01-1262QRIGi�IAL Presented By Referred To Council File # O l— �.1.�. a. Green Sheet # �O'3'�. $ � RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL,IVIINNESOTA 3 � � i� Comxnittee: Date WHEREAS, Chapter 293 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code was enacted to regulate the subject of noise in the City of Saint Paul; and WHEREAS, §293.11 provides for the granting of variances from the sound level limitations contained in §293.09, upon a finding by the City Council that full compliance with Chapter 293 would constitute an unreasonable hardship on an applicant, other persons or on the community; and WHEREAS, Scanlon's Pub, Inc, represented by Tom Scanlon, President, who has been designated as the responsible person on the application, has applied for a variance to allow live music at 2162 University Avenue, on March 15, 16 and 17, 2002; and WHEREAS, applicant is seeking a variance for the hours of 6:00 p.m. to midnight on March 15, 2002 and noon to midnight on March 16 and 17, 2002; and WHEREAS, if applicant is not granted a variance it will not be able to present the live music; and WHEREAS, the Office of License, Inspections, and Environmental Protection has reviewed the application and has made recommendations regarding conditions for the variance; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby grants a variance to Scanlon's Pub, subject to the following conditions: 1) The variance shall be for the hours of 6:00 p.m. to midnight on March 15, 2002 and from noon to midnight on March 16 and 17, 2002. 2) All electronically powered equipment used in conjunction with the event shall not exceed 95 dBA as measured at the wall opposite the stage. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 3) The applicant shall provide personnel and equipment who shall provide continuous sound level monitoring between 6:00 p.m. and midnight on March 15, 2001 and between noon and midnight on March 16, and 17, 2002 to ensure compliance with Condition #2. 4) A11 electronically powered equipment, PA systems, loudspeakers or similar devices shall be turned off no later than midnight on March 15, 16 and 17, 2002. 5) 6) Scanlon's Pub will provide a total of ten (10) satellite restrooms. Scanlon's Pub will police surrounding properties every hour for removal of debris. 0 \ -1 �.v'�— FURTHER RESOLVED, that any violation of the conditions set forth above on the March 15, 2002 date may result in revocation of the grant of a variance for the March 16 and 17, 2002, dates, and any violation of the conditions set forth above during the March 16, 2002 date may also result in revocation of the grant of a variance for the March 17, 2002 date, in addition to any criminal citation which might issue. �ii�lJEiL��L Requested by Department of: 1 4i..,�%!A Form Approved by City Adopted by Council: Date l)e�. �Z c30 O� Adoption Certified by Council Secretary BY � � �-� C�- 7�'�- O Approved by Mayor: Date �� ���� By: gy: � —� Approved By , C for Submission to Cotutcil OFFICE OF LISP Date: 11/2/2001 � GREEN SHEET N 103283 °`�` ark R. Raisersatt 266-9147 ]_ EP�T�T DIR%ClOR x�rr mvNCxz �, Z xxr rTroxtass xsr ci.sxx �: ust be on Council Agenda by: � ��' nzxEECrox IN. 6 MGT. SVC. DIA. � 12/5�2001 ,// 3 YOA (ORASSISTANP) OTAL # OF SIGNATIIRE PAGSS 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNAZ'URE) CTION REQUESTED: esolution granting Scanlon's Pub, Inc., dba the Dubliner Pub, a sound level ariance from the sound level limitations contained in Chapter 293.09. COMMENDATIONS: APPROVB (A) OR RH3ECT (R) BRSONAL 58RVIC8 CONTRACTS MQST ANSwBR TF[8 POLLOSPLNG� PLANNTNG COt�41ISSION CIVIL SERVICE C0�4AISSZON i. Has the person/firm ever worked under a contract foE th>s depaztment? CIB COPIIAITTEE HUSINE55 REVIEW COUNCIL YES NO STAFF _ Has this person/fiYm ever been a City employee? DISTRICT COURT YES NO 3. Does Chis person/fixm poasess a skill not nozmally possessed by any UPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL QflJECTIVE? CuYYent City empLOyee? YSS NO lain all Y85 anewers ou a separate sheet and attach. INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (Who, What, When, Where, Why): Tom