Agenda 10-15-1997Page 1 of 5 AGENDA OF THE SAINT PAUL CITY COUNCIL Wednesday, October 15, 1997 - 3:30 PM CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS, 3RD FLOOR City Hall and Court House 15 West Kellogg Boulevard Nancy Anderson, Assistant Secretary to the Council Mary Erickson, Clerical Support - 266 -8565 Office of the City Council Web Index • Consent Agenda • For Action • Administrative Orders • For Discussion • Ordinances • Public Hearing • Policy Session CONSENT AGENDA NOTE: ALL ITEMS LISTED UNDER CONSENT AGENDA WILL BE ENACTED BY ONE MOTION. THERE WILL BE NO SEPARATE DISCUSSION OF THESE ITEMS. IF DISCUSSION IS DESIRED, THAT ITEM WILL BE REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA AND CONSIDERED SEPARATELY. FOR ACTION 1. Approval of minutes of August 13 and August 20, 1997. 2. Claims of Bruce Goedert, Keith Hondlik, Jim Hoy, Eugene Johnson, Janet Johnson, Harry Reiner, and See Vang. 3. Letter from the Department of Planning and Economic Development announcing a public hearing before the City Council on October 22, 1997 to consider the application of The Highlands Townhomes, LLP for a preliminary and final plat to allow property at Cleveland Avenue South (eastside between Villard and Magoffin) currently under construction to be subdivided and sold as separate townhome units. file: //C:ADOCUME— l\LFSUPP— l\LOCALS —1 \Temp \ELF20101215_114650\Agenda 10 -... 12/15/2010 Page 2 of 5 4. Letter from the Department of Planning and Economic Development announcing a public hearing before the City Council on October 22, 1997 to consider the application of Derril Hundley for a preliminary and final plat to allow the property at 1624 Old Hudson Road (southside west of Kennard Street) to be subdivided into three lots. 5. Letters from Saint Paul Public Health declaring 951 Margaret Street, 1840 Minnehaha Avenue East, 694 Sims Avenue, and 1421 York Avenue as "nuisance properties ", and setting date of Legislative Hearings for October 21, 1997 and City Council Hearings for November 5, 1997. 6. Letter from Ramsey County Property Records and Revenue Valuation Division requesting the reclassification of property to exempt status at 202 7th Street West. (AF97 -6326) 7. Communication from Saint Paul Animal Control dated October 6, 1997 announcing a request from the University of Minnesota Research Lab for unclaimed dogs and cats. 8. Administrative Orders: . D001334 Amending the 1997 budget in the Department of Public Health by transferring spending authority to various object codes in Public Health Special Project Activity. . D001335 Amending the 1997 budget in the Department of Public Health by transferring spending authority to various object codes in Public Health's CISS Grant. . D001336 Authorizing the Saint Paul Police Department to pay up to $500.00 per year for food for youth involved in the D.A.R.E. program. . D001337 Addition of $4,200.00 to the contract for Phalen Creek Regional Trail Access. . D001338 Authorizing the Department of Planning and Economic Development to contribute $500.00 toward the Economic Summit to be held October 15, 1997. . D001339 Addition of $9,950.00 to the contract to disconnect Minnesota Museum of Arts (Jemne) Building storm line from sanitary sewer and reconnect to existing public storm sewer. . D001340 Amending the 1997 Capital Improvement Budget in the Department of Public Works for West 7th & Walnut traffic signal by transferring $40,000 from CIB Contingency. . D001341 Amending the 1997 budget in the Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection by transferring funds for PC replacement. . D001342 Addition of $9,126.67 to the contract for Como Park Restroom Restoration. . D001343 Authorizing payment, not to exceed $1,300.00, to Jill Danner, Parks and Recreation Commission Chairperson, for expenses incurred which attending the 1997 National Recreation and Parks Association Congression Salt Lake City, Utah. . D001344 Amending the 1994 budget in the Department of Technology and Management Services /Purchasing Division by moving money from consulting services to correct expenditure code for interns. file: //C:ADOCUME— l\LFSUPP— l\LOCALS —1 \Temp \ELF20101215_114650\Agenda 10 -... 