99-888� U.�jS���v.� � - � cfi - �o ` �`�`t°� ORDINANCE Presented By Re£ened To CITY OF SAINT MINNESOTA Council File # �� -Xk Ordinance # Green Sheet # � Q f) �� Q�-f - 2 An ordinance amend'ang Chapter 66.216 of the Saint 3 Paul Legislative Code pertaining to special sign 4 district sign plans by creating a new special sign 5 district plan for the Hamline Midway Neighborhood 6 to be known as the Hamline Midway Special 7 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 Diskrict Sign Plan. TI� COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: SecYion 1 �i�ricu��s �;, ,:;� ... � That Chapter 66.216 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code be and is hereby amended to add the following provisions thereto: Sec. 66.2165. Hamline Midway Snecial District Sign Plan �al Intent and Purpose. The Hamline Midwa�Special Sign District Plan, as provided in Section 66.216 of the Zonine Code, is intended to provide advertising si�n controls in the Hamline Midwav ne�hborhood. In keeping with the Hamline Midwav Communitv Plan, this Special Sig_n District Plan is intended to reduce visual clutter on those streets and enhance the nei¢hborhood feel of commercial districts in the Hamline Midway nei2hborhood. Neie�iborhood efforts are currently underway to redesign Snelling_ Avenue to reduce the nesative unpacts of high tr�c, noise and poor appearance. Adding siens to the existing visuallandscape detracts from the pedestrian and neiehborhood friendliness of the commercial environment. Residents and other consumers often complain that Universit� and Snelline feel more like a highwav than a citv street. Advertising siQns clearly play a laree role in this perception. Addin¢ to the exisrin dg ensitv of siens wili onlv exacerbate this �roblem. Furthermore, additional si�ns will work against current efforts to improve the apneazance and economic vitality of Snelline and Universit�Avenues. 33 34 The nuruose of advertis3ne siens is to amact peoples' attention lont? enou¢h to read message of 35 the sign. Drivers whose attention is on advertisin�signs rather than the road can cause 36 collisions. Snellin� Avenue is the busiest street in St. Paul with more than 35,000 cars�er da� Q�1-�X� 2 nass � throuah the neighbarhood. Likewise. Universitv Avenue is verv bus .�arryinp more 3 than 20,000 cazs per dav. Because of these lar¢e traffic volumes, advertising si2ns distract driver 4 attention and aze a traffic safety hazard. 5 6 (,b) Area Descri�tion. The Haznline Midwav Soecial Sien District Plan shall applv to the area 7 desi�ated on the accompan '�ng map "Hamline Midwav Special Sign District." The described 8 azea is as follows: Beeinnin�at the intersection of the centerlines of Universitv Avenue and 9 Le�ngton Pazkway thence trauelin¢ north alon� the centeriine of Lexin�ton Pazkway to its 10 intersection with the centerline of Piexce Butler Route: thence west alon¢ the centerline of Pierce 11 Butler Route to its intersection with the centerline of Transfer Road; thence south along the 12 centerline of Transfer Road to its intersection with the centerline of University Avenue. thence 13 east along the centerline of University Avenue to its intersection with the centerline of Le�naton 14 Parkwau. 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 [c Inter�etation and Definitions. The provisions of this si�n plan are supplementary to the provisions of Chapter 66, Si¢ns. of the Zonine Code. All words and terms shall be defined as in L�islative Code && 66.103 - 66128. The provisions of this special sign nlan that are more xestrictive than �rovisions of Chapter 66 shall prevail and supersede the provisions o£ Chapter 66. �dl AdvertisinQ SzQns. No advertisin�gns shall be roermitted within the Hamline Midway Snecial Sign District exceDl Slgns on transit shelters and courtesy benches licensed or franchised bv the cit� Existing advertising siens sha11 be allowed to stay_provided they meet all provisions of Chapter 66, Signs, of the Zoning Code• (e) Business SiQns. The regulafion of business signs in the Hamline Midwav Special Sian District sha11 be�ursuant to Section 66 of the Zoning Code• (fl Noncon ormin¢ Si�ns. The reeulation of nonconformins siPns shall be vursuant to the nrovisions of Article III. 66.300, nonconforming siens, of the Zoning Code• �tq-��b' a 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 j�l Admiuistration and Enforcement. The Zonine Administrator shall enforce the �rovisions of this plan as a supplement to Chapter 66, Signs, of the Zonin� Code. Whenever a permit request for an advertising sign in the Huuline Midwav Special Sign District is requested, such permit shall not be issued unless the plans for the advertisin�¢n have been approved bv the Zoning Aduiiuistrator as in com�liance with this supplement and other provisions of Chapter 66, Si�ns, of the Zoning Code. Section 2 This ordinance sha11 become effective thirty (30) days after its passage, approval and publication. 9�la�iauen �". u� :•I $ Requested by Department of: Adoption Certified by Council Secretary Sy: ll \� c-Y v � Approve by Mayor: Date By: Form Approv by City Attorney B .