01-351Council File # �� �s� OR1�f�AL Ordinance # Green sheet # 111077 ORDINANCE PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By ; 3t Referred To Committee: Date 1 An ordinance amending Chapter 60 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code pertaining to zoning for the City of 2 Saint Paul and the zoning maps thereof. � 10 11 12 13 14 15 WHEREAS, pursuant to Minnesota Statutes §462357 and Section §64.400 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, MENDOTA HOMES, INC. duly petitioned to rezone property located at 1941 Ford Parkway being legally described as: Lots 9& 10 Block 5 Lane's Highland Park & in SD Byrnes Re, Subj to Esmts the Fol ex W 3 1/3 feet Lot 28 and all of Lots 29 and 30 and Prior Ave Vac Adj SD Lot 30, from B-3 (commercial) to RM-2 (multi-family residential) for the purpose of constructing a new 3-story residential condominium building, the petition having been certified by the Planning staff on January 26, 2001, as having been consented to by at least two-thirds of the owners of property situated within 100 feet of the total contiguous property within one year preceding the date of the petition; and WI�REAS, the Zoning Committee of the Planning Commission on February 15, 2001, held a public hearing for the purpose of considering the rezoning petition, and pursuant to Section §107.03 ofthe Saint Paul Administrative Code, submitted its recommendation to the Planning Commission that the petition be granted; 16 and 17 18 WI�REAS, the Planning Commission considered the rezoning petition at its meeting held on February 23, 19 2001, and recommended that the City Council approve the petition; and 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 WHEREAS, notice of the public hearing before the City Council on the said rezoning petition was duly published in the official newspaper of the City on Mazch 5, 2001 and notices were duly mailed to each owner of affected property and property situated wholly or partly within 350 feet ofthe property sought to be rezoned;and WI a public hearing before the City Council having been conducted on March 7, 2001, where ali interested parties were heard, and the Council having considered all the facts and recommendations concerning the petition; now, therefore, THE COUNCII. OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That the zoning map ofthe City of Saint Paul, Sheet Number 33, as incorporated by reference in Section §60301 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, as amended, is hereby further amended as follows: � ����� 40 41 42 43 A�4 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 ���GI��L That the properry located at 1941 Ford Parkway, being more particularly described as: o'i ��i Lots 9& 10 Block 5 Lane's Highland Pazk & in SD Bymes Re, Subj to Esmts the Fol ex W 3 1/3 feet Lot 28 and all of Lots 29 and 30 and Prior Ave Vac Adj SD Lot 30 be and is hereby rezoned from B-3 to RM-2. Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thiriy (30) days from and after its passage, approval and publication. �Li� �Z Adopted by Council: Date �,��1�.� �—� Adoption Certified by Council Secretary By: Approved by Mayor: Date �'�/ �{ "°"" � By: Requested by Department of: Plannin & Econo ic Develo menC c By: S�L�- Form Approved by City Attorney BY: �°�c� �, ��� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council �� �� -r„/ By: DEPARTMENT/OFFICE/COUNCII,: DATE INITIATED � �'� / PED: West Team March 8, 2001 G�EN SHEET No.: 111077 CONTACT PERSON & PHONE: 1�TTfe1I/f7-�TL Nancy Homans 6-6557 � 2 DEPARI'MENT DIlL s crrr courrcu, ASSIGN 3 CITY ATTORNEY CITY CLERK MUST BE ON COUNCII, AGENDA BY (DAT� NU�� =�qTrCIAI. SERV DIIt FINANCIAL SERV/ACCTG � 4 MAYOR(ORASST.) _CIVII.SERVICECAMbIISSION ROUTING 1 WESTTEAM(Kecshaw) '�'�C ORDER TOTAL # OF SIGNATIIRE PAGES 1((:I,IP AI.L LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) acriox xeQuFSrEn: Adopt an ordinance finalizing the action of the City Council to rezone 1941 Ford Parkway from B-3 to RM-2. RECOMMENDATIONS: Approve (A) or Reject (R) PERSONAI, SERVICE CONTRACfS M[JST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: 1. Eiast6ispeisonffumeveiwotkednnderacontrectforthisdepartmeot? A PLANNING CAMMISSION Yes No CIB CAMMITI'EE 2. Has flils peison/fum ever been a city employce7 CIVILSERVICECOMMISSION Yes No 3. Does tUis person/firm posuss a skill not nom�atly possessed by any cu�rent ciry employee? Yes No Eaplain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to gteen sheM INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSI7E, OPPORTUNII'Y (Who, What, When, Where, Why): Mendota Homes, Inc. petitioned the City to rezone 1941 Ford Parkway from B-3 to RM-2 to allow for the construction of a 3-story condominium. The City Council approved the Plauning Commission's findings and recommendation. This ordinance finalizes their action. �.o s«,..:��...� ADVANTAGEBIFAPPROVED: � 5 ,.,�,�io,�c •"' 9d�_ �j�'e��''`-'c... . Construction can begin on schedule this summer. ��t�"� ���� � � � DISADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: , - - . None. DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: The property owner would have to make other plans for the vacant site. TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION: COST/REVENUE BUDGETED: FZ3NDING S6URCE: ACTIVITY 1VUMBER: � �� � � �/ � � �taivcrai.m�o�r.ariox:�aranv> �'1iAR �`t �, 2i1± C ii� S �a s��i�3V�� K\Sluied�PedV30MANS1gnsh[fim DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING & ECONOMIC DEVEIAPMENT Bnan Sweeney, Director CTTY OF SAII�Tr PAUL Norm Coleman, Mayor Febmary 23, 2001 Ms. Nancy Anderson City Council Research Office Room 310 Ciry Hall Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 Deaz Ms. Anderson: 23 WestFourth Street SaintPau{ MN 55102 i S� Te2ephone: 6�I-266-66�3 Facsimrle: 6� /-228-3314 � � � �� � I would lilce to confirm that a public hearing before the City Council is scheduled for Wednesday Mazch 7, 2001 for the following mning case: Applicant: MENDOTA HOMES, INC. File Number: #01-122-867 Purpose: Rezone properry &om B-3 to RM-2 to allow for the construction of a new 3-story residential condominium. Address: 1941 Ford Pazkway, between Kenneth and Howell I.egal Description of Properry: Available on file. Previous Action: Planning Commission Recommendation: Approval VOtB: »nanimOUS, February 23, 2001 Zoning Committee Recommendation: Approval, vote: 6-0, February 15, 2001 My understanding is that this public hearing request will appeaz an the agenda for the February 28, 2001 City Council meehng-or be read into the record at that meeting--and that you will publish notice of the hearing in the Saint Paul Legal Ledger. Please call me at 266-6557 if you have any questions. Sincerely, � � l rr�1(�if/�" `�" Nancy Hdmans City Planner cc: File #01-122-867 Wendy Lane Paul Dubruiel Carol Martineau � r-msr�n+r • "NQTICE OF P6BIdC HEAitIIPG, �_ The Saint Paul GYry Covncil will con- duct a publlc hearing on Wednesday, 2vfarch 7, 20n1, aY 5:30 p.m. ia the City Council Cl�ambers, Third Floor GSty Hall- CoUrthouse, 15 West Keliogg Boulevazd, SalntPaul,-NII3, �to consider the appllcafton of Mendota Homes, Inc. to rezone pmperty from B-3 to RM-2 to allow for the con- shuction of a new 3-story residential con- dominium at 1941 Ford Pazkway (betoveen Kenneth and Howell Str Dated: Febmary 28, 2001 NANCYANDERSON - � Assistant City Councl Secretary � - - (March 5) � - — 31: PADL L86AL TEDGffit 02019124 . - DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING & ECONOMIC DEVEIAPMENT Brian Sweeney, Directar SF32:T PHUL � �AAAA C1TY OF SAIIdT PAUL Norm Coleman, Mayor February 23,2001 Ms. Nancy Anderson Secretary to the City Council Room 310 City Hall Saint Paul, Muuiesota 55102 25 WestFourth Sveet SaintPaul MNSSIO2 �C -351 Telephane: 65 /-266 6655 Fatrimile: 651-228-3314 RE: Zoning File #O1-122-867 MENDOTA HOMES, INC. City Council Hearing: March 7, 2001, 5:30 p.m. Ciry Council Chambers PURPOSE: To consider rezoning property located at 1941 Ford Pazkway (between Kenneth and Howell) from B-3 (commercial) to RM-2 (multi-family residential) to allow for the construction of a new 3-story residential condominium. PLANNING COMMISSION RECONIMENDATION APPROVAL vote: unanimous ZONING COMMITTBB RECOMMENDATION APPROVAL vote: 6-0 • STAFF RECOMMENDATION: APPROVAL SUPPORT: One person spoke. The Highland Area Community Council (District 15) voted to support the rezoning. OPPOSITION: No one spoke. Dear Ms. Anderson: �1 �J MENDOTA HOMES, INC. submitted a petition to rezone property located at 1941 Ford Parkway from B-3 (commercial) to RM-2 (multi-family residential) . The Zoning Committee of the Planning Commission held a public hearing on the proposed rezoning on February 15, 2001. The applicant addressed the committee. At the close of the public hearing, the committee voted 6-0 to recommend approval to remne to RM-2. The Planning Commission upheld the Zoning Commi#ee's recommendation for approval on a unanimous vote on Febmary 23, 2001. This proposed rezoning is scheduled to be heard by the City Council on Mazch 7, 2001. Please notify Nancy Homans (6-6557) if any member of the City Council wishes to have slides of the site presented at the public hearing. Sincerely, .,_ � ./1.n'1 CC�-. (/ Nancy Homans City Planner Attachments cc: City Council members � �1�351 • city of saint paul � planning commission resolution file number o�-�s - date February 23, 2001 WHEREAS, MENDOTA HOMES, INC., file #O1-122-867, has petitioned to rezone properry at 1941 Ford Parkway, situated between Kenneth and Howeil, from B-3 to RM-2 to allow for a new 3-story residential condominium; and �VHEREAS, the Zoning Committee of the Planning Commission, on February 15, 2001, held a public hearing at which all persons present were given an oppormniry to be heard pursuant to said application in accordance with the requirements of Section 64.400 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code; and WHEREAS, the Saint Paul Planning Commission, based on the evidence presented to its Zonin� Committee at the public hearing, as substantially reflected in the minutes, made the following findings of fact: 1. Mendota Homes, Inc. has purchased the property at 1941 Ford Parkvray and intends to demolish the existin� vacant Pizza Hut restaurant and construct a 3-story 30-unit residential condominium buildin� with 48 underground and 6 visitor parkin� spaces. Units would be sold � to residents a�ed 55 and over. Twenty-nine of the thirty units would be 1386 square feet in size and have two bedrooms. The remaining unit would have one bedroom in 1001 square feet. 2. The site plan indicates that the building would have a brick ek�terior and would be setback 21 feet from the sidewalk. The sin�le family homes on Pinehurst, which are constructed at a hi�her elevation than the Ford Parkway site, would be screened by a ne�v taller inter-lockin� retainin� �vall and evergreen plantings. 3. The applicants explored the possibility of constructin� a mixed-use buildin� which would not have required a rezoning but were convinced by nei�hborhood residents and the Highland Area Community Council that traffic congestion associated with new office or retail uses at that location would make a 100°Jo residential buildin� preferable. At the request of the district council, Mendota Homes revised their plan and submitted the attached application for rezonin�. moved 1oy Field secondeci 1�ST ro� {F�`�r�e��^ Unanimous � against � Zaning File #O1-122-867 • Pa�e Two of Resolution �. . 4. The site is adjacent to other multi-family residentia! structures on property zoned RM-2. As such, rezoning this site would not constitute spot zoning. 5. The proposed use is not consistent with the 1985 Highland Yillage Plan which called for this site to be reserved for "Convenience Goods Stores and�Services," where fast-food restaurants would be permitted. It is, however, consistent with the 1999 Ho:�sing Plan that calls for the construction of 6000 new housing units and emphasizes higher density housing for smaller households in transit corridors. On balance, however, the proposed rezoning is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan for three reasons: The 1485 Plan did noY envision a mix of commercial and residential uses now recommended in the City's Land Use Plan as a means of reducin� travel bettveen uses, increasing public safety with 24 hour a day activity, and adding density to the city's transit corridors. This site was not considered to be at the heart of the commercial district but, rather, was desi�nated as a low density deve[opment area on the ed�e of Yhe district centered at Ford Park�vay and Cleveland. The proposed use fits within most of the physica[ consfraints recommended by the plan: � 3 stories, minimum front yard setback of 15 feet, and side and rear setbacks of 10 feet. The proposed use is 3 stories with a front setback of 21 feet and side and rear setbacks of 18, 27 and 20 feet. 6. There is no evidence that the proposed rezoning tivould have a negati� e impact on surrounding property o�vners or on property values in the area. Nor would the proposed use result in a si�nificant increase in traffic over the most recent use (a Pizza Hut) or have a greater impact ,.., .�,>_ - P y g - � � serve the area. �„ ,,,,, var�ous ublic s stems (e. . streets, se�vers, transct schools that 7. Sec. 64.400(b) of the Zoning Code requires that a rezoning may be initiated by petition of the owners of sixty-seven percent of the area of the property to be rezoned. As the attached documentation indicates, consent of owners of 11 of the eligible 16 parcels was required for the application to be deerr�ed snfficient. Owners of 11 of the parcels indicated their consent. 