Agenda 8-6-1997Page 1 of 6 AGENDA OF THE SAINT PAUL CITY COUNCIL Wednesday, August 6, 1997 - 3:30 PM PUBLIC HEARINGS AT 4:30 P.M. CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS, 3RD FLOOR City Hall and Court House 15 West Kellogg Boulevard Nancy Anderson, Assistant Secretary to the Council Mary Erickson, Clerical Support - 266 -8565 Office of the City Council Web Index • Consent Agenda • For Action • Administrative Orders • For Discussion • Ordinances • Public Hearings (and addendum CONSENT AGENDA NOTE: ALL ITEMS LISTED UNDER CONSENT AGENDA WILL BE ENACTED BY ONE MOTION. THERE WILL BE NO SEPARATE DISCUSSION OF THESE ITEMS. IF DISCUSSION IS DESIRED, THAT ITEM WILL BE REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA AND CONSIDERED SEPARATELY. FOR ACTION 1. Approval of minutes of July 2, 1997. 2. Claims of Stacey Burks, Rania Edrozo, Joe Gorgoschlitz, Marietta Heim, Vernon Hermes, William Krejce, James Mems, Leon Olenick and Jackie Olenick, Joseph Perez and Daniel Woodbeck, Joseph Phipps Jr., Joel Revzen, Heather Seifert, and Archie Stark. 3. Summons and Complaint in the matter of Karen Kormann and Terrance Kormann vs. the City of Saint Paul. 4. Summons and Complaint in the matter of Darrell T. Brown vs. the City of Saint Paul, et al. file: //C:ADOCUME— l\LFSUPP— l\LOCALS —1 \Temp \ELF20101215_115625\Agenda 8 -6... 12/15/2010 Page 2 of 6 5. Amended Complaint in the matter of Fleet Mortgage Corp. vs. the City of Saint Paul. 6. Letter from the Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection announcing a public hearing before the City Council on August 13, 1997, to consider the application for a sound level variance by Jeff Matthews and Maureen Mariano for concerts to be held at Schwietz Saloon, 956 Payne Avenue, on September 11, 12, and 13, 1997, from 8:30 p.m. to 12:30 a.m. 7. Letter from the Department of Planning and Economic Development announcing a public hearing before the City Council on August 13, 1997, to consider the application of Pineview Homes, Inc. for a preliminary and final plat to allow each townhouse unit at 496 Laurel Avenue to be sold individually and recorded with Ramsey County Property Records. 8. Letter from the Office of the City Attorney announcing a public hearing before the City Council on August 13, 1997, to consider the report of the Administrative Law Judge concerning the Taxicab Driver's License held by Carlos Rosillo. 9. Letter from the Office of the City Attorney announcing a public hearing before the City Council on August 13, 1997, concerning the Wine On Sale License held by Style 2000, dba Cafe Latte, 850 Grand Avenue. (Uncontested) 10. Letter from the Office of the City Attorney announcing a public hearing before the City Council on August 13, 1997, concerning licenses held by Teng Thao, dba T and C Home Delivery, 1524 Westminster Street. (Uncontested) 11. Letter from the Office of the City Attorney announcing a public hearing before the City Council on August 13, 1997, concerning licenses held by Family Liquor S Corporation, dba Capitol Wine & Spirits, 531 Rice Street. (Uncontested) 12. Letter from the Office of the City Attorney announcing a public hearing before the City Council on August 13, 1997, concerning the Wine On Sale License held by Sole Cafe, 684 Snelling Avenue North. (Uncontested) 13. Letters from Saint Paul Public Health declaring 1132 Central Avenue West and 906 York Avenue as "nuisance properties." (For notification purposes only; public hearings will be scheduled at a later date if necessary.) 14. Letters from Saint Paul Public Health declaring 747 Central Avenue West, 737 Cypress Street, 952 Jenks Avenue, 954 Jenks Avenue, and 617 York Avenue as "nuisance properties" and setting date of Legislative Hearings for August 19, 1997 and City Council Hearings for August 27, 1997. 