99-996Council File # t t i� QRIGINAL Ordinance # Green Sheet # 1 D I 9 S3 ORDINANCE Presented By ESOTA �mii� Na� 2@ i999 30 — Referred To Committee: Date 2 An ordinance amending Chapter 60 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code pertaining to zoning for the City of 3 Saint Paul and the zoning maps thereof: 4 0 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 WHEREAS, Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes §462.357 and §64.400 of the Legislative Code, the PORT AUTHORITY OF ST. PALJL duly petitioned to rezone property along the north side of SHEPARD ROAD northeast of vacated Palace Avenue and vacated Western Avenue from I-3 to I-2 to create continuity with an adjoining zoning district and facilitate orderly development of the new River Bend Industrial Park, the petition having been certified by the Planning Division on August 3, 1999, as hauing been consented to by at least 6'7% of the owners of the area of the property to be rezoned, and fixrther having been consented to by at least two-thirds of the owners of the property situated within 100 feet of the total contiguous property within one year pr$ce�ding the date of the petition; and WHEREAS, The Zoning Committee of the Planning Coxnmission on August 19, 1999, held a public hearing for the purpose of considering the rezoning petition, and pursuant to § 107.03 of the Administrative Code, submitted its recommendation to the Planning Comxnission that the petition be granted; and WI3EREAS, The Planning Commission considered the rezoning petition at its meeting held on August 27, 1999, and recommended that the City Council approve the petifion; and 20 21 WHEREAS, notice of public hearing before the City Council on the said rezoning petition was duly published 22 in the official newspaper of the City on August 31, 1999, and notices were duly mailed to each owner of 23 affected property and property situated wholly or partly within 350 feet of the property sought to be rezoned; 24 and 25 26 WHEREAS, a public hearing before the City Council having been conducted on 27 September 8, 1999, where all interested parties were heazd, the Council having considered all the facts and 28 29 30 31 32 recommendations concerning the petition; now, therefore THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. 33 34 That the zoning map of the City of Saint Paul, Sheet Number 28, as incorporated by reference in §60.301 of 35 the Saint Paul Legislative Code, as amended, is hereby fiirther amended as follows: 36 37 That property along the north side of SHEPARD ROAD northeast of vacated Palace Avenue and vacated 38 Western Avenue, being more particularly described in the legal description attached to the petition to amend 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 �t�- 9.9.�. the zoning code submitted by the Port Authority of St. Paul and to this ordinance, be and is hereby rezoned from I-3 to I-2. Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirry (30) days from and after its passage, approval and publication. pRIG1NAL p D 9 lISHED N Q� � � 1999 Requested by Department of: Coleman Harris ReiCer Adopted by Council: Date �� Adoption Certifie�d by Council Secretary gy: —' i Approved by Mayor: By: _ Plannina & Economic Develooment � � By: Fosm Approved by City Attorney Approvef t �� � . � . r i l • eI c�- G 91. r� ����� GREEN SH No���°�3 Allan Torstenson 266-6579 � ��� � TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES i o[r�,�ru.�FCroie Q �,.,.,.�, �Y q. a9 .99 � �„� ❑ ..�.,� � ❑ .,�,�.a Q w,��„�.. ❑ (CLIP ALL CATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) Adopt an ordinance to finalize council approval of a petition of the Port Authority of St. Paul to rezone property along the north side of Sheghard Road n�rtheast of vacated Palace Avenue and vacated Western Avenue from I-3 to I-2 (�ublic,heaxing held 09/08/99. PLANNING CAMMISSION CIB CAMMITTEE CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION VF.�:L1� iSONAL SERVICE CONiRACfS MUSTANSWER THE FOLLAWING Q Has ihie Pe�Mrm e.er varked uMer a contrad fot tl�is departmeM7 VES NO Hae this Pe��m ever been a �tilY emDbYee� rES rio Does tliis P�rm possess a slap �wt'wrmalNP�� M anY a�rteM citY emW%'ee4 YES I� Is tliis peisanlfirm a targetetl veMOR " , YES NO ,' Finalize council approval of a petition of the Port Authority of St. Paul to rezone property along the north side of Shephard Road northeast af vacated Palace Avenue and vacated Western Avenue from I-3 to I-2 to create continuty with an adjoining zoning district and facilitatz orderly development of the new River Bend Industrial Park. IF APPROVED e; ' � .. a. ...,��, n�L� �.i:, i L. .. �., a S� 4 � .. .. �,.. .. _ , . ,. AMOUNT OF 7RANSACTION SOURCE iNwar.unor+ (owwr� COST/REVENUE BU06ETED (CIRCLE ONt7 YES NO ._-... _. _ ._ _ _ ... _ __.� ACTMTY NUMBER ��� ���� ���¢�t i + .,. LEGAL DESC7:PTIGN "C:TGO SItE" (Per Otd Repuolic NG;;onol Title lnsurance ComOany ALiA Commltment Applicat�cn No. R OP,935907 C. >ffec'.ive Cate S<Otem6er 4, 199i) 7hose portions of Lots 8. 10. i I, 12, 13 cnd I4, Partition P!at. an Addition to St. Paui. Ninneso[a, being o subaiv�sion of [he �or.hwest Cuorter cf the Nartheas[ puarter anC Government Lot 2, Section 12. Tawnshio 2� North, R�nq_ 23 West af th< sth P�incipol �Aeridion, ond that Ga�� �� a:ocK 16. Stinson, Brown cnG Ramsey's .4ddition to SL Paul, bounded ond describetl as fo��ows: 9eginning at [he int_rsection of ;he 'Nest line of Lot 8, in soid P�rtition �lat, the same beinq .he North and South ��ua�rer !in_ of Section 12, Township 28 North, Renge 2'. West, in .he C;ty of St. Paul, Romsey County, `dinnesota with ;he `1or[herly le�ee tine as _stcbiisned by Crder of Common Council datea Ao�il 22. 1886, Fiied June 27, 1888, m th= offc_ of the Register of �e=as. Ramsey Ccunty, Minnesoto, ond filed in Book b of Street Openings, �vge 22; thenc= North clonq scid west line of said Lot 8, or said quarter section line, 326.66 `ee`, to an iron monument, monument being the intersection of the East_rly _xtension of ;he South line of glo<k 16, ci soid Stinson. Brewn ond Ramsey's Addition: thence North 89 degrees JS minutes 'Nes, aiong the said Sauth line of Block I6, and said Iine extended East o distonc^ of 431.i2 feet .o an iron monumenk thence North d0 Cegrees 59 minuces Eost, a distance of 1748.�5 feet to an �ron monument, said iron monument being 65 feet Wtst of (measured ot �iyht angles) a�d parolle! with ±he East tine of Lot la in said Partition Plot, sa�d point 5eing IJI807 feet Ncrth of said Ievee line, meosured awng said parallel line; tFenc^ due South olong saiC line 65 `eet 'Nest of and pa�cliel with said East iine pf Lot 14 o distance oi 836 fee: .o an iron monumenk thence due FaSt at �ight angles 35 `eet to an iron monument thente South parollel with said Easi line of �ot Id to the Northerly levee line hereinbefore Cescnbed; !hence Southw?sterly olonq 5aid 4ortherty levee line 826J1 fee!, more or less. to the point of beqinning, sa��ng and exceoting Westem Avenue, Ramsey County, .Uinnesota. Except that oertion Cescnbed cs 'ollows: ihot port of Lot Id, Partition ?lot ond Addition !o Samt Poul, MinneSOto be:na o Suodivision �f the tlorthwest Ouarter oP the Northeost Quarter and Govemment Lot 2. Secbon 12, ?ownsn�p 28, Rang= 23. Romsey Caunty, Minnesoto descnbed as follows: Commencing ot the intersectio� of !he West Ilne o( Lot 8. said PartiNon Plet and �ddition with th_ Nor',he��y levee line as established by order of common councii dated Aprii 22, t886, filed Ju�e 27, I888 in the oHice of .he Register of Deeds, Ramsey Cou�ty, !dinnesota, ond filed in 9ook 4 of Street �penmgs, Fnge 22: :hence North ctong the 'N<_st 'ine aE said �ot 8 o distance of 326.5o feet to its �neerseciion with the Easterly extenron of the South line of Block 16. Stinson, Brown and RamSey's Addition to Saint Paul, Ramsey County, Minnesota; thence Wes,erly olong saw South line and its extension 4�IJ2 feet; :he�ce Northeasterly, angle left 49 degrees 23 minutes 1683A feet !a the poin[ of beginning of the porcel ;o be destri6ed: thence continuing Nor;heasterly to ;he West line of the Ea9t 65 feet o( said Lot I4; :hence South alona smd Wes'. �ine 100 feet: thence Southw=sterly :o the point o( beginning. Abstract Antl PROPOSED CESCRIPTICN — WESTE�N AVENUE (f.K.A. Blofr Street) — SiREET VACATION That port of West=rn Av_nue as dedicoted in the plot of Sinson, Brown and ftomsey's Addition to SL Paul, accorCing to the recorded plat thereof, Romsey County, Minnesota, whi<n lies nor!herly of the here:nafter described '�Line A" and southerly of the hereinofter describetl "�ine B'. "Line A" is destribed os commencing at the intersection af the west line of Lot 8, �� Portition P7ot, on addition to St. Pauf, Minnesota, heing a subdivision of t�e Northwest �uarter of ,he Northeast �uarter and Gove��ment Lot 2, Settion 12, Township 28, Range 2J, Romsey County, Minnesota, the same being the North and South �uarter line af said Section 12 with the no�therly levee line os estab7ished by O�der of Common Cauncii dated Aoril 22, 1886, tiled June 27, 1888. in the office of the Register of Deeds, Romsey County, Minnesota. antl filed in Book 4 of Street Openings, Page 22; thence �orth, aiong smd west line of Lot 8, a distance of 326.66 feet ta an iron monument at the intersection of the easterly extension of the south line of Block 16, Stinson, Brawn ond Romsey's Addition to St. Paul, according to the recorded plat thereof, Ramsey County, Minnesota, said point beina the point of beginning of said "�ine A' to be descnbed; thence North 89 degrees JS minutes 'Nest, along said south line of 51ock I6, ond said �ine exiended east, o distance af 431J2 feet to an iron monument and said "Line A there terminating. „ Line 8" is described as beginninq at the terminotion af said "Line A", thence North d0 degrees 59 minutes Ea$ a aistance of 1748.05 feet to an iron monument. be�ng 65.G0 feet west of, as me05ured dt ngh[ angles to, the east line saitl �ot 14 and 1318.07 feet north af said leve^ line, measured along the west line of the east 65.00 feet of said Lot Is and soid "Une B there terminating. �q �aq� DEPARIMENT OF PLANNING & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CTTY OF SAIl�I"f PAUL Norm Coleman, Mayor August 27, 1999 Ms. Nancy Anderson City Council Reseazch Office Room 310 City Hall Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 Dear Ms. Anderson: Division ofPlmening 25 West Founh Sdeet Saint Paul, MN 55102 I would like to confirm that a public hearing before the City Council is scheduled for Wednesday, September 8, 1999, for the following zoning case: Applicant: PORT AUTHORITY OF SAINT PAUL File Number: #99-211 Purpose: Rezone property from I-3 (Industrial) to I-2 {Industrial) to ereate continuity with an adjoining zoning district and facilitate orderly development of the new River Bend Industrial Park Address: North side of SHEPARD ROAD northeast of vacated Palace and vacated Westem Lega1 Aescription of Property: See file Previous Action: Planning Commission Recommenda6on: APPROVAL vote: unanimous, August 27, 1999 Zoning Committee Recommendation: APPROVAL vote: 7-0, August 19, 1999 My understanding is that this public hearing request will appeaz on the agenda for the September 1, 1999, City Council meeting and that you will publish notice of the heazing in the Saint Paul Legal Ledger. Please call me at 266-6579 if you haue any questions. Sincerely, Allan Torstenson City Planner cc: File #99-211 Paul Dubruiel Cazol Martineau •�rzsratmr• NOTICE�OF PQBISC HEARII�TG The Saint Paul City CounciLwilt conduct a pablic hearing on Wednesday, Septeiuber; 8. 1999, at 5:30 p.m. in the City Council � Chambers, Third FIoor. City Hail-� Courthouse, to congider the application of, the Port dut.hority bf Saint Paul to rezone property from f-3 Elndusfriap to I-2 (industrial) to create continuity with an adjoining zoning distriet and faci7itate orderly devetopment of the new Idve� Bend Indusfrial Park on�the riorth side of Shepazd Road northeast of vacated Palace' andvacatedWestemAvenues. � � Dated: Avgust 27, 1959 ' NANCYANDERSOPF -. ., Assistaat CityGovntil Setxetaiy _ ' , - FAug.3]? - . —_sS1:PADLE$GALLSDCER�_ - _ � �. � . TeZephone: 672-266-6565 FacsimiZe: 612-228-3374 VOJZtdi �p3�2Y^iS ��1'�. .A�.�... ::' :: [f,�t DEPAATMENT OF PLANNING & ECONOMIC DEVEIAPMENT CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Coieman, Mayo> August 30, 1999 Ms. Nancy Anderson Secretary to the City Council Room 310 City Hall Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 Divitiat oJPlanning 25 West Fmwth Snee! Saint Pm�l, MN 55101 RE: Zoning File #99-211 PORT AUTHORITY OF SAIN1' PAiJL City Council Hearing. September 8, 1999, 530 p.m. City Council Chambers / • • � � Telephone: 612-266-6565 Facsimile: 612-228-3314 PURPOSE: To consider rezoning property along the north side of SHEPARD ROAD northeast of the vacated Palace Avenue and vacated Western Avenve from I-3 (Induslrial) to I-2 (Industrial) to create continuity with an adjoining zoning district and facilitate orderly development of the new River Bend Industrial Pazk. � PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATTON: APPROVAL vote: unanimous ZOIQING COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: APPROVAL vote: 7-0 STAFF RECOMMENDATION APPROVAL SUPPORT: No one spoke. OPPOSITTON: No one spoke. Dear Ms. Anderson: The PORT AUTHORITY OF SAINT PAIJL submitted a petition to rezone property along the north side of SHEPARD ROAD northeast of vacated Palace Avenue and vacated Westem Avenue. The Zoning Committee of the Planning Commission held a public hearing on the proposed rezoning on August 19, 1999. The appiicant addressed the committee. At the close of the public heazing, the committee voted 7- 0 to recommend approval of the proposed rezoning to I-2. The Planning Commission upheld the Zoning Committee's recommendation for approval on a unanimous voice vote on August 27, 1998. T4iis proposed rezoning is scheduled to be heard by the City Councit on September 8, 1999. Please notify me if any member of the City Council wishes to have slides of the site presented at the public heazing. Sincerely, � • Allan Torstenson City Planner Attachments cc: City Council members city of saint paul planning commission resolution file number 99-56 date Au Z� 1999 �VHEREAS, THE PORT AUTHORITY OF ST, PAUL, file # 99-221, has periGoned to rezone properry along the north side of SHEPARD ROAD northeast of vacated Palace Avenue and vacated Westem Avenue from I-3 to I-2 to create continnity with an adjoining zoning districi and faczlitate the orderly development of a new industrial pazk; and WHEREAS, the Zoning Committee of the Planning Commission on 08(19/1999, held a public hearin� at which atl persons present �vere given an opporiunity to be heard pursuant to said application in accordance with the requirements of Section 64.400 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code; and W�IEREAS, Saint Paul Pianning Commission, based on the evidence presented to its Zoning Committee at the public heazing as substantially reflected in the minutes, made the follotiving findings of fact: � The Port Authority of St. Paul is developin� a new industrial pazk, River Bend Business Park, aY this location. Most of tlie property surrounding the property to be rezoned, � including property that will be part of the new industrial pazk, is zoned I-2. The proposed rezoning from I-3 to I-2 will make all of the properry in River Bend Business Pazk I-2, and facilitaie orderly development of the new industrial pazk. � 2. The proposed rezoning, as well as the development of River Bend Industrial Pazk it is intended to facilitate, is consistent with the comprehensive plan. The Economic Development Strc�tegy (pp.17-18) includes: 1) Objective � 6, ensure su�cient land for future business growth;" 2) Policy �25, "the city's land use plan should provide adequate land for industrial and commercial development and expansion in order to increase the proportion of commerciallindustrial ta�c base;" and 3) Policy #29, the city should periodically review its zoning regulations and amend them as necessary to keep current with technological and economic changes affecting the nature of business activity." moved by Field seconded by _.