8. The applicant �vill be applying for variances from the Board of Zonin� Appeals. Those variances would relate to side and rear setbacks, lot coverage and room densities. � �� � � _,35 I • Zoning Fite #O1-122-86� Pa�e Three of Resolution NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the SainCPaul Planning Commission that the pe[ition of MENDOTA HOMES, INC. to rezone properry at 1941 Ford Pazkway, more particulazly described in the file, from a B-3 zoning classification to an RM-2 zonine classification is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan for the City; and ' BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul Planning Commission does hereby recommend to the Council of the Ciry of Saint Paul chat ptoperty at 1941 Ford Parkway be rezoned from B-3 to RM-2 in accordance with the petition for rezoning on file with the Saint Paul Department of Planning and Economic Development. u � � �°_ p�_35 i � Planning Commissio�r minutes for the 2/23/O1 meeting are not yet available. There was no discussion of the recommendation to rezone � � 1941 Ford Parkway from B-3 to RM-2. ,�_ p1-35 ) MiNUTES OF THE ZONING COMMITTEE Thursday, February 15, 2001 - 3:30 p.m. � PRESENT: EXCUSED: OTHERS PRESENT: � • City Council Chambers, 3"' Floor City Hali and Court House 15 West Kellogg Boulevard Anfang, Alton, Field, Kramer, Mardell, and Morton Faricy, and Gordon Peter Warner Carol Martineau, Alian Torstenson, and Nancy Homans of PED The meeting was chaired by Commissioner Field. Mendota Homes inc. - 01-722-867 - Rezone from B-3 to RM-2 to allow for a new 3-story residential condominium. 1941 Ford Parkway, between Kenneth and Howeli. Nancy Homans presented the staff report. Ms. Homans stated the Zoning Staff recommends approval of the rezoning and passed out proposed building elevations. John Mathern, the applicant, appeared and gave a history of the process of the rezoning. He also stated a signed petition, from the neighborhood, was submitted in favor of the rezoning. At the question of Commissioner Mardeil, Mr. Mathern stated the condominiums have a price range between $179,000 to $209,000. Gayle Summers, District 15 Community Organizer, stated there was an unanimous vote in favor of the rezoning. The pubiic hearing was closed. Commissioner Morton moved approval of the rezoning. CommissionerAnfang second the motion. Adopted Drafted by: Yeas - 6 Nays - 0 ��IJI�TI //l�yratLG(� Caroi Marfineau Recording Secretary Submitted by: Approved by: �i/"1 1 � /L�--�-2� ancy Homans Litton Field Zoning Section Chair �r �r-35i ZONING COMIVIITIEE STAFF REPORT � FII.E # 01-122-867 1. APPLICANT: MENDOTA HOMES, INC. DATE OF HEARING: 2/15/O1 2. CLASSIFTCATION: Rezoning 3. LOCATION: 1941 Ford Parkway, between Kenneth and Howell 4. PLANNING DISTRICT: 15 5. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lots 9& 10 Block 5 Lane's Highland Pazk & in SD Byrnes Re, Subj to Esmts the Fol ex W 3 1/3 feet Lot 28 and all ofLots 29 and 30 and Prior Ave Vac Adj SD Lot 30 6. PRESENT ZONING: B-3 ZONING CODE REFERENCE: Sec. 64.400 7. STAFF INVESTIGATION AND REPORT: DATE: 2/7/Ol BY: Nancy Homans 8. DATE RECEIVED: January 5, 2001 DEADLINE FOR ACTION: March 6, 2001 • A. PURPOSE: Rezoning from B-3 to RM-2 to allow for a new 3-story residential condominium building. B. PARCEL SIZE: Approximately 116 x 243 (on Ford Parkway) = 28,200 sq ft C. EXISTING LAND USE: Vacant Pizza Hut and parking lot D. SURROUNDING LAND USE: North: East: South: West: Single family residential on Pinehurst, Zoned R-4 Multi-family residential, Zoned RM-2 Hillcrest Recreation Center & Highland Library, Zoned R-4/Muki-family residential, Zoned RM-2 Burger King Restaurant/Clinic/Professional Office, Zoned B-3 E. ZONING CODE CITA'ITON: Sec. 64.400(a) of the Zoning Code provides in part that "the council may, from time to time, amend, supplement or change the district boundaries or the regulations herein, or subsequently established herein pursuant to the provisions of Minnesota Statutes Section 462.357 and amendments thereto as may be made from time to time. The pianning commission may, from time to time, review district boundary lines to determine if, pursuant to state laws, such district boundary lines should be changed." • Zoning File #O1-122-867 Pagetwo Section 64.400(b) provides, in part, that "an amendment to the zoning code may be initiated by the council, the planning commission or by a petition of the owners of 67 percent of the azea of the property to be rezoned." F. HISTORY/DISCUSSION: 6/81 Site plan for Pizza Hut approved 11167 Pemut for TCF approved 6/60 Pemut for 40 caz parking lot approved 11/41 Rezoning from Commercial to "C" Residential approved G. DISTRICT COUNCIL RECOMIVIENDATION: The Higtiland Area Community Council, at its February 1 boazd meeting, voted unanimously to support the proposed rezoning. : y i.i i� i.[e�� � Mendota Homes, Inc. has purchased the properiy at 1941 Ford Pazkway and intends to demolish the existing vacant Pizza Hut restaurant and construct a 3-story 30-unit residential condominium building with 48 underground and 6 visitor pazking spaces. Units would be sold to residents aged 55 and over. Twenty-nine of the thirty units would be 1386 squaze feet in size and have two bedrooms. The remaining unit would have one bedroom in 1001 square • feet. 2. The site plan indicates that the building would have a brick exterior and would be setback 21 feet from the sidewalk. The single family homes on Pinehurst, which are constructed at a higher elevation than the Ford Parkway site, would be screened by a new taller inter-locking retaining watI and evergreen pIantings. The applicants explored the possibility of constructing a mixed-use building which would not have required a rezoning but were convinced by neighborhood residents and the Highland Area Community Council that traffic congestion associafed witfi new office or retait uses at that location would make a 100% residential building preferable. At the request of the district council, Mendota Homes revised their plan and submitted the attached application for rezoning. 4. The site is adjacent to other multi-family residential structures on properiy zoned RM-2. As such, rezoning this site would not constitute spot zoning. 5. The proposec3 use is not consistent with the 1985 Highlcrred Yillage Plan which called for this site to be reserved for "Convenience Goods Stores and Services," where fast-food restaurants would be pernutted. It is, however, consistent with the 1999 Housing Plcni that calis for the construction of 6000 new housing units and emphasizes higher density housing for smaller • households in transit corridors. ot-35 PET!'ftON TO AMPND TNE ZONING CODE � DeParlMent of Planning and Econornic Development • Zoning Section II00 City Hall Attner 25 West Faurth Srreet � Saint Paul, MN SSIO2 266-6589 APPLICANT PROPERTY LOCATION Property Owner__�QtaG[ojT�. -N�wc2,f . (h�-. Address � - � • �x � �p ' City �GLL=2� St.�Zip Daytimephone� `�o«(-�(o� Contact person ('rf different)_ ��Vt �-t0.�rEVCL � Legai description ' � (attach additional sheet if necessarvl TO THE HQNORABLE MAYOR AT1D CITY COUNCIL: Pursuant to Section 64.qQ0 of the Saint Paul Zoning Ordinance and !o Section 462.357(5) of Minnesota Statues, f���Pind��ic-1}ix�2� �v��. , the owner of aii the land proposed for rezoning, hereby petitions you to rezone the above described property from a ��'� zoning district to a �Nl'�- zoning district, forthe purpose of: l.l`�V�SZ VViLxt eln �'� GL• � � � 30 - lA-vl�� C.C1✓�G�= (.6L41�I�I,Cy_.. I�t,f,a �Gi-tf�i.�� Ii,1t {.LI�.d2ti%�11L.(� r�/LtiIGCI�� �V �p,��S�u.� GCC�.� � U��{ r c�l,d2.v. (aftach additiona/ sheet(s) if necessary) Attachments: Required site plan 0 Consent pe8fion � Affidavft Subscribed and swom to before me this J day of QnuL� , ���j � � d G /7� Not P b'c JANICE E. MAGNUSON Notary Public-Minnesota Ramsey County My Commission Expires Jan. 31, 2005 r` ` . By:��u1...��(,��a /�.� /�{�fof�{-E�til Fee owner of praperty �� l `` . Titie: Page 1 of 02/96l2081 17:f7tl b�16tl4b7bL J�� � � C V C -_ t� \ � C jf@x�F � � y � � 'l�,i£ o . { � � , � =E' I Q y � � p �` $ �� O ; p 'jR! , � � V q tl j\ � �- � : '\ � QI � ??�€��- N V � � � � � ` I I \ I ' I � � �J � r_` "`i �� \ =� es � R3 � �d MICIYIIU I H I'1UI"IC� I HUL Ui1 UL � � � ��"i �(�.. "�Y � "�1 _- • � • � �u�w sawoa rz�axa a I{ g � h � --�-Q a � � � � :.. :.. : . . - .. -';+: '�r";; -= ' . _ . • :. _.a1-35� 70NING P�TITION SUI+'r�CIENCY CIi�C�: S1�E'Z' �- xr.�zo�nv� ScuP - ' r�cur FIRST SUBMITTED DATE PBTITION SUB7vIITTED: ( � � ( DATE OFFICIALLY RECEIVED: �. ��,.o � 'E�' ,`asw�f.�' � PARCELS ELIGIBLE: ' � PARCELS REQUIRED: �' PARCELSSIG�IED: I� 'I"L/0� DATE PETITION RESUBhfITTED: I' 2'�� V I DATE OFFICIALLY RECEIYED: ��► t0 � v+ � rr�...-r a,- c'�� � t PARCELS ELIGIBLE: I V /� PARCE-IS REQUIRED: PARCELS SIGNED: l� CIiECKED BX: �� ��'��- " DATE: !` I Z�� / zo���� ��L� 0�-.�6 . • . �. - - 81/83/2001 11:�9 b' - •' • � ,�'.��.: . . ': � ., � .. . CZ�`X OF S.A.�h� PAUL , CONSLN7'•OF AD70INING PROPER7Y OWNERS rOR A �REZO�VING Wq tiu undersigned, owncrs ofthc propcdy �vidiln !00 feet oFtiu totai contig�+ous deseription of rexi cstate o�vned, purcliased, oc sold by THE PET1TlONER ��ithin one }ti�r precedin� th� date of t]»s petition nel:nowledoe tlrnt �ve l�avc becn presented �rid+ the following: I. A copy of U�e petitiou of m mzone the proputy Ic �_ � Zonittg disiricl to a�� Z Zoningdislrici. ham n B` --_ 2, q copy aCsectians �� ���rou&h �" indusive of diy � zon n� d�striat tnd tve a e nckno�vlcdge thae we nre n�vare oF nfl oP Qu uses permu�ed in a�(n— —� nw�re that any oFthcsc uses rnn be estnblislxd upon City Counnl approcnl of th� [ezoning• 1Ve hereby eo�a�O�r��„__�p1f tl�e prop��y in the petitiott of; �� Y7Ar�u.� �fYK� ton,�,2zotlingc�islrict. C.�l/ry (Nanie otp�tit+oner) \Ve conscnt to tl�e �pproval of this Tczonina as it tvas expinined to us by the �pplicant or his/hcr rcpresentntivc_ n�rr. . /4°�!/ � ��' . , /9S ` �/ �O hc�d.f>� � / 93"��.�.�.��.�w ' r43: v��;..,....� %g6o �:,vc v,(s; J1n �1 �14 Ptt.t�N S� ' tiauo � �9y �N� qe�,� % � � �� M Ji}�qf , �✓�TA ,1�' � ,1 �� � J � _ �z /s/vo � ,,�;� �y f 3o�e'r' �. �� o0 . � _. _ _ L '/_• ) i:^� � • � -- ' �'m ' ,���I�IN� �� ' � �) � �� r f . i �- 1 �� �� �/l1F� - NOl'E: This petition shall not be considered as officially filcd unlil tne lapse of soyen (ij �vorking daysafteritisnceivedbythePlanningDivision. Anysignalorofthispe(itionriaytvithd.���-hislhcr name thereCrom by tivritten request within that time. •�- • � ; �_t �:_�.� . CX�'X Ok' SA.XI't �'.A.TJL CONSEiVI'�OF ADJOINING PROPERTY OWNERS FOR A � x,�zoN�Nc ��-3�l �Ye, lhe undersigned, o�vncrs of the property tvitl�in 100 feet oCtlu total contiguous description of real estate o�vned, purcliased, or sold by "1�NE PETITIONGR within one year preceding die date of d�is petition acknotivtedoe that tve I�ave bccn presented u•i[ll tUe fo!(ou•ing: A copy oEthe petition oF to rezone thc property Ic f�om 1��3 2onino district to a�� Z zoning distritt. • � 2. A copy ofsections �.�.�� through �/� •�f53 , inclusive oFtlu Saint Paul Zoning Code; and flckno�vledoc tliat �ve nre lware of nll of Aie uses permit[ed in n /y/— 2 zoning district end tve are ��vare that nny of lhese tises cnn be estlblislied t�pon City Counc+l approval of the cazon'sng. \Ve heceby consent to the rczonina oFthe property� in the petition oF, /yIE�IOJ�1 �f�t1�lC-� �32C— p , �/, /�9� to n/)� 2 zoning district. (Name oFpetitioner) \Vc consent fo fhe npproval of this rezoninb as it �vas expl�ined fo us by fhe arp!ic�nf er his!licr repres�nt�fivc. NOTE: This petition sha11 not be considered as o�c�ally ltted untu tne lapse o* seyen �iJ �vorn�a�b days after it is received by the Planning Division. Any signator of this petition ri3y withd:z��' his/hcr name thereErom by tvritten request within ihat time. �:�� �.� � 4 . t .. • . � . ' . _ - � �', " CIT'X OF SA.INT PAUL CONSENT' OF ADJOINING PROPERTY OWNERS FOR A • . REZONING \Ve, tl�e undersigned, owners oEttie property within 100 feet ofthe total contiguous description of real estate o�vned, purcliased, or sold by THE PETITIONLR within one year precedino the date of this petition acknowledoe that we have bcen presented tvith tfie folfo�vino: l. A copy of the petition of to rezone the property tocated at from a '�zonino district to a�zoning district. 2. A copy ofsections�,`�" through •�S , inctusive ofd�e Saint Paul Zoning Code; and acknowledoe diat we nre awlre of al I of the uses permitted in a� zonin� district and we are aware that any of these uses can be established upon City Coimc�l approval of the rezoning. \Ve hereby consent to the rezonine of the property in the petition of; (��(, �l1�- toa� zoningdistrict. (Name of petitioner) \Vc consent to ftie approval of this rezoning as it �vas expinined to us by the �PPlicnnt or his/her representative. • /�/��r • hOT�: This petition shall not be considered as officially filed until the tapse ot seven ��� worxu�g days after it is received by the Planning Division. Any signator of this petition may withdra�v his/her name therefrom by wTitten request within that time. . p� �5i � � PE'TITION TO REZON� AFFIDAVIT O�' PETITIO2\ER STATE OF MII�TNESOTA) COIJ�tTY OP RAMSEY ) SS The petitioner, �� l2 F -�,{L�{-(„P�LL , being first duly s«�orn, deposes and states that the consent petition contains siQnahires from at least t�r•o-thirds ( of all eligible properties �vithin 100 feet of all property o�vned, purchased, or sold by petitioner �vithin one (1) year precedin� the date of this petition ���hich is conti�uous to the property described in the petition; petitioner is informed ihat the consent petition must contain si�nahires froin each and ali o�vners of jointly-owned property in order to constitute consent from that property and that failure to obtain consent from each and all o��ners could invalidate the consent petition; petitioner belie�•es that the consent petition �vas signed by each of said owners and that the signatures are the true and correct sienatures of each and all of the parties so described. �(.t�-�r �(iUa 2�C �-ov NAME �(eD.ClSfu �{on 5� J�r , �a, ��k� ��c�� � ADDRESS C�sl -(��-�`tc�/ TELEPHONE I�TUMBER • Subscribed and sworn to before me this� day of ��dv,,z�t� , 7c9 2.