97-222�L �S �"�' � � W "- ^� �4 p FJ i�. i'v �:��'`.-,d ORDINANCE CITY OF Presented By Referred To 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1Q 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 ;1 �2 3 4 5 i � Council Fi1e # 'l l � �� a ordinance # Green Sheet # �� NESOTA Committee: Date 7T ? ORDINANCE ADOPTING ZONING ORDINANCE AMENDMENTS RELATED TO THE TAOMAS DALE SMAI.L AREA PLAN AND 40 ACRE STUDY WFIEREAS, the Planning Commission has made a survey of the area of Saint Paul defined by University Avenue on the south, Western Avenue on the east, Victoria Street on the west and the Burlington Northern railroad tracks on the north, for the purpose of considering amendments to the Zoning Orclinance of the ciry, and has determined that the number of reals estate descriptions being affected by the proposed changes would render obtaining written consent impractical; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission, following a public heazing held far that purpose on November 22, 1996, recommended, on December 20, 1496, that the Zoning Ordinance be amended, and the City Council, having considered the report and recommendaflons of the Planning Commission, and having conducted a public heazing on the proposed Zoning Ordinance amendments, does hereby amend the Zoning Ordinance pursuant to the authority granted by and in accordance with the procedures set forth in Minnesota Statutes 462.357. The Council of the City of Saint Paul Does Ordain: SECTION 1 That the Council of the C3ty of Saint Paul does hereby amend the Saint Pau1 Zoning Ordinance by amending the zoning classifications for the following properties on the zoning maps of the City of Saint Paul, Sheet Nos. 11, 12, 19 and 20, as incorporated by reference in Secrion 60.301 ofthe Saint Paul Legislative Code: Rezone from RT-1 to R-4 i 2. 3. Lots 1-15 Block 4, Syndicate Number 1 Addition Lots 1-15 Block 3, Syndicate Number 1 Addition Lots 1-15 Block 2, Syndicate Number 1 Addition 505-507 North Avon (odd) 804-856 Sherburne (even) 499-505 North Grotto(odd) 750-798 Sherburne (even) 507 North St. Albans 500 North Grotto 686-730 Sherburne (even} 4. Lots 3-10 628-652 Sherburne (even} Block 1, Syndicate Number 1 Addition 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 �5 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 44 35 t6 7 8 5. Lots 1-8 Block 2, Subdivision of Block 13 Srinson's Division 6. Lots 1-15 Block 1, Michel's Subdivision of Block 14 of Stinson's Division 7. East 10 feet of Lot 20 and a11 of Lots 21-30 Block 15, Smith's Subdivision of Blocks 9, 1Q, 15 and 16 8. Ex S 56 5l10 feet, the E 38 4110 feet of Lat 17 and all of Lots 18-30 Block 16, Smith's Subdivision of Blocks 9, 10, 15 and 16 9. Lots 1-30 Chute Brothers Division Number 15 Addition to the City of St. Paul, Minn. 10. Lots 1-30 Chute Brothers Division Number 10 Addition to the City of St. Paul, Minn. 11. Lots 1-30 Chute Bmthers Division Number ? Addition to the City of St. Paul, Minn. 12. West 5 feet of Lot 4 and Lots 5-28 Chute Brothets Division Number 2 Addition to the City of St. Paul, Minn. 13. Lots 1-30 Block 1, Subdivision of Block 13, Stinson's Division 14. Lots 31-b0 Block 2, Michei's Subdivision of Block 14 of Stinson's Division 15. Lots 31-60 Block 15, 5mith's Subdivision of Blocks 9, 10, 15 and 16 562-590 Sherburne (even) 501 North Kent 500-558 Sherburne (even) 442-476 Sherbume (even) 368-432 Sherburne (even) 499 North Western 800-856 Charles (even) 803-857 Sherburne (odd) 537 North Grotto 750-796 Chazles (even) 743-797 Sherburne (odd) 533 North St. Aibans 686-738 Charles (even) 683-739 Sherburne (odd) 636-670 Chazles (even) 526-538 North St. Albans (even) 629-677 5herburne (odd) 519-527 North Kent (odd) 571-617 Sherburne (odd) 524-530 North Dale (even) 560-618 Chazles (even) 501-557 Sherbume (odd) 520-530 North Kent (even) 510-556 Charles (even) 529 North Mackubin 441-499 Sherburne (odd) 442-496 Chazles (even) 525-529 North Anmdel (odd) q�-aaa. 89 16. 90 91 92 93 17. 94 95 96 97 18. 98 99 100 19. 101 102 103 104 105 20. 1Q6 107 108 109 21. 110 111 112 113 22. 114 115 116 117 23. 118 119 120 121 24. 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 25. l29 30 31 32 33 34 SS 26. 6 7 8 Lots 31-60 Block 16, Smith's Subdivision of Blocks 9, 10, 15 and 16 Lots 1-3Q Block 4 Syndicate Number 2 Addition Lots 16-30 Block 3, Syndicate Number 2 Addition Lots 4-20 Joseph R. Weide's Rearrangement of the North 1 /z of Block 3 of Syndicate Number 2 Addition Lots 1-30 Block 2 Syndicate Number 2 Addition Lots 3-28 Block 1 Syndicate Number 2 Addition Lots 32-44 and 46-59 Block 12, Smith's Subdivision of Block 12, Stinson's Division of St. Paui, Minn. Lots i-30 Block 2, H.M. R.atuiey's Subdivision o£ Block i i, Stinson's Division to S�. Paul Lots 1-30 Block 10, Smith's Subdivision of Blocks 9, 10, 15, and 16 (Including Lots 1-12, Geo. H. Schickler's Addition to the City of St. Paul, Ramsey County, Minnesota) Lots i-30 Block 9, Smith's Subdivision of Blocks 9, 10, 15 and 16 (Including Lots 13-21, Geo. H. Schickler's Addition to the Ciry of St. Paul, Ramsey County, Minnesota) Lots 1-14 and 16-30 Chute Brothers Division Number 14 Addition to the City of St. Paul, Minn. 384-437 Sherburne (odd) 388-438 Chazles (even) 523-529 North Western (odd) 802-856 Edmund (even) 801-855 Charles (odd) 551 North Avon 743-799 Chazles (odd) 545 North Crrotto 758-796 Edmund (odd) 682-736 F,duiund (even) 558-560 North Grotto (even) 681-733 Charles (odd) 630-676 Edmund (even) 631-675 Charles (odd) 554 North St. Albans 56b-614 Edmund (even) 567-617 Charles (odd) 502-558 Edmund (even) 517-559 Charles (odd) 552 North Kent 450-496 Edmund (even) 443-499 Charles (odd) 557-569 North Aruudel (add) 390-436 Edmund (even) 389-435 Charles (odd) 543-567 North Western (odd) 554-558 North Anmdel (even) 802-858 Thomas (even) S76 North Victoria 807-855 Edmund (odd} � `"�°� � 139 27. 140 lA l 142 143 28. 144 145 lAf 147 148 29. 149 150 151 152 30. 153 154 155 156 157 158 31. 159 160 161 162 32. 163 164 16S 166 167 168 33. 169 170 i�i 172 173 34. 174 175 176 17? 35. 178 179 i80 81 82 36. 83 84 45 i6 37. 17 8 9 Lots 1-29 Chute Brothers Division Number 11 Addition to the City of St. Paul, Minn Lots 1-14, 16-30 and South 40 ft of Lot 15 Chute Srothers Division Numbex 6 Addition to the City of St. Paui, Miim. Lots 6-28 Chute Brothers Division Number 3 Addition to the City of St. Paul, Minn_ 595 North Grotto ?44-748 Thomas (even) 747-795 Edmund {odd) 680-734 Thomas (even) 588 North Grotto 681-739 Edmund (odd) 642-b78 Thomas (even) 629-679 Edmund (odd) Lots 1-14 562-b14 Thomas (even) Ex N 39 45/100 feet, E 35 feet of Lot 17 561-613 Edmund (odd) Lots 18-30 581 North Kent Block 12, Smith's Subdivision of Biock 12, Stinson's Division of 5t. Paul, Minn. Lots 1-30 Biock 1, H.M. Ranney's Subdivision of Block 11, Stinson's Division to St. Paul, Minn. Lots 31-60 Block 10, Smith's Subdivision of $locks 9, 10, 15 and 16 (Including Tams Rearrangement of Lots 59 and 60) Ex N 55 feet of Lots 59 and 60, Lots 31-60 Block 9, Smith's Subdivison of Blocks 9, 10, 15 and 16 Lots 1-16 and 17-30 Chute Brothers Division Number 13 Addition to the City of St. Paul, Minn. Lots 1-30 Cbute Brothers Division Number 12 Addition to the City of St. Paul, Minn. Lots 1-15 and 1?-30 Chute Brothers Division Number 5 Addition to the City of St. Paul, Minn. Lots 6-24 and West 25 ft of Lot 25 Chute Brothers Division Number 4 Addition to the City of St. Paul, Minn. 502-556 Thomas (even) 501-553 Edmund (odd) 591-595 North Mackubin (odd) 440-498 Thomas (even) 441-493 Edmund (odd) 584 North Mackubin 589-595 Anindel (odd) 437 Edmund 800-858 Lafond (even) 803-853 Thomas (odd) 742-776 Lafond (even) 618 North Avon 751-779 Thomas (odd) 605-613 North Grotto (odd) 619 North St Albans 686-738 Lafond (even) 683-733 Thomas (odd) 636-678 Lafond (even) 610 Norrh St. Albans 647-673 Thomas (odd) �� ��O'� 190 38. 