01-1243�RIGI�IAL Council File # p � � � .'1�'a ora��e # Green Sheet # t[s33 � 1 ORDINANCE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA a5 Presented By Refened To Committee Date : An ordinance requiring persons or organizations that engage in vehicle immobilization services to be licensed 0 0 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: � Section 1 A new Chapter383 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code is hereby enacted: 383.01. Definitions. As used in this chapter: Lockinq wheel boot. A mechanical clamp ar boot which is professionally manufactured and desie�d to lock the front left wheel of a motor vehicle, immobilizin�he vehicle and preventing anvone but a keyholder from removing the clamp. Yehicle immobilization. Use of a locking wheel boot that, when attached to the wheel of a vehicle, prevents the vehicle from movin� without damage to tYte tire to which the locking wheel boot is attached. Vehicle immobilization service. A�erson, firm or corporation who at the request of a np 'vate proroertv owner en�ag.es in the act of vehicle immobilization of vehicles that have been roarked or placed on a�rivate parkang lot without permission of the owner or �ayment of a narkingfee. 383.02. License required. No person, firm or corporation shall provide vehicle immobilization services as described herein without being licensed. 383.03. License fee. The fee for a vehicle immobilization seroice license shall be as set forth in section 310.09�b) and 310.18 of the Saint Paul Leeislarive Code. 383.04. Application for license. An application for a license under this chapter shall be made upon formsprovided by the office of license, ins�ecfions and environmental protection, and shall contain such information as the office may renuire. includin� the following; �1.� The name, date of birth, and street address of the�lace where the �USHEU �r 7 oa 1 applicant resides, and if the applicant is a�utnershi�cor�oration 2 or other entitv, the names and addresses of its officers and 3 shareholders. 4 5 � Whether the apnlicant has been convicted of an�crime or 6 ordinance violation within the past seve�ears �recedinQ the date 7 of the aprolication or is currentl�probation for any crime the 8 conviction date of which is older than seven years, includinP the 9 specific chazge, date of conviction. place of conviction and the 10 sentence im�osed. 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 4$ 49 50 51 �3Z The street address and telephone number of the �lace where the �licant pronoses to operate the licensed business. � The location of anyprivate proroerty locations where the vehicle immobilization service will be conducted and the names and contact information of all persons authorized to order vehicle immobilization at each such location. 383.05. Rules of oaeration. In addition to any other ap�licable re¢ulations contained in this chanter or code all licensees under this chapter shall operate in strict accordance with the followina: L12 Prior to installin�a lockine wheel boot on any motor vehicle at the rec�uest of someone other than the vehicle's owner. the licensee shall determine that the parkinQ lot has warnin� siens advisin� that failure to pav the required parkin¢ fee may result in immobilization. � Vehicle immobilization service licensees shall use a nrinted order . form which includes the name, address and telephone number of the licensee's business, as well as space to enter the name of the person authorizine the service, the time the service was perforxned. the name of th�erson installin� the lockin�wheel boot, the location where the service is beine provided and a description of the vehicle to be immobilized. Everv form shall be completed in a l�ible manner and siened by the person who authorized the service. The person authorizine the service shall be present when the lockine wheel boot is attached to the vehicie and must be the owner or the propert�the licensee of the parkine lot or a duly authorized employee or aeent of the owner or parkine lot licensee. The vehicle immobilization service licensee shall have this authorized order form siQned, fullycompleted and in �ossession before installine the locking wheel boot. The amount chareed for the service, includin�any_parkin¢ fees due, shall be included on this order form and a copv of the form shali be given to the eu rson reclaimine the vehicle. The original completed order forms must be maintained at the licensee's place of business for a�eriod of at least two vears and shall be made available for review upon rec�uest of the Director of the Office of License, Ins�ections and Environmental Protection or his/her desianated representative. d � � \�.�'j 1 � A licensee under this chapter shall maintain a chtonolo '�cal log or 2 record of all vehicles that have been immobilized. The lo�shall 3 indicate a description of the vehicle. location that the service was 4 performed, rime or service, and time of vehicle release. This lo¢ 5 shall be made available for review upon request of the Director of 6 the Office of License. Inspections and Environmental Protection or 7 his/her designated representative. 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 �4,2 Whenever a lockin� wheel boot is installed on a vehicle, a blaze oranee warnine decal at least forty-seven (471 mches squaze in size shall be prominentiv placed in the center of the driver's side window or on the front windshield directl�n front of the steerine wheel. The decal must cleazly and leeiblv state that a lockine device has been installed on the front left wheel of the vehicle and that attempting to move the vehicle will cause serious dama�e to the vehicle. The decal shali displav the telephone number and address of the licensee. Upon pavment of the service fee, the licensee shall offer to remove the decal and shall have in possession the ap�ronriate materials to remove the decal and residue. �S,Z Vehicle immobilizarion service licensees shall maintain twentv- four 24) hour telephones and wheel lockin¢ removal services, and shall respond to a request to remove a wheel lockiz�y_ device within sixty (60) minutes. If a licensee does not appear to remove the wheel locking device within sixtv (601 minutes of a customer reauest, the lockine device sha11 be removed at no charPe exce�t that the customer shail still be rec�uired to roay the parkine fees due. � Vehicle immobilization service licensees shall not install a wheel lockine boot on any marked emergency vehicle or any United States militarv vehicle without a Saint Paul parking enforcement officer beingpresent. � In the event a vehicle is not claimed within twenty-four hours, the licensee shall notify the Saint Paul police denartment of the license number and descri�rion of the vehicle. If the vehicle was reported as stolen, the licensee shall, at the direction of a police officer. remove the vehicie immobilization device without chuee. 42 � The vehicle immobilization service maXnot attempt to collect 43 service ar parking fees after the vehicle has been impounded bv a 44 licensed tow truck. 45 o � -�ay3 46 383.06. Insurance required. Each a�plicant far a vehicle immobilizarion service license under 47 this cha�ter shall at all times keep in full force and effect a public liabilitY insurance policv 48 written bv an insurance companv authorized to do business in Minnesota in the amount of one 49 hundred thousand dollars ($100,000.00Zfor injury_ar death to one person, three hundred 50 thousand dollars ($300,000.001 for each in�urv or death &om each occurrence, and riventv-five 51 thousand dollars ($25.000.00� for property damage. Proof of the required insurance policv must 1 be submitted to the Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection. � 2 3 383.07. Service fee. The maximum service fee for vehicle immobilization shali not exceed 4 seventy-five percent (75%1 of the fee char�ed for a tow by the Citv of Saint Paul impound 5 facil�. rolus anv commercial parkin�lot fees due. No other service char es or parkine fees may 6 be chazged as a condition of removing the locking wheel boot b� the licensee under this cha�ter 7 or bv the p� lot where the vehicle unmobilization service is roerformed. Vehicle 8 immobilization service licensees shall honor all forms of paXment currentiy accepted by the Citv 9 of Saint Paul impound facilitv. 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Section 2 This ordinance is effective thirty (30) days following its passage, approval and publication. Adoption Certified by Council Secretary By: \ \.� a i T-�Y y c--� Approved by Mayor: Date � (r� /-�(r/ By : � Requested by Depaztment oE: BY' � e � Porm Approved by City �ney BY� ���'-Pl�LG(.� J V�CA//�4Y. Approved by Mayor or Submis 'on to Council Hy: � � �li 7 'Q� Adopted by Council: Date nx., a 6 a Do , OFFICE oF LIEP Date: GREEN SHEET `. Roger Curtis, Director November �, 2001 266-9013 N0 .103301 o�-+a�t3 1 EPARTMENT ➢IRECLOR 3 ITY COUfiCIL � 2 ITY ATTpANEY ZTY CLES2R Ha�erm ust b2 on CoUncil Agerid3 by: �' �� nzxscrox zx. s Mcx. suc. nzx. � s soon as ossible YoR coR Ass�sx�r� OTAL # OF SIGNATURB PAGPsS 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) CTION REQUESTED: An ordinance requiring persons or organizations that engage in ehicle immobilization services to be licensed. . COD9LSNDATIONS: APPROVE (A} OR RE3ECT (R) SONAL 58RVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING: . PLANNING COMMISSION CIVIL SERVIC& COPV�IISSION 1. Has the person/fasm ever worked under a contract for this department? CIS CONPiITTEE X HUSINESS REVIEW COOIICIL Y£S NO STAPF _ Has this person/firm ever been a City employee? DI5IRSCT WVRT _ YES NO 3. Does this pereon/firm possess a ski11 not noxmally possessed by any UpPORTS WHICH COUNCIL OHJECTIVE? CLrrent City employee? YES NO xplain all Y83 anawera on a aeparate sheet aad attach. , INITIATING PROBZEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (Who, What, When, Where, Why): Companies , are currently immobilizing (booting) vehicles'which are illegally parked in rivate lots. Several complaints have been received by LIEP abouC alleged nscrupulous vehicle immobilization companies. VANTAGES IF APPROVED: Oversight over vehicle immobilization services. , ISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: - ISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: Unregulated and,potentially unscrupulous actions y vehicle immobilization services. OTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTIQN ,� COST/REVENUE BUDGETED YES NO FUNDING SOURCE ACTIVITY NC7MBER FINANCIAL ,INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) �i2�� .