Agenda 6-24-1998Page 1 of 8 AGENDA OF THE SAINT PAUL CITY COUNCIL Wednesday, June 24, 1998 - 3:30 - 5:00 P.M. PUBLIC HEARINGS 5:30 - 6:30 P.M. CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS, 3RD FLOOR City Hall and Court House 15 West Kellogg Boulevard Nancy Anderson, Assistant Secretary to the Council Mary Erickson, Clerical Support - 266 -8565 Office of the City Council Web Index • Consent Agenda • For Action • Administrative Orders • For Discussion • Ordinances • Public Hearings • Meeting of the Housing and Redevelopment Authority CONSENT AGENDA (Items 1- 32) NOTE: ALL ITEMS LISTED UNDER CONSENT AGENDAWILL BE ENACTED BY ONE MOTION. THERE WILL BE NO SEPARATE DISCUSSION OFTHESE ITEMS. IF DISCUSSION IS DESIRED, THAT ITEM WILL BE REMOVED FROM THECONSENT AGENDA AND CONSIDERED SEPARATELY. FOR ACTION 1. Claims of Steven Borgfelt, L.J. Haynes,Paul Heath, Scott Henkemeyer, Chia Kue, Daniel Palmquist, Bonnie Papenhausen,John Schmitz, Donovan Soltau, and Justin Williams. 2. Summons and Complaint in the matterof Bankers Trust Company of California, N.A., as Trustee for Vendee MortgageTrust 1994 -1 vs. the City of Saint Paul. 3. Summons and Complaint in the matterof Federal National Mortgage Association vs. the City of Saint Paul. file: //C:ADOCUME— l \LFSUPP —1 \LOCALS —1 \Temp \ELF20101215_145921\Agenda 6 -2... 12/15/2010 Page 2 of 8 4. Summons and Complaint in the matterof Erik M. Orosz vs. the City of Saint Paul, et al. 5. Letter from the Real Estate Divisionrecommending approval of Ramsey County's request for reclassification ofproperty at 306 Hoyt Avenue East to exempt. (#AT97 -6414) 6. Letter from the Real Estate Divisionannouncing a public hearing before the City Council on July 22, 1998 toconsider the vacation of Cullen Lane and alley. (44 -1998) 7. Letter from the Real Estate Divisionannouncing a public hearing before the City Council on July 22, 1998 toconsider the vacation of that part of Forbes Avenue lying easterly of theeast right -of -way line of Smith Avenue and northwesterly of the northwestright -of -way line of West 7 Street to provide parking forthe Salvation Army. 8. AdministrativeOrders: • D001563 Addition of $3,959.95to the contract for Como Park Restroom Restoration. • D001564 Addition of $1,080.00to the contract for Dora Court /Lane & Kennard /Lacrosse Sewer Proj ect. • D001565 Authorizing the Departmentof Fire and Safety Services to pay for costs, not to exceed $6,000.00,for a Strategic Planning Conference on June 9 & 10, 1998. • D001566 Addition of $20,788.00to the contract for Como Park West Picnic Ground Parking Lot and Site Improvements. 9. Letter from the Office of the CityAttorney rescheduling the public hearing concerning the Taxicab Driver'sLicense held by James Coners from June 24, 1998 to July 8, 1998. 10. Resolution - 98 -508 - Approvingthe Collective Bargaining Agreement and Memorandums of Understanding betweenthe City of Saint Paul and the Tri- Council Local 120, Local 49 and Local 132. (Laid over from June 17 for adoption) 11. Resolution - 98 -526 - Supportingthe restructuring of Saint Paul Riverfront Corporation, approving an amendmentto the Articles of Incorporation of the Saint Paul Riverfront Corporation,and selecting Chris Coleman to be one of the City Council representativesto the Corporation. 12. Resolution - 98 -527 - FinalizingCity Council action taken May 13, 1998 denying the appeal of NeighborhoodResidents (Pat Byrne) to a decision of the Planning Commission approvinga special condition use permit to allow a cluster development with tendwelling units on property located at the southwest quadrant of LexingtonParkway South and St. Clair Avenue. 13. Resolution - 98 -528 - Approvingthe decision of the Legislative Hearing Officer on Property Code EnforcementAppeals for property located at 359 Maria Avenue, 1494 Rose Avenue East,and 960 Juno Avenue. 14. Resolution - 98 -529 - Establishingbroad guidelines for the construction, maintenance and operation of Cityowned, operated and financed buildings and requesting the organizationof a task force to develop specific guidelines. 