05-852Council File # Cs5-fSSL Ordinance # Green Sheet # �a�R,��o ORDINANCE a3 SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By Referred To Committeec Ddte 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 An Ordinance Amending Chapter 60 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code Pertaining to Zoning for the City of Saint Paul with Changes to the Zoning Map for the Seven Corners Gateway Area WHEREAS, the City Council adopted the Seven Corners Gateway Plan in July 2000 as general development policy for the Seven Corners Gateway Area, bounded by Kellogg Boulevard, I-35E, Grand/Ramsey and Exchange; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission initiated a Zoning Study on November 22, 2002, for the purpose of considering amendments to the Saint Paul Legislative Code pertaining to the Seven Corners Gateway Area; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission held a public hearing on amendments to the Seven Corners Gateway Plan and related Zoning Map amendments on January 14, 2005, notice of which was mailed to ali property owners in the study area and published in the Saint Paul Pioneer Press on December 27, 2004, January 3, 2005, and January 10, 2005; and WHEREAS, upon the consideration of public testimony and the recommendations of City staff, the Planning Commission on March 25, 2005 recommended adoption of the rezonings as proposed; and WHEREAS, notice of a public hearing before the City Councii on the Seven Corners Gateway zoning proposals was duly mailed to all property owners in the study area and duly published in the o�cial newspaper of the City on �t�e?, 2005� and SeP}en-�bu- [�, WHEREAS, a public hearing was held before the City Council on October 5, 2005, at which all interested parties were given an opportunity to be heard; now therefore P�,lB� �i�i ; 1 � � 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 p'S- 85Z THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1 The Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby amends the Saint Paul Zoning Ordinance by amending the zoning classification from 63 to TN2 for the following properties on the zoning maps of the City of Saint Paul, Sheet No. 21, as incorporated by reference in Section 60.303 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code: fJl�l 42 06-28-22-23-0149 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 06-28-22-23-0123 06-28-22-23-0122 06-28-22-23-0020 06-28-22-23-0121 06-28-22-23-0021 06-28-22-23-0027 06-28-22-23-0022 06-28-22-23-0120 06-28-22-23-0023 06-28-22-23-0028 06-28-22-23-0113 06-28-22-23-0148 06-28-22-23-0046 06-28-22-23-0047 06-28-22-23-0048 06-28-22-23-0145 06-28-22-23-0144 01-28-23-14-0026 01-28-23-14-0199 01-28-23-14-0196 01-28-23-14-0197 01-28-23-14-0195 06-28-22-23-0150 01-28-23-14-0030 01-28-23-14-0176 06-28-22-23-0029 06-28-22-23-0030 06-28-22-23-0167 01-28-23-14-0144 01-28-23-14-0181 01-28-23-14-0200 01-28-23-14-0201 01-28-23-14-0202 01-28-23-14-0203 01-28-23-14-0204 01-28-23-14-0205 01-28-23-14-0206 01-28-23-14-0207 01-28-23-14-0208 01-28-23-14-0146 01-28-23-14-0147 01-28-23-14-0148 01-28-23-14-0149 01-28-23-14-0150 Address 345 Chestnut Street 239 W. 7'" Street 243 W. 7"' Street 226 W. 7'" Street 251 W. 7`" Street 323 Chestnut Street 232 W. 7`" Street 321 Chestnut Street 340 Walnut Street 0 W. 7`" Street 240 W. 7' Street 265 W. 7` Street 262 W. 7"' Street 270 W. 7`" Street 280 W. 7`" Street 286 W. 7`" Street 310 Sherman Street 286 W. 7`" Street 280 N. Smith Avenue 310 N. Smith Avenue 0 Grand Avenue 0 Sherman Street 167 Grand Avenue 277 W 7' Street 280 N. Smith Avenue 296 W. 7' Street 244 W. 7`" Street 250 W. 7 Street 256 W. 7`" Street 291 W. 7` Street 360 Sherman Street 310 N. Smith Avenue 310 N. Smith Avenue 310 N. Smith Avenue 310 N. Smith Avenue 310 N. Smith Avenue 310 N. Smith Avenue 310 N. Smith Avenue 310 N. Smith Avenue 310 N. Smith Avenue 291 W. 7`" Street 291 W. 7"' Street 291 W. 7�' Street 291 W. 7'" Street 291 W. 7'" Street AA-ADA-EEO Employer 89 01-28-23-14-0152 90 01-28-23-140153 91 01-28-23-140154 92 01-28-23-140155 93 01-28-23-140156 94 01-28-23-140157 95 01-28-23-140158 96 01-28-23-140159 97 01-28-23-140160 98 01-28-23-140161 99 01-28-23-140162 100 01-28-23-140163 101 01-28-23-140164 102 103 104 105 291 W. 7'" Street 291 W. 