Agenda 5-7-1997Page 1 of 6 AGENDA OF THE SAINT PAUL CITY COUNCIL Wednesday, May 7, 1997 - 3:30 PM PUBLIC HEARINGS AT 4:30 P.M. CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS, 3RD FLOOR City Hall and Court House 15 West Kellogg Boulevard Nancy Anderson, Assistant Secretary to the Council Mary Erickson, Clerical Support - 266 -8565 Office of the City Council Web Index • Consent Agenda • For Actrion • Administrative Orders • For Discussion • Ordinances • Public Hearings • Housing and Redevelopment Authority Meeting CONSENT AGENDA NOTE: ALL ITEMS LISTED UNDER CONSENT AGENDA WILL BE ENACTED BY ONE MOTION. THERE WILL BE NO SEPARATE DISCUSSION OF THESE ITEMS. IF DISCUSSION IS DESIRED, THAT ITEM WILL BE REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA AND CONSIDERED SEPARATELY. FOR ACTION 1. Approval of minutes of April 2, 1997. 2. Claims of Amy Campanaro, Earl McDonald, and State Farm Insurance (for John Steifer). 3. Motion and Motion for Summary Judgment, Exhibits and Order in the matter of Patrick A. Carlone vs. the City of Saint Paul. 4. Summons and Complaint in the matter of Lapkwang Tsang and Hau Yin Tsang vs. the City of Saint Paul. file: //C:ADOCUME— l\LFSUPP— l\LOCALS —1 \Temp \ELF20101215_115347\Agenda 5 -7... 12/15/2010 Page 2 of 6 5. Letters from Saint Paul Public Health declaring 659 Edmund Avenue and 855 Woodbridge Street as "nuisance properties." (For notification purposes only; public hearings will be scheduled at a later date if necessary.) 6. Administrative Orders: . D001220 Authorizing the Department of Planning and Economic Development to contribute $5,000.00 for consulting services for the Twin Cities Economic Development Group. D001221 Authorizing the Office of Human Resources to reimburse vendors for costs incurred in conducting employee relations and recognition programs in 1997. . D001222 Implementing delegation of signature authority on City contracts. 7. Resolution - 97 -494 - Approving the appointment of Councilmember Daniel Bostrom to fill the remainder of former Councilmember Janice Rettman's unexpired term on the Port Authority of the City of Saint Paul. 8. Resolution - 97 -495 - Authorizing City staff to enter into negotiations with Noram Energy Management, Inc. for a guaranteed energy savings contract for a pilot project to conduct energy and operational audits and to provide a customized program to save operational and energy costs at certain City -owned facilities. 9. Resolution - 97 -496 - Accepting a grant in the amount of $42,000 from Climate Wise Local Government Industrial Project. 10. Resolution - 97 -497 - Authorizing the Department of Fire and Safety Services to enter into a lease agreement with the Mall of America for a meeting of Metropolitan Fire Chiefs. 11. Preliminary Order - 97 -498 - In the matter of grading and paving Mystic Street from Burlington Road to approximately 400 feet south of Burlington Road, and constructing sanitary sewer service and water service connections, if requested by the property owner, and setting date of public hearing for July 2, 1997. (File 418846 & 18846WC) 12. Resolution Approving Assessment - 97 -499 - In the matter of improving the platted roadway in the Williams Hill Business Park from University Avenue to Mississippi Street (Phase 1), and setting date of public hearing for July 2, 1997. (File 418844) 13. Resolution Approving Assessment - 97 -500 - In the matter of sidewalk reconstruction on the west side of Westminster Street from East Hoyt Avenue to approximately 400 feet south of East Hoyt Avenue; the north side of Topping Street from Mackubin Street to North Western Avenue; the north side of West Cook Avenue from Rice Street to Albemarle Street; the south side of West Cook Avenue from Rice Street to Galtier Street; and the west side of Woodbridge Street from West Cook Avenue to West Jessamine Avenue at 1091, 1097 and 1099 Woodbridge Street only, and setting date of public hearing for July 2, 1997. (File 4S95047, S95074, S96042- S96044) 14. Resolution Approving Assessment - 97 -501 - In the matter of sidewalk reconstruction on the north side of Stillwater Avenue from North Hazel Street to North Ruth Street; the north side Stillwater Avenue from North Ruth Street to Nokomis Avenue; the south side of Stillwater Avenue from North Ruth Street to Nokomis Avenue; and the south side of Stillwater Avenue from North Hazel Street to North Ruth file: //C:ADOCUME— l\LFSUPP— l\LOCALS —1 \Temp \ELF20101215_115347\Agenda 5 -7... 