����^.. !o - S- 9 q Approved by Mayor for Submission eo Council By: $Y. l ✓ " y ��� � 1 � ��,� Adopted by Council : Date v�, L� t �, `,�� ������� CITY COUNCIL �"��� 266-8610 Councilmember Jerry B1 MUST BE ON COl1NCILAGQi�V1 BY (ONTq September 15, 1999 Sept. 9, 1999 rn�a wrt ROIIfY1G TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES q°l - 8' 8'g� GREEN SHEET No 1u�?04 r:��_�r•�i•_'i arccanrx ❑ arcwrrawat ❑ arccu�uc ❑ puuoua[avcssow. ❑ wuxo�LaiKwkno ❑wva�ro�e�wsram ❑ (CUP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATUR� An ordinance amending Chapter 66.216 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code pertaining to a spec sign district sign plans by creating a new special sign district plan for the Hamline Midway Neighborhood to be known as the Hamline Midway Special District Sign Plan. PLANNING COMM15510N CIB CAMMIITEE CML SERVICE COMMISSION Has uis ce�'� eVerwaked icder a am,a�t tw u,is depaM�enC! YES NO Hes mis peisaJfiim eVer eem a aly emqoYce9 res rio Does thig De�swJfirm 7� a ddl not �NP�aeesea Ey anY wrrent atY �G1uYBe7 . YE3 . NO Ic Mis peieoNhm a tarpeted �MOY! YES IJO AMOUNTOFTRANSACTION COET/REVENUE BUD6ETm (qa�� �E) ♦crrvm xw�aErt ��`,I'�_ (�M PLANNING COMMISSION CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Coleman, Mnyor October 6, 1999 Cfndys Marton, Ckair 25 West Fourth Street Sain[ Paul, MN55102 Council President Bostrom and Members of the City Council 310 City Hall 15 W. Kellogg Blvd. Saint Paul, Yv1N 55102 qq -��� Telephone: 65l-2666565 Facsimile: 6Sl-128-3314 RE: PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION O1V HAMLINE-MIDWAY AND MERRIAM PARK SPECIAL SIGN DISTRICTS (# 54 AND 56 ON COUNCIL AGENDA FOR 10/6/99) Deaz President Bostrom and Council Members: The Planning Commission considered the requests for special sign districts in Hamline-Midway and Merriam Park to prevent new billboards in their communities and laid the matter over. The Planning Commission thinks it is untimely to act on neighborhood-by-neighborhood billboazd regulations when new citywide regulations go to a referendum in one month. The Planning Commission believes the City Council should wait for the outcome of the referendum before considering any more neighbarhood special sign districts. If the billboard referendum passes, it becomes effective immediately and the neighborhood billboazd regulations will be duplicative and confusing. If the referendum does not pass, the Planning Commission will continue its work on the billboazd issue and will make a recommendation on the substance of the neighborhood-by-neighborhood special sign districts. The Planning Commission will also resume iYs work to develop a recommendation to the Ciiy Council, in accordance with the Council's request, for new citywide regulations for advertising signs. The Planning Commission prefers, if possible, to see new and tougher ci ide regulations so that property owners with similar locations alon� freeways and in lazge commercial and industrial zones will be subject to the same billboard regulations. The Commission is skeptical about different regulations for different neie,�borhoods because of the appearance of favoritism among properry owners and among neighborhoods. �`�-��� Council President Bostrom and City Council Members October 6, 1999 Pa�e 2 Different regulations for each neighborhood will also be difficult and more expensive for City departments to administer. LIEP recommended to the Planning Commission, if the Hamline- Midway and Memam Park special sign districts are approved, that their regulations at least be standardized to match the district already approved in 3aint Anthony Pazk. I realize that the billboazd issue has been as frustrating for Council members as for Planning Commissioners. During the past year we have seen lawsuits, new legislation, changes in the industry, and the referendum. Nevertheless, we urge you to have patience and see if the City can t put together new citywide regulations that find the workable middie ground. Thank you for your attention. Sincerely, � Gladys Morton Chair cc: Mayor Coleman Members of the Planning Commission Ken Ford Tom Harren Brian Sweeney Wendy Lane Peter Wamer Hamline-Midway Community Council Merriam Park Community Council ORDINANCE CITY OF SAINT PAUL,IVIIlVNESOTA Presented By Refened To That Chapter 66.216 of the Saint following provisions thereto: 2 An ordinance amending Chapter 66.216 the Saint 3 Paul Legislative Code pertaining to spe ia1 sign 4 district sign plans by crearing a new ecial sign 5 district plan far the Hamline Midw y Neighborhood 6 to be Irnown as the Hamline Mi ay Special 7 District Sign Plan. 8 9 10 THE COUNCIL OF THE CIT OF SAINT PAUL DOBS ORDAIN: 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 Sec.66.2165. Hamline (a) Intent and Purpose. 66.216 of the Zoning Cc Midway neighborhood. Sign District Plan is in�} neighborhood feel o�O efforts are cutrenflv d Section 1 Counci] File # �'1 - S8p Ordinance # Green Sheet # �0 � � Ss Code be and is hereby amended to add the District Sign Plan ��Hamline Midway Special Sign District Plan, as provided in Section �is mtended to provide advertising sign controls in the Hamline keeping with the Hamline Midway Community Plan, this Special ed to reduce visual clutter on those streets and enhance the iercial districts in the Hamline Midway neighborhood. Neighborhood vay to redesign Snelling Avenue to reduce the negative impacts of high traffic, noise�and poor appeazance. Adding signs o the existing visual landscape detracts from the pedestrian and neighborhood friendliness £the commercial environment. Residents and other consumers o8en complain that Universi and Snelling feel more like a highway than a city street. Advertising signs clearly play a arge role in this perceprion. Adding to the e�sting density of signs will only exacerbate this problem. Furthermore, additional signs will work against current efforts to improve the appearance and economic vitality of Snelling and University Avenues. The purpose of advertising signs is to attract peoples' attention long enough to read message of the sign. Drivers whose attention is on advertising signs rather than the road can cause collisions. Snelling Avenue is the busiest street in St. Paul with more than 35,000 cars per day 2 0 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 9 9 -?8d passing through the neighborhood. Likewise, Universiiy Avenue is very busy, carrying more than 20,000 cazs per day. Because of these lazge traffic volumes, advertising signs distract driver attention and are a traffic safety hazard. Visually it may be desirable to remove existing signs in addition to prohibiting new ones. However, easisting signs often provide a criticai source of revenue to building owners and small businesses in the Hamline Midway. Several neighborhood businesses partially finance building purchases and operation expenses with advertising sign revenue. The value of these businesses to the health of the community often outweighs a preference for sign removal. (b) Area Description_ The Hamline Midway Special Sign District Plan designated on the accompanying map "Hamline Midway Special Sign � area is as follows: Beginning at the intersection of the centerlines of Un Lexington Parkway thence traveling north along the centerline of Lexin3 intersection with the centerline of Pierce Butler Route; thence west a10 Butler Route to its intersection with the centerline of Transfer Road; t e centerline of Transfer Road to its intersec6on with the centerline east along the centerline of University Avenue to its intersection Parkway. / hal pply to the area � ct." The described � rsity Avenue and on Parkway to its the centerline of Pierce ce south along the niversity Avenue; thence the centerline of Lexington (c) Interpretation and Definitions. The provisions of this gn plan are supplementary to the provisions of Chapter 66, Signs, of the Zoning Code. A1 ords and terms sha11 be defined as in Legislative Code §§ 66.103 - 66.128. The provisions f this special sign plan that are more restrictive than provisions of Chapter 66 shall prev ' and supersede the provisions of Chapter 66. (d) Advertiszng Signs. No new advertising s ns shall be permitted within the Hamline Midway Special Sign District. Existing signs shall aliowed to stay, provided they meet a11 provisions of Chapter 66, Signs, of the Zoning Code (e) Business Signs. The regulation of usiness signs in the Hamline Midway Special Sign District shall be pursuant to Section 6 of the Zoning Code. ( fl Nonconforming Signs. The r ulation of nonconforming signs shall be pursuant to the provisions of Article III. 66.300 nonconforming signs, of the Zoning Code. . �- , (g) Admiuistrafion and Enforcement. The Zoning Admivistrator shall enforce the provisions of ttus plan as a supplement to Chapter 66, Signs, of the Zoning Code. Whenever a pemut request for an advertising sign in the Hamline Midway Special Sign District is requested, such pernrit shall not be issued unless the plans for the advertisang sign have been approved by the Zoning Admiaustrator as in compliance with this supplement and other provisions of Chapter 66, Signs, of the Zoning Code. Section 2 This ordinance shall become effective thirty (30) days after its passage, publication. Requested by Department of: By: Adopted by Council: Foxm Appro by City Attarney B .�1✓l,/.,�,,,�- 7-P-5� Adoption Certified �ty Council Secretary Approved by Mayor £or Submission to Council Sy: / BY: � Approved by Mayor: Date Hy: � .� «• f `i;' :r; eT` F�P JERRY BLAKEY Couan7member CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY COLINCIL MEMORANDUM October 6, 1999 �IC�� FROM: 1:7�1 Council President Daniel Bostrom Councilmember Jay Benanav Councilmember Chris Coleman Councilmember Michael Hanis Councilmember Kathy Lantry Councilmember James Reiter Councilmember Jerry Blakey Substitute Ordinance -- Item #55 on CC Agenda for 10/6/99 I have attached a substitute ordinance for Item #55 on today's agenda, for your review. Thank you. cc: CITY HALL Nancy Anderson � THIRD FLOOR SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 sa�ae Prinred on Reeyeted Paper �� q�'� 612/266-8610 � U.�jS���v.� � - � cfi - �o ` �`�`t°� ORDINANCE Presented By Re£ened To CITY OF SAINT MINNESOTA Council File # �� -Xk Ordinance # Green Sheet # � Q f) �� Q�-f - 2 An ordinance amend'ang Chapter 66.216 of the Saint 3 Paul Legislative Code pertaining to special sign 4 district sign plans by creating a new special sign 5 district plan for the Hamline Midway Neighborhood 6 to be known as the Hamline Midway Special 7 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 Diskrict Sign Plan. TI� COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: SecYion 1 �i�ricu��s �;, ,:;� ... � That Chapter 66.216 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code be and is hereby amended to add the following provisions thereto: Sec. 66.2165. Hamline Midway Snecial District Sign Plan �al Intent and Purpose. The Hamline Midwa�Special Sign District Plan, as provided in Section 66.216 of the Zonine Code, is intended to provide advertising si�n controls in the Hamline Midwav ne�hborhood. In keeping with the Hamline Midwav Communitv Plan, this Special Sig_n District Plan is intended to reduce visual clutter on those streets and enhance the nei¢hborhood feel of commercial districts in the Hamline Midway nei2hborhood. Neie�iborhood efforts are currently underway to redesign Snelling_ Avenue to reduce the nesative unpacts of high tr�c, noise and poor appearance. Adding siens to the existing visuallandscape detracts from the pedestrian and neiehborhood friendliness of the commercial environment. Residents and other consumers often complain that Universit� and Snelline feel more like a highwav than a citv street. Advertising siQns clearly play a laree role in this perception. Addin¢ to the exisrin dg ensitv of siens wili onlv exacerbate this �roblem. Furthermore, additional si�ns will work against current efforts to improve the apneazance and economic vitality of Snelline and Universit�Avenues. 