7�' Street 291 W. 7"' Street 291 W. 7"' Street 291 W. 7"' Street 291 W. 7"' Street 291 W. 7"' Street 291 W. 7"' Street 291 W. 7"' Street 291 W. 7"' Street 291 W. 7'" Street 291 W. 7"' Street 291 W. 7"' Street Section 2. This ordinance shall become effective thirty (30) days after its passage, approvai and publication. Pd� €SS�=P1 �► � ar. of : �' �i i � �� . �& ECOnomiC Develo ment �� � Approved by Financial Sesvices Adopted by Council: Date Oc� � a , a� Adoption Ce By: Approved by By: d b Council Secretary i c � D e � � � � Form Approved by City Attorney AA-ADA-EEO Employet � Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet � rt� _ St�i7_ Departmentloffice/council: Date Initiated: v � v— — PE - Planning&EconoimcDevelopment ,�-A��s Green Sheet NO: 3026708 Conhct Pewon 8 Phone• Denar6nent Sent To Person InitiAVDate Lucy Thompson � 0 Iannin & Econ mic evel � 266-6578 q�iyn 1 lannin & Economic Develo De ar[meat Director Mus �Be on C�o qqenda by (Da�t Number y � Att rne � t-2 2-cr VVII� r 1 �Qt! Y�TY= For Routing 3 or's ffice Ma or/Assistant Order 4 oan ' 5 ' Clerk Citv Clerk Total # of Signature ?ages _(Clip All Locations for Signature) Action Requested: Approval of an ordinance rezoning several pazcels along West 7th Street between Grand/Ramsey and Chestnut S�eet from B3 General Business Dishict to TN2 Tradirional Neighborhood District. Recommendations: Approve (A) or Reject (R): Personal Service Contrects Must Answer the Following Questions: A Planning Commission t. Has this person/firm ever worked under a contract for this department? CIB Committee Yes No . Civil Service Commission 2. Has this personffimi ever been a city employee? � Yes No 3. Does this person/firm possess a skill not norznally possessed by any current city employee? � Yes No F�cplain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet Initiating Problem, Issues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why): In October 2001, the Planning Commission initiated a process to prepaze redevelopment plans fox key nodes along W. 7th Street according to the principles of transit-oriented development. The xecommendations for the nodes between Grand/Ramsey and Kellogg Boulevazd aze being incorporated into fhe Seven Comers Gateway Plan, which was adopted by the City Council in 2000. The proposed rezonings further implement these recommendations. Advantapes If Approved: TN2 zoning is more appropriate to implement the goals and objectives of the Seven Corners Gateway Plan, especially with the amendments promoring redevelopment at key nodes along the corridor. DisadvantapeslfApproved: � None. DisadYanta9es If Not Approved: Pazcels along W. 7Yh between GrrandBamsey and Cheshiut will not be rezoned from B3 to TN2. � Totai Amount of CostlRevenue Budgeted: 1) � Transaction: " L.� Fundinp Source: Activiry Number. A C Financiallnformation: HUG 1 �u ZQ�;7 - (Explain) �l ji 1 @ opp�l��/ I t T l'A R I �D T �5- 852 �.I� ��' .S��r PAj.�, 390 Ciry Hall Telephone: 657-266-85T 0 Randy C. Kellv, Mayo� 1 S West KeI[ogg Boulevard Facsimile: 651-228-8573 Saint Pmel, MN 55102 August 22, 2005 Council President Kathy Lantry and Members of the City Council 320B City Hall 15 W. Keilogg Boulevard Saint Paul, MN 55102 Dear Council President Lantry and Councilmembers: I am pleased to transmit to you recommendations regarding the rezoning of parcels along W. 7"' Street between Kellogg Boulevard and Grand/Ramsey from B3 to TN2. Prepared by a community-based task force convened by the Planning Commission, the rezonings will help to more directly implement the principles and goals of the Seven Corners Gateway Plan. After reviewing the proposed rezonings and holding a public hearing, the Planning Commission rec,qmmends their adoption. I concur with this recommendation. Mayor C. Enclosures AA-ADA-EEO Employer PLANNING COMhiISSION George Johnson, Chair I=! US- 8'SZ CITY OF SAINT PAUL Randy G Relly, Mayo� DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: 25 R'est Fourth Street Sai�u Pau� MN 55102 Telephone: 65 7-2 6 6 6 616 Facsimile: 65I-228-3341 July 1, 2005 Mayor Randy Kelly George Johnson, Chair, Saint Paul Planning Commission Proposed Rezonings to Implement the Seven Corners Gateway Plan BACKGROUND In October 2001, the Planning Commission initiated a process