Agenda 5-20-1998Page 1 of 6 AGENDA OF THE SAINT PAUL CITY COUNCIL Wednesday, May 20, 1998 - 3:30 - 5:00 P.M. CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS, 3RD FLOOR City Hall and Court House 15 West Kellogg Boulevard Nancy Anderson, Assistant Secretary to the Council Mary Erickson, Clerical Support - 266 -8565 Office of the City Council Web Index • Consent Agenda • For Action • Administrative Orders • For Discussion • Ordinances • Miscellaneous CONSENT AGENDA NOTE: ALL ITEMS LISTED UNDER CONSENTAGENDA WILL BE ENACTED BY ONE MOTION. THERE WILL BE NO SEPARATE DISCUSSIONOF THESE ITEMS. IF DISCUSSION IS DESIRED, THAT ITEM WILL BE REMOVED FROMTHE CONSENT AGENDA AND CONSIDERED SEPARATELY. FOR ACTION 1. Approval of minutes of March25, 1998. 2. Claims of James Elm, James Gibson,John Kelly, Jennifer Meyer, and Shannon Nixon. 3. Supplemental Affidavit of MarcE. Knoche in the matter of the Board of Education of Independent SchoolDistrict 4625 vs. the City of Saint Paul, et al. 4. Order to Show Cause in the matterof the Petition of the Port Authority of the City of Saint Paul for anOrder Deleting a Recital of a Private Alley. 5. Letter from the Office of the CityAttorney announcing a public hearing before the City Council on May 27,1998 to consider adverse action against licenses held by Richard A. DefoeEnterprises, Inc., dba file: //C:ADOCUME— l\LFSUPP— l\LOCALS —1 \Temp \ELF20101215_145420\Agenda 5 -2... 12/15/2010 Page 2 of 6 Club Cancun, 1638 Rice Street. (Uncontested) 6. Letter from the Office of the CityAttorney announcing a public hearing before the City Council on May 27,1998 to consider adverse action against licenses held by Saykham Sengmavong,dba Family Lao -Thai Restaurant, 501 University Avenue West. (Uncontested) 7. Letter from the Department of Planningand Economic Development announcing a public hearing before the City Councilon May 27, 1998 to consider the application of William Dunnigan to rezoneproperty from RT -2 (Townhouse Residential District) to B -3 (General BusinessDistrict) for expansion of an existing auto repair and service stationat 365 -367 Smith Avenue North. 8. Letter from the Department of Planningand Economic Development announcing a public hearing before the City Councilon May 27, 1998 to consider the application of Jerome LaCroix to rezoneproperty from RT -2 (Townhouse Residential District) to B -3 (General BusinessDistrict) for expansion of an existing auto repair and service stationat 371 Smith Avenue North. 9. Letter from the Department of Planningand Economic Development announcing a public hearing before the City Councilon May 27, 1998 to consider the appeal of Donald Willenbring, et al. toa decision of the Planning Commission granting the appeal of Arnold Fritscheto a decision of the planning administrator to approve a lot split at XXXWiggins Road. 10. Letter from the Department ofPlanning and Economic Development announcing a public hearing before theCity Council on June 3, 1998 to consider the appeal of Alter Trading Corporationto a decision of the Planning Commission denying a special condition usepermit to allow a large metal shredder at 801 Barge Channel Road. 11. Letter from the Office of theCity Attorney announcing a hearing before an Administrative Law Judge onJune 9, 1998, 9:30 a.m., Room 42 City Hall /Court House concerning licensesheld by Jill D. Rasmuson, dba R & R Books, 674 University Avenue West. 12. Letters from Fire and SafetyServices/Property Code Enforcement declaring 1068 Arundel Street, 598 LawsonAvenue East, 590 York Avenue, and 726 Thomas Avenue as "nuisance properties "and setting date of Legislative Hearings for June 2, 1998 and City CouncilHearings for June 10, 1998. 13. Letters from Fire and SafetyServices/Property Code Enforcement declaring 411 Banfil Street, 993 CaseAvenue, 726 Geranium Avenue East, 766 Jackson Street, and 107 ManitobaAvenue as "nuisance properties." (For notification purposes only; publichearings will be held at a later date if necessary.) 14. Letter from the Real Estate Divisionrecommending approval of the request from Ramsey County Property Recordsand Revenue, Valuation Division, for a reclassification of property locatedat 355 Minnesota Street. (#AX98 -0051) 15. Letter from the Real Estate Divisionrecommending approval of the request from Ramsey County Property Recordsand Revenue, Valuation Division, for a reclassification of property locatedat 965 Ivy Avenue East. (4AX98 -0035) 16. Letter from the Real Estate Divisionrecommending approval of the request from Ramsey County Property Recordsand Revenue, Valuation Division, for a reclassification of property locatedat 739 Summit Avenue. (4AX98 -0082) file: //C:ADOCUME— l\LFSUPP— l\LOCALS —1 \Temp \ELF20101215_145420\Agenda 5 -2... 