__ in favor Consent against i . • •- • Zoning File # 99-211 Planning Commission Resolution Page 2 3. The applicant submitted a sufficien# petition of owners of two-thirds of the property within one hundred (100) feet of the properry to be rezoned stating support for the rezoning (9 pazcels eligible, 6 pazcels required, and 7 pazcels signed). NOW, T'I�REFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Saint Paul Planning Commission that the petition of THE PORT AUTHORITY OF ST. PAUL to rezone property along the north side of SHEPARD ROAD northeast of vacated Palace Avenue and vacated Western Avenue from an I-3 zoning classification to an I-2 zoning classification is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan for the City; and BE IT FiJRTHER RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul Planning Commission does hereby recommend to the Council of the City of Saint Paul that ptoperty along the north side of SHEPARD ROAD northeast of vacated Palace Avenue and vacated Western Avenue be rezoned from I-3 to I-2 in accordance with the petition for rezoning on file with the Saint Paul Planning Division. � � - �� s •. � A�t�o� M��+���s Saint Paul Planning Commission City Aall Conference Center Room 40 15 Kellogg Boulevard West Agenda August 27,1999 8:30 -11:00 a.m. I. Chair's Announcements IT. Planning Administrator's Announcements III. Zoning Committee Laid Over Hamiine Midwav Suecial Sien District - Establishment of a special sign district in the area bounded by Lexington Parkway, Pierce Butler, Transfer Road and University Avenue (Nancy Homans, 266-6557). #99-201 Todd J. Bauer - Special condition use permit to al(ow for a used auto dealership at 1170 Arcade between Rose and Geranium (Patricia James, 266-6639). Denial #99-200 American Portable Telecom - Special condition use permit to allow a ten foot cellular telephone antenna on the apartment structure � at 1967 Grand Ave 6etween Prior and Cleveland (James Zdon, 266-6559). Laid Over Laid Over Approval Approval Approval Merriam Park Communitv Council Saecial Sien District Plan - Establishment of a special sign district in the area bounded by Snelling Ave, Summit Ave, the western city limit, I-94, Cleveland Ave and University Ave (Nancy Homans, 266-6557). #99-185 Alison Maule-Kronmiller - Rezone from RM-2 to B2-C to allow for a professional office at 1678 Selby Ave between Pierce and Aidine (James Zdon, 266-6559). #99-211 Citeo Sheoard Road - Rezone from I-3 to I-2 at 0 Shepard northeast of Shepard and vacated Western and northeast of vacated Western and vacated Palace (Allan Torstenson, 266-6579). #99-194 SL Paul Brass Fouadrv - Rezone from RM-2 to I-1 to provide for employee parking and truck access to the rear of the eaisting St. Paul Brass building on property located directly soufh of 954 and 976 West Minnehaha Ave, between Chatsworth and the Wilder Foandation campus (Nancy Homans, 266-655�. IV. Comprehensive Planning Committee � V. Neighborhaod and Current Planning Committee VI. Communications Committee VIL Task Force Reports � VIII. Old Business IX. New Business Public Heariine request for Site Plan Review - Tom Beach, LIEP, 266-9086. The P[anning Commission voted to hold a public hearing on September 10,1999; Kathi Donne►ty-Cohen abstained. X. Adjoumment Planning Commission Members: PLEASE calt Jean Birkholz, 266-6573, if unable to attend. Splanninglagenda.frm \ J � i r � M4NUTES OF THE ZONiNG COMMiTTEE Thursday, August 19,1999 - 3:30 p,m. City Council Chambers, 3` Ftoor Cify Haii and Court House 95 West Keflogg Boulevard PRESENT: Engh, Fie(d, Gervais, Gordon, Kramer, Morton, and Nowlin EXCUSED: Faricy OTHERS PRESENT: . Caroi Martineau, Aifan Torstenson of PED The meeting was chaired by Commissioner Field. � \ - \�� Port Authority of St. Paul - Citgo Shepard Road Site - 99-211 - Application to rezone from i-3 to I-2. Ailan Torstenson showed siides and presented the staff report. Mr. Torstenson stated the Zoning Staff recommends approval of the applicafion. He aiso presented a letter from the DNR that outiines the requirements for development on the site in the River Corridor. Mr. Charles Derscheid, St. Paul Port Authority, appeared and stated they are in the process of developing this site for industrial use. They have spent fourteen miilion doilars in the remediation � of this site. The developer wili add an additional twenty-five miilion doilars which inciudes; site development, landscaping, buildings, and drainages. Mr Derscheide also expiained there are ponds that provide on site drainage, which ailow for settling, so the sediments don't run into the river. Mr. Derscheide also presented letters demonstrating their correspondence and cooperation with the DNR and Army Corp of Engineers regarding the site development. He aiso stated their wi(I be three to four hundred jobs available when this project is completed. At fhe question of Commissioner Engh, Mr. Derscheide reptied this site is in accordance with the state laws and the Minnesofa Poliution Controi Agency. Commissioner Kramer moved approval af the appiication to rezone from i-3 to I-2. Commissioner Engh seconded it. Adopted Drafted by: Yeas - 7 Nays - 0 Submitted by: Approved by: � Carol Martineau , Allan Torstenson Lifton Field Recording Secretary Zoning 5ection Chair �`� -`�`l� Minnesota Department af Natural Resources 500 [afayette Road St. Paul, Minnesota 55155-40�y Phone: (651) 297-2401; faC 296-5939 E-maiL sandy.fecht�dnr.state.mn.us August 16,1999 City of St. Paul Zoning Committee Ciry of St. Paul Planning Commission c/o Allan Torstenson I 100 City Hail Annex 25 R'est Fourth St. St. Paul, MN 55102 Deaz Committee and Commission Members: Via fax and mail RE: Rezoning proposal from I-3 to I-2 Flood Fringe District (RC-2) and Urban Diversified District, Mississippi River Corridor District File No. 99-211 � U . Thank you for the notification received on August 4 for the application for rezoning from I-3 to I-2. The site is within the Flood Fringe District (RG2) and also within the azea ciassified as L3rban Diversified District of the Ivlississippi River Critical Area Corridor District and the Mississippi National River and Recreation Area (MNRRA). We submit the following comments for consideration in all decision-making and submission for the formal hearing record. Although information on the proposed land use was not included in the notification, we want to emphasize that any future development on the site must comply with all Flood Fringe District, River Cortidor ordinance, and Criticai Area Executive Order '79-19 requirements. All capital improvement prograui or public facilities programs of a local unit of government shall be consistent with the standards and guidelines in the Executive Order 79-19. New commercial or industrial uses are permitted in the Urban Diversified District if development is compatible with the goals to maintain the present diversity of land uses; protect historical sites and areas, natural, scenic and environmental resources; and ezpand public access to and enjoyment of the river [Zoning Code Section 65.241]. Developers should be made aware of all of the requirements. There is no hardship for variances for a new redevelopment site when all these requirements can be known and can be complied with. Ordinance provisions that must be compiied with include: . Sec. 65.200 et seq. - Flood Fringe requirements. DNR Information: 651-296-6157 • 1-888-646-6367 • TTY: 651-296-5484 • 1-800-657-3929 M Equal Oppoctunity Employer Who Values Divusity PAnted on Re�ydetl Paper Containing a i Minimumof70%POSi-ConsumerWaste RE: File No. 99-21 I Page 2 . Sec. 65.411 (a) - Development shall be conducted so that smallest practical areas of land be • developed at one time and that each azea be subjected to as Iittle erosion as possible during and after development. We recommend erosion and sediment control measures be implemented and adequately designed to prevent sediment from entering the river, a storm sewer iniet, or other storm water conveyance system, and maintaincd throughout the project. • Sec. 65.411 (b) - Minimum setbacks from ordinary lugh water level and any bluffline. . Sec. 65.411 (c) - Grading and filling requirements. . Sec. 65.412 (4} - Natural vegetafion sha1I be restored after any construcfion project. • Sec. 65.413 (a) & (b) - Contamination requirements. . Sec. 65.413 (c) - Runoff requirements. We aze very concerned that runoff be m;n;r�,;�pd in the site design and development of future projects, as weIi as treating any stormwater from ' the site to improve quality. • Compliance with all underlying zoning district requirements, especially height maximums and maximum impervious surfaces. As applicable to ihis property, the Critical Area designation order, Executive Order 79-19, requires reguIations be adopted by local units of govemment that minimaily regulate the following: . Protect bluffs greater than i8% [C.l.a.(4)J. . Minimize direct overland runoffand improve quality ofrunoff [C.1. a. (5)J. . Minimize site alteration [C.I.a. (6)]. . Structure site and location shall be regulated to ensure riverbanks, bluffs and scenic • overlooks remain in their natural state, and to minimize interference with views of and from the river, exceptfor uses requiringriver access. (C.2.b.j _ . Clustering of siructures and use of designs which will reduce public facility costs and improve scenic quality shall be encouraged. [C. 2. c. j • New development is permitted only after approval of site plans that adequately assess and minimize adverse effects and maximize beneficial effects. Site plans are required for all developments, except for modification or construction of one single family residence. The site plans shall minimally include submission of adequate, detailed description of the project, including activities undertaken to ensure consistency of the Critical Area objectives; maps which specify soil types, topography, and tDze expected physical changes in the site as the result of the development; and measures which address adverse environmental effects. Site plans shall include standards to ensure compatibility of structures, roads, screening, landscaping, consiruction placement, mainterrance, and storm water runoff with 1he character of the river corridor. Site plans shall provide opportunities for establishment of open space and public viewing where applicable and shall corztain specific conditions with respect to buffering, landscaping, and revegetation. [C.2.a.] . For development of commercial or industrial subdivisions and planned cievelopments; � developer shall be required to dedicate to the public reasonable portions of [Corridor) lands RE; File No. 99-21 I Page 3 � � — ��� • in interest. If practical d ff culties or physical impossibility, developer sha11 be required to contribute equivalent amount of cash to be used only for acquisition of Zand for parks, open space, storm water drainage areas or other public services within the River Corridor. . Any public facilities program or capital improvement program of a local unit of government sha11 be consisfent with the sfandards and guidelines of Executive Order 79-19. The City's Zoning Code Section 62.100 references the prevailing of the more reshictive law. We aze also concemed about any changes that will be made from existing land uses and structures. Any such removai or alteration must comply with the above and other applicable state laws, including those of the MN Pollution Control Agency. Thank you for your consideration of these comments in order to protect the Mississippi River aud implement the state requirements. A copy of all decisions shall be forwazded to us foliowing the acdon. Sincerely, DNR WATERS � Sandy Fecht Critical Area/MNRRA Hydrologist cc: Chazles Derscheid, Port Authority of the City of St. Paul, 1900 Landmazk Towers, 345 St. Peter, 55102 Nancy Duncan, Nationat Park Service Sandra Pinel, Metropolitan Council Molly Shodeen/Joe Richter Steve Johnson a- � q -�1�� � ZONING COMIVIITTEE STAFF REPORT FILE # 99-211 � A. B. C. D. � � APPLICANT: PORT Ai3THORITY OF ST PAUL DATE OF HEARING: 08/19l99 CLASSIFICATION: Rezoning LOCATION: Property along the north side of Shepazd Road and northeast of vacated Palace and vacated Western PLANNING DISTRICT: 9 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: see file PRESENT ZONING: I-3, RC-2 ZOIVING CODE REFERENCE: 64.400 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. STAFF INVESTIGATION AND REPORT: DATE: 8/11/99 BY: Alian Torstenson 8. DATE RECEIVED: 08/03/99 DEADLINE FOR ACTION: 10/02/99 PURPOSE: Rezoning from I-3 to I-2 to create continuity with an adjoining zoning district and facilitate the orderly development of a new industrial pazk. PARCEL SIZE: 2031 acres EXISTING LAND iISE: Vacant industrial properry - former petroleum tazilc fazm. SURROUNDING LAND USE: North: Railroad tracks/yard; St. Paul Public Schools Admin.Center across the tracks East: NSP High Bridge Power Plant South: Industriai; Mississippi River West: Industrial E. ZONING CODE CITATION: Section 64.400(a) states in part that "the council may, from time to time, amend, supplement or change the district boundaries or the regulations herein, or subsequenUy established pursuant to the provisions of Minnesota Statutes Section 462357 and amendments thereto as may be made from time to time. The pianning Commission may, from time to time, review district boundary lines to determine if, pursuant to state laws, such district boundary lines should be changed." Zoning File #99-21 I Page Two Section 64.400(b) states, in part, that "an ammendment to tke wning code may be initiated by the council, the planning commission or by a petition of the owners of 67 percent of the azea of the properly to be rezoned." F. HISTORY/DISCUSSION: There aze no previous zoning cases conceming this site. G. DISTRICT COiTNCIL RECOMll�NDA'ITON: None received at time of ttris report. H. FINDINGS: 1. The Port Authority of St. Paul is developing a new industriat pazk, River Bend Business Pazk, at this location. Most of the properiy surrounding the property to be rezoned, including property that will be part of the new industrial park, is zoned I-2. The proposed rezoning from I-3 to I-2 will make all of the property in River Bend Business Park I-2, and facilitate orderly development of tfie new industrial pazk. n LJ 2. The proposed rezoning, as well as the development of River Bend Indush Pazk it is intended to facilitate, is consistent with the comprehensive plan. The � Economic Development Strategy (pp.17-18) includes: 1) Objective # 6, ensure sufficient land for fixture business growth;" 2) Policy #25, "the city's land use plan should provide adequate land for industrial and commercial development and expansion in order to increase tfie proportion of commerciaUindustrial faY base;" and 3) Policy #29, the city should periodically review its zoning regulations and amend them as necessary to keep current with technological and economic changes affecting the nature of business activity." The applicant submitted a sufficient petition of owners of two-thirds of the properly within one hundred (100) feet of the properly to be rewned stating support for the rezoning (9 pazcels eligible, 6 pazcels required, and 7 parcels signed). I. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Based on the above findings, staff recommends approval of the proposed rewning from I-3 to I-2 to facilitate the orderly development of the River Bend Industrial Pazk on property along the north side of Shepazd Road and northeast of vacated Palace and vacated Westem. � I,_ �...R �TAIIt ' � l i A��AI -. �,..a PET[TitiN TO AMEND TNE ZONiNG CODE Department of Planning and Economic Development Zoning Section II00 City Hal1 Annex 25 West Four11: Street Saint Paul, MN SSIO2 166-6589 APPLICANT PROPERTY LOCATION El�t -��1� Property Owner Pori .4utnnrity �i the City of Sai7t Paul, MN Address 1400 Landrn�rk Towers, 345 S�. Peter S'creet City Sai�.t Pzul St.�fT' Zip 55502 Daytime phone 651-2?4-5686 Contact person (if different) Charles E. Derscheid (Ext. '1�) Address/Location N/A Legal Se? attachec+ sheet (attach addition sheet if necessary) TO THE HONORAB�E MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL: Pursuant to Section 64.400 of the Saini Paui Zoning Ordinance and to Section R62.357(5) of Minnesota Statues, , the owner of ail the land proposed for rezoning, hereby petitions you to rezone the above described property from an I-3 zoning district to an I-2 zoning district, for the purpose of: creating continuity with an adjoining zo�ing district and to facilitate the orderly development of a new industrial park. (attach additiona! sheet(s) if necessary) Attachments: Required site pian � Consent petition � AfFdavit ❑ Subscribed and swom to before me this � � day of _7�_ 19� � � Notary Public � owner of ,�°•, LANETTE L LOPEZ 7 3 NOTA4YM16t1C MWNFSOTA e�' M,YCpMMi55�ONIXPIRES •....�"`� JANUARY 31, 2000 Page 1 of �. PREL/MINARYPLAT f�/VER BEND B(/S/NESS PARK _ °°�° ` . � � ��� — .� `�r.� ��M.J':��.:.�. =�� ��%� � L �^� = -_ �-• _ - -_ = _�,5==� 'n j �`.S � � '— �.. ' � �..., ' - ^=�� � � � ... �� ��� _` _ —.. �.. _�.._ �.t"..: �� ��; �` � �,. «_ — — —` ...........v,...,..,.._. / �i � _=---= =—= ; b�� --=— _:`�� -' G; °� ~ � Y � � �*�^! � � � Ia , O � /./ . --- = — — — = == �`,�P '� f j/ � ��� / r ._. _yr.—=.-._...�: r� e���'�° '" ' � /.� E�� /,� ", I � ,�� /, � I �I ra\.���}'�f3 %I�u f� � � � I \K I � � ��1 1 1 I �5�� (` I . TA\R I 5 ( 'a I L �i (�� iM% I :' , t �_ t,�n`� �II! � '' �i �� I I �` Io_ ` <� � i _vCv. ^F ciCL.Y 'c Ct '"• "..._..,. 2: �..,. ....L F..;...' S::"= , . �p tii F :II N \ � �.. UM � 5 /� [: � ' 96RJ6< � /L I ' �'�x � n � zza�«f.s �I c� I TMYN I Ik , �}' I �;�'. i'}_ ' I BLQ�K � �� I , , �P �r I � � 4` ` :i Y � a (y ` � I _ :IhY � . � �T�� � I S'. :� F:iJ • ..�. � �9 �- � � � � q e:« ' 7?I /� i ��� i � �., ...,_—.�:�I �° -, - - Q ;� � i i -=, :; � O , � � ��2 TAYK O �, I 1 � �B \ � I� 0 1 + Y 1 S ♦ ..�.A . /Y �% /� .� r ............�-.� y � �� � ������� w "�"�TL�l.�:.t" �.. `.�..'�4°..w.."' y `� �� �^y�r�iY�w�y y y ��)w�lM�w� Y �r�+��w�.�r� 0 6 1_. li r^ = - ..% • � C� C^. .-.._... �^._ :� _ �= �..�.� � wi� T� Y6WW�c���w 4� w,'ti��i�� � �� �V�r�r rr+M�ww« �r��ltis� � •S' %� '�� � ' � �6 � 1 i �� M r • , ' I % '� ��� ' � � 7 � ' • i � ..l, f� .