06-477Council File # �] Green Sheet # .3 CITY Presented By CI]'•i7 i►/�`►[�1 �I SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA a�. � 7 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 An ordinance amending the Appendix to Chapter 409 of the Saint Paul L,egislative Code pursuant to Section 17.07.1 ofthe Charter of the City of Saint Paul and Section 409.20 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code by creating an additional commercial development district called the Head House Commercial Development District. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1 The Head House Commercial Development district, as shown in Exhibit 1-2006, which is attached to and incorporated by reference in this ordinance, is hereby created as a commercial development dishict under Section 17.07.1 of the Charter of the City of Saint Paul and under Section 409.20 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code. The legal description of the Head House Commercial Development District is attached as part of Exhibit 1-2006. This district and its legal descriprion shall appear in the Appendix to Chapter 409 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code. Section 2 This ordinance shall be in force and take effect thirty (30) days following its passage, approval, and publication. �� t t: Requested by Departrnentof: y .. . Adoplii By: Appro� By: �1� 1 (, � Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet � DG-�1�� DepartmenNoffice/council: Date Initiated: • � I LP — L��eaatip�oeon�nv�oarmx o2�Y� Green Sheet NO: 3030637 � Depar6neM SentToPerson InitiallDate Contact Person 8 Phone: Rachel Gunderson 0 'cen ns ection/Envirou Pr 2665710 p��yn 1 iceose/Ins 'an/Envimn Pro De arLment D'uector i M Be�o�n Co Agenda by (Date): Number Z � Attorn 1 S+ ��0.(J� 1 R S � ��1 � For I Routing 3 or's Office Ma or/Assistant Order 4 ouncil 5 " Clerk Ci Clerk Total # of SignaWre Pages _(Clip All Locations for SignaWre) Action Requested: Approval of an ordinance amending the Appendix to Chapter 409 of the Saint Paul Legislarive Code pursuant to Section 17.07.1 of the Charter of ffie City of Saint Paul and Secrion 409.20 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code by creating an additional commerical development district called the Head House Commerical Development Distdct. Recommendations: Approve (A) or Reject (R): Personal Service Contrects Must Answer the Following Questions: Planning Commission 1. Has this person/firm ever woflced under a contrad for this department? CIB Committee Yes No Civil Service Commission 2. Has this person/firm ever been a city employee? Yes No 3. Does this personffirm possess a skill not normally possessed by any current city employee? Yes No Euplain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet Initiating Problem, Issues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why): A fixed number of liquor licenses aze awazded to each wazd. All licenses issued for Wazd 2 aze currently in use. However, additional licenses may be awazded for properties located within a commericial development dislrict. AdvantageslfApproved: The creation of the district will ensw�e that restaurants located within the district are eligible to apply for a liquor license. DisadvantapeslfApproved: None. r Disadvantapes If Not Approved: "��` �`""`°'r- "E., . _: . �. � . . .. . !.."' •T;7 i Total Amount of CosURevenue Budgeted: "�'°r?S� � Transaction: � ��Qs Funding Source: Activity Number: Fi nancial Infortnation: (6cplain) o�-��� Pro�erty Description Legal Description of the Head House Commercial Development District I,ot l, Block 1, Upper Landing Urban Village. That part of Government Lot 4, Section 6, Township 28, Range 22, Ramsey County, Minnesota, and that part of Old Shepard Road also lrnown as Samual H. Morgan Regional Trail (formerly known as Shepazd Road and Water Street) as dedicated in RICE AND II2V1NE'S ADDITION TO ST. PAUL, according to the recorded plat thereof and UPPER LANDING URBAN VII,LAGE, according to the plat thereof on file in the office of the Registraz of Titles, Ramsey County, Minnesota, described as beginning at a monument at