05-397� �-�,.,�,� 5( l g�05 Presented By Refeaed To ORDINANCE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA � Council File # '� .J"3� Ordinance # Green Sheet # O� (� � 33 Committee Date : 2 An interim ordinance pursuant to Minn. Stat. § 462.355, Subd. 4, 3 preserving the status quo in that area of the City's North End 4 presently subject to the "L.oeb Lake Small Area Plan and Zoning 5 Study" pending the completion and report of this study and 6 possible action on the study by the City Council, including 7 amending the City's comprehensive plans and zoning ordinances. 8 10 THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 Section 1 Statement of Leaislative Intent: The Council of the City of Saint Paul finds that it is necessary to preserve the status quo regarding building and development in that area of the City presenfly subject to the Loeb Lake Small Area Plan and Zoning Study as delineated on Exhibit A which is attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. The said study, authorized under City planning commission resolutions nos. OS-13 and OS-14, each dated February 11, 2005, is intended to assess redevelopment opportunities and recommend appropriate zoning classifications and development guidelines for the redevelopment and transformation of the Loeb Lake area and make recommendations for incorporating those classifications and guidelines into the City's comprehensive plans and official controls. During the pendency of the L.oeb Lake study, there exists the possibility that existing or former commercial and industrial uses, as well as some of the present zoning classifications for land within the study area would, in the near term, pernut development which could be incompatible or inconsistent with any recommended long term goals and classifications arising from the said planning study of the L.oeb Lake area and adopted into the City's comprehensive plans and official controls. The potential for incompatible or inconsistent development in the Loeb Lake study area raises substantial guestions relating to the ability of the City's present official controls to provide compliance with any long term comprehensive redevelopment and transformation goals for the Loeb Lake area. r�� �M20 Q5 ��-3a� Accordingly, it is the desire of the Council of the City of Saint Paul to establish, under this interim ordinance, a moratorium to protect the general health, welfare and safety of the public and to preserve the status quo with respect to the present land use within the said area, pending the conclusion and report of a zoning study of the lands described in Exhibit A by immediately prohibiting, subject to those exceptions provided herein, any development on any lot or part thereof within the boundaries of Exhibit A, unril such time as the aforementioned study has been completed, reported to the City Council, and the effective date of any City Council action on any recommendations arising therefrom. Section 2 Moratorium Imposed: on any pazcel of land, lot, or part thereof within the boundaries of Exhibit A, pending the completion of the Loeb Lake Small Area Plan and Zoning Study and action by the City Council on the said study, the issuance or approval of zoning pernuts, site plan and lot split or plat approvals, and building pernuts or occupancy certificates, are prohibited until the expiration of twelve months or until such earlier time as the City Council has taken acUOn on the recommendations contained in the said study, unless otherwise provided under Section 3 of this interim ordinance. Section 3 A: For the purposes of this interim ordinance only, the following permits aze exempted from the provisions of this interim ordinance: 1. Building, plumbing, mechanical and electrical pemuts for repairs or minor alterations to conforming ar non-confornung structures, or for work necessary to maintain the health and safety of occupants of such structures. 2. Building, plumbing, mechanical and electrical permits for work on dangerous or vacant buildings administered under Legislative Code Chapter 43. 3. Demolition permits far nuisance buildings pursuant to L.egislative Code Chapter 45. 4. Permits for "redevelopment projects," as that term is defined under Minn. Stat. § 469.002, Subd. 14, necessary to complete a"redevelopment plan," as that term is defined under Minn. Stat. § 469.002, Subd. 16. 