191 192 193 194 195 196 39. 197 198 199 200 40. 201 202 203 204 205 206 41. 207 2Q8 209 210 211 42_ 212 213 214 43. 215 216 217 218 44. 219 220 221 45. 222 223 224 46. 225 226 227 228 229 47. 230 ?31 !32 33 34 48. 35 36 S7 8 9 Lots 1-13 East 35 feet of Lot 17 Lots 18-30 Block 2, MichePs Subdivision of Said Block 5, of Said Stinson's Addition Lots I-30 Block 6, Smith's Subdivision of Blocks 2,6,7 and 8 Lots 49-96 Block 7, B. Michei's Rearrangement of Block 7 and the South'/2 of Block 2 of Smith's Subdivision of Blocks 2,6,7 and 8 of Stinson's Division 574-608 Lafond (even) 561-615 Thomas (odd) 621-629 North Kent (odd) 550 Lafond 509 Thomas 607 North Mackubin 444-494 Lafond (even) 451-491 Thomas (odd) 614 North Mackubin 607 North Anuidel Lots i-13 382-434 Lafond (even) Ex North 58 5/10 feet of Lots 14 and 15 391-434 Thomas (odd) Lots 16-30 607-631 North Western (odd) Biock 8, Smith's Subdivision of Blocks 2,6,7 and 8 Lots 1-30 Biock 4, Syndicate Number 3 Addition 500-858 Blair (even) 801-857 Lafond (odd) Lot 1, West %2 of Lot 2, and Lots 4-30 Block 3, Syndicate Number 3 Addition Lots 1-30 Block 2, Syndicate Number 3 Addition Lots 3-28 Block 1, Syndicate Number 3 Addition Lots 1-13, 18-30 Block 1, Michel's Subdivision of Said Block 5, of Said Stinson's Addition (Inciuding Wesenberg's Rearrangement) Lots 31-60 Block 6, Smith's Subdivision of Blocks 2,b,7 and 8 Lots 1-48 Block 7, B. Michel's Rearrangement of Block 7 and the South'/2 of Block 2 of Smith's Subdivision of Blocks 2,6,7 and 8 of Stinson's Division 740 Blair 754-798 Blair (even) 743-199 Lafond (odd) 683-739 Lafond (odd) 682-?38 Blair (even) 630-674 Blair (even) 629-677 Lafond (odd) 564-608 Blair (even) 564-604 Lafond (odd) 633-643 North Kent (odd) 508-556 Blair (even) 501-559 Lafond (odd) 648 North Kent b39-651 North Mackubin (odd) 450-494 Blair (even) 449-495 L.afond (odd) 637-651 North Armidel (odd) ��-a� 240 49. 241 242 243 244 245 50. 246 247 248 249 51. 250 251 252 52. 253 254 255 256 53. 257 258 259 54. 260 261 262 263 264 55. 265 266 267 268 269 56. 270 271 272 273 274 275 57. 276 277 278 279 2$0 58. 281 282 283 59. Z84 ?85 ?86 '.87 60. 88 89 Lots 31-60 Block 8, Smith's Subdivision of Blocks 2,6,7 and 8 I,ots 1-30 Avon Street Addition to the Ciry of St. Paul Lots i-30 Cnotto Street Addition to the City of St. Pau1 Lots 1-30 St. Alban's Street Addition to the City of St. Paut Lots 4-28 Dale Street Addition ot the City of St. Paul Lots 1-13, 17-30 Ex N 40 feet, Lots 14 and 15 Block 2, Michel's Subdivision of Block 4, Stinson's Division I,ots 1-15 Block 3, Smith's Subdivision of Block 3 of Stinson's Division ofNW i/4, Sec. 36, T. 29, R. 23 West Lots i-48 Block 2, B. Michel's Rearrangement of Block ? and the South'/z of Block 2 of Smith's Subdivision of Blocks 2,6,7 and 8 of Stinson's Division I,ots 31-60 Block 1, Johnstone's Subdivision of Block 1 of Stinson's Division ofNW 1/4 of Section 36, Town 29, Range 23 Lots 1-30 Block 4, Syndicate Number 4 Addition Lots 1-30 Block 3, Syndicate Number 4 Addition Including Haas Addition Lots 1-30 Block 2, Syndicate Number 4 Addition 396-438 Blair (even) 393-439 Lafond (odd} 638-644 North Anmdel (even) 631-659 North Westem 679 North Avon 806-854 Van Buren 803-855 Blair (odd) 742-796 Van Buren (even) 741-795 Blair (odd) 681 North St. Alban's 684-738 Van Buren (even) 683-737 Blair(odd) 634-674 Van Buren (even) 631-677 Blair (odd) 560-610 Van Buren (even) 569-613 Blair (odd) 680-682 Nofth Dale (even) 661-6?7 North Kent (odd) SO1-559 Blair (odd) 442-496 Van Buren (even) 443-497 Blair (odd) 388-432 Van Bwen (evea) 399-429 Blaix (odd) 666-678 North Anuidel (even) 661-687 North Western (odd) 800-852 West Minnehaha (even) 803-859 Van Buren (odd) 7Q7 North Grotto 746-798 West Minnehaha (even) 741-749 Van Buren (odd) 680-736 West Minnehaha (even) 681-737 Van Buren (odd) q`� -� a- 290 &1. Lots 6-28 291 Block 1, Syndicate Number 4 Addition 292 293 294 62. Lots 17-30 295 Block 1, Michel's Subdivision of Blook 4, 296 Stinson's Division 29� 640-678 West Minnehaha (even) ?00 North St. Alban's 631-671 Van Buren (odd) 561-613 Van Buren (odd) 7Q7 North Kent 298 63. Lots 31-45 441-499 Van Buren (odd) 299 Block 2, Smith's Subdivision of Blocks 2,6,7 and 8 300 301 64. Lots 1630 302 Biock l, Johnstone's Subdivision of 303 Block 1 of Stinson's Division of the NW i!4 304 of Section 36, Town 29, Range 23 305 306 65. Lots 1-10 and East 15 feet of Lot 11 307 East 5.4 feet of Lot 19 and a11 of Lots 20-30 308 Block 7, Winter's Addition to St. Paul 309 310 66. Lots 1-30 311 Block 1, Winter's Addition to St. Paul 312 313 314 67. Lots 1-11 315 Block 6, Winter's Addition to St. Faul 316 317 68. L,oCs 1-15 318 Biock 2, Winter's Addition to St. Paul 319 320 69. Subj to Northern Rte Sts and Alleys 321 accruing as vacated in TS Doc 4105$9 322 and others and fol lots 9 t2�ru 22 Biock 13; 323 lots 9 thru 22 Block 16; and a11 of Blocks 324 14 and 1 S, Butterfield Syndicate Addition 325 Number 2 326 327 Rewne from B-2 to R-4 328 70. Lot 45 329 Block 12, Smith's Subdivision of Block 330 12, Stinson's Division of St. Paul, Minn. t31 32 71. Lots 15 and 16 33 N 39 45/100 and W 5 feet of Lot 17 34 Block 12, Smith's Subdivision of Block 35 12, Stinson's Division of St. Paul, Minn. i6 7 72. W 5 feet of Lot 1 � and all of Lot 16 8 Block 2, Michel's Subdivision of Said 9 Block 5, of Said Stinson's Addition � 395-437 Van Buren (odd) 693-701 North Western (odd) 805-837 West Minnehaha (odd) 500-842 Engiewood (even) 725 North Crrotto 749-799 West Minnehaha (odd) 742-798 Englewood (even) 803-843 Englewood (odd) 759 North Grotto 743-799 Englewood (odd) 685 West Minnehaha 616 Edmund 572-600 North Dale (even) 602 North Dale q�-aaa- 341 73. N 40 feet of Lots 14 and 15 342 Block 2, Michel's Subdivision of Block 4, 343 Stinson's Addifion 344 345 74. Lot16 34b Block 1, MichePs Subdivision of Block 4, 347 Stinson's Addition 348 349 75. N 55 feet of Lots 59 and 60 350 Block 9, Smith's Subdivision of Blocks 351 9, 10, 15 and 16 352 353 Rezone from RM-2 to B-2 354 16. Lots 29 and 3Q 355 Chute Bmthers Divisian No. 2 Addition 356 to the City of St. Pau1, Minn. 357 358 Rezone from P-1 to R-4 359 77. Lot16 360 Block 2, Michel's Subdivision of Block 4, 361 Stinson's Division 362 363 Rewne from RT-1 to B-2 3b4 78. N 48 S/I O feet of Lots 29 and 3Q 365 Block 1, Syndicate No. 2 Addition 366 367 19. S 84 5l10 feet of Lots 1 and 2 368 Block 1, Syndicate No. 2 Addition 369 370 80. N 50 feet of Lots 29 and 30 371 Block 1, Syndicate No. 3 Addition 372 373 81. S 97 feet of Lots 1 and 2 374 Block 1, Syndicate No. 3 Addition 375 376 82. Ex East S feet of South 47 feet, Lot 29 37? Ex South 47 feet, Lot 30 378 Dale Street Addition 379 380 Rezone from B-3 to B-2 381 83. Ex N SQ feet of Lots 29 and 30 �82 Biock 1, Syndicate No. 3 Addition 83 84 84. N 27 5l10 feet of Lots 1 and 2 85 Block 1, Syndicate No. 3 Addition 3b i7 85. S 47 feet of E 8 feet of Lot 29 �g S 47 feet of Lot 30 9 Dale Street Addition 0 640 North Da1e 437 Edmund 515 North Da1e Blair Avenue at Da1e Street 541 North Da1e 557-561 North Dale (odd) 639 North Dale 649-657 North Dale (odd) 627 Blair 665-673 North Dale (odd) 631 North Dale 654 North Dale 661 North Dale q�-aaa 391 Rezone from B-3 to R-4 392 86. I,ots 14 and 15 343 Block 2, Michel's Subdivision of Said 394 Block 5, of Said 5tinson's Addition 395 396 87. Lots 14-17 397 Block 1, Michel's Subdivision of Said 398 Block 5, of Said Stinson's Addition 399 400 Rezone from B-2 to RM-2 441 88. Lots 12-15 402 Block 1, Michel's Subdivision of Block 4, 4Q3 Stinson's Division 404 4Q5 Rezone from RM-2 to R-4 406 89. Lots 16-30 407 Block 3, Smith's Subdivision of Block 3 408 of Stinson's Division ofNW 1/4, Sec. 36, 404 t. 29, R. 23 West 410 4ll �ezone from RT-1 to RM-2 412 90. Lots 1-15 413 Block 1, Johnstone's Subdivision of Block 1 414 of Stinson's Division of NW 114 of Section 415 36, Town 29, Range 23 416 417 Rezone from I-2 to I-1 418 91. BN Properry Between Da1e Street and 419 Arundal, South of the railroad tracks aad 420 described by the following Property 421 Identification Numbers: 422 25-29-23-33-0005 423 25-29-23-33-0010 424 25-29-23-33-0012 425 25-29-23-33-0013 426 25-29-23-34-0006 427 25-29-23-34-0016 428 429 92. Blocks 2 and 3 430 Neurer's Addition 431 630 North Dale 650 North Dale Lafond Avenue at Dale Street �10 North Dale W. Minnehaha at Dale Street 500-554 Van Buren (even) 6'78 North Kent 388-436 West Minnehaha (even) 475-619 West Minnehaha (odd) 388 Como q�-3aa 432 Y SECTION 2 ��_ a �� 433 That the Council of the City of Saint Paut does hereby amend Section 62.102 (e) of the Saint Paul Zoning 434 Ordinance to add the following: 435 436 In an.y residential district an e�cistin� second dwelline on a �ingle lot may be reconstructed nrovided 437 that the number of total dwellin¢ units on the lot is not increased The structure mav not be sfrur.mrally 438 enlarged or ea�tended. 