCUSED: ABSENT: Alfon, Donnelly-Cohen, Gordon, Johnson, Kramer, and Morton Faricy Mejia STAFF: Patricia James, Carol Marfineau, and Peter Warner 7he meeting was chaired by Commissioner Morton. Margery Welts - 06-240-622 - Rezoning from RM-2 (Multiple-family Residential) to OS (O�ce-Service), 1449 Grand Ave, between Pascal and Albert Patricia James presented the staff report with a recommendation of approval for the rezoning. She also stated District 14 recommended approval, and there were no letters in support, and 1 letter in opposition. Margery Welis, the applicant, gave a history of the property and thanked the board for considering the case. • At the questions of the Commissioners, Ms. Wells stated there would be no major remodeling or changes and there are four parking spaces available, 2 inside the garage and 2 outside beside the garage. Richard McDermott, 1445 Grand Ave., stated he was in opposition to the rezoning because of concerns pertaining to traffic and parking, and he feels the building is already maxed out. He also had concerns pertaining to future businesses that would be allowed with the OS zoning. Ms. Wells stafed the business is a continuation of her existing business with no changes. Upon the questions of the Commissioners, Ms. James gave a list of businesses allowed in the OS Zoning, and stated the property meets the legal requirement for parking. The public hearing was closed. Richard Kramer moved approval of the rezoning. Commissioner Kathi Donneily-Cohen seconded the motion. The motion passed by a vote of 6-0-0. Adop#ed Yeas - 6 Nays - 0 Qrafted by: _ a • Carol Martineau Recording Secrefary by: Zoning Section Abstained - 0 Approved � � Gladys f�' Chair `I � .��acalester�roveland :t���a� a�e �1 ��Ta sooa � � no� �3/11���� D� 320 South Griggs Street Phone: 651-695-4000 St. Paul, MN 55105 Fax: 651-695-4004 www.macgrove.org E-mail: mgcc@macgrDVe.org � . October 30, 2006 Zoning Committee Attn: Patricia ]ames Department of Planning & Economic Development 1400 City Hall Annex 25 West Fourth Street St, Paul, MN SS1C2 Re: 1449 Grand Avenue Dear Ms. James: The Macalester-Groveland Community Council's Housing & Land Use Committee met on Wednesday, October 25th and passed the foilowing resofution: The Housing & Land Use Committee of the Macalester-Groveland Community Council recommends approvai of the request to rezone the property at 1449 Grand Avenue from RM-2 to OS. Thank you for your cons�deration of this recommendation. Should you have any questions, piease feel free to contact me at 651-695-4000. Sincerely, � Melissa Martinez-Sones Executive Director/Community Organizer cc: Margery Weits, Hea{th Source L� Ptinted on l00°/d posf-consumer recycled paper �'P�J Yage 1 oY 1 Patricia James - Re-Zotting 1449 Grand Ave. From: "Marysik, Steven P" <SPMatysik@CBBURNET.COM> To: <patricia james@cistpaul.mn.us> Date: 11/9/06 11:56 AM Subject: Re-Zoning 1449 Grand Ave. CC: "Matysik, Steven P" <SPMatysik@CBBLJRNET.COM> Dear Ms. James, This email is to voice my opinion on the re-zoning of 1449 Grand Ave., the property owned by Ms. Marjorie Wells. Macalester-Groveland is a very unique mix of residential and commerciai uses. In my opinion this end of Grand Ave. (from Ayd Mill Rd. running West to the River) seems to have a nice balance currently. To continually nick away at re-zoning properties more towards commercial use will eventually allow devetopers, in the future, to gather larger parcels as a whole for larger developement of certain blocks or corners that could possibly ruin the character of this neighborhood. There are issues with parking, tra�c, architecture, scale, setbacks, property values, etc. fhaf come info play here with regard to fufure developemnt along Grand Ave. and until fhere is solid comprehensive