33 34 The nuruose of advertis3ne siens is to amact peoples' attention lont? enou¢h to read message of 35 the sign. Drivers whose attention is on advertisin�signs rather than the road can cause 36 collisions. Snellin� Avenue is the busiest street in St. Paul with more than 35,000 cars�er da� Q�1-�X� 2 nass � throuah the neighbarhood. Likewise. Universitv Avenue is verv bus .�arryinp more 3 than 20,000 cazs per dav. Because of these lar¢e traffic volumes, advertising si2ns distract driver 4 attention and aze a traffic safety hazard. 5 6 (,b) Area Descri�tion. The Haznline Midwav Soecial Sien District Plan shall applv to the area 7 desi�ated on the accompan '�ng map "Hamline Midwav Special Sign District." The described 8 azea is as follows: Beeinnin�at the intersection of the centerlines of Universitv Avenue and 9 Le�ngton Pazkway thence trauelin¢ north alon� the centeriine of Lexin�ton Pazkway to its 10 intersection with the centerline of Piexce Butler Route: thence west alon¢ the centerline of Pierce 11 Butler Route to its intersection with the centerline of Transfer Road; thence south along the 12 centerline of Transfer Road to its intersection with the centerline of University Avenue. thence 13 east along the centerline of University Avenue to its intersection with the centerline of Le�naton 14 Parkwau. 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 [c Inter�etation and Definitions. The provisions of this si�n plan are supplementary to the provisions of Chapter 66, Si¢ns. of the Zonine Code. All words and terms shall be defined as in L�islative Code && 66.103 - 66128. The provisions of this special sign nlan that are more xestrictive than �rovisions of Chapter 66 shall prevail and supersede the provisions o£ Chapter 66. �dl AdvertisinQ SzQns. No advertisin�gns shall be roermitted within the Hamline Midway Snecial Sign District exceDl Slgns on transit shelters and courtesy benches licensed or franchised bv the cit� Existing advertising siens sha11 be allowed to stay_provided they meet all provisions of Chapter 66, Signs, of the Zoning Code• (e) Business SiQns. The regulafion of business signs in the Hamline Midwav Special Sian District sha11 be�ursuant to Section 66 of the Zoning Code• (fl Noncon ormin¢ Si�ns. The reeulation of nonconformins siPns shall be vursuant to the nrovisions of Article III. 66.300, nonconforming siens, of the Zoning Code• �tq-��b' a 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 j�l Admiuistration and Enforcement. The Zonine Administrator shall enforce the �rovisions of this plan as a supplement to Chapter 66, Signs, of the Zonin� Code. Whenever a permit request for an advertising sign in the Huuline Midwav Special Sign District is requested, such permit shall not be issued unless the plans for the advertisin�¢n have been approved bv the Zoning Aduiiuistrator as in com�liance with this supplement and other provisions of Chapter 66, Si�ns, of the Zoning Code. Section 2 This ordinance sha11 become effective thirty (30) days after its passage, approval and publication. 9�la�iauen �". u� :•I $ Requested by Department of: Adoption Certified by Council Secretary Sy: ll \� c-Y v � Approve by Mayor: Date By: Form Approv by City Attorney B .����^.. !o - S- 9 q Approved by Mayor for Submission eo Council By: $Y. l ✓ " y ��� � 1 � ��,� Adopted by Council : Date v�, L� t �, `,�� ������� CITY COUNCIL �"��� 266-8610 Councilmember Jerry B1 MUST BE ON COl1NCILAGQi�V1 BY (ONTq September 15, 1999 Sept. 9, 1999 rn�a wrt ROIIfY1G TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES q°l - 8' 8'g� GREEN SHEET No 1u�?04 r:��_�r•�i•_'i arccanrx ❑ arcwrrawat ❑ arccu�uc ❑ puuoua[avcssow. ❑ wuxo�LaiKwkno ❑wva�ro�e�wsram ❑ (CUP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATUR� An ordinance amending Chapter 66.216 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code pertaining to a spec sign district sign plans by creating a new special sign district plan for the Hamline Midway Neighborhood to be known as the Hamline Midway Special District Sign Plan. PLANNING COMM15510N CIB CAMMIITEE CML SERVICE COMMISSION Has uis ce�'� eVerwaked icder a am,a�t tw u,is depaM�enC! YES NO Hes mis peisaJfiim eVer eem a aly emqoYce9 res rio Does thig De�swJfirm 7� a ddl not �NP�aeesea Ey anY wrrent atY �G1uYBe7 . YE3 . NO Ic Mis peieoNhm a tarpeted �MOY! YES IJO AMOUNTOFTRANSACTION COET/REVENUE BUD6ETm (qa�� �E) ♦crrvm xw�aErt ��`,I'�_ (�M PLANNING COMMISSION CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Coleman, Mnyor October 6, 1999 Cfndys Marton, Ckair 25 West Fourth Street Sain[ Paul, MN55102 Council President Bostrom and Members of the City Council 310 City Hall 15 W. Kellogg Blvd. Saint Paul, Yv1N 55102 qq -��� Telephone: 65l-2666565 Facsimile: 6Sl-128-3314 RE: PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION O1V HAMLINE-MIDWAY AND MERRIAM PARK SPECIAL SIGN DISTRICTS (# 54 AND 56 ON COUNCIL AGENDA FOR 10/6/99) Deaz President Bostrom and Council Members: The Planning Commission considered the requests for special sign districts in Hamline-Midway and Merriam Park to prevent new billboards in their communities and laid the matter over. The Planning Commission thinks it is untimely to act on neighborhood-by-neighborhood billboazd regulations when new citywide regulations go to a referendum in one month. The Planning Commission believes the City Council should wait for the outcome of the referendum before considering any more neighbarhood special sign districts. If the billboard referendum passes, it becomes effective immediately and the neighborhood billboazd regulations will be duplicative and confusing. If the referendum does not pass, the Planning Commission will continue its work on the billboazd issue and will make a recommendation