Scanlon, Owner, Scanlon�s Pub, Inc. has reguested a sound level variance for live music in an outdoor tent on the parking lot of the Dubliner Pub, 2162 niversity Avenue W.. The music is scheduled from 6:00 p.m, to midnight on arch 15, 2002, and from noon to midnight on March 16 & 17, 2002, during the St. Patrick's Day weekend. VANTAGES IF APPROVED: ill place conditions that will limit the sound impact on surrounding residential and commercial areas. ISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: Persons living or working near 2162 University Avenue W. will be able to hear the sounds from the music. ISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: The sound level impact on surrounding residential and commercial areas could e greater with no conditions. pplicant may not be able to present the music without exceeding the sound level limitations contained in 293.09. TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION S 400 COST/REVENUE BUDGETED YES .NO FUNDING SOURCE 320-33350 ACTIVITY 6��aa�,4+1�4�3 ar' ��.z__,... �. .� FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) • For staff monitoring and overtime as needed. , 5 ��,� �� 2��1 � �� .��� x�?�.,,,: _t__. �� �_��,- OFFICE OF LICENSE, NSPECTIOFS AtiD ENVIRO��fE�TALPROTECTIOV Robert Kessler, Dnector CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Coleman, �Lfayor LOWRYPROFESSIONAL BG'lLDI.VG Suite 300 350 St PeterStreet SmntPaul.,LLnnesota SSIO?-l510 � � ��7'��"' Telepha�e: 651-266-9090 Facn m+le: 651-266-9099 651-2 6 5 91 21 Application for Sound Level Variance City of Saint Paul Noise Ordinance Chapter 293 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code 1. Organization or person seeking � 7. Address or legal description of noise source / . S Noise source time of operation: 10 �� 9. Briefly describe the steps that will be taken to i Q Briefiy state c'eason for seekin� I 1. Dates during which the variance is , ;, ODL Sianature of responsible person__ D1te �D �'✓� ' B� . Return completed Applic�tion and $150.00 fee to: CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF LIEP 350 ST. PETER STREET, SUITE 300 SAINT PAUL, MN 55102-1510 (651)266-9090 the noise 011"ice Use Only Date Rec'd. Reviened Date Public Notice Sent Refeaed to Council nuisc� ur.nPP ��) � � 3. Responsibleperson: '7C/�'+'7 b.c �JLo n) 4. Title or position: �2 ��.t� OFFICE OF LICENSE, INSPECTIONS AND ENVIRONMENTAL PRO'IECTION pt _ ��, Rager Cunis, Director CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Coleman, Mayar November l, 2001 TO: FROM: SUBJECT: LOWRYPROFESSIONALBUILDING Tekphone: 651d66-9090 350 Si. Peter Street, Suiie 300 F¢csimile: 65I-26b9124 SainlPaul,Minnesota55702-ISIO A'eb: ww�+�.ci.sipaul.mrs.us/liep Nancy Anderson, Council Investigation & Research Room 310, City Hall Mazk Kaisersatt �/� Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection Sound Level Variance Live Outdoor Music, Dubliner Pub Attached is a sound level variance application from Tom Scanlon, Owner, Scanlon's Pub, Inc., to ailow live music in an outdoor tent on the parking lot of the Dubliner Pub at 2162 University Avenue W.. A variance is requested during the St. Patrick's Day weekend, &om 6:00 p.m. to midnight on March 15, 2002, and from noon to midnight on March 16 & 17, 2002. Also attached is a copy of the Public Hearing Notice sent to property owners within 200 feet of 2162 University Avenue W.. Please have this item piaced on the Council agenda for December 5, 2001. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me at 266-9147. ow. 1V11\11/ri� Attachments c: file ryryr ��k�t5 �IIlM'Fk`'� � l�dar.. , a> ' °,E ��`�� � 'a�'� �`WU t9eE� �� - 3 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING ��,�� St. Paul Property Owner: This is to inform you of a request for a vaziance from the sound level lunitations as indicated in the St, paul Noise Ordinance (Chapter 293 of the St. Paul Legislarive Code). A public hearing before the City Council on this variance request will be held on: Date: December 5, 2001 Time: 5:30 p.m. Location: 3rd floor, City Hall Council Chambers Within fifteen (1� days of the mailing date on ttus notice, written comments