4/26-4/30/2004 (2) AGENDA ZONING COMMITTEE OF THE SAINT PAUL PLANNING COMMISSION Thursday, April 29, 2004 -3:30 P.M. City Council Chambers Third Floor City Hall -Saint Paul, Minnesota NOTE: The order in which the items appear on this agenda is not necessarily the order in which they will be heard at the meeting. The Zoning Committee will determine the order of the agenda at the beginning of its meeting. APPROVAL OF APRIL 15, 2004, ZONING COMMITTEE MINUTES NEW BUSINESS 1. 04-064-899 - Scott McClure Rezoning from RM-1 (Multiple-family Residential) and B-2 (Community Business) to B-3 (General Business) to expand auto repair business. 906 and 914 Randolph, SE corner at Milton Zoning: RM-1, B-2 Staff: Patricia James 2. 04-064-996 - Scott McClure Conditional Use Permit to expand auto repair business. 906 and 914 Randolph, SE corner at Milton Zoning: RM-1, B-2 Staff: Patricia James