����'CEi .fs°Il$2� ���v � � �QQ7 v% :� December 26, 2001, City Council Action Minutes Page 4 21. Resolution - O1-1336 - Approving the 2001 year-end budget adjtistments. a3 Substitute introduced and adopted Yeas - 6 Nays - 0 FOR DISCUSSION 22. Resolution - O1-454 - Ordering the owner to remove or repair the building at 1236 Seventh Street East within fifteen ( I S) days from adoption of resolution. (Legislative Hearing Officer recommends approvap (Laid over from June 6 and June 27) Laid over to January 2 Yeas - 6 Nays - 0 23. Resolurion - O1-1073 - Moving funds out of contingency to execute a contract with 3tellent, Inc. for e-Government Initiative. (Laid over from October 24 and November ?) Adopted Yeas - 7 Nays - 4 24. Resolution - O1-1316 - Approving the Joint Powers Agreement with Metro Ttansit and Metropolitan Council concerning the Riverview Corridor Project. (Laid over from December 19} Laid over to January 2 ORDINANCES Yeas - 7 Nays - 0 NOTE: AN ORDINANCEISA CITYLAW ENACTED BYTHE CITY COi1NClt. IT IS READ AT FOUR SEPARATE COUNCIL MEETINGSAND BECOMES EFFECTIVEAFTER PASSAGE BYTfIE COUNGIL AND 30 DAYS AFTER PZIBLICATIONINTHE SAINT PAUL LEGAL LEDGER 25. Final Adoption - O1-1243 - An ordinance requiring persons or organizations that engage in vehicle immobilization services to be licensed. s-7 Nays-0 Fina1 Adoption - O1-1244 An ordinance amending the license fee schedule to add � a fee for vehicle immobili tion service licenses. Adopted Yeas - 7 Na�s - 0 ��-la�� �he City Conncil requesYed that the Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection present a report on June 26, 2002, regarding the a � y3 December 26, 2001, City Council Action Minutes Page 5 implementation of these two new ordinances. (Council Files O1-1243 and Ol- 1244) 27. Final Adoption - O1-1264 - An ordinance granting a �% discount on theater liquor license fees for attending alcohol awareness training by an authorized provider and to extend tfie separate fee for inCoxicating liquor licenses issued to theaters. Adopted Yeas - 7 Nays - 0 28. Third Reading - O1-1290 - An ordinance memorializing City Council action granting the application of John and Helen Regenold (representative - David Engfer) to rezone property from B-3 (single family residential to Rm-2 (multi- family residentia]) to allow construction of a 26-unit senior cooperative at the southeast comer of Idalio and Arundel Streets. (Public hearing held November 7) Laid over to January 2 for final adoption 29• Third Reading - O1-1291 - An ordinance memorializing City Council action „granting the applicafion of Mike Leitner to rezone property from RM-2 (Multiple Family) to B-3 (General Business) to allow expansion of Leitner's Garden Center parking lot at 959 Randolph Avenue (between Milton and Chatsworth Streets). (Public hearing held November 14} Laid over to January 2 for final adoption 30. First Reading - O1-1337 - An ordinance amending Chapter 200 of the Saint Paul LegisIative Code setting condirions for maintaining a dog designated as `�otentially dangerous," requiring licettsees to be at least 18 years of age, and estabiishing appeals procedures for the desigttations of dogs as "potentially dangerous" and "dangerous" and authorizing dogs to be seized and held pending hearings. Laid over to January 2 for second reading Sasnension Itemc Resolution - O1-1338 - Amending the 1999 Capital Improvement Budget for the Trout Brook Corridor Acquisition Froject and accepting additional funding from MnDOT and DNR Metro Greenways. Adopted as amended Yeas -? Nays - 0 Resolution - O1-1339 - Authorizing the City Attomey's Office to enter into a settlement with MBC Holding Company and f`,,apher State Ethanol and settie the lawsuit without prejudice against those companies with terms and conditions. � �'1 a!'�3 Page 1 of 1 / Nancy Anderson - City Council Reques� From: Nancy Anderson To: Curtis, Roger; Humphrey, Robert; Rozek, Christine Date: 12f27/2001 5:49 PM Subject: City Councii Request. Roger: At the December 26, 2001, City Council Meeting, the Council requested LIEP to present a report on June 26, 2002, regarding the implementation of the two new ordinances (O1-1243 and O1-1244 - vehicle immobilization services). Nancy Anderson Assistant Secretary to the City Council file://C:\WINDOWS\TEMP\GW}00OO1.HTM 12l2712001 . CITY OF SAINT PAUL Randy C Kdly, Mayor �� June 24, 2002 o��o���,�,IN�oNS,� b�-�a�.� �o��.��� ltager C. Curtis, Diredor fA97RYPROFESSIONALSUIIDING TelepLw�e:65 7-26 69 09 0 Suite300 Facsimile.� 65I-298-9724 350 51- Pete• Snees Sa'vn Paul, M"vmesora 55702-ISIO TO: Members of the Saint Paul Ci Co cil PROM: Robert L. Humphzey, LIEP� � o[-��N3 e!-la�f9 RE: Report on the implementation of9�-34� and91..�44 vetucle immobilization services licenses. This report is in response to a request by Council Member Blakey for LIEP to.give a report on the two vehicle immobilization ordinances (O1-243 and O1-244 -- see attached) when they were adopted at the December 26, 2001 Saint Paul City Council Meeting. The legislation was drafted by LIEP due to several complaints put in by the general public and the recommendauon by the Busittess Review Council that regulation of this industry was necessary. Legally booting was a"gray" area when it came to interpretation of the law. Booting was neither legal nor illegal and a proactive approach to avoid future problems and protect the public was necessary. Most cities similar in size to Saint Paul license vehicle immobilization services. 5ince AnsYin, Texas started booting vehicles in November 1992, the city boots around 150 vehicles a month. Boise, Idaho has had a vehicle immobilizauon license program since November, 1993. Many other cities of different sizes also license vehicle immobilizauon providers including Adanta, Georgia; Great Falls, Montana; Chicago, Illinois; Denver, Colorado; Raleigh, North Carolina and Sacramento, California. The one corporation initially involved in boofing in 5aint Paul, according to all signs, discontinued operating in Saint Paul when the legislation took effect on February 6, 2002. For three months after this, no entities requested to be licensed as Vehicle Immobilization Services. This changed when on May 17, 2002 Gopher Towing Incorporated, located at 1321 Tyler Street NE in Minneapolis, requested a Vehicle Immobilization Service License. The license has not yet been granted due to LIEP not receiving some basic paperwork. Lots that Gopher Towing plans on offering thelr booting services at include the AIlied lots located on Saint Peter Sueet and the Dairy Queen and Pizza IIut chains. The company charges $93 to their "clienP' for their "service: ' According to Mr. Gene Buell, Manager of Gopher Towing, many times an immobilization is easier far the "customer" as the "clienP' does not need to find a ride to some obscurely located impound lot but can rather pay on the spot to get his vehicle opezational again. To conclude, according to Mr. Buell his corporation currendy does "several hundred" bootings per year in Minneapolis and stated that booting is the "wave of the future" for patldng compliance and that his corporarion will be doing much more booting in the City of Saint Paul. LIEP agrees with this prediction and strongly feels that a proacrive approach was necessary in order to safeguard citizens and regulate the industry. It is safe to assume that in the neaz future Saint Paul will be dealing with hundreds rather than handfuls of bootings. � Chapter 383. Vehicle Immobilizafion Services „ Chapter 383. Vehicle Immobilization Services . Sec. 383.01. Definitions. . Sec. 383.02. License required. . Sec. 383.03. License fee. • Sec. 383.04. Ag�lication for license. . Sec. 383.05. Rules of operarion. . Sec. 383.06. Insurance rec�uired. • Sec. 383.07. Service fee. Sec. 383.01. Definitions. As used in this chapter: Page 1 of 4 n�-ia�.3 T.ocking wheel boot. A mechanical clamp or boot which is professionaily manufactured and designed to lock the front left wheel of a motor vehicle, immobilizing the vehicle and preventing an�one but a keyholdez from removing the clamp. Vehicle immobilization. Use of a locking wheei boot that, when attached to the wheel of a vehicle, prevents the vehicle from moving without damage to the tire to which the locking wheel boot is attached. Vehicle i»unobilization service. A person, firm or corporaUon who at the request of a private property owner engages in the act of vehicle immobilization of vehicles that have been pazked or placed on a private parking lot without pernvssion of the owner ar payment of a parking fee. (C.F. No. O1-1243, § 1, 12-26-01} Sec. 383.02. L�cense required. No persan, firm or corporafion sha11 provide vehicle immobilizafion services as described herein without being licensed. (C.F. No. O1-1243, § i, 12-26-01) Sec. 383.03. License fee. The fee for a vehicle unmobilization service license shall be as set forth in section 310.09(b) and 310.18 of the Saint Paul LegislaGve Code. (C.F. I3o. O1-1243, § 1, 12-26-01) Sec. 383.04. Application for license. An application for a license under this chapter shall be made upon fortns provided by the o�ce of license, inspections and environmental protecrion, and shall contain such information as the office may require, including the following: http://www.ci.stpaul.mn.uslcode/1c383.htrn1 6/�4/02 Chapter 383. Vehicle Immobilization 5ervices Page 2 of 4 o�-�a�3 (1) The name, date of birth, and street address of the place where the applicant resides, and if the applicant is a partnership, corporafion or other entity, the names and addresses of iis officers and shazeholders. (2) Whether the applicant has been convicted of any crime or ordinance violarion within the past seven yeazs preceding the date of the applicarion or is currently on probafion for any crime the convicfion date of which is older than seven years, including the specific charge, date of conviction, place of conviction and the sentence imposed. (3) The sireet address and telephone number of the place where the applicant proposes to operate the licensed business. (4) The loca6on of any private property locations where the vehicle immobilization service will be conducted and the names and contact information of all persons authorized to order vehicle immobilizarion at each such location. (C.F. No. O1-1243, § 1, 12-26-01) Sec. 383.05. Rules of operation. In addition to any other applicabie regulations contained in this chapter or code all licensees under this chapter shall operate in strict accordance with the following: (1) Prior to installing a loclang wheel boot on any motor vehicle at the request of someone other than the vehicie's owner, the licensee shall determine that the parking lot has wazning signs advising that failure to pay the required parking fee may result in immobilization. (2) Vehicle immobilization service licensees shall use a printed order form which includes the name, address and telephone number of the licensee's business, as well as space to enter the name of the person authorizing the service, the