99-752SUgY�fi,r� - A.r.�. �S ,�q�. Presented By Refened To Committee Date : 6tl�ticurn An ardinance to amend Chapter 189 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code to change obsolete references and to increase the examination fee to cover actual costs. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1 �EP 211999 The following sections of Chapter 189 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code aze hereby amended to read as follows: Sec.189.01. Definitions. For the purposes of this chapter, the following terms shail have the meanings ascribed to them in this section: Disclosure report. The written evaluation report prepared and signed by a person certified as a Saint Paul Truth-in-Sa1e of Housing Evaluator, on a form in compliance with the provisions of section 189.05 of this chapter. Dwelling. A building which is designed to be occupied for residential purposes but containing not more than two (2) individual dwelling units, except that townhouses, condominiums and co-ops, regardless of their number of individual dwelling units, aze included within this definition. � Dwelling uniz A room or group of rooms located within a residential building and forming a single habitable unit, with facilities which ate used or intended to be used for living, sleeping, cooking and eating. Evaluation. An inspection of a dwelling or dwelling unit, perforxned by a certified evaluator, to determine the condition of the structural, electrical and mechanical systems as they relate to Chapter 34, Minimum Housing Standazds for Dwellings and Multiple Dwellings of the � g•5'`� CITY ORDINANCE SAINT PAUL, MIlVNESOTA Council File # '�`/ ' ��2 Ordinance # Green Sheet # G l G'1'1 �9 1 City of Saint Paul. 2 °19 -'1 S �. 3 Evaluator. A person who has received a certificate of competency from the City of Saint 4 Paul to conduct truth-in-sale of housing evaluations. 6 "- z� Property code enfarcement manager. The person responsible for 7 overseeing the operation of all of the properiv code enforcement programs aE-Eke-�i�isian e€ 8 � for the City of Saint Paul. 9 10 Re-evaZuation. An amended disciosure report filed as a result of a reinspecfion of the 11 subject dwelling or dwelling unit, conducted by the original evaluator, withiu the period of time 12 the disclosure report is valid. The re-evaluation does not extend the e�piration date of the original 13 evaluation. 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 Sec. 189.07. Examining board established; membership. (a) The examining boazd for truth-in-sale of housing evaluators shall be appointed by the mayor, with the approval of the city council, and shall consist of nine (9) members. (b) The membership shall include the ��ke�e�k �ropertv code enforcement manager or his/her designee, and a representative from each of the following: the build'mg trades, the legal profession, the financial community, the contracting business, the real estate business, the architectural or engineering profession, and two (2) citizen members representing the general pubiic. (c) The members of the board shall be named to three-year terms, which shall continue until a successor has been duly appointed and qualified. The mayar sha11, with the approval of the council, fill any vacancies for the remainder of the unexpired term. Sec. 189.08. Organization of the board. (a) The examining board shall elect a chairperson and a vice-chairperson. The chairperson shall preside over meetings of the board and in his/her absence, the vice-chairperson shall preside. (b) The �ke�ieal� nronertv code enforcement manager or his/her designee shall serve as the secretary-treasurer of the board. In the absence of the chairperson and vice-chaitperson the secretary-treasurer shall preside over meetings of the board. (c) The secretary-treasurer shall have the responsibility of keeping records of the following: (1) �2) (3) Applications and examinarions for certificate of competency; Certificate issuances and renewals; Complaints as to the perfortnance of individual tnxth-in-sale of housing evaluators; 2 1 ��.