D002497CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF THE MAYOR . ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER No: L7dda�f9� DATE: c"j _/�-QS • • ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, wnsistent with the authoriry granted to the Mayor in Section 10.07.4 of the Ciry Charter and based on the request of the Director of the Division of Parks and Recreation to amend the 2004 budget of the Genzral Fund (00]), the Director of the Office of Financial Services is authorized to aznend said budget in the following manner: FROM: 001 - General Fund 03101-Youth Job Corps 0131-Certified Temporary 03102-Parks & Rec Bldg. Maintenance O117-Trades 0439-Fringe Benefits 03103-Parks Commission 0219-Fees Other Professional Serv 03105-Harriet Island Ol 11-Full Time Permanent 0219-Fees Other Professional Serv 0312-Supplies - Electrical 03106-Winter Activities-Bright Lighis O1 ] 1-Full Time Permanent 0219-Fees Other Professional Serv 03120-Como Conservatory Ol 11-Full Time Permanent 03122-Como Zoo Ol1I-F�II Time Permanent 03124-Como Zoo & Conserv Heating Ol 1 I-Full Time Permanen[ 0279-0ther-Repair & Maintenance 0349-Other - Equipment-Parts 0353-Chem ical/I,abor 0439-Fringe Benefit 03126-Free Concerts in City Pazks 0131-Certified - Temporary 03130-Pazks Safety Ol l l-Full Time Permanent 0439-Fringe Benefit 0578-Safety Allocation 03131-Pazks Security 0131-Certified - Temporary 0133-Capitol City intem 0439-Fringe Benefit 03132-Parks Ground Maintenance 0828-Tractors and Plows 03133-Pazks Permits Management 0131-Certified - Temporazy 0291-Refuse Disposal/Collection 03135-Small/Specialized Equipment 0341-Motor Fuel CURRENT BUDGET 329,258 629,471 244,437 4,944 164,075 17,153 7,500 71,392 8,000 323,440 688,145 238,466 9,832 10,558 6,884 78,016 2,094 96,619 31,626 i s,000 39,747 22,008 30,602 25,560 36,596 5,715 48,645 APPROVED CHANGES Q,458) (40,773) (9,756) (694) Q9,300) (4,576) (3,654) (2,718) (5,390) (7,550) (13,075) (23,474) (2,037) (4,570) (3,412) (9,144) Q 82) (3,195) (6,249) Q 5,000) (8,684) (21,870) (4,049) (12,049) (5,752) (1,152) Q 6,195) AMENDED BUDGET 327,800 588,698 234,681 4,250 144,775 12,577 3,846 68,674 2,610 315,89Q 675,070 214,992 7,795 5,988 3,472 68,872 1,912 93,424 25,377 31,063 138 26,553 13,511 3Q844 4,563 32,450 . 0828-Tractors and Plows 03159-Communiry Ed/Recreation Partnership 0234-Type I - Occasional • 03160-Recreation Administration & Support 0121-Par[ Time Certified 0389-Other Misc. Supplies 0439-Fringe Benefit 03161-Recreation Service Area I 0389-Other Misc. Supplies 03162-Recreation Service Area II 0121-Part Time Certified 0389-Other Misc. Supplies 0439-Fringe Benefit 03163-Recreation Service Area III 0235-Type [I - Regular 0389-0ther Misc. Supplies 03164-Recreation Service Area N 0121-Part Time Certified 0389-0ther Misa Supplies 0439-Fringe Benefit 03165-Recreation Service Area V 011 I-Full Time Perznanent 0235-Type II - Regular 0389-Other Misc. Supplies 03166-Recreation Service Area VI 0389-Other Misc. Supplies 03167-Wellstone Center Shazed Costs 0371-Electricity • 0373-Gas IncL Bottle 03168-Senior Citizen Prograrns 0121-Part Time Certified 0439-Fringe Benefit 03169-Adaptive Programs 0439-Fringe Benefi[ 03171-Maintenance Support 0291-Refuse Disposal 0322-Aggregates-Sand 0838-Snow Blowers 03172-Rec Ctr Custodial & Maintenance 0111-Full Time Permanent 0439-Fringe Benefit 0829-Other Self Propelled 0836-Trailers 03176-Rec Check Program 0132-Not Certified Temporazy 03180-Seasonal Swimming/Beaches/pools 0131-Certified - Temporary 0319-0ther - Repair and Maintenance 0389-Other Misc. Supplies 0439-Fringe Benefit 03181-Oxford Indoor Swimming Pool 0299-Other-Misc. Services 0315-Supplies - Janitorial 03 ] 92-Midway Stadium . 