� � � � s / 1� N a L e ' �n I � � � � i I I ; -_ i �> � � � � � � � i f .,i' Jf�aG J / r r,.' � �i � r.. .. _ ... --- �EGAL OESLR:PTION "CITGO 51T£" (Pe� Old Republic No;ioncl Title �nsurance Compony ALiA Commitment Applicafian No. R OR935907 C, effcc:ive date SeOtember 4, 1997) � Those portions of Lots 8, 10, I I, 12, I3 and 14, Partition Piot, an Addition to St. Poul, M�nneso[a, being o subCivision of the Nwthwest Cuarter of the Northeast Ouarte� ond Government Lot 2, Se<tion I2, Township 28 North, Ranqe 23 West oF !he 4[h Principal Meridian, ond thct Oort oF Biock 16. Stinson, Brown ona Romsey's Addition to St. Poul. baunded ond described as follows: Beginning ot :he intersection of the West line of �ot B, in soid Partition Piat. the some be�ng the North ond South puorter line of Section 12, Township 28 North, Ronge 23 wesf, in the City of St. Paul, Romsey County, Minnesota with the Northerly levee Iint as established by Order of Common Council dated Apri� 22. i886, filed June 27, 1888. �n the office of the Reqister of Deeds. Romsey County, Mtinnesoto, ond filed �n Book 4 of Street OOenings. ?oge 22: thence North olong said West ��ne of said Lot 8, or sa�d quorter section �ine, 326.66 fee; to an iron monument, monument being the intersecFion of the Eosterly extension ot the So��th line of Block 16, of said Stinson, Brown ond Romsey s Add�tion; thence North 89 Eegrees 38 minutes West along the said South line of Block �6. and soid Iine extended East a dis:ance of 43�.72 feet to an iron monument: thence North 40 degrees 59 minutes Eost, a distanca of 1748.05 feet to an iron monument, soid iron monument being 65 feet West of (measured a[ right angles) anC parallel with the East line of lot 14 in said Partition Plat. said point beinq 1318.07 feet North of said levee li�e, meosured along sa�d parcllel line; thenc^ due South o�ong said line 65 feet West o� and pa�alie� with said East line of Lot 14 a distance ot 836 Feet to an iron monument; thence due East at right angles 35 feet to an iron monument thence South parollel with said East line of Lot 14 to the Northerly levee line hereinbetore tlescribed; ±hence Southwesterly olong saitl Northerly �evee ���e 826.71 fee!, more or less. to the po�nt of beginning, saving ond excepting Westem Avenue, Ramsey County, 6linnesota. Except thot pertion described as Soilows. Thot part of Lot 14, Portition Plot and Addtion 'o Saint Paul, Minnesoto be��g a su6division of the Northwest Ouarter oi the Northeost Quorter and Go�ernme�t Lot 2, Section 12, Townsnip 28, Ronge 23. Romsey County, Minnesota described as (oliows: Commencing ot the intersection of the West Iine of Lot 8, said Partition Plat and Add�tion with the Nor!heriy levee iine os established by order of cammon councii dated April 22, 1886, fiied June 27, 1888 in the office of the Register of Deeds, Romsey Cou�ty, Minnesota, and fiied in 9ook 4 of Street Cpenings, Page 22; thence Narth along the West line of soid � lot 8 o distance of J26.66 feet to its �ntersedion with the Easterly extension of the South line of Block t6, Stinson, Brown ond Romsey's Addition to Soint Paul, Ramsry County, Minnesota: thence Westerly along sa�C South line and its extens�on 431J2 feet; thence Northeasferly, angie leti 49 degrees 23 mi�utes 1683.0 feet ta the point of begirtning of the porcei to be descnbed; thence continumg Northeosterly to the West iine of the East 65 feet of soid Lot 14: thence South olong sa�d West line 10.0 feet; tfien�e Southwesterly to the point o� beginning. Abstract. AnG PROPOSED DESCP.IPTION — WESTERN AVENUE {P.K.A. Blair Street) — STREEi VACATION Thot port of Western Avenue os dedicated in the plat of Stinson, Brown pnd Ramsey's AEdition ta St. Paul, according to the recortletl pbt thereof, Romsey County, Minnesota, which lies northerly of the hereinofter described line A' and southeriy o! the hereinafter des�ribed "Line B�. "Une A" is described as commencing at the intersection of the west line of Lot 8, m Partition Plot, an addition ta St. Pau�. Minnesota, being a subdivision of the Northwest Ouorter of ihe Northeast Ouarter o�d Government lot 2, Section 12, Township 28, Ronge 23, Romsey County, Minnesoto, the same beinq the North and South Ouarter line of said Settion 12 with fhe northerly levee line as established by Order of Common Council dated April 22. 1886, filed dune 27, 1888, in the o�fice of the Register oF Deeds, Ramsey County, Minnesota, and filed in Book a of Sireet Openings, Page 22; thence north, along soid west line of Lot 8, a distance of J26.66 feet to an iron monument at the intersection of the eosterly extension ot the soutn line of B�ock i6, Stinson, Brown a�d Ramseys Addltion to St. Paul, according to the re�orded plat thereof, Ramsey County, Minnesota, said Doint be'�ng the point of beginning of said "Line A" to be described; thente North 89 degrees 38 minutes West, olong said south line of Biock I6, and said line extended east, a distance of 431.72 feet to on iron monument and said "line A" there termincting. 'Line 6" i5 de5cribed as beginning at the termination o� safd "Line A"; thentt North 40 degrees 54 minutes EoSt a distance of �748.05 feet to an iron monument. being 65.00 feet west of, as measured dt right 7ngles to, the east line said lot 14 and 1318.07 feet north af said levee line, mensured along the west iine of the eost 65.00 teet of said lot l4 ond soid "line 8 there terminating. � l � \ \M � � _■ 0 _■ : - .. . - o e , � , i '`� �.�'— !=� � = -- 11 �1 �� '� � � �� • � . � � � y �y� �� � � �� ��� —_ � � I �.'� � III` � :������. � � 1�'a,�E;i 8� � � �iNV � f `i-� � � , �\'� ' ��� � r� i � �� �� �� �� � �� _ � ���� �� � �o��� �� � � \ ����� . ■ � � ' � ' \��� � �_ .�+� s �r. `\ 'ill " .'�w�"C=i�S� 9r � �� � � '°yt��:%u�1u��f'�� 1�01 �� S�8 -.. ..i� (IBC�.N �� n�',16�J re�►.�q . : �� , //„�,�_— .�'�" � ��.,� ��. 4 ` � ' '���11�-� 1�E ��Ii■IIl3� 911[��911 � ` ♦y �'' �� � �110 !�� � � `` �,� ��1@ � � �.;,_� • ��q� ,,,���'��' � �� ��y ���'-�� r�- �II�n`�11@`�' ,�����..� �' � � .s ,-. � �.�. � -�_: �. _,� , � ; t�. �n at: :':� � � - - - - � ��_ _, _ � ..-�_ - ,-����- - =�,�� � � .. . S `��� � � � =� � �� � .; � ' � Iyy �� ++ ` M � J �c -��_–_____ � _?�� I� 1, � \� ��Y:a� I! — •j•� \. ��\ _— � � m� ,;``��o \ � � �; �i �' . � � �-�� �� i �� �� �: � - � � � : -� :, � ,� � PY� �� • . `1� �• ` 6 ����� � � �� • A'� ��� � � � ���� :� t . 0 �e�:�.� � . � DATE PETITION SUBMITTED: � � � `� ZOIVING PETITION SUFT�CIENCY CIiECK SHE�T _ xEZO�re scu� ncuP FIRST SUBMITTED � DATE OFFICIALLY RECEIVED: g' 3 ' 4 � PARCELS ELIGIBLE: 1 PARCELS REQUIRED: � PARCELS SIGNED: 7 DATE PETITION R£SUB�fITTED: DATE OFFICIALLY RECEIVED: PARCELS ELIGIBLE: PARCELS REQUIRED: PARCELS SIGVED: .. .. CHECKED BY: 0'�V` D?,TE: a' 3� q ` � NING �ILE a �� CITY OF SAINT PAUL CONSENT OF ADJOINING PROPERTY O�VNERS FOR A REZONIIVG We, the undersigned, o�mers of the property tivithin 100 feet of the total contiguous description of real estate otivned, purchased, or sold by THE PETITIONER within one year preceding the date of this petition acknowledge that �ve have been presented with the following: i. Acopyofthepetitionof Port Authority of the City of St. Paul (name of petitioner) to rezone the property located at 747 Shepard Road � from a f zoning district to a� 1-2 zoning district. 2. A copy of sections 60. 621 through 60. 632 , inclusive of the Saint Paul Zoning Code; and acknowled�e that �ve are aware of all of the uses permitted in a I-2 zoning district and we are aware that any of these uses can be established upon City Council approval of the rezoning. We hereby consent to the rezoning of the properiy in the petition of; Port Authori t.Y of the Ci ty of St. Pau7 to a� I zoning district. (Name of petitioner) We consent fo the approval of this rezoning as it was explained to us by the applicant or his/her representative. 414 Nicollet Mall I Northern S�ates Power C�o..a��� c/o Prooertv Tax Mpls., MN 55401-1 e ogg ve. Suite 6206 St. Paul, MN 551 P.O. Box 14000 � Lexin ton KY 405 4�4-Aak-&�s��� �,e�ar Suite_20A 718 Washington Av Unit 606 Mpis., Mn 55 O1-, State of Minnesota Trust Exemot Ashland Chemical Inc. 4000 �f s . N. Nicol7et Restoration Inc. =� � IS'cgELt�OGG'-SLVbs.W-- � City of Saint Paul St Pau1 tPil 55102 �L-' �� � � 'a� �I ZS/q �t • � � � � . NOTE: This petition shall not be considered as officially filed until the lapse of seven (7) working days after it is received by the Planning Division. Any signator of this petition may withdra�v his/her name therefrom by written request within that,time. � ,; -.:�'. . CI'�'X O�' SA.YN�' PA. V L CONSENT' OF ADJOINING PROPERTY OWN�RS FOR A ,t2EZONING �� �Ve, ilfe undersigned, o�vncrs of the proPcrtY within 100 feet ofthe total contiguous description of real estate otivned, purchased, or sold by THE PETITIONGR �vithin one year precedina the date of this petition acknowledoe that �ve have bcen presented �vith the following: A copyoftl�e petition of Port Authority of the City of St. Paul (name ofpetitioner) ' to rezone die property loclted at 747 Shenard Road from a I-3 zoning district to an I-2 zoning district. � L� 2. A copy o(sec[ions 60. 621 through 60.632 inc(usive of dte Sai�it Paul Zoning Code; and ncknowledge th�t �ve �re n�vare of 11! of the uses permitted in a zoning district and we are lware that any pf these uses can be established upon City Council approvll oFthe rezoning. 1Ve hereby consent to the rezonino of the property in the petition of; _ Port Authority of the City of St Paul tp fl n I-2 zoning district. (Name of petitioner) \Vc consent to flic approval of this i•ezoning as it �vas explZined fo us by the �pplicant or his/ticr representafivc. ivviU: t ms petttion shall not be considered as officially filed until the lapse of seyen (7) working days a8er it is received by the Planning Aivision. Any signator of ihis petition may withdraw his/her name therefrom by written request within that time. -:�'. ' i. ; i STATE OF MINNESOTA) COUNTY OF.RAMSEY ) : SS � �. `��� The petitioner, �z�� ��� al � � ��� � , being first duly swom, deposes and states that the consent petihon contains signatures from at least rivo-thirds (z/a) of all eligible properties within 100 feet of all property owned, purchased, or sold by petitioner �vithin one (I) year preceding the date of this petition which is contiguous to the property described in the petition; petitioner is informed that the consent petition must contain signatures from each and all o�vners of jointly-owned property in order to constitute consent from that property and that fai(ure to obtain consent from each and all owners could invalidate the consent petition; petitioner believes that the consent petition was signed by each of said o�vners and that the signatures are the true and correct signatures of each and all of the parties so described. � � /-Z?ti-S 6 TELEPHONE NUMBER Subscribed and sworn to before me this �Z day of 19�_ , / / ��i� /. _� �� i- - _,"._�. � • i � - °`°••. LANBTI'E L LOPEZ `' y NOTKYttA6K M7N�07A ' MY OOMMISSION FXPIRES ` '•••••' F IANUARIf St. 2000 PETITION TO REZONE AFFIDAVIT OF PETITIOYER Page of 1/31/97 f` AFFIDA'VTT � OF P�RSON CIRCUT,ATrNG 7HE CON3ENT P�TITION STATE OP MINNESOTA) :SS COUNTY OF RA,iv15£Y ) l.: k°'rles r' �°�xti �� being first dnly sworn, deposes and stsies that he/she is the person who circulated the consent petition consisting of /3 pages; that e�ant represents that thc parties described on the consent petitian are ell the respective owners of the properties placed immediatel}• before each name; that a��nt is informed and believes ihat each of ihe parties described on the consent petition is an o«ner of the properry �vhich is �rithin 100 feet of any property owned, purchased, or sold by petitioner tivithin one (1) year preceding the dat� of this pefition wluch is contiguous to the property descri6ed in the petition; that noae of the parties described in the consent pctition has purchased or is purchasing properry from thc petitioner that is cantiguous 2o the property described on the consent petition within one (1) yeaz of the date of the petetion; that this consent tivas signed by each of said owaers in dte presence of this affiant, and that the signatures are the irue and corcect sienatures of each and aIl of the parties so described. � ADDRESS FTl�/L �si-zu�-s TEL�PFIO�fE ATUMBBR Subscribed and swom to before me this �_ day of �� � g� > � � / !� �✓�=/ ' � i�._ ..� „ • � o tANETTE L LOPEZ �� • i NOTAtYlU!!K MINNBOTA ' MY COMMISSION IXflRES °'•,..� JANUARY 91. 2000 Page of 1/31/97 �. � ���"����1���1 s��������ro '�� ,�,._ ���� . (��l ��� � �� � ����..��. 11� � ■� ,��-%���:; 1 � : �irlr!��1j � ���� _ . -:.:::•�r ��C.l�._��,�_ ��f7�r•�••��,�� ���� �����1:�►`�:'-:��_�� � i nn.� +a � ��� �'e �'� P; ' • /� ; � � � a7 1 � < uv�. % .�-. 5: ...�.. .. s a ', t � � p � " � . 'r F j s '` E ? � � .� r : o `.i i- as F.� F S � Q � �' .. .a A �A y � •`. � 1 wr�a.. .s 9 . 7 � � .�R A ti � ..• I i , ; i ��` �---� , -'``--� , � � ,� ,,,. L� CTITZEN PARTICIPATTON PLANNING DISTRICTS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8 � Q. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. °l�l -R�� 2 . SUNRAY-BATTI.ECREEK-HIGHW OOD HAZEL PARK HADEI�I-PROSPERITY HILLCREST WEST SIDE DAYTON'S BLUFF PAYNE-PHALEN NORTH END THOI�AS-DALE SUMMIT-UNIVEI2SITY • WEST SEVENTH COMO HAMLINE•MIDWAY ' ST. ANTHONY PARK MERRIAM PARK-LEXINGTON HAMLINE-SNELLING HAMLINE MACALESTER GItOYELAPiD HIGHLAND SUMMTT � T. DOWNTOWN � � � �.r DI57RICT 9 � ,._. . ������ ���� �-�-/ � � � U : N O a 3 r � • o U o ¢ u. U N � d m � li N '0 • o U o Q LL U N . � � a O M C . m U '° ¢ � � m Q a d w N m > 0 a � . m r ¢ � g :n •\ � �e� c� e r h �ICIi - :.y:? . y � ;} �� , � t �n � � �g � 1 _ .,•..� ./ � ' `� � � � � � e �� �� �' .'���C 4' � O � � JEFFEftSON O U/ p ' ,.O _-v,- � � . . . - - �. O - - � . ^�� ' ��.,,x, .. . �,,,��,�,- P._..:� � R , �� t=- - � '�' ' ; / d �s p:� � � AVE. .,...�...,� l �� � O aoNimsra<it;y <ExrE� I ��CBUC $CNOOLS) � � �' N.S i - co.� � .-:h:'.i �,. .�rYxo: � � : R o �i�-'��� � o � n � v � _ ':V � � � . /' / S� . J`!` f , j ��?� ��// / b l : 1 ' APPUGA�JT O�� /TJ �Df 1�� D�t SI .�G�UI �EGEND � ZO�11Q (dwn � '� '('o =� 2 �'"'""""""' 3oniny distri�l Lroundary PURPOSE — FtLE K q 9 " �. � � _ - DATE � " �! � ! q Gii7llATii subj'd Aropzrty PLNG.'DIST t" MAP # � u o one lamity � ¢ hvo fa�lily � .����g: _ ��r Q mulUpi= Iarnit� ..�_.._. � / • � n commaraa: ♦ ��.._ indus;:i;�: Y vaC�i; Council File # t t i� QRIGINAL Ordinance # Green Sheet # 1 D I 9 S3 ORDINANCE Presented By ESOTA �mii� Na� 2@ i999 30 — Referred To Committee: Date 2 An ordinance amending Chapter 60 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code pertaining to zoning for the City of 3 Saint Paul and the zoning maps thereof: 4 0 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 WHEREAS, Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes §462.357 and §64.400 of the Legislative Code, the PORT AUTHORITY OF ST. PALJL duly petitioned to rezone property along the north side of SHEPARD ROAD northeast of vacated Palace Avenue and vacated Western Avenue from I-3 to I-2 to create continuity with an adjoining zoning district and facilitate orderly development of the new River Bend Industrial Park, the petition having been certified by the Planning Division on August 3, 1999, as hauing been consented to by at least 6'7% of the owners of the area of the property to be rezoned, and fixrther having been consented to by at least two-thirds of the owners of the property situated within 100 feet of the total contiguous property within one year pr$ce�ding the date of the petition; and WHEREAS, The Zoning Committee of the Planning Coxnmission on August 19, 1999, held a public hearing for the purpose of considering the rezoning petition, and pursuant to § 107.03 of the Administrative Code, submitted its recommendation to the Planning Comxnission that the petition be granted; and WI3EREAS, The Planning Commission considered the rezoning petition at its meeting held on August 27, 1999, and recommended that the City Council approve the petifion; and 20 21 WHEREAS, notice of public hearing before the City Council on the said rezoning petition was duly published 22 in the official newspaper of the City on August 31, 1999, and notices were duly mailed to each owner of 23 affected property and property situated wholly or partly within 350 feet of the property sought to be rezoned; 24 and 25 26 WHEREAS, a public hearing before the City Council having been conducted on 27 September 8, 1999, where all interested parties were heazd, the Council having considered all the facts and 28 29 30 31 32 recommendations concerning the petition; now, therefore THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. 33 34 That the zoning map of the City of Saint Paul, Sheet Number 28, as incorporated by reference in §60.301 of 35 the Saint Paul Legislative Code, as amended, is hereby fiirther amended as follows: 36 37 That property along the north side of SHEPARD ROAD northeast of vacated Palace Avenue and vacated 38 Western Avenue, being more particularly described in the legal description attached to the petition to amend 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 �t�- 9.9.�. the zoning code submitted by the Port Authority of St. Paul and to this ordinance, be and is hereby rezoned from I-3 to I-2. Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirry (30) days from and after its passage, approval and publication. pRIG1NAL p D 9 lISHED N Q� � � 1999 Requested by Department of: Coleman Harris ReiCer Adopted by Council: Date �� Adoption Certifie�d by Council Secretary gy: —' i Approved by Mayor: By: _ Plannina & Economic Develooment � � By: Fosm Approved by City Attorney Approvef t �� � . � . r i l • eI c�- G 91. r� ����� GREEN SH No���°�3 Allan Torstenson 266-6579 � ��� � TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES i o[r�,�ru.�FCroie Q �,.,.,.�, �Y q. a9 .99 � �„� ❑ ..�.,� � ❑ .,�,�.a Q w,��„�.. ❑ (CLIP ALL CATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) Adopt an ordinance to finalize council approval of a petition of the Port Authority of St. Paul to rezone property along the north side of Sheghard Road n�rtheast of vacated Palace Avenue and vacated Western Avenue from I-3 to I-2 (�ublic,heaxing held 09/08/99. PLANNING CAMMISSION CIB CAMMITTEE CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION VF.�:L1� iSONAL SERVICE CONiRACfS MUSTANSWER THE FOLLAWING Q Has ihie Pe�Mrm e.er varked uMer a contrad fot tl�is departmeM7 VES NO Hae this Pe��m ever been a �tilY emDbYee� rES rio Does tliis P�rm possess a slap �wt'wrmalNP�� M anY a�rteM citY emW%'ee4 YES I� Is tliis peisanlfirm a targetetl veMOR " , YES NO ,' Finalize council approval of a petition of the Port Authority of St. Paul to rezone property along the north side of Shephard Road northeast af vacated Palace Avenue and vacated Western Avenue from I-3 to I-2 to create continuty with an adjoining zoning district and facilitatz orderly development of the new River Bend Industrial Park. IF APPROVED e; ' � .. a. ...,��, n�L� �.i:, i L. .. �., a S� 4 � .. .. �,.. .. _ , . ,. AMOUNT OF 7RANSACTION SOURCE iNwar.unor+ (owwr� COST/REVENUE BU06ETED (CIRCLE ONt7 YES NO ._-... _. _ ._ _ _ ... _ __.� ACTMTY NUMBER ��� ���� ���¢�t i + .,. LEGAL DESC7:PTIGN "C:TGO SItE" (Per Otd Repuolic NG;;onol Title lnsurance ComOany ALiA Commltment Applicat�cn No. R OP,935907 C. >ffec'.ive Cate S<Otem6er 4, 199i) 7hose portions of Lots 8. 10. i I, 12, 13 cnd I4, Partition P!at. an Addition to St. Paui. Ninneso[a, being o subaiv�sion of [he �or.hwest Cuorter cf the Nartheas[ puarter anC Government Lot 2, Section 12. Tawnshio 2� North, R�nq_ 23 West af th< sth P�incipol �Aeridion, ond that Ga�� �� a:ocK 16. Stinson, Brown cnG Ramsey's .4ddition to SL Paul, bounded ond describetl as fo��ows: 9eginning at [he int_rsection of ;he 'Nest line of Lot 8, in soid P�rtition �lat, the same beinq .he North and South ��ua�rer !in_ of Section 12, Township 28 North, Renge 2'. West, in .he C;ty of St. Paul, Romsey County, `dinnesota with ;he `1or[herly le�ee tine as _stcbiisned by Crder of Common Council datea Ao�il 22. 