97-912�L Ordinance # G�'7-Lj�/i aS Green Sheet # 3 �878 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 ORDINANCE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By Referred To An ordinance to reduce the fee for Animal Institutional Use from $400 to $200 to reflect actual cost. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1 Council File # Committee: Date Section 310.18. of the Saint Paul Legislative Code is hereby amended to read as follows: Sec. 310.18. License fee schedule. a3 Notwithstanding the provision of any other ordinance or law to the contrary, the following fees are hereby provided for all the licenses listed herein. These fees supersede all inconsistent provisions, including, but not limited to, graduated fee provisions, in these chapters and in other ordinances and 1aws, and include the fee for the license application as part of the license fee; provided, however, that this section does not amend or modify sections 310.09(a) ar 310.09(d) of the Legislative Code with respect to exempt organizations ar late fees. Pursuant to section 310.09(b) of the Legislative Code, these schedules shall be posted in the office of the director of the office of license, inspections and environmental protection. These fees shali be effective for license renewals and new license applications occurring on and after January 1, 1995, or on the effective date of this section, whichever is later; provided, however, that with respect to all licenses whose renewal dates occur after the effective date of this new schedule, there shall be no increases in, nor offsets or refunds of, the existing fees paid, or due and owing. (a) ENFORCEMENT LEVEL 1 Chapter/Section No. License Description Fee 167 Commercial Vehicle $66.00 198.04 Keeping of animals (Exotic 66.00 Pets) 2 � 5 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 316 Animal Foods Management 66.00 & Disri 317 Amusement Rides 66.00 323 Christmas Tree Sales 66.00 325 Ciose Out Sale 66.00 327 Dry Cleaning Pickup Station 66.00 332 Liquid Fuel Vehicle 66.00 333 Solid Fuel Vehicle 66.00 336 Private Fuel Pump 66.00 340 Mercantile Broker 66.00 345 Peddler (Solicitor/Transient) 66.00 348 Rental of Clothing & Vehicle 66.00 349 Rental of Clothes Attire 66.00 Vehicle 350.02 Rental of Hospital 66.00 Equipment 350.02 Rental ofHospital 66.00 Equipment Vehicle 351 Rental of Kitchenware 66.00 353 Roller Rinks 66.00 355A1 Secondhand Dealer- 66.00 (a) & (b) Single Location 357.03 Refuse Hauler-Each Vehicle 66.00 Over One 359 Sound Trucks & Broadcast 66.00 Vehicles ^ � �� �� i 1 2 [c3 4 5 0 7 0 �� 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 371 Finishing Shop 66.00 361.14 Tow Truck/Wrecker Vehicle 66.00 362 Tree Trimmer-Additional 66.00 Vehicle 372 Tire Recapping Plant 66.00 376.16(d) Taxicab Driver (new) 66.00 377 Lawn Fertilizer & Pesticide 66.00 Application 380 Tanning Facility 66.00 382 Pet Grooming 66.00 409.11 Outdoor Change in Service 66.00 Area 412 Massage Center (Class B) 66.00 414 Massage Therapist 66.00 424.02 Gasoline Filling Stations 66.00 (b) ENFORCEMENT LEVEL 2 Chapter/Section No. License Description Fee 320 Bihuninous Contractor $164.00 321.03 Rooming & Boardinghouse 164.00 ��� a �, 3 2 3 0 5 0 0 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 m EL'] 322.02 (a) &(b) Bowling Center & Pool Halls 164.00 326 Building Contractors 164.00 327 Laundry & Dry Cleaning 164.00 Plants 332 Fuel Dealers--Liquid 164.00 333 Fuel Dealers--Solid 164.00 334 Pest Control 164.00 338 House Sewer Contractors 164.00 342 Oil Bulk Storage 164.00 347 Pet Shop 164.00 352 Rental of Trailers 164.00 354 Sanitary Disposal Business 164.00 355.01(c) Secondhand 164.00 Dealer--E�ibitions 356 Sidewalk Contractors 