Agenda 4-7-1999Page 1 of 7 AGENDA OF THE SAINT PAUL CITY COUNCIL Wednesday, April 7, 1999 - 3:30 - 5:00 P.M. PUBLIC HEARINGS 5:30 - 6:30 P.M. CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS, 3RD FLOOR City Hall and Court House 15 West Kellogg Boulevard Nancy Anderson, Assistant Secretary to the Council Mary Erickson, Clerical Support - 266 -8565 Office of the City Council Web Index • Consent Agenda • For Action • Administrative Orders • For Discussion • Ordinances • Public Hearings CONSENT AGENDA (Items 1- 25) NOTE: ALL ITEMS LISTED UNDER CONSENT AGENDAWIL,L BE ENACTED BY ONE MOTION. THERE WILL BE NO SEPARATE DISCUSSION OFTHESE ITEMS. IF DISCUSSION IS DESIRED, THAT ITEM WILL BE REMOVED FROM THECONSENT AGENDA AND CONSIDERED SEPARATELY. FOR ACTION 1. Approval of minutes of February3, 10, and 17, 1999. 2. Claims of Bobbie Barbosa,Jeremy Brantungham, James Bukowski, Patrick Carlone, Eileen Ellis, GormanSurveying, Inc., Tduardo Head, Eric Mickelson, James Nicklas, Timothy Perry,Kenneth Preiner, Lillian Reed, Daniel Slinde, and Tappe Construction Co. 3. Notices of Appeal of Commissioners'Award Parcel 2, Metropolitan Building, and Notice of Withdrawal of Counselin the matter of the Port Authority of the City of Saint Paul vs. D.S.P.O.T.,LLC,et al. 4. Letters from the Citizen ServiceOffice /Property Code Enforcement declaring 711 Sherburne Avenue, file : //C:ADOCUME— l \cayre \LOCALS —1 \Temp \ELF20101215_144003 \Agenda 4- 7- 1999... 12/15/2010 Page 2 of 7 and 659Van Buren Avenue as "nuisance properties," and setting date of LegislativeHearings for April 6, 1999 and City Council Hearings for April 14, 1999. 5. Letters from the Citizen ServiceOffice /Property Code Enforcement declaring 1130 Abell Street, and 759 PierceButler Route as "nuisance properties." (For notification purposes only;public hearings will be scheduled at a later date if necessary.) 6. Letter from the Office ofthe City Attorney announcing a hearing before an Administrative Law Judgeon April 27, 1999, at 9:30 a.m., Room 41, City Hall /Courthouse, in thematter of the 3.2 malt off - sale license application of Abdulhadi K. Abrahim,dba Mona's, 920 Selby Avenue. 7. Letter from the Office ofthe City Attorney announcing a hearing before an Administrative Law Judgeon May 4, 1999 at 9:30 a.m., Room 41, City Hall /Courthouse in the matterof all licenses held by James Bailey, Inc., dba Arlington Pub, aka Bailey'sBar, 721 Payne Avenue. 8. AdministrativeOrders: . D001666 Authorization forthe Office of Human Resources to reimburse various vendors for costs incurredin conducting employee relations and recognition programs in 1999. . D001667 Authorizing paymentby the Office of Citizen Service in the amount of $539.88 for promotionsand events for Black History Month in February, 1999. . D001668 Authorizing the Departmentof Fire and Safety Services to pay $150.00 for a substitute teacher toreplace a teacher at Holy Spirit School who will attend a Risk Watch trainingworkshop. . D001669 Authorizing a PoliceDepartment staff member (non -city employee) to attend the School BasedPartnership Technical Assistance Workshop in Chicago on April 17 -20, 1999,sponsored by COPS, U.S. Department of Justice. . D001670 Revising the 1998budget for the Library Aids and Grants Fund for the Department of Libraries. . D001671 Transferring budgetedamounts between activities to balance the budgetary control levels of thePolice Department's 1998 Special Revenue Fund 436. . D001672 Budget revision tocover 1998 year -end variances in the Office of LISP. • D001673 Transferring budgetmoney to provide sufficient funding at the budgetary control levels ofthe Police Department's 1998 General Fund Budget 001. • D001674 Adjusting the 1998year -end General Fund Activities in the Department of Fire and Safety Services. • D001675 Transferring spendingauthority to proper budget codes for 1998 in the budget of the Office of luman Rights. • D001676 Transferring year- enddollars into appropriate spending codes to accurately reflect spendingin the Office of Human Resources. file : //C:ADOCUME— l \cayre \LOCALS —1 \Temp \ELF20101215_144003 \Agenda 4- 7- 1999... 