Agenda 3-4-1998Page 1 of 4 AGENDA OF THE SAINT PAUL CITY COUNCIL Wednesday, March 4, 1998 - 3:30 -5:00 p.m. PUBLIC HEARINGS 5:30 -6:30 P.M. CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS, 3RD FLOOR City Hall and Court House 15 West Kellogg Boulevard Nancy Anderson, Assistant Secretary to the Council Mary Erickson, Clerical Support - 266 -8565 Office of the City Council Web Index • Consent Agenda • For Action • Administrative Orders • For Discussion • Public Hearings • Meeting as the Housing and Redevelopment Authority CONSENT AGENDA (Items 1 -14) NOTE: ALL ITEMS LISTED UNDER CONSENT AGENDA WILL BE ENACTED BY ONEMOTION. THERE WILL BE NO SEPARATE DISCUSSION OF THESE ITEMS. IFDISCUSSION IS DESIRED, THAT ITEM WILL BE REMOVED FROM THE CONSENTAGENDA AND CONSIDERED SEPARATELY. FOR ACTION 1. Approval of minutes of December 3, 1997. 2. Claims of Brandon Almich, Charles Bush, Jr., Gene Carlson,Heidi Kracht, Shari Lauren, Jeffrey Lewis, Baoshan Shan, and DeanWohlhuter. 3. Letter from the Department of Planning and Economic Developmentannouncing a public hearing before the City Council on March 11, 1998to consider the appeal of the Snelling Hamline Community Council to adecision of the Planning Commission granting a sign variance at 326North Snelling Avenue. 4. Letter from the Real Estate Division announcing a publichearing before the City Council on March 11, 1998 to consider therelease of a part of vacated Eighth Street in Swede Hollow Park toclear title to a file : //C:ADOCUME— l \cayre \LOCALS —1 \Temp \ELF20101215_133106 \Agenda 3- 4- 1998... 12/15/2010 Page 2 of 4 property. 5. Letter from Fire and Safety Services /Property Code Enforcementdeclaring 948 Forest Street as "nuisance property." (For notificationpurposes only; public hearing will be scheduled at a later date ifnecessary.) 6. Administrative Orders: D001446 Deduction of $2,829.20 from the contract forComo Park picnic grounds and parking lot and site improvement. D001447 Amending the 1997 budget of the Housing and RedevelopmentAuthority Debt Service Fund to reflect correction to object codes,increases in sales tax revenue and STAR funds, and decrease due tointerim funding not needed for Lawson project. D001448 Amending the 1997 budget in the Department of Public Works invarious funds D001449 Amending the 1998 budget in the Department of Fire and SafetyServices by transferring balances from capital projects to the FireStation Remodel /Female Fire Fighters project. D001450 Amending the 1998 budget in the Department of Fire and SafetyServices to provide funding for the completion of the Fire StationRemodel /Female Fire Fighters project. D001451 Authorizing payment of $346.13 to Key's Robert Street Cafefor costs incurred for a joint conference of the Housing CodeEnforcement Division and Fire and Safety Services' Fire PreventionDivision. D001452 Amending the 1997 budget in the Office of Financial ServicesFund 626 Citywide Data Processing. D001453 Amending the 1998 budget in the Office of Financial ServicesFund 626 Citywide Data Processing. D001454 Amending the 1997 budget in the Department of Technology andManagement Services to cover deficit in salary expenditures. D001455 Addition of $56,575.00 to the contract for women's toiletroom and shower additions at fire stations 41, 5, 7, 17 & 20. D001456 Amending the 1997 budget in the Office of Financial Servicesto reflect proper activity codes. 7. Resolution - 98 -155 - Approving the appointment ofCouncilmember Jay Benanav to the Joint Property Tax Committee. 8. Resolution - 98 -156 - Establishing the rate of pay for the "Workers Compensation Claims Administrator." 9. Resolution - 98 -157 - Establishing the rate of pay for the "Benefits Specialist" position. 10. Resolution - 98 -158 - Establishing financing and spendingplans for the donation of $20,000.00 received from St. PaulFirefighters Local 21 for a honor guard program and continuededucational purposes 11. Resolution - 98 -159 - Declaring the City's position on thedesign of the proposed reconstruction of the I -35E Bridge over theMississippi River. 12. Resolution - 98 -160 - Transferring $13,900.00 from the GeneralFund to Citizen Services to help file : //C:ADOCUME— l \cayre \LOCALS —1 \Temp \ELF20101215_133106 \Agenda 3- 4- 1998... 12/15/2010 Page 3 of 4 offset potential costs incurred forthe Ramsey County Fair. 13. Resolution - 98 -161 - Transferring general contingent reserveappropriation for expenditures related to the funeral of DonaldJuenemann and to purchase radio equipment to improve communicationscapability for Housing Code Enforcement Inspectors. 