Safeliteautoglassquote3/8/22, 12:06 AM Gmail - Your Saved Quote https://mail.google.com/mail/u/1/?ik=c442eab9d3&view=pt&search=all&permthid=thread-f%3A1726710588514351488&simpl=msg-f%3A1726710588…1/2 Brian Vega <brian.vega.lg@gmail.com> Your Saved Quote 1 message Safelite AutoGlass <onlinehelp@t.safelite.com>Tue, Mar 8, 2022 at 12:05 AM Reply-To: Safelite AutoGlass <reply-fe8817757c660c7b73-516_HTML-1031282398-7225942-252026@t.safelite.com> To: brian.vega.lg@gmail.com We're here when you're ready Thank you for choosing Safelite AutoGlass. We have saved your quote to replace the windshield on your 2012 MAZDA 3. To finish scheduling your appointment, tap the button below. Your estimate: $362.12* Schedule my appointment *Quote does not include tax, disposal fee and other applicable fees. Why choose Safelite? When you choose Safelite you get more than just glass, you get the safety and reliability of the Safelite Advantage featuring the industry's only nationwide lifetime guarantee. Learn more about the Safelite Advantage 3/8/22, 12:06 AM Gmail - Your Saved Quote https://mail.google.com/mail/u/1/?ik=c442eab9d3&view=pt&search=all&permthid=thread-f%3A1726710588514351488&simpl=msg-f%3A1726710588…2/2 "Very simple process, great overall experience!" Everything from scheduling the appointment, to the confirmation, to the work being performed, was very simplified for a person with a full time job. They came to my office, and were done in 2 hours. Overall great experience. Bo1142, Knoxville, TN This quote is good for up to 3 day(s). The price quoted is based on the information you provided related to your vehicle and the type of service, and includes basic labor and parts used when replacing/repairing your damaged auto glass. In some cases, the condition or style of the vehicle may require that the Safelite technician use additional materials such as replacement moldings or other accessories to ensure a safe, quality installation. Your technician will complete an evaluation of the vehicle and provide an estimate for any additional costs prior to starting the work. © Copyright 2022 Safelite® Group, 7400 Safelite Way, Columbus, OH 43235. You've received this email because you recently contacted the Safelite® Group family of companies for auto glass information.