D002270�ty of Saint Paul, M'i�esota OfPce of ihe Mayor • Admmistratre Order Budt� Revlvion N �� ADMAI7STRAITVE ORDER, consistent with the authority g�anted to the Mayor in Section 10.07.4 of the City Charter and based on the request of ffie Di�ector ofthe Division ofParks and Rwreation, to amrnd the 2002 budget of the Special Revenue Fund, Municipal Athletic P[ogamming Fund (394), the Direcfnr of the Office ofFinancial Se[vices is authorized to amend said budget in the following manner. 1�7rom: 394 -Municipal Atliletics 33143 Ol l l-Full Time Cettified 0161SaIaryNceds 0437-Fringe Benefits 0547-Payment of Sub ContracWr 33147 0219-Fees Other Professional Services 052] Refunds 33148 0521-Refunds . To: 39A - Municipal Athletics 33143 0222-Telephone Monthly 0293Sewer Chatges 0371-Electric6y 33144 0121-Part Time Certified 0219 Fecs Other Professional Secvices 0299-Other Misc Services 0389-OtherIvLsc Supplies 0439-Fringe Benefifs 0521-Refunds 33146 0219-Fees Other Ptofessional Services �289-Rental Misc 0389-Other NLsc SuppGes 0521-Refunds 331A7 0357-Athle6c/Recreation Supplies 33148 0219-Fces Other Professional Services 0357-Atliletic/Recreation Supplies CURRENT AMENDED Bi3UGET CHANGES BUDGET 126,825.00 (10,393.00) 116,432.00 ��83.00 (7,259.00) I?A.00 40,864.00 (23,456.00) 17,408.00 28,090.00 (8,883.00) 19,207.00 22,500.00 (11,221.00) 11,279.00 500.00 (150.00) 350.00 190.00 (190.00) - 226,162.00 (61,552.00) 164,800.00 1,000.00 1,474.00 2,474.00 2,000.00 3,000.00 5,000.00 10,000.00 8,854.00 18,584.00 - 686.00 656.00 17,000.00 13,190.00 30,190.00 - Q,950.00 4,950.00 - 1,632.00 1,632.00 - 154.00 154.00 - 500.00 500.00 80,250.00 6,500.00 86,750.00 - 5,075.00 5,075.00 - 3,747.00 3,747.00 2,500.00 7,753.00 10,253.00 250.00 550.00 800.00 10,300.00 3,296.00 13,596.00 250.00 161.00 411.00 123,300.00 61,552.00 184,270.00 • � � ,�'�/�• �.,��-� 3 `- � 03 � °t- 1 � � , He4ues1edbl:IkPaztmentDuecier nea aPRO�mby:IlaecfarorFro�ciatservices neh GIFMIQNWiWeso/ufions,AOS,�reenSheetslAdminOrdersl380-ZeoMimafA.O.x/s Page:f�1 DEPFRTtLaT/OFRCE/COUNCIL and Recreation C�NTACT PQtSON ANO PMOfiE °A"'""`"Tm I GREEN SHEEI" 03-26-03' f Sharon Wolfe 266-6437 ASSGN MIYBEH MUST BE ON COUNCII AGENDA BY °flDEfl (DATE) TOSAL t OF S1GNA7URE PAGE 1 11P Ali LOCATON8 iOR SIONATUNFI �, �� �ObaaZl) N0.203349 INtT1�A lNYCIPIIDATE � UEPAFITMENTDIRECTOR _CI7YCOUNCIL �CRYATiORNEY _CRYp.EfliC _BWGEfDIflECTOR Z RN.&MGT.SQtVItESDIR. _MwroRlorsnsasrurrl 3 ParksAccountino/Jil Parks ACTION REOUESTm: Administrative Order amending the 2002 Budget of the Special Revenue Fund, Municipal AthleGcs Programming Fund (394). RECOMMENDATIONS: Approvc W a�iect W _ PUWNINGCOMMISSION _ CIB COMMITTEE _ CIVILSERVICECOMMISSION INITIATING PROBIEM, ISSUE, OPPOflTUNITY M1Nho, What, Wfen, VJhere, Why1: Over spending at object level. P6150NILL S9NICE CONiRACTS MUST ANSV/0t 1. Hr tlY� penoNfirm evm worketl undar a coMrecc fx thie dapertmerHt VES NO 2. Hn tlus penoNfirm ever been a tlry emo�W�7 YES NO 3. Daea tlGS Po'so�rm posseo a skill not normally possaased by any current dty employee'+ YES NO 6plain tll Yx arqwan on �epemxa aheet aM atroch ro 9raen sheet. ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: Budget will be balanced. DISP�VPNTAGES lF APPROVFA: None. � DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVFD: Budget will not show proper spending of tunds. 0 TOTALAMOUNTOFTflANSACTION S - O' FUNdNO50URCE Municioai Athletic Proarammina COSTRiEVENUE8UD6ETm(CIRCLEONEI YES NO ACTMTYNIAN86t 33143-33148 _ FINANCIALINFOqMAT10N: �pCPWN)