plan in place 1 feel we are cheating the community and those that have moved in#o this neighborhood because it is not an Uptown or France Ave. or Grand Ave. on the east side of Ayd Mill. Ms. Wells chose to buy a home in Macalester-Groveland Neighborhood and has been allowed to run her business from her home as allowed by the City of St. Paul zoning codes, She chose to move and attempt to continue running her business from that home which is no longer allowed under 'tt's existing Zoning uses, and outside of personal gain and an obvious increase in value if zoned towards a more commercial use, Ms. Wells I'm sure has other choices available to her. As a rental properiy, zoned residential, her investment will continue to grow none-the-less. Thank you for your time and consideration, Steve Matysik 139 Amherst St, St. Paul, MN 55105 20 year resident at this address • • • file://C:�Documents and SettingsUames.STPAITL�Locai Settings\Temp\GW}00OO1.FiTM 11/9/2006 `� Q o�-a� DEpART�NT OF PLANNING & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Cecile Bedor Directos :�a iC' '� AAA CITY OF SAINT PAUL Christophe> B. Coleman, Mayor 25 WestFourtk Sbeet Saint Paul, MIJ 55102 November 29, 2006 Margery A Wells 1449 Grand Ave St Paul MN 55105-2206 RE: Zoning File # 06-240-622, Margery Wells Dear Ms. Wells: Telephone: 65l -266-6700 Facsimile: 657-2283220 On September 29, 2006, you applied to rezone property at 1449 Grand Ave. (After waiting the 7 working days required by law for the consent petition, the official date of receipt of the application was October 10, 2006.) After a public hearing by the Saint Paul Planning Commission's Zoning Committee on November 9, 2006, the Commission voted to recommend approval of your request on November 17, 2006. • The Pianning Commission's recommendation is being forwarded to the City Council for their action. Minnesota Statutes 15.99 requires that a11 city action on zoning app{ications be completed within 60 days of the date the application is made, but allows the City to extend this period for an additiona160 days (totai of 120 days). In order to accommodate the City Council public hearing on your rezoning, which is also required by state law, the City of Saint Paul is hereby extending the deadline for action firom December 9, 2006 (originaf 60 day deadline) to February 7, 2007 (additional 60 day deadline). I have requested that the City Council set the public hearing on this rezoning for December 20, 2006. When this or another date is confirmed by fhe Council, you will be notified. Please contact me at 651-266-6639 or pafricia.james@ci.sfpaul.mn.us if you have questions. • Si� �C��/.�vvv"4 Patricia James . City Planner cc: File # 06-240-622 Zoning Administrator License Inspector District 14 Community Counc'il AA-ADA-EEO EMPLOYER l� ��-a-� ZONING COMMITTEE STAFF REPORT 1. FILE NAME: Margery Wells FILE # 06-240-622 2. APPLICANT: Margery Welis HEARING DATE; November 9, 2006 . 3. TYPE OF APPLICATION: Rezoning 4. LOCATION: 1449 Grand Ave, between Pascal and Albert 5. PIN & LEGAL DESCRIPTION: 032823310087, WANN'S ADDVTON TO ST. PAUL LOT 18 SLK 4 6. PLANNtNG DISTRICT: 14 PRESENTZONING: RM2 7. ZONING CODE REFERENCE: §66.421; §61.801(b) 8. STAFF REPORT DATE: October 18, 2006 9. DATE RECEIVED; Sept. 29, 2006 � C. BY: Patricia James & Sarah Zorn 60-DAY DEADLINE FOR AGTION: Nov. 28, 2006 PURPOSE: Rezoning from ftM-2 (Muftipie family Residential) to OS {Office-Service) PARCEL SIZE: 40 ft. (Grand) x 150 ft= 600Q sq. ft. EXISTING LAND USE: Mixed office-residential D. SURROUNDING LAND USE: North: Single Family Residential (R2) East: Apartments/Multi-Family (RM-2) South: Apartments(Multi-Family (RM-2) West: Daycare facility and hair safon (OS) E. ZONING CODE CITATION: § 66.421 lists uses permitted in the OS