D002191Y�n.� - City CNrk Pink - Fin�nN ppt. cens.r - ow�. C� r1 � C� GITY OF SAIA'T I�AUL OYY[GR AF THR MAYOR � ADMINIS'IRATIVE ORDER RI'Ix,E1' KEl'[SIO� No: � / �!v � � Date: �'"�� (S - ib - Q� ���ZS��.��� �)�ER, Consistent with the authority to the Mayor in SeCtion 70.07.4 ot ihe Ciry Charter and based on the request of the Oirector of Me Department of Executive AdIDinistxat ion to amend the 79 q/�,� butlget of the !=���.�a�u�a. fund. the Director of the Department of Finance and Management Services is authorized to amerM said budget in the followirg manner. General Fund Human Resources Affirmative Action GL-001 00156-0114 GL-001 00156-0219 Current AmendeC Budget Change Budget Full Time Appointed 38,597 (38,325) 272 Fees - Other Professional Serv. 20,826 38,325 59,151 Preparetl by: Acfivity Manager x G� vrwl� . � �,� a�.�e�a ny: o,pen�m c�.e�« AP bY: A1�yor Yn'�- V�-�-c�—tX 7- S-� � oea � ooz� q � (� q( � � , ., / DEPARTMENT/OFFICE/COUNCIL DATEINITIATED N� � 7� L U MY GREEN SHEET � $uman Resources 7-6-94 INfT7AUDATE iNmnvonre CANTACTPERSONSPHONE DEPNtTMENTDtREC70R I�ICITYCOINlCIL amela Kelly (266-6477) ASSIGN ATfOFNEV �CffYCLEFK w NUYBERFOp R U5T BE ON CpUNCIL AGENDA BY (DATE) � p��np� UDGEf DIFECTOR � FIN, & MGT. SERVICES Dlfl. OflDER MAYOfl (OR ASSISTAN � � �. TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) AC710N AEQUESTED: . There is a need to move existing funds within the Office of Human Resources budget to change salaries to fees for the Affirmative Action Director. , FECOMMENDATIONS: Apprwe (A) or Ra�ec[ (R) pEHSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: __ PLAF(NMG COMMISSION _ CIVfI. SEflVICE COMMISSfON �� Has this personKrm ever waked urtder a corttract tor ihis department? _ CIB COMMffTEE __ YES NO 2. Has this person/firm ever been a ciry employee� __ STAFF __ YES NO _ DIS7RIC7 COUF7 _ 3. Does this person/firm possess a skill not normally possessed by any curteM city employee? SUPPORTS WHICH COUNqL O&IECTIVE? YES NO Explaln all yes answers on seperate sheet and attacA to green sheet INITIATING PqOBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (Who, Whflt, When, Whara, Why). VANTAGES IF APPROVED: The Office of Human Resources budget will show a more accurate reflection of 1994 spending. „ DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: The Office of Human Resources budget will not reflect as accurately the actual spending for the year. RECElVED JUL 0 6 1��4 DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: TO7AL AMOUN7 0F TpANSACTION $� 01 �1 ��• COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDIIdG SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER t F�NANCIAL INFORMATIOM (EXPLAIN) � /�( � �.{•