439 440 441 SBCTION 3 442 This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days from and after its passage, approval and 443 publication. PI(RI(QRRn ° :` ! �: ... �� �F� . _� L661 Q�C J,tlW +sanai IGi td Requested by Department of: By: a cono ic Dev o m nt By: � �% ��2� 6 ' Form Approved by City Attorney g �����^ �'`�� ! / Approved by Mayor: Date GLw' Approved�yor for Submission to Council � � $Y; � �i" `,--f� 1� Adoption Certi£ied by Council Secretary 9'1 -�.�.a. �8��5 TOTAL # OF SiGNATURE 1 t97 GREEN S T IN MITIAUDATE �DEPAR'fMENTDIRECTOR INCOUNpL � CIN ATTORNEV CRY CLERK � BUIX'iET DIFECTOfl � FIM. & MGT, SERVICE3 DIR. � � MAVDR (OR ASSi51ANn � ,�!Fo�d. � ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) Adopt amendments to the Zoning Code related to the Thomas Date Smcrlt Area Plan and Forty Acre Stzaly. RE Approve (A) or fleject (R) pER50NAt SEHVICE CONTHACTS MUST ANSWEH THE FOLLOWING WIESTIONS: �[ PLANNING COMMlSS10N _ qV1l SERVICE CQMMISSION �� Has this pereon/firm ever worketl untler a comract tor this tlepartmerrY? _ CIB CAMMiTiEE _ YES 'NO /� �� _ 2. Haz this perSOnHirm ever bean a ciry employee? — �F YES NO _ D�STFliC7 COUFr — 3. �oas tPus person/firm possess a skill not normally possessed by any current city employee? SUPPORTSWHICHCOUNCILO&IECtYVE? YES NO ����� Ezplatn all yea answers oe separate sheet antl attaeh to gresn sheet INITIATIN6 PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNYIY lN'ho. Whffi, When, Where, Why). The 773omas Dade Smatl Area Ptan calls for a residential density level more consistent with the existing housing stock. The proposed rezonings will curtail the conversion of existing single family homes to duplexes. In addition, they wfll provide for a continuous commercial strip on the west side of Dale Street and neighborhood scale industrial uses along Minnehaha Avenue at the Dale Street Shops site. ��. � �;.,. :.._ „ The azea's zoning would be consistent with the comprehensiee p1an for the community. �'' " - JAN 2? 1°Q7 None apparent. �ouncil Research Center �=-=� 2� 1997 The conversion of single family homes would continue. Higher intensity industrial uses could locate adjacent to a residential community on Minnehaha. 'aTAL AMaUNT OF TRANSACTION $ COSVREYENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO UNDI[dG SQUHCE ACTIVITY NUMBER VANCIAL WFOflN7ATION: l���N) q � - �.�. �.- city of saint paul pfanning commission resolution file number g6-7$ �t�] December 26, 1996 RESOLUTION ADOPTING THE THQMAS DALE FORTY ACRE STUDY WHEREAS, the Planning Commission is authorized under Minnesota Statues Section 462.357(5) and Chapter 64,400 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code to initiate a 40-acre study for the purpose of amending the Zoning Code; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commissio� on November 9, 1996 initiated a forty acre study for the purposes of implementing amendments to Chapters 60 and 61 of the Saint Paul Legislative Gode recommended in the Thomas Date Smali Area Plan that was under review by the Commission at the time; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission heid a public hearing on the Thomas Dale Small Area Plan and ForfyAcre Study on November 22, 1996, notice of which was duly given in the Saint Paul Pioneer Press on November 7, 1996, November 14, 1996 and November 21, 1996; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission, in accordance with state statutes, has determined that: 1. The study area is at least 40 acres in size. 2. The number of real estate descriptions affected by the amendments renders the obtaining of written consent impractical. 3. The propased amendments are related to the overail needs of the community, to existing land use or to plans for future land use, as described in the Thomas Dale SmatlArea Plan and FortyAcre Study. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Planning Commission hereby recommends adoption of the Zoning Code amendments proposed in the Thomas Dale Smal! Area Plan and Forty Acre Study and directs the Planning Administrator to forward the study and this resolution to the Mayor and Cifij Gouncii for their review and adoption. moved by �isser seconded by in favor Un��us against �L �S �"�' � � W "- ^� �4 p FJ i�. i'v �:��'`.-,d ORDINANCE CITY OF Presented By Referred To 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1Q 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 ;1 �2 3 4 5 i � Council Fi1e # 'l l � �� a ordinance # Green Sheet # �� NESOTA Committee: Date 7T ? ORDINANCE ADOPTING ZONING ORDINANCE AMENDMENTS RELATED TO THE TAOMAS DALE SMAI.L AREA PLAN AND 40 ACRE STUDY WFIEREAS, the Planning Commission has made a survey of the area of Saint Paul defined by University Avenue on the south, Western Avenue on the east, Victoria Street on the west and the Burlington Northern railroad tracks on the north, for the purpose of considering amendments to the Zoning Orclinance of the ciry, and has determined that the number of reals estate descriptions being affected by the proposed changes would render obtaining written consent impractical; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission, following a public heazing held far that purpose on November 22, 1996, recommended, on December 20, 1496, that the Zoning Ordinance be amended, and the City Council, having considered the report and recommendaflons of the Planning Commission, and having conducted a public heazing on the proposed Zoning Ordinance amendments, does hereby amend the Zoning Ordinance pursuant to the authority granted by and in accordance with the procedures set forth in Minnesota Statutes 462.357. The Council of the City of Saint Paul Does Ordain: SECTION 1 That the Council of the C3ty of Saint Paul does hereby amend the Saint Pau1 Zoning Ordinance by amending the zoning classifications for the following properties on the zoning maps of the City of Saint Paul, Sheet Nos. 11, 12, 19 and 20, as incorporated by reference in Secrion 60.301 ofthe Saint Paul Legislative Code: Rezone from RT-1 to R-4 i 2. 