�� (4) Documentarion of all fees and monies received by the boazd. °19-� Sec.189.10. Duties of the board. (a) The following shall be the duties of the boazd: (1) Adopt rules and bylaws governirtg its procedures; (2) Develop and enforce a code of ethics for truth-in-sale of housing evaluators; (3) Make available copies of such rules, bylaws and code of ethics to each applicant for a certificate of competency; (4) Submit each applicant for a certificate of competency to an e�nination to determine whether the applicant has sufficient knowledge, expertise, skill, training and experience to properly carry on the private business of evaluating dwellings; (5) Issue a certificate of competency to each applicant who satisfactorily passes the exam and pays the required fees; (6) Establish annual renewal fees and renew each certificate upon payment of the established fees; (7) Establish minimum educational andfar training requirements which must be met and maintained by the evaluator; (8) Establish requirements for additional training and(or education when the board, after any investigation of the evaluator's competency to perform evaluations, has determined the evaluator may be incompetent without said training; (9) Cancel, suspend, revoke or deny the renewal of the certificate of competency of an evaluator for cause. � Hold an exanvnation for applicants for a certificate of competenc�to be an evaluatar at least once in every two calendar years, beeinning in 1999-2000. (b) Decision of the examining board, with respect to these duties, sha11 be final, subject to appeal to the Saint Paul City Council. Any board order to an evaluator shall include a written statement nofifying the evaluator of the right to appeal that order to the city council. . Sec. 189.12. Applications for certificates; examinarion fees. (a) Each person desiring a certificate of competency shall file with the examining board, at least three (3) days prior to the date of the examination an application to take the examination and shall pay the nonrefundabie sum of ' . one hundred dollars $100.00 as an examination fee. � � 3 1 (b) Each application shall contain the following information: name, address, place of 4�� `1 S} 2 current employment, tnne and place of schools attended and studies completed, together with a 3 chronological recard of the applicant's previous empioyment, with complete information 4 regarding duties and the type of work performed. 6 (c) The applications aze public data under the Mimiesota Data Practices Act and available 7 to any person upon request. 8 9 10 Sec. 189.16. City employees not to be certified. 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 (a) No employee of the City of Saint Paul is eligible to receive a certificate of competency. (b) Should any person who has a certificate of competency to perform evaluations in Saint Paul become an employee of the city, that person shall immediately discontinue conducting evaluations in Saint Paul and shall return lus/her certificate of competency to the �nbk�keai�k propert�code enforcement manager. (c) ff any person who has been a Saint Paul evaluator prior to becoming an employee of the city discontinues being an employee of the city, they may, within one (1) year of the date he/she started that employment, renew the certificate of competency by paying a seventy-five dollar ($75.00) renewal fee. (d) In the event the certificate of competency shall have lapsed for a period of one (1) year ar more, it will be necessary for the person to pass a new examination offered by the examining boud before obtaining a new certificate of competency. Section 2 This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days following its passage, approval and publication. Requested by Department o£: Adoption Certified by Council Secretary By: Form App o by City Attorney By: i �(/ ,1� �,�•' / Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council BY: -Y�..��. �n--3� By: Approved by M o: Dat � By: ,.} �� Pt�tl icucrv SEP 21199� Adopted by Council: Date . , �. � � °1,9, -'LS ?� '1, TACT PERSON & PHONE _,��(y M ti / ���v Wendy McCance 266-8441 T O � COUNCIL AGQJQ4 BY (DAT� 1 �L'� TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES GREEN SHEET �.�,�.��. No �� 6167'7 � � CrtYAiTOR1EY ❑ p1YCLGPIt ❑ RI�II[ULiERVICFSGR ❑ AiiI1C111LiERV/IICCT6 � YWRIORAf9Sf ❑ �_ (CLIP ALL LO TIONS FOR SIGNATURE) Approve amendments to Chapter 189 of the Legislative Code changing obsolete referen�t����lic health manager" to the current "properiy code enforcement manager". To increase the fee for exaxmnanon of Truth-In- Sale of Housing evaluators to $100.00 to cover actual costs of the examination proce��J� �$ 1999 a PLANNING COMMISSION CIB COMMI7TEE CML SERVICE CAMMISSION Fias thrc Pe�Nfirtn e+er worKetl under a con6act fw this dePartment? YES NO Has this paison/finn evw been a cdy empbyeel YES NO Does this persoNfirm posseas a sidll not riormaltypossessed by any cumeM city employee7 YES NO Is thia p�vsoNfiim a farpefed veMOY! YES NO Hain all vea answeB m aeoaiat¢ she� aM atfech to 9reen sheet Aousing Code Enfarcement moved from public heaith. The current fee far fhe examination