�0/ � NOTARY PUBLIC DEBRA 9. BRANOIS - NOTARYPU81lC-MfMICESOSA biY CAMM�SSIOt+ EXPIRE5 JAN. 31, 2005 /" =� ,� Pa�e of 1/31/97 AFFIDAVIT OF PERSON CIRCULATING THE CONSENT PETITION STATE OF MINNESOTA) SS COUNTY OF RAMSEY) �yu� /�a�u— , being first duly sworn, deposes and states that �h�� s the person who circulated the consent petition consisting of � pages; that a iffant represents that the parties described on the consent petition are all the respective owners of the properties p(aced immediately before each name; that affiant is informed and believes that each of the parties described on the consent petition is an owner of the property which is within 100 feet of any property owned, purchased, or so(d by petitioner within one (1) year preceding the date of fhis petition which is contiguous to the property described in the petition; that this consent was signed by each of said owners in the presence of this affiant, and that the signatures are the true and correct signatures of each and al! of the parties so described. Subscribedand sworn i�r�e€3�e ��� this �`�ay of 4�rMS�tc�. . 20�_ �� ' _� �./�' . , .- pc gqp_ S. BRANDIS UtiiPRY FiNiL1C - 7AINNESOTA tyiY COMMtSSiON � � z� �ES .+Ati.31.200.5 W • NAME � �� ✓t�Oi''c�� !�-c. �b�C�K�h�Ye.rl /.u�J ADDRESS �,7-io�`{ 9�07 TELEPHONE NUMBER Page of 1/3/00 • • �c-35� \J 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. � 17. SUNRAY-BATTLECREEK-HIGHWOOD HAZEL PARK HADEN-PROSPERITY HILLCREST WEST SIDE DAYTON'S BLUFF PAYNE-PHALEN I�IORTH BND THOMAS-DALE SUMMIT-UNIVEF2SITY � WEST SE'VENTH COMO HAMLTNE-MIDWAY ' ST. AN'THONY PARK MERRIAM PARK-LE3�INGTON HAMI.INE-SNELLIh'G H.4ML�E MACALESTER GROVEI.AND HIGHLA1dD SUMMTT �TT .T • DOWNTOWN � � _ ( � ���� � � CITIZEN PARTTCIPATION PLANNING DISTRTCIS 0 n � � ,Z�::3������ �-��.� ---- I � � - � zz-�s67 i a HIGHLAND DISTRICT 15 ON �, _ ,,; p1-35� Zoning File #O1-122-867 � Page three On balance, however, the proposed rezoning is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan for three reasons: The 1985 Plan did not envision a mix of commercial and residential uses now recommended in the City's Land Use Plan as a�neans of reducing travel between uses, increasing public safety with 24 hour a day activiry, and adding density to the city's transit corridors. This site was not considered to be at the heart of the commercial district but, rather, was designated as a low density development area on the edge of the district centered at Ford Parkway and Cleveland. The proposed use fits within most of the physical constraints recommended by the plan: 3 stories, minimum front yard setback of 15 feet, and side and rear setbacks of 10 feet. The proposed use is 3 stories with a front setback of 21 feet and side and rear setbacks of 18, 27 and 20 feet. 6. There is no evidence that the proposed rezoning would have a negative impact on surrounding property owners or on property values in the area. Nor would the proposed use result in a significant increase in traffic over the most recent use (a Pizza Hut) or have a greater impact • on the various public systems (e.g. streets, sewers, transit, schools) that serve the area. 7. Sec. 64.400(b) of the Zoning Code requires that a rezoning may be initiated by petition of the owners of sixty-seven percent of the area of the property to be rezoned. As the attached documentation indicates, consent of owners of 11 of the eligible 16 parcels was required for the application to be deemed sufficient. Owners of 11 of the parcels indicated their consent. The applicant will be applying for vaziances from the Board of Zoning Appeals. Those variances would relate to side and rear setbacks, lot coverage and room densities. I. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Based on findings 1 through 8, staffrecommends approval ofthe rezoning of 1941 Ford Parkway from B-3 to RM-2. � � : w, � L 4 ��'� � n _ W r . �� .r s �'� Ci �. :,°y '7� �: � �� �� '�� _._.�,,.��..,,�._-__:_�� � � � �� ��, _�_ .�- - __�� � � - �' �� .. !J �°l' �.J C_ �` i '1 1::� ye � 1 ;.e .:x -:� �% :b 4 3 � � _ � F . . .. � � �'- � - .. _ ' -��� , 6 � c� c � F� �. ., _ � �> �� �� cz �U �, :r� `�,� v'� v �: �; �. e. u . � ...� i I� •-�-- �" � � �.: - l hw��, � • ; ) 'R.-- - �p'6'4-���OQBC�g .:HrJ ` « "�'y `j,�.' 6'� I � _ �-, ���� ��- �?t � i ., el � _ �r �� i. \ �`�Y `.�' �j � ey At,y ,i �y, ,+�.� ;�,:. � : �� � .� � — � ' + � - � d ++- � �K'� , ^ : ' E y, � " �� � �" � �; ... �b ��.' A �Ay;r �siT� . atA ^' ` "" ��.b....��F___ '�..9 F,.d �"" �J.. & y I y = i " , .'-.. I » � - u��, � �sr4�` �~�E`�' �-�:^ ::�� � � • - �� :� 4 FtlL,LCF2�ST�+"�' ',`.�`'� -� ,`=•� ,:s.wA . �� - , � �� .f�� $�;fx�c?W�Sr�n`t� . - �ti ; . i \.! ---�` � . ' ' s ' . 'v�• &a � �i C� ' � � ' t � 4bf , - � r' " { �� �� i �• .. � � ,. . �.•���:� .n�.., . . k �� - L .. �� � pa. �[ EI � L__�.� __� `. " �� d l :5� � ��;J � �..., � "^"°�«_.�...W^'-.. � Bt2HLAPkFJ A�� , -- - , --� �. �„., �, r; � � ,��,,. . `,.-;� �9 � �. � c � � �s. �] �: � _ � � � ' �— n ) �•� ��' ��� ''. ' � � � `� G.' ., �, - x ,, :� �� � �. , Q _ �, F*�' `" � f� c �•ti. �''�� `' `�"`�.� � ' a �� �'� �' � �K� � �� r��t� J �c� „����N� � " ' . � n "`� � � ,.�� � � � �, �1�� � C? � . , .. . µ I � v l V '�. .,... _ . . .. .. .... . .. ...«X' � �.> �+;� l� V .� Q .�c� ^,:�ti __� . `. I � �6 � \ „ 4, � _ ,� � ` � " � � � '7 �� J� 4'� k2 C'� ^� � �� � � Q �.� a , • , ,�. � a � � ��� - --- ��J >. � C„ J J, c� i i ,. i, r- �c „ ' �-?. � � � .::� �' �� � � � � e� s� �. � � �.h - �� ��� �9 � � � � ,. � ���,t � a, .�._.:�._. _. ._ ---- -- _ _-__ �€__ �s,NC �` ������ , . . . , ; . ; � . � . -. � _� G � . A �� °,� , � �,F;a,r.� :� � � r.z � c �� c, �� . � ., " —` e�'� ���E � � ;, _ � �� ��.,� , • r-- �.-�,�., � �� � . ��� ��.�•, � � *_ ,� m, ,�� .�� _� � �i:m � � ,.., ` j ' _ _.'"' , .. APPUCADJT. �� � `IC LEGENO R�Q(�! �3 � R��� ..,.........�..�, zoniny distri.:t t�ouridary PURPOSE.� — � k � �'iG� (/ / DATE '... ��•0� ��i77TlTn' subjed p�opert/ P�NG. DIST �� hiAP „ r 0 0 one family ., � �N� lamily Gi� � , -••i �-� Q muitiple �amity , � `- �' _� ,-�----.�._.� i v �__ � ��i • �� ����� � i ��°��.t.t.�� e �-3� 1 ��prh�•- • • ^ Conm�r��a: 0 �are. If1:�USi:i=?: V va:.3i; ��� �,Po�. � � � 0 �j� W �tt LL_I t:1 t� {-� �� t.f� f�:� �Ca�'r�:7 n � z� L�-J � � f :.l LL� IT� c� ra a� i-.t�1 ;_:Ci 11l �_r � � �-.��� � F� � d LT �7 L-L! LSJ Lls �f�� 1.1� � ��: � ... � _ £ o �� 35� r�— � � N � \ 1 � � � v � � � s ;� ll'!I'.S.LIV� 11.UVIAI +KYIWq'C-'1YVYl . t91:1h1/dQ . � � � ♦1 V v � � N N � � - v �i � � � � _' �... .-�.vw� u„vnrna va[onPQicO Ip:CT TLIq]/bT/].N ol -351 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING The Saint Paul City Council will conduct a public hearing on Wednesday, March 7, 2001, at 5:30 pm. in the City Council Chambers, Third Floor, City Hall- Courthouse, 15 West Kellogg Boulevard, Saint Paul, MN, to consider the applicafion of Mendota Homes, Inc. to rezone property from B-3 to RM-2 to allow for the construction of a new 3-story residential condominium at 1941 Ford Parkway (between Kenneth and Howell Streets). Dated: February 28, 2001 Nancy Anderson Assistant City Council Secretary _ _ � _. , Nancy_Anderson 01 122-867march7v01cchn.wPd _ . . . . _ __ ___ .... _. _-___._ _ .,___ ___. .._._._.. _. _ .. Page 1,,, �1-35 � sTPA�.���o��, Public Heazing Notice CIIYOFSAWiPA[IL DcpcofPlammgmd Ewuo�cDn�dy�mcvc Phovc(WI)266d589 Fcc (65])Yt83220 F'icE # mazzss� PURPOSE: Remae properly from B-3 tu RM-2 to allow for the construction of a new 3-sWry residential condominium. PROPERI'1 ADDRESS: 1941 Ford Parkway, 6etween IfemetL and Howell. APPLICANT: Mendota Homes Inc m+AR1NG DATE: Wednesdav March 7.2001, at 530 n.m. All public hearings are held in City Comcil Chambecs, 3'" Floor City Hall - Co�u[ House, 15 W. Ke➢ogg Boulevard. You may send wtitten comments to the Zoning Office at the address Gsted on the revene side of tivs cazd- Please call Nancy Homans, PED, at (651)2666557, or your Dishict Council Representative at (651) 695-4005 ifyou have any quesfions. Mvlctl:22d01 I �� I I Public Hearing Notice ST Pl1� �� r.��LIL CITYOPSAW'IPA[1L Dcpc ofPleming and EwmwcPevelopmevt Pham: (651) 266L589 Pax: (fi51) 228-3220 FII.E # m-uzss� PiJItPOSE: Rezone properry from B-3 to RM-2 to allow for the construc4ou of a new 3-srory residential condominium. PROPERI'P ADDRESS: 1941 Ford Parkway, between Kenneth and Howell. APPLICANT: Mendota Homes Inc. HEARING DATE: Wednesdav March 7. 2001, at 530 o.m. All public hearings are held in G4ty Council Chambers, 3i Floor City Hall - Court House, IS W. Kellogg Boulevazd. You may send written commenCS to the Zoning Office at the address lisied on the reverse side of thu cazd. Please call Nancy Homans, PED, at (65 ])266-6557, or yow District Council Representarive at (651) 695-4005 ifyou have any quesdons. �4`°,W(.v^,.a'.i �:�. �fa�i'�--�`� ��`�� �., ,__ .., a, �.,. .. '* ^, E' F=.wr a,- _.a. � _. �.�v4 Council File # �� �s� OR1�f�AL Ordinance # Green sheet # 111077 ORDINANCE PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By ; 3t Referred To Committee: Date 1 An ordinance amending Chapter 60 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code pertaining to zoning for the City of 2 Saint Paul and the zoning maps thereof. � 10 11 12 13 14 15 WHEREAS, pursuant to Minnesota Statutes §462357 and Section §64.400 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, MENDOTA HOMES, INC. duly petitioned to rezone property located at 1941 Ford Parkway being legally described as: Lots 9& 10 Block 5 Lane's Highland Park & in SD Byrnes Re, Subj to Esmts the Fol ex W 3 1/3 feet Lot 28 and all of Lots 29 and 30 and Prior Ave Vac Adj SD Lot 30, from B-3 (commercial) to RM-2 (multi-family residential) for the purpose of constructing a new 3-story residential condominium building, the petition having been certified by the Planning staff on January 26, 2001, as having been consented to by at least two-thirds of the owners of property situated within 100 feet of the total contiguous property within one year preceding the date of the petition; and WI�REAS, the Zoning Committee of the Planning Commission on February 15, 2001, held a public hearing for the purpose of considering the rezoning petition, and pursuant to Section §107.03 ofthe Saint Paul Administrative Code, submitted its recommendation to the Planning Commission that the petition be granted; 16 and 17 18 WI�REAS, the Planning Commission considered the rezoning petition at its meeting held on February 23, 19 2001, and recommended that the City Council approve the petition; and 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 WHEREAS, notice of the public hearing before the City Council on the said rezoning petition was duly published in the official newspaper of the City on Mazch 5, 2001 and notices were duly mailed to each owner of affected property and property situated wholly or partly within 350 feet ofthe property sought to be rezoned;and WI a public hearing before the City Council having been conducted on March 7, 2001, where ali interested parties were heard, and the Council having considered all the facts and recommendations concerning the petition; now, therefore, THE COUNCII. OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That the zoning map ofthe City of Saint Paul, Sheet Number 33, as incorporated by reference in Section §60301 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, as amended, is hereby further amended as follows: � ����� 40 41 42 43 A�4 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 ���GI��L That the properry located at 1941 Ford Parkway, being more particularly described as: o'i ��i Lots 9& 10 Block 5 Lane's Highland Pazk & in SD Bymes Re, Subj to Esmts the Fol ex W 3 1/3 feet Lot 28 and all of Lots 29 and 30 and Prior Ave Vac Adj SD Lot 30 be and is hereby rezoned from B-3 to RM-2. Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thiriy (30) days from and after its passage, approval and publication. �Li� �Z Adopted by Council: Date �,��1�.� �—� Adoption Certified by Council Secretary By: Approved by Mayor: Date �'�/ �{ "°"" � By: Requested by Department of: Plannin & Econo ic Develo menC c By: S�L�- Form Approved by City Attorney BY: �°�c� �, ��� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council �� �� -r„/ By: DEPARTMENT/OFFICE/COUNCII,: DATE INITIATED � �'� / PED: West Team March 8, 2001 G�EN SHEET No.: 111077 CONTACT PERSON & PHONE: 1�TTfe1I/f7-�TL Nancy Homans 6-6557 � 2 DEPARI'MENT DIlL s crrr courrcu, ASSIGN 3 CITY ATTORNEY CITY CLERK MUST BE ON COUNCII, AGENDA BY (DAT� NU�� =�qTrCIAI. SERV DIIt FINANCIAL SERV/ACCTG � 4 MAYOR(ORASST.) _CIVII.SERVICECAMbIISSION ROUTING 1 WESTTEAM(Kecshaw) '�'�C ORDER TOTAL # OF SIGNATIIRE PAGES 1((:I,IP AI.L LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) acriox xeQuFSrEn: Adopt an ordinance finalizing the action of the City Council to rezone 1941 Ford Parkway from B-3 to RM-2. RECOMMENDATIONS: Approve (A) or Reject (R) PERSONAI, SERVICE CONTRACfS M[JST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: 1. Eiast6ispeisonffumeveiwotkednnderacontrectforthisdepartmeot? A PLANNING CAMMISSION Yes No CIB CAMMITI'EE 2. Has flils peison/fum ever been a city employce7 CIVILSERVICECOMMISSION Yes No 3. Does tUis person/firm posuss a skill not nom�atly possessed by any cu�rent ciry employee? Yes No Eaplain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to gteen sheM INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSI7E, OPPORTUNII'Y (Who, What, When, Where, Why): Mendota Homes, Inc. petitioned the City to rezone 1941 Ford Parkway from B-3 to RM-2 to allow for the construction of a 3-story condominium. The City Council approved the Plauning Commission's findings and recommendation. This ordinance finalizes their action. �.o s«,..:��...