02-162_, �1 �'��i Presented By Referred To Committee: Date z An ardinance amending a 1997 ordinance relating to bonds of the Port Authority of the City of Saint a Paul to which are pledged the full faith, credit and resources of the City of Saint Paul, relating to the a Williams Hill Tax Increment Financing District and Hazardous Substance Subdistrict therein. 6 WHEREAS, on January 2, 1997, approved by the Mayor on January 10, 1997, the City Council � of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota (the "City"), adopted an ordinance with the following tifle (the s "Ordinance"): 9 "An ordinance repealing C.F. No. 96-1341 and substihxting in lieu thereof this i o ordinance granting authority to the Port Authority of the City of Saint Paul to issue and li 12 13 14 is 16 l� is 19 sell the bonds in the aggregate principal amount not to exceed $6,150,000, and any bonds to refund such bonds, to secure such bonds with a pledge of the full faith, credit and resources of the City of Saint Paul, and to use the proceeds derived from the sale of such bonds to pay the cost and expense necessarily to be incurred by said Port Authority for acquisition of lands, environmental remediation, conshuction of infrastructure unprovements and the relocation of owners, occupants and tenants, pursuant to the provisions and by authority of Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 469, as amended, and prescribing the amount and form of such bonds and the manner for establishing the rate of PUFii=S�;� interest thereon.' ; and ,t� I.. z o WHEREAS, in the issuance of the bonds contemplated by the Ordinance (the "Bonds") it has 21 been determined by staff of the City and staff of the Port Authority of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota 22 (the "Port Authority"), that the tas levy for the bonds authorized and required by Section 4 of the Council File # �a��(��.� Green Sheet # r�35 �� ORDINANCE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA a3 z s Ordinance may in certain circuxnstances lead to the collection of general ad valorem taac levies that will i not be needed for debt service if tas increments are received in the amounts and at the times currently b a-- 2 estimated; and s WHEREAS, such possibility can be avoided ifthe City and Port Authority extend their exercise 4 of j oint powers already authorized by the Ordinance in connection with the Bonds to include the City's s power to levy for general obligation tas increment bonds only the net amount that, together with the 6 estunated receipt of pledged revenues, equals 105% of debt service: � NOW, THEREFORE, THE COUNCIL OF THE CTI'Y OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: a Secfion 1. That the Ordinance shall be amended by adding at the end thereof a new section 9 which is numbered as follows and reads as follows: io Section 9 ii Alternate Tas Lew. Notwithstanding the provisions of Section 4, ta�ces may be 1z levied and cancelled or omitted by the Port Authority in the manner provided by i3 Minnesota Statutes, Section 475.61, to the extent legally permissible. Section 3.4 of the i4 Loan Agreement dated as of November 21, 1996, between the City and Port Authority is shall be amended to provide that such power is one of the joint powers exercised in the i5 issuance ofthe Bonds. l� ia 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 1 Section 2. Effective Date. That this ordinance shall take effect and be in force 30 days after its D ��v� r z passage, approval and publication. This ordinance, like the Ordinance it amends, is subject to the City's s home rule charter pertaining to the procedure for referendum on ordinances enacted by the governing 4 body. s 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 Adopted by Council: Requested by Department of: . ��JNLv v��r'F�. By: "V'� Form Approved by City Attorney � j, ��� �\ � Date t"\d_� a.�Y�Q a B� � `." —�- �— is - °o� Adoption Certified by Council Secretary By: Appr By: < �� � ,P � � *^proved by Mayor for Submission to uncil 7 O'3._l�-Y of Financial Services 0�7�02 DATEINfMTED ov�sroz I GREEN SH DEPARTMENTOIRECfOR No 113510 Ini4a11Date CT'COIINdL ASSIGN NUMBFRWR � CRYATTORNEY ] CrtVGtERK ROUTING I ❑ FlNRNLW.SERVILESDIR _❑ FlNANCWLSERV/ACCTG ORDER I � MAYOR ❑ TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1_ (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) I iis ordinance amends ordinance C.F. 96-1504 by adding at the end thereof a new sec6on called Attemate Tax Levy. ie altemate fax levy provision allows the Port Authority to rancel a fax levy for the Williams HiII Tax Increment bonds in manner provided by Minnesota Shatutues, Section 475.6'I. PLANNING COMMISSION CIB COMMITTEE CNIL SERVICE COMMISSION ISSUE,OPPORTUNITY(Who, What, When, Where, Why) RSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESfIONS: Has this persoNfirtn ever worked untler a coMract for this departmeM? YES NO Has this persoNfirm ever been a city employee? VES NO Does this perw�rm posseu a skdl not nortnalty possessed by any curreM c'rty employee� VES NO Is this persoNfirm a fargeted ventloY+ VES NO ordinance tlid not allow the Port Authoriry to cancel its property ta�c lery unless cash was on hantl as of September 15 of each given year. inance allows ihe Part Autiwrily to cancel Rs levy for the Willum's Hill Tau Iricremer�t bonds based on a net tax lery providetl fw in Minnesota Statutes, Section 475 61 APPROVED b. cancel its fax levy for ihe William's HJI Tan Inaement bontls wdhout having cash on hand on Septembef �5 of eac ac ���! d . f �' . � � �,�... i JTAGES IF APPROVE� 1TAGES IF NOTAPPROVED xes may be levietl that 2re nOt needed. 