14. Preliminary Order - 98 -162 - In the matter of condemning andtaking of property rights as required for the Phalen Village PublicImprovements Project east of Johnson Parkway and south of MarylandAvenue, and setting date of public hearing for April 29, 1998. (File 418871) FOR DISCUSSION 15. Report by Pam Wheelock, Department of Planning and EconomicDevelopment, on recommendations and criteria for applying the VendorOutreach program to the Department's economic development programs,and the results of the initial application. (Per C.F. 97 -1037 adoptedAugust 27, 1997) 16. Report by Tyrone Terrill, Director of Human Rights, on anaction plan to address housing discrimination in the City of SaintPaul. (Laid over from February 11) 17. Resolution - 98 -120 - Finalizing City Council action takenJanuary 28, 1998 concerning adverse action against licenses held byBilly's on Grand, 857 Grand Avenue. (Laid over from February 18) 18. Resolution - 98 -128 - Approving Amendments to the STAR ProgramGuidelines for 1998. (Laid over from February 18) 19. Resolution - 98 -131 - Amending the spending and financingplans in the Department of Public Works by $560,000.00 for the 1997and 1998 Residential Street Paving Programs. (Laid over from February25) 20. Resolution - 98 -154 - Authorizing special City Councilmeetings regarding housing policy. (Laid over from February 25) ORDINANCES 21. Final Adoption - 98 -59 - An ordinance amending Section 4.04 ofthe Charter of the City of Saint Paul that the City Council will nothold a meeting on the fifth Wednesday of any calendar month. 22. Final Adoption - 98 -60 - An ordinance amending Section 15.03 ofthe Saint Paul Administrative Code by deleting the requirement for afifth City Council meeting in any month. 23. Final Adoption - 98 -89 - An ordinance amending Chapter 33 ofthe Saint Paul Legislative Code to correct obsolete language. 24. Final Adoption - 98 -90 - An ordinance amending the definitionsection of Chapter 369 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code. 25. Final Adoption - 98 -91 - An ordinance amending Chapter 370 ofthe Saint Paul Legislative Code correcting obsolete references andreducing the journeyman examination fees for trades other thanplumbers. file : //C:ADOCUME— l \cayre \LOCALS —1 \Temp \ELF20101215_133106 \Agenda 3- 4- 1998... 12/15/2010 Page 4 of 4 26. Final Adoption - 98 -92 - An ordinance amending Chapter 409 of theSaint Paul Legislative Code to clarify the distance restrictionsbetween off -sale liquor establishments. PUBLIC HEARINGS (public hearings willbegin at 5:30 p.m.) 27. Resolution - 98 -142 - Approving application for a Malt OffSale License by Town House Country Inc., dba Town House, 1415University Avenue West. (ID 40077104) (Laid over from February 25) 28. Resolution - 98 -163 - Approving application for a Liquor OnSale- Sunday License by N M L Corporation, dba Moscow On The Hill, 371 Selby Avenue. (ID 40090805) 29. Resolution - 98 -164 - Approving application for Restaurant(B), Liquor On Sale- Sunday, Liquor On- Sale (B), Gambling Location (B)and Entertainment (A) Licenses by Sovis Inc., dba Tin Cups, 1220 RiceStreet. (ID 419970000197) 30. Resolution - 98 -165 - Concerning adverse action againstlicenses held by Debra Johnson, dba Sports Break, 1199 Rice Street,for lapse in liquor liability insurance. (Uncontested) 31. Resolution - 98 -145 - Authorizing the vacation of 13th Streetbetween Robert and Jackson Streets. (Laid over from February 25) 32. Resolution - 98 -166 - Approving modification to franchiseagreement with the Port Authority for the operation of Energy ParkUtility. 33. Final Order - 98 -167 - In the matter of condemnation andtaking of perpetual easements for water utility purposes inconnection with the Jackson /Maryland "Low Service 42" relocationproject near Jackson Street and Maryland Avenue. (File 418864E) HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENTAUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA CONTINUATION MEETING FROM FEBRUARY 25, 1998 TO BE HELD WEDNESDAY, MARCH 4, 1998 FOLLOWING CITY COUNCIL CONSENT AGENDA COUNCIL CHAMBERS - THIRD FLOOR AGENDA ROLL CALL DISCUSSION 1. Update on Lakewood Apartments file : //C:ADOCUME— l \cayre \LOCALS —1 \Temp \ELF20101215_133106 \Agenda 3- 4- 1998... 12/15/2010