00-861��-'! �I``��,L i Council File # O�'� �r. � Ordinance # Green Sheet # _(�_��� ORDINANCE OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By Referred To Committee: Date as 2 4 5 6 7 An ordinance to amend Chapter 86 of the Saint Paul Administrative Code BE IT ENACTED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SA1NT PAUL: 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 Section 1 Chapter 86 of the Saint Paul Administrative code is hereby amended to read as follows: Sec. 86.01. City contracts, egecution. a) Except as specified in subsection (c) below or otherwise provided by law, all contracts made in the name of the City of Saint Paul and authorized by the city council shall be executed on behalf of the city by the mayor or executive assistant to the mayor, or such designees as the mayor may authorize by administrative order filed with the city clerk: provided, that such authorizarion shall be extended to such designees only for contracts of a stated dollar value of �e fiftv thousand dollars �$�3;08�.90j 50 000.00 or less, and the director of the office of financial services. The foregoing limitations do not apply to purchase order contracts processed by the contract and analysis services division and which may be signed by the director of the department of technology and management services and the director of financial services regardless of the dollar amounts of such purchase order contracts. The directar of the office of financial services and the directar of the department of technology and management services may each delegate the authority to sign contracts to any employee. b) The director of the office of financial services or designee may execute contracts in an amount of two thousand five hundred dollars �39& 6Aj $2 500 or less, including all applicable ta�ces, shipping and handling charges, and no other signatures shall be required to bind the city. Such contracts shall be on such a form as the directar shall provide, and such contracts shall be made in such a manner as the director shall authorize. The director shall regularly monitor such contracts of� two thousand five hundred dollars (-$�599:89j ($2.500.001 or less to assure they are in compliance with this chapter. c) When the value of the contract is less than fifty thousand dollars - F$�5,68A-.$9j ($50,000.00� and such contract is for the purchase of goods, the only signature required shall be that of the contract and analysis services manager or designee. ��3�iaH� K, -�� , { +�aN�.�F ,3 J {L4`9 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 Sec. 86.02. Board of water commissioners' contracts, execution. 00-8��\ All_contxacts made in the name of the board of water commissioners shall be authorized by the board and e�cuted on its behalf by its president, its secretary and the director of the office of financial services or designee. Contracts for - fifty thousand dollars �9Q&89j ($50.000.00) or less require only the signatures of the general manager and the director of the office of financial services ar their respective designees. Section 2 This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (3Q) days from and after its passage, approval, and pubiication. � ,� m � Adopted by Council: Date �.� 3 0 00 Adoption Certified by Council Secretary By: Approved by Mayor: Date I\�p�V T��(! By: � Requested by Department of: Technoloay & Manaaement Services-COntract & Analvsis Services BY: �� q`�c�-� �e�c� s/z�/o� �FOrm A ved by City Attorney �� By: Approved b Mayor for Submission to Council By: � r� oo-r�� T&MS- 9-13-2000 Linda Camp, 266-8920 FOR TOTAL � OF SIGNATURE PAGES GREEN SHEET m�u,rwraw�croR N� 106062 a�raaa� ❑ MY4if0YEY ❑ 111YCLOIK ❑ NiNiCI�LfEIlY1C0Yit ❑ w11liPLlaFRYIaCeTa ❑YM��ORIISYlYI1) ❑ (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) (See also Green Sheet Amend Chapter 86 of the Saint Paul Administrative Code to bring it into conformance with amendments to the Uniform Municipal Contracting Act (Ch.471.345). Amendments raise the limit for formal, sealed advertised bids from $25,000 to $50,000. They were enacted in the 2000 Legislative Session and became effective on August l, 2000. Signature requirements for contracts are being amended to match the State competitive bidding requirements. Small purchase limits are being raised from $1.,500 