12/15/2010 Page 3 of 6 17. Administrative Orders: D001538 Extending the contract completiondate from November 1, 1996 to July 25, 1997 for the Wabasha/Humboldt /Concordproj ect. D001539 Authorizing expenditure of$57,500.00 for the Citizen Service Office - Marketing to assist neighborhoodsin marketing and promoting their respective events for the public good. D001540 Amending the 1998 budget inthe Department of Technology and Management Services by reducing the spendingauthority of $4.447 million for the Payroll -Human Resources - Benefits projectby $2.845 million and use the remaining $1.602 million to fund the payrollconversion proj ect. D001541 Authorizing payment of $3,296.00to the Saint Paul Riverfront Corporation for the Harriet Island CharetteNotebook publication. D001542 Authorizing payment of $18,305.00from the City's Children's Play Area Equipment Program to Merrick CommunityServices for the Wheelock Elementary Playground project. 18. Resolution - 98 -423 - Acceptingportable coolers and Pepsi drink products donated by the Pepsi Cola Corporationto the Division of Parks and Recreation for use by youth baseball and softballteams at City Recreation Centers. 19. Resolution - 98 -424 - Acceptingcontributions from Lawson Software, Krause Anderson, Frauenshuh Companiesand Capital City Partnership for a night of celebration between May 15and June 15, 1998 to hail the commencement of the construction of LawsonCommons. 20. Resolution - 98 -425 - Approvingpayment of $20,000.00 to John and Roxanne Gross in full settlement of theirclaim against the City of Saint Paul. 21. Resolution - 98 -426 - FinalizingCity Council action taken May 6, 1998 granting the application of KevinTramm Construction for a preliminary and final plat to allow the propertyat 895 McKnight Road to be subdivided into 16 lots for residential development. 22. Resolution - 98 -427 - Amendingthe 1998 budget of the Truth -In -Sale of Housing activity in the HousingCode Enforcement Division. 23. Preliminary Order - 98 -428 -In the matter of sidewalk reconstruction on both sides of Fernwood Streetfrom W. Hoyt Ave. to W. Larpenteur Ave.; the north side of Front Ave. fromN. Milton St. to Kilburn St.; and the east side of N. Hamline Ave. FromW. Nebraska Ave. to W. Hoyt Ave., and setting date of public hearing forJune 24, 1998. (File 4S98026- S98028) 24. Preliminary Order - 98 -429 -In the matter of sidewalk reconstruction on both sides of Dayton Ave. fromN. Syndicate St. to N. Griggs St.; the west side of N. Hamline Ave. fromW. Nebraska Ave. to W. Hoyt Ave.; and both sides of Cypress St. from WilsonAve. to Wakefield Ave., and setting date of public hearing for June 24,1998. (File 4S98034- S98036) 25. Preliminary Order - 98 -430 -In the matter of sidewalk reconstruction on both sides of E. Cook Ave.from Forest St. to Cypress St.; both sides of Forest St. from E. Cook Ave.to E. Jessamine Ave. and the north side of E. Cook Ave. from Mendota St.to Forest St.; and the north side of E. Maryland Ave. from Payne Ave. toGreenbrier St., and setting date of public hearing for June 24, 1998. (File4S98047- file: //C:ADOCUME— l\LFSUPP— l\LOCALS —1 \Temp \ELF20101215_145420\Agenda 5 -2... 12/15/2010 Page 4 of 6 598049) 26. Preliminary Order - 98 -431 -In the matter of sidewalk reconstruction on both sides of E. Robie St.from Bancroft Ave. to approximately 240 feet east of Bancroft Ave., andsetting date of public hearing for June 24, 1998. (File 4598050) 27. Preliminary Order - 98 -432 -In the matter of sidewalk reconstruction on various streets in Ward 3,and setting date of public hearing for June 24, 1998. (File #598051 - 598064) 28. Preliminary Order - 98 -433 -In the matter of sidewalk reconstruction on the east side of N. Dale St.from Ashland Ave. to Laurel Ave. and the west side of N. Dale St. fromAshland Ave to Hague Ave.; both sides of N. Dunlap St. from Sherburne Ave.to Charles Ave. and the south side of Charles Ave. from N. Griggs St. toN. Dunlap St.; both sides of Selby Ave. from N. Milton St. to N. VictoriaSt.; and both sides of Thomas Ave. from Farrington St. to Marion St., andsetting date of public hearing for June 24, 1998. (File 4598065 - 598068) 29. Preliminary Order - 98 -434 -In the matter of sidewalk reconstruction on both sides of Fry St. fromEnglewood Ave. to Hubbard Ave.; both sides of Marshall Ave. from N. HowellSt. to N. Prior Ave.; and both sides of N. Prior Ave. from Dayton Ave.to Marshall Ave., and setting date of public hearing for June 24, 1998.