1= �y,-3�1 2: 3. A subdivi'sion annlicarioii and=if necessaiv an annlication for variances`in order to s"nlit a lot-located at 1095 IGIaeKnbin: --However, no otlier avvlicaUons for zoning annrovals or buildin� nernuts for this address are authorized under this exemption� 4. A variance annlication and building nermits for the numose of redevelo iu�ne an existin¢ industrial site at 501 West Lawson with a new church. Section 4 Moratorium, Written Requests for Zoning Approvals. Compliance with Minn. Stat. � 15_99: Until such time as the said study has been compieted and acted upon by the City Council, City departments receiving written requests for approvals regulated under this interim ordinance shall accept complete requests and immediately process such requests in accordance with the provisions of Minn. Stat. § 15.99, Subd. 2, consistent with the legislative intent expressed under this interim ordinance. Section 5 Moratorium. Effective Date: The effective date of the moratorium enacted under this interim ordinance is deemed to be as of the effective date of the Resolution in Council File No. OS-359. �h-3�,1 Section 6 Effective Date of Interim Ordinance to Sunercede and Discharge Council File No. OS-359; Interim Ordinance Exemptions Anplicable to Certain Applications Processed Before Effective Date of Interim Ordinance : This interim ordinance for the Loeb Lake area shall take effect and be in force 30 days from and after its passage, approval and publication. Pending the effective date of this ordinance, applicarions regazding land use intended for regulation by this interim ordinance shall be processed in conformance with the terms and conditions set forth in Council File No. OS-359. Exemptions to be established under this interim ordinance may be applied to applications submitted and processed under Council File No. OS-359. As of the effecrive date of this interim ordinance, the terms of the Resolution under Council File No. OS- 359 aze discharged. Requested by Department of: By: —� Approved by M�r: Dwt� �,: ILL �'�t�i��i�v Byc Form Approved by City Attorney � f,✓��� S' l F —OS By: Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By: r r ry' � ��� y � w � � �� � B➢ C aa ._ s+viv Adopted by Council: Date !/[/d� .1 Adoption Certified by Council cret� DS - 39� � Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet �. co ��� Contact Perso� g Phone: Co�ndlmember Helgen Zfi6-8650 Must Be on Council Agero diMAY-05 Contrad Type: OR-0RDINANCE �-�R� � Green Sheet NO: 3026279 � , Aasign Number For Rou4ng Order T�I # M Signature Pages _(Clip NI Locations for Signature) Deoartrnent 0 ICwml I I 1 2 3 A 5 InidaVDate An interiw ordinance preserving the status quo in that azea of the City's North End presently subject to the "I.oeb L,afce Small Area P1an and Zoning Study" pending tLe completion and report of tlris study and possible action on the study by the City Council inctuding amending the CiTy's comprehensive plans and zoning ordinances. Mations: Appm�e (A) a F P�anning Commissiwi q6 Committee CiNI Senice Commission Personal Service Following 1. Has this persorJfirtn e�er worked under a contract forthis departmeM? Yes No 2. Has this person/6rtn e�er 6een a dty employee? Yes No 3. Does this person/firm possess a skill rwt normally p�sessed by any currerrt city employee? - � Yes No Explain all yes answers on separate sheM and attach to green sheM Midating Problem, �sues, Opporlunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why): AdvanWges HApproved: Disadva�ges B Approved: DisadvanUges H Not Approved: Tofal Amount of Transaction: Funding Source: Financiallnformation: (Explain) CosfAtevenue Budgetetl: Activily Number: ApriJ 27, 2005 6:29 PM Page 1 p5 3� 7 � 1 o �°, Marydale� Loeb Lake Smali Area Plan 8� Zoning Study 0 U � Y ! Jefferson Smurfit � I — � , , r=— �� ��� Shiloh Baptist Church (formerly Union Brass) EXHIBIT LJ 0 v i��� i � � r- ; � �� I � - � �' O � ��� � I� � � I I L�i �i' I r WI��OW I _,�-� Reserve I ; ' '—'— I - �— � r- 1 �---,; � i � �; � �— � � � ' � � rtaaRi�:.�2� 0 z g z w m U Council File # OS � �7 Ordinance # ORD�NANCE CITY OF SAINT PAUL,IVIINNESOTA Presented By Referred To Green Sheet # 3026279 Committee Date : 2 An interim ordi�l@nce pursuant to Minn. Stat. § 462355, Subd. 4, preserving the stat�s quo in that azea of the City's North End 4 presently subject to t e"Loeb Lake Small Area Plan and Zoning 5 Study" pending the co letion and report of this study and 6 possible action on the stu by the City Council, including 7 amending the City's compr ensive plans and zoning ordinances. 