Agenda 4-11-2001Page 1 of 5 AGENDA OF THE SAINT PAUL CITY COUNCIL Wednesday, April 11, 2001 - 3:30 - 5:00 p.m. CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS, 3RD FLOOR City Hall and Court House 15 West Kellogg Boulevard Nancy Anderson, Assistant Secretary to the Council Mary Erickson, Clerical Support - 651- 266 -8565 Office of the City Council Web Index • Consent Agenda • Communications and Administrative Orders • For Action • For Discussion • Ordinances . Housing and Redevelopment Authority CONSENT AGENDA (Items I -19) NOTE: ALL ITEMS LISTED UNDER CONSENT AGENDA WILL BE ENACTED BY ONE MOTION. THERE WILL BE NO SEPARATE DISCUSSION OF THESE ITEMS. IF DISCUSSION IS DESIRED BY A COUNCILMEMBER, THAT ITEM WILL BE REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA AND CONSIDERED SEPARATELY. COMMUNICATIONS AND ADMINISTRATIVE ORDERS 1. Claims of Gordon Ballman, Ery Barrett, Patricia Carter, Evan Cree, Charles Mendes, D.D.S., Daniel Morris, Joseph Patrin, Bryan Plass, Charles Prescott, Shawn Quast, and DeGalynn Wade. 2. Letter from the Citizen Service Office/Property Code Enforcement declaring 1236 East Seventh Street as nuisance property and setting date of Legislative Hearing for April 17, 2001, and City Council Hearing for May 2, 2001. 3. Letter from the Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection announcing a public hearing before the City Council on April 25, 2001, to consider the application for a sound level variance by Cretin- Derham Hall High School to allow live music on the school's north baseball field at 550 Albert Street South during their 2nd Annual Block Party on July 28, 2001, from 8:00 p.m. to 11:30 p.m. file: //C:ADOCUME— l\LFSUPP— l\LOCALS —1 \Temp \ELF20101215_144916\Agenda 4 -1... 12/15/2010 Page 2 of 5 4. Administrative Orders: D002015 Approving funding, not to exceed $50.00, for a lunch or snack for Arbor Day Poster judging by volunteers to be held on April 5, 2001, at the Como Golf Clubhouse. D002016 Reconciling the actual 2000 spending to 2000 budget in the Office of Human Resources. D002017 Transferring budget money to provide sufficient funding at the budgetary control level of the Division of Parks and Recreation's 2000 General Fund Budget. D002018 Authorizing payment of travel expenses for one non -City employee, a Northwest Traffic Institute certified motor officer instructor, from the Altamonte Springs Police Department. D002019 Transferring spending authority between line items in the Public Works Sewer Utility Enterprise Fund for the year 2000. FOR ACTION 5. Approval of minutes of February 7, 2001. 6. Resolution - 01 -331 - Approving the January 1, 2001, through December 31, 2002, Collective Bargaining Agreement between the City of Saint Paul and the City of Saint Paul Professional Employees Association. (Laid over from April 4 for adoption) 7. Resolution - 01 -362 - Approving the Memorandum of Agreement between the City of Saint Paul and the Saint Paul Police Federation for the purpose of extending the agreement to provide an accelerated entry program for police officers to join the Saint Paul Police Department. (To be laid over one week for adoption) 8. Resolution - 01 -363 - Recognizing Jodi Bantley, outgoing executive director of the Hamline Midway Coalition, for her exceptional leadership. 9. Resolution - 01 -364 - Appointing Councilmember Pat Harris as the Council's representative to the Family Housing Fund. 10. Resolution - 01 -365 - Approving the decision of the Legislative Hearing Officer on Property Code Enforcement Appeals for property located at 1926 and 1764 Grand Avenue, 604 Oakdale Avenue, and 1079 Arkwright Street. 11. Resolution - 01 -366 - Concerning adverse action against the Cigarette /Tobacco License held by Cecilia Albright, dba Centennial Store, 658 Cedar Street. 12. Resolution - 01 -367 - Approving a General Fund financing advance to Special Fund year 2001 budget - Real Estate City Hall Annex operating. 13. Resolution - 01 -368 - Authorizing execution of Subordination Agreement with respect to Community of Peace Academy Charter School Bond Issuance. 14. Resolution - 01 -369 - Approving a Neighborhood STAR Loan and Grant for Historic Saint Paul, Inc. 15. Resolution - 01 -370 - Amending contract with R K Midway, LLC (Midway Shopping Center) to extend deadline for construction. 16. Resolution - 01 -371 - Authorizing the proper City officials to execute a contract with the U.S. file: //C:ADOCUME— l\LFSUPP —l\ LOCALS— l\TempTL1 4 -1... 12/15/2010 Page 3 of 5 Employment Opportunity Commission for the provision of investigative services. 17. Resolution - 01 -372 - Amending the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation by establishing the compensation for the class titled Environmental Health Specialist III. 18. Resolution - 01 -373 - Canceling a portion of Final Order 498 -749 (File 4S98090) adopted August 12, 1998, for a sidewalk which was not reconstructed. 19. Preliminary Order - 01 -374 - In the matter of improving Brewster Avenue from Raleigh Street to Fifield Street, and Fifield Street from Brewster Avenue to Como Avenue, and setting date of public hearing for April 25, 2001. (File 418930B) FOR DISCUSSION 20. Report from the Saint Paul Libraries regarding current policies restricting Internet access to pornography by minors. 