04-112/-F (Y� 5�J/ £_0 - �/��I�/� �. a/JU � ���f til�b �G� �o, aov� ORDINANCE CITY OF SAtNT PAUL, MtNNESOTA � Conncil File # 04112 Greev 3heM # 100614 5UBSTITUTE a�u�0�1 3� 1 An Ord'mance establishmg an 2 Examming Committee for the position of Police 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 2i 26 27 28 29 30 31 Chiefpursuant to the provisions of Section 12.12.1 of the Samt Paul City Chazter Whereas, Section 12.12.1 of the Samt Paul City Charter provides that upon receipt of a notice of a vacancy for the position of Police C1rie� the Coimcil shall appomt an Examining Committee, and Whereas, this exammmg committee shall be designated as the Police Chief Examinmg Committee, now therefore, THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1 That the Council hereby establishes the Police Clrief Exa�TMining Committee p�suant to the provisions of Section 12.12.1 of the Samt Paul City Charter. Section 2 That the followmg people shall be appointed to serve on the Police Chief Examming Committee: Arth�u Blakey, Jr. Retired Deputy, Runsey Cotmty Sheriff Gloria E. Bogan, (co-chau) Attorney / Exec. Dffector Legal Assistance of Washington County Aim Mazie DeGroot, Exec. Director OutFrout Mmnesota 7onathan Paul Granhmd, Wood Machmist, Cabinet Maker Shelly 7olmson Clme, Exec. Director, St. Paul Domestic Abuse Intervention Project B.Todd Jones, (co-chau�) Attomey, Robbins, Kaplan, Miller & Caesi Richard I.eitner, St. Paul Firefighter 7ohn Lescl�, Mmnesota Representative, Assistant St. Paul Attomey Patrick Edward McCallig, D"n�ectar of Communication, College of St. Catherme Gayle W. Summers, Community Organizer, Highland District Council David Allen Tihas, St. Paul Police Officer Long Vang, Intervention Coord'mator, Hmong American Parinership Carrie J. Wasley, Youth Program Specialist, Minnesota Dept. Of Public Safety Lyim A. Wild, St. Paul Police Sgt. Patrol Supervisor William Collins, Jr. Exec. Director, YWCA of St. Paul Arnoldo Curiel, Frogtown-Summit Universit Weed and Seed Site Coordinator SectiOn 3 32 That the Office of Human Resources shall orovide staffto sunoort the Police Chief Exa.,»nin� Committee 33 throuahout all asnects of its work nrocess. Pt�9llSFkED MAR 22'04 ��-��� 34 Section 4 35 That the Citv Attornev Deoartment ofHiunan Riehts and Citv Council Research shall provide staffto 36 support the Police Chief Exawu�ina Committee thtou�hout its work, except thev shall not nazticipate in 37 the C3ndidate intervieW UI'oCeSS. The Saint Paul Police Department sha11 provide data and technical assistance as requested the Examining Co�ittee. 3 Section 5 That this Ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days from and after passage, approval and publication. Requested by Depariment of. Form Approv Ciry Attomey Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council Adopted by Council: Date !' t `� � L� , Adoption Certified by Council Secretary By. Approved by a� r Date �� Rv � ���'2�2..(/C/! .� '• '► �,,_'� �� : .(., GREEN SHEET o�-�- t�a NO � t,z L .% 14 Councilmember Lantry u nv,r�rowma� u cneann � f BE ON COINiCII AG0�6.14 B`f l�� AElIWI MuMmeWM trtrwstouEV cmrailtic ROUTING �� IWIICIRLiCRY1CisOR p11u1pILLafAVIkCTn ❑ WYORIORAtfItTYI[� ❑ TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CUP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATUR� ON REQUESTm _ . .� - An Ordinance establishing an Exam;n;ng Commitzee for the posirion of St. Paul Police Chief PLANNING CAMMISSION GB CAMMIT'fEE CNIL SERVICE COMMiSS10N IF APPROVED RSONAL SERVICE CONTRACfS MUSTMLSWER TIIE FOLLOWING QUE57ION5: F�05 �Fli6 DB��fR1 MtllkBtl 4M¢f 8 WIItfOC� (Of fhi8 dCPBIIRIe�h VES NO FlastMS Paewdfitm evu Uem a atY amplayce7 YES NO Doec thie peiwruhim poseecs a slall rwt namallYP�sessed bY arry curreM cily empbyee? YES NO la tlua petaaMrm a fat6�ed ve�Ma? YES NO UTAOtiNT OF TRANSACTiOlI f COSTRtEVQIUE BU06EIEG (CIRCLE ONE� YEE NO SOURCH _, ul►�'��I;IQ.'