to $2,500 (authorized by State law) to keep pace with information. .ECAMMENDATION Approve (A) a Re�ect (R) VERSONAL SERVSCE CONTRACfS MUSTANSWER iHE FOLLOWING QUESTSONS: PLANNING CAMMISSION CIB COMMITTEE CIVIL SERVICE CAMMISSION Hee Mie pereaMxm e�.erworked under a coM'act tor this tlepartment'1 VES NO Hes thb Par� ever been a cdy empbyeeT YES NO Oaes this Pe�saK�m poesess a slu4 rwt mmialryW� �Y �Y eurtent dty employee4 VES NO le Nis 4N��im a tarpetfld ventloR VES NO Nein aN ves a�n.rs on ceoerate sheM arM attxh to areen s1�eM During the 2000 Legislative sessian, the competitive bidding limit was raised from $25,000 $50,000. This became effective on August 1, 2000. To take advantage of these changes, the City must amend the Administrative Code so that City requirements match those enacted by the State. Changes will,result in reduced costs for publishing notice of bids and enable the City to process solicitations more quickly. �DVAMAGES IF APPROVED City will be able to achieve some savings in publieation co'sts fos official notice of bids. Smaller projects and purchases can be processed more quickly, saving time for departments in fulfilling their business objectives. )ISADVANTAGES IFAPPROVED Cost and time savings will not be achieved. iF AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION S � SOURCE (IXPWN) Y6E NO Os�aNi�s�'� t,`�,F�iC�a�?�? +.�n�3 °�a � � FI �VGPNP COST/REVENUE BUOIiETED (CIRCLE ONq ACTNITV NUMBER ��-'! �I``��,L i Council File # O�'� �r. � Ordinance # Green Sheet # _(�_��� ORDINANCE OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By Referred To Committee: Date as 2 4 5 6 7 An ordinance to amend Chapter 86 of the Saint Paul Administrative Code BE IT ENACTED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SA1NT PAUL: 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 Section 1 Chapter 86 of the Saint Paul Administrative code is hereby amended to read as follows: Sec. 86.01. City contracts, egecution. a) Except as specified in subsection (c) below or otherwise provided by law, all contracts made in the name of the City of Saint Paul and authorized by the city council shall be executed on behalf of the city by the mayor or executive assistant to the mayor, or such designees as the mayor may authorize by administrative order filed with the city clerk: provided, that such authorizarion shall be extended to such designees only for contracts of a stated dollar value of �e fiftv thousand dollars �$�3;08�.90j 50 000.00 or less, and the director of the office of financial services. The foregoing limitations do not apply to purchase order contracts processed by the contract and analysis services division and which may be signed by the director of the department of technology and management services and the director of financial services regardless of the dollar amounts of such purchase order contracts. The directar of the office of financial services and the directar of the department of technology and management services may each delegate the authority to sign contracts to any employee. b) The director of the office of financial services or designee may execute contracts in an amount of two thousand five hundred dollars �39& 6Aj $2 500 or less, including all applicable ta�ces, shipping and handling charges, and no other signatures shall be required to bind the city. Such contracts shall be on such a form as the directar shall provide, and such contracts shall be made in such a manner as the director shall authorize. The director shall regularly monitor such contracts of� two thousand five hundred dollars (-$�599:89j ($2.500.001 or less to assure they are in compliance with this chapter. c) When the value of the contract is less than fifty thousand dollars - F$�5,68A-.$9j ($50,000.00� and such contract is for the purchase of goods, the only signature required shall be that of the contract and analysis services manager or designee. ��3�iaH� K, -�� , { +�aN�.�F ,3 J {L4`9 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 Sec. 86.02. Board of water commissioners' contracts, execution. 