3. Lots 1-15 Block 4, Syndicate Number 1 Addition Lots 1-15 Block 3, Syndicate Number 1 Addition Lots 1-15 Block 2, Syndicate Number 1 Addition 505-507 North Avon (odd) 804-856 Sherburne (even) 499-505 North Grotto(odd) 750-798 Sherburne (even) 507 North St. Albans 500 North Grotto 686-730 Sherburne (even} 4. Lots 3-10 628-652 Sherburne (even} Block 1, Syndicate Number 1 Addition 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 �5 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 44 35 t6 7 8 5. Lots 1-8 Block 2, Subdivision of Block 13 Srinson's Division 6. Lots 1-15 Block 1, Michel's Subdivision of Block 14 of Stinson's Division 7. East 10 feet of Lot 20 and a11 of Lots 21-30 Block 15, Smith's Subdivision of Blocks 9, 1Q, 15 and 16 8. Ex S 56 5l10 feet, the E 38 4110 feet of Lat 17 and all of Lots 18-30 Block 16, Smith's Subdivision of Blocks 9, 10, 15 and 16 9. Lots 1-30 Chute Brothers Division Number 15 Addition to the City of St. Paul, Minn. 10. Lots 1-30 Chute Brothers Division Number 10 Addition to the City of St. Paul, Minn. 11. Lots 1-30 Chute Bmthers Division Number ? Addition to the City of St. Paul, Minn. 12. West 5 feet of Lot 4 and Lots 5-28 Chute Brothets Division Number 2 Addition to the City of St. Paul, Minn. 13. Lots 1-30 Block 1, Subdivision of Block 13, Stinson's Division 14. Lots 31-b0 Block 2, Michei's Subdivision of Block 14 of Stinson's Division 15. Lots 31-60 Block 15, 5mith's Subdivision of Blocks 9, 10, 15 and 16 562-590 Sherburne (even) 501 North Kent 500-558 Sherburne (even) 442-476 Sherbume (even) 368-432 Sherburne (even) 499 North Western 800-856 Charles (even) 803-857 Sherburne (odd) 537 North Grotto 750-796 Chazles (even) 743-797 Sherburne (odd) 533 North St. Aibans 686-738 Charles (even) 683-739 Sherburne (odd) 636-670 Chazles (even) 526-538 North St. Albans (even) 629-677 5herburne (odd) 519-527 North Kent (odd) 571-617 Sherburne (odd) 524-530 North Dale (even) 560-618 Chazles (even) 501-557 Sherbume (odd) 520-530 North Kent (even) 510-556 Charles (even) 529 North Mackubin 441-499 Sherburne (odd) 442-496 Chazles (even) 525-529 North Anmdel (odd) q�-aaa. 89 16. 90 91 92 93 17. 94 95 96 97 18. 98 99 100 19. 101 102 103 104 105 20. 1Q6 107 108 109 21. 110 111 112 113 22. 114 115 116 117 23. 118 119 120 121 24. 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 25. l29 30 31 32 33 34 SS 26. 6 7 8 Lots 31-60 Block 16, Smith's Subdivision of Blocks 9, 10, 15 and 16 Lots 1-3Q Block 4 Syndicate Number 2 Addition Lots 16-30 Block 3, Syndicate Number 2 Addition Lots 4-20 Joseph R. Weide's Rearrangement of the North 1 /z of Block 3 of Syndicate Number 2 Addition Lots 1-30 Block 2 Syndicate Number 2 Addition Lots 3-28 Block 1 Syndicate Number 2 Addition Lots 32-44 and 46-59 Block 12, Smith's Subdivision of Block 12, Stinson's Division of St. Paui, Minn. Lots i-30 Block 2, H.M. R.atuiey's Subdivision o£ Block i i, Stinson's Division to S�. Paul Lots 1-30 Block 10, Smith's Subdivision of Blocks 9, 10, 15, and 16 (Including Lots 1-12, Geo. H. Schickler's Addition to the City of St. Paul, Ramsey County, Minnesota) Lots i-30 Block 9, Smith's Subdivision of Blocks 9, 10, 15 and 16 (Including Lots 13-21, Geo. H. Schickler's Addition to the Ciry of St. Paul, Ramsey County, Minnesota) Lots 1-14 and 16-30 Chute Brothers Division Number 14 Addition to the City of St. Paul, Minn. 384-437 Sherburne (odd) 388-438 Chazles (even) 523-529 North Western (odd) 802-856 Edmund (even) 801-855 Charles (odd) 551 North Avon 743-799 Chazles (odd) 545 North Crrotto 758-796 Edmund (odd) 682-736 F,duiund (even) 558-560 North Grotto (even) 681-733 Charles (odd) 630-676 Edmund (even) 631-675 Charles (odd) 554 North St. Albans 56b-614 Edmund (even) 567-617 Charles (odd) 502-558 Edmund (even) 517-559 Charles (odd) 552 North Kent 450-496 Edmund (even) 443-499 Charles (odd) 557-569 North Aruudel (add) 390-436 Edmund (even) 389-435 Charles (odd) 543-567 North Western (odd) 554-558 North Anmdel (even) 802-858 Thomas (even) S76 North Victoria 807-855 Edmund (odd} � `"�°� � 139 27. 140 lA l 142 143 28. 144 145 lAf 147 148 29. 149 150 151 152 30. 153 154 155 156 157 158 31. 159 160 161 162 32. 163 164 16S 166 167 168 33. 169 170 i�i 172 173 34. 174 175 176 17? 35. 178 179 i80 81 82 36. 83 84 45 i6 37. 17 8 9 Lots 1-29 Chute Brothers Division Number 11 Addition to the City of St. Paul, Minn Lots 1-14, 16-30 and South 40 ft of Lot 15 Chute Srothers Division Numbex 6 Addition to the City of St. Paui, Miim. Lots 6-28 Chute Brothers Division Number 3 Addition to the City of St. Paul, Minn_ 595 North Grotto ?44-748 Thomas (even) 747-795 Edmund {odd) 680-734 Thomas (even) 588 North Grotto 681-739 Edmund (odd) 642-b78 Thomas (even) 629-679 Edmund (odd) Lots 1-14 562-b14 Thomas (even) Ex N 39 45/100 feet, E 35 feet of Lot 17 561-613 Edmund (odd) Lots 18-30 581 North Kent Block 12, Smith's Subdivision of Biock 12, Stinson's Division of 5t. Paul, Minn. Lots 1-30 Biock 1, H.M. Ranney's Subdivision of Block 11, Stinson's Division to St. Paul, Minn. Lots 31-60 Block 10, Smith's Subdivision of $locks 9, 10, 15 and 16 (Including Tams Rearrangement of Lots 59 and 60) Ex N 55 feet of Lots 59 and 60, Lots 31-60 Block 9, Smith's Subdivison of Blocks 9, 10, 15 and 16 Lots 1-16 and 17-30 Chute Brothers Division Number 13 Addition to the City of St. Paul, Minn. Lots 1-30 Cbute Brothers Division Number 12 Addition to the City of St. Paul, Minn. Lots 1-15 and 1?-30 Chute Brothers Division Number 5 Addition to the City of St. Paul, Minn. Lots 6-24 and West 25 ft of Lot 25 Chute Brothers Division Number 4 Addition to the City of St. Paul, Minn. 502-556 Thomas (even) 501-553 Edmund (odd) 591-595 North Mackubin (odd) 440-498 Thomas (even) 441-493 Edmund (odd) 584 North Mackubin 589-595 Anindel (odd) 437 Edmund 800-858 Lafond (even) 803-853 Thomas (odd) 742-776 Lafond (even) 618 North Avon 751-779 Thomas (odd) 605-613 North Grotto (odd) 619 North St Albans 686-738 Lafond (even) 683-733 Thomas (odd) 636-678 Lafond (even) 610 Norrh St. Albans 647-673 Thomas (odd) �� ��O'� 190 38. 191 192 193 194 195 196 39. 197 198 199 200 40. 201 202 203 204 205 206 41. 207 2Q8 209 210 211 42_ 212 213 214 43. 215 216 217 218 44. 219 220 221 45. 222 223 224 46. 225 226 227 228 229 47. 230 ?31 !32 33 34 48. 35 36 S7 8 9 Lots 1-13 East 35 feet of Lot 17 Lots 18-30 Block 2, MichePs Subdivision of Said Block 5, of Said Stinson's Addition Lots I-30 Block 6, Smith's Subdivision of Blocks 2,6,7 and 8 Lots 49-96 Block 7, B. Michei's Rearrangement of Block 7 and the South'/2 of Block 2 of Smith's Subdivision of Blocks 2,6,7 and 8 of Stinson's Division 574-608 Lafond (even) 561-615 Thomas (odd) 621-629 North Kent (odd) 550 Lafond 509 Thomas 607 North Mackubin 444-494 Lafond (even) 451-491 Thomas (odd) 614 North Mackubin 607 North Anuidel Lots i-13 382-434 Lafond (even) Ex North 58 5/10 feet of Lots 14 and 15 391-434 Thomas (odd) Lots 16-30 607-631 North Western (odd) Biock 8, Smith's Subdivision of Blocks 2,6,7 and 8 Lots 1-30 Biock 4, Syndicate Number 3 Addition 500-858 Blair (even) 801-857 Lafond (odd) Lot 1, West %2 of Lot 2, and Lots 4-30 Block 3, Syndicate Number 3 Addition Lots 1-30 Block 2, Syndicate Number 3 Addition Lots 3-28 Block 1, Syndicate Number 3 Addition Lots 1-13, 18-30 Block 1, Michel's Subdivision of Said Block 5, of Said Stinson's Addition (Inciuding Wesenberg's Rearrangement) Lots 31-60 Block 6, Smith's Subdivision of Blocks 2,b,7 and 8 Lots 1-48 Block 7, B. Michel's Rearrangement of Block 7 and the South'/2 of Block 2 of Smith's Subdivision of Blocks 2,6,7 and 8 of Stinson's Division 740 Blair 754-798 Blair (even) 743-199 Lafond (odd) 683-739 Lafond (odd) 682-?38 Blair (even) 630-674 Blair (even) 629-677 Lafond (odd) 564-608 Blair (even) 564-604 Lafond (odd) 633-643 North Kent (odd) 508-556 Blair (even) 501-559 Lafond (odd) 648 North Kent b39-651 North Mackubin (odd) 450-494 Blair (even) 449-495 L.afond (odd) 637-651 North Armidel (odd) ��-a� 240 49. 241 242 243 244 245 50. 246 247 248 249 51. 250 251 252 52. 253 254 255 256 53. 257 258 259 54. 260 261 262 263 264 55. 265 266 267 268 269 56. 270 271 272 273 274 275 57. 276 277 278 279 2$0 58. 281 282 283 59. Z84 ?85 ?86 '.87 60. 