time the service was performed, the name of the person insYalling the locking wheeI boot, the location where the service is being provided and a description of the vehic]e to be immobilized. Every form shall be completed in a legible manner and signed by the person who authorized the service. The person authorizing the service shall be present when the locidng wheel boot is attached to the vehicle and must be the owner of the property, the licensee of the parking lot or a duly authorized employee or agent of the owner or pazking lot licensee. The vehicle immobilizaxion service licensee shall have this authorized order form signed, fully completed and in possession before installing the locking wheel boot. The amount charged for the service, including any parking fees due, shall be included on this order form and a copy of the form shall be given to the person reclaiming the vehicle. The original completed order forms must he maintained at the licensee's place of business for a period of at least two (2) years and shall be made available for review upon request of the director of the office of license, inspecfions and environmental protection or his/her designated representauve. (3) A licensee under this chapter shall maintain a chmnological log or record of all vehicles that have been immobilized. The log shall indicate a description of the vehicle, location that the service was performed, time or service, and time of vehicle release. This log shall be made available for renew upon request of the director of the office of license, inspecrions and environznental protecfion or his/her designated representative. (4) Whenever a locldng wheel boot is installed on a vehicle, a blaze orange warning decal at least forty- seven (47) inches square in size shal] be prominently placed in the center of the dtiver's side window or http:lJwww.ci.stpaul.mn.us/code/1c383.hun1 6124/02 � Chapter 383. Vehicle Immobilization Services �� �� ��3 Page 3 of 4 on the front windshield directly in front of the steering wheel. The decal must clearly and legibly state that a locldng device has been installed on the front ]eft wheel of the vehicle and that attempting to move the vehicle will cause serious damage to the vehicle. The decal shall display the telephone number and the address of the licensee. Upon payment of the service fee, the licensee shall offer to remove the decal and shall have in possession the appropriate materials to remove the decal and residue. (5) Vehicle immobilization service licensees shall maintain twenty-four {24) hour telephones and wheel locking removai services, and shall respond to a request to remove a wheel locking device within sixty (60) minutes. If a licensee does not appear to remove the wheel locking device within sixty (60) minutes of a customer request, the locking device shall be removed at no charge except that the customer shatl srill be required to pay the parking fees due. (6} Vehicle immobilization service licensees shali not install a wheel locking boot on any marked emergency vehicle or any United States military vehicle without a ciry pazking enforcement officer being present. (7) In tt�e event a velvcle is not claimed within twenty-four (24) hours, the licensee shall notify the city police department of the license number and descripflon of the vehicle. If the vehicle was reported as stolen, the licensee shall, at the direcrion of a police office, remove the vehicle immobilizafion device without a charge. (8) The vehicle immobilization service may not attempt to collect service or parking fees after the vehicle has been impounded by a licensed tow truck. (C.F. No. O1-1243, § 1, 12-26-01) Sec. 383.1)6. Insurance required. Each applicant for a vehicle immobilization service license under this chapter shall at all times keep in full force and effect a public liability insurance policy written by an insurance company authozized to do business in Minnesota in the amount of one hundred thousand dollars ($100,000.00) for injury or death to one (1) person, three hundred thousand dollars ($300,000.00) for each injury or death from each occurrence, and twenty-five thousand dollazs ($25,000.00) for property damage. Proof of the required insurance policy must be submitted to the office of license, inspecflons and environmental protection. (C.F. No. O1-1243 § 1, 12-26-01) Sec. 383.07. Service fee. The macimum service fee far vehicle immobllization shall not exceed seventy-five (75) percent of the fee charged for a tow by the city unpound facility, plus any wmmercial puking lot fa�s due. No other service charges or parking fees may be chazged as a condirion of removing the locking wheel boot by the licensee under this chapter or by the parking lot where the vehicle immobilization service is performed. Vehicle immobilization service licensees shall honor all forms of payment currenfly accepted by the city impound facility. (C.F. No. O1-1243, § 1, 12-26-01) Chapters 384--389. Reserved http://www.ci.stpaul.mn.us/code/ic383.htm1 6/24/02 Chapter 383. Vehicle Immobili2ation Services Page 4 af 4 at-ta��3 http;//www.ci.stpaul.mn.us/code/1c383.htm1 6/24/02 pI-ra�.3 Sec. 310.18. License fee schedule. Notwithstanding the provision of any other ordinance or 1aw to the contrary, the following fees ate hereby provided for all the licenses listed herein. These fees supersede all inconsistent provisions, including, but not limited to, graduated fee provisions, in these chapters and in other ordinances and laws, and include the fee for the license application as part of the license fee; provided, however, that this section does not amend or modify sections 310.09(a) or 310.09(d) of the Legislative Code with respect to exempt organizations or late fees. Pursuant to section 310.09(b) of the Legislative Code, these schedules shall be posted in the office of the director of the office of license, inspecrions and environmental protection. These fees shall be effecfive for license renewals and new license applications occurring on and after January 1, 1995, or on the effective date of this section, whichever is later; provided, however, that with respect to all ]icenses whose renewal dates occur after the effecrive date of this new schedule, there shall be no increases in, nor offsets or refunds of, the exisfing fees paid, or due and owing. (a) ENFORCEMENT L.EUEL 1 Chapter/Sec6on No. 167 198.04 316 317 317 323 325 327 332 333 336 340 345 348 349 350.02 License Description Commercial Vehicie Keeping of Animals (New) Animal Foods Manufacturing & Distribution Amusement Rides Amusement Rides (temporary) Christmas Tree Sa1es Close Out Sale Dry Cleaning Pickup Stadon Liquid Fuel Vehicle SolidFuel Vehicle Private Fuel Pump Mercantile Broker I- '�.. 11 . . 1.1 66.00 66.00 25.00 6b.00 .. 11 .. 11 .. 11 .. 11 �. 11 •• 11 .. 11 .. �� Peddler (Solicitor(Transient) Rental of Clothing & Vehicle Rental of Clothes Attire Vehicle Rental of Hospital Equipment 350.02 Rental of Hospital Equipment Vehicle 351 Rental of Kitchenware 353 Roller Rinks 355.01(a) & (b) Secondhand Dealer-Single Location .. 11 .. 11 .. �� .. �� .� {{ .. �� 357.03 Solid Waste Hauler-Each Vehicle Over One 359 Sound Trucks & Broadcast Vekucies 359 Sound Trucks & Broadcast Vehicles (Non-profit Organizations) 371 Finishing Shop 361.14 Tow Truck/Wrecker Vehicle 362 Tree Trimmer-Additional Vehicle 372 Tire Recapping Plant 376.16(d) Taxicab Driver (new) 377 Lawn Fertilizer � Pesticide Application 380 Tann3ng Facility 382 Pet Grooming Facility 409.11 , Liquor-Outdoor Service Area (Patio) 412 Massage Center (Class B) 414 Massage Therapist 424.02 Gas Stations (b) ENFORCEMENT LEVEL 2 Chapter/Section No. 320 321.03 321.03 322.02(a) & (b) 326 327 332 333 334 338 K�a 347 352 355.01(c) 356 License Description Bituminous Contractor Rooming & Boardinghouse Rooming & Boardinghouse (Supervised) Bowling Center & Pool Halls Building Contractors I.aundry & Dry Cleaning Plants Fuel Dealers--Liquid Fuel Dealers--Solid Pest Control House Sewer Contractors Oil Bulk Storage Pet Shop Rental of Trailers Secondhand Dealer--Exhibitions Sidewalk Contractors �t-�a�3 .. �� � 1 i�FX�I�7 �. 11 .. 11 .�l1 .. 1 .. �� ..� .. Ii ..� .. 1{ .. 11 .. 11 .� /1 Fee $164.00 164.00 164.00 164.00 164.00 164,00 164.00 164.00 164.00 i.� �1 .� 11 .- �� .� 11 .� 11 .� �� � 362 364 365.02 K71E: 401 405.02(a) 406 408 412 Tree Trimming (with One Vehicle) Veterinary Hospital Window Cleaning Bed & Breakfast Residence Motorcycle Dealer Dance or Rental Hall Game Room Recycling Collecfion Center Massage Center (Class A) 415.04 Theaters and Movie Theaters 416 Motion Picture Drive-in Theatez 426.04 , Cabaret (Class A & B) (c) ENFORCEMENT LEVF,L 3 Chapter/Section No. 324 354 355.01(d) 357.03 360.03 360.03 361.14 383.02 � .7TIl 376.04 381 401.02(a)(1) 4Q1.02(a) 401.02(a)(5) 401.02(a)(2) 407.03 407.03 409.Q7.1 License Description Cigazettes Sanitary Disposal Vehicle Secondhartd Dealer-Multiple Dealers Solid Waste Hauler & Vehicle Public 5wimming Pools Whirlpools Tow Truck Operator Vehicle Immobilization Service Tattoo Pazlors Taxicabs Currency FYChanges New Motor Vehicle Dealer Motor Vehicle Parts Dealer Secondhand Dealer Motor Vehicle Parts Secondhand Motor Vehicle Dealer HoteUMotel--To 50 rooms Fiotel--Each additional room over 50 Liquor-Extension of Service Hours pt-r��3 i�.00 164.00 164.00 164.00 164.00 164.00 164.00 164.00 164.00 164.00 164.00 164.00 Fee 317.00 317.00 317.00 317.�0 317.00 317.00 317.00 317.00 317.00 317.00 317.00 317.00 317.00 317.00 317.00 317.00 10.00 317.00 pl-�a`�3 412 413 415 Massage Center (Class C) ConversationlRap Parlor (A & B) Mini-Motion Picture Theater-Adult 317.00 317.00 317.00 317.00 0.00 417.04(1) Pazking Lots and Parldng Garages 417.04(2) Parking Gazages (Government) 417.04(3) Pazking Cazages (Private) 422 Motor Vehicle 5alvage Dealer 423.02(b) Auto Body Repair Garage 423.02(a) Auto Repair Garage 427 Health Sports Clubs (Class A& B) 428 Steam RoomlBath House (A & B) (d) ENFORCEI�ENT LEVEL 4 Chapter/Section No. License Descriprion 331.04 Bakery 331.04 Butcher 331.04 Catering (A)-Limited Catering (B)-Full Catering (C)-Add on 331.04 Day Care Food (A) & (B) 331.04 Food Processor (up to 2,000 sq. ft.) 331.04 Food Processor (more than 2,000) 331.04 Food Salvage 331.04 Food Vehicle 331.04 FoodVendingMachine Food Vending Operator 331.04 Food Wazehouse/Dishibutor FoodBoazding Facility Food/Institutional Facility 331.04 Grocery �A)-Food Shelves Grocery (13)-Fanner's Market Grocery (C)-To 2,000 sq. ft. Grocery (D)-Mare than 2,000 sq. ft. �I 1'1 317.00 317.00 317.00 317.�Q f�r�Zl] Fee $200.00 200.00 225.00 450.00 225.00 25.00 250.00 500.00 425.00 75.00 15.00 75.00 200.00 225.00 25.0(3 25.00 150.OQ 200.00 500.00 o��a�.