0283-Rental - Vehicles 03194-Como Pazk Zoo & Conservatory Campus 0111-Full Time Permanent 0439-Fringe Benefit 78,000 7,000 55,917 41,791 59,693 7,505 177,672 7,505 185,273 7,968 7,505 139,600 6,036 160,078 388,668 6,972 6,036 7,505 24,400 2,100 12,750 41,257 64,099 124,690 50,000 6,000 1,17Q674 383,258 6,000 5,500 73,779 198,008 6,000 6,595 46,909 4,700 5,500 6,680 198,088 82,687 (8,068) (3,509) (9,070) (24,186) (13,494) (7,505) (37,916) (1,425) (22,637) Q,955) (7,505) (60,942) (4,855) (21,100) (18,226) (1,919) (5,755) (3,331) (24,400) (2,100) Q Q314) (3,702) (3,438) Q 8,857) (11,304) (5,966) (72,321) (34,459) (6,000) (2,712) (19,719) (71,970) (6,000) (3,522) (2,471) (2,674) (3,385) (2,879) (3,513) (2,08� 69,932 3,491 46,847 17,605 46. ] 99 139,756 6,080 162,636 6,013 78,658 1,181 138,978 37Q442 5,053 281 4,174 2,436 37,555 6Q661 105,833 38,696 34 1,098,353 348,799 2,788 54,060 126,038 3,073 44,438 2,026 2,115 3,801 8Q60] . 03195-Tree Maintenance Ol l l-Full Time Permanent 0219-Fees Other Professional Serv • 0321-Horticulture 0369-Other Office Supplies 0396-Field Equipment 0545-Ciry Contribution To outside agency 03196-Wood Recycling Center 0111-Full Time Pertnanent 0439-Fringe Benefit 03198-Stump Program 0133-Capitol City Intems 0219-Fees Other Professional Serv 0241-Printing - Outside 0299-Other - Misa Services 0321-Horticutture 0396-Field Equipment 0439-Fringe Benefit r1 � . TO: 001 - General Fund 03100-Parks & Rec Adminis[ration Ol 14-Full Time Appointed 0439-Fringe Benefit 0511-Settlements 03102-Parks & Rec Bldg. Maintenance 0271-Building - Repair 0312-Supplies - Electrical 03104-GIS 0235-Type Il - Regulaz 03105-Harriet Island 0438-Fringe Benefit 0836-Trailers 03 ]20-Como Conserva[ory 0439-Fringe Benefit 0317-Hardware 03122-Como Zoo 0215-Fees-Medical 0384-Food for Zoo Animals 0439-Fringe Benefit 03126-Free Concer[s in Ciry Parks 0439-Fringe Benefit 03132-Parks Ground Maintenance 0132-Not Cenified Temporary 0439-Fringe Benefit 03133-Pazks Permits Management 0439-Fringe Benefit 0818-Other Fumiture 03135-Small/Specialized Equipment 0279-Other - Repair 03140-Parks & Recreation Utilities 0373-Gas Incl. Bottle 03159-Communiry Ed/Recreation Partnership Ol I 1-Ful] Time Permanent 0439-Fringe Benefit 47,876 27,570 5,560 3,844 20,000 25,000 134,249 43,922 (2Q405) (19,043) (5,560) (3,372) (2Q000) (25,000) Q 6,705) (11,079) 8,527 472 117,544 32,843 35,457 (680) 34,777 1Q000 (7,900) 2,100 4,496 (4,496) - 10,000 (4,917) 5,083 10,000 (9,729) 271 5,000 (4,617) 383 12,798 (763) 12,035 7,451,953 (967,414) - 6,262,493 I 85,293 45,000 13,237 28,2 ] 0 1,401 105,902 33 9,000 I OQ 132 228,704 221 371,344 34,007 2,291 473,534 395,032 129, ] 70 12,243 18,745 5,]70 37,019 28,227 245 2Q895 5,311 1,543 3,033 16,749 1Q251 633 182 95,689 17,962 6,804 9,034 8,263 268,562 11,554 8,143 12,243 204,038 50, ] 70 SQ256 56,437 245 22,296 5,311 107,445 3,066 25,749 110,383 229,337 403 95,689 389,306 4Q811 9,034 1Q554 742,096 406,586 137,313 • . 