D002219C I T Y O F S A I N T P A U L OFFICE OF THE MAYOR Approved Copies [o: • CKy Cierk (OriginaQ •- Finance Dept's Accounting Division -Requesting DePt Appropriations: Citizen Service O�ce Citizen Service Office CNizen Service Office Citizen Service �ce Citizen Service Office City Attorney City Council Financial Services �ce Fire and Safety Services Human Resources Human Resources Mayor Mayor Parks Police Police TMS - Administration TM5 - Contrect & Analysis TMS - Information services TMS - Risk ,poo �at9 r,o: »aoz� Uate: �1/20/02 ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, Consistent with the authority granted in Sedion 10.07.3 of the City Charter and based on the request of the staff of the Budget Section to amend the 2002 budget of the General Fund, the Mayor is reporting a reduction in revenue and appropriations for City Council review, thereby authorizing the Director of the Department of Financiai Services to amend said budget in the following manner: �EPARTMENT&DNISION: CURRENT APPROVE� AMENOED FOND ANO ACTNITV: HUDGET CHANGES BUDGET Revenue: Department Share Department Share � ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER: BUDGET REVISION 001-00000-9830 Use of fund balance 001-01119-7499 Trnnsfer In - Intrafund 001-00250-0857 001-00251-0857 001-00252-0857 001-00256-0284 001-00258-0284 001-00200-0284 001-00001•0284 001-00110-0284 001-05002-0284-50619 001-00165-0251 001-00165-0284 001-00100-0284 001-00100-0289 007-03140-0293 001-04301-0395-40047 001-04310•0370-40050 001-01001-0370 001-00153-0370 001-01115-0284 001-01370-0284 9,484,150.00 70,000.00 4,000.00 4,62426 18,644.31 5,600.00 2,800.00 35,955.00 44,852.00 7,300.00 40,000.00 5,000.00 9,630.00 7,100.00 1,000.00 253,959.00 20,000.00 34,580.00 2,�OU.U� 1,563.00 30,192.00 5,950.00 (123,168.34) (70,000.00) (193,168.34) (2,t0a.98) (3,157.47) (2,104.98) (2,985.65) (2,800.00) �17,688.12) (20,598.00j (6,140.55) (19,863.82) (1,975.85) (9,630.00) (7,100.00) (267.43) (39,199.42) (7,720.20) (25,903.40) (643.53) (643.53) (20,710.82) (1,930.59) (193,168.34) CF 96-828 auihorized the implementation of the PC Replacement Program. One element of that resolution directed that department hutlgets contribute some portion of the cost for each machine. By makin9 the budget redudions above, the appropriate General Fund department budgets will, in effect, be charged with that contribution.� This tmnsaction is a paR of the billing for the 20�2 PC Replacement Prograzn. These entries department share of the cost of replacing the PC's originally leased in 1999, with new lea�kt� y�� /� i-.� 1 1 �LO�O� Preparetl by: �ate • 7��—G ��- r�/�a�� z s a portion of the in 2002. /? Mayor � ( � � l 9,360,981.66 0.00 1,895.02 1,466.79 16,539.33 2,614.35 0.00 18,266.88 24,254.00 1,159.45 20,136.18 3,024.'15 o.00 0.00 732.57 214,759.58 12,279.80 8,676.60 1,356.47 919.47 9,481.18 A,019.4� � Requestetlby: DeparbnernDhectoi Date �F1n�a tni� DEPA&TQtENT(�EPICP/COUNCQ. PAiEQJlT1A]EO (/ v v NSJIf 7' � F�nancialsen�icesoffice 11�2oloz GREEN SHE N�• 114 21 (:UNTA(.KP£RStN�APn(Xi£ T� DFPARTMENCD�RECTUR ✓ � (:tTYWUdCtI Peter Butler 266 - 8547 � cr�vwrrowuer � crnc,.ewc � El[JANCIAI.SFRVICFSDIR 1� � FINANCW.SEftVIC6ACL'1' tApplicable � MAYOR(ORASStSTAN'n ✓ � AL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES: 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) Amend the 2002 budget - P.pproval and City Gourtcil review of the attached administraGve order implementing the department Generai Fund budget changes under the PC Replacemer�t Pro9ram, as directed by CF 96-828. This is the last transaction for the 2002 PC Replacement program wlth charges against the 2002 budget. rzECO�uwnoNS: n wxa•a [x> � runnvn,wmnvna��rv i. rw wv �uwu�u eva wu�w uuuer x wuiresz ior wu uc�wrunnur LItlWMMIIIGE ILJ LVV uvu.atrcvx,et,�mm�aa�urv <. na� uu� yenmv�xui ever ocen aeuy emywyrK� A >Iq{'! IG.I 1VV �. Lue�+ uus ye�ouiiw� yusieas a aKw noi nom�wy pusaesacu uy arry currcru ciry emproyeer YLJ 1VV 4. U fOli FICI]Ull / IIIIf� E ISYKCICII VCIIUUI' IW 1VV (F�cplain aLL yes answers on sepazatr s6eet and attac6 to green sheet) INl'N."fING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNIiY (WAO, Wba4 W6eq VJhae, Why): CF 96-898 set the policy on the workings of the City's PC Replacement Program. One portion of that policy directed ihat depactment budge[s absorb a portion of the costs associated with leasing the PCs. By making the department spending budget reductions in the attached administrative order, the appropriate General Fund deparhnent budgets will, in effect, be charged with their conhiburion. The green sheet for CF 96-828 aclaiowledged that the recommended policy, if approved, would trigger other department transfers. The attached transfer is for only the General Fund's owner budgets share. Some costs were also assessed to specia] funds budgets by way of the interdepartmental inwice billing process. ADVANtAGbSiFAPPROVED The policy enacted by CF 96-828, relating to depazdnem chuges for PCs, wi11 be carried out. -he accounting piactices recommended by the Director of Financial Services wi11 be followed. Tlils action is iden6cat to that processed in 1996-2001. DISADVqN'IAGESIPwPPROVED: None. DLSADVANTAGPS OF NOTAPPROVED: The policy enacted by CF 96-828, relating to depuhnent chazges for FCs, will not be carried out. ronv.,vaou�vroerxarrsncnoN $193.168.34 costmeveNVaswcrren�cvnc,.eore� vea xo euNnincsomcce General Fund nacvrrrnvnmex_ Variousgeneral fund acriviries FINANCW,SNEORMAiION:(P.xRLAL`� � The department share for PC wsts for special funds will a]so be reflected 'm some administrarive transfers and many of those transfers have already been presented for Ciry Council informational review. �