on the substance of the neighborhood-by-neighborhood special sign districts. The Planning Commission will also resume iYs work to develop a recommendation to the Ciiy Council, in accordance with the Council's request, for new citywide regulations for advertising signs. The Planning Commission prefers, if possible, to see new and tougher ci ide regulations so that property owners with similar locations alon� freeways and in lazge commercial and industrial zones will be subject to the same billboard regulations. The Commission is skeptical about different regulations for different neie,�borhoods because of the appearance of favoritism among properry owners and among neighborhoods. �`�-��� Council President Bostrom and City Council Members October 6, 1999 Pa�e 2 Different regulations for each neighborhood will also be difficult and more expensive for City departments to administer. LIEP recommended to the Planning Commission, if the Hamline- Midway and Memam Park special sign districts are approved, that their regulations at least be standardized to match the district already approved in 3aint Anthony Pazk. I realize that the billboazd issue has been as frustrating for Council members as for Planning Commissioners. During the past year we have seen lawsuits, new legislation, changes in the industry, and the referendum. Nevertheless, we urge you to have patience and see if the City can t put together new citywide regulations that find the workable middie ground. Thank you for your attention. Sincerely, � Gladys Morton Chair cc: Mayor Coleman Members of the Planning Commission Ken Ford Tom Harren Brian Sweeney Wendy Lane Peter Wamer Hamline-Midway Community Council Merriam Park Community Council ORDINANCE CITY OF SAINT PAUL,IVIIlVNESOTA Presented By Refened To That Chapter 66.216 of the Saint following provisions thereto: 2 An ordinance amending Chapter 66.216 the Saint 3 Paul Legislative Code pertaining to spe ia1 sign 4 district sign plans by crearing a new ecial sign 5 district plan far the Hamline Midw y Neighborhood 6 to be Irnown as the Hamline Mi ay Special 7 District Sign Plan. 8 9 10 THE COUNCIL OF THE CIT OF SAINT PAUL DOBS ORDAIN: 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 Sec.66.2165. Hamline (a) Intent and Purpose. 66.216 of the Zoning Cc Midway neighborhood. Sign District Plan is in�} neighborhood feel o�O efforts are cutrenflv d Section 1 Counci] File # �'1 - S8p Ordinance # Green Sheet # �0 � � Ss Code be and is hereby amended to add the District Sign Plan ��Hamline Midway Special Sign District Plan, as provided in Section �is mtended to provide advertising sign controls in the Hamline keeping with the Hamline Midway Community Plan, this Special ed to reduce visual clutter on those streets and enhance the iercial districts in the Hamline Midway neighborhood. Neighborhood vay to redesign Snelling Avenue to reduce the negative impacts of high traffic, noise�and poor appeazance. Adding signs o the existing visual landscape detracts from the pedestrian and neighborhood friendliness £the commercial environment. Residents and other consumers o8en complain that Universi and Snelling feel more like a highway than a city street. Advertising signs clearly play a arge role in this perceprion. Adding to the e�sting density of signs will only exacerbate this problem. Furthermore, additional signs will work against current efforts to improve the appearance and economic vitality of Snelling and University Avenues. The purpose of advertising signs is to attract peoples' attention long enough to read message of the sign. Drivers whose attention is on advertising signs rather than the road can cause collisions. Snelling Avenue is the busiest street in St. Paul with more than 35,000 cars per day 2 0 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 9 9 -?8d passing through the neighborhood. Likewise, Universiiy Avenue is very busy, carrying more than 20,000 cazs per day. Because of these lazge traffic volumes, advertising signs distract driver attention and are a traffic safety hazard. Visually it may be desirable to remove existing signs in addition to prohibiting new ones. However, easisting signs often provide a criticai source of revenue to building owners and small businesses in the Hamline Midway. Several neighborhood businesses partially finance building purchases and operation expenses with advertising sign revenue. The value of these businesses to the health of the community often outweighs a preference for sign removal. (b) Area Description_ The Hamline Midway Special Sign District Plan designated on the accompanying map "Hamline Midway Special Sign � area is as follows: Beginning at the intersection of the centerlines of Un Lexington Parkway thence traveling north along the centerline of Lexin3 intersection with the centerline of Pierce Butler Route; thence west a10 Butler Route to its intersection with the centerline of Transfer Road; t e centerline of Transfer Road to its intersec6on with the centerline east along the centerline of University Avenue to its intersection Parkway. / hal pply to the area � ct." The described � rsity Avenue and on Parkway to its the centerline of Pierce ce south along the niversity Avenue; thence the centerline of Lexington (c) Interpretation and Definitions. The provisions of this gn plan are supplementary to the provisions of Chapter 66, Signs, of the Zoning Code. A1 ords and terms sha11 be defined as in Legislative Code §§ 66.103 - 66.128. The provisions f this special sign plan that are more restrictive than provisions of Chapter 66 shall prev ' and supersede the provisions of Chapter 66. (d) Advertiszng Signs. No new advertising s ns shall be permitted within the Hamline Midway Special Sign