1886, Fiied June 27, 1888, m th= offc_ of the Register of �e=as. Ramsey Ccunty, Minnesoto, ond filed in Book b of Street Openings, �vge 22; thenc= North clonq scid west line of said Lot 8, or said quarter section line, 326.66 `ee`, to an iron monument, monument being the intersection of the East_rly _xtension of ;he South line of glo<k 16, ci soid Stinson. Brewn ond Ramsey's Addition: thence North 89 degrees JS minutes 'Nes, aiong the said Sauth line of Block I6, and said Iine extended East o distonc^ of 431.i2 feet .o an iron monumenk thence North d0 Cegrees 59 minuces Eost, a distance of 1748.�5 feet to an �ron monument, said iron monument being 65 feet Wtst of (measured ot �iyht angles) a�d parolle! with ±he East tine of Lot la in said Partition Plot, sa�d point 5eing IJI807 feet Ncrth of said Ievee line, meosured awng said parallel line; tFenc^ due South olong saiC line 65 `eet 'Nest of and pa�cliel with said East iine pf Lot 14 o distance oi 836 fee: .o an iron monumenk thence due FaSt at �ight angles 35 `eet to an iron monument thente South parollel with said Easi line of �ot Id to the Northerly levee line hereinbefore Cescnbed; !hence Southw?sterly olonq 5aid 4ortherty levee line 826J1 fee!, more or less. to the point of beqinning, sa��ng and exceoting Westem Avenue, Ramsey County, .Uinnesota. Except that oertion Cescnbed cs 'ollows: ihot port of Lot Id, Partition ?lot ond Addition !o Samt Poul, MinneSOto be:na o Suodivision �f the tlorthwest Ouarter oP the Northeost Quarter and Govemment Lot 2. Secbon 12, ?ownsn�p 28, Rang= 23. Romsey Caunty, Minnesoto descnbed as follows: Commencing ot the intersectio� of !he West Ilne o( Lot 8. said PartiNon Plet and �ddition with th_ Nor',he��y levee line as established by order of common councii dated Aprii 22, t886, filed Ju�e 27, I888 in the oHice of .he Register of Deeds, Ramsey Cou�ty, !dinnesota, ond filed in 9ook 4 of Street �penmgs, Fnge 22: :hence North ctong the 'N<_st 'ine aE said �ot 8 o distance of 326.5o feet to its �neerseciion with the Easterly extenron of the South line of Block 16. Stinson, Brown and RamSey's Addition to Saint Paul, Ramsey County, Minnesota; thence Wes,erly olong saw South line and its extension 4�IJ2 feet; :he�ce Northeasterly, angle left 49 degrees 23 minutes 1683A feet !a the poin[ of beginning of the porcel ;o be destri6ed: thence continuing Nor;heasterly to ;he West line of the Ea9t 65 feet o( said Lot I4; :hence South alona smd Wes'. �ine 100 feet: thence Southw=sterly :o the point o( beginning. Abstract Antl PROPOSED CESCRIPTICN — WESTE�N AVENUE (f.K.A. Blofr Street) — SiREET VACATION That port of West=rn Av_nue as dedicoted in the plot of Sinson, Brown and ftomsey's Addition to SL Paul, accorCing to the recorded plat thereof, Romsey County, Minnesota, whi<n lies nor!herly of the here:nafter described '�Line A" and southerly of the hereinofter describetl "�ine B'. "Line A" is destribed os commencing at the intersection af the west line of Lot 8, �� Portition P7ot, on addition to St. Pauf, Minnesota, heing a subdivision of t�e Northwest �uarter of ,he Northeast �uarter and Gove��ment Lot 2, Settion 12, Township 28, Range 2J, Romsey County, Minnesota, the same being the North and South �uarter line af said Section 12 with the no�therly levee line os estab7ished by O�der of Common Cauncii dated Aoril 22, 1886, tiled June 27, 1888. in the office of the Register of Deeds, Romsey County, Minnesota. antl filed in Book 4 of Street Openings, Page 22; thence �orth, aiong smd west line of Lot 8, a distance of 326.66 feet ta an iron monument at the intersection of the easterly extension of the south line of Block 16, Stinson, Brawn ond Romsey's Addition to St. Paul, according to the recorded plat thereof, Ramsey County, Minnesota, said point beina the point of beginning of said "�ine A' to be descnbed; thence North 89 degrees JS minutes 'Nest, along said south line of 51ock I6, ond said �ine exiended east, o distance af 431J2 feet to an iron monument and said "Line A there terminating. „ Line 8" is described as beginninq at the terminotion af said "Line A", thence North d0 degrees 59 minutes Ea$ a aistance of 1748.05 feet to an iron monument. be�ng 65.G0 feet west of, as me05ured dt ngh[ angles to, the east line saitl �ot 14 and 1318.07 feet north af said leve^ line, measured along the west line of the east 65.00 feet of said Lot Is and soid "Une B there terminating. �q �aq� DEPARIMENT OF PLANNING & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CTTY OF SAIl�I"f PAUL Norm Coleman, Mayor August 27, 1999 Ms. Nancy Anderson City Council Reseazch Office Room 310 City Hall Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 Dear Ms. Anderson: Division ofPlmening 25 West Founh Sdeet Saint Paul, MN 55102 I would like to confirm that a public hearing before the City Council is scheduled for Wednesday, September 8, 1999, for the following zoning case: Applicant: PORT AUTHORITY OF SAINT PAUL File Number: #99-211 Purpose: Rezone property from I-3 (Industrial) to I-2 {Industrial) to ereate continuity with an adjoining zoning district and facilitate orderly development of the new River Bend Industrial Park Address: North side of SHEPARD ROAD northeast of vacated Palace and vacated Westem Lega1 Aescription of Property: See file Previous Action: Planning Commission Recommenda6on: APPROVAL vote: unanimous, August 27, 1999 Zoning Committee Recommendation: APPROVAL vote: 7-0, August 19, 1999 My understanding is that this public hearing request will appeaz on the agenda for the September 1, 1999, City Council meeting and that you will publish notice of the heazing in the Saint Paul Legal Ledger. Please call me at 266-6579 if you haue any questions. Sincerely, Allan Torstenson City Planner cc: File #99-211 Paul Dubruiel Cazol Martineau •�rzsratmr• NOTICE�OF PQBISC HEARII�TG The Saint Paul City CounciLwilt conduct a pablic hearing on Wednesday, Septeiuber; 8. 1999, at 5:30 p.m. in the City Council � Chambers, Third FIoor. City Hail-� Courthouse, to congider the application of, the Port dut.hority bf Saint Paul to rezone property from f-3 Elndusfriap to I-2 (industrial) to create continuity with an adjoining zoning distriet and faci7itate orderly devetopment of the new Idve� Bend Indusfrial Park on�the riorth side of Shepazd Road northeast of vacated Palace' andvacatedWestemAvenues. � � Dated: Avgust 27, 1959 ' NANCYANDERSOPF -. ., Assistaat CityGovntil Setxetaiy _ ' , - FAug.3]? - . —_sS1:PADLE$GALLSDCER�_ - _ � �. � . TeZephone: 672-266-6565 FacsimiZe: 612-228-3374 VOJZtdi �p3�2Y^iS ��1'�. .A�.�... ::' :: [f,�t DEPAATMENT OF PLANNING & ECONOMIC DEVEIAPMENT CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Coieman, Mayo> August 30, 1999 Ms. Nancy Anderson Secretary to the City Council Room 310 City Hall Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 Divitiat oJPlanning 25 West Fmwth Snee! Saint Pm�l, MN 55101 RE: Zoning File #99-211 PORT AUTHORITY OF SAIN1' PAiJL City Council Hearing. September 8, 1999, 530 p.m. City Council Chambers / • • � � Telephone: 612-266-6565 Facsimile: 612-228-3314 PURPOSE: To consider rezoning property along the north side of SHEPARD ROAD northeast of the vacated Palace Avenue and vacated Western Avenve from I-3 (Induslrial) to I-2 (Industrial) to create continuity with an adjoining zoning district and facilitate orderly development of the new River Bend Industrial Pazk. � PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATTON: APPROVAL vote: unanimous ZOIQING COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: APPROVAL vote: 7-0 STAFF RECOMMENDATION APPROVAL SUPPORT: No one spoke. OPPOSITTON: No one spoke. Dear Ms. Anderson: The PORT AUTHORITY OF SAINT PAIJL submitted a petition to rezone property along the north side of SHEPARD ROAD northeast of vacated Palace Avenue and vacated Westem Avenue. The Zoning Committee of the Planning Commission held a public hearing on the proposed rezoning on August 19, 1999. The appiicant addressed the committee. At the close of the public heazing, the committee voted 7- 0 to recommend approval of the proposed rezoning to I-2. The Planning Commission upheld the Zoning Committee's recommendation for approval on a unanimous voice vote on August 27, 1998. T4iis proposed rezoning is scheduled to be heard by the City Councit on September 8, 1999. Please notify me if any member of the City Council wishes to have slides of the site presented at the public heazing. Sincerely, � • Allan Torstenson City Planner Attachments cc: City Council members city of saint paul planning commission resolution file number 99-56 date Au Z� 1999 �VHEREAS, THE PORT AUTHORITY OF ST, PAUL, file # 99-221, has periGoned to rezone properry along the north side of SHEPARD ROAD northeast of vacated Palace Avenue and vacated Westem Avenue from I-3 to I-2 to create continnity with an adjoining zoning districi and faczlitate the orderly development of a new industrial pazk; and WHEREAS, the Zoning Committee of the Planning Commission on 08(19/1999, held a public hearin� at which atl persons present �vere given an opporiunity to be heard pursuant to said application in accordance with the requirements of Section 64.400 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code; and W�IEREAS, Saint Paul Pianning Commission, based on the evidence presented to its Zoning Committee at the public heazing as substantially reflected in the minutes, made the follotiving findings of fact: � The Port Authority of St. Paul is developin� a new industrial pazk, River Bend Business Park, aY this location. Most of tlie property surrounding the property to be rezoned, � including property that will be part of the new industrial pazk, is zoned I-2. The proposed rezoning from I-3 to I-2 will make all of the properry in River Bend Business Pazk I-2, and facilitaie orderly development of the new industrial pazk. � 2. The proposed rezoning, as well as the development of River Bend Industrial Pazk it is intended to facilitate, is consistent with the comprehensive plan. The Economic Development Strc�tegy (pp.17-18) includes: 1) Objective � 6, ensure su�cient land for future business growth;" 2) Policy �25, "the city's land use plan should provide adequate land for industrial and commercial development and expansion in order to increase the proportion of commerciallindustrial ta�c base;" and 3) Policy #29, the city should periodically review its zoning regulations and amend them as necessary to keep current with technological and economic changes affecting the nature of business activity." moved by Field seconded by _.__ in favor Consent against i . • •- • Zoning File # 99-211 Planning Commission Resolution Page 2 3. The applicant submitted a sufficien# petition of owners of two-thirds of the property within one hundred (100) feet of the properry to be rezoned stating support for the rezoning (9 pazcels eligible, 6 pazcels required, and 7 pazcels signed). NOW, T'I�REFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Saint Paul Planning Commission that the petition of THE PORT AUTHORITY OF ST. PAUL to rezone property along the north side of SHEPARD ROAD northeast of vacated Palace Avenue and vacated Western Avenue from an I-3 zoning classification to an I-2 zoning classification is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan for the City; and BE IT FiJRTHER RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul Planning Commission does hereby recommend to the Council of the City of Saint Paul that ptoperty along the north side of SHEPARD ROAD northeast of vacated Palace Avenue and vacated Western Avenue be rezoned from I-3 to I-2 in accordance with the petition for rezoning on file with the Saint Paul Planning Division. � � - �� s •. � A�t�o� M��+���s Saint Paul Planning Commission City Aall Conference Center Room 40 15 Kellogg Boulevard West Agenda August 27,1999 8:30 -11:00 a.m. I. Chair's Announcements IT. Planning Administrator's Announcements III. Zoning Committee Laid Over Hamiine Midwav Suecial Sien District - Establishment of a special sign district in the area bounded by Lexington Parkway, Pierce Butler, Transfer Road and University Avenue (Nancy Homans, 266-6557). #99-201 Todd J. Bauer - Special condition use permit to al(ow for a used auto dealership at 1170 Arcade between Rose and Geranium (Patricia James, 266-6639). Denial #99-200 American Portable Telecom - Special condition use permit to allow a ten foot cellular telephone antenna on the apartment structure � at 1967 Grand Ave 6etween Prior and Cleveland (James Zdon, 266-6559). Laid Over Laid Over Approval Approval Approval Merriam Park Communitv Council Saecial Sien District Plan - Establishment of a special sign district in the area bounded by Snelling Ave, Summit Ave, the western city limit, I-94, Cleveland Ave and University Ave (Nancy Homans, 266-6557). #99-185 Alison Maule-Kronmiller - Rezone from RM-2 to B2-C to allow for a professional office at 1678 Selby Ave between Pierce and Aidine (James Zdon, 266-6559). #99-211 Citeo Sheoard Road - Rezone from I-3 to I-2 at 0 Shepard northeast of Shepard and vacated Western and northeast of vacated Western and vacated Palace (Allan Torstenson, 266-6579). #99-194 SL Paul Brass Fouadrv - Rezone from RM-2 to I-1 to provide for employee parking and truck access to the rear of the eaisting St. Paul Brass building on property located directly soufh of 954 and 976 West Minnehaha Ave, between Chatsworth and the Wilder Foandation campus (Nancy Homans, 266-655�. IV. Comprehensive Planning Committee � V. Neighborhaod and Current Planning Committee VI. Communications Committee VIL Task Force Reports � VIII. Old Business IX. New Business Public Heariine request for Site Plan Review - Tom Beach, LIEP, 266-9086. The P[anning Commission voted to hold a public hearing on September 10,1999; Kathi Donne►ty-Cohen abstained. X. Adjoumment Planning Commission Members: PLEASE calt Jean Birkholz, 266-6573, if unable to attend. Splanninglagenda.frm \ J � i r � M4NUTES OF THE ZONiNG COMMiTTEE Thursday, August 19,1999 - 3:30 p,m. City Council Chambers, 3` Ftoor Cify Haii and Court House 95 West Keflogg Boulevard PRESENT: Engh, Fie(d, Gervais, Gordon, Kramer, Morton, and Nowlin EXCUSED: Faricy OTHERS PRESENT: . Caroi Martineau, Aifan Torstenson of PED The meeting was chaired by Commissioner Field. � \ - \�� Port Authority of St. Paul - Citgo Shepard Road Site - 99-211 - Application to rezone from i-3 to I-2. Ailan Torstenson showed siides and presented the staff report. Mr. Torstenson stated the Zoning Staff recommends approval of the applicafion. He aiso presented a letter from the DNR that outiines the requirements for development on the site in the River Corridor. Mr. Charles Derscheid, St. Paul Port Authority, appeared and stated they are in the process of developing this site for industrial use. They have spent fourteen miilion doilars in the remediation � of this site. The developer wili add an additional twenty-five miilion doilars which inciudes; site development, landscaping, buildings, and drainages. Mr Derscheide also expiained there are ponds that provide on site drainage, which ailow for settling, so the sediments don't run into the river. Mr. Derscheide also presented letters demonstrating their correspondence and cooperation with the DNR and Army Corp of Engineers regarding the site development. He aiso stated their wi(I be three to four hundred jobs available when this project is completed. At fhe question of Commissioner Engh, Mr. Derscheide reptied this site is in accordance with the state laws and the Minnesofa Poliution Controi Agency. Commissioner Kramer moved approval af the appiication to rezone from i-3 to I-2. Commissioner Engh seconded it. Adopted Drafted by: Yeas - 7 Nays - 0 Submitted by: Approved by: � Carol Martineau , Allan Torstenson Lifton Field Recording Secretary Zoning 5ection Chair �`� -`�`l� Minnesota Department af Natural Resources 500 [afayette Road St. Paul, Minnesota 55155-40�y Phone: (651) 297-2401; faC 296-5939 E-maiL sandy.fecht�dnr.state.mn.us August 16,1999 City of St. Paul Zoning Committee Ciry of St. Paul Planning Commission c/o Allan Torstenson I 100 City Hail Annex 25 R'est Fourth St. St. Paul, MN 55102 Deaz Committee and Commission Members: Via fax and mail RE: Rezoning proposal from I-3 to I-2 Flood Fringe District (RC-2) and Urban Diversified District, Mississippi River Corridor District File No. 99-211 � U . Thank you for the notification received on August 4 for the application for rezoning from I-3 to I-2. The site is within the Flood Fringe District (RG2) and also within the azea ciassified as L3rban Diversified District of the Ivlississippi River Critical Area Corridor District and the Mississippi National River and Recreation Area (MNRRA). We submit the following comments for consideration in all decision-making and submission for the formal hearing record. Although information on the proposed land use was not included in the notification, we want to emphasize that any future development on the site must comply with all Flood Fringe District, River Cortidor ordinance, and Criticai Area Executive Order '79-19 requirements. All capital improvement prograui or public facilities programs of a local unit of government shall be consistent with the standards and guidelines in the Executive Order 79-19. New commercial or industrial uses are permitted in the Urban Diversified District if development is compatible with the goals to maintain the present diversity of land uses; protect historical sites and areas, natural, scenic and environmental resources; and ezpand public access to and enjoyment of the river [Zoning Code Section 65.241]. Developers should be made aware of all of the requirements. There is no hardship for variances for a new redevelopment site when all these requirements can be known and can be complied with. Ordinance provisions that must be compiied with include: . Sec. 65.200 et seq. - Flood Fringe requirements. DNR Information: 651-296-6157 • 1-888-646-6367 • TTY: 651-296-5484 • 1-800-657-3929 M Equal Oppoctunity Employer Who Values Divusity PAnted on Re�ydetl Paper Containing a i Minimumof70%POSi-ConsumerWaste RE: File No. 99-21 I Page 2 . Sec. 65.411 (a) - Development shall be conducted so that smallest practical areas of land be • developed at one time and that each azea be subjected to as Iittle erosion as possible during and after development. We recommend erosion and sediment control measures be implemented and adequately designed to prevent sediment from entering the river, a storm sewer iniet, or other storm water conveyance system, and maintaincd throughout the project. • Sec. 65.411 (b) - Minimum setbacks from ordinary lugh water level and any bluffline. . Sec. 65.411 (c) - Grading and filling requirements. . Sec. 65.412 (4} - Natural vegetafion sha1I be restored after any construcfion project. • Sec. 65.413 (a) & (b) - Contamination requirements. . Sec. 65.413 (c) - Runoff requirements. We aze very concerned that runoff be m;n;r�,;�pd in the site design and development of future projects, as weIi as treating any stormwater from ' the site to improve quality. • Compliance with all underlying zoning district requirements, especially height maximums and maximum impervious surfaces. As applicable to ihis property, the Critical Area designation order, Executive Order 79-19, requires reguIations be adopted by local units of govemment that minimaily regulate the following: . Protect bluffs greater than i8% [C.l.a.