12/15/2010 Page 3 of 7 . D001677 Transferring spendingauthority to proper budget codes for the 1998 budget of the Mayor's Office. . D001678 Budget revision tocover 1998 year -end variances in the Office of Financial Services. . D001679 Budget revision inthe City Council Offices to cover 1998 year -end variances in fringe benefits. . D001680 Budget revision inthe Office of Technology and Management Services to cover 1998 year - endvariances. . D001681 Budget revision inthe City Attorney's Office to cover 1998 year -end variances in fringe benefits. . D001682 Budget revision inthe Affirmative Action Office to cover 1998 year -end variances in fringebenefits. . D001683 Budget revision inthe Citizen Services Office /Property Code Enforcement to cover 1998 year- endvariances. . D001684 Budget revision inthe General Government Account to cover 1998 year -end variances. . D001685 1998 budget revisionin the Housing Information Office. . D001686 Budget revision inthe Citizen Services Office to cover 1998 year -end variances. . D001687 Transferring budgetmoney to provide sufficient funding at the budgetary control level of theDivision of Parks and Recreation's 1998 General Fund Budget 001. . D001688 Amending the 1998budget of the Special Fund for the Office of LISP. 9. Resolution - 99 -286 - Approvingthe 1999 -2000 Labor Agreement between the City of Saint Paul and the InternationalUnion of Operating Engineers Local 70. (To be laid over one week for adoption) 10. Resolution - 99 -287 - Requestof the Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection forauthorization to execute a contract and copyright agreement with the Universityof Minnesota Press to publish a book on the Architecture of St. Pauldeveloped by the Heritage Preservation Commission. 11. Resolution - 99 -288 - Amendingprior and current year budgets for the Citywide Capital Maintenance Program. 12. Resolution - 99 -289 - Authorizingthe Division of Parks and Recreation to accept a donation of $400.00 fromCapital City Branch 8019 of Lutheran Brotherhood and St. Mark LutheranChurch to help purchase new equipment for reconstruction of the play areaat Dousman Park and to set up a 1999 spending plan for this project. 13. Resolution - 99 -290 - Authorizingthe proper City officials to sign an agreement with the Water Utility forthe purchase and operation of an Automated Dispatch Locating System. 14. Resolution - 99 -291 - Authorizingthe City to submit Saint Paul's 1999 Consolidated Plan - One Year Updateto the U.S. Department of Housing & Urban Development which includesCommunity file : //C:ADOCUME— l \cayre \LOCALS —1 \Temp \ELF20101215_144003 \Agenda 4- 7- 1999... 12/15/2010 Page 4 of 7 Development Block Grant, HOME Investment Partnership Program,and the Emergency Shelter Grant Program. 15. Resolution - 99 -292 - Approvingapplication for a Malt Off -Sale License by Ahmad Ibrahim, dba Mona's Market, 1218 Thomas Avenue. (Legislative Hearing Officer recommends approval) 16. Resolution - 99 -293 - Authorizingthe Department of Fire and Safety Services to enter into an agreement withthe Edina Fire Department. 17. Resolution - 99 -294 - Authorizingthe Department of Fire and Safety Services to enter into an agreement withthe Lower St. Croix Valley Fire Department. 18. Resolution - 99 -295 - Authorizingthe Police Department to accept a grant in the amount of $34,709.00, withthe Saint Paul Public Schools, for Demonstration Programs to Reduce theIncidence of Illegal Passing of School Buses. 19. Resolution - 99 -296 - Authorizingthe Police Department to accept a grant in the amount of $27,960.00 fromthe Minnesota Auto Theft Prevention Program. 20. Resolution - 99 -297 - Authorizingthe Police Department to accept a contribution in the amount of $500.00from the Hubert H. Humphrey Job Corps students to assist with the anti- graffitiwork of the Saint Paul Police Graffiti, Inc. program. 