15. Letter from Ramsey County Property Records and Revenue recommending a reclassification of the property at 611 York Avenue. 16. Communication from Saint Paul Animal Control dated July 28, 1997 announcing a request from the University of Minnesota Research Lab for unclaimed dogs and cats. 17. Administrative Orders: D001275 Deduction of $262.00 from the contract for Saint Paul Civic Center Expansion, CP -4 Building Construction. file: //C:ADOCUME— l\LFSUPP— l\LOCALS —1 \Temp \ELF20101215_115625\Agenda 8 -6... 12/15/2010 Page 3 of 6 . D001276 Addition of $237.00 to the contract for Arlington Hills Branch Library. . D001277 Deduction of $579.00 from the contract for abatement of asbestos containing materials at Arlington Hills Branch Library. . D001278 Addition of $9,362.00 to the contract for Saint Paul Civic Center Expansion, CP -4 Building Construction Mechanical - Parking Ramp Alternate A. . D001279 Amending the 1997 budget in the Office of Financial Services- Budget Section by transferring $4,000 from General Government Financial Forms Printing to General Government Accounts CIB Committee per diem to pay for additional meeting costs related to the 1997 CIB process 18. Resolution - 97 -930 - Approving the appointments of Pao Choua Vang, Kenneth U. Udoibok, and Linda James and the reappointments of James Anderson and Hoa Thi Thu Bury, by Mayor Coleman, to the Saint Paul New Americans Advisory Committee. (Laid over from July 30 for adoption) 19. Resolution - 97 -931 - Approving the appointment of Richard Aguilar, and the reappointments of Donald Del Fiacco, Robert Schwartzbauer, and Richard Zehring, by Mayor Coleman, to the Saint Paul Civic Center Authority. (Laid over from July 30 for adoption) 20. Resolution - 97 -932 - Approving the May 1, 1996 through April 30, 1998 Maintenance Labor Agreement between the City of Saint Paul and Operative Plasterers and Cement Masons International Association, Local 4633. (Laid over from July 30 for adoption) 21. Resolution - 97 -955 - Approving a budget amendment of $15,000 to the Parking and Transit Fund so Saint Paul can participate in the Riverview Transit Corridor Study with other government agencies. 22. Resolution - 97 -956 - Agreeing to indemnify Agribank F C B for the use of their parking lot on the corner of 6th and Jackson Streets during the Gus Macker Basketball Tournament on August 16 and 17, 1997. 23. Resolution - 97 -957 - Authorizing the Department of Planning and Economic Development to submit an application to the Metropolitan Council for a planning assistance grant in the amount of $20,000. 24. Resolution - 97 -958 - Releasing easements in vacated Harvard Street. 25. Resolution - 97 -959 - Amending Council File 492 -1330 to correct the legal description of a pedestrian easement to be retained in that vacated part of Wayzata Street. 26. Preliminary Order - 97 -960 - In the matter of operating and maintaining the City -owned "Town Square" Public Spaces located within Cedar, Seventh, Minnesota and Sixth Streets, and setting date of public hearing for October 8, 1997. (File 418113 -98) 27. Preliminary Order - 97 -961 - In the matter of the operation and maintenance costs for the Arcade /Case parking lot and the Immaculate Heart of Mary parking lot from January 1, 1998 to December 31, 1998, and setting date of public hearing for October 1, 1997. (File 418744 & 18746) 28. Resolution Approving Assessment - 97 -962 - In the matter of the Morgan /Edgcumbe Area Street file: //C:ADOCUME— l\LFSUPP— l\LOCALS —1 \Temp \ELF20101215_115625\Agenda 8 -6... 12/15/2010 Page 4 of 6 Paving and Lighting Project, and setting date of public hearing for October 1, 1997. (File 418834) 29. Resolution Approving Assessment - 97 -963 - In the matter of condemnation and taking of a permanent easement for right -of -way purposes in connection with the April 27, 1982 vacation of East Idaho Avenue, and setting date of public hearing for October 1, 1997. (File 418845) FOR DISCUSSION 30. Resolution - 97 -964 - Recognizing the Confederate Air Force Southern Minnesota Wing 20th Annual Air Power Display to be held on August 8 -10, 1997 at Holman Field. 