� ADVANTAGEBIFAPPROVED: � 5 ,.,�,�io,�c •"' 9d�_ �j�'e��''`-'c... . Construction can begin on schedule this summer. ��t�"� ���� � � � DISADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: , - - . None. DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: The property owner would have to make other plans for the vacant site. TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION: COST/REVENUE BUDGETED: FZ3NDING S6URCE: ACTIVITY 1VUMBER: � �� � � �/ � � �taivcrai.m�o�r.ariox:�aranv> �'1iAR �`t �, 2i1± C ii� S �a s��i�3V�� K\Sluied�PedV30MANS1gnsh[fim DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING & ECONOMIC DEVEIAPMENT Bnan Sweeney, Director CTTY OF SAII�Tr PAUL Norm Coleman, Mayor Febmary 23, 2001 Ms. Nancy Anderson City Council Research Office Room 310 Ciry Hall Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 Deaz Ms. Anderson: 23 WestFourth Street SaintPau{ MN 55102 i S� Te2ephone: 6�I-266-66�3 Facsimrle: 6� /-228-3314 � � � �� � I would lilce to confirm that a public hearing before the City Council is scheduled for Wednesday Mazch 7, 2001 for the following mning case: Applicant: MENDOTA HOMES, INC. File Number: #01-122-867 Purpose: Rezone properry &om B-3 to RM-2 to allow for the construction of a new 3-story residential condominium. Address: 1941 Ford Pazkway, between Kenneth and Howell I.egal Description of Properry: Available on file. Previous Action: Planning Commission Recommendation: Approval VOtB: »nanimOUS, February 23, 2001 Zoning Committee Recommendation: Approval, vote: 6-0, February 15, 2001 My understanding is that this public hearing request will appeaz an the agenda for the February 28, 2001 City Council meehng-or be read into the record at that meeting--and that you will publish notice of the hearing in the Saint Paul Legal Ledger. Please call me at 266-6557 if you have any questions. Sincerely, � � l rr�1(�if/�" `�" Nancy Hdmans City Planner cc: File #01-122-867 Wendy Lane Paul Dubruiel Carol Martineau � r-msr�n+r • "NQTICE OF P6BIdC HEAitIIPG, �_ The Saint Paul GYry Covncil will con- duct a publlc hearing on Wednesday, 2vfarch 7, 20n1, aY 5:30 p.m. ia the City Council Cl�ambers, Third Floor GSty Hall- CoUrthouse, 15 West Keliogg Boulevazd, SalntPaul,-NII3, �to consider the appllcafton of Mendota Homes, Inc. to rezone pmperty from B-3 to RM-2 to allow for the con- shuction of a new 3-story residential con- dominium at 1941 Ford Pazkway (betoveen Kenneth and Howell Str Dated: Febmary 28, 2001 NANCYANDERSON - � Assistant City Councl Secretary � - - (March 5) � - — 31: PADL L86AL TEDGffit 02019124 . - DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING & ECONOMIC DEVEIAPMENT Brian Sweeney, Directar SF32:T PHUL � �AAAA C1TY OF SAIIdT PAUL Norm Coleman, Mayor February 23,2001 Ms. Nancy Anderson Secretary to the City Council Room 310 City Hall Saint Paul, Muuiesota 55102 25 WestFourth Sveet SaintPaul MNSSIO2 �C -351 Telephane: 65 /-266 6655 Fatrimile: 651-228-3314 RE: Zoning File #O1-122-867 MENDOTA HOMES, INC. City Council Hearing: March 7, 2001, 5:30 p.m. Ciry Council Chambers PURPOSE: To consider rezoning property located at 1941 Ford Pazkway (between Kenneth and Howell) from B-3 (commercial) to RM-2 (multi-family residential) to allow for the construction of a new 3-story residential condominium. PLANNING COMMISSION RECONIMENDATION APPROVAL vote: unanimous ZONING COMMITTBB RECOMMENDATION APPROVAL vote: 6-0 • STAFF RECOMMENDATION: APPROVAL SUPPORT: One person spoke. The Highland Area Community Council (District 15) voted to support the rezoning. OPPOSITION: No one spoke. Dear Ms. Anderson: �1 �J MENDOTA HOMES, INC. submitted a petition to rezone property located at 1941 Ford Parkway from B-3 (commercial) to RM-2 (multi-family residential) . The Zoning Committee of the Planning Commission held a public hearing on the proposed rezoning on February 15, 2001. The applicant addressed the committee. At the close of the public hearing, the committee voted 6-0 to recommend approval to remne to RM-2. The Planning Commission upheld the Zoning Commi#ee's recommendation for approval on a unanimous vote on Febmary 23, 2001. This proposed rezoning is scheduled to be heard by the City Council on Mazch 7, 2001. Please notify Nancy Homans (6-6557) if any member of the City Council wishes to have slides of the site presented at the public hearing. Sincerely, .,_ � ./1.n'1 CC�-. (/ Nancy Homans City Planner Attachments cc: City Council members � �1�351 • city of saint paul � planning commission resolution file number o�-�s - date February 23, 2001 WHEREAS, MENDOTA HOMES, INC., file #O1-122-867, has petitioned to rezone properry at 1941 Ford Parkway, situated between Kenneth and Howeil, from B-3 to RM-2 to allow for a new 3-story residential condominium; and �VHEREAS, the Zoning Committee of the Planning Commission, on February 15, 2001, held a public hearing at which all persons present were given an oppormniry to be heard pursuant to said application in accordance with the requirements of Section 64.400 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code; and WHEREAS, the Saint Paul Planning Commission, based on the evidence presented to its Zonin� Committee at the public hearing, as substantially reflected in the minutes, made the following findings of fact: 1. Mendota Homes, Inc. has purchased the property at 1941 Ford Parkvray and intends to demolish the existin� vacant Pizza Hut restaurant and construct a 3-story 30-unit residential condominium buildin� with 48 underground and 6 visitor parkin� spaces. Units would be sold � to residents a�ed 55 and over. Twenty-nine of the thirty units would be 1386 square feet in size and have two bedrooms. The remaining unit would have one bedroom in 1001 square feet. 2. The site plan indicates that the building would have a brick ek�terior and would be setback 21 feet from the sidewalk. The sin�le family homes on Pinehurst, which are constructed at a hi�her elevation than the Ford Parkway site, would be screened by a ne�v taller inter-lockin� retainin� �vall and evergreen plantings. 3. The applicants explored the possibility of constructin� a mixed-use buildin� which would not have required a rezoning but were convinced by nei�hborhood residents and the Highland Area Community Council that traffic congestion associated with new office or retail uses at that location would make a 100°Jo residential buildin� preferable. At the request of the district council, Mendota Homes revised their plan and submitted the attached application for rezonin�. moved 1oy Field secondeci 1�ST ro� {F�`�r�e��^ Unanimous � against � Zaning File #O1-122-867 • Pa�e Two of Resolution �. . 4. The site is adjacent to other multi-family residentia! structures on property zoned RM-2. As such, rezoning this site would not constitute spot zoning. 5. The proposed use is not consistent with the 1985 Highland Yillage Plan which called for this site to be reserved for "Convenience Goods Stores and�Services," where fast-food restaurants would be permitted. It is, however, consistent with the 1999 Ho:�sing Plan that calls for the construction of 6000 new housing units and emphasizes higher density housing for smaller households in transit corridors. On balance, however, the proposed rezoning is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan for three reasons: The 1485 Plan did noY envision a mix of commercial and residential uses now recommended in the City's Land Use Plan as a means of reducin� travel bettveen uses, increasing public safety with 24 hour a day activity, and adding density to the city's transit corridors. This site was not considered to be at the heart of the commercial district but, rather, was desi�nated as a low density deve[opment area on the ed�e of Yhe district centered at Ford Park�vay and Cleveland. The proposed use fits within most of the physica[ consfraints recommended by the plan: � 3 stories, minimum front yard setback of 15 feet, and side and rear setbacks of 10 feet. The proposed use is 3 stories with a front setback of 21 feet and side and rear setbacks of 18, 27 and 20 feet. 6. There is no evidence that the proposed rezoning tivould have a negati� e impact on surrounding property o�vners or on property values in the area. Nor would the proposed use result in a si�nificant increase in traffic over the most recent use (a Pizza Hut) or have a greater impact ,.., .�,>_ - P y g - � � serve the area. �„ ,,,,, var�ous ublic s stems (e. . streets, se�vers, transct schools that 7. Sec. 64.400(b) of the Zoning Code requires that a rezoning may be initiated by petition of the owners of sixty-seven percent of the area of the property to be rezoned. As the attached documentation indicates, consent of owners of 11 of the eligible 16 parcels was required for the application to be deerr�ed snfficient. Owners of 11 of the parcels indicated their consent. 8. The applicant �vill be applying for variances from the Board of Zonin� Appeals. Those variances would relate to side and rear setbacks, lot coverage and room densities. � �� � � _,35 I • Zoning Fite #O1-122-86� Pa�e Three of Resolution NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the SainCPaul Planning Commission that the pe[ition of MENDOTA HOMES, INC. to rezone properry at 1941 Ford Pazkway, more particulazly described in the file, from a B-3 zoning classification to an RM-2 zonine classification is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan for the City; and ' BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul Planning Commission does hereby recommend to the Council of the Ciry of Saint Paul chat ptoperty at 1941 Ford Parkway be rezoned from B-3 to RM-2 in accordance with the petition for rezoning on file with the Saint Paul Department of Planning and Economic Development. u � � �°_ p�_35 i � Planning Commissio�r minutes for the 2/23/O1 meeting are not yet available. There was no discussion of the recommendation to rezone � � 1941 Ford Parkway from B-3 to RM-2. ,�_ p1-35 ) MiNUTES OF THE ZONING COMMITTEE Thursday, February 15, 2001 - 3:30 p.m. � PRESENT: EXCUSED: OTHERS PRESENT: � • City Council Chambers, 3"' Floor City Hali and Court House 15 West Kellogg Boulevard Anfang, Alton, Field, Kramer, Mardell, and Morton Faricy, and Gordon Peter Warner Carol Martineau, Alian Torstenson, and Nancy Homans of PED The meeting was chaired by Commissioner Field. Mendota Homes inc. - 01-722-867 - Rezone from B-3 to RM-2 to allow for a new 3-story residential condominium. 1941 Ford Parkway, between Kenneth and Howeli. Nancy Homans presented the staff report. Ms. Homans stated the Zoning Staff recommends approval of the rezoning and passed out proposed building elevations. John Mathern, the applicant, appeared and gave a history of the process of the rezoning. He also stated a signed petition, from the neighborhood, was submitted in favor of the rezoning. At the question of Commissioner Mardeil, Mr. Mathern stated the condominiums have a price range between $179,000 to $209,000. Gayle Summers, District 15 Community Organizer, stated there was an unanimous vote in favor of the rezoning. The pubiic hearing was closed. Commissioner Morton moved approval of the rezoning. CommissionerAnfang second the motion. Adopted Drafted by: Yeas - 6 Nays - 0 ��IJI�TI //l�yratLG(� Caroi Marfineau Recording Secretary Submitted by: Approved by: �i/"1 1 � /L�--�-2� ancy Homans Litton Field Zoning Section Chair �r �r-35i ZONING COMIVIITIEE STAFF REPORT � FII.E # 01-122-867 1. APPLICANT: MENDOTA HOMES, INC. DATE OF HEARING: 2/15/O1 2. CLASSIFTCATION: Rezoning 3. LOCATION: 1941 Ford Parkway, between Kenneth and Howell 4. PLANNING DISTRICT: 15 5. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lots 9& 10 Block 5 Lane's Highland Pazk & in SD Byrnes Re, Subj to Esmts the Fol ex W 3 1/3 feet Lot 28 and all ofLots 29 and 30 and Prior Ave Vac Adj SD Lot 30 6. PRESENT ZONING: B-3 ZONING CODE REFERENCE: Sec. 64.400 7. STAFF INVESTIGATION AND REPORT: DATE: 2/7/Ol BY: Nancy Homans 8. DATE RECEIVED: January 5, 2001 DEADLINE FOR ACTION: March 6, 2001 • A. PURPOSE: Rezoning from B-3 to RM-2 to allow for a new 3-story residential condominium building. B. PARCEL SIZE: Approximately 116 x 243 (on Ford Parkway) = 28,200 sq ft C. EXISTING LAND USE: Vacant Pizza Hut and parking lot D. SURROUNDING LAND USE: North: East: South: West: Single family residential on Pinehurst, Zoned R-4 Multi-family residential, Zoned RM-2 Hillcrest Recreation Center & Highland Library, Zoned R-4/Muki-family residential, Zoned RM-2 Burger King Restaurant/Clinic/Professional Office, Zoned B-3 E. ZONING CODE CITA'ITON: Sec. 64.400(a) of the Zoning Code provides in part that "the council may, from time to time, amend, supplement or change the district boundaries or the regulations herein, or subsequently established herein pursuant to the provisions of Minnesota Statutes Section 462.357 and amendments thereto as may be made from time to time. The pianning commission may, from time to time, review district boundary lines to determine if, pursuant to state laws, such district boundary lines should be changed." • Zoning File #O1-122-867 Pagetwo Section 64.400(b) provides, in part, that "an amendment to the zoning code may be initiated by the council, the planning commission or by a petition of the owners of 67 percent of the azea of the property to be rezoned." F. HISTORY/DISCUSSION: 6/81 Site plan for Pizza Hut approved 11167 Pemut for TCF approved 6/60 Pemut for 40 caz parking lot approved 11/41 Rezoning from Commercial to "C" Residential approved G. DISTRICT COUNCIL RECOMIVIENDATION: The Higtiland Area Community Council, at its February 1 boazd meeting, voted unanimously to support the proposed rezoning. : y i.i i� i.