the most southerly corner of Lot 1, Block i, said UPPER LANDING URBAN VILLAGE; thence North 42 degrees 06 minutes 59 seconds East, assumed bearing, along the southeasterly line of said Block 1, a distance of 60.09 feet; thence South 47 degrees 53 minutes Ol seconds East a distance of 61.66 feet; thence South 42 degrees 14 minutes 52 seconds West a distance of 61.52 feet to the point of beginning. That part of Government Lot 4, Section 6, Township 28, Range 22, Ramsey County, Minnesota, and that part of Shepazd Road (forxnerly known as Water Street) as dedicated in RICE AND II2VINE'S ADDITION TO ST. PALTL, according to the recorded plat thereof, Ramsey County, Minnesota, described as commencing at a monument at the most southerly comer of Lot 1, Block 1, UPPER LANDING URBAN VILLAGE, according to the plat thereof on file in the office of the Registrar of Titles, said Ramsey County; thence North 42 degrees 06 minutes 59 seconds East, assumed bearing, along the southeasterly line of said Block 1, a distance of 60.09 feet; thence South 47 degrees 53 minutes Ol seconds East a distance of 61.66 feet to the point of beginning of the land to be described; thence South 42 degrees 14 minutes 52 seconds West a distance of 202.81 feet; thence South 47 degrees 45 minutes 08 seconds East a distance of 19.7 feet, more ar less, to the shore line of the Mississippi River; thence Northeasterly, along said shore line of the Mississippi River, a distance of 204 feet, more or less, to a line drawn South 47 degrees 45 minutes 08 seconds East from the point of beginning; thence North 47 degrees 45 minutes 08 Seconds West a distance of 19.5 feet, more or less, to the point of beginning. Together with riparian rights in and over that azea described as commencing at the most southerly corner of said Lot 1; thence North 42 degrees 06 minutes 59 seconds East, assumed bearing, along the southeasterly line of said Block 1, a distance of 60.09 feet; thence South 47 degrees 53 minutes Ol seconds East a distance of 61.66 feet; thence South 42 degrees 14 minutes 52 seconds West a distance of 10.70 feet to the point of beginning of the land to be described; thence continuing along said bearing South 42 degrees 14 minutes 52 seconds West a distance West a distance of 177.63 feet; thence South 47 degrees 55 minutes 27 seconds East a distance of 52.29 feet; thence North 41 degrees 00 minutes Ol second East a distance of 177.57 feet; thence North 47 degrees 49 minutes 28 seconds West a distance of 48.43 feet to the point of beginning, which rights are generally described as the right to use and enjoy the profits and advantages of the water; and the right to build, maintain, repair, replace and reconstruct, for private or public use, wharves, piers, buildings and landings on the riparian land and extending into and over the water. x 'a : c�' � � �� r � � - „-..�° — � .r�._.�_ .:�.,�..a., � ,,.�.,� _ r ....,:�.�,_,.. '�� ti .t�a ..-n;tni:.. ¢,3�:,,k,',:�i�i% 7 U . � V/ � �^' W � Q 0 W �^' W � � �U L � � � U a� � � 0 � � ^' W 2 � � ..; ' � � � �� ,r:a r.#f,�if`btx 3 . � t � { M,<JS ��'i'uA�g����ifi�� ., 4'qH {bK d4�itff �� I{�, . �, ,,,,,�. �n � 3, , G�Ef�� � �;i i�ji a �aall ':.{llljj; �,a�;S�I �;{ts � M iz���!i�;�;:`". . � �� o■ M I or N � O O N O O O \`�E,'�p 1'I\� {3lji 44£ Y4`�. � � �• O6-��7 HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA REPORT TO THE COMMISSIONERS DATE December 14, 2005 REGARDING Authorization to submit an Application to the St. Paul city Council for the Creation of a Commercial Development District for the Head House and Block 1, District 9 Purpose Staff is requesting that the HRA Board of Commissioners authorize the submission of an application to the City for the creation of a commercial development district for Upper Landing Block 1 and the Head House. The creation of the district will ensure that restaurants located within the district are eligible to apply for a liquor license. Background Commercial Development District A fixed number of liquor licenses are awarded for each ward. All licenses issued for Ward 2 are currently in use. However, additional licenses may be awarded for