does-not reflect the actual costs of administering the examination. Ordinance language will accurately reflect the correct department division. The costs of providing a Truth-In-Sale of Housing evaluator examination will be covered by the examination fees. �, �,� 3 , �, �, � ��������� � �7 None. Another funding source will be required to subsidize the administration of future Truth-In-Sale of Housing 70UNTOFTRANSACTIONf COSTIREVF.NUEBUDOEfm(GRCLEONk7 VES NO SOURCE ACTNRYNUMBER NFORMATION(FJ�WM ' COUIICE� S CP,�Iter JUL 2 8 1989 ,� � � ORIGlNAL Council File # \�� �5� Ordinance # �' Green Sheet # �'J� ORDINANCE SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By Referred To Date Approve amendments to Chapter 189, changing obsolete references to " blic health manager" to the current properiy code enforcement manager. To increase the fee for e ination of Tnxth-In-Sale of Housing evaluators to $100.00 to cover actual costs of the examinaf n process. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAkJI, DOES ORDAIN: Section 1 That Chapter 189 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code is Section 189.01. De�nitions. amended to read as follows: . Pro er code en orceme�t mana er. The person responsible for overseeing the operation of all of the programs at the division�+ �ie-ke�k propertv code enforcement for the City of Saint Paul. Section 189.07. Examining board establ�hed; membership. (b) The membership shall include the nropertv code enforcement mana�er or his/her designee, and a representative from ea of the following: the building trades, the legal profession, the financial community, the contractin usiness, the real estate business, the architectural or engineering profession, and two (2) citizen me ers representing the general public. Section 189.08. Organization f the board. (b) The vropert�code enforcement mana� or lus/her designee shall serve as the secretary-treasurer ofthe b d. In the absence ofthe chairperson and vice-chairperson the secretary- treasurer shall preside ov meetings of the boazd. Section 189.12. for certificates; examination fees. (a) Each person de nng a certificate of competency shall file with the exainiiung board, at least three (3) days prior to the ate of the exainination an application to take the exainination and shall pay the nonrefundable of � . one hundred dollazs ($100.00) as an examination fee. Section 1$5.16 City employees not to be certified. (b) Should any person who has a certificate of competency to perform evaluations in Saint Paul become an employee of the city, that person shall immediately discontinue conducting evaluations in Saint Paul and shall retum his/her certificate of competency to the �ropertv code enforcement manaser. 1 Section 2 p� _� 2 3 That this ordinance revision shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days after its passage, approval and 4 publication. Requested b of: Citizen Se�vice Of£ice; By Adoption Certified by Council Secretary By: Approved by Mayor: Date By: ORIGINAL Adopted by Council: Date F m Approved by City Attorney By: �dZ�` � � _ SUgY�fi,r� - A.r.�. �S ,�q�. Presented By Refened To Committee Date : 6tl�ticurn An ardinance to amend Chapter 189 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code to change obsolete references and to increase the examination fee to cover actual costs. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1 �EP 211999 The following sections of Chapter 189 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code aze hereby amended to read as follows: Sec.189.01. Definitions. For the purposes of this chapter, the following terms shail have the meanings ascribed to them in this section: Disclosure report. The written evaluation report prepared and signed by a person certified as a Saint Paul Truth-in-Sa1e of Housing Evaluator, on a form in compliance with the provisions of section 189.05 of this chapter. Dwelling. A building which is designed to be occupied for residential purposes but containing not more than two (2) individual dwelling units, except that townhouses, condominiums and co-ops, regardless of their number of individual dwelling units, aze included within this definition. � Dwelling uniz A room or group of rooms located within a residential building and forming a single habitable unit, with facilities which ate used or intended to be used for living, sleeping, cooking and eating. Evaluation. An inspection of a dwelling or dwelling unit, perforxned by a certified evaluator, to determine the condition of the structural, electrical and mechanical systems as they relate to Chapter 34, Minimum Housing Standazds for Dwellings and Multiple Dwellings of the � g•5'`� CITY ORDINANCE SAINT PAUL, MIlVNESOTA Council File # '�`/ ' ��2 Ordinance # Green Sheet # G l G'1'1 �9 1 City of Saint Paul. 2 °19 -'1 S �. 