[e�� � Mendota Homes, Inc. has purchased the properiy at 1941 Ford Pazkway and intends to demolish the existing vacant Pizza Hut restaurant and construct a 3-story 30-unit residential condominium building with 48 underground and 6 visitor pazking spaces. Units would be sold to residents aged 55 and over. Twenty-nine of the thirty units would be 1386 squaze feet in size and have two bedrooms. The remaining unit would have one bedroom in 1001 square • feet. 2. The site plan indicates that the building would have a brick exterior and would be setback 21 feet from the sidewalk. The single family homes on Pinehurst, which are constructed at a higher elevation than the Ford Parkway site, would be screened by a new taller inter-locking retaining watI and evergreen pIantings. The applicants explored the possibility of constructing a mixed-use building which would not have required a rezoning but were convinced by neighborhood residents and the Highland Area Community Council that traffic congestion associafed witfi new office or retait uses at that location would make a 100% residential building preferable. At the request of the district council, Mendota Homes revised their plan and submitted the attached application for rezoning. 4. The site is adjacent to other multi-family residential structures on properiy zoned RM-2. As such, rezoning this site would not constitute spot zoning. 5. The proposec3 use is not consistent with the 1985 Highlcrred Yillage Plan which called for this site to be reserved for "Convenience Goods Stores and Services," where fast-food restaurants would be pernutted. It is, however, consistent with the 1999 Housing Plcni that calis for the construction of 6000 new housing units and emphasizes higher density housing for smaller • households in transit corridors. ot-35 PET!'ftON TO AMPND TNE ZONING CODE � DeParlMent of Planning and Econornic Development • Zoning Section II00 City Hall Attner 25 West Faurth Srreet � Saint Paul, MN SSIO2 266-6589 APPLICANT PROPERTY LOCATION Property Owner__�QtaG[ojT�. -N�wc2,f . (h�-. Address � - � • �x � �p ' City �GLL=2� St.�Zip Daytimephone� `�o«(-�(o� Contact person ('rf different)_ ��Vt �-t0.�rEVCL � Legai description ' � (attach additional sheet if necessarvl TO THE HQNORABLE MAYOR AT1D CITY COUNCIL: Pursuant to Section 64.qQ0 of the Saint Paul Zoning Ordinance and !o Section 462.357(5) of Minnesota Statues, f���Pind��ic-1}ix�2� �v��. , the owner of aii the land proposed for rezoning, hereby petitions you to rezone the above described property from a ��'� zoning district to a �Nl'�- zoning district, forthe purpose of: l.l`�V�SZ VViLxt eln �'� GL• � � � 30 - lA-vl�� C.C1✓�G�= (.6L41�I�I,Cy_.. I�t,f,a �Gi-tf�i.�� Ii,1t {.LI�.d2ti%�11L.(� r�/LtiIGCI�� �V �p,��S�u.� GCC�.� � U��{ r c�l,d2.v. (aftach additiona/ sheet(s) if necessary) Attachments: Required site plan 0 Consent pe8fion � Affidavft Subscribed and swom to before me this J day of QnuL� , ���j � � d G /7� Not P b'c JANICE E. MAGNUSON Notary Public-Minnesota Ramsey County My Commission Expires Jan. 31, 2005 r` ` . By:��u1...��(,��a /�.� /�{�fof�{-E�til Fee owner of praperty �� l `` . Titie: Page 1 of 02/96l2081 17:f7tl b�16tl4b7bL J�� � � C V C -_ t� \ � C jf@x�F � � y � � 'l�,i£ o . { � � , � =E' I Q y � � p �` $ �� O ; p 'jR! , � � V q tl j\ � �- � : '\ � QI � ??�€��- N V � � � � � ` I I \ I ' I � � �J � r_` "`i �� \ =� es � R3 � �d MICIYIIU I H I'1UI"IC� I HUL Ui1 UL � � � ��"i �(�.. "�Y � "�1 _- • � • � �u�w sawoa rz�axa a I{ g � h � --�-Q a � � � � :.. :.. : . . - .. -';+: '�r";; -= ' . _ . • :. _.a1-35� 70NING P�TITION SUI+'r�CIENCY CIi�C�: S1�E'Z' �- xr.�zo�nv� ScuP - ' r�cur FIRST SUBMITTED DATE PBTITION SUB7vIITTED: ( � � ( DATE OFFICIALLY RECEIVED: �. ��,.o � 'E�' ,`asw�f.�' � PARCELS ELIGIBLE: ' � PARCELS REQUIRED: �' PARCELSSIG�IED: I� 'I"L/0� DATE PETITION RESUBhfITTED: I' 2'�� V I DATE OFFICIALLY RECEIYED: ��► t0 � v+ � rr�...-r a,- c'�� � t PARCELS ELIGIBLE: I V /� PARCE-IS REQUIRED: PARCELS SIGNED: l� CIiECKED BX: �� ��'��- " DATE: !` I Z�� / zo���� ��L� 0�-.�6 . • . �. - - 81/83/2001 11:�9 b' - •' • � ,�'.��.: . . ': � ., � .. . CZ�`X OF S.A.�h� PAUL , CONSLN7'•OF AD70INING PROPER7Y OWNERS rOR A �REZO�VING Wq tiu undersigned, owncrs ofthc propcdy �vidiln !00 feet oFtiu totai contig�+ous deseription of rexi cstate o�vned, purcliased, oc sold by THE PET1TlONER ��ithin one }ti�r precedin� th� date of t]»s petition nel:nowledoe tlrnt �ve l�avc becn presented �rid+ the following: I. A copy of U�e petitiou of m mzone the proputy Ic �_ � Zonittg disiricl to a�� Z Zoningdislrici. ham n B` --_ 2, q copy aCsectians �� ���rou&h �" indusive of diy � zon n� d�striat tnd tve a e nckno�vlcdge thae we nre n�vare oF nfl oP Qu uses permu�ed in a�(n— —� nw�re that any oFthcsc uses rnn be estnblislxd upon City Counnl approcnl of th� [ezoning• 1Ve hereby eo�a�O�r��„__�p1f tl�e prop��y in the petitiott of; �� Y7Ar�u.� �fYK� ton,�,2zotlingc�islrict. C.�l/ry (Nanie otp�tit+oner) \Ve conscnt to tl�e �pproval of this Tczonina as it tvas expinined to us by the �pplicant or his/hcr rcpresentntivc_ n�rr. . /4°�!/ � ��' . , /9S ` �/ �O hc�d.f>� � / 93"��.�.�.��.�w ' r43: v��;..,....� %g6o �:,vc v,(s; J1n �1 �14 Ptt.t�N S� ' tiauo � �9y �N� qe�,� % � � �� M Ji}�qf , �✓�TA ,1�' � ,1 �� � J � _ �z /s/vo � ,,�;� �y f 3o�e'r' �. �� o0 . � _. _ _ L '/_• ) i:^� � • � -- ' �'m ' ,���I�IN� �� ' � �) � �� r f . i �- 1 �� �� �/l1F� - NOl'E: This petition shall not be considered as officially filcd unlil tne lapse of soyen (ij �vorking daysafteritisnceivedbythePlanningDivision. Anysignalorofthispe(itionriaytvithd.���-hislhcr name thereCrom by tivritten request within that time. •�- • � ; �_t �:_�.� . CX�'X Ok' SA.XI't �'.A.TJL CONSEiVI'�OF ADJOINING PROPERTY OWNERS FOR A � x,�zoN�Nc ��-3�l �Ye, lhe undersigned, o�vncrs of the property tvitl�in 100 feet oCtlu total contiguous description of real estate o�vned, purcliased, or sold by "1�NE PETITIONGR within one year preceding die date of d�is petition acknotivtedoe that tve I�ave bccn presented u•i[ll tUe fo!(ou•ing: A copy oEthe petition oF to rezone thc property Ic f�om 1��3 2onino district to a�� Z zoning distritt. • � 2. A copy ofsections �.�.�� through �/� •�f53 , inclusive oFtlu Saint Paul Zoning Code; and flckno�vledoc tliat �ve nre lware of nll of Aie uses permit[ed in n /y/— 2 zoning district end tve are ��vare that nny of lhese tises cnn be estlblislied t�pon City Counc+l approval of the cazon'sng. \Ve heceby consent to the rczonina oFthe property� in the petition oF, /yIE�IOJ�1 �f�t1�lC-� �32C— p , �/, /�9� to n/)� 2 zoning district. (Name oFpetitioner) \Vc consent fo fhe npproval of this rezoninb as it �vas expl�ined fo us by fhe arp!ic�nf er his!licr repres�nt�fivc. NOTE: This petition sha11 not be considered as o�c�ally ltted untu tne lapse o* seyen �iJ �vorn�a�b days after it is received by the Planning Division. Any signator of this petition ri3y withd:z��' his/hcr name thereErom by tvritten request within ihat time. �:�� �.� � 4 . t .. • . � . ' . _ - � �', " CIT'X OF SA.INT PAUL CONSENT' OF ADJOINING PROPERTY OWNERS FOR A • . REZONING \Ve, tl�e undersigned, owners oEttie property within 100 feet ofthe total contiguous description of real estate o�vned, purcliased, or sold by THE PETITIONLR within one year precedino the date of this petition acknowledoe that we have bcen presented tvith tfie folfo�vino: l. A copy of the petition of to rezone the property tocated at from a '�zonino district to a�zoning district. 2. A copy ofsections�,`�" through •�S , inctusive ofd�e Saint Paul Zoning Code; and acknowledoe diat we nre awlre of al I of the uses permitted in a� zonin� district and we are aware that any of these uses can be established upon City Coimc�l approval of the rezoning. \Ve hereby consent to the rezonine of the property in the petition of; (��(, �l1�- toa� zoningdistrict. (Name of petitioner) \Vc consent to ftie approval of this rezoning as it �vas expinined to us by the �PPlicnnt or his/her representative. • /�/��r • hOT�: This petition shall not be considered as officially filed until the tapse ot seven ��� worxu�g days after it is received by the Planning Division. Any signator of this petition may withdra�v his/her name therefrom by wTitten request within that time. . p� �5i � � PE'TITION TO REZON� AFFIDAVIT O�' PETITIO2\ER STATE OF MII�TNESOTA) COIJ�tTY OP RAMSEY ) SS The petitioner, �� l2 F -�,{L�{-(„P�LL , being first duly s«�orn, deposes and states that the consent petition contains siQnahires from at least t�r•o-thirds ( of all eligible properties �vithin 100 feet of all property o�vned, purchased, or sold by petitioner �vithin one (1) year precedin� the date of this petition ���hich is conti�uous to the property described in the petition; petitioner is informed ihat the consent petition must contain si�nahires froin each and ali o�vners of jointly-owned property in order to constitute consent from that property and that failure to obtain consent from each and all o��ners could invalidate the consent petition; petitioner belie�•es that the consent petition �vas signed by each of said owners and that the signatures are the true and correct sienatures of each and all of the parties so described. �(.t�-�r �(iUa 2�C �-ov NAME �(eD.ClSfu �{on 5� J�r , �a, ��k� ��c�� � ADDRESS C�sl -(��-�`tc�/ TELEPHONE I�TUMBER • Subscribed and sworn to before me this� day of ��dv,,z�t� , 7c9 2.�0/ � NOTARY PUBLIC DEBRA 9. BRANOIS - NOTARYPU81lC-MfMICESOSA biY CAMM�SSIOt+ EXPIRE5 JAN. 31, 2005 /" =� ,� Pa�e of 1/31/97 AFFIDAVIT OF PERSON CIRCULATING THE CONSENT PETITION STATE OF MINNESOTA) SS COUNTY OF RAMSEY) �yu� /�a�u— , being first duly sworn, deposes and states that �h�� s the person who circulated the consent petition consisting of � pages; that a iffant represents that the parties described on the consent petition are all the respective owners of the properties p(aced immediately before each name; that affiant is informed and believes that each of the parties described on the consent petition is an owner of the property which is within 100 feet of any property owned, purchased, or so(d by petitioner within one (1) year preceding the date of fhis petition which is contiguous to the property described in the petition; that this consent was signed by each of said owners in the presence of this affiant, and that the signatures are the true and correct signatures of each and al! of the parties so described. Subscribedand sworn i�r�e€3�e ��� this �`�ay of 4�rMS�tc�. . 20�_ �� ' _� �./�' . , .- pc gqp_ S. BRANDIS UtiiPRY FiNiL1C - 7AINNESOTA tyiY COMMtSSiON � � z� �ES .+Ati.31.200.5 W • NAME � �� ✓t�Oi''c�� !�-c. �b�C�K�h�Ye.rl /.u�J ADDRESS �,7-io�`{ 9�07 TELEPHONE NUMBER Page of 1/3/00 • • �c-35� \J 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. � 17. SUNRAY-BATTLECREEK-HIGHWOOD HAZEL PARK HADEN-PROSPERITY HILLCREST WEST SIDE DAYTON'S BLUFF PAYNE-PHALEN I�IORTH BND THOMAS-DALE SUMMIT-UNIVEF2SITY � WEST SE'VENTH COMO HAMLTNE-MIDWAY ' ST. AN'THONY PARK MERRIAM PARK-LE3�INGTON HAMI.INE-SNELLIh'G H.4ML�E MACALESTER GROVEI.AND HIGHLA1dD SUMMTT �TT .T • DOWNTOWN � � _ ( � ���� � � CITIZEN PARTTCIPATION PLANNING DISTRTCIS 0 n � � ,Z�::3������ �-��.� ---- I � � - � zz-�s67 i a HIGHLAND DISTRICT 15 ON �, _ ,,; p1-35� Zoning File #O1-122-867 � Page three On balance, however, the proposed rezoning is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan for three reasons: The 1985 Plan did not envision a mix of commercial and residential uses now recommended in the City's Land Use Plan as a�neans of reducing travel between uses, increasing public safety with 24 hour a day activiry, and adding density to the city's transit corridors. This site was not considered to be at the heart of the commercial district but, rather, was designated as a low density development area on the edge of the district centered at Ford Parkway and Cleveland. The proposed use fits within most of the physical constraints recommended by the plan: 3 stories, minimum front yard setback of 15 feet, and side and rear setbacks of 10 feet. The proposed use is 3 stories with a front setback of 21 feet and side and rear setbacks of 18, 27 and 20 feet. 6. There is no evidence that the proposed rezoning would have a negative impact on surrounding property owners or on property values in the area. Nor would the proposed use result in a significant increase in traffic over the most recent use (a Pizza Hut) or have a greater impact • on the various public systems (e.g. streets, sewers, transit, schools) that serve the area. 7. Sec. 64.400(b) of the Zoning Code requires that a rezoning may be initiated by petition of the owners of sixty-seven percent of the area of the property to be rezoned. As the attached documentation indicates, consent of owners of 11 of the eligible 16 parcels was required for the application to be deemed sufficient. Owners of 11 of the parcels indicated their consent. The applicant will be applying for vaziances from the Board of Zoning Appeals. Those variances would relate to side and rear setbacks, lot coverage and room densities. I. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Based on findings 1 through 8, staffrecommends approval ofthe rezoning of 1941 Ford Parkway from B-3 to RM-2. � � : w, � L 4 ��'� � n _ W r . �� .r s �'� Ci �. :,°y '7� �: � �� �� '�� _._.�,,.��..,,�._-__:_�� � � � �� ��, _�_ .�- - __�� � � - �' �� .. !J �°l' �.J C_ �` i '1 1::� ye � 1 ;.e .:x -:� �% :b 4 3 � � _ � F . . .. � � �'- � - .. _ ' -��� , 6 � c� c � F� �. ., _ � �> �� �� cz �U �, :r� `�,� v'� v �: �; �. e. u . � ...� i I� •-�-- �" � � �.: - l hw��, � • ; ) 'R.-- - �p'6'4-���OQBC�g .:HrJ ` « "�'y `j,�.' 6'� I � _ �-, ���� ��- �?t � i ., el � _ �r �� i. \ �`�Y `.�' �j � ey At,y ,i �y, ,+�.� ;�,:. � : �� � .� � — � ' + � - � d ++- � �K'� , ^ : ' E y, � " �� � �" � �; ... �b ��.' 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I � �6 � \ „ 4, � _ ,� � ` � " � � � '7 �� J� 4'� k2 C'� ^� � �� � � Q �.� a , • , ,�. � a � � ��� - --- ��J >. � C„ J J, c� i i ,. i, r- �c „ ' �-?. � � � .::� �' �� � � � � e� s� �. � � �.h - �� ��� �9 � � � � ,. � ���,t � a, .�._.:�._. _. ._ ---- -- _ _-__ �€__ �s,NC �` ������ , . . . , ; . ; � . � . -. � _� G � . A �� °,� , � �,F;a,r.� :� � � r.z � c �� c, �� . � ., " —` e�'� ���E � � ;, _ � �� ��.,� , • r-- �.-�,�., � �� � . ��� ��.�•, � � *_ ,� m, ,�� .�� _� � �i:m � � ,.., ` j ' _ _.'"' , .. APPUCADJT. �� � `IC LEGENO R�Q(�! �3 � R��� ..,.........�..�, zoniny distri.:t t�ouridary PURPOSE.� — � k � �'iG� (/ / DATE '... ��•0� ��i77TlTn' subjed p�opert/ P�NG. DIST �� hiAP „ r 0 0 one family ., � �N� lamily Gi� � , -••i �-� Q muitiple �amity , � `- �' _� ,-�----.�._.� i v �__ � ��i • �� ����� � i ��°��.t.t.�� e �-3� 1 ��prh�•- • • ^ Conm�r��a: 0 �are. If1:�USi:i=?: V va:.3i; ��� �,Po�. � � � 0 �j� W �tt LL_I t:1 t� {-� �� t.f� f�:� �Ca�'r�:7 n � z� L�-J � � f :.l LL� IT� c� ra a� i-.t�1 ;_:Ci 11l �_r � � �-.��� � F� � d LT �7 L-L! LSJ Lls �f�� 1.1� � ��: � ... � _ £ o �� 35� r�— � � N � \ 1 � � � v � � � s ;� ll'!I'.S.LIV� 11.UVIAI +KYIWq'C-'1YVYl . t91:1h1/dQ . � � � ♦1 V v � � N N � � - v �i � � � � _' �... .-�.vw� u„vnrna va[onPQicO Ip:CT TLIq]/bT/].N ol -351 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING The Saint Paul City Council will conduct a public hearing on Wednesday, March 7, 2001, at 5:30 pm. in the City Council Chambers, Third Floor, City Hall- Courthouse, 15 West Kellogg Boulevard, Saint Paul, MN, to consider the applicafion of Mendota Homes, Inc. to rezone property from B-3 to RM-2 to allow for the construction of a new 3-story residential condominium at 1941 Ford Parkway (between Kenneth and Howell Streets). Dated: February 28, 2001 Nancy Anderson Assistant City Council Secretary _ _ � _. , Nancy_Anderson 01 122-867march7v01cchn.wPd _ . . . . _ __ ___ .... _. _-___._ _ .,___ ___. .._._._.. _. _ .. Page 1,,, �1-35 � sTPA�.���o��, Public Heazing Notice CIIYOFSAWiPA[IL DcpcofPlammgmd Ewuo�cDn�dy�mcvc Phovc(WI)266d589 Fcc (65])Yt83220 F'icE # mazzss� PURPOSE: Remae properly from B-3 tu RM-2 to allow for the construction of a new 3-sWry residential condominium. PROPERI'1 ADDRESS: 1941 Ford Parkway, 6etween IfemetL and Howell. APPLICANT: Mendota Homes Inc m+AR1NG DATE: Wednesdav March 7.2001, at 530 n.m. All public hearings are held in City Comcil Chambecs, 3'" Floor City Hall - Co�u[ House, 15 W. Ke➢ogg Boulevard. You may send wtitten comments to the Zoning Office at the address Gsted on the revene side of tivs cazd- Please call Nancy Homans, PED, at (651)2666557, or your Dishict Council Representative at (651) 695-4005 ifyou have any quesfions. Mvlctl:22d01 I �� I I Public Hearing Notice ST Pl1� �� r.��LIL CITYOPSAW'IPA[1L Dcpc ofPleming and EwmwcPevelopmevt Pham: (651) 266L589 Pax: (fi51) 228-3220 FII.E # m-uzss� PiJItPOSE: Rezone properry from B-3 to RM-2 to allow for the construc4ou of a new 3-srory residential condominium. PROPERI'P ADDRESS: 1941 Ford Parkway, between Kenneth and Howell. APPLICANT: Mendota Homes Inc. HEARING DATE: Wednesdav March 7. 2001, at 530 o.m. All public hearings are held in G4ty Council Chambers, 3i Floor City Hall - Court House, IS W. Kellogg Boulevazd. You may send written commenCS to the Zoning Office at the address lisied on the reverse side of thu cazd. Please call Nancy Homans, PED, at (65 ])266-6557, or yow District Council Representarive at (651) 695-4005 ifyou have any quesdons. �4`°,W(.v^,.a'.i �:�. �fa�i'�--�`� ��`�� �., ,__ .., a, �.,. .. '* ^, E' F=.wr a,- _.a. � _. �.�v4 Council File # �� �s� OR1�f�AL Ordinance # Green sheet # 111077 ORDINANCE PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By ; 3t Referred To Committee: Date 1 An ordinance amending Chapter 60 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code pertaining to zoning for the City of 2 Saint Paul and the zoning maps thereof. � 10 11 12 13 14 15 WHEREAS, pursuant to Minnesota Statutes §462357 and Section §64.400 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, MENDOTA HOMES, INC. duly petitioned to rezone property located at 1941 Ford Parkway being legally described as: Lots 9& 10 Block 5 Lane's Highland Park & in SD Byrnes Re, Subj to Esmts the Fol ex W 3 1/3 feet Lot 28 and all of Lots 29 and 30 and Prior Ave Vac Adj SD Lot 30, from B-3 (commercial) to RM-2 (multi-family residential) for the purpose of constructing a new 3-story residential condominium building, the petition having been certified by the Planning staff on January 26, 2001, as having been consented to by at least two-thirds of the owners of property situated within 100 feet of the total contiguous property within one year preceding the date of the petition; and WI�REAS, the Zoning Committee of the Planning Commission on February 15, 2001, held a public hearing for the purpose of considering the rezoning petition, and pursuant to Section §107.03 ofthe Saint Paul Administrative Code, submitted its recommendation to the Planning Commission that the petition be granted; 16 and 17 18 WI�REAS, the Planning Commission considered the rezoning petition at its meeting held on February 23, 19 2001, and recommended that the City Council approve the petition; and 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 WHEREAS, notice of the public hearing before the City Council on the said rezoning petition was duly published in the official newspaper of the City on Mazch 5, 2001 and notices were duly mailed to each owner of affected property and property situated wholly or partly within 350 feet ofthe property sought to be rezoned;and WI a public hearing before the City Council having been conducted on March 7, 2001, where ali interested parties were heard, and the Council having considered all the facts and recommendations concerning the petition; now, therefore, THE COUNCII. OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That the zoning map ofthe City of Saint Paul, Sheet Number 33, as incorporated by reference in Section §60301 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, as amended, is hereby further amended as follows: � ����� 40 41 42 43 A�4 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 ���GI��L That the properry located at 1941 Ford Parkway, being more particularly described as: o'i ��i Lots 9& 10 Block 5 Lane's Highland Pazk & in SD Bymes Re, Subj to Esmts the Fol ex W 3 1/3 feet Lot 28 and all of Lots 29 and 30 and Prior Ave Vac Adj SD Lot 30 be and is hereby rezoned from B-3 to RM-2. Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thiriy (30) days from and after its passage, approval and publication. �Li� �Z Adopted by Council: Date �,��1�.� �—� Adoption Certified by Council Secretary By: Approved by Mayor: Date �'�/ �{ "°"" � By: Requested by Department of: Plannin & Econo ic Develo menC c By: S�L�- Form Approved by City Attorney BY: �°�c� �, ��� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council �� �� -r„/ By: DEPARTMENT/OFFICE/COUNCII,: DATE INITIATED � �'� / PED: West Team March 8, 2001 G�EN SHEET No.: 111077 CONTACT PERSON & PHONE: 1�TTfe1I/f7-�TL Nancy Homans 6-6557 � 2 DEPARI'MENT DIlL s crrr courrcu, ASSIGN 3 CITY ATTORNEY CITY CLERK MUST BE ON COUNCII, AGENDA BY (DAT� NU�� =�qTrCIAI. SERV DIIt FINANCIAL SERV/ACCTG � 4 MAYOR(ORASST.) _CIVII.SERVICECAMbIISSION ROUTING 1 WESTTEAM(Kecshaw) '�'�C ORDER TOTAL # OF SIGNATIIRE PAGES 1((:I,IP AI.L LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) acriox xeQuFSrEn: Adopt an ordinance finalizing the action of the City Council to rezone 1941 Ford Parkway from B-3 to RM-2. RECOMMENDATIONS: Approve (A) or Reject (R) PERSONAI, SERVICE CONTRACfS M[JST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: 1. Eiast6ispeisonffumeveiwotkednnderacontrectforthisdepartmeot? A PLANNING CAMMISSION Yes No CIB CAMMITI'EE 2. Has flils peison/fum ever been a city employce7 CIVILSERVICECOMMISSION Yes No 3. Does tUis person/firm posuss a skill not nom�atly possessed by any cu�rent ciry employee? Yes No Eaplain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to gteen sheM INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSI7E, OPPORTUNII'Y (Who, What, When, Where, Why): Mendota Homes, Inc. petitioned the City to rezone 1941 Ford Parkway from B-3 to RM-2 to allow for the construction of a 3-story condominium. The City Council approved the Plauning Commission's findings and recommendation. This ordinance finalizes their action. �.o s«,..:��...� ADVANTAGEBIFAPPROVED: � 5 ,.,�,�io,�c •"' 9d�_ �j�'e��''`-'c... . Construction can begin on schedule this summer. ��t�"� ���� � � � DISADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: , - - . None. DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: The property owner would have to make other plans for the vacant site. TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION: COST/REVENUE BUDGETED: FZ3NDING S6URCE: ACTIVITY 1VUMBER: � �� � � �/ � � �taivcrai.m�o�r.ariox:�aranv> �'1iAR �`t �, 2i1± C ii� S �a s��i�3V�� K\Sluied�PedV30MANS1gnsh[fim DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING & ECONOMIC DEVEIAPMENT Bnan Sweeney, Director CTTY OF SAII�Tr PAUL Norm Coleman, Mayor Febmary 23, 2001 Ms. Nancy Anderson City Council Research Office Room 310 Ciry Hall Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 Deaz Ms. Anderson: 23 WestFourth Street SaintPau{ MN 55102 i S� Te2ephone: 6�I-266-66�3 Facsimrle: 6� /-228-3314 � � � �� � I would lilce to confirm that a public hearing before the City Council is scheduled for Wednesday Mazch 7, 2001 for the following mning case: Applicant: MENDOTA HOMES, INC. File Number: #01-122-867 Purpose: Rezone properry &om B-3 to RM-2 to allow for the construction of a new 3-story residential condominium. Address: 1941 Ford Pazkway, between Kenneth and Howell I.egal Description of Properry: Available on file. Previous Action: Planning Commission Recommendation: Approval VOtB: »nanimOUS, February 23, 2001 Zoning Committee Recommendation: Approval, vote: 6-0, February 15, 2001 My understanding is that this public hearing request will appeaz an the agenda for the February 28, 2001 City Council meehng-or be read into the record at that meeting--and that you will publish notice of the hearing in the Saint Paul Legal Ledger. Please call me at 266-6557 if you have any questions. Sincerely, � � l rr�1(�if/�" `�" Nancy Hdmans City Planner cc: File #01-122-867 Wendy Lane Paul Dubruiel Carol Martineau � r-msr�n+r • "NQTICE OF P6BIdC HEAitIIPG, �_ The Saint Paul GYry Covncil will con- duct a publlc hearing on Wednesday, 2vfarch 7, 20n1, aY 5:30 p.m. ia the City Council Cl�ambers, Third Floor GSty Hall- CoUrthouse, 15 West Keliogg Boulevazd, SalntPaul,-NII3, �to consider the appllcafton of Mendota Homes, Inc. to rezone pmperty from B-3 to RM-2 to allow for the con- shuction of a new 3-story residential con- dominium at 1941 Ford Pazkway (betoveen Kenneth and Howell Str Dated: Febmary 28, 2001 NANCYANDERSON - � Assistant City Councl Secretary � - - (March 5) � - — 31: PADL L86AL TEDGffit 02019124 . - DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING & ECONOMIC DEVEIAPMENT Brian Sweeney, Directar SF32:T PHUL � �AAAA C1TY OF SAIIdT PAUL Norm Coleman, Mayor February 23,2001 Ms. Nancy Anderson Secretary to the City Council Room 310 City Hall Saint Paul, Muuiesota 55102 25 WestFourth Sveet SaintPaul MNSSIO2 �C -351 Telephane: 65 /-266 6655 Fatrimile: 651-228-3314 RE: Zoning File #O1-122-867 MENDOTA HOMES, INC. City Council Hearing: March 7, 2001, 5:30 p.m. Ciry Council Chambers PURPOSE: To consider rezoning property located at 1941 Ford Pazkway (between Kenneth and Howell) from B-3 (commercial) to RM-2 (multi-family residential) to allow for the construction of a new 3-story residential condominium. PLANNING COMMISSION RECONIMENDATION APPROVAL vote: unanimous ZONING COMMITTBB RECOMMENDATION APPROVAL vote: 6-0 • STAFF RECOMMENDATION: APPROVAL SUPPORT: One person spoke. The Highland Area Community Council (District 15) voted to support the rezoning. OPPOSITION: No one spoke. Dear Ms. Anderson: �1 �J MENDOTA HOMES, INC. submitted a petition to rezone property located at 1941 Ford Parkway from B-3 (commercial) to RM-2 (multi-family residential) . The Zoning Committee of the Planning Commission held a public hearing on the proposed rezoning on February 15, 2001. The applicant addressed the committee. At the close of the public hearing, the committee voted 6-0 to recommend approval to remne to RM-2. The Planning Commission upheld the Zoning Commi#ee's recommendation for approval on a unanimous vote on Febmary 23, 2001. This proposed rezoning is scheduled to be heard by the City Council on Mazch 7, 2001. Please notify Nancy Homans (6-6557) if any member of the City Council wishes to have slides of the site presented at the public hearing. Sincerely, .,_ � ./1.n'1 CC�-. (/ Nancy Homans City Planner Attachments cc: City Council members � �1�351 • city of saint paul � planning commission resolution file number o�-�s - date February 23, 2001 WHEREAS, MENDOTA HOMES, INC., file #O1-122-867, has petitioned to rezone properry at 1941 Ford Parkway, situated between Kenneth and Howeil, from B-3 to RM-2 to allow for a new 3-story residential condominium; and �VHEREAS, the Zoning Committee of the Planning Commission, on February 15, 2001, held a public hearing at which all persons present were given an oppormniry to be heard pursuant to said application in accordance with the requirements of Section 64.400 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code; and WHEREAS, the Saint Paul Planning Commission, based on the evidence presented to its Zonin� Committee at the public hearing, as substantially reflected in the minutes, made the following findings of fact: 1. Mendota Homes, Inc. has purchased the property at 1941 Ford Parkvray and intends to demolish the existin� vacant Pizza Hut restaurant and construct a 3-story 30-unit residential condominium buildin� with 48 underground and 6 visitor parkin� spaces. Units would be sold � to residents a�ed 55 and over. Twenty-nine of the thirty units would be 1386 square feet in size and have two bedrooms. The remaining unit would have one bedroom in 1001 square feet. 2. The site plan indicates that the building would have a brick ek�terior and would be setback 21 feet from the sidewalk. The sin�le family homes on Pinehurst, which are constructed at a hi�her elevation than the Ford Parkway site, would be screened by a ne�v taller inter-lockin� retainin� �vall and evergreen plantings. 