8 9 10 THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: 11 12 Section 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 Statement of Legislative Intent: The Council of the Cit of Saint Paul finds that it is necessary to preserve the status quo regazding building and develop nt in that area of the City presently subject to the Loeb Lake Small Area Plan and Zoning Study delineated on Exhibit A which is attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. The said study, authorized under City planning commission resolu 'ons nos. OS-13 and 05-14, each dated February 11, 2005, is intended to assess redevelopment o ortunities and recommend appropriate zoning classifications and development guidelines for the development and transformation of the Loeb Lake area and make recommendations for in rporating those classifications and guidelines into the City's comprehensive plans and offi 'al controls. During the pendency of the Loeb Lake study, there exists the possibility that e� commercial and industrial uses, as well as some of the present zoning classifica ' within the study area would, in the neaz term, permit development which could be or inconsistent with any recommended long term goals and classifications arising planning study of the Loeb Lake area and adopted into the City's comprehensive � official controls. or former for land the said The potential for incompatible or inconsistent development in the Loeb Lake study azea rais8s substantial questions relating to the ability of the City's present official controls to provide compliance with any long term comprehensive redevelopment and transformation goals for the Loeb Lake area. OS - 3`J7 Accordingly, it is the desire of the Council of the City of Saint Paul to establish, under this interim ordinance, a moratorium to protect the general health, welfaze and safety of the public d to preserve the status quo with respect to the present land use within the said azea, pending e conclusion and report of a zoning study of the lands described in Exhibit A by immediately pr 'biting, subject to those exceptions provided herein, any development on any lot or part ther f within the boundaries of E�chibit A, until such time as the aforementioned study has been comp ted, reported to the City Council, and the effective date of any City Councii action on any recomm ndations arising therefrom. Section 2 Moratorium osed: on any parcel of land, lot, or part thereof within the boundaries of Exhibit A, pen ' g the completion of the Loeb Lake Small Area Plan and Zoning Study and action by the Ci Council on the said study, the issuance or approval of zoning permits, site plan and lot split or plat pprovals, and building permits or occupancy certificates, aze prohibited until the expiration of twe ve months or until such eazlier time as the City Council has taken action on the recommendations ntained in the said study, unless otherwise provided under Section 3 of this interim ordinance. Section 3 For the purposes of this i� provisions of this interim 1. Building, plumbing, alterations to confor maintain the health � 2. Building, plumbing, vacant buildings adr � Demolition permits for 45. only, the following permits are exempted from the ianical and electrical permits for repairs or minor or non-conforming structures, or for work necessary to �fety of occupants of such structures. �ical and electrical permits for work on dangerous or ere� under Legislative Code Chapter 43. pursuant to Legislative Code Chapter 4. Permits for "redevelopment projects,' as that term is defined under Minn. Stat. § 469.002, Subd. 14, necessary to comp te a"redevelopment plan," as that term is defined under Minn. Stat. § 469.002, Su d. 16. Section 4 15_99: Until such time as the said study has been completed an cted upon by the City Council, City departments receiving written requests for approvals re�ulate under this interim ordinance shall accept complete requests and immediately process such reque in accordance with the provisions of Minn. Stat. § 15.99, Subd. 2, consistent with the legisla 've intent expressed under this interim ordinance. � Section 5 Moratorium. Effective Date: The effective date of the moratorium enacted un er this interim ordinance is deemed to be as of the effective date of the Resolution in Council Fi e No. 05-359. i a 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Section 6 05 - 39? Effec6ve D e of Interim Ordinance : This interim ordinance for the Loeb Lake area shail take effect and be ' orce 30 days from and after its passage, approval and publication. Pending the effective date of f's ordinance, applications regarding land use intended for regulation by this interun ordinance s I be processed in conformance with the terms and conditions set forth in Council File No. OS-3 . Exemptions to be established under this interim ordinance may be applied to applications s mitted and processed under Council File No. OS-359. As of the effective date of this interi ordinance, the terms of the Resolution under Council File No. OS- 359 are dischazged. Adoption Certified by Council Secretary By: Approved by Mayor: Date By: Requested by By: Form Approved by City Attorney By: —�7—Of' Approved by Mayor for Submissior. to By: Adopted by Council: Date