15. Resolution - 98 -530 - Acceptinggrant funds for liquor compliance checks for 1998 to be performed file: //C:ADOCUME— l \LFSUPP —1 \LOCALS —1 \Temp \ELF20101215_145921\Agenda 6 -2... 12/15/2010 Page 3 of 8 by thePolice and the Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection. 16. Resolution - 98 -531 - Acceptingcontributions of Capital City Partnership, Church of the Assumption, MediaRare, and HealthEast for refreshments, music, and a recommitment ceremonyfor St. Joseph's Hospital on July 8, 1998. 17. Resolution - 98 -532 - Approvingthe following organizations to the eligible list for the 10% Club for 1998:Dayton's Bluff Booster Club, Langford Park Booster Club, McDonough BoosterClub, Parkway Little League, Sports For Life, Starlings Volleyball Club,and Volunteers For Eastside Youth. 18. Resolution - 98 -533 - Approvingdisbursement of Youth Program Funds to the following organizations: AsianPacific Youth Alliance, Boosters East, Inc., Dayton's Bluff Booster C1ub,Dunning Boosters, Eastview Booster Club, Girls Are The Future, Jimmy LeeBooster Club, Margaret Booster Club, St. Paul Midway Little League, Snelling /HamlineCommunity Council, Sports For Life, Starlings Volleyball Club, Twin CityBaseball Club, Upper East Side Football Association, Wilder Youth Club,and Youth Express. 19. Resolution - 98 -534 - Authorizingthe submission and, if awarded, the acceptance, entrance into necessary agreement and administration by the Division of Parks and Recreation often grant proposals to the Minnesota Amateur Sports Commission Mighty Kidsgrant program for youth sports and recreational activities. 20. Resolution - 98 -535 - RequestingRamsey County to enlarge the Policy Working Board. 21. Resolution - 98 -536 - Approvingappointments to the Policy Working Board. 22. Resolution - 98 -537 - Approvingthe Public Works Sewer System Rehabilitation Plan. 23. Resolution - 98 -538 - Authorizingthe Department of Public Works to apply for a loan from the Public FacilitiesAuthority to finance the 1998 Sewer Rehabilitation Program. 24. Resolution - 98 -539 - AcceptingQuit Claim Deeds, City to Metropolitan Council, to reconstruct and maintainthe MCES Beltline Sanitary Sewer. 25. Resolution - 98 -540 - Transferringbudget authority from the general contingency to the Saint Paul PublicLibrary to provide the funding necessary to implement the expanded servicehours adopted during the 1998 budget process. 26. Preliminary Order - 98 -541 - Inthe matter of installation of a lantern style street lighting system onSelby Avenue from Fairview Avenue to approximately 234 feet east of FryStreet, and setting date of public hearing for August 12, 1998. (ID 418876) 27. Preliminary Order - 98 -542 - Inthe matter of the seventh Place Mall Operation and Maintenance Cost forl998, and setting date of public hearing for August 12, 1998. (File 418428 -98) 28. Preliminary Order - 98 -543 - Inthe matter of constructing sanitary sewer, water main and service connectionsin Marillac Lane from McKnight Road to approximately 700 feet west of McKnightRoad, and setting date of public hearing for July 22, 1998. (File 418875,18875W) 29. Resolution Approving Assessment- 98 -544 - In the matter of sidewalk reconstruction on Lafond, file: //C:ADOCUME— l \LFSUPP —1 \LOCALS —1 \Temp \ELF20101215_145921\Agenda 6 -2... 12/15/2010 Page 4 of 8 Van Buren,North Grotto, Marion, and Englewood, and setting date of public hearingfor August 12, 1998. (File 4S97001, S97002, S97033, S97034, S97041 &S97042) 30. Resolution Approving Assessment- 98 -545 - In the matter of sidewalk reconstruction on St. Josephs Lane,Exchange, West Seventh, East Seventh, West Ninth, Livingston, Winslow,West George and Stryker, and setting date of public hearing for Augustl2, 1998. (File 4S97004- S97006 & S97044, S97046, S97047) 31. Resolution Approving Assessment- 98 -546 - In the matter of sidewalk reconstruction on Juliet, Randolph, Sheridan, Edgcumbe, Wordsworth, Hubbard, Fry, Asbury, Herschel, Simpson,North Fairview, Montrose Place, and Thomas, and setting date of publichearing for August 26, 1998. (File 4S97008- S97013, S97036, S97037, S97039,S97049- S97051) 32. Resolution Approving Assessment- 97 -547 - In the matter of sidewalk reconstruction on East California,Galtier, Marion, Osage, East Sycamore, Alameda, West Arlington, Como P1ace,Hatch, North Milton, North Victoria, Matilda, Maywood, Schletti, and Jessie,and setting date of public hearing for August 26, 1998. (File 4S97014- S97017,S97035, S97052- S97054, S97056- S97062, S97065) FOR DISCUSSION 33. Resolution - 98 -548 - Declaring theweek of June 28 - July 3, 1998 as Amateur Radio Week. 34. Taste of Minnesota update by RonMaddox. 