3 Evaluator. A person who has received a certificate of competency from the City of Saint 4 Paul to conduct truth-in-sale of housing evaluations. 6 "- z� Property code enfarcement manager. The person responsible for 7 overseeing the operation of all of the properiv code enforcement programs aE-Eke-�i�isian e€ 8 � for the City of Saint Paul. 9 10 Re-evaZuation. An amended disciosure report filed as a result of a reinspecfion of the 11 subject dwelling or dwelling unit, conducted by the original evaluator, withiu the period of time 12 the disclosure report is valid. The re-evaluation does not extend the e�piration date of the original 13 evaluation. 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 Sec. 189.07. Examining board established; membership. (a) The examining boazd for truth-in-sale of housing evaluators shall be appointed by the mayor, with the approval of the city council, and shall consist of nine (9) members. (b) The membership shall include the ��ke�e�k �ropertv code enforcement manager or his/her designee, and a representative from each of the following: the build'mg trades, the legal profession, the financial community, the contracting business, the real estate business, the architectural or engineering profession, and two (2) citizen members representing the general pubiic. (c) The members of the board shall be named to three-year terms, which shall continue until a successor has been duly appointed and qualified. The mayar sha11, with the approval of the council, fill any vacancies for the remainder of the unexpired term. Sec. 189.08. Organization of the board. (a) The examining board shall elect a chairperson and a vice-chairperson. The chairperson shall preside over meetings of the board and in his/her absence, the vice-chairperson shall preside. (b) The �ke�ieal� nronertv code enforcement manager or his/her designee shall serve as the secretary-treasurer of the board. In the absence of the chairperson and vice-chaitperson the secretary-treasurer shall preside over meetings of the board. (c) The secretary-treasurer shall have the responsibility of keeping records of the following: (1) �2) (3) Applications and examinarions for certificate of competency; Certificate issuances and renewals; Complaints as to the perfortnance of individual tnxth-in-sale of housing evaluators; 2 1 ��.�� (4) Documentarion of all fees and monies received by the boazd. °19-� Sec.189.10. Duties of the board. (a) The following shall be the duties of the boazd: (1) Adopt rules and bylaws governirtg its procedures; (2) Develop and enforce a code of ethics for truth-in-sale of housing evaluators; (3) Make available copies of such rules, bylaws and code of ethics to each applicant for a certificate of competency; (4) Submit each applicant for a certificate of competency to an e�nination to determine whether the applicant has sufficient knowledge, expertise, skill, training and experience to properly carry on the private business of evaluating dwellings; (5) Issue a certificate of competency to each applicant who satisfactorily passes the exam and pays the required fees; (6) Establish annual renewal fees and renew each certificate upon payment of the established fees; (7) Establish minimum educational andfar training requirements which must be met and maintained by the evaluator; (8) Establish requirements for additional training and(or education when the board, after any investigation of the evaluator's competency to perform evaluations, has determined the evaluator may be incompetent without said training; (9) Cancel, suspend, revoke or deny the renewal of the certificate of competency of an evaluator for cause. � Hold an exanvnation for applicants for a certificate of competenc�to be an evaluatar at least once in every two calendar years, beeinning in 1999-2000. (b) Decision of the examining board, with respect to these duties, sha11 be final, subject to appeal to the Saint Paul City Council. Any board order to an evaluator shall include a written statement nofifying the evaluator of the right to appeal that order to the city council. . Sec. 189.12. Applications for certificates; examinarion fees. (a) Each person desiring a certificate of competency shall file with the examining board, at least three (3) days prior to the date of the examination an application to take the examination and shall pay the nonrefundabie sum of ' . one hundred dollars $100.00 as an examination fee. � � 3 1 (b) Each application shall contain the following information: name, address, place of 4�� `1 S} 2 current employment, tnne and place of schools attended and studies completed, together with a 3 chronological recard of the applicant's previous empioyment, with complete information 4 regarding duties and the type of work performed. 