00-8��\ All_contxacts made in the name of the board of water commissioners shall be authorized by the board and e�cuted on its behalf by its president, its secretary and the director of the office of financial services or designee. Contracts for - fifty thousand dollars �9Q&89j ($50.000.00) or less require only the signatures of the general manager and the director of the office of financial services ar their respective designees. Section 2 This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (3Q) days from and after its passage, approval, and pubiication. � ,� m � Adopted by Council: Date �.� 3 0 00 Adoption Certified by Council Secretary By: Approved by Mayor: Date I\�p�V T��(! By: � Requested by Department of: Technoloay & Manaaement Services-COntract & Analvsis Services BY: �� q`�c�-� �e�c� s/z�/o� �FOrm A ved by City Attorney �� By: Approved b Mayor for Submission to Council By: � r� oo-r�� T&MS- 9-13-2000 Linda Camp, 266-8920 FOR TOTAL � OF SIGNATURE PAGES GREEN SHEET m�u,rwraw�croR N� 106062 a�raaa� ❑ MY4if0YEY ❑ 111YCLOIK ❑ NiNiCI�LfEIlY1C0Yit ❑ w11liPLlaFRYIaCeTa ❑YM��ORIISYlYI1) ❑ (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) (See also Green Sheet Amend Chapter 86 of the Saint Paul Administrative Code to bring it into conformance with amendments to the Uniform Municipal Contracting Act (Ch.471.345). Amendments raise the limit for formal, sealed advertised bids from $25,000 to $50,000. They were enacted in the 2000 Legislative Session and became effective on August l, 2000. Signature requirements for contracts are being amended to match the State competitive bidding requirements. Small purchase limits are being raised from $1.,500 to $2,500 (authorized by State law) to keep pace with information. .ECAMMENDATION Approve (A) a Re�ect (R) VERSONAL SERVSCE CONTRACfS MUSTANSWER iHE FOLLOWING QUESTSONS: PLANNING CAMMISSION CIB COMMITTEE CIVIL SERVICE CAMMISSION Hee Mie pereaMxm e�.erworked under a coM'act tor this tlepartment'1 VES NO Hes thb Par� ever been a cdy empbyeeT YES NO Oaes this Pe�saK�m poesess a slu4 rwt mmialryW� �Y �Y eurtent dty employee4 VES NO le Nis 4N��im a tarpetfld ventloR VES NO Nein aN ves a�n.rs on ceoerate sheM arM attxh to areen s1�eM During the 2000 Legislative sessian, the competitive bidding limit was raised from $25,000 $50,000. This became effective on August 1, 2000. To take advantage of these changes, the City must amend the Administrative Code so that City requirements match those enacted by the State. Changes will,result in reduced costs for publishing notice of bids and enable the City to process solicitations more quickly. �DVAMAGES IF APPROVED City will be able to achieve some savings in publieation co'sts fos official notice of bids. Smaller projects and purchases can be processed more quickly, saving time for departments in fulfilling their business objectives. )ISADVANTAGES IFAPPROVED Cost and time savings will not be achieved. iF AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION S � SOURCE (IXPWN) Y6E NO Os�aNi�s�'� t,`�,F�iC�a�?�? +.�n�3 °�a � � FI �VGPNP COST/REVENUE BUOIiETED (CIRCLE ONq ACTNITV NUMBER ��-'! �I``��,L i Council File # O�'� �r. � Ordinance # Green Sheet # _(�_��� ORDINANCE OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By Referred To Committee: Date as 2 4 5 6 7 An ordinance to amend Chapter 86 of the Saint Paul Administrative Code BE IT ENACTED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SA1NT PAUL: 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 Section 1 Chapter 86 of the Saint Paul Administrative code is hereby amended to read as follows: Sec. 86.01. City contracts, egecution. a) Except as specified in subsection (c) below or otherwise provided by law, all contracts made in the name of the City of Saint Paul and authorized by the city council shall be executed on behalf of the city by the mayor or executive assistant to the mayor, or such designees as the mayor may authorize by administrative order filed with the city clerk: provided, that such authorizarion shall be extended to such designees only for contracts of a stated dollar value of �e fiftv thousand dollars �$�3;08�.90j 50 000.00 or less, and the director of the office of financial services. The foregoing limitations do not apply to purchase order contracts processed by the contract and analysis services division and which may be signed by the director of the department of technology and management services and the director of financial services regardless of the dollar amounts of such purchase order contracts. The