164.00 362 Tree Trimming 164.00 364 Veterinary Clinic 164.00 365.02 Window Cleaning 164.00 367 Tattoo Parlors 164.00 378 Bed & Breakfast Residence 164.00 379 Lock Opening Services 164.00 �� � \`� 1 2 K3 0 E C 7 F:3 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 � 19 20 21 22 23 24 401 Motorcycle Dealer 164.OQ 405.02(a) Dance or Rental Ha11 164.00 406 Game Room 164.00 408 Recycling Collecrion Center 164.00 412 Massage Center (Class A) 164.00 415.04 Theaters and Movie Theaters 164.00 416 Motion Picture Drive-in 164.00 Theater 426.04 Cabaret (Class A& B) 164.00 (c) ENFORCEMENT LEVEL 3 Chapter/Section No. License Description Fee 225.08 Firearms $317.00 324 Cigarettes 317.00 354 Sanitary Disposal Vehicle 317.00 355A1(d) Secondhand Dealer-Multiple 317.00 Dealers 357.03 Refuse Hauler & Vehicle 317.00 360.03 Public Swimming Pools 317.00 �,� _ q l2� s 2 0 0 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 360.03 Whirlpools 317.00 361.14 Tow Truck Operator 317.00 376.04 Taxicabs 317.00 381 Currency Exchanges 317.00 401.02(a)(1) New Motor Vehicle Dealer 317.00 401.02(a) Motor Vehicle Parts Dealer 317.00 401.02(a)(5) Secondhand Dealer Motor 317.00 Vehicle Parts 401.02(a)(2) Secondhand Motor Vehicie 317.00 Dealer 407.03 Hotel/Motel--To 50 rooms 317.00 407.03 Hotel--Each additional room 10.00 over 50 409.07.1 After Hours Food Service 317.00 412 Massage Center(Class C) 317.00 413 Conversation/Rap Parlor (A 317.00 & B) 415 Mini-Motion Picture 317.00 Theater--Adult 417.04 (1)--(6) Parking Lots 317.00 422 Motor Vehicle Saivage 317.00 Dealer 423.02(b) Auto Body Repair Garage 317.00 423.02(a) Auto Repair Gazage 317.00 427 Health Sports Clubs (Class A 317.00 & B) /��. 1�� ..1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 � iT'. 20 21 22 23 24 428 Steam RoomBath House (A 317.00 & B� (d) ENFORCEMENT LEVEL 4 Chapter/Section No. License Description Fee 331.04 Bakery $200.00 331.04 Butcher 200.00 331.04 Catering (A)-Limited 225.00 Catering (B)-Full 425.00 Catering (C)-Add on 225.00 331.04 Day Care Food (A) 25.00 Day Care Food (B) 25.00 331.04 Food 500.00 Processor/Distributor/W areh ouse 331.04 Food Salvage 500.00 331.04 Food Vehicle 75.00 331.04 Food Vending Machine 15.00 Food Vending Operator 75.00 331.04 Food Wazehouse/Distributor 500.00 °t�"�� � i 2 �c3 � 5 3 7 � 0 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 Food/Boarding Facility 225.00 Food/Institutional Facility 25.00 331.04 Grocery (A) 25.00 Grocery (B) 150.00 Grocery (C)-To 2,000 sq. ft. 200.00 Grocery (D)-More than 500.00 2,OOQ sq. 8. 331.04 Mobile Food 225.00 331.04 Original Container 50.00 331.04 Restaurant (A)-0--12 seats 225.00 Restaurant (B)-More than 12 425.00 seats Restaurant (C)-Limited 225.00 Restaurant (D)-Add on 425.00 Restaurant (E)-Extension 225.00 331.04 Special Event Food Sales- 100.00 1--3 days Special Event Food Sales- 125.00 4--14 days Special Event Food Sales- 150.00 Annual Special Event Food Sales- 25.00 Fee Waived (e) ENFORCEMENT LEVEL 5 ��_ 0 2 0 .0 7 10 il 12 fft3 14 15 16 17 fE:3 �9 20 Chapter/Section No. License Description Fee 409 Intoxicating Liquor 409.01(b) Liquor Catering Permit 46.00 409.05(b)(1) On-Sale--Over 200 seats $5,050.00 409.05(b)(2) On-Sale--Over 100 seats 4,650.00 409.05(b)(3) On-Sale--100 seats or less 4,200.00 409.25(b) Temporary Liquor 46.00 409 On-sale Club--Under 200 297.00 members On-sale Club--201--500 497,00 members On-sale Club--501--1,000 647.00 members On-sale Club--1,001--2,000 797.00 members On-sale Ciub--2,001--4,000 997.00 members an-sale Club--4,001--6,000 1,997.00 members On-sale Club--6,000+ 2,997.00 members 409.05(e) Off-Sale 1,000.00 409.07(b)(2) Sunday On-Sale 200.00 409.11(a)(8) Extension of Service 53.00 �1��`� 1 z 3 