6 (c) The applications aze public data under the Mimiesota Data Practices Act and available 7 to any person upon request. 8 9 10 Sec. 189.16. City employees not to be certified. 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 (a) No employee of the City of Saint Paul is eligible to receive a certificate of competency. (b) Should any person who has a certificate of competency to perform evaluations in Saint Paul become an employee of the city, that person shall immediately discontinue conducting evaluations in Saint Paul and shall return lus/her certificate of competency to the �nbk�keai�k propert�code enforcement manager. (c) ff any person who has been a Saint Paul evaluator prior to becoming an employee of the city discontinues being an employee of the city, they may, within one (1) year of the date he/she started that employment, renew the certificate of competency by paying a seventy-five dollar ($75.00) renewal fee. (d) In the event the certificate of competency shall have lapsed for a period of one (1) year ar more, it will be necessary for the person to pass a new examination offered by the examining boud before obtaining a new certificate of competency. Section 2 This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days following its passage, approval and publication. Requested by Department o£: Adoption Certified by Council Secretary By: Form App o by City Attorney By: i �(/ ,1� �,�•' / Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council BY: -Y�..��. �n--3� By: Approved by M o: Dat � By: ,.} �� Pt�tl icucrv SEP 21199� Adopted by Council: Date . , �. � � °1,9, -'LS ?� '1, TACT PERSON & PHONE _,��(y M ti / ���v Wendy McCance 266-8441 T O � COUNCIL AGQJQ4 BY (DAT� 1 �L'� TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES GREEN SHEET �.�,�.��. No �� 6167'7 � � CrtYAiTOR1EY ❑ p1YCLGPIt ❑ RI�II[ULiERVICFSGR ❑ AiiI1C111LiERV/IICCT6 � YWRIORAf9Sf ❑ �_ (CLIP ALL LO TIONS FOR SIGNATURE) Approve amendments to Chapter 189 of the Legislative Code changing obsolete referen�t����lic health manager" to the current "properiy code enforcement manager". To increase the fee for exaxmnanon of Truth-In- Sale of Housing evaluators to $100.00 to cover actual costs of the examination proce��J� �$ 1999 a PLANNING COMMISSION CIB COMMI7TEE CML SERVICE CAMMISSION Fias thrc Pe�Nfirtn e+er worKetl under a con6act fw this dePartment? YES NO Has this paison/finn evw been a cdy empbyeel YES NO Does this persoNfirm posseas a sidll not riormaltypossessed by any cumeM city employee7 YES NO Is thia p�vsoNfiim a farpefed veMOY! YES NO Hain all vea answeB m aeoaiat¢ she� aM atfech to 9reen sheet Aousing Code Enfarcement moved from public heaith. The current fee far fhe examination does-not reflect the actual costs of administering the examination. Ordinance language will accurately reflect the correct department division. The costs of providing a Truth-In-Sale of Housing evaluator examination will be covered by the examination fees. �, �,� 3 , �, �, � ��������� � �7 None. Another funding source will be required to subsidize the administration of future Truth-In-Sale of Housing 70UNTOFTRANSACTIONf COSTIREVF.NUEBUDOEfm(GRCLEONk7 VES NO SOURCE ACTNRYNUMBER NFORMATION(FJ�WM ' COUIICE� S CP,�Iter JUL 2 8 1989 ,� � � ORIGlNAL Council File # \�� �5� Ordinance # �' Green Sheet # �'J� ORDINANCE SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By Referred To Date Approve amendments to Chapter 189, changing obsolete references to " blic health manager" to the current properiy code enforcement manager. To increase the fee for e ination of Tnxth-In-Sale of Housing evaluators to $100.00 to cover actual costs of the examinaf n process. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAkJI, DOES ORDAIN: Section 1 That Chapter 189 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code is Section 189.01. De�nitions. amended to read as follows: . Pro er code en orceme�t mana er. The person responsible for overseeing the operation of all of the programs at the division�+ �ie-ke�k propertv code enforcement for the City of Saint Paul. Section 189.07. Examining board establ�hed; membership. (b) The membership shall include the nropertv code enforcement mana�er or his/her designee, and a representative from ea of the following: the building trades, the legal profession, the financial community, the contractin usiness, the real estate business, the architectural or engineering profession, and two (2) citizen me ers representing the general public. Section 189.08. Organization f the board. (b) The vropert�code enforcement mana� or lus/her designee shall serve as the secretary-treasurer ofthe b d. In the absence ofthe chairperson and vice-chairperson the secretary- treasurer shall preside ov meetings of the boazd. Section 189.12. for certificates; examination fees. (a) Each person de nng a certificate of competency shall file with the exainiiung board, at least three (3) days prior to the ate of the exainination an application to take the exainination and shall pay the nonrefundable of � . one hundred dollazs ($100.00) as an examination fee. Section 1$5.16 City employees not to be certified. (b) Should any person who has a certificate of competency to perform evaluations in Saint Paul become an employee of the city, that person shall immediately discontinue conducting evaluations in Saint Paul and shall retum his/her certificate of competency to the �ropertv code enforcement manaser. 1 Section 2 p� _� 2 3 That this ordinance revision shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days after its passage, approval and 4 publication. Requested b of: Citizen Se�vice Of£ice; By Adoption Certified by Council Secretary By: Approved by Mayor: Date By: ORIGINAL Adopted by Council: Date F m Approved by City Attorney By: �dZ�` � � _ SUgY�fi,r� - A.r.�. �S ,�q�. Presented By Refened To Committee Date : 6tl�ticurn An ardinance to amend Chapter 189 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code to change obsolete references and to increase the examination fee to cover actual costs. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1 �EP 211999 The following sections of Chapter 189 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code aze hereby amended to read as follows: Sec.189.01. Definitions. For the purposes of this chapter, the following terms shail have the meanings ascribed to them in this section: Disclosure report. The written evaluation report prepared and signed by a person certified as a Saint Paul Truth-in-Sa1e of Housing Evaluator, on a form in compliance with the provisions of section 189.05 of this chapter. Dwelling. A building which is designed to be occupied for residential purposes but containing not more than two (2) individual dwelling units, except that townhouses, condominiums and co-ops, regardless of their number of individual dwelling units, aze included within this definition. � Dwelling uniz A room or group of rooms located within a residential building and forming a single habitable unit, with facilities which ate used or intended to be used for living, sleeping, cooking and eating. Evaluation. An inspection of a dwelling or dwelling unit, perforxned by a certified evaluator, to determine the condition of the structural, electrical and mechanical systems as they relate to Chapter 34, Minimum Housing Standazds for Dwellings and Multiple Dwellings of the � g•5'`� CITY ORDINANCE SAINT PAUL, MIlVNESOTA Council File # '�`/ ' ��2 Ordinance # Green Sheet # G l G'1'1 �9 1 City of Saint Paul. 2 °19 -'1 S �. 3 Evaluator. A person who has received a certificate of competency from the City of Saint 4 Paul to conduct truth-in-sale of housing evaluations. 6 "- z� Property code enfarcement manager. The person responsible for 7 overseeing the operation of all of the properiv code enforcement programs aE-Eke-�i�isian e€ 8 � for the City of Saint Paul. 9 10 Re-evaZuation. An amended disciosure report filed as a result of a reinspecfion of the 11 subject dwelling or dwelling unit, conducted by the original evaluator, withiu the period of time 12 the disclosure report is valid. The re-evaluation does not extend the e�piration date of the original 13 evaluation. 