� 331.04 Mobile Food 331.04 Mobile Food (Non-profit) 331.04 Mobile Food (Non-profit, limited) 331.04 Mobile Food (Limited) 331.04 Original Container 331.04 Original Container-Temporary 331.04 Restaurant (A)-0--12 seats Restaurant (B)-More than 12 seats Restaurant (C)-Limited Restaurant (D)-Add on Restaurant (E)-Extension Restauiant (E)- Extension (Special Event)-annual (2 or less) 331.04 Special Event Food Sales-i--3 days Special Event Food Sales-4--14 days Special Event Food Sa1es-Annual Special Event Food Sales - late fee Special Event Food Sales - emergency fee Special Event Food Sales (Non-profit organization) (e) ENFORCEMENT LEVEL 5 Chapter/Section No. License Description 409 Into�cating Liquor-fee waived for government agencies 409A1(b) Liquor Catering Pernut 409.05(b)(1) On-Sale--Over 200 seats 409.05(b)(2) On-Sale--Over 100 seats 409.05@)(3) On-Sa1e--100 seats or less 409,25(b) Temporary Liquor 409 On-sale Club--Under 20fl membezs On-sale Club--201--500 members On-sale Club--501--1,000 members On-sale Club--1,001--2,000 members On-sale Club--2,001--4,000 members On-sale Club--4,001--6,00� members 225.�0 25.00 25.00 66.OQ 50.00 25.00 P�.�17 450.00 164.00 225.00 225.00 E�II7 100.00 125.00 150.00 25.00 50.00 25.00 Fee 0.00 46.00 $5,050.00 4,650.00 4,200.00 46.00 297.00 497.00 F�il[iI�7 P � ��� 99'7.00 1,997.00 o1-ta�3 409_OS(e) 409.07(b)(2) 409.11(a)(8) 4o9.isro) 409.25 410.02 410.02 410.02 410.Q2 410.10(a) 411.03 411.03 Entertainment--Class B 411.03 Entertainment--Class C 411.03 Entertainment Temporary ( fl ENFORCENIENT LEVEL 6 ChapterlSecuon No. License Description 106 Sidewalk Cafe 127 127 225.08 278 fcIE3 On-sale Club--6,000+ members Off-Sale Sunday On-Sale Extension of Service Area Wine On-Sale Temporary Wine On-Sale Malt (Strong) On-Sa1e Malt (3.2) On-Sale Malt - fee waived for government agencies Off-Sale Ma1t Temporary Malt Entertainment--Class A Courtesy Benches Courtesy Benches transfer Fireanns Gambling Hall Each MAD over 10 ' 11 111 11 ►.r , � G�III] 1,385.00 46.00 445.00 �C��I�7 0.00 160.00 46.00 217.00 527.00 2,500.00 27.00 Fee $as.oa 20.00 fiG�ll7 317.00 354.00 15.00 15.00 Music Machine 341 i� Amusement Rides to 10 Amusement Rides over 10 T.V. Units per location Milk PlantlService Pawn Shops 301.00 28.00 28.00 445.00 2,500.00 Pawn Shop Billable Transaction Fee 1.50 376.16(d) Ta�cicab Ariver (new) 35.00 376.16 Taacicab Driver Renewal 29.00 DI-ia�3 376.17(d) 391 402 403 409.24(1) 409.05(j) 409.05(j) 409.05(i) 409.04(g)(5) 357.03 � Cf►�' � 198.02 Keeping oP More than Three (3) Cats (Renewal) 200.03 1 t 1 : 1 1 � 200.15 Ta�cicab Driver Duplicate Taxicab Replacement Sticker Taxicab Driver (provisional) Soliciting Funds--Tag Days Temporary Gambling Bingo Halls GamUling Manager Gambling L,ocarion--A Gambling Location--B Gambling Loca6on--C Modification of Pazking Solid Waste Transfer Station Recycling Processing Center Infectious Waste Processing Facility Keeping of Animal-Renewal Keeping of More than Three (3) Cats 25.00 Dog License Dog License--Senior Citizen Dog License--Lifetime (with Microchip) Dog License--Senior Citizen, I.ife6me (with Microchip) Dog License--Replacement Impounding Fee Unlicensed Dog Dangerous Dog Registration Boarding Fee--Per Day Animal Adoption-St. Paul Resident Animal Adoption-Nonresldent Animal-Institutional Research Use Keeping of More than Three (3) Dogs Keeping of More than Three (3) Dogs ,�� . � S.QO 21.00 46.00 179.00 66.00 66.00 66.00 66.00 375.00 1,500.00 750.00 1,500.00 30.00 66.00 10.00 5.00 30.00 15.00 5.00 30.00 50.00 75.00 7.00 42.00 200.00 200.00 66.00 Z5.00 p�-ta� (Renewal) (C.F. No. 92-1742, §§ 1, 12-8-92; C.F. No. 93-1650, §§ 1, 12-9-93; C.F. No. 94-201, §§ i, 3-16- 94; C.F. No. 94-1447, §§ 1, 12-14-94; C.F. No. 95-519, §§ 2, 6-7-95; C.F. No. 95-1457, §§ 1, 1- 3-96; C.F. No. 96-391, §§ 3, 5-8-96; C.F. No. 96-1095, §§ 1, 10-2-96; C.F. No. 97-912, §§ 1, 8- 20-97; C.F. No. 99-500, §§ 4, 7-7-99; C.F. No. 99-812, §§ 1, 9-8-99; C.F. No. 00-457, §§ 1, 6-7- 00; C.F. No. 00-1064, §§ 1, 12-12-00; C.F. No. 00-1065, §§ 1, 12-20-00; C.F. No. O1-613, §§§§ 1, 2, 7-5-Oi; C.F. No. O1-1244, §§ 1, 12-26-01) Sec. 310.19. Discount from certain license fees. A discount will be provided for on-sale and off-sale liquor licenses, on-sale and off-sale 3.2 malt liquor licenses and on-sale strong beer and wine licenses. Such fees mentioned shall be reduced in section 310.18 by appro�cimately seven (� percent, in the exact amounts as further provided herein, conringent upon each of the following conditions: (1) Driver's license guide; compilation of laws. The licensee shall maintain on the premises, in a location accessible at all fimes to all employees of the licensed establishment: a. A current driver's license guide which shall include license specificarions for both adults and minors for each state (including Canadian provinces), and shall list such information from at least five (5) years prior to the present date; and b. A current compilation of the laws relating to the sale and possession of alcoholic beverages in the state as outlined in Chapter 7515 of the State of Minnesota Rules and Chapter 340A of the Minnesota Statutes. Ttris compilation mast also include chapters 240 through 246, 409 and 410 of the Saint Paul Legslative Code. (2) Signage. The licensee shall maintain on the premises in all customer areas, current signage relating to underage consumption of alcoholic beverages, and relating to driving under the influence of alcohol. One (1) sign must be located behind the baz, and one (1) sign must be present in each additional room or section within the lounge area in which the writing on the sign behind the bar is not clearly legible. The sign(s) must have dimensions of at least one (i) foot by one (1) foot with ]etters at least one-half (1/2) inch in height. All signs must be comfortably readable from a distance of fifteen (15) feet. (3) Contract with security agency. a. Generally. The licensee shall participate in a training program with an approved private security agency, firm or association (hereafter "security agency") which is selected and contracts with the city for the purpose of providing investigations and training to the licensee pursuant to this subsection. The city contract shall provide (i) that the security agency shall not be reimbursed by the city, but ihat it shall recover its costs and profit by fees collected from the licensees which choose to receive the training program and invesugative services, and (ii) that the security agency shall charge the same amount to all licensees who choose to receive such services, so that all such licensees are treated equally and without discrimination. ol -� ��3 b. Investigation. The contract with the city shall provide for and require one (1) or more investigations by the security agency each calendar year into the practices of the licensee with respect to (i) age identification of customezs in order to prevent sales of alcoholic beverages to minors, and (ri) preventing the sale of atcoholic beverages to pezsons who are obviously into�cicated. The contract shall require that the security agency disclose the results of all such invesrigations to both the licensee and, at no cost to the city, to the office of license, inspecUons and environmental protecrion, within ten (10) days after such investigations are concluded. Failure to do so will be grounds for adverse action against the licensee's licenses. The contract shall require that all such investigarions shall include unannounced and random attempts by minors to purchase alcoholic beverages in the licensed premises, and surveillance within the licensed premises. The security agency shall employ reasonable measures to minimize or eliminate conflicts of interest in providing and reporting on investigations of licensees. c. Training. Ttie contract shall also provide for alcohol awazeness truning by the security agency of all officers, employees or agents of the licensee who work in the licensed premises at least once during the calendaz year. All newly hired employees or new officers or agents hired during the calendar year shall receive such training within four (4) weeks following their hiring, and shall not work in the prearises after that four-week period until they have received such training. d. Standards for approval. In addition to the requirements specified elsewhere in tlris subsecfion, the security agency and its investigations and training must meet or exceed the following: i. The alcohoi awareness course shall cover all of the topics listed herein. The content of each training course shall include, but need not be limited to: (a) Pertinent laws and ordinances regazding the sale of alcohol. (b) Verification of age, forms of identificarion, and forms of false or misleading age identificarion. (c) The effect of alcohol on humans and the physiology of alcohol intoxication. (d) Recognition of the signs of into�cation. (e) Strategies for intervention to prevent into�cated persons from consuming further alcohol. ( fl The licensee's policies and guidelines, and the employee s role in observing these policies. (g) Liability of the person serving alcohol. (h) Effect of aicohol on pregnant women and their fetuses, and in other vulnerable situations. (i) Training available in languages other than English that are spoken by the license holders and/or the license holders emgloyees. 2. The security agency shall have a minimum of two (2) years actual experience in alcohoI awareness training. The courses may be given by one (1) or more instructors, but each instructor must have a fozmal education and/or training in each area they teach. The courses may be supplemented by audio-visual instruction. �t ja�3 3. The security agency shall have sufficient personnel and physical resources to provide an alcohol awazeness training course to newly hired employees within four (4) weeks a$er their hiring by the licensee with whom there is a contract. The cost covering the training and invesrigation service provided to license holders shall be idenrified and charged equally to each participant. The fees after credit for the discount shall be: Iaquor catering permit . . . . 139.00 On-Sale--Over 200 seats . . . . 4,696.00 On-Sale--Over 100 seats . . . . 4,324.00 On-Sale--100 seats or less .... 3,906.00 On-Sale--Theater . . . . 1,395.00 On-sale Club--Under 200 members .... 276.00 On-sale Club--201--500 members . . . . 462.00 On-sale Club--501--1,000 members . . . . 601.00 On-sale Club--1,001--2,000 members . . . . 741.00 On-sale Club--2,001--4,000 members . . . . 927.00 On-sale Club--4,001-6,000 members . . . . 1,857.00 On-sale Club--6,000+ members . . . . 2,787.00 Off-Sale . . . . 930.00 Sunday On-Sale . . . . 186.00 E.ctension of Service . . . . 49.00 Wine On-Sale . . . . 1,288.00 On-Sale Malt (Strong) . . . . 413.00 On-Sale Malt (3.2) . . . . 413.00 Off-Sale Malt . , . . 