0 5 C:] 7 0 E fs17 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 � 21 22 23 24 409.15(b) Wine On-Sale 1,385.00 409.25 Temporary Wine 46.00 410.02 On-Sale Malt (Strong) 445.00 410.02 On-Sale Malt (3.2) 445.00 410.02 Off-Sale Malt 89.00 410.10(a) Temporary Malt 46.00 411.03 Entertainment--Class A 217.00 411.03 Entertainment--Class B 527.00 411.03 Entertainment--Class C 2,500.00 411.03 Entertainment Temporary 27.00 ( fl ENFORCEMENT LEVEL 6 ChapterlSection No. License Description Fee 127 Courtesy Benches $ 20.00 167 Commercial 18.00 Vehicle--Replacement 225.08 Fireanns 317.00 278 Gambling Hall 354.00 �� .q\2- io 2 3 0 0 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 � 318 MAD Operation with up to 583.00 �o Each MAD over 10 42.00 Music Machine 44.00 Amusement Rides to 10 301.00 Amusement Itides over 10 28.00 T. V. Units per location 28.00 331.05 Used Equipment Review Fee 42.00 341 Single Service Container 445.00 344 Pawn Shops 2,500.00 345 Transient Merchant 65.00 376.16 Taa�icab Driver Renewal 21.00 Taxicab Driver Duplicate 6.00 TaYicab Duplicate Plate 16.00 391 Soliciting Funds--Tag Days 21.00 401 Secondhand Dealer Motor 87.00 Vehicle Parts--second location 402 Temporary Gambling (3 21.00 types) 403 Bingo Halls 179.00 409.24(1) Gambling Manager 66.00 ii a �, q � � 2 � 5 0 0 10 11 12 13 14 15 L6'7 17 m 19 409.05(j) Gambling Location--A 66.00 409.05(j) Gambling Location--B 66.00 409.05(j) Gambling Location--C 66.00 409.04(g)(5) Modification of Pazking 375.00 357.03 Solid Waste Transfer Station 1,500.00 408 Recycling Processing Center 750.00 414 Massage Therapy-Practical 50.00 Examination Fee 414 Massage Therapy-Written 20.00 Examination Fee 429 Infectious Waste Processing 1,500.00 Facility 198 Keeping of Animal-Renewal 25.00 200.03 Dog License 10.00 Dog License--Senior Citizen 5.00 Dog License--Lifetime (with 30.00 Microchip) Dog License--Senior Citizen, 15.00 Lifetime (with Microchip) 200.05 Dog License--Duplicate 5.00 200.08 Impounding Fee 30.00 Boarding Fee--Per Day 7.00 Animal Adoption-St. Paul 42.00 Resident Animal Adoption- 200.00 Nonresident ���`���- iz 1 Animal-Institutional �69&9 200.00 Research Use 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 Section 2 ��.g\ This ordinance shall take effect and be in full force thirty (30) days following is passage, approval and publication. P1�Ri reu�n SEP 20 1997 Requested by Department of: Office of License, Inspections and Envi nmental Protection BY � � C��U��O�!'� By: App By: , � � roved by Mayo� � �LS ��'7 Form Approved by City A ey BY � / ✓✓v�--riGt- l/� il Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council �.,�1� ���r2 :a __'" By: 13 Adopted by Council: Date � ] Adopt�pn Certified by Council Secretary ��t-91�- DEP11R1MENTqFFlCE/COUNCIL DATE INITIATED 3?� 7 8 LIEP 7/15/199 EN SHEE CONTACT PERSON 8 PMONE INRIAIJOATE INITIAVDATE ENTDIRECTOR �CRYCAUNCIL Gar Pechmann - 266-9136 A��GN CITYATTORNEV �CffYCLERK MUST BE ON CAUNqL AGENDA eY (DAT� ROUTINGFOp OF � FlN. & MGT. SEflVICES �IF. ORDER AYOR (OR ASSISTANn � ASAP TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACT10N FEQUESTED: An ordinance to amend the fee schedule in Chapter 310 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, decreasing the Animal Institutional Research Use Fee. FECAMn�ENDA710NS: Approve (A) or Reject (a) pEHSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER TNE FOLLOWING QUEST�ONS: _ PLANNING COMMISSION _ CIVIL SERVIGE COMMISSION �� Has this personttirm ever worked untler a comrect for this tlepartment? _ qB CoMMI77EE YES NO — 2. Has this personRirm ever been a city employee? _ S7AFF — YES NO _ oiSrqlC7 CoURi _ 3. Does this person/firm possess a skill not normally possessed by any current city employee? SUPPORTSWHICHCOUNCILO&IECTIVE'+ YES NO Expiain al1 yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPOFTUNIN (Who, Whffi, When, Where, Why): The Animal Impound Cost study has revealed that the existing fee overstates the City's actual cost by 1007. ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: The proposed reduced fee will cover costs and reduce the number of animals euthanized by the City. DISADVANTAGES IFAPPROVED. Fewer unclaimed animals will be euthanized by the City DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: More unclaimed animals will be euthanized by the City. TOTAL AMOUNT OFTRANSAC710N $ COS7/REVENUE BUDGE7ED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO PUNDIfBG SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBEH FINANqAL INFORHSATIOM (EXPLAIN) OFFICE OF GCENSE, INSPECTIONS AND �� � Q�� ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION � Rober! Kessle�, Direnor CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Coleman, Afayor June 10, 1997 To: Fr: Re: Robert Kessler Troy Gilbertson ?CJ IAWRY PROFESSIONAL BUILDIA'G Suife 300 350 St Pe(er S/seet Sairst Paul. Minnesola 55102-I S/0 Animal Impounding and Adoption Costs Telephone: 6f 2-2b6-9090 Fouimile: 6JI-266-9099 6I2-266-9/14 With the help of Pete Kishel, I have completed the replication of the Animai Impound Cost study and confirmed the initial findings. The findings iliustrate that $210.07 is the actual cost of each impounded animal to the City. The cunent fee schedule distinguishes separate fees for Animal Adoption Resident ($42), Animal Adoption Nonresident ($200), and Animal Institutional Research Use ($400). It is my interpretation that the above services aze essentially the same service. While there does appear to be a supportable rational for the reduced fee for resident pet adoption, I find no justification for chazging twice actual cost for institutional use. - Animal Control is one of the basic services provided by local government, primarily due to the lack of interest and ability of the private sector to maintain similar services at comparable a cost. Presently, the City recovers about 20% of total Animal Control costs throueh user fees. and the remainder is subsidized by the City General Fund. However, the fact that the existing fee for institutional use is t�vice actuai cost is inappropriate. Therefore, it is my� recommendation that the 5400 Animal Institutionai use fee be reduced to $200. I have attached my findings and proposed legislation reducin, the fee from $400 to $200 and stand ready to address any questions you may have. � c: Council President Thune City Council Members Gary Pechmann, LIEP Deputy Director Animat Controi Staff ���; Animal Control Costs and Boarding Costs Cosb for Anlm�l Cont`oi Serv(cn un bc dhided lnto four uctloni ANmal Control, Pct ANmai Control, Boatding, and Ceneral ORice OpctaUons Mimal Cm4d Supxviwr Mimai Cantroi OI(icers Clerk-Typist@ Clerk-TypistG Custod�an SubTdal Safarres Frinpe Benefds Tatal SaUr�ec BOfi'Illllg GOlCI �K Wuf vfOSt COSLS relafing to the hautng, fced4�g and an otimpo�mded animatt DopG�t Mra • NumEm cRMYnaU �'naeuMea z Drys neie BoaMM Wf�. Tab� Boae0Yf0 Cwb /Tahl Dop-Gt Day, MnpouM C45b � Tad� MYnal WNd Gmt YTWI MYnab YnpounOeC Cmt / Gtl: MYnN Conirol Cmta /Tatll GCS (GOmW+MIb hrdtlpale0 d Mlmals �D�N�d) Fees Rofessimel5ervices PoWage Tebphone/ Communicalions Pat%i� Duptieatlng Duec Reyisiralion6 Fees Fira InswH�we Building Repeir Vehich Repair ORice eq. Repair Repait AlaiMenance Olhe! Refuse Sewer MiSC. SarviCes Plumbing Supplies Elaclrical5upplies JanNOrSupplies Hard+rare hbla Fuel Tires/ �u6es OiU Luhe Par15 Vehicle Epuipmant PaAS� Supplies Mediml 