01-1235Council File # ��� ,� ��� G 1 N A L �ri.�r�,�a -�. as, aoo� Ordinance # Green Sheet # � �l ORDINANCE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA �� Presented By Referred To THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: � An ordinance amending Chapter-83ofthe Saint Paul Administrative Code to restrict the manner in which leases or management agreements involving pazk property can be authorized 0 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2Q 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 Committee Date : Section 1 Section 86A1 of the Saint Paul Administrative Code is hereby amended to read as follows: Sec. 86.01. City contracts, execution. (a) Except as specified in subsection (c) below ar otherwise provided by law, all contracts made in the name of the City of Saint Paul and authorized by the city council shall be executed on behalf of the city by the mayor or executive assistant to the mayor, or such designees as the mayor may authorize by administrative order filed with the city clerk; provided, that such authorization shall be extended to such designees only for contracts of a stated dollar value of fifty thousand dollars ($50,000.00) or less, and the director of the office of financial services. The foregoing limitations do not apply to purchase order contracts processed by the contract and analysis services division and which may be signed by the director of the de�iartrnent of technology and management services and the director of financial services regardless of the dollaz amounts of such purchase order contracts. The director of the office of financial services and the director of the department of technology and management services may each delegate the authority to sign contracts to any employee. (b) The director of the office of financial services or designee may execute contracts in an amount of two thousand five hundred dollars ($2,500.00) or less, including all applicable tases, shipping and handling charges, and no other signatures shall be required to bind the city. Such contracts shall be on such a forxn as the director shall provide, and such contracts shall be made in such a manner as the director shall authorize. The director shall regularly monitar such contracts of two thousand five hundred dollars ($2,500.00) or less to assure they are in compliance with this chapter. PtJ6! fSH�=:3 � 31 '01 (c) When the value of the contract is less than fifty thousand dollars ($50,000.00) and such contract is for the purchase of goods, the only signature required shall be that of the contract and analysis services manager or designee. i jdl Any management agreement for �,ark lands and/or recreation facilities which will be for 2 �eriod of more than one (11 vear shall require approval bv the council followin� a public 3 hearin� before the park commission. uniess such mana¢ement aereement is controlled bv the 4 rorovisions of Saint Paul Administrative Chapter 85, in which case the provisions therein shall 5 control. 6 7 Secrion 2 9 Section 86.03 of the Saint Paul Administrative Code is hereby amended to read as follows: 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 ?g 30 Sec. 86.03. Real estate, conveyance. � All deeds, leases and other instnunents pertaining to the conveyance of real estate or any interest therein on behalf of the City of Saint Paul shall first be authorized by the council and executed by the mayor, city clerk and directar of the office of financial services or designee. Leases of one (1) year or less in duration need not be first authorized by the council. Far such leases, the mayor, by administrative order filed with the city clerk, may establish an alternative process, including signatories, for the execution of those leases. jbl Any lease of park lands and/ar recreation facilities which will be for a period of more than one (11 vear shall require approval by the council following a public hearin before th�ark commission. (11 Any lease of park lands and/ar recreation facilities allowinP for renewal or extension of the lease shall require the consent of the city before the lease can be renewed or extended. (21 Any lease of park lands and/or recreation facilities for a term of one year or less shall not be renewed by the city without prior notice on the aQenda of the nark commission. 31 (31 An�ease of park lands and/or recreation facilities for a period of more than five (51 32 vears where the �ropert�will no lon�er be exclusivelv for the use of the public shall, without 33 limiting the nrovisions of Cha�ter 13 of the City Charter, be considered a diversion ar disposal 34 sub ect to the provisions of Section 13.01.01 of the City Charter. 35 o t-1�35 1 2 3 4 5 6 Section 3 This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days following its passage, approval and publication. o�_ 1a35 Reques� d by Department of: Pa s & Recreati Hy: � Form Approved by City A os By: (/(/�C�Gi-'U � G Adoption Certified by Council Secretary BY � ��_ a � � �- �� Approved by Mayor: Date ��(,!