35. Resolution - 98 -478 - Requestingthe Director of the Department of Public Works to work with other Cityofficials to establish boundaries for Residential Daily Hauling Districtsand to create a city -wide plan whereby collection of mixed municipal solidwaste is conducted on a single day each week that corresponds to the ResidentialDaily Hauling District specified by an ordinance which will be consideredby the Council. (Laid over from June 3) 36. Report from the Administrationon the steps taken to clean up storm damaged areas and on further needsfor appropriations or transfers of budgeted funds to enable complete damagerepair. (C.F. 98 -483 adopted June 3, 1998) (Report continued from June 17) 37. Administrative Order: D001559 Addition of $3,272.66 to thecontract for the Arlington -Ruth RSVP project. (Laid over from June 17) 38. Resolution - 98 -549 - ApprovingCommunity Bank Proposals for Pilot Neighborhood Lending Partnership. ORDINANCES 39. Final Adoption - 98 -458 - An ordinanceamending Chapter 402 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code to file: //C:ADOCUME— l \LFSUPP —1 \LOCALS —1 \Temp \ELF20101215_145921\Agenda 6 -2... 12/15/2010 Page 5 of 8 delete an obsoletereference to another portion of the Code. 40. Final Adoption - 98 -459 - An ordinanceamending the Saint Paul Legislative Code Chapter 369.06; changing the expirationdate on Building Trades Business Licenses from December 31 of the yearissued to December 1. 41. Final Adoption - 98 -460 - An ordinanceto regulate fires, lighted coals and fuels on multi -unit residential balconiesand patios. (Substitute introduced June 10) 42. Second Reading - 98 -521 - An ordinanceclarifying the intent in Council File 97 -1568, an interim ordinance preservingthe status quo with respect to advertising signs in the City of Saint Paulpending the completion of action on applications for the adoption of specialdistrict sign plans under Saint Paul Legislative 66.216. 43. Second Reading - 98 -522 - An ordinanceamending Saint Paul Legislative Code Chapter 293 providing for the regulationof railroad locomotive whistles at grade crossings in the City. 44. First Reading - 98 -550 - An ordinanceamending Chapter 409 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code to permit the issuanceof one temporary wine and one temporary liquor license within the samethirty -day period. 45. First Reading - 98 -551 - An ordinanceamending Saint Paul Legislative Code §410.10 to eliminate the limitationon the number of temporary licenses which can be obtained within a thirty- dayperiod. 46. First Reading - 98 -552 - An ordinancefinalizing City Council action approving a petition of Richard E. Eitelto rezone property located at the southwest corner of Larpenteur Avenueand the I -35E frontage road from R -2 to B -3. (Public hearing held May 6,1998) PUBLIC HEARINGS(public hearings will begin at 5:30 p.m.) 47. Resolution - 98 -553 - Approving applicationfor an Auto Repair Garage License by Al Transmission, 635 Prior Avenue North.(ID 419970000022) 48. Resolution - 98 -554 - Approvingapplication for an Auto Repair Garage License by Eddie's Truck Repair,895 Prior Avenue North. (ID 419980000473) 49. Resolution - 98 -555 - Approvingapplication for an Auto Repair Garage License by Samn Auto Repair andTire Sales, 601 Rice Street. (ID 419980000076) (This item will be laidover to July 22) 50. Resolution - 98 -556 - Approvingapplication for a Second Hand Dealer -Motor Vehicle (1st) Licenseby 3N Enterprise, 1821 University Avenue West. (ID 419980000064) 51. Resolution - 98 -493 - Approvingapplication for a Parking Lot License by Park N Jet, LLC, 2751 ShepardRoad West. (ID 419980000405) (Laid over from June 10) 52. Resolution - 98 -557 - Concerningadverse action against licenses held by Park N Jet, LLC, 1460 Davern Street. (Uncontested) file: //C:ADOCUME— l \LFSUPP —1 \LOCALS —1 \Temp \ELF20101215_145921\Agenda 6 -2... 