88 89 Lots 31-60 Block 8, Smith's Subdivision of Blocks 2,6,7 and 8 I,ots 1-30 Avon Street Addition to the Ciry of St. Paul Lots i-30 Cnotto Street Addition to the City of St. Pau1 Lots 1-30 St. Alban's Street Addition to the City of St. Paut Lots 4-28 Dale Street Addition ot the City of St. Paul Lots 1-13, 17-30 Ex N 40 feet, Lots 14 and 15 Block 2, Michel's Subdivision of Block 4, Stinson's Division I,ots 1-15 Block 3, Smith's Subdivision of Block 3 of Stinson's Division ofNW i/4, Sec. 36, T. 29, R. 23 West Lots i-48 Block 2, B. Michel's Rearrangement of Block ? and the South'/z of Block 2 of Smith's Subdivision of Blocks 2,6,7 and 8 of Stinson's Division I,ots 31-60 Block 1, Johnstone's Subdivision of Block 1 of Stinson's Division ofNW 1/4 of Section 36, Town 29, Range 23 Lots 1-30 Block 4, Syndicate Number 4 Addition Lots 1-30 Block 3, Syndicate Number 4 Addition Including Haas Addition Lots 1-30 Block 2, Syndicate Number 4 Addition 396-438 Blair (even) 393-439 Lafond (odd} 638-644 North Anmdel (even) 631-659 North Westem 679 North Avon 806-854 Van Buren 803-855 Blair (odd) 742-796 Van Buren (even) 741-795 Blair (odd) 681 North St. Alban's 684-738 Van Buren (even) 683-737 Blair(odd) 634-674 Van Buren (even) 631-677 Blair (odd) 560-610 Van Buren (even) 569-613 Blair (odd) 680-682 Nofth Dale (even) 661-6?7 North Kent (odd) SO1-559 Blair (odd) 442-496 Van Buren (even) 443-497 Blair (odd) 388-432 Van Bwen (evea) 399-429 Blaix (odd) 666-678 North Anuidel (even) 661-687 North Western (odd) 800-852 West Minnehaha (even) 803-859 Van Buren (odd) 7Q7 North Grotto 746-798 West Minnehaha (even) 741-749 Van Buren (odd) 680-736 West Minnehaha (even) 681-737 Van Buren (odd) q`� -� a- 290 &1. Lots 6-28 291 Block 1, Syndicate Number 4 Addition 292 293 294 62. Lots 17-30 295 Block 1, Michel's Subdivision of Blook 4, 296 Stinson's Division 29� 640-678 West Minnehaha (even) ?00 North St. Alban's 631-671 Van Buren (odd) 561-613 Van Buren (odd) 7Q7 North Kent 298 63. Lots 31-45 441-499 Van Buren (odd) 299 Block 2, Smith's Subdivision of Blocks 2,6,7 and 8 300 301 64. Lots 1630 302 Biock l, Johnstone's Subdivision of 303 Block 1 of Stinson's Division of the NW i!4 304 of Section 36, Town 29, Range 23 305 306 65. Lots 1-10 and East 15 feet of Lot 11 307 East 5.4 feet of Lot 19 and a11 of Lots 20-30 308 Block 7, Winter's Addition to St. Paul 309 310 66. Lots 1-30 311 Block 1, Winter's Addition to St. Paul 312 313 314 67. Lots 1-11 315 Block 6, Winter's Addition to St. Faul 316 317 68. L,oCs 1-15 318 Biock 2, Winter's Addition to St. Paul 319 320 69. Subj to Northern Rte Sts and Alleys 321 accruing as vacated in TS Doc 4105$9 322 and others and fol lots 9 t2�ru 22 Biock 13; 323 lots 9 thru 22 Block 16; and a11 of Blocks 324 14 and 1 S, Butterfield Syndicate Addition 325 Number 2 326 327 Rewne from B-2 to R-4 328 70. Lot 45 329 Block 12, Smith's Subdivision of Block 330 12, Stinson's Division of St. Paul, Minn. t31 32 71. Lots 15 and 16 33 N 39 45/100 and W 5 feet of Lot 17 34 Block 12, Smith's Subdivision of Block 35 12, Stinson's Division of St. Paul, Minn. i6 7 72. W 5 feet of Lot 1 � and all of Lot 16 8 Block 2, Michel's Subdivision of Said 9 Block 5, of Said Stinson's Addition � 395-437 Van Buren (odd) 693-701 North Western (odd) 805-837 West Minnehaha (odd) 500-842 Engiewood (even) 725 North Crrotto 749-799 West Minnehaha (odd) 742-798 Englewood (even) 803-843 Englewood (odd) 759 North Grotto 743-799 Englewood (odd) 685 West Minnehaha 616 Edmund 572-600 North Dale (even) 602 North Dale q�-aaa- 341 73. N 40 feet of Lots 14 and 15 342 Block 2, Michel's Subdivision of Block 4, 343 Stinson's Addifion 344 345 74. Lot16 34b Block 1, MichePs Subdivision of Block 4, 347 Stinson's Addition 348 349 75. N 55 feet of Lots 59 and 60 350 Block 9, Smith's Subdivision of Blocks 351 9, 10, 15 and 16 352 353 Rezone from RM-2 to B-2 354 16. Lots 29 and 3Q 355 Chute Bmthers Divisian No. 2 Addition 356 to the City of St. Pau1, Minn. 357 358 Rezone from P-1 to R-4 359 77. Lot16 360 Block 2, Michel's Subdivision of Block 4, 361 Stinson's Division 362 363 Rewne from RT-1 to B-2 3b4 78. N 48 S/I O feet of Lots 29 and 3Q 365 Block 1, Syndicate No. 2 Addition 366 367 19. S 84 5l10 feet of Lots 1 and 2 368 Block 1, Syndicate No. 2 Addition 369 370 80. N 50 feet of Lots 29 and 30 371 Block 1, Syndicate No. 3 Addition 372 373 81. S 97 feet of Lots 1 and 2 374 Block 1, Syndicate No. 3 Addition 375 376 82. Ex East S feet of South 47 feet, Lot 29 37? Ex South 47 feet, Lot 30 378 Dale Street Addition 379 380 Rezone from B-3 to B-2 381 83. Ex N SQ feet of Lots 29 and 30 �82 Biock 1, Syndicate No. 3 Addition 83 84 84. N 27 5l10 feet of Lots 1 and 2 85 Block 1, Syndicate No. 3 Addition 3b i7 85. S 47 feet of E 8 feet of Lot 29 �g S 47 feet of Lot 30 9 Dale Street Addition 0 640 North Da1e 437 Edmund 515 North Da1e Blair Avenue at Da1e Street 541 North Da1e 557-561 North Dale (odd) 639 North Dale 649-657 North Dale (odd) 627 Blair 665-673 North Dale (odd) 631 North Dale 654 North Dale 661 North Dale q�-aaa 391 Rezone from B-3 to R-4 392 86. I,ots 14 and 15 343 Block 2, Michel's Subdivision of Said 394 Block 5, of Said 5tinson's Addition 395 396 87. Lots 14-17 397 Block 1, Michel's Subdivision of Said 398 Block 5, of Said Stinson's Addition 399 400 Rezone from B-2 to RM-2 441 88. Lots 12-15 402 Block 1, Michel's Subdivision of Block 4, 4Q3 Stinson's Division 404 4Q5 Rezone from RM-2 to R-4 406 89. Lots 16-30 407 Block 3, Smith's Subdivision of Block 3 408 of Stinson's Division ofNW 1/4, Sec. 36, 404 t. 29, R. 23 West 410 4ll �ezone from RT-1 to RM-2 412 90. Lots 1-15 413 Block 1, Johnstone's Subdivision of Block 1 414 of Stinson's Division of NW 114 of Section 415 36, Town 29, Range 23 416 417 Rezone from I-2 to I-1 418 91. BN Properry Between Da1e Street and 419 Arundal, South of the railroad tracks aad 420 described by the following Property 421 Identification Numbers: 422 25-29-23-33-0005 423 25-29-23-33-0010 424 25-29-23-33-0012 425 25-29-23-33-0013 426 25-29-23-34-0006 427 25-29-23-34-0016 428 429 92. Blocks 2 and 3 430 Neurer's Addition 431 630 North Dale 650 North Dale Lafond Avenue at Dale Street �10 North Dale W. Minnehaha at Dale Street 500-554 Van Buren (even) 6'78 North Kent 388-436 West Minnehaha (even) 475-619 West Minnehaha (odd) 388 Como q�-3aa 432 Y SECTION 2 ��_ a �� 433 That the Council of the City of Saint Paut does hereby amend Section 62.102 (e) of the Saint Paul Zoning 434 Ordinance to add the following: 435 436 In an.y residential district an e�cistin� second dwelline on a �ingle lot may be reconstructed nrovided 437 that the number of total dwellin¢ units on the lot is not increased The structure mav not be sfrur.mrally 438 enlarged or ea�tended. 439 440 441 SBCTION 3 442 This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days from and after its passage, approval and 443 publication. PI(RI(QRRn ° :` ! �: ... �� �F� . _� L661 Q�C J,tlW +sanai IGi td Requested by Department of: By: a cono ic Dev o m nt By: � �% ��2� 6 ' Form Approved by City Attorney g �����^ �'`�� ! / Approved by Mayor: Date GLw' Approved�yor for Submission to Council � � $Y; � �i" `,--f� 1� Adoption Certi£ied by Council Secretary 9'1 -�.�.a. �8��5 TOTAL # OF SiGNATURE 1 t97 GREEN S T IN MITIAUDATE �DEPAR'fMENTDIRECTOR INCOUNpL � CIN ATTORNEV CRY CLERK � BUIX'iET DIFECTOfl � FIM. & MGT, SERVICE3 DIR. � � MAVDR (OR ASSi51ANn � ,�!Fo�d. � ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) Adopt amendments to the Zoning Code related to the Thomas Date Smcrlt Area Plan and Forty Acre Stzaly. RE Approve (A) or fleject (R) pER50NAt SEHVICE CONTHACTS MUST ANSWEH THE FOLLOWING WIESTIONS: �[ PLANNING COMMlSS10N _ qV1l SERVICE CQMMISSION �� Has this pereon/firm ever worketl untler a comract tor this tlepartmerrY? _ CIB CAMMiTiEE _ YES 'NO /� �� _ 2. Haz this perSOnHirm ever bean a ciry employee? — �F YES NO _ D�STFliC7 COUFr — 3. �oas tPus person/firm possess a skill not normally possessed by any current city employee? SUPPORTSWHICHCOUNCILO&IECtYVE? YES NO ����� Ezplatn all yea answers oe separate sheet antl attaeh to gresn sheet INITIATIN6 PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNYIY lN'ho. Whffi, When, Where, Why). The 773omas Dade Smatl Area Ptan calls for a residential density level more consistent with the existing housing stock. The proposed rezonings will curtail the conversion of existing single family homes to duplexes. In addition, they wfll provide for a continuous commercial strip on the west side of Dale Street and neighborhood scale industrial uses along Minnehaha Avenue at the Dale Street Shops site. ��. � �;.,. :.._ „ The azea's zoning would be consistent with the comprehensiee p1an for the community. �'' " - JAN 2? 