82.00 (C.F. No. 94-1447, §§ 2, 12-1494; C.F. No. 00-237, §§ 1, 45-00; C.F. No. O1-1260, §§ 1, 12- 26-01) �RIGI�IAL Council File # p � � � .'1�'a ora��e # Green Sheet # t[s33 � 1 ORDINANCE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA a5 Presented By Refened To Committee Date : An ordinance requiring persons or organizations that engage in vehicle immobilization services to be licensed 0 0 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: � Section 1 A new Chapter383 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code is hereby enacted: 383.01. Definitions. As used in this chapter: Lockinq wheel boot. A mechanical clamp ar boot which is professionally manufactured and desie�d to lock the front left wheel of a motor vehicle, immobilizin�he vehicle and preventing anvone but a keyholder from removing the clamp. Yehicle immobilization. Use of a locking wheel boot that, when attached to the wheel of a vehicle, prevents the vehicle from movin� without damage to tYte tire to which the locking wheel boot is attached. Vehicle immobilization service. A�erson, firm or corporation who at the request of a np 'vate proroertv owner en�ag.es in the act of vehicle immobilization of vehicles that have been roarked or placed on a�rivate parkang lot without permission of the owner or �ayment of a narkingfee. 383.02. License required. No person, firm or corporation shall provide vehicle immobilization services as described herein without being licensed. 383.03. License fee. The fee for a vehicle immobilization seroice license shall be as set forth in section 310.09�b) and 310.18 of the Saint Paul Leeislarive Code. 383.04. Application for license. An application for a license under this chapter shall be made upon formsprovided by the office of license, ins�ecfions and environmental protection, and shall contain such information as the office may renuire. includin� the following; �1.� The name, date of birth, and street address of the�lace where the �USHEU �r 7 oa 1 applicant resides, and if the applicant is a�utnershi�cor�oration 2 or other entitv, the names and addresses of its officers and 3 shareholders. 4 5 � Whether the apnlicant has been convicted of an�crime or 6 ordinance violation within the past seve�ears �recedinQ the date 7 of the aprolication or is currentl�probation for any crime the 8 conviction date of which is older than seven years, includinP the 9 specific chazge, date of conviction. place of conviction and the 10 sentence im�osed. 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 4$ 49 50 51 �3Z The street address and telephone number of the �lace where the �licant pronoses to operate the licensed business. � The location of anyprivate proroerty locations where the vehicle immobilization service will be conducted and the names and contact information of all persons authorized to order vehicle immobilization at each such location. 383.05. Rules of oaeration. In addition to any other ap�licable re¢ulations contained in this chanter or code all licensees under this chapter shall operate in strict accordance with the followina: L12 Prior to installin�a lockine wheel boot on any motor vehicle at the rec�uest of someone other than the vehicle's owner. the licensee shall determine that the parkinQ lot has warnin� siens advisin� that failure to pav the required parkin¢ fee may result in immobilization. � Vehicle immobilization service licensees shall use a nrinted order . form which includes the name, address and telephone number of the licensee's business, as well as space to enter the name of the person authorizine the service, the time the service was perforxned. the name of th�erson installin� the lockin�wheel boot, the location where the service is beine provided and a description of the vehicle to be immobilized. Everv form shall be completed in a l�ible manner and siened by the person who authorized the service. The person authorizine the service shall be present when the lockine wheel boot is attached to the vehicie and must be the owner or the propert�the licensee of the parkine lot or a duly authorized employee or aeent of the owner or parkine lot licensee. The vehicle immobilization service licensee shall have this authorized order form siQned, fullycompleted and in �ossession before installine the locking wheel boot. The amount chareed for the service, includin�any_parkin¢ fees due, shall be included on this order form and a copv of the form shali be given to the eu rson reclaimine the vehicle. The original completed order forms must be maintained at the licensee's place of business for a�eriod of at least two vears and shall be made available for review upon rec�uest of the Director of the Office of License, Ins�ections and Environmental Protection or his/her desianated representative. d � � \�.�'j 1 � A licensee under this chapter shall maintain a chtonolo '�cal log or 2 record of all vehicles that have been immobilized. The lo�shall 3 indicate a description of the vehicle. location that the service was 4 performed, rime or service, and time of vehicle release. This lo¢ 5 shall be made available for review upon request of the Director of 6 the Office of License. Inspections and Environmental Protection or 7 his/her designated representative. 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 �4,2 Whenever a lockin� wheel boot is installed on a vehicle, a blaze oranee warnine decal at least forty-seven (471 mches squaze in size shall be prominentiv placed in the center of the driver's side window or on the front windshield directl�n front of the steerine wheel. The decal must cleazly and leeiblv state that a lockine device has been installed on the front left wheel of the vehicle and that attempting to move the vehicle will cause serious dama�e to the vehicle. The decal shali displav the telephone number and address of the licensee. Upon pavment of the service fee, the licensee shall offer to remove the decal and shall have in possession the ap�ronriate materials to remove the decal and residue. �S,Z Vehicle immobilizarion service licensees shall maintain twentv- four 24) hour telephones and wheel lockin¢ removal services, and shall respond to a request to remove a wheel lockiz�y_ device within sixty (60) minutes. If a licensee does not appear to remove the wheel locking device within sixtv (601 minutes of a customer reauest, the lockine device sha11 be removed at no charPe exce�t that the customer shail still be rec�uired to roay the parkine fees due. � Vehicle immobilization service licensees shall not install a wheel lockine boot on any marked emergency vehicle or any United States militarv vehicle without a Saint Paul parking enforcement officer beingpresent. � In the event a vehicle is not claimed within twenty-four hours, the licensee shall notify the Saint Paul police denartment of the license number and descri�rion of the vehicle. If the vehicle was reported as stolen, the licensee shall, at the direction of a police officer. remove the vehicie immobilization device without chuee. 42 � The vehicle immobilization service maXnot attempt to collect 43 service ar parking fees after the vehicle has been impounded bv a 44 licensed tow truck. 45 o � -�ay3 46 383.06. Insurance required. Each a�plicant far a vehicle immobilizarion service license under 47 this cha�ter shall at all times keep in full force and effect a public liabilitY insurance policv 48 written bv an insurance companv authorized to do business in Minnesota in the amount of one 49 hundred thousand dollars ($100,000.00Zfor injury_ar death to one person, three hundred 50 thousand dollars ($300,000.001 for each in�urv or death &om each occurrence, and riventv-five 51 thousand dollars ($25.000.00� for property damage. Proof of the required insurance policv must 1 be submitted to the Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection. � 2 3 383.07. Service fee. The maximum service fee for vehicle immobilization shali not exceed 4 seventy-five percent (75%1 of the fee char�ed for a tow by the Citv of Saint Paul impound 5 facil�. rolus anv commercial parkin�lot fees due. No other service char es or parkine fees may 6 be chazged as a condition of removing the locking wheel boot b� the licensee under this cha�ter 7 or bv the p� lot where the vehicle unmobilization service is roerformed. Vehicle 8 immobilization service licensees shall honor all forms of paXment currentiy accepted by the Citv 9 of Saint Paul impound facilitv. 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Section 2 This ordinance is effective thirty (30) days following its passage, approval and publication. Adoption Certified by Council Secretary By: \ \.� a i T-�Y y c--� Approved by Mayor: Date � (r� /-�(r/ By : � Requested by Depaztment oE: BY' � e � Porm Approved by City �ney BY� ���'-Pl�LG(.� J V�CA//�4Y. Approved by Mayor or Submis 'on to Council Hy: � � �li 7 'Q� Adopted by Council: Date nx., a 6 a Do , OFFICE oF LIEP Date: GREEN SHEET `. Roger Curtis, Director November �, 2001 266-9013 N0 .103301 o�-+a�t3 1 EPARTMENT ➢IRECLOR 3 ITY COUfiCIL � 2 ITY ATTpANEY ZTY CLES2R Ha�erm ust b2 on CoUncil Agerid3 by: �' �� nzxscrox zx. s Mcx. suc. nzx. � s soon as ossible YoR coR Ass�sx�r� OTAL # OF SIGNATURB PAGPsS 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) CTION REQUESTED: An ordinance requiring persons or organizations that engage in ehicle immobilization services to be licensed. . COD9LSNDATIONS: APPROVE (A} OR RE3ECT (R) SONAL 58RVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING: . PLANNING COMMISSION CIVIL SERVIC& COPV�IISSION 1. Has the person/fasm ever worked under a contract for this department? CIS CONPiITTEE X HUSINESS REVIEW COOIICIL Y£S NO STAPF _ Has this person/firm ever been a City employee? DI5IRSCT WVRT _ YES NO 3. Does this pereon/firm possess a ski11 not noxmally possessed by any UpPORTS WHICH COUNCIL OHJECTIVE? CLrrent City employee? YES NO xplain all Y83 anawera on a aeparate sheet aad attach. , INITIATING PROBZEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (Who, What, When, Where, Why): Companies , are currently immobilizing (booting) vehicles'which are illegally parked in rivate lots. Several complaints have been received by LIEP abouC alleged nscrupulous vehicle immobilization companies. VANTAGES IF APPROVED: Oversight over vehicle immobilization services. , ISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: - ISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: Unregulated and,potentially unscrupulous actions y vehicle immobilization services. OTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTIQN ,� COST/REVENUE BUDGETED YES NO FUNDING SOURCE ACTIVITY NC7MBER FINANCIAL ,INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) �i2�� .