zoning district; § 61.801(b) provides for changes to the zoning of property initiated by the property owner. F. HISTORY/DISCUSSION: A previous rezoning application was submitted (ZF #06-096373) to rezone from RM2 to OS but was returned to the applicant due to insufficient signatures. G, •H. • DISTRICT COUNCIL RECOMMENDATION: The District 14 Council had not commented on this application at the time this staff report was prepared. FINDINGS: 1. The applicant operates a health-re{ated business with two residential units at this address. She previousiy occupied one of the units, which made the'business use a legal home occupation. At some time, the applicant moved out of the building and rented both units to others. This move caused the business to be in vioiation of the requirements for a home occupation found in §65.141 of the Zoning Code. In order to maintain the business as well as the rental unifs at this location, the appiicant is requesting a rezoning of the property to OS O�ce Service. If the rezoning is approved, the property must be brougfit into comp{iance with the bui4ding code, and a certificate of occ�pancy will be required to legalize the uses. 2. The proposed zoning is consistent with the way this area has developed. There is a mix of commercial and residential uses ali along Grand Avenue including the area around this parcel. 3. The proposed zoning is consistent with the Cornprehens+ve Plan. Policy 52.1 in the Land Use chapter states "...the City wili support compatible mixed use wifhin single buildings...° On the City land use map, the parcel is located within blocks of a designated neighborhood commercial node at the intersection of Sneiling and Grand Avenue. The District 14 Area Plan Summary "encourages mixed use housing development with commercial uses on the first floor and residential uses upstairs in selected commerciai clusters." 4. 7he proposed zoning is compatibie with surrounding uses. §66.411 states that the intent of the OS zoning designation is to "accommodate various types of office and service uses performing administrative, professionai and personal services and to serve as a transitional use between the more intensive uses of fand...and the tess intensive uses of fand:' A mixaf office and residential uses at this location is cbnsistent with the code's intent. 5. The petition for rezoning was found to be su�cient on October 10, 2006: 11 parcels eligible; 8 parcels required; 8 parceis signed. STAFF REGOMMENDATION: Based on the above findings, staff recommends approval of the rezoning from RM-2 (Multiple-family Residential) to OS (Office-Service). ( �: D�-�� PETITION TO AMEND THE ZONING CODE Department of Planning and Economic Development Zoning Section I400 City Hall Annez . 25 West Founh Street Saint Paul, MN SSIO2-I634 (651) 266-6589 . �D��� �a 3 APPLICANT Property Clty Contact Person (if � Address / Location PROPERTY LOCATION Legal Description_ (attach additional sheet if necessary) Zoning _ ��9^y '� TO THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND Ct7Y COUNCIL: Pursuant to Section 61.800 of the Saint Paul Zoning Ordinance and to Section 462.357(5) of Minnesota Stafues, �/ I� � V V Pm.l l S , owner of land proposed for rezoning, hereby petitions you to r ezone the above escribed property from a 1� �9 — y— zoning district to a f`'} �, zoning district, for the purpose of: / - �in���i• vYr� ��Sih�� - 'vJlu`r-G� �GS bee,� �e� ��� >990 � _ f ,� � �P�^ � ��� �,� � � - 5ee, d.�c�er� lc��r c� �s�t/�n-�� 'f� �-�cS.S� � vsea�Lr �v�'S Wr�7�.s� l a� �P�-, � �„�-.-��,-• (attach additional sheets it necessary) � Q � / i f��� t �� Attachments as required: ❑ Site Plan ❑ Consent Petition �` " p Affidavit Subscribed an worn to before me this �� day of �G,� , 20�. G��� li� � ►��.�I 1�' . . . 