21. Resolution - 99 -298 - Authorizingthe Police Department to continue to participate in the East Metro CoordinatedNarcotics Taskforce grant partnership with Dakota County through the Officeof Drug Policy. 22. Resolution - 99 -299 - Authorizingthe purchase of land for the Jimmy Lee Recreation Center Acquisition andRedevelopment Project. 23. Resolution - 99 -300 - Approvingthe purchase of the Pig's Eye Yard, 164.5 acres of vacant land, lying northof Pig's Eye Lake. 24. Resolution Approving Assessment- 99 -301 - In the matter of installation of storm sewer connections, asrequested by the property owners, in conjunction with improving LexingtonParkway, and setting date of public hearing for June 2, 1999. (File 418674 -SSC) 25. Resolution Approving Assessment- 99 -302 - In the matter of sidewalk reconstruction on Webster, Fairmount, Osceola, Hartford, East Hawthorne, Euclid, Blair, Arbor, Edgcumbe, James,Sumner, North Hamline, West Nebraska, and Laurel, and setting date of publichearing for June 2, 1999. (File 4S97003, S97043, S97045, S97048, S97063,S97073, S97080- S97082, S97084- S97087, S97101) FOR DISCUSSION 26. Resolution - 99 -303 - Approvingthe decision of the Legislative Hearing Officer on Property Code EnforcementAppeals for property located at 891 Carroll Avenue. (Laid over from March24) 27. Resolution - 99 -304 - Approvingthe decision of the Legislative Hearing Officer on Property Code EnforcementAppeals for property located at 807 Hampden Avenue. (Laid over from March24) file : //C:ADOCUME— l \cayre \LOCALS —1 \Temp \ELF20101215_144003 \Agenda 4- 7- 1999... 12/15/2010 Page 5 of 7 28. Resolution - 99 -258 - Adoptingthe Saint Paul /Ramsey County Five -Year Housing and Homeless Services Reportand Plan. (Laid over from March 24) Ron Elwood, Staff to City- County0versight Committee and report author. 29. Report from the PlanningCommission on the Saint Anthony Park Special Sign District Plan. (Laidover from March 24) 30. Discussion on the proposalby the St. Anthony Park Community Council for a Special Sign District. (Laid over from March 24) 31. Resolution - 99 -305 - Adoptingthe Saint Anthony Park Special District Sign Plan. 32. Resolution - 99 -284 - Approvinga housing program for new, permanently affordable rental and owner- occupiedhousing for full -time workers and their families. (Amended and laid overfrom March 24) 33. Resolution - 99 -306 - Executionof a new lease agreement with the City of Saint Paul and the Saint PaulYacht Club. (Amended since February 24) 34. Resolution - 99 -307 - Acceptingthe winning proposal and awarding the bid for the $16,375,000 G.O. CapitalImprovement Bonds Series 1999B. 35. Resolution - 99 -308 - Acceptingthe winning proposal and awarding the bid for the $3,730,000 G.O. StreetImprovement Special Assessment Bonds Series 1999C. 36. Update by Chief Fuller, Departmentof Fire and Safety Services, on the Performance Audit of Fire Operations. (Laid over from March 24) 37. Presentation by Vince Gillespie,Division of Parks and Recreation, on a Completed Work Plan addressing therecommendations in the Performance Audit. (Continued from March 3) ORDINANCES 38. Second Reading - 99 -272 - Anordinance requiring the inspection and registration of certain rental unitsin one and two family dwellings. 39. Second Reading - 99 -273 -An ordinance amending Saint Paul Legislative Code Chapter 310 to increasethe Automated Pawn System Billable Transaction Fee to reflect enforcementcosts. PUBLIC HEARINGS(public hearings will begin at 5:30 p.m.) 40. Third Reading - 99 -227 - Anordinance amending Saint Paul Legislative Code Chapter 33 to remain consistentwith the 1997 Uniform Building Code. 41. Third Reading - 99 -228 -An ordinance amending Saint Paul Legislative Code Chapter 34 to accuratelyreflect certain structural requirements. (Note: No public hearing willbe held as this ordinance will be withdrawn) 42. Third Reading - 99 -229 -An ordinance amending Saint Paul Legislative Code Chapter 200; file : //C:ADOCUME— l \cayre \LOCALS —1 \Temp \ELF20101215_144003 \Agenda 4- 7- 1999... 