Agenda 9-11-2002Page 1 of 5 AGENDA OF THE SAINT PAUL CITY COUNCIL Wednesday, September 11, 2002 - 3:30 - 5:00 p.m. CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS, 3RD FLOOR City Hall and Court House 15 West Kellogg Boulevard Nancy Anderson, Assistant Secretary to the Council Mary Erickson, Clerical Support - 651- 266 -8565 Office of the City Council Web Index • Consent Agenda • Communications and Administrative Orders • For Action • For Discussion • Ordinances • Housing and Redevelopment Authority CONSENT AGENDA (Items I - 24) NOTE: ALL ITEMS LISTED UNDER CONSENT AGENDA WILL BE ENACTED BY ONE MOTION. THERE WILL BE NO SEPARATE DISCUSSION OF THESE ITEMS. IF DISCUSSION IS DESIRED BY A COUNCIL,MEMBER, THAT ITEM WILL BE REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA AND CONSIDERED SEPARATELY. COMMUNICATIONS AND ADMINISTRATIVE ORDERS 1. Claims of Lisa Bernal, Quinton Carlson, Ronnie Flowers, Robert Kelley, Rokatress Kelly, Jung Lee, John Murray, Laura Peterson, Josef Ruzicka and Brian Steele. 2. Summons and Complaint in the matter of Johnnie R. Capers vs. the City of Saint Paul. 3. Summons and Complaint and First Set of Interrogatories and Requests for Production of Documents in the matter of Town Square Realty, LLC, vs. the City of Saint Paul. 4. Letters from the Office of the City Attorney recommending revocation of the provisional taxicab driver's license of the following individuals based upon their failure to enroll in and successfully complete a taxicab driver training course: Abdirahman Abdi, Bashir Ali, Hussien Ali, Arlen Badboy, Mahamed Bare, Roger Barts, Mark Claffy, Guy Dennis, Angela Durham, Yusuf Hashi, Abdulkadir, Ilmi, Willie Jones, Jr., Roy Prince and Bobby White. file: //C:ADOCUME— l \LFSUPP —1 \LOCALS —1 \Temp \ELF20101215_150941\Agenda 9 -1... 12/15/2010 Page 2 of 5 5. Letter from the Department of Planning and Economic Development announcing a public hearing before the City Council on October 2, 2002, to consider the application of SISKA Group, Inc., for a preliminary and final plat to create an eight -lot subdivision for single family homes at Oak Bluff Second Addition (2160 Highwood Avenue). Letters from the Citizen Service Office /Division of Property Code Enforcement declaring 706 Charles Avenue, 1083 Conway Street, 1143 Hudson Road and 1165 Hudson Road as nuisance properties. (For notification purposes only; public hearings will be scheduled at a later date if necessary.) 7. Letter from the Real Estate Division announcing a public hearing before the City Council on September 25, 2002, to consider the petition of John Kratz to vacate that part of unimproved Albion Avenue west of Lexington Avenue for the purpose of facilitating the development of multi - family housing. (File No. 0l -2002) 8. D002190 Authorizing the City to pay for expenses, cost not to exceed $3,500.00, for the Critical Incident Response Team of the Saint Paul Police Department to attend training on September 8 -11, 2002, at the United States Army Base located at Camp Ripley, Fort Ripley, Minnesota. FOR ACTION 9. Approval of minutes of August 21, 2002. 10. Resolution - 02 -825 - Establishing the rate of pay for a new classification titled Assistant Gardener in Grade IOU of Bargaining Unit 72, Groundsworker Local 132 Salary Schedule. 11. Resolution - 02 -826 - Establishing the rate of pay of a new classification titled Heavy Equipment Operator - Sewer Utility in Grade 07U of Bargaining Unit 75, Heavy Equipment Operators Salary Schedule. 12. Resolution - 02 -827 - Approving the appointment of Sherri Mortensen Brown, by Mayor Kelly, to the Truth in Sale of Housing Board. 13. Resolution - 02 -828 - Approving the appointment of Martha Fuller, by Mayor Kelly, as Director of the Department of Planning and Economic Development. 14. Resolution - 02 -829 - Memorializing City Council action denying the appeal of the Saint Anthony Park Community Council regarding a business sign variance at 2441 University Avenue West. 15. Resolution - 02 -830 - Memorializing City Council action granting the appeal of Marathon Ashland Petroleum LLC to a decision of the Saint Paul Planning Commission granting an appeal by the Summit Hill Association /District 16 Planning Council of a decision of the Saint Paul Zoning Administrator regarding a reader sign board on property located at 925 Grand Avenue. 16. Resolution - 02 -831 - Adopting a maximum annual tax levy and an adjusted tax rate for 2003. 17. Resolution - 02 -832 - Authorizing the City to provide financial support to Kids Voting Saint Paul 2002 Education Program. 18. Resolution - 02 -833 - Authorizing City officials to enter into negotiations with Ramsey County to file: //C:ADOCUME— l \LFSUPP —1 \LOCALS —1 \Temp \ELF20101215_150941\Agenda 9 -1... 