12/15/2010 Page 3 of 5 9. Resolution - 97 -1226 - Approving the appointment of Lori Komstadius, by Mayor Coleman, to the Saint Paul Workforce Development Council. (Laid over from October 8 for adoption) 10 . Resolution - 97 -1227 - Approving the appointments of Mark Huges and Jim Counts, Jr., by Mayor Coleman, to the Mayor's Advisory Committee for People with Disabilities. (Laid over from October 8 for adoption) 11. Resolution - 97 -1228 - Approving the 1997 -1998 Collective Bargaining Agreement between the City of Saint Paul and the City of Saint Paul Professional Employees Association, Inc. (Laid over from October 8 for adoption) 12. Resolution - 97 -1229 - Approving the May 1, 1997 through April 30, 1999 Maintenance Labor Agreement between the City of Saint Paul and United Association Pipefitters Local Union No. 455. (Laid over from October 8 for adoption) 13. Resolution - 97 -1262 - Approving the reappointments of Donald Luna and Sergeant Richard Tibesar (representing the Saint Paul Police Federation), by Mayor Coleman, to the Police - Civilian Internal Affairs Review Commission. 14. Resolution - 97 -1263 - Approving the reappointment of Duane Stolpe, by Mayor Coleman, to the PHA -City (HRA) Pension Plan Administrative Committee. 15. Resolution - 97 -1264 - Establishing a budget for the Rec Check Club program in the Division of Parks and Recreation. 16. Resolution - 97 -1265 - Accepting a grant in the amount of $75,981 from the State of Minnesota to assist unemployed City residents through the Job Training Partnership Act Adult Supplemental Program. 17. Resolution - 97 -1266 - Accepting a grant in the amount of $332,200 from the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development - Emergency Shelter Grant Program for emergency shelters recommended by Review Team. 18. Resolution - 97 -1267 - Accepting a grant in the amount of $200,000.00 from the Legislative Commission on Minnesota Resources for restoration of Oak - Savannah in Indian Mounds Park, Battle Creek Park and Phalen Park. 19. Resolution - 97 -1268 - Authorizing the Police Department to accept a contribution of $2,000.00 from Minnesota D.A.R.E. to pilot a Jr. High D.A.R.E. curriculum in the 1997 summer school session. 20. Resolution - 97 -1269 - Authorizing the Police Department to accept Federal Weed & Seed grant monies in the amount of $70,000 and establish a budget to expend the funds. 21. Resolution - 97 -1270 - Approving transfer of $110,000 from Fleet revenue accounts to Fleet motor fuel and Fleet parts accounts in the Police Department. 22. Resolution - 97 -1271 - Amending C.F. 97 -1132 to correct typographical errors in the legal description. 23. Preliminary Order - 97 -1272 - In the matter of construction of concrete curb and gutter, new file: //C:ADOCUME— l\LFSUPP— l\LOCALS —1 \Temp \ELF20101215_114650\Agenda 10 -... 12/15/2010 Page 4 of 5 bituminous roadway, concrete driveway aprons, boulevard sodding, tree planting, and construction of a lantern style lighting system in conjunction with the Margaret /Arcade Area Street Paving and Lighting Project generally bounded by Reaney, Earl, Hudson Road and Swede Hollow, and setting date of public hearing for December 10, 1997. (File 418855) 24. Preliminary Order - 97 -1273 - In the matter of construction and /or repair of sanitary sewer, storm sewer and /or water service connections, if requested by the property owner, in conjunction with the Margaret /Arcade Area Street Paving and Lighting Project, and setting date of public hearing for December 10, 1997. (File 418855 -cone) 25. Preliminary Order - 97 -1274 - In the matter of construction of concrete curb and gutter, new bituminous roadway, concrete driveway