0316]-Recreation Service Area I 0121-Part Time Certified 0439-Fringe Benefit 03163-Recreation Service Area IlI 012]-Part Time Certified 0439-Fringe Benefit 03165-Recreation Service Area V 0439-Fringe Benefit 03166-Recreation Service Area VI 0121-Part Time CeRified 0439-Fringe Bene£t 03168-Senior Citizen Progams 0299-0iher Miscellaneous Services 0370-Computer Equipment 03169-Adaptive Prograzns 0132-Not Certified Temporary 0283-Rental - Vehicle 03171-Maintenance Support 0111-Full Time Pertnanent 0439-Fringe Benefit 03172-Rec Ctr Custodial & Maintenance 0315-Supplies - Janitorial 03174-Muni Athletics Programs Ol I ]-Full Time Permanent 0219-Fees - Other Professional Services 0439-Fringe Benefit 0521-Refunds 03176-Rec Check Program 0219-Fees - Other Professional Services 0439-Fringe Benefit 03181-Oxford Indoor Swimming Pool 0132-Not Certified Temporary 0439-Fringe Benefit 03194-Como Park Zoo & Conservatory Campus 0299-Other Miscellaneous Services 0389-Other Miscellaneous Supplies 03195-Tree Maintenance 0438-Fringe Benefit , f ����� (�J��-.D� -� �� Requested by Department Director Date 19Q363 197,821 215,745 202,980 174,945 139,600 194,897 282,141 101,294 33,722 37,446 51,024 18,158 8,019 35,090 298 307 9,229 1,068 67,135 2Q561 1,330 20,541 6,755 7,920 1,961 5,928 3, I 83 48,485 8,296 39,360 39,937 27,935 9,099 875 486 2,665 21,414 17,]77 8,978 I 1,394 199,592 198,889 282,880 223,541 ll6,275 160,14] 201,652 1,920 1,961 5,928 3,183 330,626 109,590 73,082 77,383 78,959 27,257 875 10,684 21,414 52,267 9,276 11,70I 9,508 5,445 14,953 4,015,869 967,414 4,982,797 ►H'( �� GS Approved by: Director of F�nancial Sernces Date � � Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet � p oo � ��� DepartmenUOfficelcouneil: Date Initiated: �PR -����a�a� ��R-05 Green Sheet NO: 3026267 Conpct Person & Phone: Jill Cremers 266-6435 Must Be on Councii Agenda by (Date): � DeoartrneM Sent To Person InitiaVDate 0 ar and Rec tion A55�9n 1 arls and Recreation De rlmen[ DireMOr �1 Number ����� 2 'n ntial ervi FOf Routing 3 ' Clerk Order 4 ar an ecreation Till C�emers 5 ToWI # of Signature Pages _(Clip All Locations for Signature) Approval of the attached Adwinistrative Order wluch will hansfer budget authority to provide sufficient funding at the budgetary conhol level of the Pazks and Recreation's 2004 General Fund (001). itlations: Approve (A) or F Planning Commission CIB Committee Civil Service Commission Personal Service Contracts Must Mswer the Following Questions: 1. Has this person/firm ever worked under a contract for this department? Yes No 2. Has this personffirtn ever been a city employee? Yes No 3. Does this persoNfirm possess a skill not normally possessed by any curcent city employee? Yes No 6cplain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet Initiating Problem, Issues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why): To provide adequate funding at the budgehry control level of the Pazks and Recreation's 2004 General Fund Budget (001). AdvanWges If Approved: The Pazks and Recreation's 2004 General Fund Budget (001) will have adequate funding at the budgetary wnlrol leve. DisadvanWges If Approved: None Disativantages If Not Approvetl: The Pazks and Recrearion's 2004 General Fund Budget (001) will be overspent at the budgetary control level. TowlAmountof g67414 Transaction: Fundins� Source: General Fund Financial Information: (F�cplain) CostlRevenue Budgeted: ActiviN Number: VBrioUs �aY r 12005 GITY CLERK