3. The applicants explored the possibility of constructin� a mixed-use buildin� which would not have required a rezoning but were convinced by nei�hborhood residents and the Highland Area Community Council that traffic congestion associated with new office or retail uses at that location would make a 100°Jo residential buildin� preferable. At the request of the district council, Mendota Homes revised their plan and submitted the attached application for rezonin�. moved 1oy Field secondeci 1�ST ro� {F�`�r�e��^ Unanimous � against � Zaning File #O1-122-867 • Pa�e Two of Resolution �. . 4. The site is adjacent to other multi-family residentia! structures on property zoned RM-2. As such, rezoning this site would not constitute spot zoning. 5. The proposed use is not consistent with the 1985 Highland Yillage Plan which called for this site to be reserved for "Convenience Goods Stores and�Services," where fast-food restaurants would be permitted. It is, however, consistent with the 1999 Ho:�sing Plan that calls for the construction of 6000 new housing units and emphasizes higher density housing for smaller households in transit corridors. On balance, however, the proposed rezoning is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan for three reasons: The 1485 Plan did noY envision a mix of commercial and residential uses now recommended in the City's Land Use Plan as a means of reducin� travel bettveen uses, increasing public safety with 24 hour a day activity, and adding density to the city's transit corridors. This site was not considered to be at the heart of the commercial district but, rather, was desi�nated as a low density deve[opment area on the ed�e of Yhe district centered at Ford Park�vay and Cleveland. The proposed use fits within most of the physica[ consfraints recommended by the plan: � 3 stories, minimum front yard setback of 15 feet, and side and rear setbacks of 10 feet. The proposed use is 3 stories with a front setback of 21 feet and side and rear setbacks of 18, 27 and 20 feet. 6. There is no evidence that the proposed rezoning tivould have a negati� e impact on surrounding property o�vners or on property values in the area. Nor would the proposed use result in a si�nificant increase in traffic over the most recent use (a Pizza Hut) or have a greater impact ,.., .�,>_ - P y g - � � serve the area. �„ ,,,,, var�ous ublic s stems (e. . streets, se�vers, transct schools that 7. Sec. 64.400(b) of the Zoning Code requires that a rezoning may be initiated by petition of the owners of sixty-seven percent of the area of the property to be rezoned. As the attached documentation indicates, consent of owners of 11 of the eligible 16 parcels was required for the application to be deerr�ed snfficient. Owners of 11 of the parcels indicated their consent. 8. The applicant �vill be applying for variances from the Board of Zonin� Appeals. Those variances would relate to side and rear setbacks, lot coverage and room densities. � �� � � _,35 I • Zoning Fite #O1-122-86� Pa�e Three of Resolution NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the SainCPaul Planning Commission that the pe[ition of MENDOTA HOMES, INC. to rezone properry at 1941 Ford Pazkway, more particulazly described in the file, from a B-3 zoning classification to an RM-2 zonine classification is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan for the City; and ' BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul Planning Commission does hereby recommend to the Council of the Ciry of Saint Paul chat ptoperty at 1941 Ford Parkway be rezoned from B-3 to RM-2 in accordance with the petition for rezoning on file with the Saint Paul Department of Planning and Economic Development. u � � �°_ p�_35 i � Planning Commissio�r minutes for the 2/23/O1 meeting are not yet available. There was no discussion of the recommendation to rezone � � 1941 Ford Parkway from B-3 to RM-2. ,�_ p1-35 ) MiNUTES OF THE ZONING COMMITTEE Thursday, February 15, 2001 - 3:30 p.m. � PRESENT: EXCUSED: OTHERS PRESENT: � • City Council Chambers, 3"' Floor City Hali and Court House 15 West Kellogg Boulevard Anfang, Alton, Field, Kramer, Mardell, and Morton Faricy, and Gordon Peter Warner Carol Martineau, Alian Torstenson, and Nancy Homans of PED The meeting was chaired by Commissioner Field. Mendota Homes inc. - 01-722-867 - Rezone from B-3 to RM-2 to allow for a new 3-story residential condominium. 1941 Ford Parkway, between Kenneth and Howeli. Nancy Homans presented the staff report. Ms. Homans stated the Zoning Staff recommends approval of the rezoning and passed out proposed building elevations. John Mathern, the applicant, appeared and gave a history of the process of the rezoning. He also stated a signed petition, from the neighborhood, was submitted in favor of the rezoning. At the question of Commissioner Mardeil, Mr. Mathern stated the condominiums have a price range between $179,000 to $209,000. Gayle Summers, District 15 Community Organizer, stated there was an unanimous vote in favor of the rezoning. The pubiic hearing was closed. Commissioner Morton moved approval of the rezoning. CommissionerAnfang second the motion. Adopted Drafted by: Yeas - 6 Nays - 0 ��IJI�TI //l�yratLG(� Caroi Marfineau Recording Secretary Submitted by: Approved by: �i/"1 1 � /L�--�-2� ancy Homans Litton Field Zoning Section Chair �r �r-35i ZONING COMIVIITIEE STAFF REPORT � FII.E # 01-122-867 1. APPLICANT: MENDOTA HOMES, INC. DATE OF HEARING: 2/15/O1 2. CLASSIFTCATION: Rezoning 3. LOCATION: 1941 Ford Parkway, between Kenneth and Howell 4. PLANNING DISTRICT: 15 5. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lots 9& 10 Block 5 Lane's Highland Pazk & in SD Byrnes Re, Subj to Esmts the Fol ex W 3 1/3 feet Lot 28 and all ofLots 29 and 30 and Prior Ave Vac Adj SD Lot 30 6. PRESENT ZONING: B-3 ZONING CODE REFERENCE: Sec. 64.400 7. STAFF INVESTIGATION AND REPORT: DATE: 2/7/Ol BY: Nancy Homans 8. DATE RECEIVED: January 5, 2001 DEADLINE FOR ACTION: March 6, 2001 • A. PURPOSE: Rezoning from B-3 to RM-2 to allow for a new 3-story residential condominium building. B. PARCEL SIZE: Approximately 116 x 243 (on Ford Parkway) = 28,200 sq ft C. EXISTING LAND USE: Vacant Pizza Hut and parking lot D. SURROUNDING LAND USE: North: East: South: West: Single family residential on Pinehurst, Zoned R-4 Multi-family residential, Zoned RM-2 Hillcrest Recreation Center & Highland Library, Zoned R-4/Muki-family residential, Zoned RM-2 Burger King Restaurant/Clinic/Professional Office, Zoned B-3 E. ZONING CODE CITA'ITON: Sec. 64.400(a) of the Zoning Code provides in part that "the council may, from time to time, amend, supplement or change the district boundaries or the regulations herein, or subsequently established herein pursuant to the provisions of Minnesota Statutes Section 462.357 and amendments thereto as may be made from time to time. The pianning commission may, from time to time, review district boundary lines to determine if, pursuant to state laws, such district boundary lines should be changed." • Zoning File #O1-122-867 Pagetwo Section 64.400(b) provides, in part, that "an amendment to the zoning code may be initiated by the council, the planning commission or by a petition of the owners of 67 percent of the azea of the property to be rezoned." F. HISTORY/DISCUSSION: 6/81 Site plan for Pizza Hut approved 11167 Pemut for TCF approved 6/60 Pemut for 40 caz parking lot approved 11/41 Rezoning from Commercial to "C" Residential approved G. DISTRICT COUNCIL RECOMIVIENDATION: The Higtiland Area Community Council, at its February 1 boazd meeting, voted unanimously to support the proposed rezoning. : y i.i i� i.[e�� � Mendota Homes, Inc. has purchased the properiy at 1941 Ford Pazkway and intends to demolish the existing vacant Pizza Hut restaurant and construct a 3-story 30-unit residential condominium building with 48 underground and 6 visitor pazking spaces. Units would be sold to residents aged 55 and over. Twenty-nine of the thirty units would be 1386 squaze feet in size and have two bedrooms. The remaining unit would have one bedroom in 1001 square • feet. 2. The site plan indicates that the building would have a brick exterior and would be setback 21 feet from the sidewalk. The single family homes on Pinehurst, which are constructed at a higher elevation than the Ford Parkway site, would be screened by a new taller inter-locking retaining watI and evergreen pIantings. The applicants explored the possibility of constructing a mixed-use building which would not have required a rezoning but were convinced by neighborhood residents and the Highland Area Community Council that traffic congestion associafed witfi new office or retait uses at that location would make a 100% residential building preferable. At the request of the district council, Mendota Homes revised their plan and submitted the attached application for rezoning. 4. The site is adjacent to other multi-family residential structures on properiy zoned RM-2. As such, rezoning this site would not constitute spot zoning. 5. The proposec3 use is not consistent with the 1985 Highlcrred Yillage Plan which called for this site to be reserved for "Convenience Goods Stores and Services," where fast-food restaurants would be pernutted. It is, however, consistent with the 1999 Housing Plcni that calis for the construction of 6000 new housing units and emphasizes higher density housing for smaller • households in transit corridors. ot-35 PET!'ftON TO AMPND TNE ZONING CODE � DeParlMent of Planning and Econornic Development • Zoning Section II00 City Hall Attner 25 West Faurth Srreet � Saint Paul, MN SSIO2 266-6589 APPLICANT PROPERTY LOCATION Property Owner__�QtaG[ojT�. -N�wc2,f . (h�-. Address � - � • �x � �p ' City �GLL=2� St.�Zip Daytimephone� `�o«(-�(o� Contact person ('rf different)_ ��Vt �-t0.�rEVCL � Legai description ' � (attach additional sheet if necessarvl TO THE HQNORABLE MAYOR AT1D CITY COUNCIL: Pursuant to Section 64.qQ0 of the Saint Paul Zoning Ordinance and !o Section 462.357(5) of Minnesota Statues, f���Pind��ic-1}ix�2� �v��. , the owner of aii the land proposed for rezoning, hereby petitions you to rezone the above described property from a ��'� zoning district to a �Nl'�- zoning district, forthe purpose of: l.l`�V�SZ VViLxt eln �'� GL• � � � 30 - lA-vl�� C.C1✓�G�= (.6L41�I�I,Cy_.. I�t,f,a �Gi-tf�i.�� Ii,1t {.LI�.d2ti%�11L.(� r�/LtiIGCI�� �V �p,��S�u.� GCC�.� � U��{ r c�l,d2.v. (aftach additiona/ sheet(s) if necessary) Attachments: Required site plan 0 Consent pe8fion � Affidavft Subscribed and swom to before me this J day of QnuL� , ���j � � d G /7� Not P b'c JANICE E. MAGNUSON Notary Public-Minnesota Ramsey County My Commission Expires Jan. 31, 2005 r` ` . By:��u1...��(,��a /�.� /�{�fof�{-E�til Fee owner of praperty �� l `` . Titie: Page 1 of 02/96l2081 17:f7tl b�16tl4b7bL J�� � � C V C -_ t� \ � C jf@x�F � � y � � 'l�,i£ o . { � � , � =E' I Q y � � p �` $ �� O ; p 'jR! , � � V q tl j\ � �- � : '\ � QI � ??�€��- N V � � � � � ` I I \ I ' I � � �J � r_` "`i �� \ =� es � R3 � �d MICIYIIU I H I'1UI"IC� I HUL Ui1 UL � � � ��"i �(�.. "�Y � "�1 _- • � • � �u�w sawoa rz�axa a I{ g � h � --�-Q a � � � � :.. :.. : . . - .. -';+: '�r";; -= ' . _ . • :. _.a1-35� 70NING P�TITION SUI+'r�CIENCY CIi�C�: S1�E'Z' �- xr.�zo�nv� ScuP - ' r�cur FIRST SUBMITTED DATE PBTITION SUB7vIITTED: ( � � ( DATE OFFICIALLY RECEIVED: �. ��,.o � 'E�' ,`asw�f.�' � PARCELS ELIGIBLE: ' � PARCELS REQUIRED: �' PARCELSSIG�IED: I� 'I"L/0� DATE PETITION RESUBhfITTED: I' 2'�� V I DATE OFFICIALLY RECEIYED: ��► t0 � v+ � rr�...-r a,- c'�� � t PARCELS ELIGIBLE: I V /� PARCE-IS REQUIRED: PARCELS SIGNED: l� CIiECKED BX: �� ��'��- " DATE: !` I Z�� / zo���� ��L� 0�-.�6 . • . �. - - 81/83/2001 11:�9 b' - •' • � ,�'.��.: . . ': � ., � .. . CZ�`X OF S.A.�h� PAUL , CONSLN7'•OF AD70INING PROPER7Y OWNERS rOR A �REZO�VING Wq tiu undersigned, owncrs ofthc propcdy �vidiln !00 feet oFtiu totai contig�+ous deseription of rexi cstate o�vned, purcliased, oc sold by THE PET1TlONER ��ithin one }ti�r precedin� th� date of t]»s petition nel:nowledoe tlrnt �ve l�avc becn presented �rid+ the following: I. A copy of U�e petitiou of m mzone the proputy Ic �_ � Zonittg disiricl to a�� Z Zoningdislrici. ham n B` --_ 2, q copy aCsectians �� ���rou&h �" indusive of diy � zon n� d�striat tnd tve a e nckno�vlcdge thae we nre n�vare oF nfl oP Qu uses permu�ed in a�(n— —� nw�re that any oFthcsc uses rnn be estnblislxd upon City Counnl approcnl of th� [ezoning• 1Ve hereby eo�a�O�r��„__�p1f tl�e prop��y in the petitiott of; �� Y7Ar�u.