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 Sec. 189.07. Examining board established; membership. (a) The examining boazd for truth-in-sale of housing evaluators shall be appointed by the mayor, with the approval of the city council, and shall consist of nine (9) members. (b) The membership shall include the ��ke�e�k �ropertv code enforcement manager or his/her designee, and a representative from each of the following: the build'mg trades, the legal profession, the financial community, the contracting business, the real estate business, the architectural or engineering profession, and two (2) citizen members representing the general pubiic. (c) The members of the board shall be named to three-year terms, which shall continue until a successor has been duly appointed and qualified. The mayar sha11, with the approval of the council, fill any vacancies for the remainder of the unexpired term. Sec. 189.08. Organization of the board. (a) The examining board shall elect a chairperson and a vice-chairperson. The chairperson shall preside over meetings of the board and in his/her absence, the vice-chairperson shall preside. (b) The �ke�ieal� nronertv code enforcement manager or his/her designee shall serve as the secretary-treasurer of the board. In the absence of the chairperson and vice-chaitperson the secretary-treasurer shall preside over meetings of the board. (c) The secretary-treasurer shall have the responsibility of keeping records of the following: (1) �2) (3) Applications and examinarions for certificate of competency; Certificate issuances and renewals; Complaints as to the perfortnance of individual tnxth-in-sale of housing evaluators; 2 1 ��.�� (4) Documentarion of all fees and monies received by the boazd. °19-� Sec.189.10. Duties of the board. (a) The following shall be the duties of the boazd: (1) Adopt rules and bylaws governirtg its procedures; (2) Develop and enforce a code of ethics for truth-in-sale of housing evaluators; (3) Make available copies of such rules, bylaws and code of ethics to each applicant for a certificate of competency; (4) Submit each applicant for a certificate of competency to an e�nination to determine whether the applicant has sufficient knowledge, expertise, skill, training and experience to properly carry on the private business of evaluating dwellings; (5) Issue a certificate of competency to each applicant who satisfactorily passes the exam and pays the required fees; (6) Establish annual renewal fees and renew each certificate upon payment of the established fees; (7) Establish minimum educational andfar training requirements which must be met and maintained by the evaluator; (8) Establish requirements for additional training and(or education when the board, after any investigation of the evaluator's competency to perform evaluations, has determined the evaluator may be incompetent without said training; (9) Cancel, suspend, revoke or deny the renewal of the certificate of competency of an evaluator for cause. � Hold an exanvnation for applicants for a certificate of competenc�to be an evaluatar at least once in every two calendar years, beeinning in 1999-2000. (b) Decision of the examining board, with respect to these duties, sha11 be final, subject to appeal to the Saint Paul City Council. Any board order to an evaluator shall include a written statement nofifying the evaluator of the right to appeal that order to the city council. . Sec. 189.12. Applications for certificates; examinarion fees. (a) Each person desiring a certificate of competency shall file with the examining board, at least three (3) days prior to the date of the examination an application to take the examination and shall pay the nonrefundabie sum of ' . one hundred dollars $100.00 as an examination fee. � � 3 1 (b) Each application shall contain the following information: name, address, place of 4�� `1 S} 2 current employment, tnne and place of schools attended and studies completed, together with a 3 chronological recard of the applicant's previous empioyment, with complete information 4 regarding duties and the type of work performed. 6 (c) The applications aze public data under the Mimiesota Data Practices Act and available 7 to any person upon request. 8 9 10 Sec. 189.16. City employees not to be certified. 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 (a) No employee of the City of Saint Paul is eligible to receive a certificate of competency. (b) Should any person who has a certificate of competency to perform evaluations in Saint Paul become an employee of the city, that person shall immediately discontinue conducting evaluations in Saint Paul and shall return lus/her certificate of competency to the �nbk�keai�k propert�code enforcement manager. (c) ff any person who has been a Saint Paul evaluator prior to becoming an employee of the city discontinues being an employee of the city, they may, within one (1) year of the date he/she started that employment, renew the certificate of competency by paying a seventy-five dollar ($75.00) renewal fee. (d) In the event the certificate of competency shall have lapsed for a period of one (1) year ar more, it will be necessary for the person to pass a new examination offered by the examining boud before obtaining a new certificate of competency. Section 2 This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days following its passage, approval and publication. Requested by Department o£: Adoption Certified by Council Secretary By: Form App o by City Attorney By: i �(/ ,1� �,�•' / Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council BY: -Y�..