properties located within a commercial development district. Since the HRA is the owner of the Head House properry, the HRA is eligible to apply for the establishment of a commercial development district. As an owner of property within the proposed district, Rottlund has signed a petition to establish the commercial development district. A map of the proposed commercial development district is attached. Adjacent property owners Ryan lowa City, Centex and the City have signed adjacent owner petitions. A business located within a commercial development district must go through the regular application and notification procedures in order to obtain a liquor license. Block 1 Site Plan and Head House On March 16, 2005, the HRA approved a Third Amendment to the Contract between Centex Multi-Family Communities L.P, the City of Saint Paul ("City"), and the Housing and Redevelopment Authority ("HRA"). The Upper Landing Task Force, which included representatives from the Fort Road West Seventh Federation, Irvine Park Association, Design Center, Rivertront Corporation, Public Works, Parks Department and Planning and Economic Development had many meetings regarding the site planning regarding Block 1 and the Head House project The site plan for Block 1 calls for the construction of up to 105 housing units, 5,000 square feet of commercial space and two levels of structured parking. It is anticipated that a portion of the commercial space in Block One may be utilized for a restaurant. The restaurant will be limited to 50 seats including indoor and outdoor seating. The development plan for the Head House includes a fine dining restaurant on the first floor, with a second floor transportation history Ob interpretive center, river overlook and public restrooms. The Upper Landing Task Force members indicated support for the proposed and potential commercial uses in the Head House and Block 1. Successful fine dining restaurants provide alcoholic beverages for their patrons. Restaurants located in the Head House and Block 1 will need to be able to apply for liquor licenses. Neighborhood Review On November 7 PED staff made a presentation at the Fort Road West Seventh District Council meeting regarding the creation of the Commercial Development District. The community supports the creation of the Commercial Development District which will facilitate redevelopment of the Head House project. Public Purpose A key goal of the Upper Landing Task Force plan for Block 1 and the Head House, was to create a sense of vitality, street, and pedestrian activiry that would enhance the Upper Landing Development. Restaurant and entertainment uses in the Upper Landing area will contribute toward the vision of a vibrant, mixed-use communiry. Recommendation Staff recommends that the Board approve the attached resolution. Sponsor: Councilmember Dave Thune Marie Franchett Central Team Attachments: Map of commercial development district Resolution Document2 AA-ADA-EEO EMPLOYER sPonsor � RESOLITI'ION NO.OS-12l14- RESOLUTION AIJTHORIZING 2 EXECUTION AND SUBMISSION OF A PETTTION 3 TO SAINT PAUL CTTY COUNCIL 4 FOR CREATION OF A COMIvIERCIAL DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT 5 FOR HEAD HOUSE AND BLOCK 1 OF UPPER LANDING DEVELOPMENT 6 WHEREAS, the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul, 7 Minnesota (the "Authority") has the power to engage in development or redevelopment activities 8 under Minnesota law and the Authority is authorized to engage in activities relating to (a) 9 housing projects and development, (b) removal and prevention of the spread of conditions of 10 blight or deterioration, (c) bringing substandard buildings and improvements into compliance 11 with public standards, (d) disposition of land for private redevelopment, and (e) improving the 12 taac base and the financial stability of the community, and to engage in the aforementioned 13 activities when these needs cannot be met through reliance solely upon private initiative and 14 which can also be undertaken in tazgeted neighborhoods; and 15 WHEREAS, the Authority has approved the redevelopment of the Headhouse/Sackhouse 16 which