(4)J. . Minimize direct overland runoffand improve quality ofrunoff [C.1. a. (5)J. . Minimize site alteration [C.I.a. (6)]. . Structure site and location shall be regulated to ensure riverbanks, bluffs and scenic • overlooks remain in their natural state, and to minimize interference with views of and from the river, exceptfor uses requiringriver access. (C.2.b.j _ . Clustering of siructures and use of designs which will reduce public facility costs and improve scenic quality shall be encouraged. [C. 2. c. j • New development is permitted only after approval of site plans that adequately assess and minimize adverse effects and maximize beneficial effects. Site plans are required for all developments, except for modification or construction of one single family residence. The site plans shall minimally include submission of adequate, detailed description of the project, including activities undertaken to ensure consistency of the Critical Area objectives; maps which specify soil types, topography, and tDze expected physical changes in the site as the result of the development; and measures which address adverse environmental effects. Site plans shall include standards to ensure compatibility of structures, roads, screening, landscaping, consiruction placement, mainterrance, and storm water runoff with 1he character of the river corridor. Site plans shall provide opportunities for establishment of open space and public viewing where applicable and shall corztain specific conditions with respect to buffering, landscaping, and revegetation. [C.2.a.] . For development of commercial or industrial subdivisions and planned cievelopments; � developer shall be required to dedicate to the public reasonable portions of [Corridor) lands RE; File No. 99-21 I Page 3 � � — ��� • in interest. If practical d ff culties or physical impossibility, developer sha11 be required to contribute equivalent amount of cash to be used only for acquisition of Zand for parks, open space, storm water drainage areas or other public services within the River Corridor. . Any public facilities program or capital improvement program of a local unit of government sha11 be consisfent with the sfandards and guidelines of Executive Order 79-19. The City's Zoning Code Section 62.100 references the prevailing of the more reshictive law. We aze also concemed about any changes that will be made from existing land uses and structures. Any such removai or alteration must comply with the above and other applicable state laws, including those of the MN Pollution Control Agency. Thank you for your consideration of these comments in order to protect the Mississippi River aud implement the state requirements. A copy of all decisions shall be forwazded to us foliowing the acdon. Sincerely, DNR WATERS � Sandy Fecht Critical Area/MNRRA Hydrologist cc: Chazles Derscheid, Port Authority of the City of St. Paul, 1900 Landmazk Towers, 345 St. Peter, 55102 Nancy Duncan, Nationat Park Service Sandra Pinel, Metropolitan Council Molly Shodeen/Joe Richter Steve Johnson a- � q -�1�� � ZONING COMIVIITTEE STAFF REPORT FILE # 99-211 � A. B. C. D. � � APPLICANT: PORT Ai3THORITY OF ST PAUL DATE OF HEARING: 08/19l99 CLASSIFICATION: Rezoning LOCATION: Property along the north side of Shepazd Road and northeast of vacated Palace and vacated Western PLANNING DISTRICT: 9 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: see file PRESENT ZONING: I-3, RC-2 ZOIVING CODE REFERENCE: 64.400 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. STAFF INVESTIGATION AND REPORT: DATE: 8/11/99 BY: Alian Torstenson 8. DATE RECEIVED: 08/03/99 DEADLINE FOR ACTION: 10/02/99 PURPOSE: Rezoning from I-3 to I-2 to create continuity with an adjoining zoning district and facilitate the orderly development of a new industrial pazk. PARCEL SIZE: 2031 acres EXISTING LAND iISE: Vacant industrial properry - former petroleum tazilc fazm. SURROUNDING LAND USE: North: Railroad tracks/yard; St. Paul Public Schools Admin.Center across the tracks East: NSP High Bridge Power Plant South: Industriai; Mississippi River West: Industrial E. ZONING CODE CITATION: Section 64.400(a) states in part that "the council may, from time to time, amend, supplement or change the district boundaries or the regulations herein, or subsequenUy established pursuant to the provisions of Minnesota Statutes Section 462357 and amendments thereto as may be made from time to time. The pianning Commission may, from time to time, review district boundary lines to determine if, pursuant to state laws, such district boundary lines should be changed." Zoning File #99-21 I Page Two Section 64.400(b) states, in part, that "an ammendment to tke wning code may be initiated by the council, the planning commission or by a petition of the owners of 67 percent of the azea of the properly to be rezoned." F. HISTORY/DISCUSSION: There aze no previous zoning cases conceming this site. G. DISTRICT COiTNCIL RECOMll�NDA'ITON: None received at time of ttris report. H. FINDINGS: 1. The Port Authority of St. Paul is developing a new industriat pazk, River Bend Business Pazk, at this location. Most of the properiy surrounding the property to be rezoned, including property that will be part of the new industrial park, is zoned I-2. The proposed rezoning from I-3 to I-2 will make all of the property in River Bend Business Park I-2, and facilitate orderly development of tfie new industrial pazk. n LJ 2. The proposed rezoning, as well as the development of River Bend Indush Pazk it is intended to facilitate, is consistent with the comprehensive plan. The � Economic Development Strategy (pp.17-18) includes: 1) Objective # 6, ensure sufficient land for fixture business growth;" 2) Policy #25, "the city's land use plan should provide adequate land for industrial and commercial development and expansion in order to increase tfie proportion of commerciaUindustrial faY base;" and 3) Policy #29, the city should periodically review its zoning regulations and amend them as necessary to keep current with technological and economic changes affecting the nature of business activity." The applicant submitted a sufficient petition of owners of two-thirds of the properly within one hundred (100) feet of the properly to be rewned stating support for the rezoning (9 pazcels eligible, 6 pazcels required, and 7 parcels signed). I. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Based on the above findings, staff recommends approval of the proposed rewning from I-3 to I-2 to facilitate the orderly development of the River Bend Industrial Pazk on property along the north side of Shepazd Road and northeast of vacated Palace and vacated Westem. � I,_ �...R �TAIIt ' � l i A��AI -. �,..a PET[TitiN TO AMEND TNE ZONiNG CODE Department of Planning and Economic Development Zoning Section II00 City Hal1 Annex 25 West Four11: Street Saint Paul, MN SSIO2 166-6589 APPLICANT PROPERTY LOCATION El�t -��1� Property Owner Pori .4utnnrity �i the City of Sai7t Paul, MN Address 1400 Landrn�rk Towers, 345 S�. Peter S'creet City Sai�.t Pzul St.�fT' Zip 55502 Daytime phone 651-2?4-5686 Contact person (if different) Charles E. Derscheid (Ext. '1�) Address/Location N/A Legal Se? attachec+ sheet (attach addition sheet if necessary) TO THE HONORAB�E MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL: Pursuant to Section 64.400 of the Saini Paui Zoning Ordinance and to Section R62.357(5) of Minnesota Statues, , the owner of ail the land proposed for rezoning, hereby petitions you to rezone the above described property from an I-3 zoning district to an I-2 zoning district, for the purpose of: creating continuity with an adjoining zo�ing district and to facilitate the orderly development of a new industrial park. (attach additiona! sheet(s) if necessary) Attachments: Required site pian � Consent petition � AfFdavit ❑ Subscribed and swom to before me this � � day of _7�_ 19� � � Notary Public � owner of ,�°•, LANETTE L LOPEZ 7 3 NOTA4YM16t1C MWNFSOTA e�' M,YCpMMi55�ONIXPIRES •....�"`� JANUARY 31, 2000 Page 1 of �. PREL/MINARYPLAT f�/VER BEND B(/S/NESS PARK _ °°�° ` . � � ��� — .� `�r.� ��M.J':��.:.�. =�� ��%� � L �^� = -_ �-• _ - -_ = _�,5==� 'n j �`.S � � '— �.. ' � �..., ' - ^=�� � � � ... �� ��� _` _ —.. �.. _�.._ �.t"..: �� ��; �` � �,. «_ — — —` ...........v,...,..,.._. / �i � _=---= =—= ; b�� --=— _:`�� -' G; °� ~ � Y � � �*�^! � � � Ia , O � /./ . --- = — — — = == �`,�P '� f j/ � ��� / r ._. _yr.—=.-._...�: r� e���'�° '" ' � /.� E�� /,� ", I � ,�� /, � I �I ra\.���}'�f3 %I�u f� � � � I \K I � � ��1 1 1 I �5�� (` I . TA\R I 5 ( 'a I L �i (�� iM% I :' , t �_ t,�n`� �II! � '' �i �� I I �` Io_ ` <� � i _vCv. ^F ciCL.Y 'c Ct '"• "..._..,. 2: �..,. ....L F..;...' S::"= , . �p tii F :II N \ � �.. UM � 5 /� [: � ' 96RJ6< � /L I ' �'�x � n � zza�«f.s �I c� I TMYN I Ik , �}' I �;�'. i'}_ ' I BLQ�K � �� I , , �P �r I � � 4` ` :i Y � a (y ` � I _ :IhY � . � �T�� � I S'. :� F:iJ • ..�. � �9 �- � � � � q e:« ' 7?I /� i ��� i � �., ...,_—.�:�I �° -, - - Q ;� � i i -=, :; � O , � � ��2 TAYK O �, I 1 � �B \ � I� 0 1 + Y 1 S ♦ ..�.A . /Y �% /� .� r ............�-.� y � �� � ������� w "�"�TL�l.�:.t" �.. `.�..'�4°..w.."' y `� �� �^y�r�iY�w�y y y ��)w�lM�w� Y �r�+��w�.�r� 0 6 1_. li r^ = - ..% • � C� C^. .-.._... �^._ :� _ �= �..�.� � wi� T� Y6WW�c���w 4� w,'ti��i�� � �� �V�r�r rr+M�ww« �r��ltis� � •S' %� '�� � ' � �6 � 1 i �� M r • , ' I % '� ��� ' � � 7 � ' • i � ..l, f� .� � � � s / 1� N a L e ' �n I � � � � i I I ; -_ i �> � � � � � � � i f .,i' Jf�aG J / r r,.' � �i � r.. .. _ ... --- �EGAL OESLR:PTION "CITGO 51T£" (Pe� Old Republic No;ioncl Title �nsurance Compony ALiA Commitment Applicafian No. R OR935907 C, effcc:ive date SeOtember 4, 1997) � Those portions of Lots 8, 10, I I, 12, I3 and 14, Partition Piot, an Addition to St. Poul, M�nneso[a, being o subCivision of the Nwthwest Cuarter of the Northeast Ouarte� ond Government Lot 2, Se<tion I2, Township 28 North, Ranqe 23 West oF !he 4[h Principal Meridian, ond thct Oort oF Biock 16. Stinson, Brown ona Romsey's Addition to St. Poul. baunded ond described as follows: Beginning ot :he intersection of the West line of �ot B, in soid Partition Piat. the some be�ng the North ond South puorter line of Section 12, Township 28 North, Ronge 23 wesf, in the City of St. Paul, Romsey County, Minnesota with the Northerly levee Iint as established by Order of Common Council dated Apri� 22. i886, filed June 27, 1888. �n the office of the Reqister of Deeds. Romsey County, Mtinnesoto, ond filed �n Book 4 of Street OOenings. ?oge 22: thence North olong said West ��ne of said Lot 8, or sa�d quorter section �ine, 326.66 fee; to an iron monument, monument being the intersecFion of the Eosterly extension ot the So��th line of Block 16, of said Stinson, Brown ond Romsey s Add�tion; thence North 89 Eegrees 38 minutes West along the said South line of Block �6. and soid Iine extended East a dis:ance of 43�.72 feet to an iron monument: thence North 40 degrees 59 minutes Eost, a distanca of 1748.05 feet to an iron monument, soid iron monument being 65 feet West of (measured a[ right angles) anC parallel with the East line of lot 14 in said Partition Plat. said point beinq 1318.07 feet North of said levee li�e, meosured along sa�d parcllel line; thenc^ due South o�ong said line 65 feet West o� and pa�alie� with said East line of Lot 14 a distance ot 836 Feet to an iron monument; thence due East at right angles 35 feet to an iron monument thence South parollel with said East line of Lot 14 to the Northerly levee line hereinbetore tlescribed; ±hence Southwesterly olong saitl Northerly �evee ���e 826.71 fee!, more or less. to the po�nt of beginning, saving ond excepting Westem Avenue, Ramsey County, 6linnesota. Except thot pertion described as Soilows. Thot part of Lot 14, Portition Plot and Addtion 'o Saint Paul, Minnesoto be��g a su6division of the Northwest Ouarter oi the Northeost Quorter and Go�ernme�t Lot 2, Section 12, Townsnip 28, Ronge 23. Romsey County, Minnesota described as (oliows: Commencing ot the intersection of the West Iine of Lot 8, said Partition Plat and Add�tion with the Nor!heriy levee iine os established by order of cammon councii dated April 22, 1886, fiied June 27, 1888 in the office of the Register of Deeds, Romsey Cou�ty, Minnesota, and fiied in 9ook 4 of Street Cpenings, Page 22; thence Narth along the West line of soid � lot 8 o distance of J26.66 feet to its �ntersedion with the Easterly extension of the South line of Block t6, Stinson, Brown ond Romsey's Addition to Soint Paul, Ramsry County, Minnesota: thence Westerly along sa�C South line and its extens�on 431J2 feet; thence Northeasferly, angie leti 49 degrees 23 mi�utes 1683.0 feet ta the point of begirtning of the porcei to be descnbed; thence continumg Northeosterly to the West iine of the East 65 feet of soid Lot 14: thence South olong sa�d West line 10.0 feet; tfien�e Southwesterly to the point o� beginning. Abstract. AnG PROPOSED DESCP.IPTION — WESTERN AVENUE {P.K.A. Blair Street) — STREEi VACATION Thot port of Western Avenue os dedicated in the plat of Stinson, Brown pnd Ramsey's AEdition ta St. Paul, according to the recortletl pbt thereof, Romsey County, Minnesota, which lies northerly of the hereinofter described line A' and southeriy o! the hereinafter des�ribed "Line B�. "Une A" is described as commencing at the intersection of the west line of Lot 8, m Partition Plot, an addition ta St. Pau�. Minnesota, being a subdivision of the Northwest Ouorter of ihe Northeast Ouarter o�d Government lot 2, Section 12, Township 28, Ronge 23, Romsey County, Minnesoto, the same beinq the North and South Ouarter line of said Settion 12 with fhe northerly levee line as established by Order of Common Council dated April 22. 1886, filed dune 27, 1888, in the o�fice of the Register oF Deeds, Ramsey County, Minnesota, and filed in Book a of Sireet Openings, Page 22; thence north, along soid west line of Lot 8, a distance of J26.66 feet to an iron monument at the intersection of the eosterly extension ot the soutn line of B�ock i6, Stinson, Brown a�d Ramseys Addltion to St. Paul, according to the re�orded plat thereof, Ramsey County, Minnesota, said Doint be'�ng the point of beginning of said "Line A" to be described; thente North 89 degrees 38 minutes West, olong said south line of Biock I6, and said line extended east, a distance of 431.72 feet to on iron monument and said "line A" there termincting. 'Line 6" i5 de5cribed as beginning at the termination o� safd "Line A"; thentt North 40 degrees 54 minutes EoSt a distance of �748.05 feet to an iron monument. being 65.00 feet west of, as measured dt right 7ngles to, the east line said lot 14 and 1318.07 feet north af said levee line, mensured along the west iine of the eost 65.00 teet of said lot l4 ond soid "line 8 there terminating. � l � \ \M � � _■ 0 _■ : - .. . - o e , � , i '`� �.�'— !=� � = -- 11 �1 �� '� � � �� • � . � � � y �y� �� � � �� ��� —_ � � I �.'� � III` � :������. � � 1�'a,�E;i 8� � � �iNV � f `i-� � � , �\'� ' ��� � r� i � �� �� �� �� � �� _ � ���� �� � �o��� �� � � \ ����� . ■ � � ' � ' \��� � �_ .�+� s �r. `\ 'ill " .'�w�"C=i�S� 9r � �� � � '°yt��:%u�1u��f'�� 1�01 �� S�8 -.. ..i� (IBC�.N �� n�',16�J re�►.�q . : �� , //„�,�_— .�'�" � ��.,� ��. 4 ` � ' '���11�-� 1�E ��Ii■IIl3� 911[��911 � ` ♦y �'' �� � �110 !�� � � `` �,� ��1@ � � �.;,_� • ��q� ,,,���'��' � �� ��y ���'-�� r�- �II�n`�11@`�' ,�����..� �' � � .s ,-. � �.�. � -�_: �. _,� , � ; t�. �n at: :':� � � - - - - � ��_ _, _ � ..-�_ - ,-����- - =�,�� � � .. . S `��� � � � =� � �� � .; � ' � Iyy �� ++ ` M � J �c -��_–_____ � _?�� I� 1, � \� ��Y:a� I! — •j•� \. ��\ _— � � m� ,;``��o \ � � �; �i �' . � � �-�� �� i �� �� �: � - � � � : -� :, � ,� � PY� �� • . `1� �• ` 6 ����� � � �� • A'� ��� � � � ���� :� t . 0 �e�:�.� � . � DATE PETITION SUBMITTED: � � � `� ZOIVING PETITION SUFT�CIENCY CIiECK SHE�T _ xEZO�re scu� ncuP FIRST SUBMITTED � DATE OFFICIALLY RECEIVED: g' 3 ' 4 � PARCELS ELIGIBLE: 1 PARCELS REQUIRED: � PARCELS SIGNED: 7 DATE PETITION R£SUB�fITTED: DATE OFFICIALLY RECEIVED: PARCELS ELIGIBLE: PARCELS REQUIRED: PARCELS SIGVED: .. .. CHECKED BY: 0'�V` D?,TE: a' 3� q ` � NING �ILE a �� CITY OF SAINT PAUL CONSENT OF ADJOINING PROPERTY O�VNERS FOR A REZONIIVG We, the undersigned, o�mers of the property tivithin 100 feet of the total contiguous description of real estate otivned, purchased, or sold by THE PETITIONER within one year preceding the date of this petition acknowledge that �ve have been presented with the following: i. Acopyofthepetitionof Port Authority of the City of St. Paul (name of petitioner) to rezone the property located at 747 Shepard Road � from a f zoning district to a� 1-2 zoning district. 2. A copy of sections 60. 621 through 60. 632 , inclusive of the Saint Paul Zoning Code; and acknowled�e that �ve are aware of all of the uses permitted in a I-2 zoning district and we are aware that any of these uses can be established upon City Council approval of the rezoning. We hereby consent to the rezoning of the properiy in the petition of; Port Authori t.Y of the Ci ty of St. Pau7 to a� I zoning district. (Name of petitioner) We consent fo the approval of this rezoning as it was explained to us by the applicant or his/her representative. 