12/15/2010 Page 3 of 5 lease the Benz Building at the new Ramsey County Law Enforcement site for City police operations. 19. Resolution - 02 -834 - Authorizing the Department of Fire and Safety Services to conduct various fire training exercises at the properties located at 130 Arch Street and 646 Rice Street. 20. Resolution - 02 -835 - Authorizing the Police Department to enter into an agreement with Camp Ripley for use of the United States Army's advanced training facility at Camp Ripley, Fort Ripley, Minnesota on September 8 -11, 2002 for advanced training of Saint Paul's Critical Incidence Response Team. 21. Resolution - 02 -836 - Correcting a typographical error for the wrong assessment number in Council File 02 -700 adopted by the City Council on August 7, 2002, for the reduction of an assessment against the property at 667 Magnolia Avenue East. 22. Resolution - 02 -837 - Reducing the amount of the assessment for removal of an abandoned vehicle from the property at 892 Laurel Avenue. 23. Resolution - 02 -838 - Authorizing the proper City officials to enter into an agreement with the Minnesota Department of Transportation for reconstruction of the Saint Peter Street Storm Sewer Outlet. 24. Resolution - 02 -839 - Approving the transfer of $300,000.00 in Community Development Block Grant funds from the Rice Street Library project for predesign of a proposed new Lexington Library near Lexington and University Avenues. FOR DISCUSSION 25. Resolution Ratifying Assessment - 02 -840 - In the matter of assessment of benefits, cost, and expenses for 2002 replacement of lead water service connection at 1380 White Bear Avenue North. (Public hearing held and laid over from August 28) 26. An update from staff in the Department of Public Works on the City streets /traffic involved with the Safe Routes to School Program. (Requested by the City Council on August 21 and laid over from September 4) 27. An update from staff in the Department of Public Works to consider the "Keep Kids Alive" program for the City of Saint Paul. (Requested by the City Council on August 21 and laid over from September 4) ORDINANCES NOTE: AN ORDINANCE IS A CITY LA W ENACTED B Y THE CITY COUNCIL. IT IS READ AT FOUR SEPARATE COUNCIL MEETINGS AND BECOMES EFFECTIVE AFTER PASSAGE BY THE COUNCIL AND 30 DAYS AFTER PUBLICATION IN THE SAINT PAUL LEGAL LEDGER 28. Final Adoption - 02 -570 - An ordinance establishing a new height limit for boulevard plantings of 36 inches, except for plantings within fifteen feet of any intersection or within five feet of any alley, driveway approach or public utility fixture where plantings may not exceed the current height requirement of twelve inches in height. (Substitute introduced on June 26 and laid over from July 17) file: //C:ADOCUME— l \LFSUPP —1 \LOCALS —1 \Temp \ELF20101215_150941\Agenda 9 -1... 12/15/2010 Page 4 of 5 29. Second Reading - 02 -814 - An ordinance amending Chapters 87 and 91 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code pertaining to the rules and regulations of Saint Paul Regional Water Services as recommended by the Saint Paul Board of Water Commissioners. HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Wednesday, September 11, 2002 2:30 - 3:00 p.m. City Council Chambers Third Floor Angela Simons, Clerical Support (651) 266 -6605 AGENDA Housing 5000- Housing Projects Scorecard is available. ROLL CALL CONSENT 1. Resolution Appointing Executive Director. DISCUSSION 2. Certification of Proposed Maximum HRA Property Tax Levy Payable in 2003. Resolution Authorizing The Acquisition of Real Estate for The Purpose of Redevelopment of a Mixed Use Urban Development, District 2. Designation of Projects to receive Year 2003 Low Income Housing Tax Credits, Citywide. ADJOURNMENT Council Meeting Information Website For an updated copy of the City Council Meeting agendas or minutes, please visit our website at www.ci.stpaul.mn.us /council. file: //C:ADOCUME— l \LFSUPP —1 \LOCALS —1 \Temp \ELF20101215_150941\Agenda 9 -1... 12/15/2010 Page 5 of 5 Cable The City Council and Housing and Redevelopment Authority (HRA) Meetings are cablecasted live on Channel 18 and repeated on Thursdays at 7: 00 p.m., Saturdays at 12:30 p.m., and Sundays at 1: 00 p.m. (Subject to change). Also, the City Council and HRA Agendas are cablecasted on Saturdays at 8:00 a. m. and 7:30 p.m., Sundays at 5:30 p.m., Mondays at 8: 00 a. m. 1: 30 p.m., and 5:30 p.m.; Tuesdays at 8: 00 a. m., and 5:30 p.m.; and Wednesdays at 8: 00 a. m. and 1: 30 p.m. file: //C:ADOCUME- 1 \LFSUPP -1 \LOCALS -1 \Temp \ELF20101215_150941\Agenda 9 -1... 12/15/2010