����'CEi .fs°Il$2� ���v � � �QQ7 v% :� December 26, 2001, City Council Action Minutes Page 4 21. Resolution - O1-1336 - Approving the 2001 year-end budget adjtistments. a3 Substitute introduced and adopted Yeas - 6 Nays - 0 FOR DISCUSSION 22. Resolution - O1-454 - Ordering the owner to remove or repair the building at 1236 Seventh Street East within fifteen ( I S) days from adoption of resolution. (Legislative Hearing Officer recommends approvap (Laid over from June 6 and June 27) Laid over to January 2 Yeas - 6 Nays - 0 23. Resolurion - O1-1073 - Moving funds out of contingency to execute a contract with 3tellent, Inc. for e-Government Initiative. (Laid over from October 24 and November ?) Adopted Yeas - 7 Nays - 4 24. Resolution - O1-1316 - Approving the Joint Powers Agreement with Metro Ttansit and Metropolitan Council concerning the Riverview Corridor Project. (Laid over from December 19} Laid over to January 2 ORDINANCES Yeas - 7 Nays - 0 NOTE: AN ORDINANCEISA CITYLAW ENACTED BYTHE CITY COi1NClt. IT IS READ AT FOUR SEPARATE COUNCIL MEETINGSAND BECOMES EFFECTIVEAFTER PASSAGE BYTfIE COUNGIL AND 30 DAYS AFTER PZIBLICATIONINTHE SAINT PAUL LEGAL LEDGER 25. Final Adoption - O1-1243 - An ordinance requiring persons or organizations that engage in vehicle immobilization services to be licensed. s-7 Nays-0 Fina1 Adoption - O1-1244 An ordinance amending the license fee schedule to add � a fee for vehicle immobili tion service licenses. Adopted Yeas - 7 Na�s - 0 ��-la�� �he City Conncil requesYed that the Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection present a report on June 26, 2002, regarding the a � y3 December 26, 2001, City Council Action Minutes Page 5 implementation of these two new ordinances. (Council Files O1-1243 and Ol- 1244) 27. Final Adoption - O1-1264 - An ordinance granting a �% discount on theater liquor license fees for attending alcohol awareness training by an authorized provider and to extend tfie separate fee for inCoxicating liquor licenses issued to theaters. Adopted Yeas - 7 Nays - 0 28. Third Reading - O1-1290 - An ordinance memorializing City Council action granting the application of John and Helen Regenold (representative - David Engfer) to rezone property from B-3 (single family residential to Rm-2 (multi- family residentia]) to allow construction of a 26-unit senior cooperative at the southeast comer of Idalio and Arundel Streets. (Public hearing held November 7) Laid over to January 2 for final adoption 29• Third Reading - O1-1291 - An ordinance memorializing City Council action „granting the applicafion of Mike Leitner to rezone property from RM-2 (Multiple Family) to B-3 (General Business) to allow expansion of Leitner's Garden Center parking lot at 959 Randolph Avenue (between Milton and Chatsworth Streets). (Public hearing held November 14} Laid over to January 2 for final adoption 30. First Reading - O1-1337 - An ordinance amending Chapter 200 of the Saint Paul LegisIative Code setting condirions for maintaining a dog designated as `�otentially dangerous," requiring licettsees to be at least 18 years of age, and estabiishing appeals procedures for the desigttations of dogs as "potentially dangerous" and "dangerous" and authorizing dogs to be seized and held pending hearings. Laid over to January 2 for second reading Sasnension Itemc Resolution - O1-1338 - Amending the 1999 Capital Improvement Budget for the Trout Brook Corridor Acquisition Froject and accepting additional funding from MnDOT and DNR Metro Greenways. Adopted as amended Yeas -? Nays - 0 Resolution - O1-1339 - Authorizing the City Attomey's Office to enter into a settlement with MBC Holding Company and f`,,apher State Ethanol and settie the lawsuit without prejudice against those companies with terms and conditions. � �'1 a!'�3 Page 1 of 1 / Nancy Anderson - City Council Reques� From: Nancy Anderson To: Curtis, Roger; Humphrey, Robert; Rozek, Christine Date: 12f27/2001 5:49 PM Subject: City Councii Request. Roger: At the December 26, 2001, City Council Meeting, the Council requested LIEP to present a report on June 26, 2002, regarding the implementation of the two new ordinances (O1-1243 and O1-1244 - vehicle immobilization services). Nancy Anderson Assistant Secretary to the City Council file://C:\WINDOWS\TEMP\GW}00OO1.HTM 12l2712001 . CITY OF SAINT PAUL Randy C Kdly, Mayor �� June 24, 2002 o��o���,�,IN�oNS,� b�-�a�.� �o��.��� ltager C. Curtis, Diredor fA97RYPROFESSIONALSUIIDING TelepLw�e:65 7-26 69 09 0 Suite300 Facsimile.� 65I-298-9724 350 51- Pete• Snees Sa'vn Paul, M"vmesora 55702-ISIO TO: Members of the Saint Paul Ci Co cil PROM: Robert L. Humphzey, LIEP� � o[-��N3 e!-la�f9 RE: Report on the implementation of9�-34� and91..�44 vetucle immobilization services licenses. This report is in response to a request by Council Member Blakey for LIEP to.give a report on the two vehicle immobilization ordinances (O1-243 and O1-244 -- see attached) when they were adopted at the December 26, 2001 Saint Paul City Council Meeting. The legislation was drafted by LIEP due to several complaints put in by the general public and the recommendauon by the Busittess Review Council that regulation of this industry was necessary. Legally booting was a"gray" area when it came to interpretation of the law. Booting was neither legal nor illegal and a proactive approach to avoid future problems and protect the public was necessary. Most cities similar in size to Saint Paul license vehicle immobilization services. 5ince AnsYin, Texas started booting vehicles in November 1992, the city boots around 150 vehicles a month. Boise, Idaho has had a vehicle immobilizauon license program since November, 1993. Many other cities of different sizes also license vehicle immobilizauon providers including Adanta, Georgia; Great Falls, Montana; Chicago, Illinois; Denver, Colorado; Raleigh, North Carolina and Sacramento, California. The one corporation initially involved in boofing in 5aint Paul, according to all signs, discontinued operating in Saint Paul when the legislation took effect on February 6, 2002. For three months after this, no entities requested to be licensed as Vehicle Immobilization Services. This changed when on May 17, 2002 Gopher Towing Incorporated, located at 1321 Tyler Street NE in Minneapolis, requested a Vehicle Immobilization Service License. The license has not yet been granted due to LIEP not receiving some basic paperwork. Lots that Gopher Towing plans on offering thelr booting services at include the AIlied lots located on Saint Peter Sueet and the Dairy Queen and Pizza IIut chains. The company charges $93 to their "clienP' for their "service: ' According to Mr. Gene Buell, Manager of Gopher Towing, many times an immobilization is easier far the "customer" as the "clienP' does not need to find a ride to some obscurely located impound lot but can rather pay on the spot to get his vehicle opezational again. To conclude, according to Mr. Buell his corporation currendy does "several hundred" bootings per year in Minneapolis and stated that booting is the "wave of the future" for patldng compliance and that his corporarion will be doing much more booting in the City of Saint Paul. LIEP agrees with this prediction and strongly feels that a proacrive approach was necessary in order to safeguard citizens and regulate the industry. It is safe to assume that in the neaz future Saint Paul will be dealing with hundreds rather than handfuls of bootings. � Chapter 383. Vehicle Immobilizafion Services „ Chapter 383. Vehicle Immobilization Services . Sec. 383.01. Definitions. . Sec. 383.02. License required. . Sec. 383.03. License fee. • Sec. 383.04. Ag�lication for license. . Sec. 383.05. Rules of operarion. . Sec. 383.06. Insurance rec�uired. • Sec. 383.07. Service fee. Sec. 383.01. Definitions. As used in this chapter: Page 1 of 4 n�-ia�.3 T.ocking wheel boot. A mechanical clamp or boot which is professionaily manufactured and designed to lock the front left wheel of a motor vehicle, immobilizing the vehicle and preventing an�one but a keyholdez from removing the clamp. Vehicle immobilization. Use of a locking wheei boot that, when attached to the wheel of a vehicle, prevents the vehicle from moving without damage to the tire to which the locking wheel boot is attached. Vehicle i»unobilization service. A person, firm or corporaUon who at the request of a private property owner engages in the act of vehicle immobilization of vehicles that have been pazked or placed on a private parking lot without pernvssion of the owner ar payment of a parking fee. (C.F. No. O1-1243, § 1, 12-26-01} Sec. 383.02. L�cense required. No persan, firm or corporafion sha11 provide vehicle immobilizafion services as described herein without being licensed. (C.F. No. O1-1243, § i, 12-26-01) Sec. 383.03. License fee. The fee for a vehicle unmobilization service license shall be as set forth in section 310.09(b) and 310.18 of the Saint Paul LegislaGve Code. (C.F. I3o. O1-1243, § 1, 12-26-01) Sec. 383.04. Application for license. An application for a license under this chapter shall be made upon fortns provided by the o�ce of license, inspections and environmental protecrion, and shall contain such information as the office may require, including the following: http://www.ci.stpaul.mn.uslcode/1c383.htrn1 6/�4/02 Chapter 383. Vehicle Immobilization 5ervices Page 2 of 4 o�-�a�3 (1) The name, date of birth, and street address of the place where the applicant resides, and if the applicant is a partnership, corporafion or other entity, the names and addresses of iis officers and shazeholders. (2) Whether the applicant has been convicted of any crime or ordinance violarion within the past seven yeazs preceding the date of the applicarion or is currently on probafion for any crime the convicfion date of which is older than seven years, including the specific charge, date of conviction, place of conviction and the sentence imposed. (3) The sireet address and telephone number of the place where the applicant proposes to operate the licensed business. (4) The loca6on of any private property locations where the vehicle immobilization service will be conducted and the names and contact information of all persons authorized to order vehicle immobilizarion at each such location. (C.F. No. O1-1243, § 1, 12-26-01) Sec. 383.05. Rules of operation. In addition to any other applicabie regulations contained in this chapter or code all licensees under this chapter shall operate in strict accordance with the following: (1) Prior to installing a loclang wheel boot on any motor vehicle at the request of someone other than the vehicie's owner, the licensee shall determine that the parking lot has wazning signs advising that failure to pay the required parking fee may result in immobilization. (2) Vehicle immobilization service licensees shall use a printed order form which includes the name, address and telephone number of the licensee's business, as well as space to enter the name of the person authorizing the service, the time