5uppiies ChemicaV Leb Satery Suppiies Special Suppiies Oft'ioe Accesso�ies Eleciriciy Gas Water BooW Periodical Newspaper Food/ Mimals Cblbing� unHOrtns Pholo Supplies Misc. Supplies Trucks/Vans Other S{»cialized Equipmenl Data Process HarM.are Totai Miu. Cosls Totai �s �n cm oen Tolai Dog-Cel Days Boatding CosUDaytAnimat Dops unpounded'% Cals impounded'96 Total Mimals impountletl Cost Per Impounded Animal MlmafCOntra Casts 525,229.00 5252.155.00 Sb.342.00 218,556.00 513,121A0 5315.403.00 S8G.735.W SW2.739.00 57,4a0.00 u.,00.00 31.545.00 570.00 3423.00 2180.00 S'105.00 SG0.00 5700.00 54.447.00 5120.00 57,366.00 31.340.00 516.00 S�ao.W 220.00 j40.00 5130.00 S2t0.00 58.715.00 u�.� S79.OD 53.150.00 S2D0.00 530.00 51.800.00 5200.00 59�7.00 5198.00 5484.W 34.3Y.00 5723.00 590.OD S53.o0 �.� Y2.400.00 5165.00 Y390.00 517.550.00 51,600.00 31.028.00 552.419.00 2�6.977.00 neo 6823 14603 STA9 2177 1554 3671 5738.10 Tofal Cails• 9561 Costl Cali 553.03 'Includas animals impounded antl compWin�s �.ro��, Corts 5�.205.00 SO.W Sb.342.00 52.651.00 527.106.00 540.304.W SN.084.00 557.388.00 N.OSO.00 S7ao.au 51,545.00 550.00 5423.00 �.W 367.00 5720.00 5250.00 S54.W 5120.00 31.822.00 52,680.OD 5960.OD 5600.00 5120.00 s100.00 33z5.a0 S2s0.00 51,245.00 S-0O.D� 571.00 5450.W 51 W.00 5120.00 57.800.00 Si W.00 5680.00 St98.00 52,905.00 5628.00 5739.00 290.00 553.00 $3.812.00 S8W.00 528.00 5390.W 21.650.00 58W.W 57.028.00 529.003.00 5109,394.00 q�.��a LIEP Animal Control Costs and Boarding Costs Anitnat Conhd Supervisor - Animal Contrd Officers Clerk-Typist III _ Clerk-Typist I� Custalian SudTofal SaWries Fringe Benefits Totai SaWries Fees Professional Servk.es Postage Telephawl Communications Parking Dupl'icating Dues Registrations Fees Fire Insurance 8uilding Repair VehiGe Repair Offiee eq. Repair Repair MaiMenance Other Refuse Sewer Misc. Services Piumbing Suppiies Electricai Suppiies Janitw Suppfies Hardware Nbtor Fuel Tires! lubes OiV Lube Parts Vehicie Equipment Parts! Suppiies Mediwt Supplies ChemicaV Lab Satety Supplies Special Supplies Offiee Accessories Electriciry Gas Water BooW Periodical Newspaper Food/ Animafs Cbthing/ uniforms PhWo Supplies Misc. Suppiies Trucksr Vans Other Speciaiized EquipmeM Data Process Hardware TWaI Misc. Costs Total Dog Days Ca[ Days 7otal Dog-Cat Days Generai Offiee! Oay! Animal Dogsimpounded'96 Cats impounded'96 Total Animals impounded Generai OKce E4.205-W 50.00 a,s.ozs.00 E76,821.00 56.560.W 546.671.00 Et 2,818.ao 559,429.00 t. �� :�• .� � . .. � �� . �. •.� �. . �. .� �• � �. � �� �. �� �� .. �. . �. ..� �• � �� . �. �. .� �. � r� . �� . �� � �. � �. �.. � �� � r� i �� . �. :• �� � �� .. .� r• �. � �� � �� :.� .� �� � �• :�� �. � �� �� 584,223.00 nao 6823 t4603 55.77 2117 5554 3671 Pest Control 58,410.00 238.786.00 SO.W 55.302W 36.560.W 559.058.00 516,241.00 575,299.00 .. .. �. . � � . �. � �. •• �. �� .� �� �� �� � . �� •� � .� � �� .�� �� ��.. .. .. � �. � �� ... �. :. .. �� •r� .� �� �� .. .. •a. •. •� �. � �� : �� . �� • �� •. �� .� �� �• �. :�. .. �r .� �� �� �� :�� �� � : .. . � �� 5122,639.00 � ! �q �� q����� Animal Controi Cast per Impounded Animal Bording' General Office Esfimated Administration per Animai Total Animal Control Cost per Impounded Animal ' Boarding Cost Calculated by Mulfiplying Boarding Cost per Day per Animai by Average Number of Days each Animal is impounded. $138.10 $41.20 $5.77 $25.00 $210.07 ��1 -�'1,��.. UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA Twzn Cities Campus Rese¢rch Animal Resowces Divrsion of Comparative Medicine Medical School Bax 3�! 