12/15/2010 Page 6 of 8 53. Resolution - 98 -558 - Concerningadverse action against the Auto Repair Garage License held by Asian AutoTech, 874 Maryland Avenue East. (Uncontested) 54. Resolution - 98 -559 - Concerningadverse action against the Cigarette License held by Four Seasons AutomotiveService, Inc., 373 Ruth Street North. (Uncontested) 55. Resolution - 98 -560 - Concerningadverse action against the Cigarette License held by John & Paul'sBar, Inc., dba Mateyka's, 731 Randolph Avenue. (Uncontested) 56. Resolution - 98 -561 - Concerningadverse action against the Cigarette License held by Sundance Lanes, Inc.,2245 Hudson Road. (Uncontested) 57. Resolution - 98 -562 - Concerningadverse action against licenses held by East Side Hospitality, Inc., dbaHillcrest Entertainment Center, 1560 White Bear Avenue. (Uncontested) 58. Resolution - 98 -563 - To considerthe application of Dwight Dario, General Manager of Compass, Inc., fora sound level variance to allow live music on two stages at Harriet Islandon July 9, 1998 from 2:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. 59. Resolution - 98 -564 - To considerthe application of Joe Fox of the Ramsey Ag. Society Board for a soundlevel variance for live music on two stages, carnival music, and fireworksat the Ramsey County Fair from 5:00 p.m. to 10:30 p.m. on July 15 &16, 1998; 12 Noon to 11:00 p.m. on July 17, 1998; 10:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m.on July 18, 1998; and 10:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. on July 19, 1998. 60. Appeal of Susan Mercurio to asummary abatement order for property at 1005 Jessie Street. (LegislativeHearing Officer recommends denial) 61. Resolution - 98 -565 - Orderingthe owner to remove or repair the building at 1171 Minnehaha Avenue Westwithin fifteen (15) days from adoption of resolution. (Legislative HearingOfficer recommends approval) 62. Resolution - 98 -566 - Orderingthe owner to remove or repair the building at 674 Wells Street within fifteen(15) days from adoption of resolution. (Legislative Hearing Officerrecommends approval) 63. Final Order - 98 -567 - In thematter of sidewalk reconstruction on both sides of South Victoria Streetfrom Palace Avenue to James Avenue. (File 4S98045) (Laid over from June10) 64. Final Order - 98 -568 - In thematter of sidewalk reconstruction on both sides of Fernwood Street fromW. Hoyt Ave. to W. Larpenteur Ave.; the north side of Front Ave. from N.Milton St. to Kilburn St.; and the east side of N. Hamline Ave. From W.Nebraska Ave. to W. Hoyt Ave. (File 4S98026- S98028) 65. Final Order - 98 -569 - In thematter of sidewalk reconstruction on both sides of Dayton Ave. from N.Syndicate St. to N. Griggs St.; the west side of N. Hamline Ave. from W.Nebraska Ave. to W. Hoyt Ave.; and both sides of Cypress St. from WilsonAve. to Wakefield Ave. (File 4S98034- S98036) 66. Final Order - 98 -570 - In thematter of sidewalk reconstruction on both sides of E. Cook Ave. from ForestSt. to Cypress St.; both sides of Forest St. from E. Cook Ave. to E. JessamineAve. and the north side of E. Cook Ave. from Mendota St. to Forest St.;and the north side of E. Maryland Ave. from Payne Ave. to Greenbrier St.(File 4S98047- S98049) file: //C:ADOCUME— l \LFSUPP —1 \LOCALS —1 \Temp \ELF20101215_145921\Agenda 6 -2... 