12/15/2010 Page 3 of 6 Street, and setting date of public hearing for July 2, 1997. (File 4S95090, S95091, S95100, S95101) 15. Resolution Approving Assessment - 97 -502 - In the matter of sidewalk reconstruction on both sides of Kent Street from Ashland Avenue to Holly Avenue; the south side of Iglehart Avenue from North Chatsworth Street to North Oxford Street; both sides of Hague Avenue from North Avon Street to Fisk Street and the east side of Fisk Street from Selby Avenue to Hague Avenue; both sides of Iglehart Avenue from North Victoria Street to North Milton Street; and the east side of North St. Albans Street from Hague Avenue to Laurel Avenue at 678 Hague Avenue only, and setting date of public hearing for July 2, 1997. (File 4S96001, S96009, S96020, S96021, S96047) 16. Resolution Approving Assessment - 97 -503 - In the matter of sidewalk reconstruction on both sides of Maria Avenue from Euclid Street to Surrey Avenue; both sides of East Montana Avenue from Flandrau Street to North White Bear Avenue; both sides of Ross Avenue from Flandrau Street to North White Bear Avenue; and both sides of East Seventh Street from Hazelwood Street to Germain Street, and setting date of public hearing for July 2, 1997. (File 4S96005, S96045, S96048, S96049) 17. Resolution Approving Assessment - 97 -504 - In the matter of sidewalk reconstruction on both sides of Banfil Street from Dousman Street to North Smith Avenue; the northwest side of Adrian Street from Albion Avenue to Alaska Avenue at 1717 & 1729 Adrian Street only; the north side of Goodhue Street from Cliff Street to Dousman Street at 245 Goodhue Street only; the north side of James Avenue from Toronto Street to West Seventh Street at 966 West Seventh Street only; and the north side of Goodrich Avenue from Garfield Street to South Western Avenue, and setting date of public hearing for July 2, 1997. (File 4S96012, S96023, S96027, S96032) 18. Resolution Approving Assessment - 97 -505 - In the matter of sidewalk reconstruction on the south side of Beechwood Avenue from Davern Street to South Fairview Avenue at 1716 Beechwood Avenue only; the north side of Eleanor Avenue from South Chatsworth Street to Rogers Street at 989 Eleanor Avenue only; the south side of Fairmount Avenue from South Syndicate Street to South Hamline Avenue at 1336 Fairmount Avenue only; the north side of Ford Parkway from South Snelling Avenue to Macalester Street at 1631 Ford Parkway only; and both sides of Kenneth Street from Bohland Avenue to Saunders Avenue, and setting date of public hearing for July 2, 1997. (File 4S96016, S96017, S96038, S96039,S96050 FOR DISCUSSION 19. Discussion on the adequacy of Continental Cablevision's corrective plan for the institutional network. 20. Resolution - 97 -493 - Approving the Term Sheet for the lease of the new Hockey Arena to be constructed as part of the Saint Paul Civic Center. (Laid over from April 30) 21. Resolution - 97 -489 - Electing a new City Council Vice President. (Laid over from April 30) 22. Resolution - 97 -506 - Staff recommendation regarding policy for promoting equal opportunity and diversity through the City's professional services contracting process. ORDINANCES 23. Final Adoption - 97 -282 - An ordinance amending Chapter 170 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code to allow horses from the Saint Paul police horse patrol into City parks, parkways or recreation areas file: //C:ADOCUME— l\LFSUPP— l\LOCALS —1 \Temp \ELF20101215_115347\Agenda 5 -7... 12/15/2010 Page 4 of 6 without permission of the director. (Laid over from April 23) 24. Second Reading - 97 -490 - An ordinance amending Chapter 176 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code to prohibit persons from attaching objects to trees by injurious means, and replacing references to the director of community services. 25. Second Reading - 97 -491 - An ordinance granting the Port Authority, and their successors in interest, permission to operate and maintain existing railroad tracks crossing Ridder Circle. PUBLIC HEARINGS (Public hearings will begin at 4:30 p.m.) 26. Final Adoption - 97 -52 - An ordinance amending Chapter 366 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code to require permits for use of downtown parks for community festivals and special events. (Laid over from April 23 for continuation of public hearing) 27. Resolution - 97 -341 - Concerning the Taxicab Driver's License Renewal Application submitted by Daniel R. Beckman, 1057 Portland Avenue. (Laid over from April 23) 28. Resolution - 97 -431 - Approving application for Cigarette, Liquor On -Sale Class A, Sunday On Sale Liquor, Restaurant (B), Entertainment Class B and Gambling Location Class A Licenses by Minnesota Restaurants Inc., dba All Star Sports Cafe, 2554 Como Avenue. (ID 499433) (Laid over from April 23) 29. Resolution - 97 -507 - Approving application for an On Sale Malt (strong beer) license by L & A Consulting & Food Service, dba Ristorante Luci Ancora, 2060 