/ / By: � Approved Y!9 Mayor o Submission to Council By: ." //Lk' PUBUSHED 1�'C 31 '�1 Adopted by Council: Date h� ...., �a. a-p p) -� �... � ' DEPARTMEM/OFFIC&COUNCIL Parks and Recreation CONiACT PERSON AND PHONE NovN4,� � GREEN SHEET � �� d 0 \- t�35 NO. 101399 INITIAL/DATE Mike Rossberg 266-6447 SSIGN NUMBER FO ROUi1NG MU5T BE ON COU AGENDA BV (DATEI OPOEH November �8; 2001 Sponsor: Councilmember Harris TOTAL /t OF SIGNA7URE PAGES � 1 DEPARTMEM DIRECTOR 2 CITY ATTOftNEV � FINANCIAL SERVICES OIR. JM � 3 MAYOR (OR ASSI5TAMi) //y!�/ INITIAUDATE 4 cm couNCa � CIiY CLERK � FlNANCIALSERV/ACCTG �J ROSSBERG = 300 CHA Q1P ALL I.00ATIONS FOR SIGNANR� AGTION REQUESTED: Signatures adopting an osdinance amending Chapter 83 of the Saint Paui Administrative Code to restrict the manner in which leases or management agreements involving park property can be authorized. flECOMMFNDATI0N5: Approve 1A) o� Re�ec[ �R) PLANNING COMMISSION _ CIB COMMITTEE CNIL SERVICE COMMISSION X PAPKS AND HECREATION COMMISSION PERSONAL SEHVICE CONTRACB MUSTANSWERTHE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: 1. Has [his persoNflm� ever worketl untler a con[ract for this department? YES NO 2. Has this person/firm ever been a city employee? VES NO 3. Does this person/firm possess a skill not normally possessed by any curren[ city employee? VES NO 4. I5 this persoNfirtn a targe[etl vendoR VES NO Explain all yes answers on 5eparMe sheet antl attach to green shee[. INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNIiV �WM1O, What, When, Where, Why�: On June 9, 1999, the Parks and Recreation Commission approved a policy entitled, "Proposals to Lease Parks and Recreation Facilities," which established procedures for leasing park tacilities. On October 10, 2007, the Commission passed Resolution #01-10 which endorses an ordinance amending Chapter 83 of the Saint Paul Administrative Code with specified language restricting the manner in which leases or management agreements involving park property can be authorized. The Commission believes this ordinance amendment clarifies, strengths and augments its park facility leasing policy. ADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: Passage of this ordinance amending Chapter 83 of the Saint Paul Administrative Code will clarify and bring additional pubic comment into the procedures for entering into leases or management agreements invoiving park property. DISADVANTAGES IF APPqOVED: None. .J NOV 0 7 �009 DISADVANTAGESIFNOTAPPROVED LJI�� !l� y �� This opportunity to ciarify and bring additional public comment into the procedures for entering in o �eases r management agreements involving park property will be missed. TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION y FlINDING SOUflCB FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAINI N/A COSTlREVENUE eUDGETEO (CIRCtE ONE� YES NO ACTIV(fY NUMBER N�A * y ' � f ' W z 2001 e:S$ Council File # ��� ,� ��� G 1 N A L �ri.�r�,�a -�. as, aoo� Ordinance # Green Sheet # � �l ORDINANCE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA �� Presented By Referred To THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: � An ordinance amending Chapter-83ofthe Saint Paul Administrative Code to restrict the manner in which leases or management agreements involving pazk property can be authorized 0 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2Q 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 Committee Date : Section 1 Section 86A1 of the Saint Paul Administrative Code is hereby amended to read as follows: Sec. 86.01. City contracts, execution. (a) Except as specified in subsection (c) below ar otherwise provided by law, all contracts made in the name of the City of Saint Paul and authorized by the city council shall be executed on behalf of the city by the mayor or executive assistant to the mayor, or such designees as the mayor may authorize by administrative order filed with the city clerk; provided, that such authorization shall be extended to such designees only for contracts of a stated dollar value of fifty thousand dollars ($50,000.00) or less, and the director of the office of financial services. The foregoing limitations do not apply to purchase order contracts processed by the contract and analysis services division and which may be signed by the director of the de�iartrnent of technology and management services and the director of financial services regardless of the dollaz amounts of such purchase order contracts. The director of the office of financial services and the director of the department of technology and management services may each delegate the authority to sign contracts to any employee. (b) The director of the office of financial services or designee may execute contracts in an amount of two thousand five hundred dollars ($2,500.00) or less, including all applicable tases, shipping and handling charges, and no other signatures shall be required to bind the city. Such contracts shall be on such a forxn as the director shall provide, and such contracts shall be made in such a manner as the director shall authorize. The director shall regularly monitar such contracts of two thousand five hundred dollars ($2,500.00) or less to assure they are in compliance with this chapter. PtJ6! fSH�=:3 � 31 '01 (c) When the value of the contract is less than fifty thousand dollars ($50,000.00) and such contract is for the purchase of goods, the only signature required shall be that of the contract and analysis services manager or designee. i jdl Any management agreement for �,ark lands and/or recreation facilities which will be for 2 �eriod of more than one (11 vear shall require approval bv the council followin� a public 3 hearin� before the park commission. uniess such mana¢ement aereement is controlled bv the 4 rorovisions of Saint Paul Administrative Chapter 85, in which case the provisions therein shall 5 control. 