70UNTOFTRANSACTIONS _ SOURCE INFORMATION (EXPWN) i . . - COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ON� ACTMTYNUMBER YES NO _, �1 �'��i Presented By Referred To Committee: Date z An ardinance amending a 1997 ordinance relating to bonds of the Port Authority of the City of Saint a Paul to which are pledged the full faith, credit and resources of the City of Saint Paul, relating to the a Williams Hill Tax Increment Financing District and Hazardous Substance Subdistrict therein. 6 WHEREAS, on January 2, 1997, approved by the Mayor on January 10, 1997, the City Council � of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota (the "City"), adopted an ordinance with the following tifle (the s "Ordinance"): 9 "An ordinance repealing C.F. No. 96-1341 and substihxting in lieu thereof this i o ordinance granting authority to the Port Authority of the City of Saint Paul to issue and li 12 13 14 is 16 l� is 19 sell the bonds in the aggregate principal amount not to exceed $6,150,000, and any bonds to refund such bonds, to secure such bonds with a pledge of the full faith, credit and resources of the City of Saint Paul, and to use the proceeds derived from the sale of such bonds to pay the cost and expense necessarily to be incurred by said Port Authority for acquisition of lands, environmental remediation, conshuction of infrastructure unprovements and the relocation of owners, occupants and tenants, pursuant to the provisions and by authority of Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 469, as amended, and prescribing the amount and form of such bonds and the manner for establishing the rate of PUFii=S�;� interest thereon.' ; and ,t� I.. z o WHEREAS, in the issuance of the bonds contemplated by the Ordinance (the "Bonds") it has 21 been determined by staff of the City and staff of the Port Authority of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota 22 (the "Port Authority"), that the tas levy for the bonds authorized and required by Section 4 of the Council File # �a��(��.� Green Sheet # r�35 �� ORDINANCE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA a3 z s Ordinance may in certain circuxnstances lead to the collection of general ad valorem taac levies that will i not be needed for debt service if tas increments are received in the amounts and at the times currently b a-- 2 estimated; and s WHEREAS, such possibility can be avoided ifthe City and Port Authority extend their exercise 4 of j oint powers already authorized by the Ordinance in connection with the Bonds to include the City's s power to levy for general obligation tas increment bonds only the net amount that, together with the 6 estunated receipt of pledged revenues, equals 105% of debt service: � NOW, THEREFORE, THE COUNCIL OF THE CTI'Y OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: a Secfion 1. That the Ordinance shall be amended by adding at the end thereof a new section 9 which is numbered as follows and reads as follows: io Section 9 ii Alternate Tas Lew. Notwithstanding the provisions of Section 4, ta�ces may be 1z levied and cancelled or omitted by the Port Authority in the manner provided by i3 Minnesota Statutes, Section 475.61, to the extent legally permissible. Section 3.4 of the i4 Loan Agreement dated as of November 21, 1996, between the City and Port Authority is shall be amended to provide that such power is one of the joint powers exercised in the i5 issuance ofthe Bonds. l� ia 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 1 Section 2. Effective Date. That this ordinance shall take effect and be in force 30 days after its D ��v� r z passage, approval and publication. This ordinance, like the Ordinance it amends, is subject to the City's s home rule charter pertaining to the procedure for referendum on ordinances enacted by the governing 4 body. s 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 Adopted by Council: Requested by Department of: . ��JNLv v��r'F�. By: "V'� Form Approved by City Attorney � j, ��� �\ � Date t"\d_� a.�Y�Q a B� � `." —�- �— is - °o� Adoption Certified by Council Secretary By: Appr By: < �� � ,P � � *^proved by Mayor for Submission to uncil 7 O'3._l�-Y of Financial Services 0�7�02 DATEINfMTED ov�sroz I GREEN SH DEPARTMENTOIRECfOR No 113510 Ini4a11Date CT'COIINdL ASSIGN NUMBFRWR � CRYATTORNEY ] CrtVGtERK ROUTING I ❑ FlNRNLW.SERVILESDIR _❑ FlNANCWLSERV/ACCTG ORDER I � MAYOR ❑ TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1_ (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) I iis ordinance amends ordinance C.F. 96-1504 by adding at the end thereof a new sec6on called Attemate Tax Levy. ie altemate fax levy provision allows the Port Authority to rancel a fax levy for the Williams HiII Tax Increment bonds in manner provided by Minnesota Shatutues, Section 475.6'I. PLANNING COMMISSION CIB COMMITTEE CNIL SERVICE COMMISSION ISSUE,OPPORTUNITY(Who, What, When, Where, Why) RSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESfIONS: Has this persoNfirtn ever worked untler a coMract for this departmeM? YES NO Has this persoNfirm ever been a city employee? VES NO Does this perw�rm posseu a skdl not nortnalty possessed by any curreM c'rty employee� VES NO Is this persoNfirm a fargeted ventloY+ VES NO ordinance tlid not allow the Port Authoriry to cancel its property ta�c lery unless cash was on hantl as of September 15 of each given year. inance allows ihe Part Autiwrily to cancel Rs levy for the Willum's Hill Tau Iricremer�t bonds based on a net tax lery providetl fw in Minnesota Statutes, Section 475 61 APPROVED b. cancel its fax levy for ihe William's HJI Tan Inaement bontls wdhout having cash on hand on Septembef �5 of eac ac ���! d . f �' . � � �,�... i JTAGES IF APPROVE� 1TAGES IF NOTAPPROVED xes may be levietl that 2re nOt needed. 70UNTOFTRANSACTIONS _ SOURCE INFORMATION (EXPWN) i . . - COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ON� ACTMTYNUMBER YES NO