is owned by the Authority and will include a restaurant that will serve alcoholic beverages 17 to its patrons ("Headhouse Project"); and 18 WHEREAS, the Authority has approved the redevelopment of Block 1 of the Upper 19 Landing development that may also include a restaurant that will serve alcoholic beverages to its 20 patrons ("Upper Landing Project"); and 21 WHEREAS, the creation of a commercial development district as governed by section 22 17.07.1 of the City Charter that will encompass land for both the Headhouse Project and Block 23 One Upper Landing Project will ensure that restaurants for the two projects are eligible to apply 24 for liquor licenses; and 25 WIIEREAS, the public purpose being served by the restaurants is to create a sense of 26 vitality, street and pedestrian activity that will enhance the Upper Landing Development and 27 contribute towazd the vision of a vibrant, mixed-use environment, and create jobs and increase 28 the tas base of the city. 29 NOW THEREFORE, TI' IS HEREBY RESOLVED BY THE AUTfIORTI'Y'S BOARD 30 OF CONIIvIISSIONERS AS FOLLOWS: 1326488v1 �6 31 1. The Board of Commissioners hereby authorizes and approves the execution and 32 submission to the City Council of a petition ("Petition") for the creation of a commercial 33 development district as govemed by section 17.07.1 of the City Charter for the Headhouse 34 Project and Biock One Upper Landing Project. The Executive Director is authorized to execute 35 the Petition and ali other necessary documents and certificates. 36 2. The staff of the Authority is authorized and directed to proceed with all action 37 necessary to implement this Resolution. 1326488v1 �� - �f7� city of saint paul planning commission resolution file number date COD'IMERCIAL DEVELOPMENTS DISTRICT: HEAD/SACK HOUSE COMPLEX AND BLOCK 1 OF THE UPPER LANDING WHEREAS, the Saint Paul Housing and Redevelopment Authority (HRA), owner of the Head/Sack House complex, has perifioned the City to establish a commercial development district pursuant to Secrion 17.07.1 of the City Charter and to Section 40920 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, for the purpose of removing Block 1 and the Head/Sack House properties from reshicrions on the number of on- sale intoxicating liquor licenses allowed within the liquor patrol limits; and WHEREAS, the Department of License, Inspections, and Environmental Protecrion has consulted the Planning Commission for advice concerning the proposal's consistency with the City's comprehensive plan and zoning ordinance per Secrion 409.20 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code; and WFiEREAS, the redevelopment of the Head/Sack House complex into a desrinarion restaurant represents an adaptive reuse of an important historic properry; and WHEREAS, the Upper Landing Urban Design Master Plan calls for mixed-use development on Block 1 to enhance the vibrancy of the Upper Landing and to complement the adjoining Chestnut Plaza; and WHEREAS, the proposed commercial development district covers only the Head/Sack House and Block 1 of the Upper Landing (Property Idenfificafion Numbers 062822310016, 062822310012, and 062822310013); and WFiEREAS, the West 7th/Fort Road Federafion does not object to the creation of the proposed commercial development district; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission has made the following findings on consistency: 1. The proposed commercial development dish is consistent with Saint Paul's Land Use Plan, which states that the plan "[promotes] a balance of land uses in the ciry to strengthen the city's tas base" and "[guides] public inveshnents in urban preservation, revitalization, and redevelopment ° moved by seconded by in favor against Plamiing Commission Resolurion D� ��f 7 � Head/Sack House complex and Block 1 of the Upper Landing Page Two 2. The proposed commercial development district is consistent with the Urban Design Master Plan for the Upper Landing, which states that Block 1 would be an appropriate location for commercial uses, including a destinarion restaurant. 