1 .�: - li ' Daytime BY: �i� � Fee Owner of Property KR4STA JO RAYKOV NOTARY PUBLIC - MRJhESOTA MY COMNIISSlON F�CPIf�ES JAN. 31, 20 1 0 Page 1 of _ pazawpd y14/06 - . �,�[ b� PETITION TO AMENb THE ZONING COdE Department ofPlanning and,EconomicDevelopmeni - ZoningSection - I900 Ci#yEalLAnner 25 West Fourth Street Saint Paul, MN SSIO2-I634 (651) 266-6589 APPLICANT PROPERTY LOC/�TION Property Owner J✓( �} �r' � � L� Address (�{- � G� l'�P�}.b,1� 14 U�_ . City �7' .��� LC(_ St. lA 1�Zip }��U„�_Dayfime Phone_�,SI^2.7 �-S2O Contact Person (if different) Phone Address! Location ��'� � G R f1-v.)1j Lega( Destrlption_�c.� A-d.�V�S �Z1T. `� S1 - p�1LC(, i ����(�� Currenf Zoning _ �.. /�-{ Z. (attach additional sheef if necessary) TO THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CI7Y COUNCIL: Pursuant to Section 69.800 of the Saint Paul Zoning Ordinance and to Secfion 452.357(5) af MinnesoYa Statues, M�.���� f e 1�L.. � S ,'owner o{ land proposed for rezoning, hereby petitions you fo rezone the above described property from a ���,_zoning district to a �� zoning district, for the purpose of: (� ma�.,-� h� bc.c si t��ss a.�-: - d�-�-s f o c�.�'� �.f�a� b�.eti �e.Y� �'�e� t 95aJ z . r�o+rd�-- � k-� m� .hvu� 3 . s �� e� � �� . (,e��- d �' � �c tr�n� rr . �v� w4� _s�= � ���G� ha� � � d� �. ` �'-� � (attach additional sheets if necessary) Attachments as required: ❑ Site Plan -�ConsenE Petition �Affidavit / . .•.. . . ..• . . � .. 1 � �r. ��``:/� �� �' 1 -�►�� „�'2 �� tj �:t�� Ja� � � �" . ♦ Fee Owner of Property Titte: Sonja Elaine Taylor Butler , NOTARY PUBIiC - MtN N�SO7A MYCOMM(SSIC� - � FXPIRESJAN.31,3� _ - Page 1 of,_, • p�c,.�Pa anao6 . � . . � - ,2 _' 1S� CITY OF SAINT PAUL � CONSENT OF ADJOINING PROPERTY OWNERS FOR A REZONING ��-�� We, the undersib ed, owners of property within 100 feet of the total contia ous description of real estate owned, purchased, or sold by TEIE PETTTIONER within one year preceding the date of this petition acknowledge that we have been presented with the following: 1. A copy of the petirion of to rezone the property lc . � ( � ( \ 3� `_. � � �_ �C from a � 2. zoning district to a � S zoniag district; and .� c , r . 5 �� Gz1� � J S 2. A copy of sections ; O throdgh inclusive of the Saint Paul Zoning Code. We aclrnowledge that we aze awaze of all of the uses pemutted in a�_ S zoning district, and we aze awue that any of these uses can be established upon City Council approval of the Rezoning. We hereby consent to the rezoning of the property in the petition of Y Y ICL�iP�/`�� �l�J�/C � to a � S zoning d'astrict. ame f eti[ioner) We consent to the approval of this rezoning as it was explained to us by the applicant or his/her representative. ADDRESS OR PIN �l��D � rnm � 4� /ys� ���.M:,�-Pd.��.. ��.��� #�� `�c�caQ � . 3 RECORD OWNER flAr�a:«.� ���N.D. k,�.ct�u�.l t.� A eex� �lZ`�� �3 s' 06 � r o� ���0� y-�5� � a-� �� l��(o �c-t1KiYtt� V� T��r� s-f / 6��J� � �� �,��1�p �', R ��h'Ak.� f L 5-zz-a� � 1 �'<rs �z,��9�eo �,d �E S-�_o� /y�9 �'��(. a�er� W�[j � 5�z3 �6 This petition shall not be considered as officially filed until the lapse of seven (7) warking days after it is received by the Planning Aivision. Any signatoz of this petition may withdraw his/her name therefrom by written request within that time. SIGNATURE � DATE io-oi 4� CITY OF SAINT PAUL _ CONSENT OF ADJO�N�VG PROPERTY OWNE� �✓ REZONIlVG ' � . • We, the undersigned, owners of property wit22in 100 feet of the total configao�; owned, purchased, or'sold by THE PE'IITTONER within one yeaz preceding aeknowledge that we have been presented with the following: I. A copy of the pefition of �� � ,��. � c� ��, C. S name of petitioner) to rezoae ihe property located at ��-G� �� P�-►J� from a�zoning dishict to a�-S zoning districr, and ,, �zs*es {��n1+-.g. -{� oS 2. A copy of secuons �rvthrough �( inclusive of_the Saint Paul Zoning Code. We acknowledge that we are awaze of all of the uses pamutted in a�__ Zoning district, and we aze awaze that any of these uses can be established upon City Council approval o€ the Rezoning. We hereby consent to the rezoning af the property in the petition of � � � � �- ��z � � � �s to a _,G�_ zoning district, (name of petitioner) We consent to the approval of this rezoning as -it was explained to us by Yhe applicant or 'his/her representative. ADT)RF.SS nR PTN RF!'