directar of the office of financial services and the directar of the department of technology and management services may each delegate the authority to sign contracts to any employee. b) The director of the office of financial services or designee may execute contracts in an amount of two thousand five hundred dollars �39& 6Aj $2 500 or less, including all applicable ta�ces, shipping and handling charges, and no other signatures shall be required to bind the city. Such contracts shall be on such a form as the directar shall provide, and such contracts shall be made in such a manner as the director shall authorize. The director shall regularly monitor such contracts of� two thousand five hundred dollars (-$�599:89j ($2.500.001 or less to assure they are in compliance with this chapter. c) When the value of the contract is less than fifty thousand dollars - F$�5,68A-.$9j ($50,000.00� and such contract is for the purchase of goods, the only signature required shall be that of the contract and analysis services manager or designee. ��3�iaH� K, -�� , { +�aN�.�F ,3 J {L4`9 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 Sec. 86.02. Board of water commissioners' contracts, execution. 00-8��\ All_contxacts made in the name of the board of water commissioners shall be authorized by the board and e�cuted on its behalf by its president, its secretary and the director of the office of financial services or designee. Contracts for - fifty thousand dollars �9Q&89j ($50.000.00) or less require only the signatures of the general manager and the director of the office of financial services ar their respective designees. Section 2 This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (3Q) days from and after its passage, approval, and pubiication. � ,� m � Adopted by Council: Date �.� 3 0 00 Adoption Certified by Council Secretary By: Approved by Mayor: Date I\�p�V T��(! By: � Requested by Department of: Technoloay & Manaaement Services-COntract & Analvsis Services BY: �� q`�c�-� �e�c� s/z�/o� �FOrm A ved by City Attorney �� By: Approved b Mayor for Submission to Council By: � r� oo-r�� T&MS- 9-13-2000 Linda Camp, 266-8920 FOR TOTAL � OF SIGNATURE PAGES GREEN SHEET m�u,rwraw�croR N� 106062 a�raaa� ❑ MY4if0YEY ❑ 111YCLOIK ❑ NiNiCI�LfEIlY1C0Yit ❑ w11liPLlaFRYIaCeTa ❑YM��ORIISYlYI1) ❑ (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) (See also Green Sheet Amend Chapter 86 of the Saint Paul Administrative Code to bring it into conformance with amendments to the Uniform Municipal Contracting Act (Ch.471.345). Amendments raise the limit for formal, sealed advertised bids from $25,000 to $50,000. They were enacted in the 2000 Legislative Session and became effective on August l, 2000. Signature requirements for contracts are being amended to match the State competitive bidding requirements. Small purchase limits are being raised from $1.,500 to $2,500 (authorized by State law) to keep pace with information. .ECAMMENDATION Approve (A) a Re�ect (R) VERSONAL SERVSCE CONTRACfS MUSTANSWER iHE FOLLOWING QUESTSONS: PLANNING CAMMISSION CIB COMMITTEE CIVIL SERVICE CAMMISSION Hee Mie pereaMxm e�.erworked under a coM'act tor this tlepartment'1 VES NO Hes thb Par� ever been a cdy empbyeeT YES NO Oaes this Pe�saK�m poesess a slu4 rwt mmialryW� �Y �Y eurtent dty employee4 VES NO le Nis 4N��im a tarpetfld ventloR VES NO Nein aN ves a�n.rs on ceoerate sheM arM attxh to areen s1�eM During the 2000 Legislative sessian, the competitive bidding limit was raised from $25,000 $50,000. This became effective on August 1, 2000. To take advantage of these changes, the City must amend the Administrative Code so that City requirements match those enacted by the State. Changes will,result in reduced costs for publishing notice of bids and enable the City to process solicitations more quickly. �DVAMAGES IF APPROVED City will be able to achieve some savings in publieation co'sts fos official notice of bids. Smaller projects and purchases can be processed more quickly, saving time for departments in fulfilling their business objectives. )ISADVANTAGES IFAPPROVED Cost and time savings will not be achieved. iF AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION S � SOURCE (IXPWN) Y6E NO Os�aNi�s�'� t,`�,F�iC�a�?�? +.�n�3 °�a � � FI �VGPNP COST/REVENUE BUOIiETED (CIRCLE ONq ACTNITV NUMBER