��. �n--3� By: Approved by M o: Dat � By: ,.} �� Pt�tl icucrv SEP 21199� Adopted by Council: Date . , �. � � °1,9, -'LS ?� '1, TACT PERSON & PHONE _,��(y M ti / ���v Wendy McCance 266-8441 T O � COUNCIL AGQJQ4 BY (DAT� 1 �L'� TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES GREEN SHEET �.�,�.��. No �� 6167'7 � � CrtYAiTOR1EY ❑ p1YCLGPIt ❑ RI�II[ULiERVICFSGR ❑ AiiI1C111LiERV/IICCT6 � YWRIORAf9Sf ❑ �_ (CLIP ALL LO TIONS FOR SIGNATURE) Approve amendments to Chapter 189 of the Legislative Code changing obsolete referen�t����lic health manager" to the current "properiy code enforcement manager". To increase the fee for exaxmnanon of Truth-In- Sale of Housing evaluators to $100.00 to cover actual costs of the examination proce��J� �$ 1999 a PLANNING COMMISSION CIB COMMI7TEE CML SERVICE CAMMISSION Fias thrc Pe�Nfirtn e+er worKetl under a con6act fw this dePartment? YES NO Has this paison/finn evw been a cdy empbyeel YES NO Does this persoNfirm posseas a sidll not riormaltypossessed by any cumeM city employee7 YES NO Is thia p�vsoNfiim a farpefed veMOY! YES NO Hain all vea answeB m aeoaiat¢ she� aM atfech to 9reen sheet Aousing Code Enfarcement moved from public heaith. The current fee far fhe examination does-not reflect the actual costs of administering the examination. Ordinance language will accurately reflect the correct department division. The costs of providing a Truth-In-Sale of Housing evaluator examination will be covered by the examination fees. �, �,� 3 , �, �, � ��������� � �7 None. Another funding source will be required to subsidize the administration of future Truth-In-Sale of Housing 70UNTOFTRANSACTIONf COSTIREVF.NUEBUDOEfm(GRCLEONk7 VES NO SOURCE ACTNRYNUMBER NFORMATION(FJ�WM ' COUIICE� S CP,�Iter JUL 2 8 1989 ,� � � ORIGlNAL Council File # \�� �5� Ordinance # �' Green Sheet # �'J� ORDINANCE SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By Referred To Date Approve amendments to Chapter 189, changing obsolete references to " blic health manager" to the current properiy code enforcement manager. To increase the fee for e ination of Tnxth-In-Sale of Housing evaluators to $100.00 to cover actual costs of the examinaf n process. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAkJI, DOES ORDAIN: Section 1 That Chapter 189 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code is Section 189.01. De�nitions. amended to read as follows: . Pro er code en orceme�t mana er. The person responsible for overseeing the operation of all of the programs at the division�+ �ie-ke�k propertv code enforcement for the City of Saint Paul. Section 189.07. Examining board establ�hed; membership. (b) The membership shall include the nropertv code enforcement mana�er or his/her designee, and a representative from ea of the following: the building trades, the legal profession, the financial community, the contractin usiness, the real estate business, the architectural or engineering profession, and two (2) citizen me ers representing the general public. Section 189.08. Organization f the board. (b) The vropert�code enforcement mana� or lus/her designee shall serve as the secretary-treasurer ofthe b d. In the absence ofthe chairperson and vice-chairperson the secretary- treasurer shall preside ov meetings of the boazd. Section 189.12. for certificates; examination fees. (a) Each person de nng a certificate of competency shall file with the exainiiung board, at least three (3) days prior to the ate of the exainination an application to take the exainination and shall pay the nonrefundable of � . one hundred dollazs ($100.00) as an examination fee. Section 1$5.16 City employees not to be certified. (b) Should any person who has a certificate of competency to perform evaluations in Saint Paul become an employee of the city, that person shall immediately discontinue conducting evaluations in Saint Paul and shall retum his/her certificate of competency to the �ropertv code enforcement manaser. 1 Section 2 p� _� 2 3 That this ordinance revision shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days after its passage, approval and 4 publication. Requested b of: Citizen Se�vice Of£ice; By Adoption Certified by Council Secretary By: Approved by Mayor: Date By: ORIGINAL Adopted by Council: Date F m Approved by City Attorney By: �dZ�` � � _