(1Rn (lu7NFR crr_u�mrmt ...,...-. • This petition shall not be oonsidered as officially filed until the tapse of seven (7) worMng days after it is � received by the Planning Division.. Any signator ofthis petition may withdraw his/her name therefrom by ivritten request withia [hat time. ' _ io-oi � CITY .OF S.AIN'F PAUL � D ?- �--� AFFIDAVIT OF PERSON CIRCULATING PETITION STATE OF M�NESOTA) :SS COUNTY OF RAMSEY } ��Gc�t/�-1 VV P� I� , being frrst duly swom, deposes and states thaf helshe is the person who circu�ted consent perition consisting of� pages; that affiant is informed and believes that the parties described on the consent petition are the owners of the pazcels of real estate described immediateiy before each name, and that each of the parties described on the consent petition is an owner ofpropezty within 100 feet of the subject property described in the petition and all property contiguous fo the subject property that was owned, purchased or soid by the petitioner within one (1) year preceding the date of the petition; that the consent petition was signed by each said owner; and that the signatuzes are the hue and conect signatures of each and all of the parties so described. � � �e�:�sw iv25ios afCpaiuon.wpd ����� /��� �y�19Le 5�- � �n�ss ��/r � 9�� TELEPHONE NUNIBER ,.� Sonja Elaine Taylar Butler NOT1�ftv P�JBLlC - MINI+�SOTA MY CO�Wv11SS10N � IXPIRESlAN.37,2009 \.� Subscribed and wom to before me this ��day of_4� �}�nC.l'v�?- , 20�. ''_ � C�'I'Y E3�' SA�N`I' �'��TL, � . AF�IDAVTT OF PETFTIONER �FQR A REZ�N[riG STATE OF M3NNESOTA) � . :SS . . COUNTY OF RAiLiSEI'.) , y ,,. . . Tfie petitioner, ,��r�i (_ �_l,�_, beinb first duly swom, deposes anu states that ihe consent petitioz� coritains igna_ es of ihe owners of at least futo-thir�s (2I3} of. at1 eligible prnperties - wittrin 100 feet of the subject property descr"bed in the petition and aIl prapezty conttguous to the subject" property thatwas otvned, purchased; or sold by the petitioaer within one (1 J year preceding the dafe af ' the petition; petitioner is informzd that ihe consent petition must contain signattizes from each and all owners af jointly-owned properfy in orc�er'to constitute cbnsent frozli that pro.perCy and that failure to obtain consent from each and a1I owneis couId invalidate the consant petition; petitionez believes that the consent�pe�iHort was sia ed by eacfi of said owners and fhat the signature are the.trua and coirect si�natures of each and all of the parties so described. . � . �z�/Q,� Sonja Efaine 7 'ayloButfer . NOTARY Pt/�IC -MtNA€S07A �"1�' CoMMI5S10N IXPiRESJAIY.3{,� � a � �, � �swom to befbre m�e �t i of --��_, 2"� ' , �!��1� ARY PUBLIC � �1������ . , ����C � J� � • NAMB �S«{5' C��/� �-( � `�/� _�-� ADDRESS . _ : �S/ - �r`�' -��� -� . . TELEP�IONE NLTMBEI2 . . +�isrA .ro't�nrxov . NOTAF27PUBL[C-MIN�60TA ' MYCOFitM1SS(ON, � � �XP7itES JAM. 34, 2 0 1 0 . • . �� 6 to-at .• �� � �-�-� Margery Wells • � 1449 Grand Ave St. Paul, MN 55105 May 23, 2006 Department of Planning and Economic Development Zoning Section 1400 City Ha1f Annex 25 W, Fourth St. St. Pau{, MN 55102-1634 Dear City of St. Paul, I am submitting a new application fo change the zoning at my house at 1449 Grand Ave from RM2 to OS. This is the second submission. 