Agenda 5-26-1999Page 1 of 6 AGENDA OF THE SAINT PAUL CITY COUNCIL Wednesday, May 26, 1999 - 3:30 - 5:00 P.M. PUBLIC HEARINGS 5:30 - 6:30 p.m. CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS, 3RD FLOOR City Hall and Court House 15 West Kellogg Boulevard Nancy Anderson, Assistant Secretary to the Council Mary Erickson, Clerical Support - 266 -8565 Office of the City Council Web Index • Consent Agenda • For Action • Administrative Orders • For Discussion • Ordinances • Public Hearings • Housing and Redevelopment Authority CONSENT AGENDA(Items I - 23) NOTE: ALL ITEMS LISTED UNDER CONSENT AGENDAWIL,L BE ENACTED BY ONE MOTION. THERE WILL BE NO SEPARATE DISCUSSION OF THESEITEMS. IF DISCUSSION IS DESIRED, THAT ITEM WILL BE REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT AGENDAAND CONSIDERED SEPARATELY. FOR ACTION 1. Approval of minutes of April21, 1999. 2. Claim of Larry Lipscomb. 3. Letter from the Citizen ServiceOffice declaring 20 Douglas Street as nuisance property and setting dateof Legislative Hearing for June 1, 1999 and City Council Hearing for June9, 1999. 4. AdministrativeOrders: file : //C:ADOCUME— l \cayre \LOCALS —1 \Temp \ELF20101215_144049 \Agenda 5- 26- 199... 12/15/2010 Page 2 of 6 . D001704 Authorizing payment,not to exceed $5,000.00, for relocation expenses for Tom Riddering, BuildingCode Official during the period May, 1999 to July, 1999. . D001705 Authorizing payment,not to exceed $2,000.00 to Events by Design for food service for outsideagencies participating in the Street Safe Officer Survival course. 5. Resolution - 99 -436 - Approvingthe appointments of Sherri Mortenson Brown and Ray VinZant, and the reappointmentof Dan Fleischhacker, by Mayor Coleman, to the Truth -In -Sale of HousingBoard of Evaluators. 6. Resolution - 99 -437 - Approvingthe appointments of A. Emma Corrie and Amy Rudolph, and the reappointmentof Brian McClung, by Mayor Coleman, to the Saint Paul Neighborhood NetworkBoard of Directors. 7. Resolution - 99 -438 - Approvingthe January 1, 1999 through December 31, 2000 Collective Bargaining Agreementbetween the City of Saint Paul and Local Union 1842, District Council 14of the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees, AFLCIO. (To be laid over one week for adoption) 8. Resolution - 99 -439 - Approvingthe January 1, 1999 through December 31, 2000 Collective Bargaining Agreementbetween the City of Saint Paul and Local 2508, District Council 14 of theAmerican Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees, AFL CIO.(To be laid over one week for adoption) 9. Resolution - 99 -440 - Approvingthe January 1, 1999 through December 31, 2000 Collective Bargaining Agreementbetween the City of Saint Paul and the City of Saint Paul ProfessionalEmployees Association. (To be laid over one week for adoption) 10. Resolution - 99 -441 - Approvinga contract with Craig Ayers and Leonard, Street and Deinard, P.A. for laborconsulting services. 11. Resolution - 99 -442 - Approvingthe decision of the Legislative Hearing Officer on Property Code EnforcementAppeals for property located at 800 Third Street East, 2124 and 2130 ComoAvenue, 2076 Como Avenue, 1899 Selby Avenue, 1761 Englewood Avenue, 384and 388 Laurel Avenue, 1401 -1403 Midway Parkway, and 1430 Englewood Avenue. 12. Resolution - 99 -443 - FinalizingCity Council action taken April 7, 1999, granting the appeal of the District? Community Council to a decision of the Planning Commission approvinga special condition use permit for CAPP Industries to allow operation ofa Ryder Truck rental facility at 1061 University Avenue West. 13. Resolution - 99 -444 - Transferring$15,000.00 from contingency to the City Attorney's Office Budget for anew criminal case management system. 14. Resolution - 99 -445 - Changingthe Rate of Pay for the classification entitled "Bridge Crew Leader." 15. Resolution - 99 -446 - Authorizingthe proper City officials to reimburse Saint Paul residents who lost treesduring the summer storms of 1998 half the cost of a new tree up to $200.00. 16. Resolution - 99 -447 - Establishinga 1999 financing and spending plan in the Police Department for file : //C:ADOCUME— l \cayre \LOCALS —1 \Temp \ELF20101215_144049 \Agenda 5- 26- 199... 12/15/2010 Page 3 of 6 the Thomas/DaleWeed and Seed grant. 17. Resolution - 99 -448 - Establishinga 1999 financing and spending plan in the Police Department for the CopsMore Technology grant. 