1°Q7 None apparent. �ouncil Research Center �=-=� 2� 1997 The conversion of single family homes would continue. Higher intensity industrial uses could locate adjacent to a residential community on Minnehaha. 'aTAL AMaUNT OF TRANSACTION $ COSVREYENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO UNDI[dG SQUHCE ACTIVITY NUMBER VANCIAL WFOflN7ATION: l���N) q � - �.�. �.- city of saint paul pfanning commission resolution file number g6-7$ �t�] December 26, 1996 RESOLUTION ADOPTING THE THQMAS DALE FORTY ACRE STUDY WHEREAS, the Planning Commission is authorized under Minnesota Statues Section 462.357(5) and Chapter 64,400 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code to initiate a 40-acre study for the purpose of amending the Zoning Code; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commissio� on November 9, 1996 initiated a forty acre study for the purposes of implementing amendments to Chapters 60 and 61 of the Saint Paul Legislative Gode recommended in the Thomas Date Smali Area Plan that was under review by the Commission at the time; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission heid a public hearing on the Thomas Dale Small Area Plan and ForfyAcre Study on November 22, 1996, notice of which was duly given in the Saint Paul Pioneer Press on November 7, 1996, November 14, 1996 and November 21, 1996; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission, in accordance with state statutes, has determined that: 1. The study area is at least 40 acres in size. 2. The number of real estate descriptions affected by the amendments renders the obtaining of written consent impractical. 3. The propased amendments are related to the overail needs of the community, to existing land use or to plans for future land use, as described in the Thomas Dale SmatlArea Plan and FortyAcre Study. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Planning Commission hereby recommends adoption of the Zoning Code amendments proposed in the Thomas Dale Smal! Area Plan and Forty Acre Study and directs the Planning Administrator to forward the study and this resolution to the Mayor and Cifij Gouncii for their review and adoption. moved by �isser seconded by in favor Un��us against �L �S �"�' � � W "- ^� �4 p FJ i�. i'v �:��'`.-,d ORDINANCE CITY OF Presented By Referred To 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1Q 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 ;1 �2 3 4 5 i � Council Fi1e # 'l l � �� a ordinance # Green Sheet # �� NESOTA Committee: Date 7T ? ORDINANCE ADOPTING ZONING ORDINANCE AMENDMENTS RELATED TO THE TAOMAS DALE SMAI.L AREA PLAN AND 40 ACRE STUDY WFIEREAS, the Planning Commission has made a survey of the area of Saint Paul defined by University Avenue on the south, Western Avenue on the east, Victoria Street on the west and the Burlington Northern railroad tracks on the north, for the purpose of considering amendments to the Zoning Orclinance of the ciry, and has determined that the number of reals estate descriptions being affected by the proposed changes would render obtaining written consent impractical; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission, following a public heazing held far that purpose on November 22, 1996, recommended, on December 20, 1496, that the Zoning Ordinance be amended, and the City Council, having considered the report and recommendaflons of the Planning Commission, and having conducted a public heazing on the proposed Zoning Ordinance amendments, does hereby amend the Zoning Ordinance pursuant to the authority granted by and in accordance with the procedures set forth in Minnesota Statutes 462.357. The Council of the City of Saint Paul Does Ordain: SECTION 1 That the Council of the C3ty of Saint Paul does hereby amend the Saint Pau1 Zoning Ordinance by amending the zoning classifications for the following properties on the zoning maps of the City of Saint Paul, Sheet Nos. 11, 12, 19 and 20, as incorporated by reference in Secrion 60.301 ofthe Saint Paul Legislative Code: Rezone from RT-1 to R-4 i 2. 3. Lots 1-15 Block 4, Syndicate Number 1 Addition Lots 1-15 Block 3, Syndicate Number 1 Addition Lots 1-15 Block 2, Syndicate Number 1 Addition 505-507 North Avon (odd) 804-856 Sherburne (even) 499-505 North Grotto(odd) 750-798 Sherburne (even) 507 North St. Albans 500 North Grotto 686-730 Sherburne (even} 4. Lots 3-10 628-652 Sherburne (even} Block 1, Syndicate Number 1 Addition 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 �5 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 44 35 t6 7 8 5. Lots 1-8 Block 2, Subdivision of Block 13 Srinson's Division 6. Lots 1-15 Block 1, Michel's Subdivision of Block 14 of Stinson's Division 7. East 10 feet of Lot 20 and a11 of Lots 21-30 Block 15, Smith's Subdivision of Blocks 9, 1Q, 15 and 16 8. Ex S 56 5l10 feet, the E 38 4110 feet of Lat 17 and all of Lots 18-30 Block 16, Smith's Subdivision of Blocks 9, 10, 15 and 16 9. Lots 1-30 Chute Brothers Division Number 15 Addition to the City of St. Paul, Minn. 10. Lots 1-30 Chute Brothers Division Number 10 Addition to the City of St. Paul, Minn. 11. Lots 1-30 Chute Bmthers Division Number ? Addition to the City of St. Paul, Minn. 12. West 5 feet of Lot 4 and Lots 5-28 Chute Brothets Division Number 2 Addition to the City of St. Paul, Minn. 13. Lots 1-30 Block 1, Subdivision of Block 13, Stinson's Division 14. Lots 31-b0 Block 2, Michei's Subdivision of Block 14 of Stinson's Division 15. Lots 31-60 Block 15, 5mith's Subdivision of Blocks 9, 10, 15 and 16 562-590 Sherburne (even) 501 North Kent 500-558 Sherburne (even) 442-476 Sherbume (even) 368-432 Sherburne (even) 499 North Western 800-856 Charles (even) 803-857 Sherburne (odd) 537 North Grotto 750-796 Chazles (even) 743-797 Sherburne (odd) 533 North St. Aibans 686-738 Charles (even) 683-739 Sherburne (odd) 636-670 Chazles (even) 526-538 North St. Albans (even) 629-677 5herburne (odd) 519-527 North Kent (odd) 571-617 Sherburne (odd) 524-530 North Dale (even) 560-618 Chazles (even) 501-557 Sherbume (odd) 520-530 North Kent (even) 510-556 Charles (even) 529 North Mackubin 441-499 Sherburne (odd) 442-496 Chazles (even) 525-529 North Anmdel (odd) q�-aaa. 89 16. 90 91 92 93 17. 94 95 96 97 18. 98 99 100 19. 101 102 103 104 105 20. 1Q6 107 108 109 21. 110 111 112 113 22. 114 115 116 117 23. 118 119 120 121 24. 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 25. l29 30 31 32 33 34 SS 26. 6 7 8 Lots 31-60 Block 16, Smith's Subdivision of Blocks 9, 10, 15 and 16 Lots 1-3Q Block 4 Syndicate Number 2 Addition Lots 16-30 Block 3, Syndicate Number 2 Addition Lots 4-20 Joseph R. Weide's Rearrangement of the North 1 /z of Block 3 of Syndicate Number 2 Addition Lots 1-30 Block 2 Syndicate Number 2 Addition Lots 3-28 Block 1 Syndicate Number 2 Addition Lots 32-44 and 46-59 Block 12, Smith's Subdivision of Block 12, Stinson's Division of St. Paui, Minn. Lots i-30 Block 2, H.M. R.atuiey's Subdivision o£ Block i i, Stinson's Division to S�. Paul Lots 1-30 Block 10, Smith's Subdivision of Blocks 9, 10, 15, and 16 (Including Lots 1-12, Geo. H. Schickler's Addition to the City of St. Paul, Ramsey County, Minnesota) Lots i-30 Block 9, Smith's Subdivision of Blocks 9, 10, 15 and 16 (Including Lots 13-21, Geo. H. Schickler's Addition to the Ciry of St. Paul, Ramsey County, Minnesota) Lots 1-14 and 16-30 Chute Brothers Division Number 14 Addition to the City of St. Paul, Minn. 384-437 Sherburne (odd) 388-438 Chazles (even) 523-529 North Western (odd) 802-856 Edmund (even) 801-855 Charles (odd) 551 North Avon 743-799 Chazles (odd) 545 North Crrotto 758-796 Edmund (odd) 682-736 F,duiund (even) 558-560 North Grotto (even) 681-733 Charles (odd) 630-676 Edmund (even) 631-675 Charles (odd) 554 North St. Albans 56b-614 Edmund (even) 567-617 Charles (odd) 502-558 Edmund (even) 517-559 Charles (odd) 552 North Kent 450-496 Edmund (even) 443-499 Charles (odd) 557-569 North Aruudel (add) 390-436 Edmund (even) 389-435 Charles (odd) 543-567 North Western (odd) 554-558 North Anmdel (even) 802-858 Thomas (even) S76 North Victoria 807-855 Edmund (odd} � `"�°� � 139 27. 