1 obtained another name on the first petition requesting a change to BC; however, in the interim 1 aiso met with the hausing committee of the Mac — Grove{and Community Council again. They suggested that an O5 zoning request would more likely be • acceptabie to them because the house sits next to two structures that are already zoned OS. This would then not become an issue of "spot zoning° in the neighborhood. I now have aN the signatures required fior the enclosed second petition. RespectFully Submitted, � ��3/� Margery Weils Encl: petition and all required applica#ion paper work, a check for $1,OQ0. f driyirul l�e�'S.�'� v+�`r • � Margery Wells 1449 Grand Ave. • St. Paul, MN 55105 November 1, 2005 Dear Friends and Neighbors, I am writing to request your support and to inform you of my circumsfances. At this time, based on requirements by the city, (which 1 had been unaware ofl, I will need to apply to have my house rezoned in order to keep my business here, which is the only way I can keep my house. Changing the zoning will not change the operafion of my business, and wi!! therefore, not create any more traffic, parking issues, nor activity than is already on Grand in front and back of my house currently. ! am asking for your support in this zoning change. The following is a summary: 1 purchased my house at 1449 Grand Ave. as a duplex in 1990. It needed • countless things done to it, which 1 provided with numerous re-finances and sweat equity. 1 continue to make improvements. 2. 7he second floor was renfed as an apartment when f purchased the house. 3. I lived on the first floor as a singie parent{ sole provider, and my son had his room and a recreation room area in the basement. f added tegal egress windows and fixed up the tower leve(. We occupied the first and lower garden level; arrd my office was in frorft of the tiving space on the first floor as a home based business. 4. I re-decorated the upstairs aparfinent so i could live there after my son started coilege. i rented the garden apartment. There were no nevy units added. 5. At age 58, i have no retirement money; and friends have suggested that I buy another property. So I found renters for my upstairs apartment and looked for a house to buy. 6. I purchased a house to live in Oc#ober 29, 20o4. • � a�.a-� � 7. I have renters on the second floor and in the lower garden level of, Grand Ave. 8. My business occupies the first floor. 9. 1 need to keep my business in operation there. 1 have been there for 15 years and people know how to find me in a cenfral urban location. 10. I hope to someday create a satellite location; but that has not manifested and that is a bigger and long term project that wilf require resources that 1 do not current(y have, and it wili never happen if I do not have my central location in continuous operation. 11. Because my house f�appens to be located wedged between two businesses on the west and a striqg of apartment bui(dings on the easf, I have never experienced a neighborhood feeling here. My son and I prepared for trick or treaters on the first Halloween we were here with candy and pumpkins, but no one sf�owed up because iYs a busy street and because of how my house is situated between these other enterprises. Also, my house is not included in any block party events on the north or south of Grand. • 12. If I am forced to close my business t wi(! have no income. I will be calling you in a couple of days to set up a time when we can talk and I could have you look at the petition tF�e city has requested to be circulated as part of the process of this change. If you have any questions or concerns before that time, please feel free to call me at: 651-699-9876. Sincerely, Margery Welis • � i .. 