31. Resolution - 97 -688 - Increasing the subsidy level for housing redevelopment in the City of Saint Paul. (Laid over from June 18) 32. Resolution - 97 -689 - Rescinding the sprinkler mandate created by Council File 88 -1400. (Laid over from June 18) 33. Resolution - 97 -762 - Directing the appropriate City Departments to issue code compliance orders to repair houses and two to three unit apartment buildings immediately after the house or apartment is listed by HUD. (Laid over from July 9) 34. Resolution - 97 -715 - Changing the rate of pay of the Council Investigation and Research Center Director from Grade 26 to Grade 28 of the Non - represented City Managers Standard Ranges in the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation. (Laid over from July 23) 35. Review of Telecommunication Industry Report which is before the Minnesota Public Utilities Commission. Staff discussion of associated impacts on local government, local businesses and City residents associated with the proposed 612 area code split. ORDINANCES 36. Final Adoption - 97 -781 - An ordinance amending Chapter 60 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code pertaining to zoning for the City of Saint Paul and the zoning maps thereof. 37. Final Adoption - 97 -839 - An ordinance amending the Saint Paul Legislative Code by adding language and creating a new section describing circumstances to establish intent to loiter for the purpose of distributing illegal narcotics. Also creates a new section requiring a probationary order that prohibits return to the geographical location where the crime occurred. (Laid over from July 23) 38. Final Adoption - 97 -870 - An ordinance amending Chapter 376 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code to allow transfer of stock by corporate licensees with the consent of the City Council, and raising the cap on licenses to allow four additional. 39. Third Reading - 97 -914 - An ordinance finalizing City Council action approving the petition of Metropolitan State University to rezone property located at 4XX Maria Avenue from P -1 to B -2. (Public hearing held July 2, 1997) PUBLIC HEARINGS (public hearings will begin at 4:30 p.m.) file: //C:ADOCUME— l\LFSUPP— l\LOCALS —1 \Temp \ELF20101215_115625\Agenda 8 -6... 12/15/2010 Page 5 of 6 40. Final Adoption - 97 -841 - An ordinance amending the Saint Paul City Charter to require City employees to take leaves of absence during terms served in elective offices. (On July 23 this ordinance was laid over to August 6 for final adoption; Reconsidered on July 30 and laid over to August 6 to continue public hearing and final adoption) 41. Third Reading - 97 -840 - An ordinance to enact the Vendor Outreach Program as new Chapter 84 of the Saint Paul Administrative Code. (Laid over from July 23 for continuation of third reading /public hearing) 42. Third Reading- 97 -912 - An ordinance amending Chapter 310 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code by reducing the fee for Animal Institutional Use from $400 to $200 to reflect actual cost. 43. Third Reading - 97 -913 - An ordinance amending the Saint Paul Legislative Code Section 140.10(2) extending the hours and days that the required temperatures must be maintained in the skyways. 