the service was performed, the name of the person insYalling the locking wheeI boot, the location where the service is being provided and a description of the vehic]e to be immobilized. Every form shall be completed in a legible manner and signed by the person who authorized the service. The person authorizing the service shall be present when the locidng wheel boot is attached to the vehicle and must be the owner of the property, the licensee of the parking lot or a duly authorized employee or agent of the owner or pazking lot licensee. The vehicle immobilizaxion service licensee shall have this authorized order form signed, fully completed and in possession before installing the locking wheel boot. The amount charged for the service, including any parking fees due, shall be included on this order form and a copy of the form shall be given to the person reclaiming the vehicle. The original completed order forms must he maintained at the licensee's place of business for a period of at least two (2) years and shall be made available for review upon request of the director of the office of license, inspecfions and environmental protection or his/her designated representauve. (3) A licensee under this chapter shall maintain a chmnological log or record of all vehicles that have been immobilized. The log shall indicate a description of the vehicle, location that the service was performed, time or service, and time of vehicle release. This log shall be made available for renew upon request of the director of the office of license, inspecrions and environznental protecfion or his/her designated representative. (4) Whenever a locldng wheel boot is installed on a vehicle, a blaze orange warning decal at least forty- seven (47) inches square in size shal] be prominently placed in the center of the dtiver's side window or http:lJwww.ci.stpaul.mn.us/code/1c383.hun1 6124/02 � Chapter 383. Vehicle Immobilization Services �� �� ��3 Page 3 of 4 on the front windshield directly in front of the steering wheel. The decal must clearly and legibly state that a locldng device has been installed on the front ]eft wheel of the vehicle and that attempting to move the vehicle will cause serious damage to the vehicle. The decal shall display the telephone number and the address of the licensee. Upon payment of the service fee, the licensee shall offer to remove the decal and shall have in possession the appropriate materials to remove the decal and residue. (5) Vehicle immobilization service licensees shall maintain twenty-four {24) hour telephones and wheel locking removai services, and shall respond to a request to remove a wheel locking device within sixty (60) minutes. If a licensee does not appear to remove the wheel locking device within sixty (60) minutes of a customer request, the locking device shall be removed at no charge except that the customer shatl srill be required to pay the parking fees due. (6} Vehicle immobilization service licensees shali not install a wheel locking boot on any marked emergency vehicle or any United States military vehicle without a ciry pazking enforcement officer being present. (7) In tt�e event a velvcle is not claimed within twenty-four (24) hours, the licensee shall notify the city police department of the license number and descripflon of the vehicle. If the vehicle was reported as stolen, the licensee shall, at the direcrion of a police office, remove the vehicle immobilizafion device without a charge. (8) The vehicle immobilization service may not attempt to collect service or parking fees after the vehicle has been impounded by a licensed tow truck. (C.F. No. O1-1243, § 1, 12-26-01) Sec. 383.1)6. Insurance required. Each applicant for a vehicle immobilization service license under this chapter shall at all times keep in full force and effect a public liability insurance policy written by an insurance company authozized to do business in Minnesota in the amount of one hundred thousand dollars ($100,000.00) for injury or death to one (1) person, three hundred thousand dollars ($300,000.00) for each injury or death from each occurrence, and twenty-five thousand dollazs ($25,000.00) for property damage. Proof of the required insurance policy must be submitted to the office of license, inspecflons and environmental protection. (C.F. No. O1-1243 § 1, 12-26-01) Sec. 383.07. Service fee. The macimum service fee far vehicle immobllization shall not exceed seventy-five (75) percent of the fee charged for a tow by the city unpound facility, plus any wmmercial puking lot fa�s due. No other service charges or parking fees may be chazged as a condirion of removing the locking wheel boot by the licensee under this chapter or by the parking lot where the vehicle immobilization service is performed. Vehicle immobilization service licensees shall honor all forms of payment currenfly accepted by the city impound facility. (C.F. No. O1-1243, § 1, 12-26-01) Chapters 384--389. Reserved http://www.ci.stpaul.mn.us/code/ic383.htm1 6/24/02 Chapter 383. Vehicle Immobili2ation Services Page 4 af 4 at-ta��3 http;//www.ci.stpaul.mn.us/code/1c383.htm1 6/24/02 pI-ra�.3 Sec. 310.18. License fee schedule. Notwithstanding the provision of any other ordinance or 1aw to the contrary, the following fees ate hereby provided for all the licenses listed herein. These fees supersede all inconsistent provisions, including, but not limited to, graduated fee provisions, in these chapters and in other ordinances and laws, and include the fee for the license application as part of the license fee; provided, however, that this section does not amend or modify sections 310.09(a) or 310.09(d) of the Legislative Code with respect to exempt organizations or late fees. Pursuant to section 310.09(b) of the Legislative Code, these schedules shall be posted in the office of the director of the office of license, inspecrions and environmental protection. These fees shall be effecfive for license renewals and new license applications occurring on and after January 1, 1995, or on the effective date of this section, whichever is later; provided, however, that with respect to all ]icenses whose renewal dates occur after the effecrive date of this new schedule, there shall be no increases in, nor offsets or refunds of, the exisfing fees paid, or due and owing. (a) ENFORCEMENT L.EUEL 1 Chapter/Sec6on No. 167 198.04 316 317 317 323 325 327 332 333 336 340 345 348 349 350.02 License Description Commercial Vehicie Keeping of Animals (New) Animal Foods Manufacturing & Distribution Amusement Rides Amusement Rides (temporary) Christmas Tree Sa1es Close Out Sale Dry Cleaning Pickup Stadon Liquid Fuel Vehicle SolidFuel Vehicle Private Fuel Pump Mercantile Broker I- '�.. 11 . . 1.1 66.00 66.00 25.00 6b.00 .. 11 .. 11 .. 11 .. 11 �. 11 •• 11 .. 11 .. �� Peddler (Solicitor(Transient) Rental of Clothing & Vehicle Rental of Clothes Attire Vehicle Rental of Hospital Equipment 350.02 Rental of Hospital Equipment Vehicle 351 Rental of Kitchenware 353 Roller Rinks 355.01(a) & (b) Secondhand Dealer-Single Location .. 11 .. 11 .. �� .. �� .� {{ .. �� 357.03 Solid Waste Hauler-Each Vehicle Over One 359 Sound Trucks & Broadcast Vekucies 359 Sound Trucks & Broadcast Vehicles (Non-profit Organizations) 371 Finishing Shop 361.14 Tow Truck/Wrecker Vehicle 362 Tree Trimmer-Additional Vehicle 372 Tire Recapping Plant 376.16(d) Taxicab Driver (new) 377 Lawn Fertilizer � Pesticide Application 380 Tann3ng Facility 382 Pet Grooming Facility 409.11 , Liquor-Outdoor Service Area (Patio) 412 Massage Center (Class B) 414 Massage Therapist 424.02 Gas Stations (b) ENFORCEMENT LEVEL 2 Chapter/Section No. 320 321.03 321.03 322.02(a) & (b) 326 327 332 333 334 338 K�a 347 352 355.01(c) 356 License Description Bituminous Contractor Rooming & Boardinghouse Rooming & Boardinghouse (Supervised) Bowling Center & Pool Halls Building Contractors I.aundry & Dry Cleaning Plants Fuel Dealers--Liquid Fuel Dealers--Solid Pest Control House Sewer Contractors Oil Bulk Storage Pet Shop Rental of Trailers Secondhand Dealer--Exhibitions Sidewalk Contractors �t-�a�3 .. �� � 1 i�FX�I�7 �. 11 .. 11 .�l1 .. 1 .. �� ..� .. Ii ..� .. 1{ .. 11 .. 11 .� /1 Fee $164.00 164.00 164.00 164.00 164.00 164,00 164.00 164.00 164.00 i.� �1 .� 11 .- �� .� 11 .� 11 .� �� � 362 364 365.02 K71E: 401 405.02(a) 406 408 412 Tree Trimming (with One Vehicle) Veterinary Hospital Window Cleaning Bed & Breakfast Residence Motorcycle Dealer Dance or Rental Hall Game Room Recycling Collecfion Center Massage Center (Class A) 415.04 Theaters and Movie Theaters 416 Motion Picture Drive-in Theatez 426.04 , Cabaret (Class A & B) (c) ENFORCEMENT LEVF,L 3 Chapter/Section No. 324 354 355.01(d) 357.03 360.03 360.03 361.14 383.02 � .7TIl 376.04 381 401.02(a)(1) 4Q1.02(a) 401.02(a)(5) 401.02(a)(2) 407.03 407.03 409.Q7.1 License Description Cigazettes Sanitary Disposal Vehicle Secondhartd Dealer-Multiple Dealers Solid Waste Hauler & Vehicle Public 5wimming Pools Whirlpools Tow Truck Operator Vehicle Immobilization Service Tattoo Pazlors Taxicabs Currency FYChanges New Motor Vehicle Dealer Motor Vehicle Parts Dealer Secondhand Dealer Motor Vehicle Parts Secondhand Motor Vehicle Dealer HoteUMotel--To 50 rooms Fiotel--Each additional room over 50 Liquor-Extension of Service Hours pt-r��3 i�.00 164.00 164.00 164.00 164.00 164.00 164.00 164.00 164.00 164.00 164.00 164.00 Fee 317.00 317.00 317.00 317.�0 317.00 317.00 317.00 317.00 317.00 317.00 317.00 317.00 317.00 317.00 317.00 317.00 10.00 317.00 pl-�a`�3 412 413 415 Massage Center (Class C) ConversationlRap Parlor (A & B) Mini-Motion Picture Theater-Adult 317.00 317.00 317.00 317.00 0.00 417.04(1) Pazking Lots and Parldng Garages 417.04(2) Parking Gazages (Government) 417.04(3) Pazking Cazages (Private) 422 Motor Vehicle 5alvage Dealer 423.02(b) Auto Body Repair Garage 423.02(a) Auto Repair Garage 427 Health Sports Clubs (Class A& B) 428 Steam RoomlBath House (A & B) (d) ENFORCEI�ENT LEVEL 4 Chapter/Section No. License Descriprion 331.04 Bakery 331.04 Butcher 331.04 Catering (A)-Limited Catering (B)-Full Catering (C)-Add on 331.04 Day Care Food (A) & (B) 331.04 Food Processor (up to 2,000 sq. ft.) 331.04 Food Processor (more than 2,000) 331.04 Food Salvage 331.04 Food Vehicle 331.04 FoodVendingMachine Food Vending Operator 331.04 Food Wazehouse/Dishibutor FoodBoazding Facility Food/Institutional Facility 331.04 Grocery �A)-Food Shelves Grocery (13)-Fanner's Market Grocery (C)-To 2,000 sq. ft. Grocery (D)-Mare than 2,000 sq. ft. �I 1'1 317.00 317.00 317.00 317.�Q f�r�Zl] Fee $200.00 200.00 225.00 450.00 225.00 25.00 250.00 500.00 425.00 75.00 15.00 75.00 200.00 225.00 25.0(3 25.00 150.OQ 200.00 500.00 o��a�.