D002688C I T Y O F S A I N T P A U L OFFICE OF THE MAYOR Approved Copies to: City Clerk (Original) ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER - Finance Dept's Accounting �ivision - PoNce Dept. Accounting Unit Na. D bb ,�- �p�� Date:��- ��-6� Green Sheet tt 3046212 1 RrHEI2EAS, the Saint Paul Police Department is seeking actual cost of expenses which includes meering 2 room rentals and meals for Internet Crimes Against Children (ICAC) participants (city and non-city 3 employees) to attend training, regional meetings and/or conferences from January 1, 2007 through 4 Aecember 31, 2007. Locations and dates to be determined; and WHEREAS, the ICAC Task Force's mission is to form a multi-jnrisdictionai operation and investigate crimes involving child pornography and exploitation of children online; and 10 11 12 13 14 IS 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 WHEREAS, the training, regional meetings and/or conferences are specifically designed to assist task force members in working investigations related to computer crimes against children and is a necessary component of the ICAC Task Force; and WHEREAS, the puhlic purpose of the training, regional meeting and(or conferences is to train ICAC Task Force members on current computer forensic examinations, investigative trends, legal updates and new equipment and software which is essential for investigators to prosecute child pornography and child exploitation cases; and WHEREAS, the total expenditures for ICAC room renYals and meals will not exceed the amount budgeted for these expenditures per the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention grant awarded to the Saint Paul Police Department for the grant period of July 1, 2006 throuah December 31, 2007; and BE IT ORDERED, that the proper ciry officials are hereby authorized to pay the costs associated with the above mentioned trainings, reaional meetings andlor conferences from account code 436-34056-OXXY. ! Z -�-�� Ap ed by: City A orney Date Q:\FiscalANairs�,40&CR�200TICACJan1,2007_Dec37, 2007trainingmeals.xls � Green Sheet Green Sheet G'reen Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Careen Sheet pobat�Sg DepartmenUo�ce/wuncil: : Date initiated: ! pD - P�����a��� os-NOV-o� i Green Sheet N 3 04 6 212 � Contact Person & Phone: �, � Deoartment Serrt To Person InitiaVDate Chief John Harrington , � � 0 ,Police Departrnent ' Police Deoazhnent^ 266-5588 ; q��9n ; 1 YoliceDepazlment T PoliceDeparlment � Must Be on Council Agentla by (Date): ; Number � Z City At[orney Citv Attornev � For - - ; ROUting � 3 ioancial Services DireROr, FSnancial Servi(� ,' Doc. Type= OTHER ADMINISTRATNE OF '� Order � �pty Clerk I City Clerk � I i E-Document Required: N 5 �olice Deuartment Police Denarhnent I Document Contact: Cdr Neil Nelson , Contact Phone: 266-5882 Total # of Signature Pages J_ (Clip All Locations for Signature) Approval of the atiached Administrative Order. iaanons: approve (a) or R Planning Commission CIB Committee Civil Service Commission 1. Has this personlfirtn ever worked untler a contract for this deparimeM? Yes No 2. Has this person/firm ever been a city employee? Yes No 3. Does ihis perSONhrm possess a skill not normally possessed by any current ciry employeel Yes No Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet Initiating Problem, Issues, Opportunity (4Vho, What, When, Where, Why): i "Phe Saint Paul Police DeparUnent is see]dng actual costs of expenses which includes meeting room rentals and meals for Intemet I Crimes Against Children (ICAC) Task Force (city a�d non--ci[y employees) to attend training regional meetings, and/or � conferences from January 1, 2007 tluough December 31, 2007. AtivantageslfApproved: ---- �— �I Opportunity to tram ICAC Task Force members on current computer forensic examinations, new equipment and sofrware which is � essentia] for invesUgarors to prosecote child pomography and ohild exploitation cases. , Disativantages If Approved: None. Disativantages If Not Approvetl: � Losi�ppoilunit�--ta�.rairz-�E�1£ � exploitation. Totai Amount of Transaction: FunUing Source: 436 Fi�ancial lnformation: � (Explain) Cost/Revenue Budgeted: Activity Number: 34Q56 1 �° �����'�'� C "t� �' ' `' 2Qti7 � �, �i ' _—_�—__-__—__..-- ---.----.—_—_—_---- _—_______—__ Force membus ou current computer forensics to combat child pomography and chi]d � November8, 20074:24 PM Page 1