3. The proposed commercial development is consistent with the existing T'N3 zoning, which allows neighborhood-compatible restaurants of moderate size. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Planning Commission advises the Mayor and the City Council that the petirion of the HRA to establish a commercial development dishict for the Head/Sack House and Block 1 of the Upper Landing is consistent with the comprehensive plan and zoning code and that the Planning Commission supports the crearion of the proposed dish-ict. West7Fetleration 6512985671 03/22/06 04:47pm P. 002 D� �� � J Mazch 22, 2006 ' Ms. Jessica Rosenfeld PED City of Saint Faul 25 West 4 Street Saint Pau1, Minnesota 55102 RE: Establislunent of Commercial Development District Upper Landing West 7thlFort Road Eederation 974 West7th Street Saint Paul, Minnesota 551Q2 (612)298-5599 Dear 7essica, '1�he West 7`�'/Port Road Federation supports tlie establislunent of a Commercial Development District in the `Upper Landing. Sincerely, n,G„-� Betty Mora _ Cooperating F�nd Drive Member AffirmafiSve Action/Equat Opportunity Employer J .�.�- � �+ � NT AUL � i1AAA PETTI`ION TO CREATE OR EXPAND A COMNNI�RCL4I, DEyEI,ppi , NT DISTRICT � City CZerk Room 170 City Ha11 IS LyestKelZoggBoulevat-d .Saint Paul, MN 55102 266-8989 APPLICAI�T — PTOpertyOWner Sai.�� 1 F�ousinqczr.d{Qe�(z„tilvAmL,�- PROPERTY LOCATION Address ?S` W_ `f-F'. S�- _ S,, 13t� b City Sa�n�FPw+�( St.rhnl ZipSS'+�� Daytimephone Contact person (if different) M� r i•e Fras�cke�-+" Address/Location up(�zr �+��: Legaldescription f�}}q�ecQ ._(i S?62$ 2231 bo�� � r762Q (attach additional sheet if necessary) TQ THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CiTY COUNCIL: Pursuant to Section 17.07.1 of tfie City Charter and to Section 409.20 of the Saint Paui Legislative Code, the owners of pzoperty within the proposed new or azea of the eacpanded commercial development district hereby �etition you to create or eapaud a commercial development district to include the above described property for the purpose of removing the property from restrictions on the number of on-sale into�cating liquor licenses allowed within the liquor patrol limit. • '� Required map showing boundaries of proposed district � Consent petition of owners of properiy within proposed district �l Consent pefition of adjoining property owners � Affidavit of petitioner �l Affidavit of person circulating consent petition(s) (attach additional sheet(s} explaining the proposal if necessaryJ Suhscribed and befo�me this of _ o�� ito day : � `re��� S�i-. P�,kt ( I.AURA L ECKERT tvaarr �,bronn;onesora L9(o'�7 � Page 1 of � CITY OF SAIl�T PAUL Ci�'�7 7 CONSENT OF OWNERS OF PROPERTY WITHIN A PROPOSED . CO�RCIAL DEVELOPMEIVT DfSTRTCT We, the undersigned, ocvners of pFOperty withm fhe aew or area of the expanded cammercial development dis4rict acImflwledge that 'we have been presented with the following: 1• Acopyofthepetitionof Saint Paul Housing and Redevelopment Authbrity. (name of petitioner) to create or expand a commercial development district on properCy Iocated at Upper LandinQ - Headhouse/Sackhouse and Block 1 along with a map showrng the bauttdaries of the proposed districf, for the purpose a£ removing the proper[y from _ restrictions on the number of on-sale into�cicating liquor licenses ailowed within fhe Iiquor patrol limit. 2. A copy of Section 17.07 of the City Charter and Section 409.20 of fhe Saint Paul Leb stative Code; and aclaiowledge that we aze aware that there is no lmiitation on the num6er of on-sale intoxicating liquor licenses in a commercial development district, eYCept as set forth in Section 1'1.07.2(fi) of the Cify Charter. GVe hereby consent to the petition of: Saint Paul Housing & Redevelopment to creaYe%xpaad a commercial develogment disfrict. (name ofpetitioner} Authority We consenY to the approval aF this com.mercial development district as it was esplained to us by the applicant or his/her representative. NdTE: The pefition shall not be considered as officially filed until tfie lapse of seven (7) working days . a#ter. it is receixe by the City Clerk. Aay signator of this petition may withdraw his/her name therefrom by written request within