12/15/2010 Page 7 of 8 67. Final Order - 98 -571 - In thematter of sidewalk reconstruction on both sides of E. Robie St. from BancroftAve. to approximately 240 feet east of Bancroft Ave. (File 4598050) 68. Final Order - 98 -572 - In thematter of sidewalk reconstruction on various streets in Ward 3. (File 4598051 - 598064) 69. Final Order - 98 -573 - In thematter of sidewalk reconstruction on the east side of N. Dale St. fromAshland Ave. to Laurel Ave. and the west side of N. Dale St. from AshlandAve to Hague Ave.; both sides of N. Dunlap St. from Sherburne Ave. to CharlesAve. and the south side of Charles Ave. from N. Griggs St. to N. DunlapSt.; both sides of Selby Ave. from N. Milton St. to N. Victoria St.; andboth sides of Thomas Ave. from Farrington St. to Marion St. (File 4598065 - 598068) 70. Final Order - 98 -574 - In thematter of sidewalk reconstruction on both sides of Fry St. from EnglewoodAve. to Hubbard Ave.; both sides of Marshall Ave. from N. Howell St. toN. Prior Ave.; and both sides of N. Prior Ave. from Dayton Ave. to MarshallAve. (File 4598069 - 598071) 71. Final Order - 98 -575 - In thematter of sidewalk reconstruction on both sides of E. Jessamine Ave., fromSylvan St. to Jackson St.; both sides of Marion St. from W. Cook Ave. toW. Jessamine Ave. and the south side of W. Jessamine Ave. from Marion St.to Galtier St.; and both sides of Marion St. from Hatch Ave. to W. LawsonAve. (File 4598072 - 598074) 72. Final Order - 98 -576 - In thematter of sidewalk reconstruction on both sides of Bush Ave. from AtlanticSt. to Johnson Pkwy.; both sides of N. Ruth St. from E. Minnehaha Ave.to Reaney Ave.; and both sides of N. White Bear Ave. from Fremont Ave.to Margaret St., the north side of E. Fifth St. from N. White Bear Ave.to N. Hazel St. and the south side of E. Fourth St. from Flandrau St. toN. White Bear Ave. (File 4598075 - 598077) 73. Final Order - 98 -577 - In thematter of sidewalk reconstruction on both sides of Jefferson Ave. fromS. Fairview Ave. to S. Prior Ave.; and both sides of Jefferson Ave. fromS. Finn St. to S. Cretin Ave. (File 4598079 - 598080) 74. Final Order - 98 -578 - In thematter of sidewalk reconstruction on both sides of Lafond Ave. from KentSt. to Mackubin St.; and both sides of Hague Ave. from Pierce St. to N.Wheeler St. (File 4598078 & 598081) 75. Final Order - 98 -579 - In thematter of sidewalk reconstruction on the north side of W. Rose Ave. fromFarrington St. to Virginia St., the west side of Farrington St. from W.Rose Ave. to W. Maryland Ave., and the west side of Farrington St. fromW. Geranium Ave. to W. Rose Ave.; the north side of W. Rose Ave. from MatildaSt. to Albemarle St., the south side of W. Rose Ave. from Matilda St. toWoodbridge St., and the west side of Woodbridge St. from W. Rose Ave. toW. Maryland Ave.; and both sides of Virginia St. from W. Jessamine Ave.to W. Rose Ave. (File 4598082 - 598084) 76. Resolution Ratifying Assessment- 98 -580 - In the matter of ratification of assessments for the sanitarysewer in Wiggins Road. (File 418820) 77. Resolution Ratifying Assessment- 98 -581 - In the matter of ratification of assessments for the water mainin Wiggins Road. (File 418821) 78. Public hearing to consider theappeal of Anoka Metro Regional Treatment Center to a decision of the PlanningCommission denying a special condition use permit to allow a licensed humanservice file: //C:ADOCUME— l \LFSUPP —1 \LOCALS —1 \Temp \ELF20101215_145921\Agenda 6 -2... 12/15/2010 Page 8 of 8 community residential facility serving 16 residents with psychiatricillnesses at 690 Como Avenue (south side between Dale and Grotto Streets). HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENTAUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Wednesday, June 24, 1998 2:00 - 3:00 P.M. COUNCIL CHAMBERS - THIRDFLOOR AGENDA ROLL CALL CONSENT AGENDA 1. Approval of Minutes from May 27,1998. 2. Authorization to Acquire Parce1482 Beaumont Street for Redevelopment under the Railroad Island Small AreaPlan Implementation within the Payne- Phalen Neighborhood Investment StrategyCapital City Development Program, Payne- Phalen District 5. 3. Authorization to Acquire Parce1934 Beech Street from HUD for Redevelopment under the Dayton's Bluff CapitalCity Development Program within the Margaret Arcade Target Area, Dayton'sBluff District 4. DISCUSSION PUBLIC HEARING STAFF REPORT ADJOURNMENT file: //C:ADOCUME— l \LFSUPP —1 \LOCALS —1 \Temp \ELF20101215_145921\Agenda 6 -2... 12/15/2010