12/15/2010 Page 6 of 7 includinganimal facilities to act as deputy license vendors for dog licensing inresponse to a proposed change in the title of Chapter 347. 43. Third Reading - 99 -230 -An ordinance amending Saint Paul Legislative Code Chapter 347 by adding "Animal Facility" to the chapter title. 44. Third Reading - 99 -231 -An ordinance amending Sections 376.16 and 376.17 of the Saint Paul LegislativeCode; establishing taxicab driver training as a prerequisite for licensure. 45. Third Reading - 99 -232 -An ordinance amending Saint Paul Legislative Code Chapter 381 to conformthe process for review of currency exchange license applications with otherClass III licenses. 46. Third Reading - 99 -233 -An ordinance amending Saint Paul Legislative Code Chapter 417 regardingparking lots and parking garages; citing the license fees to Chapter 310,and defining private and government parking garages. 47. Third Reading - 99 -257 -An ordinance amending Saint Paul Legislative Code Chapter 402 pertainingto lawful gambling; maintaining the local gambling tax at two and one- half(2- 1/2) percent in 1999 and citing the fees for charitable gambling licensesto Chapter 310. 48. Resolution - 99 -309 - Toconsider the vacation of part of Pleasant Avenue north of Otto Avenue andwest of Lexington Parkway to allow the petitioners, Michael McCoy and DonaldAnderson, to fence in and use the area once it accrues to the adjoiningproperties. 49. Resolution - 99 -310 - Approvinga settlement agreement between the Office of LIEP and Eller Media to suspendadverse action and determination of whether a sign should be removed becauseit was not constructed in accordance with the original permit. 50. Final Order - 99 -311 - Inthe matter of improving Pillsbury Street from Raymond Avenue to St. AnthonyAvenue as part of the Eustis /Desnoyer Area Paving and Lighting Project.(File 418760 -A) 51. Final Order - 99 -312 - Inthe matter of improving the alley in Block 1, Pigott's Carbon Additionby grading and paving with bituminous material (bounded by Maryland, Alb erm arle, Orange, and Rice). (File 418887) 52. Final Order - 99 -313 - Inthe matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary forthe slope, cuts and fills in connection with the grading and paving ofthe alley in Block 1, Pigott's Carbon Addition (bounded by Maryland, Albermarle,Orange, and Rice). (File 41 8887S) 53. Final Order - 99 -314 - Inthe matter of condemning and taking a permanent roadway easement to improvethe intersection of White Bear Avenue and Minnehaha Avenue. (File 418895E) 54. Resolution Ratifying Assessment- 99 -315 - In the matter of construction of streets with bituminous roadway, concrete curb and gutter, concrete driveway aprons, boulevard sodding,tree planting, construction of lantern style lighting system, water sanitarysewer and storm sewer service connections, watermain, and all other worknecessary to complete the Cohansey Park Paving and Lighting Project. (File 418888) 55. Resolution Ratifying Assessment- 99 -316 - In the matter of storm sewer connections installed during 1989to 1994. (File 418569 -4, 18726, 18755, 18720 -CONK) file : //C:ADOCUME— l \cayre \LOCALS —1 \Temp \ELF20101215_144003 \Agenda 4- 7- 1999... 12/15/2010 Page 7 of 7 56. Publichearing to consider the appeal of Michelle Hotzler to a decision of theHeritage Preservation Commission denying approval of a building permitto construct a garage at 472 Dayton Avenue.(Laid over from February 3, 1999) 57. Public Hearing to considerthe application by Zigmunt Kanstul to rezone property from R -4 to RT- lto allow for the subdivision of property at 976 Hazelwood Street. (Laidover from March 24) 58. Public hearing to considerthe appeal of the District 7 Community Council to a decision of the PlanningCommission approving a special condition use permit for Capp Industriesto allow operation of a Ryder Truck rental facility at 1061 UniversityAvenue West (located on the north side between Oxford Street and LexingtonParkway). file : //C:ADOCUME— l \cayre \LOCALS —1 \Temp \ELF20101215_144003 \Agenda 4- 7- 1999... 12/15/2010