1 r' i , c ..:.; , Dear Friends_ As many of us enier middte age and heyand, it's interesEing fo compare how we evafuate {he meaning ot fhe phrase "quatity of life" To some, it connofes be[ng futt of energy, hapgy and a{ive_ For a nur:l6er of otfters, however, it means simpty fn be free of daily pain and iflness. However you define °quatiiy of Irfe," peopte deserve to have heatfh care peofessionais wha Gsten and pay close atfention fo an individuat's needs_ As an integraWe healfh care professiona(, f provide an attemai'rve care apprflach thaf carefully considers a patienYs situafson +vhite taking advantage of muitipie treatmeot options from bofh eastem and westem medicine. if is a pleasure fp have physicians and ot#er healih profiessionals invite me to trea# fheir patients and ! appreciaie the opportunity to coflaberate. The patien#s i work with typicatly fall in{o three categoriss: . Peopte who want to proactivety manage their health. These might be indivitluals who have watched someone cFose to them su€fer with disease, and are wifling fo take actions now • ta affeci their futura quaGty of ifie. • Peopla who have recently been diagnosed v,rith eancer, diabetes, or another chronic disease_ They can be confused, ove[whelmed, figh#ened by all the informafioo they receive, and wanf someone who can 6etp fhem devetop a sfrategy for living with f4eir condition. , • Peopie who have sv#€ered with a chronic cond"rtion and are fncstrated wit[� mainsFream approaches to fheir situaYion. ! am offen able to work with theSe individua}s to provide additianat diagnosfic and_healing options fhaY can he heipfui and even life changing. I have been practicing integrafive medicine for 22 years, with extensive fraining in acupunetare, furrctionat medicine nutrit7on, traditional orienfaf inedicme, western botaoicat therapies, and patienY coaching. t atsd have rny own compo�tndiag pharmacy fhat ertabtes rne to prescribe arM custom blend medicma� formvlas specific to differer�f diagnoses and individuai needs. My credentials danY (ook tike thoSe typicaNy seen in a doctofis oifice, bnt my work is f+censed by fhe 1fAinnesota Soard of Medicai Practice, and represents Yhousaflds af hours of academtc and ctinicat teaming and dedicatiott. t would be pleased to meef with you #o daseuss how my integrative approach can impact yaur quality of life. P[ease call Heailh Source at 559-699-9875 io schedute an appointmerrt. Sincerety, _ '� _ x .�.��?����' Margery Wei -' 1}ipl: TQ4UI, LJic, AtiG Nationally Baaai Cerlified (NCCAOMI and fRH6) . • �-Q � !i�. �.�:,,... t��".' . y?''e��"'�'��' �w t � X ��A � � e 7 y ` -� £ 3 t__ �3 ;��"'"d✓"+}:'�' ° �` Ti a,L I ;e .�� �. i.!'. .. :o=; � �a �. } � J � t' _ ,y° �... '.-.fi� �" _ ��, " ..' >�" ,-.-�.--� .+ —r .�"°=... m , '. � }� 4 �s w '� ��'�` . A� �� _ � e.�' ' ' r � n� ��ir . ,� �. Y Z j m.� a � # .il.'' � f _ _...€ i� s _�. . .�rx : „�-•"`�.-5 , }n:.;y �: � �_. i3 � c � , <^ ,^` �.�'.�,�.,;� ` � v "� ���' y �. H' ���� . ��n .. . __ 's _w�*• CITIZEN PARTICIPATFO DIS RiCTS. • • � � CITiZEN PARTICIPATION PLAWNING DISTRIC7S 1.SUNRAY=BATTLECREEK-HT6HGlOOD 2.6REATER EAST S.IOE 3.WE5T SIDE 4.DAYTON'S BLUFF . S:PAYNE-PHRLEN. -• Z 6.N0RTH END ' � �� �`'L 7.THOMAS-.DfiLE Q � ( J 8.SUMMIT-UNFVERSITY 9: kfES7� SEVENTH l O..COhi6 11.HAMLINE-MIDWAY 7 2.5T. ANTHOhtY RRIAM FK.-LEkINGTON HAMLTNE 14.. ROV€L �MP,CACESTER - .HI6HLAND � 96:SUMMI7 NILL • 17.00WNT041N . • G�C � , � U�-� # - � �� r 2�� ��- 6 � v •` 07-�� / _. � a� To the Sai�ifi Pau) Ci#y Co�ncil; December 15, 2OOfi �. �, , , � . . � , , .. � • M -� f � � _ � : . • s . - a �.. � . (a. . a! , . r • � - . �., � r � :' � a' ' c, � • • • - �:' � • a e e ' a � s' � � a ; • • i; , „ , a't � _� � � . .. � . , , i 'a i � , .����� C € ,, ' �� . � ��,�'� `' 211p� _ ������ �