414 Nicollet Mall I Northern S�ates Power C�o..a��� c/o Prooertv Tax Mpls., MN 55401-1 e ogg ve. Suite 6206 St. Paul, MN 551 P.O. Box 14000 � Lexin ton KY 405 4�4-Aak-&�s��� �,e�ar Suite_20A 718 Washington Av Unit 606 Mpis., Mn 55 O1-, State of Minnesota Trust Exemot Ashland Chemical Inc. 4000 �f s . N. Nicol7et Restoration Inc. =� � IS'cgELt�OGG'-SLVbs.W-- � City of Saint Paul St Pau1 tPil 55102 �L-' �� � � 'a� �I ZS/q �t • � � � � . NOTE: This petition shall not be considered as officially filed until the lapse of seven (7) working days after it is received by the Planning Division. Any signator of this petition may withdra�v his/her name therefrom by written request within that,time. � ,; -.:�'. . CI'�'X O�' SA.YN�' PA. V L CONSENT' OF ADJOINING PROPERTY OWN�RS FOR A ,t2EZONING �� �Ve, ilfe undersigned, o�vncrs of the proPcrtY within 100 feet ofthe total contiguous description of real estate otivned, purchased, or sold by THE PETITIONGR �vithin one year precedina the date of this petition acknowledoe that �ve have bcen presented �vith the following: A copyoftl�e petition of Port Authority of the City of St. Paul (name ofpetitioner) ' to rezone die property loclted at 747 Shenard Road from a I-3 zoning district to an I-2 zoning district. � L� 2. A copy o(sec[ions 60. 621 through 60.632 inc(usive of dte Sai�it Paul Zoning Code; and ncknowledge th�t �ve �re n�vare of 11! of the uses permitted in a zoning district and we are lware that any pf these uses can be established upon City Council approvll oFthe rezoning. 1Ve hereby consent to the rezonino of the property in the petition of; _ Port Authority of the City of St Paul tp fl n I-2 zoning district. (Name of petitioner) \Vc consent to flic approval of this i•ezoning as it �vas explZined fo us by the �pplicant or his/ticr representafivc. ivviU: t ms petttion shall not be considered as officially filed until the lapse of seyen (7) working days a8er it is received by the Planning Aivision. Any signator of ihis petition may withdraw his/her name therefrom by written request within that time. -:�'. ' i. ; i STATE OF MINNESOTA) COUNTY OF.RAMSEY ) : SS � �. `��� The petitioner, �z�� ��� al � � ��� � , being first duly swom, deposes and states that the consent petihon contains signatures from at least rivo-thirds (z/a) of all eligible properties within 100 feet of all property owned, purchased, or sold by petitioner �vithin one (I) year preceding the date of this petition which is contiguous to the property described in the petition; petitioner is informed that the consent petition must contain signatures from each and all o�vners of jointly-owned property in order to constitute consent from that property and that fai(ure to obtain consent from each and all owners could invalidate the consent petition; petitioner believes that the consent petition was signed by each of said o�vners and that the signatures are the true and correct signatures of each and all of the parties so described. � � /-Z?ti-S 6 TELEPHONE NUMBER Subscribed and sworn to before me this �Z day of 19�_ , / / ��i� /. _� �� i- - _,"._�. � • i � - °`°••. LANBTI'E L LOPEZ `' y NOTKYttA6K M7N�07A ' MY OOMMISSION FXPIRES ` '•••••' F IANUARIf St. 2000 PETITION TO REZONE AFFIDAVIT OF PETITIOYER Page of 1/31/97 f` AFFIDA'VTT � OF P�RSON CIRCUT,ATrNG 7HE CON3ENT P�TITION STATE OP MINNESOTA) :SS COUNTY OF RA,iv15£Y ) l.: k°'rles r' �°�xti �� being first dnly sworn, deposes and stsies that he/she is the person who circulated the consent petition consisting of /3 pages; that e�ant represents that thc parties described on the consent petitian are ell the respective owners of the properties placed immediatel}• before each name; that a��nt is informed and believes ihat each of ihe parties described on the consent petition is an o«ner of the properry �vhich is �rithin 100 feet of any property owned, purchased, or sold by petitioner tivithin one (1) year preceding the dat� of this pefition wluch is contiguous to the property descri6ed in the petition; that noae of the parties described in the consent pctition has purchased or is purchasing properry from thc petitioner that is cantiguous 2o the property described on the consent petition within one (1) yeaz of the date of the petetion; that this consent tivas signed by each of said owaers in dte presence of this affiant, and that the signatures are the irue and corcect sienatures of each and aIl of the parties so described. � ADDRESS FTl�/L �si-zu�-s TEL�PFIO�fE ATUMBBR Subscribed and swom to before me this �_ day of �� � g� > � � / !� �✓�=/ ' � i�._ ..� „ • � o tANETTE L LOPEZ �� • i NOTAtYlU!!K MINNBOTA ' MY COMMISSION IXflRES °'•,..� JANUARY 91. 2000 Page of 1/31/97 �. � ���"����1���1 s��������ro '�� ,�,._ ���� . (��l ��� � �� � ����..��. 11� � ■� ,��-%���:; 1 � : �irlr!��1j � ���� _ . -:.:::•�r ��C.l�._��,�_ ��f7�r•�••��,�� ���� �����1:�►`�:'-:��_�� � i nn.� +a � ��� �'e �'� P; ' • /� ; � � � a7 1 � < uv�. % .�-. 5: ...�.. .. s a ', t � � p � " � . 'r F j s '` E ? � � .� r : o `.i i- as F.� F S � Q � �' .. .a A �A y � •`. � 1 wr�a.. .s 9 . 7 � � .�R A ti � ..• I i , ; i ��` �---� , -'``--� , � � ,� ,,,. L� CTITZEN PARTICIPATTON PLANNING DISTRICTS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8 � Q. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. °l�l -R�� 2 . SUNRAY-BATTI.ECREEK-HIGHW OOD HAZEL PARK HADEI�I-PROSPERITY HILLCREST WEST SIDE DAYTON'S BLUFF PAYNE-PHALEN NORTH END THOI�AS-DALE SUMMIT-UNIVEI2SITY • WEST SEVENTH COMO HAMLINE•MIDWAY ' ST. ANTHONY PARK MERRIAM PARK-LEXINGTON HAMLINE-SNELLING HAMLINE MACALESTER GItOYELAPiD HIGHLAND SUMMTT � T. DOWNTOWN � � � �.r DI57RICT 9 � ,._. . ������ ���� �-�-/ � � � U : N O a 3 r � • o U o ¢ u. U N � d m � li N '0 • o U o Q LL U N . � � a O M C . m U '° ¢ � � m Q a d w N m > 0 a � . m r ¢ � g :n •\ � �e� c� e r h �ICIi - :.y:? . y � ;} �� , � t �n � � �g � 1 _ .,•..� ./ � ' `� � � � � � e �� �� �' .'���C 4' � O � � JEFFEftSON O U/ p ' ,.O _-v,- � � . . . - - �. O - - � . ^�� ' ��.,,x, .. . �,,,��,�,- P._..:� � R , �� t=- - � '�' ' ; / d �s p:� � � AVE. .,...�...,� l �� � O aoNimsra<it;y <ExrE� I ��CBUC $CNOOLS) � � �' N.S i - co.� � .-:h:'.i �,. .�rYxo: � � : R o �i�-'��� � o � n � v � _ ':V � � � . /' / S� . J`!` f , j ��?� ��// / b l : 1 ' APPUGA�JT O�� /TJ �Df 1�� D�t SI .�G�UI �EGEND � ZO�11Q (dwn � '� '('o =� 2 �'"'""""""' 3oniny distri�l Lroundary PURPOSE — FtLE K q 9 " �. � � _ - DATE � " �! � ! q Gii7llATii subj'd Aropzrty PLNG.'DIST t" MAP # � u o one lamity � ¢ hvo fa�lily � .����g: _ ��r Q mulUpi= Iarnit� ..�_.._. � / • � n commaraa: ♦ ��.._ indus;:i;�: Y vaC�i; Council File # t t i� QRIGINAL Ordinance # Green Sheet # 1 D I 9 S3 ORDINANCE Presented By ESOTA �mii� Na� 2@ i999 30 — Referred To Committee: Date 2 An ordinance amending Chapter 60 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code pertaining to zoning for the City of 3 Saint Paul and the zoning maps thereof: 4 0 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 WHEREAS, Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes §462.357 and §64.400 of the Legislative Code, the PORT AUTHORITY OF ST. PALJL duly petitioned to rezone property along the north side of SHEPARD ROAD northeast of vacated Palace Avenue and vacated Western Avenue from I-3 to I-2 to create continuity with an adjoining zoning district and facilitate orderly development of the new River Bend Industrial Park, the petition having been certified by the Planning Division on August 3, 1999, as hauing been consented to by at least 6'7% of the owners of the area of the property to be rezoned, and fixrther having been consented to by at least two-thirds of the owners of the property situated within 100 feet of the total contiguous property within one year pr$ce�ding the date of the petition; and WHEREAS, The Zoning Committee of the Planning Coxnmission on August 19, 1999, held a public hearing for the purpose of considering the rezoning petition, and pursuant to § 107.03 of the Administrative Code, submitted its recommendation to the Planning Comxnission that the petition be granted; and WI3EREAS, The Planning Commission considered the rezoning petition at its meeting held on August 27, 1999, and recommended that the City Council approve the petifion; and 20 21 WHEREAS, notice of public hearing before the City Council on the said rezoning petition was duly published 22 in the official newspaper of the City on August 31, 1999, and notices were duly mailed to each owner of 23 affected property and property situated wholly or partly within 350 feet of the property sought to be rezoned; 24 and 25 26 WHEREAS, a public hearing before the City Council having been conducted on 27 September 8, 1999, where all interested parties were heazd, the Council having considered all the facts and 28 29 30 31 32 recommendations concerning the petition; now, therefore THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. 33 34 That the zoning map of the City of Saint Paul, Sheet Number 28, as incorporated by reference in §60.301 of 35 the Saint Paul Legislative Code, as amended, is hereby fiirther amended as follows: 36 37 That property along the north side of SHEPARD ROAD northeast of vacated Palace Avenue and vacated 38 Western Avenue, being more particularly described in the legal description attached to the petition to amend 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 �t�- 9.9.�. the zoning code submitted by the Port Authority of St. Paul and to this ordinance, be and is hereby rezoned from I-3 to I-2. Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirry (30) days from and after its passage, approval and publication. pRIG1NAL p D 9 lISHED N Q� � � 1999 Requested by Department of: Coleman Harris ReiCer Adopted by Council: Date �� Adoption Certifie�d by Council Secretary gy: —' i Approved by Mayor: By: _ Plannina & Economic Develooment � � By: Fosm Approved by City Attorney Approvef t �� � . � . r i l • eI c�- G 91. r� ����� GREEN SH No���°�3 Allan Torstenson 266-6579 � ��� � TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES i o[r�,�ru.�FCroie Q �,.,.,.�, �Y q. a9 .99 � �„� ❑ ..�.,� � ❑ .,�,�.a Q w,��„�.. ❑ (CLIP ALL CATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) Adopt an ordinance to finalize council approval of a petition of the Port Authority of St. Paul to rezone property along the north side of Sheghard Road n�rtheast of vacated Palace Avenue and vacated Western Avenue from I-3 to I-2 (�ublic,heaxing held 09/08/99. PLANNING CAMMISSION CIB CAMMITTEE CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION VF.�:L1� iSONAL SERVICE CONiRACfS MUSTANSWER THE FOLLAWING Q Has ihie Pe�Mrm e.er varked uMer a contrad fot tl�is departmeM7 VES NO Hae this Pe��m ever been a �tilY emDbYee� rES rio Does tliis P�rm possess a slap �wt'wrmalNP�� M anY a�rteM citY emW%'ee4 YES I� Is tliis peisanlfirm a targetetl veMOR " , YES NO ,' Finalize council approval of a petition of the Port Authority of St. Paul to rezone property along the north side of Shephard Road northeast af vacated Palace Avenue and vacated Western Avenue from I-3 to I-2 to create continuty with an adjoining zoning district and facilitatz orderly development of the new River Bend Industrial Park. IF APPROVED e; ' � .. a. ...,��, n�L� �.i:, i L. .. �., a S� 4 � .. .. �,.. .. _ , . ,. AMOUNT OF 7RANSACTION SOURCE iNwar.unor+ (owwr� COST/REVENUE BU06ETED (CIRCLE ONt7 YES NO ._-... _. _ ._ _ _ ... _ __.� ACTMTY NUMBER ��� ���� ���¢�t i + .,. LEGAL DESC7:PTIGN "C:TGO SItE" (Per Otd Repuolic NG;;onol Title lnsurance ComOany ALiA Commltment Applicat�cn No. R OP,935907 C. >ffec'.ive Cate S<Otem6er 4, 199i) 7hose portions of Lots 8. 10. i I, 12, 13 cnd I4, Partition P!at. an Addition to St. Paui. Ninneso[a, being o subaiv�sion of [he �or.hwest Cuorter cf the Nartheas[ puarter anC Government Lot 2, Section 12. Tawnshio 2� North, R�nq_ 23 West af th< sth P�incipol �Aeridion, ond that Ga�� �� a:ocK 16. Stinson, Brown cnG Ramsey's .4ddition to SL Paul, bounded ond describetl as fo��ows: 9eginning at [he int_rsection of ;he 'Nest line of Lot 8, in soid P�rtition �lat, the same beinq .he North and South ��ua�rer !in_ of Section 12, Township 28 North, Renge 2'. West, in .he C;ty of St. Paul, Romsey County, `dinnesota with ;he `1or[herly le�ee tine as _stcbiisned by Crder of Common Council datea Ao�il 22. 1886, Fiied June 27, 1888, m th= offc_ of the Register of �e=as. Ramsey Ccunty, Minnesoto, ond filed in Book b of Street Openings, �vge 22; thenc= North clonq scid west line of said Lot 8, or said quarter section line, 326.66 `ee`, to an iron monument, monument being the intersection of the East_rly _xtension of ;he South line of glo<k 16, ci soid Stinson. Brewn ond Ramsey's Addition: thence North 89 degrees JS minutes 'Nes, aiong the said Sauth line of Block I6, and said Iine extended East o distonc^ of 431.i2 feet .o an iron monumenk thence North d0 Cegrees 59 minuces Eost, a distance of 1748.�5 feet to an �ron monument, said iron monument being 65 feet Wtst of (measured ot �iyht angles) a�d parolle! with ±he East tine of Lot la in said Partition Plot, sa�d point 5eing IJI807 feet Ncrth of said Ievee line, meosured awng said parallel line; tFenc^ due South olong saiC line 65 `eet 'Nest of and pa�cliel with said East iine pf Lot 14 o distance oi 836 fee: .o an iron monumenk thence due FaSt at �ight angles 35 `eet to an iron monument thente South parollel with said Easi line of �ot Id to the Northerly levee line hereinbefore Cescnbed; !hence Southw?sterly olonq 5aid 4ortherty levee line 826J1 fee!, more or less. to the point of beqinning, sa��ng and exceoting Westem Avenue, Ramsey County, .Uinnesota. Except that oertion Cescnbed cs 'ollows: ihot port of Lot Id, Partition ?lot ond Addition !o Samt Poul, MinneSOto be:na o Suodivision �f the tlorthwest Ouarter oP the Northeost Quarter and Govemment Lot 2. Secbon 12, ?ownsn�p 28, Rang= 23. Romsey Caunty, Minnesoto descnbed as follows: Commencing ot the intersectio� of !he West Ilne o( Lot 8. said PartiNon Plet and �ddition with th_ Nor',he��y levee line as established by order of common councii dated Aprii 22, t886, filed Ju�e 27, I888 in the oHice of .he Register of Deeds, Ramsey Cou�ty, !dinnesota, ond filed in 9ook 4 of Street �penmgs, Fnge 22: :hence North ctong the 'N<_st 'ine aE said �ot 8 o distance of 326.5o feet to its �neerseciion with the Easterly extenron of the South line of Block 16. Stinson, Brown and RamSey's Addition to Saint Paul, Ramsey County, Minnesota; thence Wes,erly olong saw South line and its extension 4�IJ2 feet; :he�ce Northeasterly, angle left 49 degrees 23 minutes 1683A feet !a the poin[ of beginning of the porcel ;o be destri6ed: thence continuing Nor;heasterly to ;he West line of the Ea9t 65 feet o( said Lot I4; :hence South alona smd Wes'. �ine 100 feet: thence Southw=sterly :o the point o( beginning. Abstract Antl PROPOSED CESCRIPTICN — WESTE�N AVENUE (f.K.A. Blofr Street) — SiREET VACATION That port of West=rn Av_nue as dedicoted in the plot of Sinson, Brown and ftomsey's Addition to SL Paul, accorCing to the recorded plat thereof, Romsey County, Minnesota, whi<n lies nor!herly of the here:nafter described '�Line A" and southerly of the hereinofter describetl "�ine B'. "Line A" is destribed os commencing at the intersection af the west line of Lot 8, �� Portition P7ot, on addition to St. Pauf, Minnesota, heing a subdivision of t�e Northwest �uarter of ,he Northeast �uarter and Gove��ment Lot 2, Settion 12, Township 28, Range 2J, Romsey County, Minnesota, the same being the North and South �uarter line af said Section 12 with the no�therly levee line os estab7ished by O�der of Common Cauncii dated Aoril 22, 1886, tiled June 27, 1888. in the office of the Register of Deeds, Romsey County, Minnesota. antl filed in Book 4 of Street Openings, Page 22; thence �orth, aiong smd west line of Lot 8, a distance of 326.66 feet ta an iron monument at the intersection of the easterly extension of the south line of Block 16, Stinson, Brawn ond Romsey's Addition to St. Paul, according to the recorded plat thereof, Ramsey County, Minnesota, said point beina the point of beginning of said "�ine A' to be descnbed; thence North 89 degrees JS minutes 'Nest, along said south line of 51ock I6, ond said �ine exiended east, o distance af 431J2 feet to an iron monument and said "Line A there terminating. „ Line 8" is described as beginninq at the terminotion af said "Line A", thence North d0 degrees 59 minutes Ea$ a aistance of 1748.05 feet to an iron monument. be�ng 65.G0 feet west of, as me05ured dt ngh[ angles to, the east line saitl �ot 14 and 1318.07 feet north af said leve^ line, measured along the west line of the east 65.00 feet of said Lot Is and soid "Une B there terminating. �q �aq� DEPARIMENT OF PLANNING & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CTTY OF SAIl�I"f PAUL Norm Coleman, Mayor August 27, 1999 Ms. Nancy Anderson City Council Reseazch Office Room 310 City Hall Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 Dear Ms. Anderson: Division ofPlmening 25 West Founh Sdeet Saint Paul, MN 55102 I would like to confirm that a public hearing before the City Council is scheduled for Wednesday, September 8, 1999, for the following zoning case: Applicant: PORT AUTHORITY OF SAINT PAUL File Number: #99-211 Purpose: Rezone property from I-3 (Industrial) to I-2 {Industrial) to ereate continuity with an adjoining zoning district and facilitate orderly development of the new River Bend Industrial Park Address: North side of SHEPARD ROAD northeast of vacated Palace and vacated Westem Lega1 Aescription of Property: See file Previous Action: Planning Commission Recommenda6on: APPROVAL vote: unanimous, August 27, 1999 Zoning Committee Recommendation: APPROVAL vote: 7-0, August 19, 1999 My understanding is that this public hearing request will appeaz on the agenda for the September 1, 1999, City Council meeting and that you will publish notice of the heazing in the Saint Paul Legal Ledger. Please call me at 266-6579 if you haue any questions. Sincerely, Allan Torstenson City Planner cc: File #99-211 Paul Dubruiel Cazol Martineau •�rzsratmr• NOTICE�OF PQBISC HEARII�TG The Saint Paul City CounciLwilt conduct a pablic hearing on Wednesday, Septeiuber; 8. 