that 4ime. ' ' CIT`I' OF SAFiVT PAUL D� - �7 � CONSENT OF OWNERS OF PROPERTY WITHIN A PROPOSED COI�rIERC:IAL DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT We, tfie undersigned, ovrners of property within the new or area of the expanded commercial development district acknowledge that we have been presented with the following: 1. A copy ofthe petition of Saint Paul Housing and Redevelopment Authority (nama of pefitioner) to create or expand a commercial development district on property located at Upper Landin� - Headhouse/Sackhouse and Block 1 alongwith a map sho*,`ring the baundazies of the proposed disirict, for ttte purpose of removing the groperty from restricfions on the number of on-sale into�cating fiquor licenses allowed within the liquor patrol limit. 2. A copy o£ Seotioa 17.07 of the City Charter and Section 409.20 of the Saint Paul I,egislative Code; arid aclmowledge ffiaf we aze. a�vare that there is no Iimitation on the number of on-sale intoxicating liquor licenses in a commercial development dishict, except as set forth in Section 17.072(f) of the City Charter. We hereby consent to the pefition of: Saint Paul Housing and Redevelopment to create/expand a commercial development disfrict. (nazneofpetitioner) Authority We consent to the approval of this commercial development district as it was ezglained fo us by the applicant or his/her represenYative. NOT�: The pefition shall not be cDnsidered as o�cially filed until4he lapse of seven (7) working days after it is receiue by the City Clerk. Any signatar of fhis petirion may withdraw hislfier name therefrom by written request within that time. s CITY �F SAIivT PfYUI. �;: D(a: . CONSENT OF ADIOt"NIYi'G PROPEi2TY OWIv FQILCRE.ATION - OR BXPAI4SIO�i QF A COMYFE.RG�AL DSVELOPMENT DTSiRICT . � We;.the undersigned,owners of t12e.groperty within IOOfeet oa-the total contiguous desc;iption ' of reat estate owned, purchased,or sold by THE EfiTTTTONER within.one year preceding the ' date of tfiis petition ac fhat wa have 6een presenfed wiEfi the folIowing: I.A copy of the petition of Saint Pau1 Housi3g aad RedeveTopnent Authority ' " ' (name of pe$tioner} . to create or expand a. comiaerc'ial developmen4 district'on ptaperty located at IIpper Lauding- Headhouse/8ackhouse and Block 1 ¢o* tfie purpose of removing the property from restricrioas on.the number of on-sale intoxicating liquor licenses aITowed within the liquor patroi limit. 2. A copy of Section 17.07 of the City Charter and Section 40�.20 of the SainY Pau1 Legislative Code; and acknowIedge that we aze aware that there is no limitation on the number of on-saie intoxicating liquor licenses in a commercia( development district, excep� as seEfortfl in. Section d7.072(6) of the City Charter. We Iiereby eonsent to #fie pefitiom of: St. Paul xaouszn� &' Redevelbnment to create/expand a cammerclal deveIopment.district. (name.ofpetitioner) Authority 'S�'e consent to the approval of'this comm�rcial devetopment di'sfrict as it is ezpiained to us by fhe applicant-or Iiislhgr representafive. . ADDRESS OR P.I.N. # 06-28-22-31-0017 REGORD OWNER Cent eic;=Mu1t i-Family. Landing LtiC DATE ������ �j". . �'OTE: This_petition shall not be considered as officiafly filed until the lapse'of seven (7) workiag days ` afrer it is raceived by the City Cferk.. Any signator of this' patition cnay withdraw hislher name therefram by �vritten request within tfi3t time. � . � � � .: ' • � � . �. e CITY QF SAIlV"T.FEiUI. ��-��� . CONSENT OF ADJOINIl�iG PROPERTY OWDIERS FOR.C�;EATTON OR EXPANSION OF A CONIl�SERCIAL DEVELOPMEIVT DISTRICT . - We, tfie undersigned, owners of the.properiy �vithin 100 feet of the tatal _contiQ ous description ' of real estate owne3, purdhased, or sold by THE PETITIONEI: within ane yeaz precedin� the ' date of tliis petition acknowledge that we have been presented wittt the fo2lowin�: 1.Acopyoffhepetitionof . Saint Paul Housing and RedeyeTopsent Authoritp " � (nazne ofpetifioner) to crzate orexpand a cammerc'iai deveIopme�t district on groperty located at IIpper Landing- Headhouse/Sackhouse and Block 1 fe: the purpose of removing the prop�rty from restricfions on the nzunber of on-sale intoxicatina liquor licenses allowed witFtiri the liquor patrol limit. 