18. Resolution - 99 -449 - Establishinga 1999 financing and spending plan in the Police Department for the CopsNetwork 11 grant. 19. Resolution - 99 -450 - Approvingthe use of assessment financing for sewer connection charges (advance payment)for the property at 550 Arlington Avenue East. 20. Preliminary Order - 99 -451- In the matter of installation of above standard twin lantern style lightingsystem on East Seventh Street from Sinnen Street to Mounds Boulevard, andsetting date of public hearing for July 7, 1999. (File 418897) 21. Preliminary Order - 99 -452- In the matter of operating costs for the above standard twin style streetlighting system on East Seventh Street from Mounds Boulevard to SinnenStreet for the months of November 1, 1999, to December 31, 2000, and settingdate of public hearing for July 7, 1999. (File 418898) 22. Preliminary Order - 99 -453- In the matter of sidewalk reconstruction on both sides of West CentralAvenue from North Chatsworth Street to North Victoria Street; both sidesof Charles Avenue from Arundel Street to Mackubin Street; both sides ofEdmund Avenue from North Oxford Street to North Chatsworth Street; bothsides of Fuller Avenue from North Chatsworth Street to North Victoria Street;both sides of Fuller Avenue from North Victoria Street to North GrottoStreet; and the west side of North Victoria Street from West Central Avenueto Aurora Avenue, and setting date of public hearing for July 14, 1999.(File 4S99087- S99092) 23. Preliminary Order - 99 -454- In the matter of sidewalk reconstruction on both sides of South MiltonStreet from Randolph Avenue to James Avenue; both sides of East Idaho Avenuefrom Wheelock Ridge Road to Edgerton Street; and both sides of Walsh Streetfrom East Hawthorne Avenue to East Orange Avenue, and setting date of publichearing for July 14, 1999. (File 4S99093- S99095) FOR DISCUSSION 24. Resolution - 98 -566 - Orderingthe owner to remove or repair the building at 674 Wells Street within fifteen(15) days from adoption of resolution. (Legislative Hearing Officerrecommends approval) (Laid over from February 24, 1999) 25. Resolution- 99 -321 - Approving application for Auto Repair Garage and Second HandDealer -Motor Vehicle Licenses by Nasseh Ghaffari, dba Heartland Auto Sales, 1236 Arcade Street. (Legislative Hearing Officer recommends approvalwith conditions) (Laid over from May 12) 26. Report from the Departmentof Planning and Economic Development on the implementation over the lastten years of the City's Replacement Housing Policy, Chapter 93 of the AdministrativeCode. (Requested by the Council on March 24, 1999, C.F. 99 -260) 27. Update by the Departmentof Planning and Economic Development on the proposed merger of the SaintPaul Workforce Development Program and the Ramsey County Job Training Program. (Monthly updates were requested by the Council on April 14) file : //C:ADOCUME— l \cayre \LOCALS —1 \Temp \ELF20101215_144049 \Agenda 5- 26- 199... 12/15/2010 Page 4 of 6 ORDINANCES 28. FinalAdoption - 99 -396 - An ordinance finalizing City Council action approvinga petition for Friends School of Minnesota to rezone property at 1365 EnglewoodAvenue from RM -3 to OS -1 to allow expansion of the existing school. 29. Third Reading - 99 -416- An ordinance finalizing City Council action approving the applicationof Michael Nadeau to rezone property at 377 West Maryland Avenue from B -3to R -4 to reflect current use of the property. (Public hearing held January27, 1999) 30. Third Reading - 99 -417- An ordinance finalizing City Council action approving the applicationof Cayuga Street, LLC to rezone property at 199/201 Cayuga Street fromRT -1 to I -1 to allow development of surface parking. (Public hearing heldJanuary 27, 1999) PUBLIC HEARINGS(public hearings will begin at 5:30 p.m.) 31. Resolution - 99 -455 - Grantinga sound level variance to Jane and Joe Anfang for a live music concertos June 4, 1999, from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. on the front yard of 2099Selby Avenue. 