.!=r_1 (IXPWN) Council Fi1e # �"1' l4 a Green Sheet# ��� (`� ORDINANCE OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented Referred To 1 An Ordinance establishing an 2 Examining Committee for the posirion of Police 3 Chief.pursuant to the provisions of Section 12.12.1 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 of the Saint Paul City Charter Date Whereas, Section 12.12.1 of the Saint Paul City Charter provides that upon receipt of a notice of a vacancy for the position of Police Chief, the Council shall appoint an Examining Committee, and Whereas, this examining committee shall be designated as the Police Chief Examining Committee, now therefore, THE COUNCII, OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Secrion i That the Council hereby establishes the Police Chief Examining Committee pursuant to the provisions of Section 12.121 of the Saint Paul City Charter. Section 2 That the following people shall be appointed to serve on the Police Chie£ Examining Committee: Arthur Blakey, Jr. Retired Deputy, Ramsey County Sheriff Gloria E. Bogan, (co-chair) Attorney I Exec. Director Legal Assistance of Washington County Ann Marie DeGroot, Exec. Director OutFront Minnesota Jonathan Paul Granlund, Wood Machinist, Cabinet Maker Shelly Johnson Cline, Bxec. Director, St. Paul Domestic Abuse Intervention Project B.Todd Jones, (co-chair) Attorney, Robbins, Kaplan, Miller & Ciresi Richard Leitner, St. Paul Firefighter John Lesch, Minnesota Representative, Assistant St. Paul Attorney Patrick Edward McCallig, Director of Communication, College of St. Catherine Gayle W. Suuuners, Community Organizer, Highland District Council David Allen Titus, St. Paui Police Officer Long Vang, Intervention Coordinator, Hmong American Partnership Carrie J. Wasley, Youth Program Specialist, Minnesota Dept. Of Public Safety Lynn A. Wild, St. Paul Police Sgt_ Patrol Supervisor William Collins, Jr. Exec. Director, YWCA of St. Paul Section 3 That this Ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days from and after passage, approval and publication. o�- ��a Yeas Na s Absent Benanav Bostrom Hazris Helgen Montgomery Lanhy Thune Adopted by Council: Date Requested by Department oE Office of Human Resources Form Approved by City Attomey By: � � Adoprion Cert3fied by Council Secretary Appxoved by Mayoi: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council � Council File # 04-ll2 Green Sheet # 100614 (substitute) Police Chief Ex�n;ng Committee Proposed Amendment Language On page two line 37 following the period insert: The Saint Paul Police Deparhnent shali provide data and technical assistance as reqnested bv the examinin� committee. Couucil File # 04112 Green SheM # 100614 ORDINANCE CITY OF SAINT PAtlt, M�NtiESOTA Preseuted by 3/IO/�4 1 An Ord'mance establishing an 2 Exammmg Committee for the position of Police 3 Chiefpursuant to the provisions of Section 12.121 4 of the Saint Paul City Charter 5 6 � G'7 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 Whereas, Section 12.12.1 of the Saint Paul Ciry Charter provides that upon receipt of a notiee of a vacancy for the position of Police Chie� the Council shall appomt an E�uinmg Committee, and Whereas, this examuimg committee shall be designated as the Police Chief Examming Committee, now therefore, THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: 3ection 1 That the Council hereby establishes the Police Chief Examnimg Committee pursuant to the provisions of Section 12_12.1 ofthe Saint Paul City Charter. Section 2 That the followmg peop]e shall be appointed to serve