21. Resolution - 00 -317 - Ordering the owner to remove or repair the building at 668 5th Street East within fifteen (15) days from adoption of resolution. (Legislative Hearing Officer recommends approval) (Laid over from October 11, 2000) 22. Resolution - 01 -293 - Supporting the cleaning up of coal -fired plants. (Laid over from March 28) 23. Resolution - 01 -288 - Approving a 2001 budget amendment to release funds from the general government accounts - specified contingency. (Laid over from April 4) 24. Resolution - 01 -347- Authorizing use of $300,000 STAR Grant for the Osceola Crossing Project. (Laid over from April 4) ORDINANCES NOTE: AN ORDINANCE IS A CITY LA W ENACTED BY THE CITY CO UNCIL. IT IS READ AT FO UR SEPARATE COUNCIL MEETINGS AND BECOMES EFFECTIVE AFTER PASSAGE BY THE COUNCIL AND 30 DAYSAFTER PUBLICATION IN THE SAINT PAUL LEGAL LEDGER 25. Final Adoption - 01 -49 - An ordinance amending Chapter 66.216 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code pertaining to special sign district sign plans creating a new special sign district ordinance for the downtown area to be known as the Downtown Area Special District Sign Plan. (The ordinance was referred to the Planning Commission for study and a report on this proposed amendment to the Zoning Code) (Laid over from March 28) 26. Final Adoption - 01 -249 - An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 13537 approved January 31, 1967, by deleting the roadway of Maria Avenue - Seventh Street to Hudson Road from the truck route ordinance. (Amended and laid over from April 4) 27. Final Adoption - 01 -277 - An ordinance creating a new Chapter 156 and amending Chapter 18 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code to authorize the designation of pedestrian safety crossings and authorizing the Legislative Hearing Officer to hear appeals of decisions related to pedestrian safety crossings. fileJ /C:ADOCUME— l\LFSUPP —l\ LOCALS— l\TempTL1 4 -1... 12/15/2010 Page 4 of 5 (Substitute introduced on April 4) 28. Final Adoption - 01 -280 - An ordinance placing the position titled General Manager - Saint Paul Regional Water Services in the unclassified service pursuant to Section 12.03.2(H) of the City Charter. 29. Second Reading - 01 -348 - An ordinance amending Saint Paul Legislative Code Chapter 376 to eliminate the controls on the number of taxicab vehicle licenses and establishing additional requirements for new vehicle taxicab licenses. 30. Second Reading - 01 -349 - An ordinance amending Saint Paul Legislative Code Chapter 376; making the temporary maximum taxicab fare structure, that was approved on October 1, 1999, permanent and requiring an annual review of the fare structure. 31. Second Reading - 01 -350 - An ordinance amending Chapter 225 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code to permit Animal Control Officers to carry and discharge a firearm while carrying on the duties of their occupation. 32. Second Reading - 01 -351 - An ordinance finalizing City Council action granting the application of Mendota Homes, Inc. to rezone property from B -3 to RM -2 to allow construction of a new 3 -story residential condominium at 1941 Ford Parkway (between Kenneth and Howell Streets). (Public hearing held March 7, 2001) 33. First Reading - 01 -375 - An ordinance amending Chapter 246 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code to permit temporary liquor and 3.2 beer licenses to be issued in City parks and to delete obsolete references to the department of community services. HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Wednesday, April 11, 2001 2:00 - 3:00 p.m. Council Chambers, Third Floor City Hall Angela Simons, Clerical Support (651) 266 -6605 AGENDA ROLL CALL CONSENT 1. Approval of Minutes from Meetings on February 28 and March 14, 2001 2. Resolution Authorizing Application to the Department of Trade and Economic Development's file: //C:ADOCUME— l\LFSUPP— l\LOCALS —1 \Temp \ELF20101215_144916\Agenda 4 -1... 12/15/2010 Page 5 of 5 Contamination Clean Up Program and a Resolution Authorizing Application for the Tax Base Revitalization Account for the Troutbrook Site, District 6. 3. Approval of Rondo Community Land Trust's Financial Request, Summit University, District 8 and Lexington- Hamline, District 13. 4. Approval of Greater Frogtown Community Development Corporation 2001 Capital City Development Program Proposal, Thomas -Dale, District 7. 5. Allocation of Low Income Housing Tax Credits to the Hanover Townhouse Project, District 7. PUBLIC HEARINGS 6. Authorization to Execute the Sale of the Following Parcels in Central Village: (1) Vacant Aurora Avenue, Parcel I.D. 4362923320010, 4362923320009, 4362923310070, 4362923310069, 4362923310068 and 4362923310067 under the City Wide Redevelopment Plan, District 8. 7. Authorization to Execute the Sale of Parcel 713 Butternut Avenue to Mendota Homes, Inc., District 9. DISCUSSION STAFF REPORT ADJOURNMENT Council Meeting Information Website For an updated copy of our City Council Meeting agendas or minutes, please visit our website at www. ci. stpaul. mn. us /council. Cable The City Council Meetings are cablecasted live on Channel 18 and repeated on Thursdays at 7:00 p.m., Saturdays at 12:30 p.m., and Sundays at 1:00 p.m. (Subject to change). Also, the City Council Agendas are cablecasted during the following times: Saturdays at 8:00 a.m., Sundays at 6:30 p.m., Mondays at 8:00 a.m. 1: 30 p. m., S: 30 p. m.; Tuesdays at 8:00 a.m., S: 30 p. m.; and Wednesdays at 8:00 a.m., 1:30 p.m. (Housing and Redevelopment Authority), 3: 00 p.m. file: //C:ADOCUME— l\LFSUPP— l\LOCALS —1 \Temp \ELF20101215_144916\Agenda 4 -1... 12/15/2010