140 lA l 142 143 28. 144 145 lAf 147 148 29. 149 150 151 152 30. 153 154 155 156 157 158 31. 159 160 161 162 32. 163 164 16S 166 167 168 33. 169 170 i�i 172 173 34. 174 175 176 17? 35. 178 179 i80 81 82 36. 83 84 45 i6 37. 17 8 9 Lots 1-29 Chute Brothers Division Number 11 Addition to the City of St. Paul, Minn Lots 1-14, 16-30 and South 40 ft of Lot 15 Chute Srothers Division Numbex 6 Addition to the City of St. Paui, Miim. Lots 6-28 Chute Brothers Division Number 3 Addition to the City of St. Paul, Minn_ 595 North Grotto ?44-748 Thomas (even) 747-795 Edmund {odd) 680-734 Thomas (even) 588 North Grotto 681-739 Edmund (odd) 642-b78 Thomas (even) 629-679 Edmund (odd) Lots 1-14 562-b14 Thomas (even) Ex N 39 45/100 feet, E 35 feet of Lot 17 561-613 Edmund (odd) Lots 18-30 581 North Kent Block 12, Smith's Subdivision of Biock 12, Stinson's Division of 5t. Paul, Minn. Lots 1-30 Biock 1, H.M. Ranney's Subdivision of Block 11, Stinson's Division to St. Paul, Minn. Lots 31-60 Block 10, Smith's Subdivision of $locks 9, 10, 15 and 16 (Including Tams Rearrangement of Lots 59 and 60) Ex N 55 feet of Lots 59 and 60, Lots 31-60 Block 9, Smith's Subdivison of Blocks 9, 10, 15 and 16 Lots 1-16 and 17-30 Chute Brothers Division Number 13 Addition to the City of St. Paul, Minn. Lots 1-30 Cbute Brothers Division Number 12 Addition to the City of St. Paul, Minn. Lots 1-15 and 1?-30 Chute Brothers Division Number 5 Addition to the City of St. Paul, Minn. Lots 6-24 and West 25 ft of Lot 25 Chute Brothers Division Number 4 Addition to the City of St. Paul, Minn. 502-556 Thomas (even) 501-553 Edmund (odd) 591-595 North Mackubin (odd) 440-498 Thomas (even) 441-493 Edmund (odd) 584 North Mackubin 589-595 Anindel (odd) 437 Edmund 800-858 Lafond (even) 803-853 Thomas (odd) 742-776 Lafond (even) 618 North Avon 751-779 Thomas (odd) 605-613 North Grotto (odd) 619 North St Albans 686-738 Lafond (even) 683-733 Thomas (odd) 636-678 Lafond (even) 610 Norrh St. Albans 647-673 Thomas (odd) �� ��O'� 190 38. 191 192 193 194 195 196 39. 197 198 199 200 40. 201 202 203 204 205 206 41. 207 2Q8 209 210 211 42_ 212 213 214 43. 215 216 217 218 44. 219 220 221 45. 222 223 224 46. 225 226 227 228 229 47. 230 ?31 !32 33 34 48. 35 36 S7 8 9 Lots 1-13 East 35 feet of Lot 17 Lots 18-30 Block 2, MichePs Subdivision of Said Block 5, of Said Stinson's Addition Lots I-30 Block 6, Smith's Subdivision of Blocks 2,6,7 and 8 Lots 49-96 Block 7, B. Michei's Rearrangement of Block 7 and the South'/2 of Block 2 of Smith's Subdivision of Blocks 2,6,7 and 8 of Stinson's Division 574-608 Lafond (even) 561-615 Thomas (odd) 621-629 North Kent (odd) 550 Lafond 509 Thomas 607 North Mackubin 444-494 Lafond (even) 451-491 Thomas (odd) 614 North Mackubin 607 North Anuidel Lots i-13 382-434 Lafond (even) Ex North 58 5/10 feet of Lots 14 and 15 391-434 Thomas (odd) Lots 16-30 607-631 North Western (odd) Biock 8, Smith's Subdivision of Blocks 2,6,7 and 8 Lots 1-30 Biock 4, Syndicate Number 3 Addition 500-858 Blair (even) 801-857 Lafond (odd) Lot 1, West %2 of Lot 2, and Lots 4-30 Block 3, Syndicate Number 3 Addition Lots 1-30 Block 2, Syndicate Number 3 Addition Lots 3-28 Block 1, Syndicate Number 3 Addition Lots 1-13, 18-30 Block 1, Michel's Subdivision of Said Block 5, of Said Stinson's Addition (Inciuding Wesenberg's Rearrangement) Lots 31-60 Block 6, Smith's Subdivision of Blocks 2,b,7 and 8 Lots 1-48 Block 7, B. Michel's Rearrangement of Block 7 and the South'/2 of Block 2 of Smith's Subdivision of Blocks 2,6,7 and 8 of Stinson's Division 740 Blair 754-798 Blair (even) 743-199 Lafond (odd) 683-739 Lafond (odd) 682-?38 Blair (even) 630-674 Blair (even) 629-677 Lafond (odd) 564-608 Blair (even) 564-604 Lafond (odd) 633-643 North Kent (odd) 508-556 Blair (even) 501-559 Lafond (odd) 648 North Kent b39-651 North Mackubin (odd) 450-494 Blair (even) 449-495 L.afond (odd) 637-651 North Armidel (odd) ��-a� 240 49. 241 242 243 244 245 50. 246 247 248 249 51. 250 251 252 52. 253 254 255 256 53. 257 258 259 54. 260 261 262 263 264 55. 265 266 267 268 269 56. 270 271 272 273 274 275 57. 276 277 278 279 2$0 58. 281 282 283 59. Z84 ?85 ?86 '.87 60. 88 89 Lots 31-60 Block 8, Smith's Subdivision of Blocks 2,6,7 and 8 I,ots 1-30 Avon Street Addition to the Ciry of St. Paul Lots i-30 Cnotto Street Addition to the City of St. Pau1 Lots 1-30 St. Alban's Street Addition to the City of St. Paut Lots 4-28 Dale Street Addition ot the City of St. Paul Lots 1-13, 17-30 Ex N 40 feet, Lots 14 and 15 Block 2, Michel's Subdivision of Block 4, Stinson's Division I,ots 1-15 Block 3, Smith's Subdivision of Block 3 of Stinson's Division ofNW i/4, Sec. 36, T. 29, R. 23 West Lots i-48 Block 2, B. Michel's Rearrangement of Block ? and the South'/z of Block 2 of Smith's Subdivision of Blocks 2,6,7 and 8 of Stinson's Division I,ots 31-60 Block 1, Johnstone's Subdivision of Block 1 of Stinson's Division ofNW 1/4 of Section 36, Town 29, Range 23 Lots 1-30 Block 4, Syndicate Number 4 Addition Lots 1-30 Block 3, Syndicate Number 4 Addition Including Haas Addition Lots 1-30 Block 2, Syndicate Number 4 Addition 396-438 Blair (even) 393-439 Lafond (odd} 638-644 North Anmdel (even) 631-659 North Westem 679 North Avon 806-854 Van Buren 803-855 Blair (odd) 742-796 Van Buren (even) 741-795 Blair (odd) 681 North St. Alban's 684-738 Van Buren (even) 683-737 Blair(odd) 634-674 Van Buren (even) 631-677 Blair (odd) 560-610 Van Buren (even) 569-613 Blair (odd) 680-682 Nofth Dale (even) 661-6?7 North Kent (odd) SO1-559 Blair (odd) 442-496 Van Buren (even) 443-497 Blair (odd) 388-432 Van Bwen (evea) 399-429 Blaix (odd) 666-678 North Anuidel (even) 661-687 North Western (odd) 800-852 West Minnehaha (even) 803-859 Van Buren (odd) 7Q7 North Grotto 746-798 West Minnehaha (even) 741-749 Van Buren (odd) 680-736 West Minnehaha (even) 681-737 Van Buren (odd) q`� -� a- 290 &1. Lots 6-28 291 Block 1, Syndicate Number 4 Addition 292 293 294 62. Lots 17-30 295 Block 1, Michel's Subdivision of Blook 4, 296 Stinson's Division 29� 640-678 West Minnehaha (even) ?00 North St. Alban's 631-671 Van Buren (odd) 561-613 Van Buren (odd) 7Q7 North Kent 298 63. Lots 31-45 441-499 Van Buren (odd) 299 Block 2, Smith's Subdivision of Blocks 2,6,7 and 8 300 301 64. Lots 1630 302 Biock l, Johnstone's Subdivision of 303 Block 1 of Stinson's Division of the NW i!4 304 of Section 36, Town 29, Range 23 305 306 65. Lots 1-10 and East 15 feet of Lot 11 307 East 5.4 feet of Lot 19 and a11 of Lots 20-30 308 Block 7, Winter's Addition to St. Paul 309 310 66. Lots 1-30 311 Block 1, Winter's Addition to St. Paul 312 313 314 67. Lots 1-11 315 Block 6, Winter's Addition to St. Faul 316 317 68. L,oCs 1-15 318 Biock 2, Winter's Addition to St. Paul 319 320 69. Subj to Northern Rte Sts and Alleys 321 accruing as vacated in TS Doc 4105$9 322 and others and fol lots 9 t2�ru 22 Biock 13; 323 lots 9 thru 22 Block 16; and a11 of Blocks 324 14 and 1 S, Butterfield Syndicate Addition 325 Number 2 326 327 Rewne from B-2 to R-4 328 70. Lot 45 329 Block 12, Smith's Subdivision of Block 330 12, Stinson's Division of St. Paul, Minn. t31 32 71. Lots 15 and 16 33 N 39 45/100 and W 5 feet of Lot 17 34 Block 12, Smith's Subdivision of Block 35 12, Stinson's Division of St. Paul, Minn. i6 7 