(File #598069 - 598071) 30. Preliminary Order - 98 -435 -In the matter of sidewalk reconstruction on both sides of E. JessamineAve., from Sylvan St. to Jackson St.; both sides of Marion St. from W.Cook Ave. To W. Jessamine Ave. and the south side of W. Jessamine Ave.from Marion St. to Galtier St.; and both sides of Marion St. from HatchAve. to W. Lawson Ave., and setting date of public hearing for June 24,1998. (File 4598072 - 598074) 31. Preliminary Order - 98 -436 - Inthe matter of sidewalk reconstruction on both sides of Bush Ave. from AtlanticSt. to Johnson Pkwy.; both sides of N. Ruth St. from E. Minnehaha Ave.to Reaney Ave.; and both sides of N. White Bear Ave. from Fremont Ave.to Margaret St., the north side of E. Fifth St. from N. White Bear Ave.to N. Hazel St. and the south side of E. Fourth St. from Flandrau St. toN. White Bear Ave., and setting date of public hearing for June 24, 1998.(File 4598075 - 598077) 32. Preliminary Order - 98 -437 -In the matter of sidewalk reconstruction on both sides of Jefferson Ave.from S. Fairview Ave. to S. Prior Ave.; and both sides of Jefferson Ave.from S. Finn St. to S. Cretin Ave., and setting date of public hearingfor June 24, 1998. (File 4598079 - 598080) 33. Preliminary Order - 98 -438 -In the matter of sidewalk reconstruction on both sides of Lafond Ave. fromKent St. to Mackubin St.; and both sides of Hague Ave. from Pierce St.to N. Wheeler St., and setting date of public hearing for June 24, 1998.(File 4598078 & 598081) 34. Preliminary Order - 98 -439 -In the matter of sidewalk reconstruction on the north side of W. Rose Ave.from Farrington St. to Virginia St., the west side of Farrington St. fromW. Rose Ave. to W. Maryland Ave., and the west side of Farrington St. fromW. Geranium Ave. to W. Rose Ave.; the north side of W. Rose Ave. From MatildaSt. to Albemarle St., the south side of W. Rose Ave. from Matilda St. toWoodbridge St., and the west side of Woodbridge St. from W. Rose Ave. toW. Maryland Ave.; and both sides of Virginia St. from W. Jessamine Ave.to W. Rose Ave., and setting date of public hearing for June 24, 1998.(File 4598082 - 598084) file: //C:ADOCUME— l\LFSUPP— l\LOCALS —1 \Temp \ELF20101215_145420\Agenda 5 -2... 12/15/2010 Page 5 of 6 FOR DISCUSSION 35. Resolution - 98 -413 - Concerningadverse action against L & K Corporation, dba Quick Stop Liquor, 8247 Street East for unlawful sale of alcohol. (Uncontested)(Amended and laid over from May 13) 36. Resolution - 98 -440 - Endorsementof the 10 principles in the Saint Paul on the Mississippi DevelopmentFramework. Endorsement of the Framework as the basis for developmentpolicy in the downtown - central riverfront area and in the neighborhoodsas appropriate, and direction to incorporate relevant portions of the Frameworkinto Comprehensive Plan updates. 37. Update by the Administration onthe progress of the Electronic Computerized License Inspection and PermitSystem (ECLIPS). (Update requested on February 25, 1998) ORDINANCES 38. Second Reading - 98 -407 - Anordinance amending Chapter 324 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code to prohibittobacco vending machines in facilities where minors are present and toestablish an administrative penalty to be imposed against the clerk ata licensed premise who sells tobacco or tobacco products to a minor. 39. Second Reading - 98 -408 - Anordinance finalizing City Council action taken April 1, 1998 approvinga petition of Como Northtown Credit Union to rezone property located at965/967 Churchill Street from RT -1 to B -2. (Public hearing held April 1) 40. First Reading - 98 -441 - An ordinanceto amend Sec. 189.05 and Sec. 189.14(a) of the Saint Paul Legislative Codeadding status as a Heritage Preservation Site as a condition required tobe disclosed on the truth -in- housing disclosure report for single- andtwo- family dwellings, town homes, condominiums and co -ops. POLICY SESSION 41. Ramsey County -City of SaintPaul Jail Site Selection and Co- Location of Public Safety Services. . Introductory Remarks by City CouncilPresident Dan Bostrom and Ramsey County Commissioner Victoria Reinhardt(on behalf of Ramsey County Board Chair Haigh) . Presentations on the Costs and Benefitsof Jail Site Selection and Co- Location of Public Safety Services. Sheriff Bob Fletcher Other County Officials file: //C:ADOCUME— l\LFSUPP— l\LOCALS —1 \Temp \ELF20101215_145420\Agenda 5 -2... 12/15/2010 Page 6 of 6 Chief of Police William Finney d. Other City Officials III. Other Perspectives on Jail SiteSelection and Co- Location of Public Safety Services IV. Council Discussion MISCELLANEOUS 42. Heritage Preservation CommissionAwards Ceremony. file: //C:ADOCUME— l\LFSUPP— l\LOCALS —1 \Temp \ELF20101215_145420\Agenda 5 -2... 12/15/2010