44. Resolution - 97 -965 - Approving application for a Liquor On Sale -B License by Sawatdee Thai Restaurant Inc., 289 5th Street East. (ID 463859) 45. Resolution - 97 -966 - Approving application for a Cabaret Class A license by Pangaea Coffee and Tea House LLC, 1811 Selby Avenue. (ID 449063) 46. Resolution - 97 -967 - Approving application for an Auto Repair Garage License by Inter City Truck Service Inc., 649 Pelham Boulevard. (ID 485085) 47. Resolution - 97 -968 - Approving application for an Auto Repair Garage License by Hillcrest Certicare, 1581 White Bear Avenue North. (ID 423347) 48. Resolution - 97 -969 - Approving application for an Auto Body Repair Garage License by Value Auto Body & Paint LLC, 1865 University Avenue West. (ID 452180) 49. Resolution - 97 -970 - Approving application for a Second Hand Dealer -Motor Vehicle License by Walker Quality Sales Inc, dba Snelling Motor Company, 201 Snelling Avenue North. (ID 434995) 50. Resolution - 97 -889 - Adopting the Selby Avenue Small Area Plan as an amendment to the City's Comprehensive Plan. (Laid over from July 23) 51. Resolution - 97 -971 - Requesting a sound level variance by the St. Paul Saints Baseball Club for a music concert at Midway Stadium on August 29, 1997, from 5:30 p.m. to 10:30 p.m. 52. Resolution - 97 -972 - Requesting a sound level variance by the Division of Parks and Recreation for the showing of Walt Disney movies to be aired outdoors at McMurray Fields on August 7 -10, 1997, from 8:45 to 10:15 p.m. 53. Final Order - 97 -973 - In the matter of sidewalk reconstruction on both sides of East Geranium Avenue from Earl Street to Duluth Street. (Laid over from July 23) 54. Public hearing to consider the appeal of Frank Wallner to a decision of the Board of Zoning Appeals on the legal status of semi - trailers on Burlington Northern's intermodal hub facility, 1701 Pierce Butler Route. file: //C:ADOCUME— l\LFSUPP— l\LOCALS —1 \Temp \ELF20101215_115625\Agenda 8 -6... 12/15/2010 Page 6 of 6 Addendum to Public Hearing agenda 55. Third Reading - 97 -869 - An ordinance amending the Saint Paul Legislative Code, Appendix H, incorporating the terms of the Transfer and Franchise Modification Agreement dated November 13, 1996 between the City of Saint Paul, Continental Cablevision and U.S. West. (Laid over from July 16) 56. Resolution - 97 -974 - Approving application for a Grocery -C, Cigarette, and Off Sale Malt License by Sally's Food Market, 1046 Arcade Street. (ID 429733) 57. Resolution - 97 -975 - Approving application for a Gambling Manager's License by Johnson Area Hockey Association at Governor's, 959 Arcade Street and at Louie's, 883 Payne Avenue. (ID 469677 & 22667) 58. Resolution - 97 -122 - Ordering the owner to remove or repair the building at 393 Sherburne Avenue within fifteen (15) days from adoption of resolution. (Legislative Hearing Officer recommends approval) (Laid over from February 5) 59. Final Order - 97 -976 - In the matter of sidewalk reconstruction on both sides of Blair Avenue from North Chatsworth Street to North Oxford Street. (File 4597080) 60. Final Order - 97 -977 - In the matter of sidewalk reconstruction on both sides of Arbor Street from Jefferson Avenue to Grace Street. (File #597081) 61. Final Order - 97 -978 - In the matter of sidewalk reconstruction on the east side of Edgcumbe Road from Juliet Avenue to Palace Avenue, both sides of South Howell Street from Palace Avenue to James Avenue, the north side of James Avenue from South Fairview Avenue to South Howell Avenue, and both sides of Sumner Street from Bayard Avenue to Eleanor Avenue. ( 4597082 - 597085) 62. Final Order - 97 -979 - In the matter of sidewalk reconstruction on the west side of North Hamline Avenue from West Arlington Avenue to West Nebraska Avenue; the south side of West Nebraska Avenue from North Hamline Avenue to Sheldon Street, and the north side of West Nebraska Avenue from North Hamline Avenue to the west 128 feet to the alley; and the north side of Pearl Street from Bayless Avenue to Cromwell Avenue and the east side of Cromwell Avenue from Pearl Street to the north 40 feet. (File 4597086 - 597088) file: //C:ADOCUME— l\LFSUPP— l\LOCALS —1 \Temp \ELF20101215_115625\Agenda 8 -6... 12/15/2010