Randolph Avenue. (ID 411707) 30. Resolution - 97 -508 - Approving application for an Auto Repair Garage License by Henry Stewart, dba Milans Motors, 741 University Avenue West. (ID 444058) 31. Resolution - 97 -509 - Approving application for a State Class B Gambling Premise Permit by Joanna Perry, on behalf of Royal Guard Jr. Drum & Bugle Corps, at T. J. Bell's, 1201 Jackson Street. (ID 413- 03146) 32. Resolution - 97 -510 - Approving application for a Gambling Manager's License by Kathleen Kirchoff, dba Royal Guard Jr. Drum & Bugle Corps, at T. J. Bell's, 1201 Jackson Street. (ID 463514) 33. Resolution - 97 -511 - Approving application for a Gambling Manager's License by Ernest Mutterer, dba Epilepsy Foundation of Minnesota, at Herges Bar, 981 University Avenue West. (ID 419553) 34. Resolution - 97 -512 - Approving application for a State Class B Gambling Premise Permit by Joanne Susens, on behalf of Epilepsy Foundation of Minnesota, at Herges Bar, 981 University Avenue West. (ID 413- 02928) 35. Resolution - 97 -513 - Approving application for a State Class B Gambling Premise Permit by Jackie Pearson, on behalf of St. Paul East Athletic Association, at Moose's Locker Room, 1177 Clarence Street. (ID 413- 04755) 36. Resolution - 97 -514 - Approving application for a Gambling Manager's License by James R. McDonough, dba St. Paul East Athletic Association, at Moose's Locker Room, 1177 Clarence Street. (ID 422353) file: //C:ADOCUME— l\LFSUPP— l\LOCALS —1 \Temp \ELF20101215_115347\Agenda 5 -7... 12/15/2010 Page 5 of 6 37. Resolution - 97 -515 - Approving application for Liquor On Sale -C, Sunday On Sale Liquor, Restaurant (C) Limited, Entertainment Class A and Cigarette Licenses by Alee, Inc., dba Bourbon Bar, 691 Dale Street North. (ID 438832) 38. Resolution - 97 -516 - Approving application for a Wine On Sale and On Sale Malt (strong beer) License by Saykham Sengmavong, dba Family Lao -Thai Restaurant, 501 University Avenue West. (ID 422082) 39. Resolution - 97 -517 - Approving application for an Off Sale Malt, Cigarette, and Grocery -C License by Hidden Falls Food Market, 1040 Cleveland Avenue South. (ID 431405) 40. Final Order - 97 -518 - In the matter of sidewalk reconstruction on the south side of Lafond Avenue from North Milton Street to North Chatsworth Street and both sides of Van Buren Avenue from North Chatsworth Street to North Oxford Street. (File 4S97001, S97002) 41. Resolution Ratifying Assessment - 97 -519 - In the matter of installation of storm sewer service stubs, as requested by the property owner, in conjunction with the 7th /Lafayette Area Storm Sewer Project. (File 418671 -C) 42. Resolution Ratifying Assessment - 97 -520 - In the matter of construction of storm sewer stub connections, as requested by the property owner, in conjunction with the 35E/University Area Storm Sewer Separation Project. (File 418690 -C) 43. Resolution Ratifying Assessment - 97 -521 - In the matter of construction of storm sewer stub connections, as requested by the property owner, in conjunction with the Prior /Sheridan Area Street Paving and Lighting Project. (File 418698 -C) 44. Resolution Ratifying Assessment - 97 -522 - In the matter of construction of sanitary sewer and storm sewer service connections, as requested by the property owners, in conjunction with the Albert /Eleanor Area Project. (File 418704 -C) 45. Resolution Ratifying Assessment - 97 -523 - In the matter of construction of sanitary sewer and storm sewer service connections, as requested by the property owner, in conjunction with the Davern /Edgcumbe Area Storm Sewer and Street Paving and Lighting Project. (File 418750) 46. Resolution Ratifying Assessment - 97 -524 - In the matter of improving the "T" alley in Block 2, Dawson and Smith's subdivision by constructing storm sewer drainage structures and grading and paving with bituminous materials. (File 418797) 47. Resolution Ratifying Assessment - 97 -525 - In the matter of improving the alley in Block 1, Gilbert's Greenway Court by grading and paving with bituminous material. (File 418798) 48. Public hearing to consider the appeal of Judy Beck, Her & Marilyn Vogel, and Pam Brandt to a decision of the Board of Zoning Appeals granting several variances in order to construct an eight unit townhouse development at 496 Laurel Avenue. HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA file: //C:ADOCUME— l\LFSUPP— l\LOCALS —1 \Temp \ELF20101215_115347\Agenda 5 -7... 12/15/2010 Page 6 of 6 May 7, 1997 CONTINUATION MEETING FROM APRIL 30, 1997 FOLLOWING CITY COUNCIL CONSENT AGENDA AGENDA ROLL CALL DISCUSSION 1. Staff Resources on Financing Options for Block 30. file: //C:ADOCUME— l\LFSUPP— l\LOCALS —1 \Temp \ELF20101215_115347\Agenda 5 -7... 12/15/2010