72. W 5 feet of Lot 1 � and all of Lot 16 8 Block 2, Michel's Subdivision of Said 9 Block 5, of Said Stinson's Addition � 395-437 Van Buren (odd) 693-701 North Western (odd) 805-837 West Minnehaha (odd) 500-842 Engiewood (even) 725 North Crrotto 749-799 West Minnehaha (odd) 742-798 Englewood (even) 803-843 Englewood (odd) 759 North Grotto 743-799 Englewood (odd) 685 West Minnehaha 616 Edmund 572-600 North Dale (even) 602 North Dale q�-aaa- 341 73. N 40 feet of Lots 14 and 15 342 Block 2, Michel's Subdivision of Block 4, 343 Stinson's Addifion 344 345 74. Lot16 34b Block 1, MichePs Subdivision of Block 4, 347 Stinson's Addition 348 349 75. N 55 feet of Lots 59 and 60 350 Block 9, Smith's Subdivision of Blocks 351 9, 10, 15 and 16 352 353 Rezone from RM-2 to B-2 354 16. Lots 29 and 3Q 355 Chute Bmthers Divisian No. 2 Addition 356 to the City of St. Pau1, Minn. 357 358 Rezone from P-1 to R-4 359 77. Lot16 360 Block 2, Michel's Subdivision of Block 4, 361 Stinson's Division 362 363 Rewne from RT-1 to B-2 3b4 78. N 48 S/I O feet of Lots 29 and 3Q 365 Block 1, Syndicate No. 2 Addition 366 367 19. S 84 5l10 feet of Lots 1 and 2 368 Block 1, Syndicate No. 2 Addition 369 370 80. N 50 feet of Lots 29 and 30 371 Block 1, Syndicate No. 3 Addition 372 373 81. S 97 feet of Lots 1 and 2 374 Block 1, Syndicate No. 3 Addition 375 376 82. Ex East S feet of South 47 feet, Lot 29 37? Ex South 47 feet, Lot 30 378 Dale Street Addition 379 380 Rezone from B-3 to B-2 381 83. Ex N SQ feet of Lots 29 and 30 �82 Biock 1, Syndicate No. 3 Addition 83 84 84. N 27 5l10 feet of Lots 1 and 2 85 Block 1, Syndicate No. 3 Addition 3b i7 85. S 47 feet of E 8 feet of Lot 29 �g S 47 feet of Lot 30 9 Dale Street Addition 0 640 North Da1e 437 Edmund 515 North Da1e Blair Avenue at Da1e Street 541 North Da1e 557-561 North Dale (odd) 639 North Dale 649-657 North Dale (odd) 627 Blair 665-673 North Dale (odd) 631 North Dale 654 North Dale 661 North Dale q�-aaa 391 Rezone from B-3 to R-4 392 86. I,ots 14 and 15 343 Block 2, Michel's Subdivision of Said 394 Block 5, of Said 5tinson's Addition 395 396 87. Lots 14-17 397 Block 1, Michel's Subdivision of Said 398 Block 5, of Said Stinson's Addition 399 400 Rezone from B-2 to RM-2 441 88. Lots 12-15 402 Block 1, Michel's Subdivision of Block 4, 4Q3 Stinson's Division 404 4Q5 Rezone from RM-2 to R-4 406 89. Lots 16-30 407 Block 3, Smith's Subdivision of Block 3 408 of Stinson's Division ofNW 1/4, Sec. 36, 404 t. 29, R. 23 West 410 4ll �ezone from RT-1 to RM-2 412 90. Lots 1-15 413 Block 1, Johnstone's Subdivision of Block 1 414 of Stinson's Division of NW 114 of Section 415 36, Town 29, Range 23 416 417 Rezone from I-2 to I-1 418 91. BN Properry Between Da1e Street and 419 Arundal, South of the railroad tracks aad 420 described by the following Property 421 Identification Numbers: 422 25-29-23-33-0005 423 25-29-23-33-0010 424 25-29-23-33-0012 425 25-29-23-33-0013 426 25-29-23-34-0006 427 25-29-23-34-0016 428 429 92. Blocks 2 and 3 430 Neurer's Addition 431 630 North Dale 650 North Dale Lafond Avenue at Dale Street �10 North Dale W. Minnehaha at Dale Street 500-554 Van Buren (even) 6'78 North Kent 388-436 West Minnehaha (even) 475-619 West Minnehaha (odd) 388 Como q�-3aa 432 Y SECTION 2 ��_ a �� 433 That the Council of the City of Saint Paut does hereby amend Section 62.102 (e) of the Saint Paul Zoning 434 Ordinance to add the following: 435 436 In an.y residential district an e�cistin� second dwelline on a �ingle lot may be reconstructed nrovided 437 that the number of total dwellin¢ units on the lot is not increased The structure mav not be sfrur.mrally 438 enlarged or ea�tended. 439 440 441 SBCTION 3 442 This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days from and after its passage, approval and 443 publication. PI(RI(QRRn ° :` ! �: ... �� �F� . _� L661 Q�C J,tlW +sanai IGi td Requested by Department of: By: a cono ic Dev o m nt By: � �% ��2� 6 ' Form Approved by City Attorney g �����^ �'`�� ! / Approved by Mayor: Date GLw' Approved�yor for Submission to Council � � $Y; � �i" `,--f� 1� Adoption Certi£ied by Council Secretary 9'1 -�.�.a. �8��5 TOTAL # OF SiGNATURE 1 t97 GREEN S T IN MITIAUDATE �DEPAR'fMENTDIRECTOR INCOUNpL � CIN ATTORNEV CRY CLERK � BUIX'iET DIFECTOfl � FIM. & MGT, SERVICE3 DIR. � � MAVDR (OR ASSi51ANn � ,�!Fo�d. � ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) Adopt amendments to the Zoning Code related to the Thomas Date Smcrlt Area Plan and Forty Acre Stzaly. RE Approve (A) or fleject (R) pER50NAt SEHVICE CONTHACTS MUST ANSWEH THE FOLLOWING WIESTIONS: �[ PLANNING COMMlSS10N _ qV1l SERVICE CQMMISSION �� Has this pereon/firm ever worketl untler a comract tor this tlepartmerrY? _ CIB CAMMiTiEE _ YES 'NO /� �� _ 2. Haz this perSOnHirm ever bean a ciry employee? — �F YES NO _ D�STFliC7 COUFr — 3. �oas tPus person/firm possess a skill not normally possessed by any current city employee? SUPPORTSWHICHCOUNCILO&IECtYVE? YES NO ����� Ezplatn all yea answers oe separate sheet antl attaeh to gresn sheet INITIATIN6 PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNYIY lN'ho. Whffi, When, Where, Why). The 773omas Dade Smatl Area Ptan calls for a residential density level more consistent with the existing housing stock. The proposed rezonings will curtail the conversion of existing single family homes to duplexes. In addition, they wfll provide for a continuous commercial strip on the west side of Dale Street and neighborhood scale industrial uses along Minnehaha Avenue at the Dale Street Shops site. ��. � �;.,. :.._ „ The azea's zoning would be consistent with the comprehensiee p1an for the community. �'' " - JAN 2? 1°Q7 None apparent. �ouncil Research Center �=-=� 2� 1997 The conversion of single family homes would continue. Higher intensity industrial uses could locate adjacent to a residential community on Minnehaha. 'aTAL AMaUNT OF TRANSACTION $ COSVREYENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO UNDI[dG SQUHCE ACTIVITY NUMBER VANCIAL WFOflN7ATION: l���N) q � - �.�. �.- city of saint paul pfanning commission resolution file number g6-7$ �t�] December 26, 1996 RESOLUTION ADOPTING THE THQMAS DALE FORTY ACRE STUDY WHEREAS, the Planning Commission is authorized under Minnesota Statues Section 462.357(5) and Chapter 64,400 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code to initiate a 40-acre study for the purpose of amending the Zoning Code; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commissio� on November 9, 1996 initiated a forty acre study for the purposes of implementing amendments to Chapters 60 and 61 of the Saint Paul Legislative Gode recommended in the Thomas Date Smali Area Plan that was under review by the Commission at the time; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission heid a public hearing on the Thomas Dale Small Area Plan and ForfyAcre Study on November 22, 1996, notice of which was duly given in the Saint Paul Pioneer Press on November 7, 1996, November 14, 1996 and November 21, 1996; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission, in accordance with state statutes, has determined that: 1. The study area is at least 40 acres in size. 2. The number of real estate descriptions affected by the amendments renders the obtaining of written consent impractical. 3. The propased amendments are related to the overail needs of the community, to existing land use or to plans for future land use, as described in the Thomas Dale SmatlArea Plan and FortyAcre Study. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Planning Commission hereby recommends adoption of the Zoning Code amendments proposed in the Thomas Dale Smal! Area Plan and Forty Acre Study and directs the Planning Administrator to forward the study and this resolution to the Mayor and Cifij Gouncii for their review and adoption. moved by �isser seconded by in favor Un��us against