32. Third Reading - 99 -383 -An ordinance designating the Coney Island Buildings as a Heritage PreservationSite. (Laid over from May 5) (A substitute ordinance will be introduced) 33. Third Reading - 99 -384 -An ordinance designating the Seventh Place Buildings as a Heritage PreservationSite. (A substitute ordinance will be introduced) 34. ThirdReading - 99 -395 - An ordinance to establish a distance limitation betweenestablishments licensed to sell 3.2 percent malt liquor at off -sale. 35. Resolution- 99 -425 - Making certain determinations and findings necessary for acquisitionof a parcel at the northeast corner of Pelham Boulevard and Myrtle Avenue.(Public hearing continued from May 12) 36. Resolution- 99 -335 - Ordering the owner to remove or repair the building at 659 VanBuren Avenue within fifteen (15) days from adoption of resolution. (LegislativeHearing Officer recommends approval) (Laid over from April 14) 37. Resolution - 99 -456 - Orderingthe owner to remove or repair the building at 310 George Street West withinfifteen (15) days from adoption of resolution. (Legislative HearingOfficer recommends approval) 38. Resolution - 99 -419 - Concerning adverse action against the application of Gerald Grossman foran Auto Repair Garage and Second Hand Motor Vehicle Dealer's License at5+9 545 University Avenue. (Uncontested) (Laidover from May 12) 39. Resolution- 99 -421 - Concerning adverse action against the application for an AutoBody Repair Shop License by Richard Diaz, dba Rick Diaz Auto Services,933 Atlantic Street. (Uncontested) (Laid over from May 12) 40. Resolution - 99 -457 - Concerningadverse action against licenses held by Camdi Company, dba file : //C:ADOCUME— l \cayre \LOCALS —1 \Temp \ELF20101215_144049 \Agenda 5- 26- 199... 12/15/2010 Page 5 of 6 Willow GateRestaurant, 767 Cleveland Avenue South. (Uncontested) 41. Resolution - 99 -458 - Concerningthe application for a Second Hand Dealer -Motor Vehicle Parts license byTimothy S. Wilson, dba Payne Avenue Radiator & Tire Service, 933 Payne Avenue. (Uncontested) 42. Public hearing to considerthe report of the Administrative Law Judge concerning adverse action againstlicenses held by Michael Bartelmy, dba Mike's Towing, 847 Hudson Road. 43. Final Order - 99 -459 - Inthe matter of sidewalk reconstruction on the south side of Como Avenuefrom Kent Street to North Dale Street at 616 Como Avenue only, aka EasyStreets West Bar, and the east side of North Dale Street from Burgess Streetto Front Avenue; the north side of Watson Avenue from South Syndicate Streetto South Hamline Avenue at 1311 Watson Avenue only; the south side of EastFifth Street from Minnesota Street to North Robert Street, the east sideof Minnesota Street from East Fourth Street to East Fifth Street, and thewest side of North Robert Street from East Fourth Street to East FifthStreet at 322 Minnesota Street; and the south side of West Fifth Streetfrom North Wabasha Street to St. Peter Street at 350 St. Peter Street.(File 4S99007- S99010) 44. Final Order - 99 -460 - Inthe mater of sidewalk construction and reconstruction in Wards 1, 2, 3,and 6. (File 4S99017- S99028) HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENTAUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Wednesday, May 26, 1999 2:00 - 3:00 P.M. CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS THIRD FLOOR CITY HALL - COURTHOUSE AGENDA ROLL CALL CONSENT AGENDA 1. Approval of Minutes from May 5 andMay 12, 1999. 2. Authorization to Acquire TaxForfeit Parcel 822 Marshall Avenue, Summit - University, District 8. file : //C:ADOCUME— l \cayre \LOCALS —1 \Temp \ELF20101215_144049 \Agenda 5- 26- 199... 12/15/2010 Page 6 of 6 3. Authorization to Accept Conveyanceof Parcel at Randolph Avenue and I -35E in West 7th /Fort Road, District9. PUBLIC HEARINGS 4. Authorization to Execute the Saleof Parcel 405 Michigan Street under the Splinter Parcel Guidelines, West7 /Fort Road, District 9 (Public Hearing). 5. Final Approval for Project andIssuance of Conduit Lease Revenue Bonds for Higher Ground Academy BuildingCompany (Higher Ground Academy Charter School) District 13 (Public Hearing). 6. Authorization to Execute theSale of the Following Parcels to Builders Outreach Foundation, Inc. underthe Replacement Single Family New Construction Program: (1) 463 EdmundAvenue and (2) 465 Edmund Avenue, Thomas -Dale District 7 (Public Hearing). 7. Public Hearing and PreliminaryResolution for Acorn Language Community Academy Charter School RevenueBond Project, District 2. DISCUSSION STAFF REPORT ADJOURNMENT file : //C:ADOCUME— l \cayre \LOCALS —1 \Temp \ELF20101215_144049 \Agenda 5- 26- 199... 12/15/2010