District. Existing signs shall aliowed to stay, provided they meet a11 provisions of Chapter 66, Signs, of the Zoning Code (e) Business Signs. The regulation of usiness signs in the Hamline Midway Special Sign District shall be pursuant to Section 6 of the Zoning Code. ( fl Nonconforming Signs. The r ulation of nonconforming signs shall be pursuant to the provisions of Article III. 66.300 nonconforming signs, of the Zoning Code. . �- , (g) Admiuistrafion and Enforcement. The Zoning Admivistrator shall enforce the provisions of ttus plan as a supplement to Chapter 66, Signs, of the Zoning Code. Whenever a pemut request for an advertising sign in the Hamline Midway Special Sign District is requested, such pernrit shall not be issued unless the plans for the advertisang sign have been approved by the Zoning Admiaustrator as in compliance with this supplement and other provisions of Chapter 66, Signs, of the Zoning Code. Section 2 This ordinance shall become effective thirty (30) days after its passage, publication. Requested by Department of: By: Adopted by Council: Foxm Appro by City Attarney B .�1✓l,/.,�,,,�- 7-P-5� Adoption Certified �ty Council Secretary Approved by Mayor £or Submission to Council Sy: / BY: � Approved by Mayor: Date Hy: � .� «• f `i;' :r; eT` F�P JERRY BLAKEY Couan7member CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY COLINCIL MEMORANDUM October 6, 1999 �IC�� FROM: 1:7�1 Council President Daniel Bostrom Councilmember Jay Benanav Councilmember Chris Coleman Councilmember Michael Hanis Councilmember Kathy Lantry Councilmember James Reiter Councilmember Jerry Blakey Substitute Ordinance -- Item #55 on CC Agenda for 10/6/99 I have attached a substitute ordinance for Item #55 on today's agenda, for your review. Thank you. cc: CITY HALL Nancy Anderson � THIRD FLOOR SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 sa�ae Prinred on Reeyeted Paper �� q�'� 612/266-8610 � U.�jS���v.� � - � cfi - �o ` �`�`t°� ORDINANCE Presented By Re£ened To CITY OF SAINT MINNESOTA Council File # �� -Xk Ordinance # Green Sheet # � Q f) �� Q�-f - 2 An ordinance amend'ang Chapter 66.216 of the Saint 3 Paul Legislative Code pertaining to special sign 4 district sign plans by creating a new special sign 5 district plan for the Hamline Midway Neighborhood 6 to be known as the Hamline Midway Special 7 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 Diskrict Sign Plan. TI� COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: SecYion 1 �i�ricu��s �;, ,:;� ... � That Chapter 66.216 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code be and is hereby amended to add the following provisions thereto: Sec. 66.2165. Hamline Midway Snecial District Sign Plan �al Intent and Purpose. The Hamline Midwa�Special Sign District Plan, as provided in Section 66.216 of the Zonine Code, is intended to provide advertising si�n controls in the Hamline Midwav ne�hborhood. In keeping with the Hamline Midwav Communitv Plan, this Special Sig_n District Plan is intended to reduce visual clutter on those streets and enhance the nei¢hborhood feel of commercial districts in the Hamline Midway nei2hborhood. Neie�iborhood efforts are currently underway to redesign Snelling_ Avenue to reduce the nesative unpacts of high tr�c, noise and poor appearance. Adding siens to the existing visuallandscape detracts from the pedestrian and neiehborhood friendliness of the commercial environment. Residents and other consumers often complain that Universit� and Snelline feel more like a highwav than a citv street. Advertising siQns clearly play a laree role in this perception. Addin¢ to the exisrin dg ensitv of siens wili onlv exacerbate this �roblem. Furthermore, additional si�ns will work against current efforts to improve the apneazance and economic vitality of Snelline and Universit�Avenues. 33 34 The nuruose of advertis3ne siens is to amact peoples' attention lont? enou¢h to read message of 35 the sign. Drivers whose attention is on advertisin�signs rather than the road can cause 36 collisions. Snellin� Avenue is the busiest street in St. Paul with more than 35,000 cars�er da� Q�1-�X� 2 nass � throuah the neighbarhood. Likewise. Universitv Avenue is verv bus .�arryinp more 3 than 20,000 cazs per dav. Because of these lar¢e traffic volumes, advertising si2ns distract driver 4 attention and aze a traffic safety hazard. 5 6 (,b) Area Descri�tion. The Haznline Midwav Soecial Sien District Plan shall applv to the area 7 desi�ated on the accompan '�ng map "Hamline Midwav Special Sign District." The described 8 azea is as follows: Beeinnin�at the intersection of the centerlines of Universitv Avenue and 9 Le�ngton Pazkway thence trauelin¢ north alon� the centeriine of Lexin�ton Pazkway to its 10 intersection with the centerline of Piexce Butler Route: thence west alon¢ the centerline of Pierce 11 Butler Route to its intersection with the centerline of Transfer Road; thence south along the 12 centerline of Transfer Road to its intersection with the centerline of University Avenue. thence 13 east along the centerline of University Avenue to its intersection with the centerline of Le�naton 14 Parkwau. 