2. A copy of Section 17.07 of the Cify Cfiarter and Section 409.20 of the Saint Paul LegislaYive Code; and acknowledge that we are aware that there' is no limitation on the number of on-sale intoxicating liquor licenses in a commercial development district, exeep� as set forth in Section I7.07.2(6) of the City Charter. We here6y consent to the pefition af: • St. Pau1 Haouszn & Redevelbpment tocreafe/expand'acommercialdeveIopmentdisizict. (name.ofpetitioner) Authority `Ve consent to the approval of this commercial development district as it is ezplained fo us by fhe appIicanf or hisfhe'r representative. , � 3�TOTE: This petition shall not be oonsidered as officiaFly fled until Yhe lapse'of seven (7) working days a8er it is received by the City Clerk.. Any signator of tfiis gefition may withdraw his/tier name #herefrom by wntten request within that time. . CI'FY OF SAIlV'T PfYUL, n� =��� CONSENT OF AD301AIING PROPERTY OWNERS FORCREATION OR EXPANSION OF A CO�IERCIAL DEVELOPMENT I}ISTRICT We, the undersigned, owners of tfie.property within I00 feet of the totaI confia ous description � of reai estate owned, purcfiased, or sold by TE3E pE'IT'ITOi�IER within .one yeaz preceding the data of this petition acknowledge that we have been presented with the foIlowing: 1 .Acopyaft�epetifionaf Saint Paul Housing and Redevelopment Authority (name of petifioner) to create or expagd a commercia( development district on property Iocated af IIpper Landing— EeadhouseJSackhouse and Block 1 fer the purpose of reilloving the properCy from restricfions on the number of on-sale into�cicating liqnar licenses allowed within the Iiguor patroll'miit 2. A copy of Section 17.07 of the City Charter and Section 409.20 of the Saint Paul T egislafi�e Code� and acknowledge that we are awaze that there is no limitation on the number of on-sale infioxicating liquor licenses in a commercial deveiopment district, excegt as set forth in Secfion 17.07.2(6) of ttie City Charter. We her€by consent to the petition o� St, R-aul Haous'xn &�ededelovment to oreate/expand a commercial developmentdistrict. �nacneofpeti;ioner) Authority ��e consent to the approvai of this commercial developmeat disfrict as it is esplained to us by the applFCant or his(her representative. . �j NQ3'E: This petition shaIl not be considered as officially filed until Yhe lapse'of seven (7} working days after it is received by fhz City Clerk. Any signator of this pefirion may withdraw his/her name therefrom bY �vritten request within that time. PETITION TO CREA'T� OR EXPAND A COVLMERCIAL D�VEI,OPMENT DISTRICT AFFTDAVIT OF PETITFO�tER STATE OF MINNESOTA) COi3NTY OF FtAMSEY ) SS �(o"�'� _The St._Paul_ The petitioner; g�„�T� �nactiori�y, being first duly swom, deposes and states that the consent petition contains signatures from at least rivo-thirds ( of all eligible properties within 100 feet of ali progerty o4vned, purchased, or sold by petitioner within one (1) year preceding the date of this petition wtrich is conti�uous to the property described in the petition; petitioner is informed that the consent petition must cantain signatures from each and all oviners of jointly-owned property in order to constitute consent from that property and thaY failure tb obtain consent from each and al{ owners eould invalidate the consent getition; petitioner betieves that the consent petition was signed by each of said owners and that the signatures are the true and correct signatures of each and all of the parties so described. �. �`<y-vLU-C_ Exenntive.�Di3ector 4th Street, Suite 1�300 ADDRESS — 651-266-6702 TELEPHONE NUMBER Subscribed and swor to before ze � this��day of , 2o NOTARY Pi1BLIC LAURA L. ECt�RT Nofary PubGo-Minnesota o ' lerc�o�,���es.