aprons, boulevard sodding, tree planting, and construction of a lantern style lighting system in conjunction with the Railroad Island Area Street Paving and Lighting Project, and setting date of public hearing for December 10, 1997. (File 418856) 26. Preliminary Order - 97 -1275 - In the matter of construction and /or repair of sanitary sewer, storm sewer and /or water service connections, if requested by the property owner, in conjunction with the Railroad Island Area Street Paving and Lighting Project, and setting date of public hearing for December 10, 1997. (File 418856 -Conn) FOR DISCUSSION 27. Resolution - 97 -1152 - Establishing the 1998 Residential Street Vitality Program assessment rates. (Laid over from October 1) 28. Resolution - 97 -1215 - Preserving the status quo with respect to the use of property in the area commonly known as the Shepard Road - Davern Street Area pending completion of studies of possible amendments to the City of Saint Paul's Comprehensive Plan and Zoning Ordinance. (Amended and laid over from October 1) 29. Resolution - 97 -1232 - Approving settlement of Port Authority obligations to the City under a 1991 Agreement related to the financing of the St. Paul Hotel in 198 1. (Laid over from October 8) 30. Resolution Ratifying Assessment - 97 -1260 - In the matter of the Lafond /Grotto Area Street Paving and Lighting Project. (File 418807) (Laid over from October 8) 31. Resolution - 97 -1276 - Amending the budget to fund a program for public street improvements, other improvements and retail promotion throughout the City to attract additional private investment in Saint Paul neighborhoods. ORDINANCES 32. Second Reading - 97 -1247 - Amending the Saint Paul Legislative Code Sections 33.02 and 33.05 to update the building code and to require a certificate of occupancy for one -and two - family rental dwellings which are not occupied by the owner. 33. First Reading - 97 -1216 - Preserving the status quo with respect to the use of property in the area commonly known as the Shepard Road - Davern Street Area pending completion of studies of possible amendments to the City of Saint Paul's Comprehensive Plan and Zoning Ordinance. (Laid over from file: //C:ADOCUME— l\LFSUPP— l\LOCALS —1 \Temp \ELF20101215_114650\Agenda 10 -... 12/15/2010 Page 5 of 5 October 1 for continuation of first reading) 34. First Reading - 97 -1277 - Amending Chapter 27 of the Saint Paul Administrative Code by adding a Section 27.08 reflecting change in the residency ordinance enforcement resulting from arbitration award. PUBLIC HEARING (Public hearing will begin at 4:30 p.m.) 35. Resolution - 97 -1129 - Ordering the owner to remove or repair property at 1451 Sherburne Avenue within fifteen (15) days from adoption of resolution. (Legislative Hearing Officer recommends approval) (Laid over from September 10) 36. POLICY SESSION L History of Recent City Council Discussions on Gun Violence Prevention Councilmember Jerry Blakey 11. Presentation of the Council Research Report "Gun Violence Prevention: A Study of Program Options from Twelve U.S. Cities" (Correlates with Resolution 97 -1109 adopted on September 10) Marcia Moermond, Policy Analyst III. Geographic Analysis of Violent Crime in Saint Paul (Correlates with Resolution 97- 1112 adopted September 10) Saint Paul Police Chief William Finney IV. Community Perspectives on Gun Violence Prevention Police Chief William Finney Community Youth Affected by Gun Violence Reverend Devin Miller, Chair, Ramsey County Gun Violence Action Team Susan Gaertner, Ramsey County Attorney Michael Stevens, Ramsey County Juvenile Detention Center Superintendent V. Public Comment VI. Council Discussion 37. Resolution - 97 -1111 - Approving the hiring of personnel to plan, coordinate and evaluate gun violence programs in the City of Saint Paul. (Laid over from September 10) file: //C:ADOCUME— l\LFSUPP— l\LOCALS —1 \Temp \ELF20101215_114650\Agenda 10 -... 12/15/2010