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 [c Inter�etation and Definitions. The provisions of this si�n plan are supplementary to the provisions of Chapter 66, Si¢ns. of the Zonine Code. All words and terms shall be defined as in L�islative Code && 66.103 - 66128. The provisions of this special sign nlan that are more xestrictive than �rovisions of Chapter 66 shall prevail and supersede the provisions o£ Chapter 66. �dl AdvertisinQ SzQns. No advertisin�gns shall be roermitted within the Hamline Midway Snecial Sign District exceDl Slgns on transit shelters and courtesy benches licensed or franchised bv the cit� Existing advertising siens sha11 be allowed to stay_provided they meet all provisions of Chapter 66, Signs, of the Zoning Code• (e) Business SiQns. The regulafion of business signs in the Hamline Midwav Special Sian District sha11 be�ursuant to Section 66 of the Zoning Code• (fl Noncon ormin¢ Si�ns. The reeulation of nonconformins siPns shall be vursuant to the nrovisions of Article III. 66.300, nonconforming siens, of the Zoning Code• �tq-��b' a 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 j�l Admiuistration and Enforcement. The Zonine Administrator shall enforce the �rovisions of this plan as a supplement to Chapter 66, Signs, of the Zonin� Code. Whenever a permit request for an advertising sign in the Huuline Midwav Special Sign District is requested, such permit shall not be issued unless the plans for the advertisin�¢n have been approved bv the Zoning Aduiiuistrator as in com�liance with this supplement and other provisions of Chapter 66, Si�ns, of the Zoning Code. Section 2 This ordinance sha11 become effective thirty (30) days after its passage, approval and publication. 9�la�iauen �". u� :•I $ Requested by Department of: Adoption Certified by Council Secretary Sy: ll \� c-Y v � Approve by Mayor: Date By: Form Approv by City Attorney B .����^.. !o - S- 9 q Approved by Mayor for Submission eo Council By: $Y. l ✓ " y ��� � 1 � ��,� Adopted by Council : Date v�, L� t �, `,�� ������� CITY COUNCIL �"��� 266-8610 Councilmember Jerry B1 MUST BE ON COl1NCILAGQi�V1 BY (ONTq September 15, 1999 Sept. 9, 1999 rn�a wrt ROIIfY1G TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES q°l - 8' 8'g� GREEN SHEET No 1u�?04 r:��_�r•�i•_'i arccanrx ❑ arcwrrawat ❑ arccu�uc ❑ puuoua[avcssow. ❑ wuxo�LaiKwkno ❑wva�ro�e�wsram ❑ (CUP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATUR� An ordinance amending Chapter 66.216 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code pertaining to a spec sign district sign plans by creating a new special sign district plan for the Hamline Midway Neighborhood to be known as the Hamline Midway Special District Sign Plan. PLANNING COMM15510N CIB CAMMIITEE CML SERVICE COMMISSION Has uis ce�'� eVerwaked icder a am,a�t tw u,is depaM�enC! YES NO Hes mis peisaJfiim eVer eem a aly emqoYce9 res rio Does thig De�swJfirm 7� a ddl not �NP�aeesea Ey anY wrrent atY �G1uYBe7 . YE3 . NO Ic Mis peieoNhm a tarpeted �MOY! YES IJO AMOUNTOFTRANSACTION COET/REVENUE BUD6ETm (qa�� �E) ♦crrvm xw�aErt ��`,I'�_ (�M PLANNING COMMISSION CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Coleman, Mnyor October 6, 1999 Cfndys Marton, Ckair 25 West Fourth Street Sain[ Paul, MN55102 Council President Bostrom and Members of the City Council 310 City Hall 15 W. Kellogg Blvd. Saint Paul, Yv1N 55102 qq -��� Telephone: 65l-2666565 Facsimile: 6Sl-128-3314 RE: PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION O1V HAMLINE-MIDWAY AND MERRIAM PARK SPECIAL SIGN DISTRICTS (# 54 AND 56 ON COUNCIL AGENDA FOR 10/6/99) Deaz President Bostrom and Council Members: The Planning Commission considered the requests for special sign districts in Hamline-Midway and Merriam Park to prevent new billboards in their communities and laid the matter over. The Planning Commission thinks it is untimely to act on neighborhood-by-neighborhood billboazd regulations when new citywide regulations go to a referendum in one month. The Planning Commission believes the City Council should wait for the outcome of the referendum before considering any more neighbarhood special sign districts. If the billboard referendum passes, it becomes effective immediately and the neighborhood billboazd regulations will be duplicative and confusing. If the referendum does not pass, the Planning Commission will continue its work on the billboazd issue and will make a recommendation on the substance of the neighborhood-by-neighborhood special sign districts. The Planning Commission will also resume iYs work to develop a recommendation to the Ciiy Council, in accordance with the Council's request, for new citywide regulations for advertising signs. The Planning Commission prefers, if possible, to see new and tougher ci ide regulations so that property owners with similar locations alon� freeways and in lazge commercial and industrial zones will be subject to the same billboard regulations. The Commission is skeptical about different regulations for different neie,�borhoods because of the appearance of favoritism among properry owners and among neighborhoods. �`�-��� Council President Bostrom and City Council Members October 6, 1999 Pa�e 2 Different regulations for each neighborhood will also be difficult and more expensive for City departments to administer. LIEP recommended to the Planning Commission, if the Hamline- Midway and Memam Park special sign districts are approved, that their regulations at least be standardized to match the district already approved in 3aint Anthony Pazk. I realize that the billboazd issue has been as frustrating for Council members as for Planning Commissioners. During the past year we have seen lawsuits, new legislation, changes in the industry, and the referendum. Nevertheless, we urge you to have patience and see if the City can t put together new citywide regulations that find the workable middie ground. Thank you for your attention. Sincerely, � Gladys Morton Chair cc: Mayor Coleman Members of the Planning Commission Ken Ford Tom Harren Brian Sweeney Wendy Lane Peter Wamer Hamline-Midway Community Council Merriam Park Community Council ORDINANCE CITY OF SAINT PAUL,IVIIlVNESOTA Presented By Refened To That Chapter 66.216 of the Saint following provisions thereto: 2 An ordinance amending Chapter 66.216 the Saint 3 Paul Legislative Code pertaining to spe ia1 sign 4 district sign plans by crearing a new ecial sign 5 district plan far the Hamline Midw y Neighborhood 6 to be Irnown as the Hamline Mi ay Special 7 District Sign Plan. 8 9 10 THE COUNCIL OF THE CIT OF SAINT PAUL DOBS ORDAIN: 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 Sec.66.2165. Hamline (a) Intent and Purpose. 