�,a�.2md Pa;e � of � si3is9 AF'FIDAVTF OF PERSON CII�CUI,ATII�t'G THE CONSENT PETITION STAT`E OF MNNESOTA) COUNTY OF RE1MS$Y ) :SS d6--H� � Marie Franchett being first duly s�vorn, deposes and states that he/she is the person who circuIated the consent petition consisting of 5 pages; that a�ant represents ttlat the parties described on the consent petition aze all the respactive ovmers of the properties placed immediately before each name; that affiant is informed and believes that each of the parties described on the consent petition is an owner of the properly which is within 100 feet of any prop�rly owneii, purchased, or sold by petitioner within one (1) year preceding the date of this petirion which is contiguous to the property described in the petition; that none of the parties described in the consent petifion has purchased or is purchasing property from the petitioner that is contiguous to the groperty described on the consent petiYion witttin one (1) year of the date of the petition; that this consent was signed by each af said owners in the, presence of this affcazit, and that the signafures aze the true and correct signatures of each and ail of the g2rties so described. � < NAtvIE 25 W 4th Street Suite 1400 ADDRESS 651-266-6702 TELEPHONE NUMBER Subs bed and sworn to before e this � day of �_�, 20 • � } �L� ���K� NOTARY PUBLIC � -�. LAURA L. ECF�RT - : Notary Public-Minnesrna � : FNcomm�ion5�iiesJm,st�2uto VYVV1fVVWVW Page Z of 8!3/99 o� -��7 cify of saint paul . planning corr�mission resolution fiile nur€�ber ��- daLe Februarv 24, 2006 CO'_VL�IERCIAL DEVELQPl4ENTS DISTRICT: HEAD/SACK HOUSE COIZPLEX AlVD BLOCK 1 OF TAE UPPER LANDING '4��HEItEAS, the Saint Paul Housing and Redevetopment Authoaty (HRA), owaer of the Head/Sack House complex, has petztioned the City fo establish a cornmercial development district pursuant to Section 17.07.1 of the City Charter and to Section 409.20 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, for the purpose o£ removing Block 1 and the Head/Sack House properties &om restrictions on the number of on- sale intoxicating liquor licenses allowed wi�hin the liguor patrol limits; and WHEREAS, the Department of License, Inspections, and Environmental Protection has consuited the Planning Cominission for advice concerning the proposal's conszstency with the City's comprehensive plan and zoning ordinance per Section 409.20 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code; and WHEREA5, the redevelopment of the Head/Sack House complex into a destination restaurant represents an adaptive reuse of an important historic property; and W17EREAS, the Upper Landing Urban Design Master Plan calls for mixed-use development on B1ock 1 to enhance the vibrancy of the Upper Landing and to complement the adjoining Chestnut Plaza; and WHEREAS, the pro�osed commercial development district covers only the Head/Sack House and Block 1 of the Upper T,anding (Property Identification Nusnbers 062822310016, 062822310012, and 062822310013); and' WI3EREAS, the �Vest 7fl�/Fort Road Federafion does not object to the creation of the proposed commercial development district; and VS'17EREAS, the Planning Comiziission has made the following fmdings on consistency: 1. The proposed commercial development district is consistent with Saint Paul's Land Use Pian, which states that the plan "[promotes] a balance of land uses in the city to strengthen the city's tax base" and "(guldes] public inveshnenfs in urban preseivation, revitalization, and redevelopment " mO��'"° "�3� McCall S�C04�C{@� IJl/_ dn �C�vo� lA (1 abstained-Zimmer Lonetti) ag�ItlSf ___ b�''� 77 Planning Commission Resolution Head/Sack House compiex and Block 1 of the Upper Landing Page Two 2. The proposed commercial development district is consistent with the Urban Design Master Pian for the Upper Landing, which states that Block 1 would be an appropriate location for commerci�l uses, including a destination restaurant. 3. The proposed commercial development is consistent with the existing TN3 zoning, which allows neighborhood-compatible restaurants of moderate size. ATOW, THEREFORE, BE TT RESOLVED, that the Planning Comsnission advises the Mayor and the City Council that the petition of the FIRA to establish a commercial development district for the Head/Sack House and $Iock 1 of the Upper Landmg is consistent with the comprehensive plan and zoning code and fhat the Planning Commission supports the creation of the proposed district.