or objecrions tnay be filed with thec City of St Paul, Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protec&on, 350 St. Peter Street, Suite 300, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102-1510. Description of Variance: Noise Source: Scanlon's Pub, Inc. has requested a sound level variance for live outdoor music. The music wi]] be played from 6:00 p.m ro midnight on Mazch I5, 2002, and from noon to midnight on Mazch 16 & 17, 2002. Locarion: In an outdoor tent on the pazking lot of the Dubliner Pub, 2162 UniversiTy Ave. W. If you have any ques[ions, please feel free to call Mazk Kaisersatt (651) 266-9147. (Mailed 11/5/2001) t������� �t����� F+��F���\ ki� � � l—l�c,a. St. Anthony Park Community Council December 5, 2001 5teve Roy City of St. Paul Office ofLicense, lnspections and Environmental Protection 3S0 St. Peter Street, Suite 300 St. Paul, MN 55102 Dear Mr. Roy: � o�lo I G� �7 �� lo`/ J / Q/ C��� �� � On December 5�', 2001, the St. Anthony Park Community Council approved the request for a variance from the sound ]evel limitations as indicated in the St. Paul Noise Ordinance (Chapter 293 of the St. Paul Legisiative Codej. The request is by the Dubliner Pub, which is located at 2162 University Avenue West. The sound level variance for live music wili be for their annual St. Patrick's Day party on the dates of Mazch I5, 16, and 17, 2002. Mr. Tom Scanlon appeared before the Housing and Human Services Committee on November 29, 2001 to give a short presentation of his plans for the Irish Celebration. Mr. James Goldberg of the Midwest Hotel was also present, and the committee encouraged the two gentlemen to come to an agreement reguding the compensation of Mr. Goidberg by Mr. Scanlon, for his disrupted business. The Executive Committee voted in agreement with the Housing and Human Seivices Committee to support the sound vaziance We thank Mr. Scanlon and Mr. Goldberg for appeazing before the Community Council in cooperative spiriis, and wish them a successfiil agreement ihat continues to work in years to come Sincerely, l/ y^'s�� Chtistine M. Tuhy Community �rganizer Cc: Mr. Tom Scanlon, Dubliner Pub Mr. Goldberg, Midwest Hote[ Councilmember 7ay Benanav, Ward 4 890 Cromwell Avenue, Saint Paul, Minnesoa 53f 14 :• 65 tl644-5992 voice •: 65tl649-5993 fax �,., e , t• , o � ; � JAY BENANAV Councilmember December 12, 2001 CITY OF SAINT PATJL OFFICE OF THE CITY COUNCIL 310 CITY HALL IS WEST KELLOGG BOULEVARD SAINT PAliL, MN 55102-1615 PHONE: (651) 26b-8b40 FAX: (651) 266-8574 TO: Tom Scanlon, Scanlon Pub, Inc. Jim Goldberg, Midwest Hotel FR: Councilmember Jay Benanav ��� ��/� RE: Agreement reached between parties for the noise variance request at the Dubliner Pub, 2162 University Avenue West, March 15, 16, & 17, 2002 o �-�a�c.,— ��'L1yL'�C./ I want to thank you both for meeting with me on Dec. 10, to work out an understanding in conjunction with the noise variance request for March 15, 16 and 17, 2002. I appreciated your willingness to speak frankly about these issues with me and with each other. I would like to reiterate the agreement we reached regarding the noise variance request: 1) 2) Amplifiers and speakers in the tent will be directed away from the hotel, and facing west into the south portion of the Dubliner Pub parking lot. Amplified rock music will play until midnight on Friday, March 15. 3) On Saturday March 16 and Sunday, March 17, Irish tradition music will play until midnight. If there are significant complaints, Tom Scanlon will make every effort to reduce the volume. 4) Tom Scanlon will staff the Midwest parking lot to keep its patrons from parking there. The Midwest Hotel will provde "a few parking spaces" to Tom 5canlon's staff, but not for the Dubliner Pub patrons. 5) Tom Scanlon will invite Midwest Hotel residents to attend the Dubliner events, by providing free passes for all three days at the hotel desk. Again, thank you for your willingness to reach a compromise. The ciry council will be acting on this issue this afternoon at 3:30 p.m. in the City Council Chambers. cc: Mark Kaisersatt, LIEP Melissa Mathews, St. Anthony Park Community Council ��� Printed on Recycled Paper