to prepare redevelopment plans for station areas along the then-proposed Riverview Corridor Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) line. Based on the recommendations in these station area plans, the Planning Commission subsequently initiated a 40-acre study in November 2002 to allow for possible rezonings along the corridor. Although BRT along 7'" Street appears to no longer be a viable option, the City recognizes that the corridor, already a significant transit route for thousands of people every day, is an important locus for redevelopment. In light of this potential, rezonings from B3 to TN2 are being proposed to allow for redevelopment at key sites along W. 7�' Street. The Seven Corners Gateway Plan was adopted by the City Council in 2000 as the planning and urban design framework for the area bounded by Ketlogg Boulevard, 1-35E, Grand/Ramsey and Exchange Street. With the goals of maintaining a diversity of land uses, retaining the area's unique sense of place, protecting neighborhood character and taking advantage of an improved economic climate, the Seven Corners Gateway Plan guides urban design, transportation and parking, new residential development, business retention and expansion, and heritage preservation. RECOMMENDATION The Planning Commission held a public hearing on the proposed rezonings in January 2005, and recommends their approval by the City Council. c'�-$'S2 city of saint paul planning commission resolution file number OS-39 date March 25, 2005 RESOLUTION ADOPTING THE AMENDMENT TO TFIE SEVEN CORNERS GATEWAYPLAN A1VD THr. ZOiVTiVG STLTiY FOR THE HOSPITAL NODE WHEREAS, the Planning Commission is authorized under Minnesota Statutes Secrion 462.355(2) and Chapter 107 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code to recommend to the Mayor and the City Council amendments to the Comprehensive Plan; and - WH�REAS, the Planning Commission is authorized underMinnesota Statutes Section462357 (5) and Section 64.400 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code to initiate a 40-Acre Study for the purpose of amending the Zoning Code; and WHEREAS, the Plamung Commission on October 19, 2001, initiated the preparation of a plan amendment for the Seven Corners Crateway azea of the City, including a public participafion process that included a community- based task force; and WHEREAS, the task force met in the late summer and fall of 2002; and WHEREAS, the Plaunnig Commission onNovember 22, 2002, initiated the prepazation of a Zoning Study for the Hospital node of the Seven Comers Gateway azea; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission held a public hearing on the amendment to the Seven Comers Gateway Plan and the Zoning Study on January 14, 2005, notice of which was duly given in the Saint Paul Pioneer Press on December 27, 2004; January 3, 2005; and January 10, 2005; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission recommended adoption ofthe amendment to the plan, after considering public testnnony and reviewing the plan's conformance with the Comprehensive Plan; and mOVp+� �+y Donnelly-Cohen seconded by in favor Unanimous against t�-$52 S�en Corners Gatewcry plan amendment and Zoning Study Page 2 R'HEREAS, the Planning Commission, in accordance with state statutes, has determined that: 1 • The study area of the Zoning Study, which included the Hospital node and other nodes in the City, was at least 40 acres in size. 2 • The number of real estate descriptions afiected by the amendments renders obtaining of wriiten consent impractical. 1'he proposed zone changes aie related to the overall needs of the co�muniry, to e�sti�g land use or to plans for future land use, as laid out in the amendment to the Seven Corners Gateway plan. N�W, THERETi pg� � gE IT RESOLVED, that the Planning Comxnission hereby recommends adoption by flle City Council of the amendment to the Seven Corners Gateway Plan as an amendment to the City's Land Use Plan, which is an element of the Carnprehensive Pdan. F'URTHER, BE TT RESOLVED, that the Planning Co�ission hereby recommends adoption of the Zoning Code amendments attached hereto and directs the Pianning Administrator to forward the study and this resolufion to the Mayor and City Council for their review and ac�option.