420 Delawtue Street S.E. Nancy Anderson S�ute 310, City Hali 15 W. Kellogg St. Paul, MN 55102 Dear Ms. Anderson, Office Loc¢tion: B30� Phillips-Wnngensteen Building �!6 De[aware Street S.E. Minneapolis, MN55455 612-624-9I00 Fax: 672-625-7632 'Fhis letter is to inform the City Council that the University of Minnesota will be present and would like to address the Council during the public hearing of ordinance 97-912 from the LIEP Deparhnent. I will briefly describe the use of pound animals by the University and be available for questions. Sincerely, y�C.� l�XJt/t Q C nthia S. Gill tt, DVM Director, Research Animal Resources CSG:jmm g�lllleClettas9)J/3l/9l `�`�l - �\� ISSIIES REGARDING THE SALE OF POUND ANIMALS TO THE UNIVERSITY ETHICAL: The use of pound animals which are scheduled for euthanasia CONSERVES animal life_ If the University is allowed access to these animals which are unclaimed, unadopted and unwanted, then other animals purchased elsewhere do not have to be used. 2'he animals are used in important research and teaching activities that benefit human and animal health and medicine. Wtiy should they be killed at the pound when their last days could be oP use to society? PURPOSE: The original statute was enacted °TO PROMOTE SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH AND INSTRUCTION IH ANIMAL A2�ID PIIBLIC HEALTH BY MARING AVAILABLE TO EDUCATIONAL AND SCIENTIFIC INSTIT[J'YIONS, UNCLAIMED AND UNREDEEMED ANIMAI�S IMPOIINDED BY PUBLIC AUTHORITY IN ANIMAL POUNDS^ The University purchases pound animals to use in one day acute procedures durinq which the animals are completely anesthetized, a study is performed, and then the animal is euthanized by lethal injection without ever having awakened from the original anesthesia. The animal feels no more discomfort than from the lethal injection given at the pound to kill animals. HOW MANY ANIMALS DOES THE IINIVffi2SITY USE? From July '96 through Nov. '96 when the price was raised to $400, the U purcha5ed 40 dogs and 14 cats from the St. Paul city pound. Since then, we have purchased 11 dogs and no cats. The University can no longer afford to hold prospective pound animals in anticipation of an order but can only take animals for which there is an immediate need. IN WHAT RIND OF STUDSES ARE POUND ANIMI�LS USED? In the past year pound dogs have been used to study alternatives to surgery far prostate, liver and kidney tumors; as pancreas donors for transplant studies; and as models for understanding heart metabolism after heart injury. Cats have been used for improving methods of diagnosing stroke and for understanding crianges in brain processing after hearing loss. HOW CAN WE AVOID USING LOST PETS AS OPPOSED TO THE UNWANTED STf2AY AND ABANDONED ANIMALS TFII,T ARE MOST COMMONLY EDTHANIZED AT THE POUNDS? The Pound and the IIniversity use multiple chec3cs and balances to look for owners. We both utilize microchip scanners to look for identifying chips. The pound looks for license tags and address collars. The II looks for tattoos and utilizes the services of the National Dog Registry. Owners who bring in unwanted animals may indicate that they do not want the animal sold for research. BUT WHAT IF A WAN`PED PET IS SOLD BY THE POUND BEFORE THE OWNER CAN TRACR IT DOWN? Then the owner has at least five days before the U will utilize it and sometimes as much as 21 to 30 additional days to examine pound records and track the animal to the U where we will gladly return it to the pound for redemption by the owner. IF THE POUND DOES NOT SELL ANIMALS TO TFIE UNIVERSIT`!, ALL UNCLAIMBD UNADOPTED ANIMAI.5 WIIS, BE RILLED AT THE END OF THE FIVE DAY HOLDING PERIOD • 8-6-99-a cs� v`�'" G c°/l` ��� ANIMAL CONTR�L ���.��^(��w�,,,pl,-.�._ CAT IMPOUND REPOR \� SUPERVZSOR'5 REPORT , �S �� ,� �� � ANIMAL CONiROL � � � � 1 � SUPERVISOR REY RT CAT IHPOUI3D REPORT