� �fYK� ton,�,2zotlingc�islrict. C.�l/ry (Nanie otp�tit+oner) \Ve conscnt to tl�e �pproval of this Tczonina as it tvas expinined to us by the �pplicant or his/hcr rcpresentntivc_ n�rr. . /4°�!/ � ��' . , /9S ` �/ �O hc�d.f>� � / 93"��.�.�.��.�w ' r43: v��;..,....� %g6o �:,vc v,(s; J1n �1 �14 Ptt.t�N S� ' tiauo � �9y �N� qe�,� % � � �� M Ji}�qf , �✓�TA ,1�' � ,1 �� � J � _ �z /s/vo � ,,�;� �y f 3o�e'r' �. �� o0 . � _. _ _ L '/_• ) i:^� � • � -- ' �'m ' ,���I�IN� �� ' � �) � �� r f . i �- 1 �� �� �/l1F� - NOl'E: This petition shall not be considered as officially filcd unlil tne lapse of soyen (ij �vorking daysafteritisnceivedbythePlanningDivision. Anysignalorofthispe(itionriaytvithd.���-hislhcr name thereCrom by tivritten request within that time. •�- • � ; �_t �:_�.� . CX�'X Ok' SA.XI't �'.A.TJL CONSEiVI'�OF ADJOINING PROPERTY OWNERS FOR A � x,�zoN�Nc ��-3�l �Ye, lhe undersigned, o�vncrs of the property tvitl�in 100 feet oCtlu total contiguous description of real estate o�vned, purcliased, or sold by "1�NE PETITIONGR within one year preceding die date of d�is petition acknotivtedoe that tve I�ave bccn presented u•i[ll tUe fo!(ou•ing: A copy oEthe petition oF to rezone thc property Ic f�om 1��3 2onino district to a�� Z zoning distritt. • � 2. A copy ofsections �.�.�� through �/� •�f53 , inclusive oFtlu Saint Paul Zoning Code; and flckno�vledoc tliat �ve nre lware of nll of Aie uses permit[ed in n /y/— 2 zoning district end tve are ��vare that nny of lhese tises cnn be estlblislied t�pon City Counc+l approval of the cazon'sng. \Ve heceby consent to the rczonina oFthe property� in the petition oF, /yIE�IOJ�1 �f�t1�lC-� �32C— p , �/, /�9� to n/)� 2 zoning district. (Name oFpetitioner) \Vc consent fo fhe npproval of this rezoninb as it �vas expl�ined fo us by fhe arp!ic�nf er his!licr repres�nt�fivc. NOTE: This petition sha11 not be considered as o�c�ally ltted untu tne lapse o* seyen �iJ �vorn�a�b days after it is received by the Planning Division. Any signator of this petition ri3y withd:z��' his/hcr name thereErom by tvritten request within ihat time. �:�� �.� � 4 . t .. • . � . ' . _ - � �', " CIT'X OF SA.INT PAUL CONSENT' OF ADJOINING PROPERTY OWNERS FOR A • . REZONING \Ve, tl�e undersigned, owners oEttie property within 100 feet ofthe total contiguous description of real estate o�vned, purcliased, or sold by THE PETITIONLR within one year precedino the date of this petition acknowledoe that we have bcen presented tvith tfie folfo�vino: l. A copy of the petition of to rezone the property tocated at from a '�zonino district to a�zoning district. 2. A copy ofsections�,`�" through •�S , inctusive ofd�e Saint Paul Zoning Code; and acknowledoe diat we nre awlre of al I of the uses permitted in a� zonin� district and we are aware that any of these uses can be established upon City Coimc�l approval of the rezoning. \Ve hereby consent to the rezonine of the property in the petition of; (��(, �l1�- toa� zoningdistrict. (Name of petitioner) \Vc consent to ftie approval of this rezoning as it �vas expinined to us by the �PPlicnnt or his/her representative. • /�/��r • hOT�: This petition shall not be considered as officially filed until the tapse ot seven ��� worxu�g days after it is received by the Planning Division. Any signator of this petition may withdra�v his/her name therefrom by wTitten request within that time. . p� �5i � � PE'TITION TO REZON� AFFIDAVIT O�' PETITIO2\ER STATE OF MII�TNESOTA) COIJ�tTY OP RAMSEY ) SS The petitioner, �� l2 F -�,{L�{-(„P�LL , being first duly s«�orn, deposes and states that the consent petition contains siQnahires from at least t�r•o-thirds ( of all eligible properties �vithin 100 feet of all property o�vned, purchased, or sold by petitioner �vithin one (1) year precedin� the date of this petition ���hich is conti�uous to the property described in the petition; petitioner is informed ihat the consent petition must contain si�nahires froin each and ali o�vners of jointly-owned property in order to constitute consent from that property and that failure to obtain consent from each and all o��ners could invalidate the consent petition; petitioner belie�•es that the consent petition �vas signed by each of said owners and that the signatures are the true and correct sienatures of each and all of the parties so described. �(.t�-�r �(iUa 2�C �-ov NAME �(eD.ClSfu �{on 5� J�r , �a, ��k� ��c�� � ADDRESS C�sl -(��-�`tc�/ TELEPHONE I�TUMBER • Subscribed and sworn to before me this� day of ��dv,,z�t� , 7c9 2.�0/ � NOTARY PUBLIC DEBRA 9. BRANOIS - NOTARYPU81lC-MfMICESOSA biY CAMM�SSIOt+ EXPIRE5 JAN. 31, 2005 /" =� ,� Pa�e of 1/31/97 AFFIDAVIT OF PERSON CIRCULATING THE CONSENT PETITION STATE OF MINNESOTA) SS COUNTY OF RAMSEY) �yu� /�a�u— , being first duly sworn, deposes and states that �h�� s the person who circulated the consent petition consisting of � pages; that a iffant represents that the parties described on the consent petition are all the respective owners of the properties p(aced immediately before each name; that affiant is informed and believes that each of the parties described on the consent petition is an owner of the property which is within 100 feet of any property owned, purchased, or so(d by petitioner within one (1) year preceding the date of fhis petition which is contiguous to the property described in the petition; that this consent was signed by each of said owners in the presence of this affiant, and that the signatures are the true and correct signatures of each and al! of the parties so described. Subscribedand sworn i�r�e€3�e ��� this �`�ay of 4�rMS�tc�. . 20�_ �� ' _� �./�' . , .- pc gqp_ S. BRANDIS UtiiPRY FiNiL1C - 7AINNESOTA tyiY COMMtSSiON � � z� �ES .+Ati.31.200.5 W • NAME � �� ✓t�Oi''c�� !�-c. �b�C�K�h�Ye.rl /.u�J ADDRESS �,7-io�`{ 9�07 TELEPHONE NUMBER Page of 1/3/00 • • �c-35� \J 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. � 17. SUNRAY-BATTLECREEK-HIGHWOOD HAZEL PARK HADEN-PROSPERITY HILLCREST WEST SIDE DAYTON'S BLUFF PAYNE-PHALEN I�IORTH BND THOMAS-DALE SUMMIT-UNIVEF2SITY � WEST SE'VENTH COMO HAMLTNE-MIDWAY ' ST. AN'THONY PARK MERRIAM PARK-LE3�INGTON HAMI.INE-SNELLIh'G H.4ML�E MACALESTER GROVEI.AND HIGHLA1dD SUMMTT �TT .T • DOWNTOWN � � _ ( � ���� � � CITIZEN PARTTCIPATION PLANNING DISTRTCIS 0 n � � ,Z�::3������ �-��.� ---- I � � - � zz-�s67 i a HIGHLAND DISTRICT 15 ON �, _ ,,; p1-35� Zoning File #O1-122-867 � Page three On balance, however, the proposed rezoning is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan for three reasons: The 1985 Plan did not envision a mix of commercial and residential uses now recommended in the City's Land Use Plan as a�neans of reducing travel between uses, increasing public safety with 24 hour a day activiry, and adding density to the city's transit corridors. This site was not considered to be at the heart of the commercial district but, rather, was designated as a low density development area on the edge of the district centered at Ford Parkway and Cleveland. The proposed use fits within most of the physical constraints recommended by the plan: 3 stories, minimum front yard setback of 15 feet, and side and rear setbacks of 10 feet. The proposed use is 3 stories with a front setback of 21 feet and side and rear setbacks of 18, 27 and 20 feet. 6. There is no evidence that the proposed rezoning would have a negative impact on surrounding property owners or on property values in the area. Nor would the proposed use result in a significant increase in traffic over the most recent use (a Pizza Hut) or have a greater impact • on the various public systems (e.g. streets, sewers, transit, schools) that serve the area. 7. Sec. 64.400(b) of the Zoning Code requires that a rezoning may be initiated by petition of the owners of sixty-seven percent of the area of the property to be rezoned. As the attached documentation indicates, consent of owners of 11 of the eligible 16 parcels was required for the application to be deemed sufficient. Owners of 11 of the parcels indicated their consent. The applicant will be applying for vaziances from the Board of Zoning Appeals. Those variances would relate to side and rear setbacks, lot coverage and room densities. I. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Based on findings 1 through 8, staffrecommends approval ofthe rezoning of 1941 Ford Parkway from B-3 to RM-2. � � : w, � L 4 ��'� � n _ W r . �� .r s �'� Ci �. :,°y '7� �: � �� �� '�� _._.�,,.��..,,�._-__:_�� � � � �� ��, _�_ .�- - __�� � � - �' �� .. !J �°l' �.J C_ �` i '1 1::� ye � 1 ;.e .:x -:� �% :b 4 3 � � _ � F . . .. � � �'- � - .. _ ' -��� , 6 � c� c � F� �. ., _ � �> �� �� cz �U �, :r� `�,� v'� v �: �; �. e. u . � ...� i I� •-�-- �" � � �.: - l hw��, � • ; ) 'R.-- - �p'6'4-���OQBC�g .:HrJ ` « "�'y `j,�.' 6'� I � _ �-, ���� ��- �?t � i ., el � _ �r �� i. \ �`�Y `.�' �j � ey At,y ,i �y, ,+�.� ;�,:. � : �� � .� � — � ' + � - � d ++- � �K'� , ^ : ' E y, � " �� � �" � �; ... �b ��.' A �Ay;r �siT� . atA ^' ` "" ��.b....��F___ '�..9 F,.d �"" �J.. & y I y = i " , .'-.. I » � - u��, � �sr4�` �~�E`�' �-�:^ ::�� � � • - �� :� 4 FtlL,LCF2�ST�+"�' ',`.�`'� -� ,`=•� ,:s.wA . �� - , � �� .f�� $�;fx�c?W�Sr�n`t� . - �ti ; . i \.! ---�` � . ' ' s ' . 'v�• &a � �i C� ' � � ' t � 4bf , - � r' " { �� �� i �• .. � � ,. . �.•���:� .n�.., . . k �� - L .. �� � pa. �[ EI � L__�.� __� `. " �� d l :5� � ��;J � �..., � "^"°�«_.�...W^'-.. � Bt2HLAPkFJ A�� , -- - , --� �. �„., �, r; � � ,��,,. . `,.-;� �9 � �. � c � � �s. �] �: � _ � � � ' �— n ) �•� ��' ��� ''. ' � � � `� G.' ., �, - x ,, :� �� � �. , Q _ �, F*�' `" � f� c �•ti. �''�� `' `�"`�.� � ' a �� �'� �' � �K� � �� r��t� J �c� „����N� � " ' . � n "`� � � ,.�� � � � �, �1�� � C? � . , .. . µ I � v l V '�. .,... _ . . .. .. .... . .. ...«X' � �.> �+;� l� V .� Q .�c� ^,:�ti __� . `. I � �6 � \ „ 4, � _ ,� � ` � " � � � '7 �� J� 4'� k2 C'� ^� � �� � � Q �.� a , • , ,�. � a � � ��� - --- ��J >. � C„ J J, c� i i ,. i, r- �c „ ' �-?. � � � .::� �' �� � � � � e� s� �. � � �.h - �� ��� �9 � � � � ,. � ���,t � a, .�._.:�._. _. ._ ---- -- _ _-__ �€__ �s,NC �` ������ , . . . , ; . ; � . � . -. � _� G � . A �� °,� , � �,F;a,r.� :� � � r.z � c �� c, �� . � ., " —` e�'� ���E � � ;, _ � �� ��.,� , • r-- �.-�,�., � �� � . ��� ��.�•, � � *_ ,� m, ,�� .�� _� � �i:m � � ,.., ` j ' _ _.'"' , .. APPUCADJT. �� � `IC LEGENO R�Q(�! �3 � R��� ..,.........�..�, zoniny distri.:t t�ouridary PURPOSE.� — � k � �'iG� (/ / DATE '... ��•0� ��i77TlTn' subjed p�opert/ P�NG. DIST �� hiAP „ r 0 0 one family ., � �N� lamily Gi� � , -••i �-� Q muitiple �amity , � `- �' _� ,-�----.�._.� i v �__ � ��i • �� ����� � i ��°��.t.t.�� e �-3� 1 ��prh�•- • • ^ Conm�r��a: 0 �are. If1:�USi:i=?: V va:.3i; ��� �,Po�. � � � 0 �j� W �tt LL_I t:1 t� {-� �� t.f� f�:� �Ca�'r�:7 n � z� L�-J � � f :.l LL� IT� c� ra a� i-.t�1 ;_:Ci 11l �_r � � �-.��� � F� � d LT �7 L-L! LSJ Lls �f�� 1.1� � ��: � ... � _ £ o �� 35� r�— � � N � \ 1 � � � v � � � s ;� ll'!I'.S.LIV� 11.UVIAI +KYIWq'C-'1YVYl . t91:1h1/dQ . � � � ♦1 V v � � N N � � - v �i � � � � _' �... .-�.vw� u„vnrna va[onPQicO Ip:CT TLIq]/bT/].N ol -351 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING The Saint Paul City Council will conduct a public hearing on Wednesday, March 7, 2001, at 5:30 pm. in the City Council Chambers, Third Floor, City Hall- Courthouse, 15 West Kellogg Boulevard, Saint Paul, MN, to consider the applicafion of Mendota Homes, Inc. to rezone property from B-3 to RM-2 to allow for the construction of a new 3-story residential condominium at 1941 Ford Parkway (between Kenneth and Howell Streets). Dated: February 28, 2001 Nancy Anderson Assistant City Council Secretary _ _ � _. , Nancy_Anderson 01 122-867march7v01cchn.wPd _ . . . . _ __ ___ .... _. _-___._ _ .,___ ___. .._._._.. _. _ .. Page 1,,, �1-35 � sTPA�.���o��, Public Heazing Notice CIIYOFSAWiPA[IL DcpcofPlammgmd Ewuo�cDn�dy�mcvc Phovc(WI)266d589 Fcc (65])Yt83220 F'icE # mazzss� PURPOSE: Remae properly from B-3 tu RM-2 to allow for the construction of a new 3-sWry residential condominium. PROPERI'1 ADDRESS: 1941 Ford Parkway, 6etween IfemetL and Howell. APPLICANT: Mendota Homes Inc m+AR1NG DATE: Wednesdav March 7.2001, at 530 n.m. All public hearings are held in City Comcil Chambecs, 3'" Floor City Hall - Co�u[ House, 15 W. Ke➢ogg Boulevard. You may send wtitten comments to the Zoning Office at the address Gsted on the revene side of tivs cazd- Please call Nancy Homans, PED, at (651)2666557, or your Dishict Council Representative at (651) 695-4005 ifyou have any quesfions. Mvlctl:22d01 I �� I I Public Hearing Notice ST Pl1� �� r.��LIL CITYOPSAW'IPA[1L Dcpc ofPleming and EwmwcPevelopmevt Pham: (651) 266L589 Pax: (fi51) 228-3220 FII.E # m-uzss� PiJItPOSE: Rezone properry from B-3 to RM-2 to allow for the construc4ou of a new 3-srory residential condominium. PROPERI'P ADDRESS: 1941 Ford Parkway, between Kenneth and Howell. APPLICANT: Mendota Homes Inc. HEARING DATE: Wednesdav March 7. 2001, at 530 o.m. All public hearings are held in G4ty Council Chambers, 3i Floor City Hall - Court House, IS W. Kellogg Boulevazd. You may send written commenCS to the Zoning Office at the address lisied on the reverse side of thu cazd. Please call Nancy Homans, PED, at (65 ])266-6557, or yow District Council Representarive at (651) 695-4005 ifyou have any quesdons. �4`°,W(.v^,.a'.i �:�. �fa�i'�--�`� ��`�� �., ,__ .., a, �.,. .. '* ^, E' F=.wr a,- _.a. � _. �.�v4