66.216 of the Zoning Cc Midway neighborhood. Sign District Plan is in�} neighborhood feel o�O efforts are cutrenflv d Section 1 Counci] File # �'1 - S8p Ordinance # Green Sheet # �0 � � Ss Code be and is hereby amended to add the District Sign Plan ��Hamline Midway Special Sign District Plan, as provided in Section �is mtended to provide advertising sign controls in the Hamline keeping with the Hamline Midway Community Plan, this Special ed to reduce visual clutter on those streets and enhance the iercial districts in the Hamline Midway neighborhood. Neighborhood vay to redesign Snelling Avenue to reduce the negative impacts of high traffic, noise�and poor appeazance. Adding signs o the existing visual landscape detracts from the pedestrian and neighborhood friendliness £the commercial environment. Residents and other consumers o8en complain that Universi and Snelling feel more like a highway than a city street. Advertising signs clearly play a arge role in this perceprion. Adding to the e�sting density of signs will only exacerbate this problem. Furthermore, additional signs will work against current efforts to improve the appearance and economic vitality of Snelling and University Avenues. The purpose of advertising signs is to attract peoples' attention long enough to read message of the sign. Drivers whose attention is on advertising signs rather than the road can cause collisions. Snelling Avenue is the busiest street in St. Paul with more than 35,000 cars per day 2 0 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 9 9 -?8d passing through the neighborhood. Likewise, Universiiy Avenue is very busy, carrying more than 20,000 cazs per day. Because of these lazge traffic volumes, advertising signs distract driver attention and are a traffic safety hazard. Visually it may be desirable to remove existing signs in addition to prohibiting new ones. However, easisting signs often provide a criticai source of revenue to building owners and small businesses in the Hamline Midway. Several neighborhood businesses partially finance building purchases and operation expenses with advertising sign revenue. The value of these businesses to the health of the community often outweighs a preference for sign removal. (b) Area Description_ The Hamline Midway Special Sign District Plan designated on the accompanying map "Hamline Midway Special Sign � area is as follows: Beginning at the intersection of the centerlines of Un Lexington Parkway thence traveling north along the centerline of Lexin3 intersection with the centerline of Pierce Butler Route; thence west a10 Butler Route to its intersection with the centerline of Transfer Road; t e centerline of Transfer Road to its intersec6on with the centerline east along the centerline of University Avenue to its intersection Parkway. / hal pply to the area � ct." The described � rsity Avenue and on Parkway to its the centerline of Pierce ce south along the niversity Avenue; thence the centerline of Lexington (c) Interpretation and Definitions. The provisions of this gn plan are supplementary to the provisions of Chapter 66, Signs, of the Zoning Code. A1 ords and terms sha11 be defined as in Legislative Code §§ 66.103 - 66.128. The provisions f this special sign plan that are more restrictive than provisions of Chapter 66 shall prev ' and supersede the provisions of Chapter 66. (d) Advertiszng Signs. No new advertising s ns shall be permitted within the Hamline Midway Special Sign District. Existing signs shall aliowed to stay, provided they meet a11 provisions of Chapter 66, Signs, of the Zoning Code (e) Business Signs. The regulation of usiness signs in the Hamline Midway Special Sign District shall be pursuant to Section 6 of the Zoning Code. ( fl Nonconforming Signs. The r ulation of nonconforming signs shall be pursuant to the provisions of Article III. 66.300 nonconforming signs, of the Zoning Code. . �- , (g) Admiuistrafion and Enforcement. The Zoning Admivistrator shall enforce the provisions of ttus plan as a supplement to Chapter 66, Signs, of the Zoning Code. Whenever a pemut request for an advertising sign in the Hamline Midway Special Sign District is requested, such pernrit shall not be issued unless the plans for the advertisang sign have been approved by the Zoning Admiaustrator as in compliance with this supplement and other provisions of Chapter 66, Signs, of the Zoning Code. Section 2 This ordinance shall become effective thirty (30) days after its passage, publication. Requested by Department of: By: Adopted by Council: Foxm Appro by City Attarney B .�1✓l,/.,�,,,�- 7-P-5� Adoption Certified �ty Council Secretary Approved by Mayor £or Submission to Council Sy: / BY: � Approved by Mayor: Date Hy: � .� «• f `i;' :r; eT` F�P JERRY BLAKEY Couan7member CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY COLINCIL MEMORANDUM October 6, 1999 �IC�� FROM: 1:7�1 Council President Daniel Bostrom Councilmember Jay Benanav Councilmember Chris Coleman Councilmember Michael Hanis Councilmember Kathy Lantry Councilmember James Reiter Councilmember Jerry Blakey Substitute Ordinance -- Item #55 on CC Agenda for 10/6/99 I have attached a substitute ordinance for Item #55 on today's agenda, for your review. Thank you. cc: CITY HALL Nancy Anderson � THIRD FLOOR SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 sa�ae Prinred on Reeyeted Paper �� q�'� 612/266-8610