6 7 Secrion 2 9 Section 86.03 of the Saint Paul Administrative Code is hereby amended to read as follows: 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 ?g 30 Sec. 86.03. Real estate, conveyance. � All deeds, leases and other instnunents pertaining to the conveyance of real estate or any interest therein on behalf of the City of Saint Paul shall first be authorized by the council and executed by the mayor, city clerk and directar of the office of financial services or designee. Leases of one (1) year or less in duration need not be first authorized by the council. Far such leases, the mayor, by administrative order filed with the city clerk, may establish an alternative process, including signatories, for the execution of those leases. jbl Any lease of park lands and/ar recreation facilities which will be for a period of more than one (11 vear shall require approval by the council following a public hearin before th�ark commission. (11 Any lease of park lands and/ar recreation facilities allowinP for renewal or extension of the lease shall require the consent of the city before the lease can be renewed or extended. (21 Any lease of park lands and/or recreation facilities for a term of one year or less shall not be renewed by the city without prior notice on the aQenda of the nark commission. 31 (31 An�ease of park lands and/or recreation facilities for a period of more than five (51 32 vears where the �ropert�will no lon�er be exclusivelv for the use of the public shall, without 33 limiting the nrovisions of Cha�ter 13 of the City Charter, be considered a diversion ar disposal 34 sub ect to the provisions of Section 13.01.01 of the City Charter. 35 o t-1�35 1 2 3 4 5 6 Section 3 This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days following its passage, approval and publication. o�_ 1a35 Reques� d by Department of: Pa s & Recreati Hy: � Form Approved by City A os By: (/(/�C�Gi-'U � G Adoption Certified by Council Secretary BY � ��_ a � � �- �� Approved by Mayor: Date ��(,!/ / By: � Approved Y!9 Mayor o Submission to Council By: ." //Lk' PUBUSHED 1�'C 31 '�1 Adopted by Council: Date h� ...., �a. a-p p) -� �... � ' DEPARTMEM/OFFIC&COUNCIL Parks and Recreation CONiACT PERSON AND PHONE NovN4,� � GREEN SHEET � �� d 0 \- t�35 NO. 101399 INITIAL/DATE Mike Rossberg 266-6447 SSIGN NUMBER FO ROUi1NG MU5T BE ON COU AGENDA BV (DATEI OPOEH November �8; 2001 Sponsor: Councilmember Harris TOTAL /t OF SIGNA7URE PAGES � 1 DEPARTMEM DIRECTOR 2 CITY ATTOftNEV � FINANCIAL SERVICES OIR. JM � 3 MAYOR (OR ASSI5TAMi) //y!�/ INITIAUDATE 4 cm couNCa � CIiY CLERK � FlNANCIALSERV/ACCTG �J ROSSBERG = 300 CHA Q1P ALL I.00ATIONS FOR SIGNANR� AGTION REQUESTED: Signatures adopting an osdinance amending Chapter 83 of the Saint Paui Administrative Code to restrict the manner in which leases or management agreements involving park property can be authorized. flECOMMFNDATI0N5: Approve 1A) o� Re�ec[ �R) PLANNING COMMISSION _ CIB COMMITTEE CNIL SERVICE COMMISSION X PAPKS AND HECREATION COMMISSION PERSONAL SEHVICE CONTRACB MUSTANSWERTHE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: 1. Has [his persoNflm� ever worketl untler a con[ract for this department? YES NO 2. Has this person/firm ever been a city employee? VES NO 3. Does this person/firm possess a skill not normally possessed by any curren[ city employee? VES NO 4. I5 this persoNfirtn a targe[etl vendoR VES NO Explain all yes answers on 5eparMe sheet antl attach to green shee[. INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNIiV �WM1O, What, When, Where, Why�: On June 9, 1999, the Parks and Recreation Commission approved a policy entitled, "Proposals to Lease Parks and Recreation Facilities," which established procedures for leasing park tacilities. On October 10, 2007, the Commission passed Resolution #01-10 which endorses an ordinance amending Chapter 83 of the Saint Paul Administrative Code with specified language restricting the manner in which leases or management agreements involving park property can be authorized. The Commission believes this ordinance amendment clarifies, strengths and augments its park facility leasing policy. ADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: Passage of this ordinance amending Chapter 83 of the Saint Paul Administrative Code will clarify and bring additional pubic comment into the procedures for entering into leases or management agreements invoiving park property. DISADVANTAGES IF APPqOVED: None. .J NOV 0 7 �009 DISADVANTAGESIFNOTAPPROVED LJI�� !l� y �� This opportunity to ciarify and bring additional public comment into the procedures for entering in o �eases r management agreements involving park property will be missed. TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION y FlINDING SOUflCB FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAINI N/A COSTlREVENUE eUDGETEO (CIRCtE ONE� YES NO ACTIV(fY NUMBER N�A * y ' � f ' W z 2001 e:S$