� 331.04 Mobile Food 331.04 Mobile Food (Non-profit) 331.04 Mobile Food (Non-profit, limited) 331.04 Mobile Food (Limited) 331.04 Original Container 331.04 Original Container-Temporary 331.04 Restaurant (A)-0--12 seats Restaurant (B)-More than 12 seats Restaurant (C)-Limited Restaurant (D)-Add on Restaurant (E)-Extension Restauiant (E)- Extension (Special Event)-annual (2 or less) 331.04 Special Event Food Sales-i--3 days Special Event Food Sales-4--14 days Special Event Food Sa1es-Annual Special Event Food Sales - late fee Special Event Food Sales - emergency fee Special Event Food Sales (Non-profit organization) (e) ENFORCEMENT LEVEL 5 Chapter/Section No. License Description 409 Into�cating Liquor-fee waived for government agencies 409A1(b) Liquor Catering Pernut 409.05(b)(1) On-Sale--Over 200 seats 409.05(b)(2) On-Sale--Over 100 seats 409.05@)(3) On-Sa1e--100 seats or less 409,25(b) Temporary Liquor 409 On-sale Club--Under 20fl membezs On-sale Club--201--500 members On-sale Club--501--1,000 members On-sale Club--1,001--2,000 members On-sale Club--2,001--4,000 members On-sale Club--4,001--6,00� members 225.�0 25.00 25.00 66.OQ 50.00 25.00 P�.�17 450.00 164.00 225.00 225.00 E�II7 100.00 125.00 150.00 25.00 50.00 25.00 Fee 0.00 46.00 $5,050.00 4,650.00 4,200.00 46.00 297.00 497.00 F�il[iI�7 P � ��� 99'7.00 1,997.00 o1-ta�3 409_OS(e) 409.07(b)(2) 409.11(a)(8) 4o9.isro) 409.25 410.02 410.02 410.02 410.Q2 410.10(a) 411.03 411.03 Entertainment--Class B 411.03 Entertainment--Class C 411.03 Entertainment Temporary ( fl ENFORCENIENT LEVEL 6 ChapterlSecuon No. License Description 106 Sidewalk Cafe 127 127 225.08 278 fcIE3 On-sale Club--6,000+ members Off-Sale Sunday On-Sale Extension of Service Area Wine On-Sale Temporary Wine On-Sale Malt (Strong) On-Sa1e Malt (3.2) On-Sale Malt - fee waived for government agencies Off-Sale Ma1t Temporary Malt Entertainment--Class A Courtesy Benches Courtesy Benches transfer Fireanns Gambling Hall Each MAD over 10 ' 11 111 11 ►.r , � G�III] 1,385.00 46.00 445.00 �C��I�7 0.00 160.00 46.00 217.00 527.00 2,500.00 27.00 Fee $as.oa 20.00 fiG�ll7 317.00 354.00 15.00 15.00 Music Machine 341 i� Amusement Rides to 10 Amusement Rides over 10 T.V. Units per location Milk PlantlService Pawn Shops 301.00 28.00 28.00 445.00 2,500.00 Pawn Shop Billable Transaction Fee 1.50 376.16(d) Ta�cicab Ariver (new) 35.00 376.16 Taacicab Driver Renewal 29.00 DI-ia�3 376.17(d) 391 402 403 409.24(1) 409.05(j) 409.05(j) 409.05(i) 409.04(g)(5) 357.03 � Cf►�' � 198.02 Keeping oP More than Three (3) Cats (Renewal) 200.03 1 t 1 : 1 1 � 200.15 Ta�cicab Driver Duplicate Taxicab Replacement Sticker Taxicab Driver (provisional) Soliciting Funds--Tag Days Temporary Gambling Bingo Halls GamUling Manager Gambling L,ocarion--A Gambling Location--B Gambling Loca6on--C Modification of Pazking Solid Waste Transfer Station Recycling Processing Center Infectious Waste Processing Facility Keeping of Animal-Renewal Keeping of More than Three (3) Cats 25.00 Dog License Dog License--Senior Citizen Dog License--Lifetime (with Microchip) Dog License--Senior Citizen, I.ife6me (with Microchip) Dog License--Replacement Impounding Fee Unlicensed Dog Dangerous Dog Registration Boarding Fee--Per Day Animal Adoption-St. Paul Resident Animal Adoption-Nonresldent Animal-Institutional Research Use Keeping of More than Three (3) Dogs Keeping of More than Three (3) Dogs ,�� . � S.QO 21.00 46.00 179.00 66.00 66.00 66.00 66.00 375.00 1,500.00 750.00 1,500.00 30.00 66.00 10.00 5.00 30.00 15.00 5.00 30.00 50.00 75.00 7.00 42.00 200.00 200.00 66.00 Z5.00 p�-ta� (Renewal) (C.F. No. 92-1742, §§ 1, 12-8-92; C.F. No. 93-1650, §§ 1, 12-9-93; C.F. No. 94-201, §§ i, 3-16- 94; C.F. No. 94-1447, §§ 1, 12-14-94; C.F. No. 95-519, §§ 2, 6-7-95; C.F. No. 95-1457, §§ 1, 1- 3-96; C.F. No. 96-391, §§ 3, 5-8-96; C.F. No. 96-1095, §§ 1, 10-2-96; C.F. No. 97-912, §§ 1, 8- 20-97; C.F. No. 99-500, §§ 4, 7-7-99; C.F. No. 99-812, §§ 1, 9-8-99; C.F. No. 00-457, §§ 1, 6-7- 00; C.F. No. 00-1064, §§ 1, 12-12-00; C.F. No. 00-1065, §§ 1, 12-20-00; C.F. No. O1-613, §§§§ 1, 2, 7-5-Oi; C.F. No. O1-1244, §§ 1, 12-26-01) Sec. 310.19. Discount from certain license fees. A discount will be provided for on-sale and off-sale liquor licenses, on-sale and off-sale 3.2 malt liquor licenses and on-sale strong beer and wine licenses. Such fees mentioned shall be reduced in section 310.18 by appro�cimately seven (� percent, in the exact amounts as further provided herein, conringent upon each of the following conditions: (1) Driver's license guide; compilation of laws. The licensee shall maintain on the premises, in a location accessible at all fimes to all employees of the licensed establishment: a. A current driver's license guide which shall include license specificarions for both adults and minors for each state (including Canadian provinces), and shall list such information from at least five (5) years prior to the present date; and b. A current compilation of the laws relating to the sale and possession of alcoholic beverages in the state as outlined in Chapter 7515 of the State of Minnesota Rules and Chapter 340A of the Minnesota Statutes. Ttris compilation mast also include chapters 240 through 246, 409 and 410 of the Saint Paul Legslative Code. (2) Signage. The licensee shall maintain on the premises in all customer areas, current signage relating to underage consumption of alcoholic beverages, and relating to driving under the influence of alcohol. One (1) sign must be located behind the baz, and one (1) sign must be present in each additional room or section within the lounge area in which the writing on the sign behind the bar is not clearly legible. The sign(s) must have dimensions of at least one (i) foot by one (1) foot with ]etters at least one-half (1/2) inch in height. All signs must be comfortably readable from a distance of fifteen (15) feet. (3) Contract with security agency. a. Generally. The licensee shall participate in a training program with an approved private security agency, firm or association (hereafter "security agency") which is selected and contracts with the city for the purpose of providing investigations and training to the licensee pursuant to this subsection. The city contract shall provide (i) that the security agency shall not be reimbursed by the city, but ihat it shall recover its costs and profit by fees collected from the licensees which choose to receive the training program and invesugative services, and (ii) that the security agency shall charge the same amount to all licensees who choose to receive such services, so that all such licensees are treated equally and without discrimination. ol -� ��3 b. Investigation. The contract with the city shall provide for and require one (1) or more investigations by the security agency each calendar year into the practices of the licensee with respect to (i) age identification of customezs in order to prevent sales of alcoholic beverages to minors, and (ri) preventing the sale of atcoholic beverages to pezsons who are obviously into�cicated. The contract shall require that the security agency disclose the results of all such invesrigations to both the licensee and, at no cost to the city, to the office of license, inspecUons and environmental protecrion, within ten (10) days after such investigations are concluded. Failure to do so will be grounds for adverse action against the licensee's licenses. The contract shall require that all such investigarions shall include unannounced and random attempts by minors to purchase alcoholic beverages in the licensed premises, and surveillance within the licensed premises. The security agency shall employ reasonable measures to minimize or eliminate conflicts of interest in providing and reporting on investigations of licensees. c. Training. Ttie contract shall also provide for alcohol awazeness truning by the security agency of all officers, employees or agents of the licensee who work in the licensed premises at least once during the calendaz year. All newly hired employees or new officers or agents hired during the calendar year shall receive such training within four (4) weeks following their hiring, and shall not work in the prearises after that four-week period until they have received such training. d. Standards for approval. In addition to the requirements specified elsewhere in tlris subsecfion, the security agency and its investigations and training must meet or exceed the following: i. The alcohoi awareness course shall cover all of the topics listed herein. The content of each training course shall include, but need not be limited to: (a) Pertinent laws and ordinances regazding the sale of alcohol. (b) Verification of age, forms of identificarion, and forms of false or misleading age identificarion. (c) The effect of alcohol on humans and the physiology of alcohol intoxication. (d) Recognition of the signs of into�cation. (e) Strategies for intervention to prevent into�cated persons from consuming further alcohol. ( fl The licensee's policies and guidelines, and the employee s role in observing these policies. (g) Liability of the person serving alcohol. (h) Effect of aicohol on pregnant women and their fetuses, and in other vulnerable situations. (i) Training available in languages other than English that are spoken by the license holders and/or the license holders emgloyees. 2. The security agency shall have a minimum of two (2) years actual experience in alcohoI awareness training. The courses may be given by one (1) or more instructors, but each instructor must have a fozmal education and/or training in each area they teach. The courses may be supplemented by audio-visual instruction. �t ja�3 3. The security agency shall have sufficient personnel and physical resources to provide an alcohol awazeness training course to newly hired employees within four (4) weeks a$er their hiring by the licensee with whom there is a contract. The cost covering the training and invesrigation service provided to license holders shall be idenrified and charged equally to each participant. The fees after credit for the discount shall be: Iaquor catering permit . . . . 139.00 On-Sale--Over 200 seats . . . . 4,696.00 On-Sale--Over 100 seats . . . . 4,324.00 On-Sale--100 seats or less .... 3,906.00 On-Sale--Theater . . . . 1,395.00 On-sale Club--Under 200 members .... 276.00 On-sale Club--201--500 members . . . . 462.00 On-sale Club--501--1,000 members . . . . 601.00 On-sale Club--1,001--2,000 members . . . . 741.00 On-sale Club--2,001--4,000 members . . . . 927.00 On-sale Club--4,001-6,000 members . . . . 1,857.00 On-sale Club--6,000+ members . . . . 2,787.00 Off-Sale . . . . 930.00 Sunday On-Sale . . . . 186.00 E.ctension of Service . . . . 49.00 Wine On-Sale . . . . 1,288.00 On-Sale Malt (Strong) . . . . 413.00 On-Sale Malt (3.2) . . . . 413.00 Off-Sale Malt . , . . 82.00 (C.F. No. 94-1447, §§ 2, 12-1494; C.F. No. 00-237, §§ 1, 45-00; C.F. No. O1-1260, §§ 1, 12- 26-01)