1999, at 5:30 p.m. in the City Council � Chambers, Third FIoor. City Hail-� Courthouse, to congider the application of, the Port dut.hority bf Saint Paul to rezone property from f-3 Elndusfriap to I-2 (industrial) to create continuity with an adjoining zoning distriet and faci7itate orderly devetopment of the new Idve� Bend Indusfrial Park on�the riorth side of Shepazd Road northeast of vacated Palace' andvacatedWestemAvenues. � � Dated: Avgust 27, 1959 ' NANCYANDERSOPF -. ., Assistaat CityGovntil Setxetaiy _ ' , - FAug.3]? - . —_sS1:PADLE$GALLSDCER�_ - _ � �. � . TeZephone: 672-266-6565 FacsimiZe: 612-228-3374 VOJZtdi �p3�2Y^iS ��1'�. .A�.�... ::' :: [f,�t DEPAATMENT OF PLANNING & ECONOMIC DEVEIAPMENT CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Coieman, Mayo> August 30, 1999 Ms. Nancy Anderson Secretary to the City Council Room 310 City Hall Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 Divitiat oJPlanning 25 West Fmwth Snee! Saint Pm�l, MN 55101 RE: Zoning File #99-211 PORT AUTHORITY OF SAIN1' PAiJL City Council Hearing. September 8, 1999, 530 p.m. City Council Chambers / • • � � Telephone: 612-266-6565 Facsimile: 612-228-3314 PURPOSE: To consider rezoning property along the north side of SHEPARD ROAD northeast of the vacated Palace Avenue and vacated Western Avenve from I-3 (Induslrial) to I-2 (Industrial) to create continuity with an adjoining zoning district and facilitate orderly development of the new River Bend Industrial Pazk. � PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATTON: APPROVAL vote: unanimous ZOIQING COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: APPROVAL vote: 7-0 STAFF RECOMMENDATION APPROVAL SUPPORT: No one spoke. OPPOSITTON: No one spoke. Dear Ms. Anderson: The PORT AUTHORITY OF SAINT PAIJL submitted a petition to rezone property along the north side of SHEPARD ROAD northeast of vacated Palace Avenue and vacated Westem Avenue. The Zoning Committee of the Planning Commission held a public hearing on the proposed rezoning on August 19, 1999. The appiicant addressed the committee. At the close of the public heazing, the committee voted 7- 0 to recommend approval of the proposed rezoning to I-2. The Planning Commission upheld the Zoning Committee's recommendation for approval on a unanimous voice vote on August 27, 1998. T4iis proposed rezoning is scheduled to be heard by the City Councit on September 8, 1999. Please notify me if any member of the City Council wishes to have slides of the site presented at the public heazing. Sincerely, � • Allan Torstenson City Planner Attachments cc: City Council members city of saint paul planning commission resolution file number 99-56 date Au Z� 1999 �VHEREAS, THE PORT AUTHORITY OF ST, PAUL, file # 99-221, has periGoned to rezone properry along the north side of SHEPARD ROAD northeast of vacated Palace Avenue and vacated Westem Avenue from I-3 to I-2 to create continnity with an adjoining zoning districi and faczlitate the orderly development of a new industrial pazk; and WHEREAS, the Zoning Committee of the Planning Commission on 08(19/1999, held a public hearin� at which atl persons present �vere given an opporiunity to be heard pursuant to said application in accordance with the requirements of Section 64.400 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code; and W�IEREAS, Saint Paul Pianning Commission, based on the evidence presented to its Zoning Committee at the public heazing as substantially reflected in the minutes, made the follotiving findings of fact: � The Port Authority of St. Paul is developin� a new industrial pazk, River Bend Business Park, aY this location. Most of tlie property surrounding the property to be rezoned, � including property that will be part of the new industrial pazk, is zoned I-2. The proposed rezoning from I-3 to I-2 will make all of the properry in River Bend Business Pazk I-2, and facilitaie orderly development of the new industrial pazk. � 2. The proposed rezoning, as well as the development of River Bend Industrial Pazk it is intended to facilitate, is consistent with the comprehensive plan. The Economic Development Strc�tegy (pp.17-18) includes: 1) Objective � 6, ensure su�cient land for future business growth;" 2) Policy �25, "the city's land use plan should provide adequate land for industrial and commercial development and expansion in order to increase the proportion of commerciallindustrial ta�c base;" and 3) Policy #29, the city should periodically review its zoning regulations and amend them as necessary to keep current with technological and economic changes affecting the nature of business activity." moved by Field seconded by _.__ in favor Consent against i . • •- • Zoning File # 99-211 Planning Commission Resolution Page 2 3. The applicant submitted a sufficien# petition of owners of two-thirds of the property within one hundred (100) feet of the properry to be rezoned stating support for the rezoning (9 pazcels eligible, 6 pazcels required, and 7 pazcels signed). NOW, T'I�REFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Saint Paul Planning Commission that the petition of THE PORT AUTHORITY OF ST. PAUL to rezone property along the north side of SHEPARD ROAD northeast of vacated Palace Avenue and vacated Western Avenue from an I-3 zoning classification to an I-2 zoning classification is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan for the City; and BE IT FiJRTHER RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul Planning Commission does hereby recommend to the Council of the City of Saint Paul that ptoperty along the north side of SHEPARD ROAD northeast of vacated Palace Avenue and vacated Western Avenue be rezoned from I-3 to I-2 in accordance with the petition for rezoning on file with the Saint Paul Planning Division. � � - �� s •. � A�t�o� M��+���s Saint Paul Planning Commission City Aall Conference Center Room 40 15 Kellogg Boulevard West Agenda August 27,1999 8:30 -11:00 a.m. I. Chair's Announcements IT. Planning Administrator's Announcements III. Zoning Committee Laid Over Hamiine Midwav Suecial Sien District - Establishment of a special sign district in the area bounded by Lexington Parkway, Pierce Butler, Transfer Road and University Avenue (Nancy Homans, 266-6557). #99-201 Todd J. Bauer - Special condition use permit to al(ow for a used auto dealership at 1170 Arcade between Rose and Geranium (Patricia James, 266-6639). Denial #99-200 American Portable Telecom - Special condition use permit to allow a ten foot cellular telephone antenna on the apartment structure � at 1967 Grand Ave 6etween Prior and Cleveland (James Zdon, 266-6559). Laid Over Laid Over Approval Approval Approval Merriam Park Communitv Council Saecial Sien District Plan - Establishment of a special sign district in the area bounded by Snelling Ave, Summit Ave, the western city limit, I-94, Cleveland Ave and University Ave (Nancy Homans, 266-6557). #99-185 Alison Maule-Kronmiller - Rezone from RM-2 to B2-C to allow for a professional office at 1678 Selby Ave between Pierce and Aidine (James Zdon, 266-6559). #99-211 Citeo Sheoard Road - Rezone from I-3 to I-2 at 0 Shepard northeast of Shepard and vacated Western and northeast of vacated Western and vacated Palace (Allan Torstenson, 266-6579). #99-194 SL Paul Brass Fouadrv - Rezone from RM-2 to I-1 to provide for employee parking and truck access to the rear of the eaisting St. Paul Brass building on property located directly soufh of 954 and 976 West Minnehaha Ave, between Chatsworth and the Wilder Foandation campus (Nancy Homans, 266-655�. IV. Comprehensive Planning Committee � V. Neighborhaod and Current Planning Committee VI. Communications Committee VIL Task Force Reports � VIII. Old Business IX. New Business Public Heariine request for Site Plan Review - Tom Beach, LIEP, 266-9086. The P[anning Commission voted to hold a public hearing on September 10,1999; Kathi Donne►ty-Cohen abstained. X. Adjoumment Planning Commission Members: PLEASE calt Jean Birkholz, 266-6573, if unable to attend. Splanninglagenda.frm \ J � i r � M4NUTES OF THE ZONiNG COMMiTTEE Thursday, August 19,1999 - 3:30 p,m. City Council Chambers, 3` Ftoor Cify Haii and Court House 95 West Keflogg Boulevard PRESENT: Engh, Fie(d, Gervais, Gordon, Kramer, Morton, and Nowlin EXCUSED: Faricy OTHERS PRESENT: . Caroi Martineau, Aifan Torstenson of PED The meeting was chaired by Commissioner Field. � \ - \�� Port Authority of St. Paul - Citgo Shepard Road Site - 99-211 - Application to rezone from i-3 to I-2. Ailan Torstenson showed siides and presented the staff report. Mr. Torstenson stated the Zoning Staff recommends approval of the applicafion. He aiso presented a letter from the DNR that outiines the requirements for development on the site in the River Corridor. Mr. Charles Derscheid, St. Paul Port Authority, appeared and stated they are in the process of developing this site for industrial use. They have spent fourteen miilion doilars in the remediation � of this site. The developer wili add an additional twenty-five miilion doilars which inciudes; site development, landscaping, buildings, and drainages. Mr Derscheide also expiained there are ponds that provide on site drainage, which ailow for settling, so the sediments don't run into the river. Mr. Derscheide also presented letters demonstrating their correspondence and cooperation with the DNR and Army Corp of Engineers regarding the site development. He aiso stated their wi(I be three to four hundred jobs available when this project is completed. At fhe question of Commissioner Engh, Mr. Derscheide reptied this site is in accordance with the state laws and the Minnesofa Poliution Controi Agency. Commissioner Kramer moved approval af the appiication to rezone from i-3 to I-2. Commissioner Engh seconded it. Adopted Drafted by: Yeas - 7 Nays - 0 Submitted by: Approved by: � Carol Martineau , Allan Torstenson Lifton Field Recording Secretary Zoning 5ection Chair �`� -`�`l� Minnesota Department af Natural Resources 500 [afayette Road St. Paul, Minnesota 55155-40�y Phone: (651) 297-2401; faC 296-5939 E-maiL sandy.fecht�dnr.state.mn.us August 16,1999 City of St. Paul Zoning Committee Ciry of St. Paul Planning Commission c/o Allan Torstenson I 100 City Hail Annex 25 R'est Fourth St. St. Paul, MN 55102 Deaz Committee and Commission Members: Via fax and mail RE: Rezoning proposal from I-3 to I-2 Flood Fringe District (RC-2) and Urban Diversified District, Mississippi River Corridor District File No. 99-211 � U . Thank you for the notification received on August 4 for the application for rezoning from I-3 to I-2. The site is within the Flood Fringe District (RG2) and also within the azea ciassified as L3rban Diversified District of the Ivlississippi River Critical Area Corridor District and the Mississippi National River and Recreation Area (MNRRA). We submit the following comments for consideration in all decision-making and submission for the formal hearing record. Although information on the proposed land use was not included in the notification, we want to emphasize that any future development on the site must comply with all Flood Fringe District, River Cortidor ordinance, and Criticai Area Executive Order '79-19 requirements. All capital improvement prograui or public facilities programs of a local unit of government shall be consistent with the standards and guidelines in the Executive Order 79-19. New commercial or industrial uses are permitted in the Urban Diversified District if development is compatible with the goals to maintain the present diversity of land uses; protect historical sites and areas, natural, scenic and environmental resources; and ezpand public access to and enjoyment of the river [Zoning Code Section 65.241]. Developers should be made aware of all of the requirements. There is no hardship for variances for a new redevelopment site when all these requirements can be known and can be complied with. Ordinance provisions that must be compiied with include: . Sec. 65.200 et seq. - Flood Fringe requirements. DNR Information: 651-296-6157 • 1-888-646-6367 • TTY: 651-296-5484 • 1-800-657-3929 M Equal Oppoctunity Employer Who Values Divusity PAnted on Re�ydetl Paper Containing a i Minimumof70%POSi-ConsumerWaste RE: File No. 99-21 I Page 2 . Sec. 65.411 (a) - Development shall be conducted so that smallest practical areas of land be • developed at one time and that each azea be subjected to as Iittle erosion as possible during and after development. We recommend erosion and sediment control measures be implemented and adequately designed to prevent sediment from entering the river, a storm sewer iniet, or other storm water conveyance system, and maintaincd throughout the project. • Sec. 65.411 (b) - Minimum setbacks from ordinary lugh water level and any bluffline. . Sec. 65.411 (c) - Grading and filling requirements. . Sec. 65.412 (4} - Natural vegetafion sha1I be restored after any construcfion project. • Sec. 65.413 (a) & (b) - Contamination requirements. . Sec. 65.413 (c) - Runoff requirements. We aze very concerned that runoff be m;n;r�,;�pd in the site design and development of future projects, as weIi as treating any stormwater from ' the site to improve quality. • Compliance with all underlying zoning district requirements, especially height maximums and maximum impervious surfaces. As applicable to ihis property, the Critical Area designation order, Executive Order 79-19, requires reguIations be adopted by local units of govemment that minimaily regulate the following: . Protect bluffs greater than i8% [C.l.a.(4)J. . Minimize direct overland runoffand improve quality ofrunoff [C.1. a. (5)J. . Minimize site alteration [C.I.a. (6)]. . Structure site and location shall be regulated to ensure riverbanks, bluffs and scenic • overlooks remain in their natural state, and to minimize interference with views of and from the river, exceptfor uses requiringriver access. (C.2.b.j _ . Clustering of siructures and use of designs which will reduce public facility costs and improve scenic quality shall be encouraged. [C. 2. c. j • New development is permitted only after approval of site plans that adequately assess and minimize adverse effects and maximize beneficial effects. Site plans are required for all developments, except for modification or construction of one single family residence. The site plans shall minimally include submission of adequate, detailed description of the project, including activities undertaken to ensure consistency of the Critical Area objectives; maps which specify soil types, topography, and tDze expected physical changes in the site as the result of the development; and measures which address adverse environmental effects. Site plans shall include standards to ensure compatibility of structures, roads, screening, landscaping, consiruction placement, mainterrance, and storm water runoff with 1he character of the river corridor. Site plans shall provide opportunities for establishment of open space and public viewing where applicable and shall corztain specific conditions with respect to buffering, landscaping, and revegetation. [C.2.a.] . For development of commercial or industrial subdivisions and planned cievelopments; � developer shall be required to dedicate to the public reasonable portions of [Corridor) lands RE; File No. 99-21 I Page 3 � � — ��� • in interest. If practical d ff culties or physical impossibility, developer sha11 be required to contribute equivalent amount of cash to be used only for acquisition of Zand for parks, open space, storm water drainage areas or other public services within the River Corridor. . Any public facilities program or capital improvement program of a local unit of government sha11 be consisfent with the sfandards and guidelines of Executive Order 79-19. The City's Zoning Code Section 62.100 references the prevailing of the more reshictive law. We aze also concemed about any changes that will be made from existing land uses and structures. Any such removai or alteration must comply with the above and other applicable state laws, including those of the MN Pollution Control Agency. Thank you for your consideration of these comments in order to protect the Mississippi River aud implement the state requirements. A copy of all decisions shall be forwazded to us foliowing the acdon. Sincerely, DNR WATERS � Sandy Fecht Critical Area/MNRRA Hydrologist cc: Chazles Derscheid, Port Authority of the City of St. Paul, 1900 Landmazk Towers, 345 St. Peter, 55102 Nancy Duncan, Nationat Park Service Sandra Pinel, Metropolitan Council Molly Shodeen/Joe Richter Steve Johnson a- � q -�1�� � ZONING COMIVIITTEE STAFF REPORT FILE # 99-211 � A. B. C. D. � � APPLICANT: PORT Ai3THORITY OF ST PAUL DATE OF HEARING: 08/19l99 CLASSIFICATION: Rezoning LOCATION: Property along the north side of Shepazd Road and northeast of vacated Palace and vacated Western PLANNING DISTRICT: 9 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: see file PRESENT ZONING: I-3, RC-2 ZOIVING CODE REFERENCE: 64.400 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. STAFF INVESTIGATION AND REPORT: DATE: 8/11/99 BY: Alian Torstenson 8. DATE RECEIVED: 08/03/99 DEADLINE FOR ACTION: 10/02/99 PURPOSE: Rezoning from I-3 to I-2 to create continuity with an adjoining zoning district and facilitate the orderly development of a new industrial pazk. PARCEL SIZE: 2031 acres EXISTING LAND iISE: Vacant industrial properry - former petroleum tazilc fazm. SURROUNDING LAND USE: North: Railroad tracks/yard; St. Paul Public Schools Admin.Center across the tracks East: NSP High Bridge Power Plant South: Industriai; Mississippi River West: Industrial E. ZONING CODE CITATION: Section 64.400(a) states in part that "the council may, from time to time, amend, supplement or change the district boundaries or the regulations herein, or subsequenUy established pursuant to the provisions of Minnesota Statutes Section 462357 and amendments thereto as may be made from time to time. The pianning Commission may, from time to time, review district boundary lines to determine if, pursuant to state laws, such district boundary lines should be changed." Zoning File #99-21 I Page Two Section 64.400(b) states, in part, that "an ammendment to tke wning code may be initiated by the council, the planning commission or by a petition of the owners of 67 percent of the azea of the properly to be rezoned." F. HISTORY/DISCUSSION: There aze no previous zoning cases conceming this site. G. DISTRICT COiTNCIL RECOMll�NDA'ITON: None received at time of ttris report. H. FINDINGS: 1. The Port Authority of St. Paul is developing a new industriat pazk, River Bend Business Pazk, at this location. Most of the properiy surrounding the property to be rezoned, including property that will be part of the new industrial park, is zoned I-2. The proposed rezoning from I-3 to I-2 will make all of the property in River Bend Business Park I-2, and facilitate orderly development of tfie new industrial pazk. n LJ 2. The proposed rezoning, as well as the development of River Bend Indush Pazk it is intended to facilitate, is consistent with the comprehensive plan. The � Economic Development Strategy (pp.17-18) includes: 1) Objective # 6, ensure sufficient land for fixture business growth;" 2) Policy #25, "the city's land use plan should provide adequate land for industrial and commercial development and expansion in order to increase tfie proportion of commerciaUindustrial faY base;" and 3) Policy #29, the city should periodically review its zoning regulations and amend them as necessary to keep current with technological and economic changes affecting the nature of business activity." The applicant submitted a sufficient petition of owners of two-thirds of the properly within one hundred (100) feet of the properly to be rewned stating support for the rezoning (9 pazcels eligible, 6 pazcels required, and 7 parcels signed). I. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Based on the above findings, staff recommends approval of the proposed rewning from I-3 to I-2 to facilitate the orderly development of the River Bend Industrial Pazk on property along the north side of Shepazd Road and northeast of vacated Palace and vacated Westem. � I,_ �...R �TAIIt ' � l i A��AI -. �,..a PET[TitiN TO AMEND TNE ZONiNG CODE Department of Planning and Economic Development Zoning Section II00 City Hal1 Annex 25 West Four11: Street Saint Paul, MN SSIO2 166-6589 APPLICANT PROPERTY LOCATION El�t -��1� Property Owner Pori .4utnnrity �i the City of Sai7t Paul, MN Address 1400 Landrn�rk Towers, 345 S�. Peter S'creet City Sai�.t Pzul St.�fT' Zip 55502 Daytime phone 651-2?4-5686 Contact person (if different) Charles E. Derscheid (Ext. '1�) Address/Location N/A Legal Se? attachec+ sheet (attach addition sheet if necessary) TO THE HONORAB�E MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL: Pursuant to Section 64.400 of the Saini Paui Zoning Ordinance and to Section R62.357(5) of Minnesota Statues, , the owner of ail the land proposed for rezoning, hereby petitions you to rezone the above described property from an I-3 zoning district to an I-2 zoning district, for the purpose of: creating continuity with an adjoining zo�ing district and to facilitate the orderly development of a new industrial park. (attach additiona! sheet(s) if necessary) Attachments: Required site pian � Consent petition � AfFdavit ❑ Subscribed and swom to before me this � � day of _7�_ 19� � � Notary Public � owner of ,�°•, LANETTE L LOPEZ 7 3 NOTA4YM16t1C MWNFSOTA e�' M,YCpMMi55�ONIXPIRES •....�"`� JANUARY 31, 2000 Page 1 of �. PREL/MINARYPLAT f�/VER BEND B(/S/NESS PARK _ °°�° ` . � � ��� — .� `�r.� ��M.J':��.:.�. =�� ��%� � L �^� = -_ �-• _ - -_ = _�,5==� 'n j �`.S � � '— �.. ' � �..., ' - ^=�� � � � ... �� ��� _` _ —.. �.. _�.._ �.t"..: �� ��; �` � �,. «_ — — —` ...........v,...,..,.._. / �i � _=---= =—= ; b�� --=— _:`�� -' G; °� ~ � Y � � �*�^! � � � Ia , O � /./ . --- = — — — = == �`,�P '� f j/ � ��� / r ._. _yr.—=.-._...�: r� e���'�° '" ' � /.� E�� /,� ", I � ,�� /, � I �I ra\.���}'�f3 %I�u f� � � � I \K I � � ��1 1 1 I �5�� (` I . TA\R I 5 ( 'a I L �i (�� iM% I :' , t �_ t,�n`� �II! � '' �i �� I I �` Io_ ` <� � i _vCv. ^F ciCL.Y 'c Ct '"• "..._..,. 2: �..,. ....L F..;...' S::"= , . �p tii F :II N \ � �.. UM � 5 /� [: � ' 96RJ6< � /L I ' �'�x � n � zza�«f.s �I c� I TMYN I Ik , �}' I �;�'. i'}_ ' I BLQ�K � �� I , , �P �r I � � 4` ` :i Y � a (y ` � I _ :IhY � . � �T�� � I S'. :� F:iJ • ..�. � �9 �- � � � � q e:« ' 7?I /� i ��� i � �., ...,_—.�:�I �° -, - - Q ;� � i i -=, :; � O , � � ��2 TAYK O �, I 1 � �B \ � I� 0 1 + Y 1 S ♦ ..�.A . /Y �% /� .� r ............�-.� y � �� � ������� w "�"�TL�l.�:.t" �.. `.�..'�4°..w.."' y `� �� �^y�r�iY�w�y y y ��)w�lM�w� Y �r�+��w�.�r� 0 6 1_. li r^ = - ..% • � C� C^. .-.._... �^._ :� _ �= �..�.� � wi� T� Y6WW�c���w 4� w,'ti��i�� � �� �V�r�r rr+M�ww« �r��ltis� � •S' %� '�� � ' � �6 � 1 i �� M r • , ' I % '� ��� ' � � 7 � ' • i � ..l, f� .� � � � s / 1� N a L e ' �n I � � � � i I I ; -_ i �> � � � � � � � i f .,i' Jf�aG J / r r,.' � �i � r.. .. _ ... --- �EGAL OESLR:PTION "CITGO 51T£" (Pe� Old Republic No;ioncl Title �nsurance Compony ALiA Commitment Applicafian No. R OR935907 C, effcc:ive date SeOtember 4, 1997) � Those portions of Lots 8, 10, I I, 12, I3 and 14, Partition Piot, an Addition to St. Poul, M�nneso[a, being o subCivision of the Nwthwest Cuarter of the Northeast Ouarte� ond Government Lot 2, Se<tion I2, Township 28 North, Ranqe 23 West oF !he 4[h Principal Meridian, ond thct Oort oF Biock 16. Stinson, Brown ona Romsey's Addition to St. Poul. baunded ond described as follows: Beginning ot :he intersection of the West line of �ot B, in soid Partition Piat. the some be�ng the North ond South puorter line of Section 12, Township 28 North, Ronge 23 wesf, in the City of St. Paul, Romsey County, Minnesota with the Northerly levee Iint as established by Order of Common Council dated Apri� 22. i886, filed June 27, 1888. �n the office of the Reqister of Deeds. Romsey County, Mtinnesoto, ond filed �n Book 4 of Street OOenings. ?oge 22: thence North olong said West ��ne of said Lot 8, or sa�d quorter section �ine, 326.66 fee; to an iron monument, monument being the intersecFion of the Eosterly extension ot the So��th line of Block 16, of said Stinson, Brown ond Romsey s Add�tion; thence North 89 Eegrees 38 minutes West along the said South line of Block �6. and soid Iine extended East a dis:ance of 43�.72 feet to an iron monument: thence North 40 degrees 59 minutes Eost, a distanca of 1748.05 feet to an iron monument, soid iron monument being 65 feet West of (measured a[ right angles) anC parallel with the East line of lot 14 in said Partition Plat. said point beinq 1318.07 feet North of said levee li�e, meosured along sa�d parcllel line; thenc^ due South o�ong said line 65 feet West o� and pa�alie� with said East line of Lot 14 a distance ot 836 Feet to an iron monument; thence due East at right angles 35 feet to an iron monument thence South parollel with said East line of Lot 14 to the Northerly levee line hereinbetore tlescribed; ±hence Southwesterly olong saitl Northerly �evee ���e 826.71 fee!, more or less. to the po�nt of beginning, saving ond excepting Westem Avenue, Ramsey County, 6linnesota. Except thot pertion described as Soilows. Thot part of Lot 14, Portition Plot and Addtion 'o Saint Paul, Minnesoto be��g a su6division of the Northwest Ouarter oi the Northeost Quorter and Go�ernme�t Lot 2, Section 12, Townsnip 28, Ronge 23. Romsey County, Minnesota described as (oliows: Commencing ot the intersection of the West Iine of Lot 8, said Partition Plat and Add�tion with the Nor!heriy levee iine os established by order of cammon councii dated April 22, 1886, fiied June 27, 1888 in the office of the Register of Deeds, Romsey Cou�ty, Minnesota, and fiied in 9ook 4 of Street Cpenings, Page 22; thence Narth along the West line of soid � lot 8 o distance of J26.66 feet to its �ntersedion with the Easterly extension of the South line of Block t6, Stinson, Brown ond Romsey's Addition to Soint Paul, Ramsry County, Minnesota: thence Westerly along sa�C South line and its extens�on 431J2 feet; thence Northeasferly, angie leti 49 degrees 23 mi�utes 1683.0 feet ta the point of begirtning of the porcei to be descnbed; thence continumg Northeosterly to the West iine of the East 65 feet of soid Lot 14: thence South olong sa�d West line 10.0 feet; tfien�e Southwesterly to the point o� beginning. Abstract. AnG PROPOSED DESCP.IPTION — WESTERN AVENUE {P.K.A. Blair Street) — STREEi VACATION Thot port of Western Avenue os dedicated in the plat of Stinson, Brown pnd Ramsey's AEdition ta St. Paul, according to the recortletl pbt thereof, Romsey County, Minnesota, which lies northerly of the hereinofter described line A' and southeriy o! the hereinafter des�ribed "Line B�. "Une A" is described as commencing at the intersection of the west line of Lot 8, m Partition Plot, an addition ta St. Pau�. Minnesota, being a subdivision of the Northwest Ouorter of ihe Northeast Ouarter o�d Government lot 2, Section 12, Township 28, Ronge 23, Romsey County, Minnesoto, the same beinq the North and South Ouarter line of said Settion 12 with fhe northerly levee line as established by Order of Common Council dated April 22. 1886, filed dune 27, 1888, in the o�fice of the Register oF Deeds, Ramsey County, Minnesota, and filed in Book a of Sireet Openings, Page 22; thence north, along soid west line of Lot 8, a distance of J26.66 feet to an iron monument at the intersection of the eosterly extension ot the soutn line of B�ock i6, Stinson, Brown a�d Ramseys Addltion to St. Paul, according to the re�orded plat thereof, Ramsey County, Minnesota, said Doint be'�ng the point of beginning of said "Line A" to be described; thente North 89 degrees 38 minutes West, olong said south line of Biock I6, and said line extended east, a distance of 431.72 feet to on iron monument and said "line A" there termincting. 'Line 6" i5 de5cribed as beginning at the termination o� safd "Line A"; thentt North 40 degrees 54 minutes EoSt a distance of �748.05 feet to an iron monument. being 65.00 feet west of, as measured dt right 7ngles to, the east line said lot 14 and 1318.07 feet north af said levee line, mensured along the west iine of the eost 65.00 teet of said lot l4 ond soid "line 8 there terminating. � l � \ \M � � _■ 0 _■ : - .. . - o e , � , i '`� �.�'— !=� � = -- 11 �1 �� '� � � �� • � . � � � y �y� �� � � �� ��� —_ � � I �.'� � III` � :������. � � 1�'a,�E;i 8� � � �iNV � f `i-� � � , �\'� ' ��� � r� i � �� �� �� �� � �� _ � ���� �� � �o��� �� � � \ ����� . ■ � � ' � ' \��� � �_ .�+� s �r. `\ 'ill " .'�w�"C=i�S� 9r � �� � � '°yt��:%u�1u��f'�� 1�01 �� S�8 -.. ..i� (IBC�.N �� n�',16�J re�►.�q . : �� , //„�,�_— .�'�" � ��.,� ��. 4 ` � ' '���11�-� 1�E ��Ii■IIl3� 911[��911 � ` ♦y �'' �� � �110 !�� � � `` �,� ��1@ � � �.;,_� • ��q� ,,,���'��' � �� ��y ���'-�� r�- �II�n`�11@`�' ,�����..� �' � � .s ,-. � �.�. � -�_: �. _,� , � ; t�. �n at: :':� � � - - - - � ��_ _, _ � ..-�_ - ,-����- - =�,�� � � .. . S `��� � � � =� � �� � .; � ' � Iyy �� ++ ` M � J �c -��_–_____ � _?�� I� 1, � \� ��Y:a� I! — •j•� \. ��\ _— � � m� ,;``��o \ � � �; �i �' . � � �-�� �� i �� �� �: � - � � � : -� :, � ,� � PY� �� • . `1� �• ` 6 ����� � � �� • A'� ��� � � � ���� :� t . 0 �e�:�.� � . � DATE PETITION SUBMITTED: � � � `� ZOIVING PETITION SUFT�CIENCY CIiECK SHE�T _ xEZO�re scu� ncuP FIRST SUBMITTED � DATE OFFICIALLY RECEIVED: g' 3 ' 4 � PARCELS ELIGIBLE: 1 PARCELS REQUIRED: � PARCELS SIGNED: 7 DATE PETITION R£SUB�fITTED: DATE OFFICIALLY RECEIVED: PARCELS ELIGIBLE: PARCELS REQUIRED: PARCELS SIGVED: .. .. CHECKED BY: 0'�V` D?,TE: a' 3� q ` � NING �ILE a �� CITY OF SAINT PAUL CONSENT OF ADJOINING PROPERTY O�VNERS FOR A REZONIIVG We, the undersigned, o�mers of the property tivithin 100 feet of the total contiguous description of real estate otivned, purchased, or sold by THE PETITIONER within one year preceding the date of this petition acknowledge that �ve have been presented with the following: i. Acopyofthepetitionof Port Authority of the City of St. Paul (name of petitioner) to rezone the property located at 747 Shepard Road � from a f zoning district to a� 1-2 zoning district. 2. A copy of sections 60. 621 through 60. 632 , inclusive of the Saint Paul Zoning Code; and acknowled�e that �ve are aware of all of the uses permitted in a I-2 zoning district and we are aware that any of these uses can be established upon City Council approval of the rezoning. We hereby consent to the rezoning of the properiy in the petition of; Port Authori t.Y of the Ci ty of St. Pau7 to a� I zoning district. (Name of petitioner) We consent fo the approval of this rezoning as it was explained to us by the applicant or his/her representative. 414 Nicollet Mall I Northern S�ates Power C�o..a��� c/o Prooertv Tax Mpls., MN 55401-1 e ogg ve. Suite 6206 St. Paul, MN 551 P.O. Box 14000 � Lexin ton KY 405 4�4-Aak-&�s��� �,e�ar Suite_20A 718 Washington Av Unit 606 Mpis., Mn 55 O1-, State of Minnesota Trust Exemot Ashland Chemical Inc. 4000 �f s . N. Nicol7et Restoration Inc. =� � IS'cgELt�OGG'-SLVbs.W-- � City of Saint Paul St Pau1 tPil 55102 �L-' �� � � 'a� �I ZS/q �t • � � � � . NOTE: This petition shall not be considered as officially filed until the lapse of seven (7) working days after it is received by the Planning Division. Any signator of this petition may withdra�v his/her name therefrom by written request within that,time. � ,; -.:�'. . CI'�'X O�' SA.YN�' PA. V L CONSENT' OF ADJOINING PROPERTY OWN�RS FOR A ,t2EZONING �� �Ve, ilfe undersigned, o�vncrs of the proPcrtY within 100 feet ofthe total contiguous description of real estate otivned, purchased, or sold by THE PETITIONGR �vithin one year precedina the date of this petition acknowledoe that �ve have bcen presented �vith the following: A copyoftl�e petition of Port Authority of the City of St. Paul (name ofpetitioner) ' to rezone die property loclted at 747 Shenard Road from a I-3 zoning district to an I-2 zoning district. � L� 2. A copy o(sec[ions 60. 621 through 60.632 inc(usive of dte Sai�it Paul Zoning Code; and ncknowledge th�t �ve �re n�vare of 11! of the uses permitted in a zoning district and we are lware that any pf these uses can be established upon City Council approvll oFthe rezoning. 1Ve hereby consent to the rezonino of the property in the petition of; _ Port Authority of the City of St Paul tp fl n I-2 zoning district. (Name of petitioner) \Vc consent to flic approval of this i•ezoning as it �vas explZined fo us by the �pplicant or his/ticr representafivc. ivviU: t ms petttion shall not be considered as officially filed until the lapse of seyen (7) working days a8er it is received by the Planning Aivision. Any signator of ihis petition may withdraw his/her name therefrom by written request within that time. -:�'. ' i. ; i STATE OF MINNESOTA) COUNTY OF.RAMSEY ) : SS � �. `��� The petitioner, �z�� ��� al � � ��� � , being first duly swom, deposes and states that the consent petihon contains signatures from at least rivo-thirds (z/a) of all eligible properties within 100 feet of all property owned, purchased, or sold by petitioner �vithin one (I) year preceding the date of this petition which is contiguous to the property described in the petition; petitioner is informed that the consent petition must contain signatures from each and all o�vners of jointly-owned property in order to constitute consent from that property and that fai(ure to obtain consent from each and all owners could invalidate the consent petition; petitioner believes that the consent petition was signed by each of said o�vners and that the signatures are the true and correct signatures of each and all of the parties so described. � � /-Z?ti-S 6 TELEPHONE NUMBER Subscribed and sworn to before me this �Z day of 19�_ , / / ��i� /. _� �� i- - _,"._�. � • i � - °`°••. LANBTI'E L LOPEZ `' y NOTKYttA6K M7N�07A ' MY OOMMISSION FXPIRES ` '•••••' F IANUARIf St. 2000 PETITION TO REZONE AFFIDAVIT OF PETITIOYER Page of 1/31/97 f` AFFIDA'VTT � OF P�RSON CIRCUT,ATrNG 7HE CON3ENT P�TITION STATE OP MINNESOTA) :SS COUNTY OF RA,iv15£Y ) l.: k°'rles r' �°�xti �� being first dnly sworn, deposes and stsies that he/she is the person who circulated the consent petition consisting of /3 pages; that e�ant represents that thc parties described on the consent petitian are ell the respective owners of the properties placed immediatel}• before each name; that a��nt is informed and believes ihat each of ihe parties described on the consent petition is an o«ner of the properry �vhich is �rithin 100 feet of any property owned, purchased, or sold by petitioner tivithin one (1) year preceding the dat� of this pefition wluch is contiguous to the property descri6ed in the petition; that noae of the parties described in the consent pctition has purchased or is purchasing properry from thc petitioner that is cantiguous 2o the property described on the consent petition within one (1) yeaz of the date of the petetion; that this consent tivas signed by each of said owaers in dte presence of this affiant, and that the signatures are the irue and corcect sienatures of each and aIl of the parties so described. � ADDRESS FTl�/L �si-zu�-s TEL�PFIO�fE ATUMBBR Subscribed and swom to before me this �_ day of �� � g� > � � / !� �✓�=/ ' � i�._ ..� „ • � o tANETTE L LOPEZ �� • i NOTAtYlU!!K MINNBOTA ' MY COMMISSION IXflRES °'•,..� JANUARY 91. 2000 Page of 1/31/97 �. � ���"����1���1 s��������ro '�� ,�,._ ���� . (��l ��� � �� � ����..��. 11� � ■� ,��-%���:; 1 � : �irlr!��1j � ���� _ . -:.:::•�r ��C.l�._��,�_ ��f7�r•�••��,�� ���� �����1:�►`�:'-:��_�� � i nn.� +a � ��� �'e �'� P; ' • /� ; � � � a7 1 � < uv�. % .�-. 5: ...�.. .. s a ', t � � p � " � . 'r F j s '` E ? � � .� r : o `.i i- as F.� F S � Q � �' .. .a A �A y � •`. � 1 wr�a.. .s 9 . 7 � � .�R A ti � ..• I i , ; i ��` �---� , -'``--� , � � ,� ,,,. L� CTITZEN PARTICIPATTON PLANNING DISTRICTS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8 � Q. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. °l�l -R�� 2 . SUNRAY-BATTI.ECREEK-HIGHW OOD HAZEL PARK HADEI�I-PROSPERITY HILLCREST WEST SIDE DAYTON'S BLUFF PAYNE-PHALEN NORTH END THOI�AS-DALE SUMMIT-UNIVEI2SITY • WEST SEVENTH COMO HAMLINE•MIDWAY ' ST. ANTHONY PARK MERRIAM PARK-LEXINGTON HAMLINE-SNELLING HAMLINE MACALESTER GItOYELAPiD HIGHLAND SUMMTT � T. DOWNTOWN � � � �.r DI57RICT 9 � ,._. . ������ ���� �-�-/ � � � U : N O a 3 r � • o U o ¢ u. 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