on the Police Chief Examu�ing Committee: Arthur Blakey, 7r. Retaed Deputy, Ramsey County Sheriff Gloria E. Bogan, (co-chaff) Attomey / Exec. Director Legal Assistance of Washington County Ann Marie DeGroot, Exec. Director QutFront Minnesota Jonathan Paul Grazihmd, Wood Machinist, Cabinet Maker Shelly Johnson Clme, Exec. Director, St. Paul Domestic Abuse Intervention Project B.Todd Jones, (co-chair) Attorney, Robbins, Kaplan, Miller & Csesi Richard Leimer, St. Paul Firefighter John Lesch, Mmnesota 1Zepresentative, Assistant St. Paul Attomey Patrick Edward McCallig, Director of Communication, College of St. Catherine Gayle W. Summers, Communiry Organizer, Highland District Council David Allen Titus, St. Paul Police Officer Long Vang, Intervention Coordinator, Hmong American Partnership Carrie J. Wasley, Youth Program Specialist, Minnesota Dept. Of Public Safery Lyim A. Wild, St. Paui Police Sgt. Patrol Supervisor Williazn Collins, Jr. Exec. Director, YWCA of St. Paul Arnoldo Curiel. Froatown-Swnmit Universitv Weed and Seed Site Coord'mator Section 3 That the Office of Human Resources shall provide staffto support the Police Chief Examining Committee throughout all aspects of its work process. 35 36 37 38 K3S Section 4 That the City Attomey, Department of Humau Rights and City Council Reseazch shall provide staff to support the Police Chief Exanvning CommiYYee throughout iYs work, except they shall not participate in the candidate interview process. Section 5 That tivs Ordinance sha$ take effect and be in force thirty (30) days from and after passage, approval and publication. Yeas Na s Absent Benanav Bostrom Harris Helgen Montgomery I.antry Thune Adopted by Council: Date Adoption Certified by Councii Secretary � Requested by Department of: Form Approved by City Attomey � Approved by Mayor for Submission [o Council Approved by Mayor; Date , r'� TO: �i1P Cll"y COL1riC11 From: The Undersigned Citizens � �� 4" / ���� j-//D� We, the undersigned hereby express our disappointrnent and frustrarion upon learning that the Police Chief Examining Committee, as it is currenfly proposed, does not include a member who is representative of the Hispanic popularion of St. Paul. We want the process of selecfion of a new chief to be one that includes the entire community. For a police force and a citizenry to work well together, it is unportant that the citizens have a sense of connection to their police force, to their police chief. Having citizens participate in the selection of their police chief is a good thing. To not include a representative of a fast growing segment of the population, one with a lot of young people, seems to us a mistake. Hispanics make up 7.9% of the population of St. Paul, according to the Wilder Foundation. The West Side has a Hispanic population of 32%. The Committee as it is proposed contains 15 people. We urge you to consider adding one moze. If none of the Hispanic applicants were fully suitable, we urge you to seek out one who is qualified. r ' ': Oh/-/i� ' Citizens of Saint Paul -��d �� Nam Address d � .�-2i"G � / � �' ST. S�i: /�A✓� z ' 3° i r J3�I'n/�r L ST -S7 .- � r��.� f�- Sr �w � � ��-e.Y e�t��2 �ZZ � Y'� .75/� �� 1.(� �2 � — << <, < < < < <i FZ�e �S'�G,�.�- q�3 P�tl� �e �S'� �tti .� s�oy L��i � � �-�sS/I�b _ � S ; , s �,.�� -�c;s t� �. �� F� s�'1 o�r ll� ��'b G�.�z �. . �.c ��o v [ � � U G ✓ �� ` � �� � - � � S(/�' �inm�c. �'�. -:.��a.eLre�- a►q 5�c�w�kvt i 3� 69 ��, Pa,t�- �'�l �s . 53 , �/�oZ �=, � �, �� �. (� � -� � � � � � � �. � Pr� � � 5�� �' ��r� �� ��srr�- , �p e (� �'t p O � K /�/P, ( 5 _ /�� '�2.- ^✓1�J� ' L 9 � J; ��r,•, s�r J' � 7 N s s�t,y � � _ � S S ,�?i � �cC ttSaoc�,�-� MnJ ` �r�-= 3a �t . Sf, " � ss'�� �s, �.s .�-�-°��.'�— �� � ��.�� � . �w� � �� �s<o �